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利用电镜扫描技术,观察东北桤木叶片表面,发现其远轴面表皮上具有盾状腺毛。其由2个基细胞、4个柄细胞和20~25个头部细胞组成,随着分泌物质的积累,细胞逐渐破裂。幼叶远轴面表皮无盾状腺毛,仅有气孔分布。观察东北桤木叶片横切面,发现其为异面叶,远轴面表皮上的盾状腺毛细胞与叶脉维管组织相连。外文资料显示用于表述桤木属表皮上的盾状腺毛的名词较多,该毛状体应为“Peltate glandular hairs”。同时建议对“Glandular scales”、“Peltate gland”、“Peltate scale”、“Peltate glandular hairs”等名词进行规范统一。另外有关东北桤木叶表皮上毛状体从原表皮细胞的发生过程及其分泌物的成份,需进一步研究。  相似文献   

The influence of plant stage and plant species on the pupation behaviour of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), was investigated in flowering and non‐flowering potted chrysanthemums and mini roses. On non‐flowering chrysanthemums and roses, 92–93% of the F. occidentalis pupated in the soil. On flowering roses, 87% pupated in the soil, and on flowering chrysanthemums only 60% chose the soil as a pupation site and 40% stayed on the plant. This means that, in the presence of flowers, especially complex inflorescences like chrysanthemums, a large proportion of F. occidentalis chooses stay on the plant to pupate.  相似文献   

To study the role of different structures of a plant surface preventing insect attachment, a variety of plant surfaces were screened. Attachment ability of the beetle Chrysolina fastuosa Scop. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) was measured on 99 surfaces among them smooth, hairy, felt-like, waxy, and glandular ones of three plant organs (stems, leaves, fruits) of 83 plant species belonging to 45 families. Insects attached successfully to smooth, hairy, and felt-like substrata. These surface types did not effect the further attachment of C. fastuosa, indicating the adhesive system remained intact after contacting these substrata. However, the beetles could not attach properly to surfaces covered with wax crystalloids or glandular hairs. In most experiments on pruinose plant substrata, no influence of the surfaces on the subsequent attachment ability of insects was observed. Only in one case (the stem of Acer negundo), was such an impairment recorded, but recovery of attachment ability was fast. Crystalloids of this plant species probably temporarily disable function of tenent setae of C. fastuosa. Four hypotheses, explaining anti-adhesive properties of plant surfaces, covered with wax crystalloids are proposed. A plant surface with glandular trichomes disabled the attachment system of the beetle for a long time. Secretions of trichomes probably glue tenent setae together making further attachment impossible.  相似文献   

蝇子草茎叶上着生粘液毛,它是由3个细胞构成的单列腺毛。电镜观察表明,在刚形成的腺毛柄细胞中,质体最发达,而且大多数质体内含有淀粉粒。在柄细胞中,有些质体和液泡膜融合产生小泡,可能以胞饮方式将质体内的淀粉粒降解后的产物转以液泡内。有些质体则可能直接突入液泡并在液泡内降解其淀粉粒。在头细胞发育中,含淀粉粒的质体增多。后期大多数质体消失,同时出现了大量的充满纤丝状物质的小不包和大泡。最后,小泡和大泡相琵  相似文献   

薄荷头状腺毛分泌过程的超微结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
闫先喜  胡正海 《生命科学研究》1998,2(4):295-300,304
电镜观察表明,刚形成的薄荷头状腺毛的头部细胞,细胞核较大细胞质浓,有一些小液泡,质体和线粒体最显著,分泌前期,内质网及高尔基体数量明显  相似文献   

Optimal number of matings in two aphidophagous ladybirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The present study was designed to identify the optimal number of matings required for maximum fecundity and egg viability in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Propylea dissecta .
2. For this purpose, ladybirds were subjected to different numbers of matings and the reproductive responses were recorded thereafter.
3. The Gompertz model was used to draw asymptotic graphs for fecundity and per cent egg viability in both ladybird species. Ninety-five per cent and 50% of maximum theoretical fecundity and per cent egg viability were predicted from the model.
4. Ninety-five per cent maximum theoretical fecundity was obtained after 13.25 and 12.95 matings in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively; and 8.95 and 11.25 matings were required for 95% maximum theoretical per cent egg viability in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively.
5. The results of these experiments clearly support the existence of an optimal number of matings in these two ladybird species leading to maximum adult fitness.  相似文献   

