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Sexual signal evolution may present fitness consequences for the non‐signaling sex due to shared genes and altered social conditions, but this is rarely studied in natural populations. On the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, most male Teleogryllus oceanicus (Pacific field crickets) lack the ability to sing because of a novel wing mutation (flatwing) that arose and spread in <20 generations. Obligately silent flatwing males have been highly successful because they avoid detection by a deadly, acoustically‐orienting parasitoid fly. Little is known about how the flatwing mutation and resulting song‐less acoustic environment affects female fitness. We found that Kauai females carrying the flatwing allele invested less in reproductive tissues and experienced more instances of mating failure than normal‐wing‐carrying females, though total offspring production did not differ between female genotypes. Females from Oahu (HI, where the parasitoid and flatwing also occur) and Mangaia (an island in the Cook Islands which harbors neither the parasitoid nor flatwing) invested less in reproductive tissues when reared in a song‐less acoustic environment. Kauai females did not exhibit this plasticity, perhaps because they have experienced nearly song‐less conditions for the past ~15 years following the establishment of flatwing. We show that female T. oceanicus experience a mix of costly and beneficial effects of sexual signal loss, which should help maintain the wing polymorphism in the wild. Our results demonstrate that the non‐signaling sex can experience a nuanced set of phenotypic consequences resulting from signal evolution, which can further shape dynamics of sexual signal evolution.  相似文献   

The field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus has been introduced to Hawaii, where it is parasitized by an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea. Previous work showed that call parameters from parasitized populations differ from those in unparasitized populations in a direction expected if selection by flies is occurring. Here we examined songs of males collected in the field and compare calling song characters of crickets later found to harbor parasitoid larvae with those of males free of parasitoids. The two groups differ significantly in several song characteristics, particularly the trill-like long chirp given at the beginning of each song. Males with longer long chirps containing shorter interpulse intervals are more likely to be parasitized, suggesting that the flies find such males more attractive. Depending on the traits females prefer, sexual selection may oppose natural selection in altering T. oceanicus song in parasitized populations.  相似文献   

Female choice can drive the evolution of extravagant male traits. In invertebrates, the influence of prior social experience on female choice has only recently been considered. To better understand the evolutionary implications of experience-mediated plasticity in female choice, we investigated the effect of acoustic experience during rearing on female responsiveness to male song in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Acoustic experience has unique biological relevance in this species: a morphological mutation has rendered over 90 per cent of males on the Hawaiian island of Kauai silent in fewer than 20 generations, impeding females' abilities to locate potential mates. Females reared in silent conditions mimicking Kauai were less discriminating of male calling song and more responsive to playbacks, compared with females that experienced song during rearing. Our results to our knowledge, are the first demonstration of long-term effects of acoustic experience in an arthropod, and suggest that female T. oceanicus may be able to compensate for the reduced availability of long-range male sexual signals by increasing their responsiveness to the few remaining signallers. Understanding the adaptive significance of experience-mediated plasticity in female choice provides insight into processes that facilitate rapid evolutionary change and shape sexual selection pressure in natural populations.  相似文献   

