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Cold Lability of Bacillus cereus Bacteriophage CP-51   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Phage CP-51 was rapidly inactivated when stored at the usual refrigerator temperatures (2 to 4 C) and even more rapidly when exposed to 0 C. The loss in viability resulting from exposure to cold appeared to correlate with the increase in number of phage particles having contracted tails. High concentrations (0.01 M) of Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+ stabilized the phage considerably, but even in the presence of these divalent cations, it was much less stable at 0 C than at 15 C.  相似文献   

Comparison of Bacillus cereus Bacteriophages CP-51 and CP-53   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
Transducing bacteriophages CP-51 and CP-53 were compared. Unlike CP-51, CP-53 appeared to be a lysogenizing phage. CP-51 gave greater frequencies of co-transduction for linked markers than did CP-53. CP-51 was found to be a larger phage which carried more deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) than CP-53. CP-51 DNA contained about 43% guanine plus cytosine and in addition contained 5-hydroxymethyluracil in place of thymine. CP-53 DNA contained no unusual bases; its guanine plus cytosine content was 37%.  相似文献   

The onset of macromolecular synthesis in activated spores of Bacillus cereus occurs under conditions in which the amino acids and nucleotides to be used for building proteins and nucleic acids must be derived only from stored pools and turnover of macromolecules of the spore. Upon addition of the factors required to initiate germination, (14)C-uracil is incorporated with a lag of 30 to 60 sec; (14)C-amino acids, with a lag of 3 to 4 min. The progression of protein synthesis during germination has been studied, and the results suggest three phases of development of the protein synthetic pattern of these germinating spores. The initial synthesis which occurs during the early part of germination is limited to only a few proteins. When the initiated spores are put in a medium containing a complete set of growth requirements and outgrowth ensues, the cells synthesize a large number of different proteins so that the distribution of radioactivity into different fractions appears to be a continuous function. At a later time during outgrowth, the distribution of synthetic rates among the different proteins becomes more representative of that found during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The structure of DNA extracted from dormant and germinating spores of B. cereus T was investigated using circular dichroism and other methods. No significant differences between DNAs extracted from vegetative cells and from spores of various stages could be found by analyses of CD spectra, CsCl density gradient centrifugation, melting profiles and template activity. All the DNA preparations were in B conformation and had the same density (1.695), Tm (83°C) and template activity in the reaction of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. An abnormal DNA fraction of high density which was formerly found in B. cereus spores or a stable DNA complex with protein and/or RNA was not detected in the present extracts of spores. Preliminary X-ray analyses of intact spores indicate that the structure of DNA in spores is not so different from B form.  相似文献   

Population heterogeneity complicates the predictability of the outgrowth kinetics of individual spores. Flow cytometry sorting and monitoring of the germination and outgrowth of single dormant spores allowed the quantification of acid-induced spore population heterogeneity at pH 5.5 and in the presence of sorbic acid. This showed that germination efficiency was not a good predictor for heterogeneity in final outgrowth.  相似文献   

A study was made of the activation of Bacillus cereus strain T spores by using the oxidizing agent sodium perborate. The degree of activation was measured with constant germination conditions by using L-alanine, inosine, adenosine, and L-alanine plus adenosine as germination stimulants. The germinal response following the various treatments was compared with the responses obtained with heat activation. It was concluded that the optimal time for activation with 30 mM sodium perborate at room temperature was about 4 hr. If the exposure time was greatly extended, the spores would germinate spontaneously. When the perborate treatment followed heat activation, the germinal response to L-alanine was stimulated, to inosine retarded and without apparent effect for adenosine or L-alanine plus adenosine. Results of experiments designed to demonstrate deactivation by slow oxidation showed that spores activated with sodium perborate were not deactivated by slow oxidation, whereas those activated by heat were. A deactivation study using mercaptoethanol as the deactivation agent showed that both methods of activation could be deactivated after a 24-hr exposure, but this deactivation was reversible by extending the exposure to mercaptoethanol. The results of heat-sensitivity studies revealed that about 70% of the sodium perborate-activated spores were heat sensitive after 60 min in a germination menstruum of L-alanine plus adenosine, whereas similarly treated heat-activated and nonactivated spores were about 99.99% heat sensitive, respectively.  相似文献   

