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Pollinators that collect pollen – and specifically, pollen‐specialist bees – are often considered to be the best pollinators of a (host) plant. Although pollen collectors and pollen specialists often benefit host plants, especially in the pollen that they deliver (their pollination “effectiveness”), they can also exact substantial costs because they are motivated to collect as much pollen as possible, reducing the proportion of pollen removed that is subsequently delivered to stigmas (their pollination “efficiency”). From the plant perspective, pollen grains that do not pollinate conspecific stigmas are “wasted”, and potentially costly. We measured costs and benefits of nectar‐collecting, pollen‐collecting, and pollen‐specialist pollinator visitation to the spring ephemeral Claytonia virginica. Visits by the pollen‐specialist bee Andrena erigeniae depleted pollen quickly and thoroughly. Although all pollinators delivered roughly the same number of grains, the pollen specialist contributed most to C. virginica pollen delivery because of high visitation rates. However, the pollen specialist also removed a large number of grains; this removal may be especially costly because it resulted in the depletion of pollen grains in C. virginica populations. While C. virginica appears to rely on pollen transfer by the pollen specialist in these populations, nectar‐collecting visitors could provide the same benefit at a lower cost if their visitation rates increased. Pollen depletion affects a pollinator's value to plants, but is frequently overlooked. If they lower the effectiveness of future floral visitors, visits by A. erigeniae females to C. virginica may be more detrimental than beneficial compared to other pollinators and may, in some circumstances, reduce plant fitness rather than increase it. Therefore, A. erigeniae and C. virginica may vary in their degree of mutualism depending on the ecological context.  相似文献   

Long‐term variation in the population density of honey bees Apis mellifera across landscapes has been shown to correlate with variation in the floral traits of plant populations in these landscapes, suggesting that variations in pollinator population density and foraging rates can drive floral trait evolution of their host plants. However, it remained to be determined whether this variation in plant traits is associated with adaptive variation in plant reproductive strategies under conditions of high and low pollinator densities. Here we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to examine how this variation in floral traits, under conditions of either high and low pollinator density, impacted seed production in the Tibetan lotus Saussurea nigrescens. In 2014 and 2015, we recorded the floral traits, pollinator visitation rates, and seed production of S. nigrescens populations grown in both home sites and foreign sites, where sites varied in honey bee population density. Our results demonstrated that the floral traits reflected those of their original population, regardless of their current location. However, seed production varied with both population origin and transplant site. Seed number was positively correlated with flower abundance in the pollinator‐rich sites, but with nectar production in the pollinator‐poor sites. Pollinator visitation rate was also positively correlated with flower number at pollinator‐rich sites, and with nectar volume at pollinator‐poor sites. Overall, the local genotype had higher seed production than nonlocal genotypes in home sites. However, when pollen is hand‐supplemented, plants from pollinator‐rich populations had higher seed production than plants from pollinator‐poor populations, regardless of whether they were transplanted to pollinator‐rich or ‐poor sites. These results suggest that the plant genotypic differences primarily drive variation in pollinator attraction, and this ultimately drives variation in seed: ovule ratio. Thus, our results suggest that flowering plant species use different reproductive strategies to respond to high or low pollinator densities.  相似文献   