Social influences on mate choice are predicted to influence evolutionary divergence of closely related taxa, because of the key role mate choice plays in reproductive isolation. However, it is unclear whether females choosing between heterospecific and conspecific male signals use previously experienced social information in the same manner or to the same extent that they do when discriminating among conspecific mates only. We tested this using two field cricket sister species (Teleogryllus oceanicus and Teleogryllus commodus), in which considerable information is known about the role of male calling song in premating isolation, in addition to the influence of acoustic experience on the development of reproductive traits. We manipulated the acoustic experience of replicate populations of both species and found, unexpectedly, that experience of male calling song during rearing did not change how accurate females were in choosing a conspecific over a heterospecific male song during playback trials. However, females with acoustic experience were considerably less responsive to male song compared with naïve females. Our results suggest that variation in the acoustic environment affects mate choice in both species, but that it may have a limited impact on premating isolation. The fact that social flexibility during interspecific mate discrimination does not appear to operate identically to that which occurs during conspecific mate discrimination highlights the importance of considering the context in which animals exercise socially flexible mating behaviours. We suggest an explanation for why social flexibility might be context dependent and discuss the consequences of such flexibility for the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Sexual signals are often critical for mate attraction and reproduction, although their conspicuousness exposes them to parasites and predators. We document the near-disappearance of song, the sexual signal of crickets, and its replacement with a novel silent morph, in a population subject to strong natural selection by a deadly acoustically orienting parasitoid fly. On the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, more than 90% of male field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) shifted in less than 20 generations from a normal-wing morphology to a mutated wing that renders males unable to call (flatwing). Flatwing morphology protects male crickets from the parasitoid, which uses song to find hosts, but poses obstacles for mate attraction, since females also use the males' song to locate mates. Field experiments support the hypothesis that flatwings overcome the difficulty of attracting females without song by acting as 'satellites' to the few remaining callers, showing enhanced phonotaxis to the calling song that increases female encounter rate. Thus, variation in behaviour facilitated establishment of an otherwise maladaptive morphological mutation.  相似文献   

When sexual signals are perceived during growth and development they can provide information regarding the social conditions likely to be encountered as an adult. Perception of cues related to the presence and density of future mates and potential competitors can result in altered adult phenotypes. Previous studies have shown that adult male Teleogryllus oceanicus field crickets from a Kauai, Hawaii population reared alone and without hearing conspecific song are more phonotactic than those reared with song. These naïve males also reduce investment in body size and immunity. Here we examined whether another source of population density information, the presence of other males, affects behavior, size, and immunity. Specifically, we examined satellite behavior as evidenced by strength of phonotaxis, body condition, and immune response in males reared singly and in groups in the presence and absence of conspecific song. Body condition did not vary with rearing density, and immune response did not vary with either acoustic environment or rearing density. Interestingly, group-housed males were more phonotactic than singly-housed males. This pattern was largely driven by the low levels of phonotaxis exhibited by males that were singly-housed in the presence of conspecific song. These findings suggest that males respond to social cues in addition to conspecific song, but that these cues do not necessarily provide concordant information.  相似文献   

Female choice based on male secondary sexual traits is well documented, although the extent to which this selection can drive an evolutionary divergence in male traits among populations is less clear. Male field crickets Teleogryllus oceanicus attract females using a calling song and once contacted switch to courtship song to persuade them to mate. These crickets also secrete onto their cuticle a cocktail of long‐chained fatty acids or cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Females choose among potential mates based on the structure of male acoustic signals and on the composition of male CHC profiles. Here, we utilize two naturally occurring mutations that have arisen independently on two Hawaiian islands and render the male silent to ask whether the evolutionary loss of acoustic signalling can drive an evolutionary divergence in the alternative signalling modality, male CHC profiles. QSTFST comparisons revealed strong patterns of CHC divergence among three populations of crickets on the islands of Hawaii, Oahu and Kauai. Contrasts between wild‐type and flatwing males on the islands of Oahu and Kauai indicated that variation in male CHC profiles within populations is associated with the loss of acoustic signalling; flatwing males had a relatively low abundance of long‐chained CHCs relative to the short‐chained CHCs that females find attractive. Given their dual functions in desiccation resistance and sexual signalling, insect CHCs may be particularly important traits for reproductive isolation and ultimately speciation.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that developmental temperature influences expression of the adult male calling song of the cricket, a sexually selected mate recognition signal. The role of developmental temperature in shaping female preference functions, and thus its influence on signal-preference coupling has not been investigated. In this study, the effects of developmental temperature are examined in both males and females of the Hawaiian cricket, Laupala cerasina, to determine the degree of signal-preference matching between male song and female preference due to developmental environment. We found that rearing females in different temperature environments affected adult female acoustic preference functions in the same direction as male calling song, thereby influencing variation in adult reproductive behavior in such a way that male and female components remain coordinated. However, we further demonstrate that for male song, the effect of the rearing environment is not permanent but appears only to exert influence for a period of days. This mid-term temperature effect is distinct from the effect of short-term ambient temperature, which influences song in a matter of minutes and has been well documented. Signal-preference coordination, and sexual selection pressures due to mismatching within natural populations, likely will be influenced by nymphal developmental environments of males and females, as well as by adult singing and preference environments.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists commonly seek explanations for how selection drives the emergence of novel traits. Although trait loss is also predicted to occur frequently, few contemporary examples exist. In Hawaii, the Pacific field cricket (Teleogryllus oceanicus) is undergoing adaptive sexual signal loss due to natural selection imposed by eavesdropping parasitoids. Mutant male crickets (“flatwings”) cannot sing. We measured the intensity of sexual selection on wing phenotype in a wild population. First, we surveyed the relative abundance of flatwings and “normal‐wings” (nonmutants) on Oahu. Then, we bred wild‐mated females’ offspring to determine both female genotype with respect to the flatwing mutation and the proportion of flatwing males that sired their offspring. We found evidence of strong sexual selection favoring the production of song: females were predominantly homozygous normal‐wing, their offspring were sired disproportionately by singing males, and at the population level, flatwing males became less common following a single sexual selection event. We report a selection coefficient describing the total (pre‐ and postcopulatory) sexual selection favoring normal‐wing males in nature. Given the maintenance of the flatwing phenotype in Hawaii in recent years, this substantial sexual selection additionally suggests an approximate strength of opposing natural selection that favors silent males.  相似文献   