菱的腺毛发育及分泌活动的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗玉明  丁小余  杨晋彬  施国新   《广西植物》2006,26(4):352-355
菱的腺毛由单列圆筒状细胞组成,具有短暂的分泌功能。它们起源于叶片远轴面、叶柄的表皮细胞以及苗端茎轴、花柄的表皮细胞。处于分泌期的腺毛细胞其胞质浓厚,液泡化程度小,细胞具丰富的线粒体、高尔基体。腺毛丧失了分泌功能后即发育成为表皮毛。粘液物质由高尔基体分泌小泡携带至腺毛细胞侧壁,经胞吐与渗透结合的方式分泌至细胞外,粘液的化学成分主要为多糖。  相似文献   

The functional response of two ladybird species, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) and Coccinella transversalis Fabricius in combination was studied in an effort to determine the impact of two predators on the increasing density of aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover infesting leaves of bottle gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe. The ladybirds were exposed to prey density in three combinations using adult females: (i) one P. dissecta and one C. transversalis together, (ii) two P. dissecta, and (iii) two C. transversalis, for 24 h. Prey consumption increased curvilinearly with prey density in all three combinations. It was maximum when heterospecifics searched together. The prey were handled and consumed significantly faster (9.51 min) by heterospecifics in combination, followed by two C. transversalis (11.32 min) and two P. dissecta (12.52 min). The attack rate was maximum (0.00274) by heterospecifics followed by the two C. transversalis (0.00166) and two P. dissecta (0.00092). The synergistic effect on the prey consumption may possibly be due to spatial distribution of P. dissecta and C. transversalis in terms of feeding sites, with the former being negatively, and the latter being positively geotactic. Field release of two predator species in tandem is recommended for biocontrol of A. gossypii because of the potential for synergistic action by these natural enemies.  相似文献   

The theory of plant defences proposes that investments in physical and chemical defences are driven by the risk of herbivore damage, and limited by the cost of producing the particular defensive trait in terms of resources that could be directed to other sinks, such as growth and reproduction. We sampled twigs of 18 mature Acacia tortilis trees and their cohort of juveniles to test some predictions of this hypothesis. We expected a higher allocation of defensive traits to leaves and twigs in the young plants than in the mature ones as a result of a higher risk of damage by ungulates at the juvenile stage. Our results show that the juvenile plants produce more spines along their twigs, but have lower concentrations of phenolic compounds in their leaves than in the mature ones. We also expected a negative relation between the concentration of foliar nutrients and phenolic compounds, as predicted by the carbon/nutrient hypothesis. Only mature plants showed this pattern. Reproduction (in mature plants) and water stress (in juvenile plants) did not relate to allocation to secondary compounds as predicted by current hypotheses of plant defence.  相似文献   

To elucidate the specific associations of insects with glandular plants, the relationship between a plant bug and a wild azalea was examined. The plant bug Orthotylus gotoi Yasunaga (Hemiptera: Miridae) was found only on shrubs of Rhododendron macrosepalum Maxim. (Ericaceae) in Kyoto, central Japan. R. macrosepalum has leaves, stems, and sepals with dense stalked glands that trap and kill many arthropods. However, nymphs and adults of O. gotoi are able to move freely on R .  macrosepalum . O. gotoi frequently fed on carcasses of various arthropods trapped on R .  macrosepalum , whereas it rarely fed upon plant tissues. In laboratory experiments, O. gotoi nymphs mainly fed on the carcasses of insects, which resulted in enhanced rates of growth and metamorphosis, and adult O. gotoi lived longer when they were provided with insect carcasses. These observations and experiments suggest that O. gotoi is a scavenger. Therefore, if O. gotoi mainly feeds on carcasses of arthropods, this may result in a specific dependence on the glandular plant.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 593–602.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The influence of different mating durations on fecundity and fertility has been studied in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Coelophora saucia . Pre-oviposition period decreased while fecundity and fertility increased with increase in mating duration in both the ladybird species. The increase in fecundity with longer mating durations is probably due to the female response because of cryptic female choice. Mating of 10-s duration resulted in oviposition but of unviable eggs probably because of lack of sperm transfer. A minimum duration of 1 min of mating was probably essential for fertilization of the eggs. Absence of spermatophore in the reproductive tract of females is indicative of direct sperm transfer in both the ladybird species. Trend of fertility (similar fertility at 1 and 5 min followed by increase at 60 min which was again similar to that at complete mating) indicates probable sperm transfer in spurts in C. sexmaculata while continuous transfer in C. saucia is indicated by continuous increase in fertility with increase in mating duration.  相似文献   

