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Dollo's law states that structures that are evolutionarily lost will not be regained. Recent phylogenetic studies have revealed several potential examples in which Dollo's law seems to be violated, where lost structures appear to have been regained over evolutionary time. However, these examples have recently been questioned and suggested to be methodological artifacts. In this article, I document a striking and incontrovertible phylogenetic example of the re-evolution of a lost, complex structure: mandibular teeth in the frog genus Gastrotheca. I use a time-calibrated phylogeny for 170 amphibian species to show that mandibular teeth were lost in the ancestor of modern frogs at least 230 million years ago (Mya) and have been regained in the last ~ 5-17 My. I review recent studies on trait re-evolution and show that this long period of trait absence prior to re-acquisition is largely unprecedented. I also argue that there are several methodological issues that may cause trait re-evolution to be hardest to detect under those conditions when it is most likely to occur, leading to erroneous failures to reject Dollo's law. Finally, I discuss a mechanism that may facilitate trait re-evolution, and the evolution of mandibular teeth in frogs as an example of developmental constraint.  相似文献   

William K. Gregory was one of the most influential authors defending the existence of an evolutionary trend in vertebrates from a higher degree of polyisomerism (more polyisomeric or ‘serial’ anatomical structures arranged along any body axis) to cases of anisomerism (specialization or loss of at least some original polyisomeric structures). Anisomerism was the subject of much interest during the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, particularly due to the influence of the Romantic German School and the notion of ‘primitive archetype’ and because it was conceptually linked to other crucial biological issues (e.g. complexity, scala naturae, progress, modularity or phenotypic integration). However, discussions on anisomerism and related issues (e.g. Williston's law) have been almost exclusively based on hard tissues. Here we provide the first detailed empirical test, and discussion, of anisomerism based on quantitative data obtained from phylogenetic and comparative analyses of the head and forelimb muscles of gnathostomes. Our results strongly support the existence of such a trend in both forelimb and head musculature. For instance, the last common ancestor (LCA) of extant tetrapods likely had 38 polyisomeric muscles (PMs) out of a total of 70 forelimb muscles (i.e. 54%), whereas in the LCAs of extant amniotes and of mammals these numbers were 38/73 (52%) and 21/67 (31%), and in humans are 11/59 (19%). Interestingly, the number of PMs that became specialized during the forelimb evolutionary transition from the LCA of extant tetrapods to humans (13) is very similar to the number of PMs that became lost (14), indicating that both specialization and loss contributed equally to the trend towards anisomerism. By contrast, during the evolution of the head musculature from the LCA of gnathostomes to humans a total of 27 PMs were lost whereas only one muscle became specialized. Importantly, the evolutionary trend towards anisomerism is not related to a general trend leading to the presence of fewer muscles in derived taxa, because for instance humans have more head muscles in total, but many less head polyisomeric muscles than early gnathostomes and extant fish such as sharks, and than early tetrapods and amphibians such as salamanders. This is because new muscles have also been acquired during gnathostome evolution (e.g. facial muscles of mammals). Interestingly, many new PMs have also been acquired during head evolution (but subsequently lost during the transitions towards humans), whereas only a few new PMs were acquired during forelimb evolution. Our comparisons and review of the literature indicate that there is also a trend towards anisomerism during development, thus providing a further example of a parallel between ontogeny and phylogeny, e.g. some forelimb PMs (e.g. contrahentes, intermetacarpales) become specialized or lost (re‐absorbed) during human ontogeny and some head PMs (e.g. constrictores branchiales) become lost during salamander ontogeny. This review will inform future discussions on modularity, complexity, body plans, phenotypic integration and macroevolution, which should ideally include soft tissues and the use of new tools (e.g. anatomical networks) in order to provide a broader and more integrative understanding of these relevant subjects.  相似文献   


A challenge

Variation is ubiquitous in nature across all spatial and temporal scales and underlies prominent ecological and evolutionary theories. Although understanding the causes and consequences of trait variation is a central goal of trait-based ecology, the scaling of trait variance across space and time (variance scaling) is unresolved.