Flower color polymorphism is relatively uncommon in natural flowering plants, suggesting that maintenance of different color morphs within populations is difficult. To address the selective mechanisms shaping pollen‐color dimorphism, pollinator preferences and reproductive performance were studied over three years in Epimedium pubescens in which some populations had plants with either green or yellow pollen (and anthers). Visitation rate and pollen removal and receipt by the bee pollinator (Andrena emeishanica) did not differ between the two color morphs. Compared to the green morph, siring success of the yellow morph's pollen was lower, but that of mixtures of pollen from green and yellow morphs was lowest. This difference, corresponding to in vivo and ex vivo experiments on pollen performance, indicated that pollen germination, rather than tube growth, of the green morph was higher than that of the yellow morph and was seriously constrained in both morphs if a pollen competitor was present. A rare green morph may invade a yellow‐morph population, but the coexistence of pollen color variants is complicated by the reduced siring success of mixed pollinations. Potential pollen competition between morphs may have discouraged the maintenance of multiple phenotypes within populations, a cryptic mechanism of competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Restoration is used to conserve biodiversity; however, it is unclear to what extent restoration impacts ecosystem functions. Pollination is an ecosystem function that is critical to plant reproduction and thus restoration success. Few studies have assessed whether pollination is restored within restoration areas themselves. Plant–animal interactions may be affected by factors beyond the scale of the restoration. For example, surrounding landscape context may influence pollinator abundance and consequently the amount of pollen deposited. Decreased pollen receipt might then limit seed set. We hypothesized that in restorations surrounded by more agriculture, pollinator‐dependent forbs would experience greater pollen limitation. This would likely be due to declines in pollinator abundance within the restorations with an increase in surrounding agriculture. We deployed potted Chamaecrista fasciculata (Fabaceae), an obligatorily bee‐pollinated forb, and sampled bee communities in restored prairies in Minnesota, U.S.A. We measured pollen limitation by comparing seed set among open and supplementally pollinated plants. We also sampled native bees in seven of the eight sites. We tested for a relationship between proportion row crop agriculture (corn and soy) surrounding a restoration and pollen limitation, as well as an effect of agriculture on bee abundance. We did not find evidence that increasing proportion of surrounding agriculture negatively affected pollen limitation or bee abundance. Our results indicate that greater surrounding agriculture may not influence pollination of C. fasciculata through declines in pollinator availability, and suggest for some plants that landscape context might not limit pollination in restorations.  相似文献   

Floral foraging resources are valuable for pollinator conservation on farmland, and their provision is encouraged by agri‐environment schemes in many countries. Across Europe, wildflower seed mixtures are widely sown on farmland to encourage pollinators, but the extent to which key pollinator groups such as solitary bees exploit and benefit from these resources is unclear. We used high‐throughput sequencing of 164 pollen samples extracted from the brood cells of six common cavity‐nesting solitary bee species (Osmia bicornis, Osmia caerulescens, Megachile versicolor, Megachile ligniseca, Megachile centuncularis and Hylaeus confusus) which are widely distributed across the UK and Europe. We documented their pollen use across 19 farms in southern England, UK, revealing their forage plants and examining the structure of their pollen transport networks. Of the 32 plant species included currently in sown wildflower mixes, 15 were recorded as present within close foraging range of the bees on the study farms, but only Ranunculus acris L. was identified within the pollen samples. Rosa canina L. was the most commonly found of the 23 plant species identified in the pollen samples, suggesting that, in addition to providing a nesting resource for Megachile leafcutter bees, it may be an important forage plant for these species. Higher levels of connectance and nestedness were characteristic of pollen transport networks on farms with abundant floral resources, which may increase resilience to species loss. Our data suggest that plant species promoted currently by agri‐environment schemes are not optimal for solitary bee foraging. If a diverse community of pollinators is to be supported on UK and European farmland, additional species such as R. canina should be encouraged to meet the foraging requirements of solitary bees.  相似文献   

Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Apocynaceae), an invasive woody milkweed, has expanded its range in northern Australia affecting rangeland and pastoral productivity. While self‐compatibility should enhance the species range expansion, spread of C. procera is limited by the availability of larger wasp and bee species that are able to vector its solid pollinia. Pollination efficiency is thus likely dependent on both pollinator abundance and plant density. Calotropis procera flowers year round in Australia but fruiting is limited to the warm months of the year when pollinators are most abundant, indicating that seasonal regulation of reproduction may be due to pollinator limitation. We examine the propositions that C. procera reproduction is regulated by the interaction between plant population density and pollinator pressure and that low pollinator pressure causes low per capita plant fecundity. All pollinators belonged to Order Hymenoptera and pollinator composition was similar at six of the seven sites. Fruit production per plant (fecundity) was lower above and below intermediate densities (350–550 plants ha?1) of flowering plants with evidence of a weak Allee effect at lower plant density. Pollinator visitation rates per plant were low at high and low plant densities, and greatest at intermediate densities, while pollen supplementation experiments showed that C. procera is pollen limited (Pollen Limitation Indexfruit = 0.9) even at intermediate densities. Pollen limitation caused by low pollinator pressure at low plant densities and pollinator satiation at high plant densities may account for these fruit production trends. Management should be conducted in the colder months when pollinator pressure is low and plants are not reproducing. In addition, where stand eradication cannot be achieved in one attempt, management should reduce flowering plants to below intermediate densities where the fecundity per plant is low.  相似文献   



Reproductive fitness in plants is often determined by the quantity and quality of pollen transferred by pollinators. However, many fitness studies measure only female fitness or rely on proxies for male fitness. Here we assessed how five bee taxon groups affect male fitness in a prairie plant by quantifying pollen removal, visitation, and siring success using paternity assignments and a unique pollinator visitation experiment.


In Echinacea angustifolia, we measured per-visit pollen removal for each pollinator taxon and estimated the number of pollen grains needed for successful ovule fertilization. Additionally, we directly measured pollinator influence on siring by allowing only one bee taxon to visit each pollen-donor plant, while open-pollinated plants acted as unrestricted pollen recipients. We genotyped the resulting offspring, assigned paternity, and used aster statistical models to quantify siring success.


Siring success of pollen-donor plants differed among the five pollinator groups. Nongrooming male bees were associated with increased siring success. Bees from all taxa removed most of the flowering head's pollen in one visit. However, coneflower-specialist bee Andrena helianthiformis removed the most pollen per visit. Female fitness and proxy measures of male fitness, such as pollinator visitation and pollen removal, did not align with our direct quantifications of male fitness.


Our results illustrate the need for more studies to directly quantify male fitness, and we caution against using male fitness proxy measures. In addition, conservation efforts that preserve a diverse pollinator community can benefit plants in fragmented landscapes.

Determining how pollinators visit plants vs. how they carry and transfer pollen is an ongoing project in pollination ecology. The current tools for identifying the pollens that bees carry have different strengths and weaknesses when used for ecological inference. In this study we use three methods to better understand a system of congeneric, coflowering plants in the genus Clarkia and their bee pollinators: observations of plant–pollinator contact in the field, and two different molecular methods to estimate the relative abundance of each Clarkia pollen in samples collected from pollinators. We use these methods to investigate if observations of plant–pollinator contact in the field correspond to the pollen bees carry; if individual bees carry Clarkia pollens in predictable ways, based on previous knowledge of their foraging behaviors; and how the three approaches differ for understanding plant–pollinator interactions. We find that observations of plant–pollinator contact are generally predictive of the pollens that bees carry while foraging, and network topologies using the three different methods are statistically indistinguishable from each other. Results from molecular pollen analysis also show that while bees can carry multiple species of Clarkia at the same time, they often carry one species of pollen. Our work contributes to the growing body of literature aimed at resolving how pollinators use floral resources. We suggest our novel relative amplicon quantification method as another tool in the developing molecular ecology and pollination biology toolbox.  相似文献   