Receptor cell responses in the largest labellar (LL) and tarsal (D) taste hairs of the housefly Musca domestica were investigated electrophysiologically using the tip-recording technique. In LL hairs, test series with lactose in concentrations of 12.5–400 mmol · l−1 yielded a threshold concentration around 12 mmol · l−1 and a calculated concentration eliciting half-maximal response of around 40 mmol · l−1, the maximal response varying between 18 and 30 impulses/300 ms. D hairs are more sensitive towards lactose, indicated by a slightly lower threshold and a by 60% higher response to 400 mmol · l−1 lactose. The high variation in the relative stimulating effectiveness of lactose and sucrose and experiments with sugar mixtures imply that these sugars bind to different receptor sites without noticeable cross affinity. A comparison of the concentration response characteristics for sucrose and lactose in LL and D hairs suggests that sucrose can combine with more than one site type, expressed in different proportions in both hair types. Results obtained with p-nitrophenyl-β-galactoside as stimulus indicate that a β-galactoside link is not sufficient for a substance to interact specifically with the lactose binding site. The exceptional lactose sensitivity of the sugar cell in M. domestica is discussed in the context of food acquirement and digestion. Accepted: 14 November 1997  相似文献   

Insects usually have cryptic colors to avoid detection by visually hunting predators. However, if the insects acquire toxic or repellent substances against predators, some of them develop conspicuous coloration to exhibit their unpalatability. Such warning colors allow insects to survive. In the nine-spotted diurnal moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae: Syntomini), we found the above-ground pupating species to have conspicuous colored pupae, but the ground-surface pupating species to have cryptic colored pupae. In this study, the relationships between unpalatability and coloration of these pupae are examined among three species of Amata and one species of Syntomoides. Pupae of the two species (A. germana and A. flava) are conspicuous in their color pattern with seven black dotted lines longitudinally on their pale-yellow bodies. These pupae are exposed to the aerial predators in a coarse silk mesh hanging from leaves and/or branches. The other two species (A. fortunei and S. imaon) pupate in spaces under stones, fallen twigs and leaves on the ground surface, and the pupae in a coarse silk cocoon is cryptic dark brown. Their pupation site selections are reproduced in the rearing glass vessels. Palatability assessment using lizards as a potential predator suggests that pupae of A. germana, A. flava and A. fortunei are unpalatable and the lizard's feeding response decreases with experience. However, pupae of S. imaon are all eaten (palatable). Finally, the possible evolutionary scenario of pupal colors of these four species is discussed in relation to pupation site selection and palatability.  相似文献   

Two congeneric aphidophagous ladybirds, Coccinella septempunctata and Coccinella transversalis, were reared on three aphid species, Lipaphis erysimi, Myzus persicae and Aphis nerii, to estimate the effect of prey quality and intra- and interspecific interactions on their survival and development of life stages. Mortality of first instar ladybirds of both species was highest feeding on A. nerii. Preimaginal mortafity was lowest when feeding on L. erysimi (C. septempunctata, 1.6% and C. transversalis, 3.2%), and highest when feeding on A. nerii ( C. septempunctata, 6.2% and C. transversalis, 8.2%). Comparatively higher weight and larger size of C. septempunctata along with the lower levels of mortality recorded suggested that it is more likely to have acted as an intraguild predator than C. transversalis. High recorded mortality of C. transversalis is attributed to probable intraguild predation on account of its smaller size. The major sources of mortality were probably cannibalism, intraguild predation and other unknown factors. Lower prey quality increased the incidence of cannibalism and intraguild predation, especially in C. transversalis. The investigation suggests an intrinsic competitive advantage for C. septempunctata over C. transversalis in guilds of three aphid species.  相似文献   

