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To select their future breeding site, individuals usually have to assess local quality by using environmental cues. One optimal cue may be ‘public information’, the local reproductive success of conspecifics in a breeding patch (patch reproductive success) because it integrates the effect of all environmental factors on breeding success. However, the quality of information conveyed by patch reproductive success is likely to depend on (1) environmental predictability and (2) interactions between individuals. We investigated how these two factors, ignored by previous models, affect the performance of individuals using patch reproductive success for breeding habitat selection compared with other information. We built a two-patch, game-theoretical model to compare the success of a strategy of breeding habitat selection based on patch reproductive success relative to four other strategies: (1) random patch choice; (2) philopatry; (3) choice based on the presence of conspecifics the previous year (conspecific attraction); and (4) choice based on intrinsic patch quality the previous year. The results illustrate how the efficiency of strategies in tracking variations in patch quality depend on environmental predictability and costs linked to density dependence, themselves linked to the dynamics of spatial aggregation of individuals. In particular, strategies based on measures of patch reproductive success perform the best for intermediate and high temporal predictability of patch quality, whereas philopatry and conspecific attraction then perform poorly. The ‘conspecific attraction’ strategy always coexists with other strategies by efficiently parasitizing the information they use. We discuss the implications of a better understanding of breeding habitat selection behaviours for evolutionary and conservation biology. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Visiting breeding patches can allow prospecting individuals to gather information on local patch quality to make optimal decisions about selecting a breeding habitat in the following year. This prospecting behaviour has been described in many bird species. However, the nature of the information gathered by prospectors often remains unknown. We collected data on prospecting behaviour in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, a small hole-nesting passerine bird, to investigate whether prospectors could gather information on their conspecifics' reproductive success, that is, ‘public information’. If they could, they would be expected to inspect conspecific nests, prospect at the time when public information is reliable, and be attracted to, and spend time at, successful sites. Prospecting at conspecific nests was frequent. Prospectors were mainly males, and prospecting activity closely matched the peak of nesting activity. The probability of observing a prospector at a nest increased with parental activity, measured by feeding rate and vigilance behaviour, but did not depend on direct measures of success of the inspected nest (nestling number and condition), or on female characteristics. Because feeding rate and vigilance behaviour were predictors of breeding success at fledging, prospectors were attracted to the most successful nests when cueing on conspicuous parental activity. Therefore, prospectors could gather accurate information on local conspecific reproductive success that may be used for breeding patch choice in the following year. We discuss alternative explanations for our results, and the need to test experimentally whether prospectors gather public information. We also discuss the role of breeding constraints on, and the origin of sex differences in, prospecting.  相似文献   

Volume and stem straightness were the main selection criteria for the first two generations of the French maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) breeding programme. In this article, we investigate the consequences of this selection on wood quality. Wood density, as a predictor of wood quality, is studied both in the breeding populations and in commercial varieties. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between wood density and growth traits are investigated in successive breeding populations with three genetic field experiments of respectively 30, 29 and 12 years old. Correlation estimates were either slightly negative or non-significantly different from zero depending on the test considered. Consequently, a low impact of growth selection on wood quality should be expected in improved seed sources. However, we observed a significant wood density decrease in two improved varieties as compared to unimproved seed sources at age 15. In addition to this first effect on wood density, growth improvement is also expected to reduce the rotation age and thus increase the proportion of juvenile wood, which is known as having a lower density than mature wood. This change was studied and quantified using a growth model. Finally, a wood density decrease reaching up to 6% was predicted in the improved varieties compared to unimproved material, when both the observed decrease in wood density and the predicted increase in juvenile wood proportion were taken into account. Implications for the breeding programme were considered.  相似文献   