Control of microorganisms such as Bacillus cereus spores is critical to ensure the safety and a long shelf life of foods. A bifunctional single chain antibody has been developed for detection and binding of B. cereus T spores. The genes that encode B. cereus T spore single-chain antibody and streptavidin were connected for use in immunoassays and immobilization of the recombinant antibodies. A truncated streptavidin, which is smaller than but has biotin binding ability similar to that of streptavidin, was used as the affinity domain because of its high and specific affinity with biotin. The fusion protein gene was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) with the T7 RNA polymerase-T7 promoter expression system. Immunoblotting revealed an antigen specificity similar to that of its parent native monoclonal antibody. The single-chain antibody-streptavidin fusion protein can be used in an immunoassay of B. cereus spores by applying a biotinylated enzyme detection system. The recombinant antibodies were immobilized on biotinylated magnetic beads by taking advantage of the strong biotin-streptavidin affinity. Various liquids were artificially contaminated with 5 × 104 B. cereus spores per ml. Greater than 90% of the B. cereus spores in phosphate buffer or 37% of the spores in whole milk were tightly bound and removed from the liquid phase by the immunomagnetic beads.  相似文献   

Heat-activated spores of Bacillus cereus T germinate rapidly in the presence of l-alanine alone or inosine alone. In contrast, unactivated spores can not germinate in the presence of either germinant alone but rapidly in the presence of both germinants. The highest level of cooperative action of l-alanine and inosine on the germination was observed when they were present in a ratio 1 :1. Preincubations of unactivated spores with l-alanine or inosine had opposite effects on the subsequent germination in the presence of both germinants: preincubation with l-alanine stimulated the initiation of subsequent germination, while preincubation with inosine inhibited it. These results suggest that germination of unactivated spores initiated by l-alanine and inosine includes two steps, the first initiated by l-alanine and the second prompted by inosine. The effect of preincubation of unactivated spores with l-alanine was not diminished by washings. The pH dependence of the preincubation of unactivated spores was not so marked as that of the subsequent germination in the presence of inosine.  相似文献   

To study the gastrointestinal survival and enterotoxin production of the food-borne pathogen Bacillus cereus, an in vitro simulation experiment was developed to mimic gastrointestinal passage in 5 phases: (i) the mouth, (ii) the stomach, with gradual pH decrease and fractional emptying, (iii) the duodenum, with high concentrations of bile and digestive enzymes, (iv) dialysis to ensure bile reabsorption, and (v) the ileum, with competing human intestinal bacteria. Four different B. cereus strains were cultivated and sporulated in mashed potato medium to obtain an inoculum of 7.0 log spores/ml. The spores showed survival and germination during the in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal passage, but vegetative outgrowth of the spores was suppressed by the intestinal bacteria during the final ileum phase. No bacterial proliferation or enterotoxin production was observed, despite the high inoculum levels. Little strain variability was observed: except for the psychrotrophic food isolate, the spores of all strains survived well throughout the gastrointestinal passage. The in vitro simulation experiments investigated the survival and enterotoxin production of B. cereus in the gastrointestinal lumen. The results obtained support the hypothesis that localized interaction of B. cereus with the host''s epithelium is required for diarrheal food poisoning.  相似文献   

Cytochrome Pigments in Spores of Bacillus cereus T   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Absorption spectra of dormant spores of Bacillus cereus T suspended in glycerol showed peaks characteristic of cytochrome pigments.  相似文献   

A strain of Bacillus subtilis, UVSSP-42-1, which produces ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive spores and vegetative cells, was found to possess germinated spores 25 times more UV resistant than the resting spores. This relative resistance achieved upon germination was associated with the transition of the heat-resistant refractile spores to the heat-sensitive phase-dark forms. Several generations of outgrowth were required before the cells attained the level of UV sensitivity characteristic of the vegetative cell. The UV sensitivity of germinated spores was compared with other strains with various combinations of mutations affecting deoxyribonucleic acid repair capabilities. The presence of hcr and ssp mutations which are known to abolish the removal of photoproducts from deoxyribonucleic acid did not alter significantly the sensitivity of the germinated forms. However, the addition of the recA mutation and, to some extent, the pol mutation increased the UV sensitivity of the germinated spores. These results indicate that deoxyribonucleic acid repair mechanisms dependent on the recA gene are active in the germinated spores. The chemical nature of the damage repaired by the recA gene product is not known. This study indicates that the life cycle of sporulating bacilli consists of at least three photobiologically distinct forms: spore, germinated spore, and vegetative cell.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of thin sections of dormant and germinating spores of Bacillus subtilis 168 revealed a progressive change in the structure of the cortex, outer spore coat, and inner spore coat. The initial changes were observed in the cortex region, which showed a loose fibrous network within 10 min of germination, and in the outer spore coat, which began to be sloughed off. The permeability of the complex outer spore layers was modified within 10 min, since, at this time, the internal structures of the spore coat were readily stainable. A nicking degradation action of the laminated inner spore coat began at 20 min, and this progressed for the next 20 min leading to the loosening of the inner spore coat. By 30 min, the outer spore coat showed signs of disintegration, and at 40 min, both the outer and inner spore coats were degraded extensively. At 30 to 40 min, a period just preceding net deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, mesosomes became very prominent in the inner spore core and the cell wall began to thicken around the spore core. At 50 min, an emerging cell was observed, and by 60 min, there was clear evidence for elongation of the emerging cell and the presence of two nuclear bodies. At 90 min, elongation had been followed by the first cell division. There was evidence for spore coat fragments at the opposite poles of the dividing cell.  相似文献   