Choice of sleeping sites by two species of primates sharing two adjacent patches of gallery forest in Tana River, Kenya, was studied between August 1992 and February 1993. One group each of the Tana crested mangabey, Cercocebus galeritus galeritus Peters, and yellow baboon, Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus L., interchangeably shared nine sleeping sites distributed among four tree species, Acacia robusta Burch., Ficus sycomorus L., Abizzia gummifera (J. F. Gmel.) E. A. Sm. and Pachystela msolo (Engl.) Engl. The trees used by both species as sleeping sites were mainly tall trees with canopy level or emergent crowns. The trees had relatively larger crowns and lower percentage canopy cover compared to other trees at the site and were characterized by poor to moderate accessibility. Overlap in use of sleeping sites was never simultaneous and baboons occasionally supplanted mangabeys. Site choice by these two primates appeared to be influenced by predation risk, the feeding area used in the late afternoon, daily range and the availability of trees with the preferred structural characteristics. Sleeping sites appeared to be limited during and immediately after the wet season, when the frequency of supplantings increased. This observation is attributed to an increase in percentage canopy cover.  相似文献   

We tested the protective function of larval wax covers in the two ladybird beetle species, Scymnus nigrinus and S. interruptus, against cannibalism, predation and ant aggression, and its importance for the distribution of both species in the field. Cannibalism was generally very low and not influenced by the presence or absence of the wax cover, or by larval size. Fourth-instar larvae of three ladybird species, Adalia bipuncata, Exochomus quadripustulatus and Harmonia quadripunctata, consumed Scymnus larvae-which are much smaller-regularly, independent of the presence or absence of waxes. By contrast, first-instar larvae of the three species had generally little success when attacking Scymnus spp. larvae. Wax-covered S. interruptus larvae survived significantly more attacks by the predacious carabid beetle Platynus dorsalis than larvae without wax cover. Wax-covered S. interruptus larvae and S. nigrinus larvae survived attacks by workers of the ant species, Lasius niger and Formica polyctena, respectively, significantly more often than larvae without wax covers. We show that, in the field, Scymnus larvae have higher densites in ant-attended resources than in unattended ones and conclude that both Scymnus species benefit from the ability to feed in ant-attended aphid colonies by a reduced predation risk.  相似文献   

The relationship between root-hair growth, acid exudation and phosphorus (P) uptake as well as the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits were determined for a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of two contrasting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes, DOR364 and G19833, which were grown in solution culture and under field conditions with low-P availability. In the solution-culture study, root-hair density, root-hair length, H+ exudation and total acid exudation were measured. Substantial genotypic variability was observed for these traits and their response to P availability. The P-efficient parent G19833 had greater root-hair density, longer root-hair length, and greater exudation of H+ and total acid than the P-inefficient genotype DOR364. These traits segregated continuously in the RIL population, with obvious tendency of trait transgression. Genetic analysis revealed that the root traits measured had various heritabilities, with h b 2 ranging from 43.24 to 86.70%. Using an integrated genetic map developed for the population, a total of 19 QTLs associated with root hair, acid exudation and P-uptake traits were detected on 8 linkage groups. P uptake in the field was positively correlated with total acid exudation, basal root-hair length, and basal root-hair density. Acid-exudation traits were intercorrelated, as were root-hair traits. Total acid exudation was positively correlated with basal root-hair density and length. Linkage analysis revealed that some of the root-trait QTLs were closely linked with QTLs for P uptake in the field. We propose that marker-assisted selection (MAS) might be a feasible alternative to conventional screening of phenotypic root traits.  相似文献   