Density-dependent population regulation is important in many natural populations, and in those populations, high population density is a likely stressor. In amphibians, previous laboratory studies with tadpoles suggest that corticosterone, the main glucocorticoid stress hormone, is one of the key regulators of density-dependent growth. To test this relationship in natural settings, we manipulated wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpole density at three levels in outdoor mesocosms and used a capture stress protocol to examine the hormonal stress response. In addition, we used the same capture protocol in six natural ponds (three high density and three low density). In the mesocosms, there was an increase in corticosterone levels in tadpoles following 1 h of confinement at weeks 1, 2, and 5. However, while tadpoles maintained at higher densities were smaller after metamorphosis, density did not alter mean levels of corticosterone obtained during confinement, and baseline levels of corticosterone did not differ between the densities. Similarly, in natural ponds, density did not correlate with baseline corticosterone or mean corticosterone levels obtained during confinement. We suggest that the physiological response to density may vary across the range of natural densities and that the role of corticosterone may be limited to periods of extreme high density, such as during pond-drying events.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(2):117-122
Populations of Myotis bechsteinii in Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park (southwestern Spain) survive in a large, old-growth coniferous woodland, which is in contrast with known ecological preferences of the species. We tracked ten lactating females and studied patterns of habitat selection by Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) at two spatial scales: macrohabitat and microhabitat, regarding forest essence (coniferous vs. deciduous). The tracked individuals always foraged within forested areas and did not use areas devoid of trees. At the macrohabitat level, no positive selection of deciduous stands was apparent, suggesting selection studies of coarse resolution may not be able to capture subtle selection patterns. At the microhabitat level Myotis bechsteinii selected deciduous patches within the coniferous matrix, therefore, our results corroborate the perception of this species as dependent of services provided by deciduous woodlands. Larger foraging home ranges and commuting distances as compared with other Mediterranean localities suggest that our studied population inhabits a marginal or suboptimal environment in terms of habitat quality. We argue that this population of Bechstein's bat has survived as a relict one probably as a consequence of fragmentation and transformation of deciduous forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean range.  相似文献   

Because glucocorticoid (stress) hormones fundamentally affect various aspects of the behaviour, life history and fitness of free-living vertebrates, there is a need to understand the environmental factors shaping their variation in natural populations. Here, we examined whether spatial heterogeneity in breeding territory quality affected the stress of colonial king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). We assessed the effects of local climate (wind, sun and ambient temperature) and social conditions (number of neighbours, distance to neighbours) on the baseline levels of plasma total corticosterone (CORT) in 77 incubating and 42 chick-brooding birds, breeding on territories of central or peripheral colony location. We also assessed the oxidative stress status of a sub-sample of central vs. peripheral chick-brooders to determine whether chronic stress arose from breeding on specific territories. On average, we found that brooders had 55 % higher CORT levels than incubators. Regardless of breeding status, central birds experienced greater social density (higher number of neighbours, shorter distance between territories) and had higher CORT levels than peripheral birds. Increasing social density positively explained 40 % of the variation in CORT levels of both incubators and brooders, but the effect was more pronounced in brooders. In contrast, climate was similar among breeding territories and did not significantly affect the CORT levels of breeding birds. In brooders, oxidative stress status was not affected by local density or weather conditions. These results highlight that local heterogeneity in breeding (including social) conditions may strongly affect the stress levels of breeding seabirds. The fitness consequences of such variation remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Summary We studied experimentally interspecific competition among foliage-gleaning passerine birds by manipulating the density of resident tits. In 1988 tit density was experimentally increased on three small islands in a central Finnish lake, and decreased on three other islands by tit removal. In order to avoid the effects of between-island differences in habitat quality, the role of the islands was reversed when the experiment was repeated in the following year. Censuses and observations on foraging and feeding behaviour were conducted to assess the numerical and behavioural responses of migrant conguilders (mainly chaffinches and willow warblers) with respect to the manipulated abundance of the tits. We also measured whether variation in food consumption of tits affected the frequency with which the migrants found food by calculating average intervals between successful prey captures, time lags to prey-capture and giving-up times. Our results indicate that interspecific competition is of minor importance in structuring breeding bird assemblages and species feeding ecologies on the study islands. No consistent difference in foraging or feeding niches of chaffinches and willow warblers was found between low and high tit density conditions. Niche overlap analysis showed no avoidance by chaffinches and willow warblers of the microhabitats which tits used. Tit abundance had no significant effect on feeding success or behaviour. Experimentally increased abundance of resident birds was associated with increased abundance of breeding migrants, however. This pattern was found not only in the foliage gleaning guild but also with all passerine birds, indicating that food was not an important contributor to this pattern. We elaborate a hypothesis suggesting heterospecific attraction in northern breeding bird assemblages. Habitat generalist migrants may use the presence of residents as an indicator of safe and/or productive breeding sites in northern unpredictable circumstances.  相似文献   