Male crickets Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou) produce a complex species‐specific calling song with phrases combining groups of single pulses (chirps) and groups of double‐pulses (trills) to attract females, which fly or walk towards singing males. In open‐loop trackball experiments, phonotactic steering responses to normal calling song phrases consisting of chirps and trills are strongest, suggesting that both components are necessary for maximal attractiveness. Sequences of just chirps or trills are less effective in eliciting phonotactic walking and steering. Split‐song paradigms are used to analyze the steering behaviour underlying orientation in more detail. The females' phonotactic steering reflects the alternating acoustic pattern of the split‐song paradigm. Analysis with high temporal resolution demonstrate, that even when the calling song is presented only from one side, the steering velocity and lateral deviation towards the song is modulated by steering events to single‐sound pulses. Therefore, pattern recognition, which integrates the structure of the song, appears not to be directly involved in the rapid steering response. This organization of phonotactic behaviour with a parallel processing of pattern recognition and steering is similar to other cricket species and may allow T. oceanicus females to steer transiently towards distorted song patterns as they occur in natural habitats.  相似文献   

Male Teleogryllus oceanicus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) produce a conspicuous calling song to attract females. In some populations, the song also attracts the phonotactic parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea (Diptera: Tachinidae). I examined the factors affecting calling song by characterizing the calling behavior of caged crickets from an area where the fly occurs. Calling activity (proportion of time spent calling) was repeatable and a significant predictor of female attraction. However, calling activity in the parasitized population was lower than in an unparasitized Moorea population (Orsak, 1988), suggesting a compromise between high activity to attract females and low activity to avoid flies. Calling activity peaked simultaneously with fly searching, so crickets did not shift to calling when the fly is less active. Males harboring larvae did not call less than unparasitized males; however, a more controlled study of the effects of parasitization on calling behavior is needed to evaluate this result. The results are discussed in the context of other studies of the evolutionary consequences of sexual and natural selection on cricket calling behavior.  相似文献   