Some pollination systems, such as buzz‐pollination, are associated with floral morphologies that require a close physical interaction between floral sexual organs and insect visitors. In these systems, a pollinator's size relative to the flower may be an important feature determining whether the visitor touches both male and female sexual organs and thus transfers pollen between plants efficiently. To date, few studies have addressed whether in fact the “fit” between flower and pollinator influences pollen transfer, particularly among buzz‐pollinated species. Here we use Solanum rostratum, a buzz‐pollinated plant with dimorphic anthers and mirror‐image flowers, to investigate whether the morphological fit between the pollinator's body and floral morphology influences pollen deposition. We hypothesized that when the size of the pollinator matches the separation between the sexual organs in a flower, more pollen should be transferred to the stigma than when the visitor is either too small or too big relative to the flower. To test this hypothesis, we exposed flowers of S. rostratum with varying levels of separation between sexual organs, to bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) of different sizes. We recorded the number of visits received, pollen deposition, and fruit and seed production. We found higher pollen deposition when bees were the same size or bigger than the separation between anther and stigma within a flower. We found a similar, but not statistically significant pattern for fruit set. In contrast, seed set was more likely to occur when the size of the flower exceeded the size of the bee, suggesting that other postpollination processes may be important in translating pollen receipt to seed set. Our results suggest that the fit between flower and pollinator significantly influences pollen deposition in this buzz‐pollinated species. We speculate that in buzz‐pollinated species where floral morphology and pollinators interact closely, variation in the visitor's size may determine whether it acts mainly as a pollinator or as a pollen thief (i.e., removing pollen rewards but contributing little to pollen deposition and fertilization).  相似文献   

Introduced plants may be important foraging resources for honey bees and wild pollinators, but how often and why pollinators visit introduced plants across an entire plant community is not well understood. Understanding the importance of introduced plants for pollinators could help guide management of these plants and conservation of pollinator habitat. We assessed how floral abundance and pollinator preference influence pollinator visitation rate and diversity on 30 introduced versus 24 native plants in central New York. Honey bees visited introduced and native plants at similar rates regardless of floral abundance. In contrast, as floral abundance increased, wild pollinator visitation rate decreased more strongly for introduced plants than native plants. Introduced plants as a group and native plants as a group did not differ in bee diversity or preference, but honey bees and wild pollinators preferred different plant species. As a case study, we then focused on knapweed (Centaurea spp.), an introduced plant that was the most preferred plant by honey bees, and that beekeepers value as a late‐summer foraging resource. We compared the extent to which honey bees versus wild pollinators visited knapweed relative to coflowering plants, and we quantified knapweed pollen and nectar collection by honey bees across 22 New York apiaries. Honey bees visited knapweed more frequently than coflowering plants and at a similar rate as all wild pollinators combined. All apiaries contained knapweed pollen in nectar, 86% of apiaries contained knapweed pollen in bee bread, and knapweed was sometimes a main pollen or nectar source for honey bees in late summer. Our results suggest that because of diverging responses to floral abundance and preferences for different plants, honey bees and wild pollinators differ in their use of introduced plants. Depending on the plant and its abundance, removing an introduced plant may impact honey bees more than wild pollinators.  相似文献   

Multiple factors determine plant reproductive success and their influence may vary spatially. This study addresses several factors influencing female reproductive success in three populations of Ruellia nudiflora, specifically we: (i) determine if fruit set is pollen‐limited and if pollinator visitation rates are related to this condition; (ii) estimate fruit set via autonomous self‐pollination (AS) and relate it to the magnitude of herkogamy; and (iii) evaluate if fruit abortion is a post‐pollination mechanism that determines the magnitude of pollen limitation. At each site we marked 35 plants, grouped as: unmanipulated control (C) plants subjected to open pollination, plants manually cross‐pollinated (MP), and plants excluded from pollinators and only able to self‐pollinate autonomously (AS). Fruit set was greater for MP relative to C plants providing evidence for pollen limitation, while a tendency was observed for lower fruit abortion of MP relative to C plants suggesting that fruit set is influenced not only by pollen delivery per se, but also by subsequent abortion. In addition, although pollinator visits varied significantly among populations, the magnitude of pollen limitation did not, suggesting that pollinator activity was not relevant in determining pollen limitation. Finally, fruit set tended to decrease with the degree of herkogamy for AS plants, but this result was inconclusive. These findings have contributed to identify which factors influence reproductive success in populations of R. nudiflora, with potentially relevant implications for population genetic structure and mating system evolution of this species.  相似文献   