Land-use change is a root cause of the extinction crisis, but links between habitat change and biodiversity loss are not fully understood. While there is evidence that habitat loss is an important extinction driver, the relevance of habitat fragmentation remains debated. Moreover, while time delays of biodiversity responses to habitat transformation are well-documented, time-delayed effects have been ignored in the habitat loss versus fragmentation debate. Here, using a hierarchical Bayesian multi-species occupancy framework, we systematically tested for time-delayed responses of bird and mammal communities to habitat loss and to habitat fragmentation. We focused on the Argentine Chaco, where deforestation has been widespread recently. We used an extensive field dataset on birds and mammals, along with a time series of annual woodland maps from 1985 to 2016 covering recent and historical habitat transformations. Contemporary habitat amount explained bird and mammal occupancy better than past habitat amount. However, occupancy was affected more by the past rather than recent fragmentation, indicating a time-delayed response to fragmentation. Considering past landscape patterns is therefore crucial for understanding current biodiversity patterns. Not accounting for land-use history ignores the possibility of extinction debt and can thus obscure impacts of fragmentation, potentially explaining contrasting findings of habitat loss versus fragmentation studies.  相似文献   

In order to determine the age above which the FORBES equation for calculating percent body fat (%BF) in the elderly is to be applied, 9 persons in their 60s, 7 persons in their 70s and 3 persons older than 80 took part in this study. %BF was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). In each subject, body density was measured using densitometry. %BF was then calculated by substituting body density for the Siri or FORBES equation. Based on the value of %BF measured with DEXA, the calculated %BF was criticized for each decade of subjects. It was concluded that the Siri equation should be applied to those who are younger than 80 and that the FORBES equation should be applied to those who are 80 and older.  相似文献   

Grant W 《Parasitology today (Personal ed.)》2000,16(11):458-9; discussion 501-2

Plant Ecology - We tested the ‘enemy release hypothesis’ in relation to Lonicera japonica to determine the effects of soil microbes on plant growth. It was hypothesized that plant...  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding (i.e. when alloparents care for the offspring of other group members) has been studied for nearly a century. Yet, inconsistent definitions of this breeding system still hamper comparative research. Here, we identify two major inconsistencies, discuss their consequences and propose a way forward. First, some researchers restrict the term ‘cooperative breeding’ to species with non-breeding alloparents. We show that such restrictive definitions lack distinct quantitative criteria to define non-breeding alloparents. This ambiguity, we argue, reflects the reproductive-sharing continuum among cooperatively breeding species. We therefore suggest that cooperative breeding should not be restricted to the few species with extreme reproductive skew and should be defined independent of the reproductive status of alloparents. Second, definitions rarely specify the type, extent and prevalence of alloparental care required to classify species as cooperative breeders. We thus analysed published data to propose qualitative and quantitative criteria for alloparental care. We conclude by proposing the following operational definition: cooperative breeding is a reproductive system where >5% of broods/litters in at least one population receive species-typical parental care and conspecifics provide proactive alloparental care that fulfils >5% of at least one type of the offspring's needs. This operational definition is designed to increase comparability across species and disciplines while allowing to study the intriguing phenomenon of cooperative breeding as a behaviour with multiple dimensions.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Temporary wetlands have value to both ecological and social systems. Interactions between local climate and the surrounding landscape result in patterns of...  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies suggest that estrogen may blunt blood pressure responses to stress, but increase heart rate responses. We investigated whether within-person associations of perceived stress with blood pressure and heart rate during normal working life in 26 premenopausal and 7 postmenopausal women varied according to endogenous estrogen level. Each woman measured her own blood pressure and heart rate and completed a diary reporting perceived stress levels on six occasions on each of 2 working days. Premenopausal women were assessed once between days 4 and 6 of their menstrual cycle (low estrogen) and again between days 11 and 13 (high estrogen), and urine samples were taken to verify expected variation in estrogen level. Results showed that perceived stress was significantly positively associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate in the group as a whole. This association did not differ according to menopausal status. There was no difference in the association of perceived stress with SBP or DBP in premenopausal women according to day of assessment, but heart rate reactivity to perceived stress was significantly higher on the high-estrogen day. Our findings thus provide evidence that heart rate responses to perceived stress during everyday working life vary according to estrogen level in premenopausal women, but no evidence that blood pressure responses to stress vary according to endogenous estrogen level in women.  相似文献   