1. Insecticide usage selects strongly for resistance in aphid populations, but this could entail fitness costs in other resistance traits. The potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas exhibits intraspecific variation in susceptibility to parasitism by braconid wasps and provides a suitable species to study the relation between the defensive traits of parasitism and insecticide resistance. 2. Clonal lines (23 in total) of M. euphorbiae were established from aphids collected in 2013 from geographically separate populations in the U.K. Clonal lines belonged to five aphid genotypes, but one genotype predominated (78% of samples), and the facultative endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa was detected in c. 40% of lines. 3. Total esterase activity in aphid tissues varied significantly between aphid genotypes and collection areas, but there was no clear pattern in relation to H. defensa infection or between collection sites likely to differ in insecticide pressures. 4. Five clonal lines representing low to moderate levels of enzyme activity, which included different aphid genotypes and presence/absence of H. defensa infection, were assayed for their susceptibility to the parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi Haliday. Aphid mummification varied significantly between aphid genotypes, with low values in one genotype of aphids irrespective of H. defensa presence. 5. The results revealed that aphid lines belonging to the parasitism‐resistant genotype exhibited moderate levels of total esterase activity, indicating a competitve advantage for this genotype of M. euphorbiae when exposed to chemical and biological control factors in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Houttuynia cordata Thunb., traditionally used as a therapeutic plant in folk medicine, has shown antioxidant and anticancer activities. The species, as a core component of paleoherbs, is normally characterized based on the presence of different types of secretory tissue: oil cells, three types of secretory cells and glandular hairs. The aim of this work was to study the structural, componential, and the functional characteristics of the secretory tissues in both the floral and vegetative parts. The results indicate that oil cells and secretory cells are distributed in all organs of the plant, while glandular hairs are situated on the aerial stems and leaves. Both oil cells and glandular hairs initiate from the protoderm, but their developmental processes are different. Although three types of secretory cells initiate from different primary meristems, the developmental patterns of different secretory cells are the same. Also, although the origins of secretory cells are different from oil cells, their early developmental processes are the same. Histochemical results show that oil cells, secretory cells and glandular hairs produce flavonoids, phenolic compounds, tannins, lipids, aldehyde and ketone-compounds. In addition, there are terpenoids and pectic-like substances in oil cells, alkaloids in secretory cells of aerial stems, and terpenoids and alkaloids in glandular hairs. These compounds play very important roles in protecting plants from being eaten by herbivores (herbivory) and infected by microbial pathogens. The oil cell and secretory cell, as unicellular secretory tissues, are intermediates between the primitive surface glandular and secretory cavity and canal during the evolution of secretory structures.  相似文献   

Phloem-sucking mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) is a major pest of mustard (Brassica juncea). Pot experiment with randomised block design was conducted with five replicates of each of five cultivars (Alankar, Pusa Jai Kisan, Rohini, Sakha and Varuna) of the mustard for their degree of inherited resistance and/or susceptibility to the mustard aphid infestation. Forty-five days old (from date of sowing) pot-grown plants of all selected cultivars of mustard were exposed to 40 adult mustard aphids. The aphid-infested plants were kept in specially designed net houses of fine mesh to protect from predators and/or migration of aphids from one to other host. The aphid population and some growth attributes of the selected cultivars of mustard were recorded 15 and 30 days later (i.e. at 60 and 75 days after sowing). The aphid population multiplied more rapidly on Rohini than other four cultivars. Cultivar Alankar resisted most and supported to least number of aphid’s off-springs. Statistically analysed growth attributes (fresh plant mass, dry plant mass, protein, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents), resistance attribute (proline) and population demography of aphids revealed that some inherited characteristics of avoidance, antibiosis and repellence to herbivores helped cultivar Alankar to excel despite equal degree of aphid attacks as on other cultivars. Cultivar Rohini for the want of such resisting factors remained vulnerable to aphid herbivory. These two cultivars (Alankar and Rohini) form good research material for comparative studies on plant defences to herbivory and a tri- trophic resistance through volatile chemical signalling.  相似文献   

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