For alpine plant species, patterns of resource allocation to functional floral traits for pollinator attraction can be highly significant in adaptation to low pollinator abundance and consequent pollen limitation. Increased pollination can be achieved either through a larger floral display or production of more pollen rewards. In this study, variation in resource allocation to different components for pollinator attraction was studied along an altitudinal gradient in Trollius ranunculoides, an obligate self‐incompatible out‐crosser of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. We compared resource allocation to conspicuous yellow sepals (which mainly provide visual attraction) and degenerate petals (which provide the major nectar reward) between populations at four altitudes. Furthermore, we investigated the contribution of sepals and petals to pollinator attraction and female reproductive success in an experiment with sepal or petal removal at sites at different altitudes. At the level of single flowers, resource allocation increased to sepals but decreased to petals with increasing altitude. Consistent with these results, sepals contributed much more to visitation rate and seed set than petals, as confirmed in the sepal or petal removal experiment. Sepals and petals contributed to female reproductive success by ensuring visitation rate rather than visitation duration. To alleviate increasing pollen limitation with increasing altitude, resource allocation patterns of T. ranunculoides altered to favour development of sepals rather than petals. This strategy may improve pollination and reproductive success through visual attraction (sepal) rather than nectar reward (petal) over a gradient of decreasing pollinator abundance.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity in floral communities has the potential to modify pollinator behavior. Pollinator foraging varies with the diversity, abundance, and spatial configuration of floral resources. However, the implications of this variation for pollen transfer and ultimately the reproductive success of insect pollinated plants remains unclear, especially for species which are rare or isolated in the landscape. We used a landscape‐scale experiment, coupled with microsatellite genotyping, to explore how the floral richness of habitats affected pollinator behavior and pollination effectiveness. Small arrays of the partially self‐compatible plant Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica) were introduced across a landscape gradient to simulate rare, spatially isolated populations. The effects on pollinator activity, outcrossing, and plant reproduction were measured. In florally rich habitats, we found reduced pollen movement between plants, leading to fewer long‐distance pollination events, lower plant outcrossing, and a higher incidence of pollen limitation. This pattern indicates a potential reduction in per capita pollinator visitation, as suggested by the lower activity densities and richness of pollinators observed within florally rich habitats. In addition, seed production reduced by a factor of 1.8 in plants within florally rich habitats and progeny germination reduced by a factor of 1.2. We show this to be a consequence of self‐fertilization within the partially self‐compatible plant, E. californica. These findings indicate that locally rare plants are at a competitive disadvantage within florally rich habitats because neighboring plant species disrupt conspecific mating by co‐opting pollinators. Ultimately, this Allee effect may play an important role in determining the long‐term persistence of rarer plants in the landscape, both in terms of seed production and viability. Community context therefore requires consideration when designing and implementing conservation management for plants which are comparatively rare in the landscape.  相似文献   

Examining variations in pollinator effectiveness can enhance our understanding of how pollinators and plants interact. Pollen deposition and seed production after a single visit by a pollinator are often used to estimate pollinator effectiveness. However, seed production is not always directly related to pollen deposition because not all pollen grains that are deposited on a stigma are compatible or conspecific. In the field, we tested pollinator effectiveness based on pollen deposition and the resulting seed production after single visits by different pollinator groups in a gynodieocious alpine plant Cyananthus delavayi (Campanulaceae). Our results showed that mean pollen deposition was generally inconsistent with mean seed production when comparisons were performed among different pollinator groups and sexes. In general, the correlations were not significant between pollen deposition and seed production in both perfect and female flowers after single visits by halictid bees, bumble bees, and hoverflies. We suggest seed set of virgin flowers after single visits is a more reliable indicator of pollinator effectiveness than pollen deposition and would be a better indicator of pollinator effectiveness for future studies.  相似文献   