Summary Phonotactic behavior was studied in male crickets,Teleogryllus oceanicus. Tethered flying males were presented with electronically synthesized calling song models in a two-choice phonotaxis assay, and their song preferences were determined and compared with previous findings for females.Males are poorer at discriminating between songs than females; they do not display choice behavior as frequently as females, and the choices they do make are not as consistent as those of females (Figs. 3, 4). T. oceanicus calling song is composed of rhythmically different chirp and trill sections. The selectivity of males for these two components differs from that of females. Females prefer chirp to trill, but the opposite is true for males (Fig. 5B-F). Males are similar to females in that they prefer either a conspecific song model or its separate components to a heterospecific model (Fig. 5A, G, H).Behavioral and neural implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Conspicuous traits that make males attractive to females may make them vulnerable to predators. Females that approach conspicuous males may increase their risk of predation. This means that selection for reduced male conspicuousness in the presence of predators may be due to sexual selection resulting from altered female behavior in the face of increased predator risk. We examine this hypothesis in the field cricket, Gryllus rubens, in which male calling song attracts both conspecific females for mating and parasitoid flies (Ormia ochracea) which kill their hosts within a week. Female crickets are also parasitized by these flies as a result of associating with calling males. In northern Florida crickets that emerge in the spring are not subject to fly parasitism whereas autumn crickets encounter large numbers of flies. We predicted that autumn females should be less attracted to male song than spring females. We tested female response to male calls in a rectangular arena in which male calling song was broadcast from a speaker. Spring females readily approached the speaker but autumn females were less likely to approach and remain in the vicinity of the speaker. These results emphasize the importance of considering how risk affects the evolution of conspicuous male behavior both directly through its effect on the male and indirectly through its effect on female responses to males.  相似文献   

Increased investment in immunity is expected to be beneficial under crowded conditions because of the greater risk of pathogen and parasite transmission, but the evolution of this facultative response relies on the ability to accurately assess social cues in the environment and adjust immune defences accordingly. Because of their highly conspicuous nature, long-range sexual signals are prime candidates to be used in evaluating the social conditions likely to be experienced upon adulthood in continuously breeding species; however, their role in mediating immune responses is unknown. We tested whether exposure to acoustic sexual signals in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus affects immunity by manipulating male juvenile experience of acoustic signals, and measuring the effect on adult immunity. Adult males exposed to song during rearing showed stronger immune responses than males reared in silence: they were better able to encapsulate artificial nylon implants and showed higher levels of antimicrobial lysozyme-like activity in their haemolymph. Experience of sexual signals thus translates into increased immunity, which suggests that such signals may play a role in conveying information about population demography and shaping density-dependent responses in unintended receivers.  相似文献   

In Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) programs, massive numbers of insects are reared, sterilized, and released in the field to impede reproduction of pest populations. The domestication and rearing processes used to produce insects for SIT programs may have significant evolutionary impacts on life history and reproductive biology. We assessed the effects of domestication on sexual performance of laboratory reared Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, by comparing an old (49 generations) and a young colony (5 generations). We evaluated mating propensity, mating latency, copula duration, sperm transfer, and ability to induce sexual inhibition in mates. Overall, both males and females from the old colony had greater mating propensity than those from the young colony. Copula duration was longer when females were from the old colony. There was no evidence of sexual isolation between the colonies as males and females from the two colonies had similar propensity to mate with flies from either colony. Males from the old colony transferred more sperm regardless of which colony their mate was from. Finally, males from both colonies were similarly able to induce sexual inhibition in their mates and were also similarly able to secure copulations with already-mated females. Positive effects of domestication on sperm transfer, coupled with maintained ability to induce sexual inhibition in mates and to secure copulations with previously mated females, highlights that domestication may have little effect, or even positive effects, on some aspects of sexual performance that may advantage mass-reared B. tryoni in SIT programs.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicts that increased phenotypic plasticity can facilitate adaptation as traits respond to selection. When genetic adaptation alters the social environment, socially mediated plasticity could cause co‐evolutionary feedback dynamics that increase adaptive potential. We tested this by asking whether neural gene expression in a recently arisen, adaptive morph of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus is more responsive to the social environment than the ancestral morph. Silent males (flatwings) rapidly spread in a Hawaiian population subject to acoustically orienting parasitoids, changing the population's acoustic environment. Experimental altering crickets’ acoustic environments during rearing revealed broad, plastic changes in gene expression. However, flatwing genotypes showed increased socially mediated plasticity, whereas normal‐wing genotypes exhibited negligible expression plasticity. Increased plasticity in flatwing crickets suggests a coevolutionary process coupling socially flexible gene expression with the abrupt spread of flatwing. Our results support predictions that phenotypic plasticity should rapidly evolve to be more pronounced during early phases of adaptation.  相似文献   