A solution

We argue that characterizing trait variance across spatio-temporal scales using a combination of prominent power laws can elucidate the role of environmental variability in trait variation and potential mechanisms driving trait patterns. In particular, the species–time–area relationship and Taylor's power law help to establish a generalizable framework for developing and testing variance scaling theory. Finally, we outline priority research questions and tractable systems for answering them. Successional forests, long-term forest monitoring networks and censuses of short-lived taxa are ideal for coupling high-resolution environmental data with measurements of trait variance across scales to test the models proposed here.

Main conclusions

Characterizing the behaviour of variance across spatio-temporal scales is feasible and a prerequisite for developing a predictive theory of trait-based ecology.  相似文献   

Evolutionary simplification, or loss of complex characters, is a major theme in studies of body-form evolution. The apparently infrequent evolutionary reacquisition of complex characters has led to the assertion (Dollo's Law) that once lost, complex characters may be impossible to re-evolve, at least via the exact same evolutionary process. Here, we provide one of the most comprehensive, fine-scale analyses of squamate body-form evolution to date, introducing a new model system of closely related, morphologically variable, lizards. Our phylogenetic results support independent instances of complete limb loss as well as multiple instances of digit and external ear opening loss and re-acquisition. Even more striking, we find strong statistical support for the re-acquisition of a pentadactyl body form from a digit-reduced ancestor. Our study reveals that species of the genus Brachymeles exemplify regions of morphospace (body plans) previously undocumented in squamates. Our findings have broad, general implications for body-form evolution in burrowing vertebrates: whatever constraints have shaped trends in morphological evolution among other squamate groups (excluding Bipes) have been lost in this one exemplary clade. The results of our study join a nascent body of literature showing strong statistical support for character loss, followed by evolutionary re-acquisition of complex structures associated with a generalized pentadactyl body form.  相似文献   

It is commonly observed that plant species' range margins are enriched for increased selfing rates and, in otherwise self‐incompatible species, for self‐compatibility (SC). This has often been attributed to a response to selection under mate and/or pollinator limitation. However, range expansion can also cause reduced inbreeding depression, and this could facilitate the evolution of selfing in the absence of mate or pollinator limitation. Here, we explore this idea using spatially explicit individual‐based simulations of a range expansion, in which inbreeding depression, variation in self‐incompatibility (SI), and mate availability evolve. Under a wide range of conditions, the simulated range expansion brought about the evolution of selfing after the loss of SI in range‐marginal populations. Under conditions of high recombination between the self‐incompatibility locus (S‐locus) and viability loci, SC remained marginal in the expanded metapopulation and could not invade the range core, which remained self‐incompatible. In contrast, under low recombination and migration rates, SC was frequently able to displace SI in the range core by maintaining its association with a genomic background with purged genetic load. We conclude that the evolution of inbreeding depression during a range expansion promotes the evolution of SC at range margins, especially under high rates of recombination.?  相似文献   

"Dollo's law" states that, following loss, a complex trait cannot reevolve in an identical manner. Although the law has previously fallen into disrepute, it has only recently been challenged with statistical phylogenetic methods. We employ simulation studies of an irreversible binary character to show that rejections of Dollo's law based on likelihood-ratio tests of transition rate constraints or on reconstructions of ancestral states are frequently incorrect. We identify two major causes of errors: incorrect assignment of root state frequencies, and neglect of the effect of the character state on rates of speciation and extinction. Our findings do not necessarily overturn the conclusions of phylogenetic studies claiming reversals, but we demonstrate devastating flaws in the methods that are the foundation of all such studies. Furthermore, we show that false rejections of Dollo's law can be reduced by the use of appropriate existing models and model selection procedures. More powerful tests of irreversibility require data beyond phylogenies and character states of extant taxa, and we highlight empirical work that incorporates additional information.  相似文献   

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