Investigating plant–pollinator interactions and pollen dispersal are particularly relevant for understanding processes ensuring long‐term viability of fragmented plant populations. Pollen dispersal patterns may vary strongly, even between similar congeneric species, depending on the mating system, pollinator assemblages and floral traits. We investigated pollen dispersal and fruit production in a population of Vaccinium oxycoccos, an insect‐pollinated shrub, and compared the pollen dispersal pattern with a co‐flowering, sympatric congener, V. uliginosum. We examined whether they share pollinators (through interspecific fluorescent dye transfers) and may differently attract pollinators, by comparing their floral colour as perceived by insects. Fluorescent dyes were mainly dispersed over short distances (80% within 40.4 m (max. 94.5 m) for V. oxycoccos and 3.0 m (max. 141.3 m) for V. uliginosum). Dye dispersal in V. oxycoccos was not significantly affected by plant area, floral display or the proximity to V. uliginosum plants. Interspecific dye transfers were observed, indicating pollinator sharing. The significantly lower dye deposition on V. oxycoccos stigmas suggests lower visitation rates by pollinators, despite higher flower density and local abundance. The spectral reflectance analysis indicates that bees are unlikely to be able to discriminate between the two species based on floral colour alone. Fruit production increased with increasing floral display, but was not affected by proximity to V. uliginosum plants. Our study highlights that fragmented populations of V. oxycoccos, when sympatric with co‐flowering V. uliginosum, might incur increased competition for the shared pollinators in the case of pollination disruption, which might then reduce outcrossed seed set.  相似文献   

Colour phenotypes are often involved in communication and are thus under selection by species interactions. However, selection may also act on colour through correlated traits or alternative functions of biochemical pigments. Such forms of selection are instrumental in maintaining petal colour diversity in plants. Pollen colour also varies markedly, but the maintenance of this variation is little understood. In Campanula americana, pollen ranges from white to dark purple, with darker morphs garnering more pollinator visits and exhibiting elevated pollen performance under heat stress. Here, we generate an F2 population segregating for pollen colour and measure correlations with floral traits, pollen attributes and plant‐level traits related to fitness. We determine the pigment biochemistry of colour variants and evaluate maternal and paternal fitness of light and dark morphs by crossing within and between morphs. Pollen colour was largely uncorrelated with floral traits (petal colour, size, nectar traits) suggesting it can evolve independently. Darker pollen grains were larger and had higher anthocyanin content (cyanidin and peonidin) which may explain why they outperform light pollen under heat stress. Overall, pollen‐related fitness metrics were greater for dark pollen, and dark pollen sires generated seeds with higher germination potential. Conversely, light pollen plants produce 61% more flowers than dark, and 18% more seeds per fruit, suggesting a seed production advantage. Results indicate that light and dark morphs may achieve fitness through different means—dark morphs appear to have a pollen advantage whereas light morphs have an ovule advantage—helping to explain the maintenance of pollen colour variation.  相似文献   