Many experiments require early determination of offspring''s sex as well as early marking of newborns for individual recognition. According to animal welfare guidelines, non-invasive techniques should be preferred whenever applicable. In our group, we work on different species of song birds in the lab and in the field, and we successfully apply non-invasive methods to sex and individually mark chicks. This paper presents a comprehensive non-invasive tool-box. Sexing birds prior to the expression of secondary sexual traits requires the collection of DNA-bearing material for PCR. We established a quick and easy method to sex birds of any age (post hatching) by extracting DNA from buccal swabs. Results can be obtained within 3 hours. For individual marking chick''s down feathers are trimmed in specific patterns allowing fast identification within the hatching order. This set of methods is easily applicable in a standard equipped lab and especially suitable for working in the field as no special equipment is required for sampling and storage. Handling of chicks is minimized and marking and sexing techniques are non-invasive thereby supporting the RRR-principle of animal welfare guidelines.  相似文献   

A population of 33–35 pairs of Peregrine Falcon in álava (north Spain) was studied with the aim of assessing the habitat attributes that influence breeding density, habitat selection and breeding success. A strong relationship was found between density of the species in each UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) square of 10 × 10 km and cliff availability. Habitat selection was analysed by comparing 15 variables in 33 occupied and 25 unoccupied cliffs located at least 2 km from the nearest Peregrine pair. Significant differences were found in five variables: cliff dominance, distance to the nearest Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos nesting cliff, steepness and altitude (all showing larger values in occupied cliffs), and cliff orientation, with occupied cliffs facing preferably south and east. Orientation, dominance and distance to the nearest Golden Eagle pair, and the distance to the nearest Eagle Owl Bubo bubo nesting cliff, were included in a discriminant analysis which classified 82.76% of the cliffs correctly. The productivity of the studied population was 1.44 young/territorial pair (n = 45), and no consistent relationship was found between breeding success and habitat variables.  相似文献   

To fully understand how plastic is affecting the ocean, we need to understand how marine life interacts directly with it. Besides their ecological relevance, microbes can affect the distribution, degradation and transfer of plastics to the rest of the marine food web. From amplicon sequencing and scanning electron microscopy, we know that a diverse array of microorganisms rapidly associate with plastic marine debris in the form of biofouling and biofilms, also known as the “Plastisphere.” However, observation of multiple microbial interactions in situ, at small spatial scales in the Plastisphere, has been a challenge. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Schlundt et al. apply the combination labelling and spectral imaging – fluorescence in situ hybridization to study microbial communities on plastic marine debris. The images demonstrate the colocalization of abundant bacterial groups on plastic marine debris at a relatively high taxonomic and spatial resolution while also visualizing biofouling of eukaryotes, such as diatoms and bryozoans. This modern imaging technology provides new possibilities to address questions regarding the ecology of marine microbes on plastic marine debris and describe more specific impacts of plastic pollution in the marine food webs.  相似文献   

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