Alanine and glucose used jointly are known to be necessary and sufficient for spore germination in Bacillus subtilis 168. By testing them separately, we have verified that alanine provokes optimal phase-darkening of the spores but inhibits macromolecular syntheses, while glucose is specifically needed for initiating those syntheses. By using them in succession we obtained evidence suggesting that: (i) sporal modifications which lead to phase-darkening must occur before macromolecular synthesis can start; (ii) the amino acid pool, on which the early protein synthesis is solely dependent, expands during incubation in alanine which allows degradative but prevents synthetic activities; and (iii) progression of degradations in alanine not promptly followed by syntheses in glucose produce a metabolic imbalance in the germinating spore. A sharp transition in the origin of building blocks was shown by using a tryptophan-defective mutant. At first the synthesis of proteins depended on pre-existing amino acids from turnover of sporal material since it occurred in the absence of any exogenous amino acid and its rate remained unaltered by supplying either all amino acids except tryptophan or tryptophan alone. Eventually, protein synthesis became dependent strictly on exogenous tryptophan and strongly on the supply of several other amino acids, not required later during vegetative growth. Clearly, by the start of outgrowth, all building blocks must be provided either by endogenous de novo synthesis or by exogenous supply.  相似文献   

Characterization of ribosomes from dormant spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus strain T has been carried out. Polyuridylic acid binding activity, ribonuclease activity associated with ribosomes, thermal denaturation profile, and sedimentation coefficients are essentially identical for both ribosomal preparations. However, ribosomal protein content of dormant spore ribosomes is about 70% of that of vegetative ribosomes. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of ribosomal proteins shows that some ribosomal proteins are missing from dormant spore ribosomes. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of ribosomes shows the existence of defective ribosomal subunits, in addition to 30S and 50S subunits, in dormant spore ribosomes. These results indicate that the ribosomes from dormant spores are distinctively different from those of vegetative cells.  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Exosporium from Spores of Bacillus cereus   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Homogeneous fragments of exosporium were extricated in centigram amounts from dormant spores of Bacillus cereus and analyzed for intrinsic constituents. The membrane proved to be chemically complex but not unique, consisting mainly of protein (52%), amino and neutral polysaccharides (20%), lipids (18%), and ash (4%). Seventeen common amino acids were identified by chromatography, and were present in usual proportions except for low levels of cystine-cysteine, methionine, tyrosine, and histidine. Glucosamine was the only amino sugar, and glucose and rhamnose were the principal neutral sugars. The lipid fraction contained 5.5% cardiolipin as the only phospholipid, 12.5% neutral lipids, and at least 19 fatty acids, among which normal C(16) and C(18) ones predominated. Calcium and phosphorus occurred in the ash. Small amounts of teichoic, ribonucleic, and dipicolinic acids were believed to represent contamination.  相似文献   

When heat-activated spores of Bacillus cereus T (thy(-)) were germinated and grown in medium containing (3)H-thymidine, a significant amount of radioactivity was incorporated into ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). A method was developed to restrict the incorporation of radioactivity from (3)H-thymidine into DNA only. This was accomplished by labeling the cells with (3)H-thymidine in the presence of 2 mg of 2-deoxyadenosine per ml, 250 mug each of uracil, cytosine, and guanosine per ml, and 500 mug of adenosine per ml. Under these conditions, 97% of the radioactivity incorporated into cold trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material was associated with DNA only. In the absence of these compounds, DNA contained only 72% of the total radioactivity incorporated into cold acid-insoluble material.  相似文献   

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