Cyclocephline scarabs and their host plants are documented as highly specialized plant–pollinator associations, with various fine‐tuned adaptations. We studied the association between Philodendron adamantinum, a species endemic to the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, South‐East Brazil, and its exclusive pollinators. We focused on the pollination mechanism and reproductive success of P. adamantinum, analysed its floral scent composition, and performed field bioassays to verify the scent‐mediated attraction of pollinators. The reproductive success of P. adamantinum depends on the presence of Erioscelis emarginata (Scarabaeidae, Cyclocephalini), its sole pollinator. At dusk, the inflorescences heat up to 18 °C above the surrounding ambient air temperature and give off a strong sweet odour, from which 32 volatile compounds were isolated. Dihydro‐β‐ionone, the major constituent in the floral scent bouquet, lures individuals of E. emarginata when applied to scented artificial decoys, either alone or blended with methyl jasmonate. We attribute the low fruit set of P. adamantinum at our study sites to pollinator limitation of small and isolated populations and geitonogamic pollen flow of vegetatively generated clonal plant groups. The interaction between P. adamantinum and E. emarginata shows common traits typical of the known plant–pollinator associations involving cyclocephaline scarabs: the asymmetrical dependence of plants on their pollinators, and the scent‐mediated interaction between flowers and beetles. In addition to updating the current catalogue of active compounds of cantharophilous pollination systems, further experimental studies should elucidate the role of the specific chemical compounds that attract pollinators along different time and biogeographic scales. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 679–691.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that plants that are good colonizers will generally have either an ability to self‐fertilize or a generalist pollination system. This prediction is based on the idea that these reproductive traits should confer resistance to Allee effects in founder populations and was tested using Gomphocarpus physocarpus (Asclepiadoideae: Apocynaceae), a species native to South Africa that is invasive in other parts of the world. We found no significant relationships between the size of G. physocarpus populations and various measures of pollination success (pollen deposition, pollen removal and pollen transfer efficiency) and fruit set. A breeding system experiment showed that plants in a South African population are genetically self‐incompatible and thus obligate outcrossers. Outcrossing is further enhanced by mechanical reconfiguration of removed pollinaria before the pollinia can be deposited. Self‐pollination is reduced when such reconfiguration exceeds the average duration of pollinator visits to a plant. Observations suggest that a wide variety of wasp species in the genera Belonogaster and Polistes (Vespidae) are the primary pollinators. We conclude that efficient pollination of plants in small founding populations, resulting from their generalist wasp‐pollination system, contributes in part to the colonizing success of G. physocarpus. The presence of similar wasps in other parts of the world has evidently facilitated the expansion of the range of this milkweed.  相似文献   

  • Floral visitors differ in their efficacy as pollinators, and the impact of different pollinator species on pollen flow and plant reproduction has been frequently evaluated. In contrast, the impact of intraspecific behavioural changes on their efficacy as pollinators has seldom been quantified.
  • We studied a self‐incompatible shrub Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae) and its hummingbird pollinators, which adjust their behaviour according to floral resource availability. Fluorescence microscopy was used to access pollen tube growth and incompatibility reaction in pistils after a single visit of territorial or intruder hummingbirds in two populations. To characterise the plant populations and possible differences in resource availability between areas we used a three‐term quadrat variance method to detect clusters of floral resources.
  • Within‐species variation in foraging behaviour, but not species identity, affected pollinator efficacy. Effectively, hummingbirds intruding into territories deposited more compatible pollen grains on P. rigida stigmas than territory holders in both study areas. Additionally, territory holders deposited more incompatible than compatible pollen grains.
  • Our results imply that intraspecific foraging behaviour variation has consequences for pollination success. Quantifying such variation and addressing the implications of intraspecific variability contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and consequences of plant–pollinator interactions.

Variation in traits across species distribution ranges is often indicative of diversifying evolution that can lead to speciation. Of particular interest is whether traits vary clinally or abruptly because the latter pattern can be indicative of incipient speciation. Understanding of intraspecific variation in chemical traits is still in its infancy because studies of population variation have tended to focus on morphology or neutral genetic markers. To address these issues, the composition of cone volatile odours was examined in ten populations of the South African cycad Encephalartos villosus across its range in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal using headspace sampling and analysis by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Because volatiles play a key role in attracting pollinators to cones of Encephalartos cycads and may thus reflect local adaptation to pollinators, pollinator assemblages were also investigated in the ten populations of E. villosus. Volatile compounds from populations in the north of the distribution range were dominated by unsaturated hydrocarbons, whereas, in the southern populations, nitrogen‐containing compound and terpenoids were the major compounds. A shift between southern and northern populations appeared to occur at the Umtamvuna River, where populations had odour profiles with components of both the northern and southern populations. However, one population in the north (Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve) had a quantitatively similar odour profile to the populations in the extreme south of the range. These results reveal strong interpopulation variation in the cone scent of E. villosus, including variation in the relative emission of dominant compounds that may play key functional role in this pollination system. However, pollinator assemblages did not differ across the different populations, which suggest that these patterns were produced by co‐evolution or drift, rather than by pollinator shifts. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 514–527.  相似文献   

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