The phonotactic response of cricket females was investigated on a locomotion compensator to determine the temporal parameters of the male's calling song which are important for species recognition. Two sympatric species (Teleogryllus commodus, T. oceanicus) that show different syllable periods in the chirp and trill parts of their calling songs were used. By their responses T. commodus females exhibited two temporal filters for syllable periods, which were tuned to the species-specific syllable periods occurring during chirp and trill. For song recognition both filters had to be activated and for both a minimum number of three to five consecutive syllable periods was necessary. In contrast, T. oceanicus females showed only one sharply tuned filter corresponding to the chirp part of the male's calling song. This filter was sufficient for calling song recognition. Syllable periods of the trill part also influenced calling song recognition, but these played only a minor role. Carrier frequency was also important for positive phonotaxis. Calling song recognition by T. commodus females is largely based on central nervous processing, while for T. oceanicus both peripheral frequency filtering and central temporal filtering is important. Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

螽斯(Deracantha onos)的趋声性与定位精度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究雌硕螽(Deracantha onos)对正在鸣叫的同种雄螽斯的趋声运动的特征,并依据其行走路径测算出定位精度。只有同种雄螽斯的叫声才能诱发雌螽斯作趋声反应。雌螽斯趋声运动的速度约比非趋声行走高十倍。趋声路径呈“之”字形。用极性方位图表示螽斯趋声运动的方向性。有叫声时,相对于声源为零度的方向上的权最大,介于0.34与0.69之间。极性方位图的质心的方位角代表声定位的精度,小于3°。趋声路径的平均方位角为0.4°,标准离差10°左右。  相似文献   

The effect of vibratory disturbance on sexual behaviour and substrate-borne sound communication of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula L. was studied. Disturbance signals do not change the time N. viridula males need to locate the source of vibratory signals, but decrease the number of males responding with the calling and courtship song to calling females. Female N. viridula proceed calling during stimulation with disturbance signals but some of them change the song rhythm by skipping one or more signal intervals or emitting the repelling signals. The number of females which change the dominant frequency of the calling song decreases proportionally with increasing differences between the dominant frequency of the disturbance signals and the emitted female calling song. Variation of the song dominant frequency probably serves females to avoid interference by increasing the signal to noise ratio. Signal duration and repetition rate do not change significantly when the female is stimulated with the disturbance signals. This indicates that frequency shift by calling females is the main strategy for reducing interference by competitive signalers in N. viridula vibrational communication.  相似文献   

Sex differences in metabolic rate (MR) can result from dimorphism in the performance of energetically demanding activities. Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) engage in costly calling and aggressive activity not performed by females. Consistent with this difference, we found higher maximal MR, factorial scope, and fat content in males than females. T. oceanicus song is also costly because it attracts the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Parasitized crickets had reduced maximal MR consistent with a metabolic cost to harboring larvae. This cost was greater for females, either because females invest more heavily into reproduction at the expense of metabolic capacity, or because males are under stronger selection to respond to infection. Little is known about O. ochracea outside of its auditory system and parasitic lifestyle. We observed greater resting MR in male flies, possibly reflecting a sex difference in the requirement for metabolic power output, because male flies perform potentially costly mating behavior not seen in females. We found a positive relationship between larval density within a cricket and pupal resting MR, suggesting that crickets in good condition are able to both harbor more larvae and produce larvae with higher resting MR. These results reveal a complex interplay between the metabolism of crickets and their fly parasitoids.Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

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