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The Balkan Peninsula is a hot spot for European herpetofaunal biodiversity and endemism. The rock climbing lizards Dalmatolacerta oxycephala and Dinarolacerta mosorensis and the ground‐dwelling Dalmatian wall lizard Podarcis melisellensis are endemic to the Western Balkans, and their ranges largely overlap. Here, we present a comparative phylogeographical study of these three species in the area of their codistribution in order to determine the level of concordance in their evolutionary patterns. Phylogenetic analyses were performed based on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 16S rRNA), and a molecular clock approach was used to date the most important events in their evolutionary histories. We also tested for correlations regarding genetic differentiation among populations and their geographical distances. For all three species, a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances was found. Within D. oxycephala, two deeply separated clades (‘island’ and ‘mainland clade’), with further subdivision of the ‘mainland clade’ into two subclades (‘south‐eastern’ and ‘north‐western’), were found. High sequence divergences were observed between these groups. From our data, the time of separation of the two main clades of D. oxycephala can be estimated at about 5 mya and at about 0.8 mya for the two subclades of the mainland clade. Within D. mosorensis, coalescence time may be dated at about 1 mya, while D. mosorensis and D. montenegrina separated around 5 mya. The results imply the existence of complex palaeo‐biogeographical and geological factors that probably influenced the observed phylogeographical patterns in these lacertid species, and point to the presence of numerous glacial/interglacial refugia. Furthermore, the observed cryptic genetic diversity within the presently monotypic species D. oxycephala prompts for a revision of its taxonomic and conservation status.  相似文献   

The chemical senses are crucial for squamates (lizards and snakes). The extent to which squamates utilize their chemosensory system, however, varies greatly among taxa and species’ foraging strategies, and played an influential role in squamate evolution. In lizards, ‘Scleroglossa’ evolved a state where species use chemical cues to search for food (active foragers), whereas ‘Iguania’ retained the use of vision to hunt prey (ambush foragers). However, such strict dichotomy is flawed as shifts in foraging modes have occurred in all clades. Here, we attempted to disentangle effects of foraging ecology from phylogenetic trait conservatism as leading cause of the disparity in chemosensory investment among squamates. To do so, we used species’ tongue‐flick rate (TFR) in the absence of ecological relevant chemical stimuli as a proxy for its fundamental level of chemosensory investigation, that is baseline TFR. Based on literature data of nearly 100 species and using phylogenetic comparative methods, we tested whether and how foraging mode and diet affect baseline TFR. Our results show that baseline TFR is higher in active than ambush foragers. Although baseline TFRs appear phylogenetically stable in some lizard taxa, that is a consequence of concordant stability of foraging mode: when foraging mode shifts within taxa, so does baseline TFR. Also, baseline TFR is a good predictor of prey chemical discriminatory ability, as we established a strong positive relationship between baseline TFR and TFR in response to prey. Baseline TFR is unrelated to diet. Essentially, foraging mode, not phylogenetic relatedness, drives convergent evolution of similar levels of squamate chemosensory investigation.  相似文献   

Individual foraging specialisation has important ecological implications, but its causes in group‐living species are unclear. One of the major consequences of group living is increased intragroup competition for resources. Foraging theory predicts that with increased competition, individuals should add new prey items to their diet, widening their foraging niche (‘optimal foraging hypothesis’). However, classic competition theory suggests the opposite: that increased competition leads to niche partitioning and greater individual foraging specialisation (‘niche partitioning hypothesis’). We tested these opposing predictions in wild, group‐living banded mongooses (Mungos mungo), using stable isotope analysis of banded mongoose whiskers to quantify individual and group foraging niche. Individual foraging niche size declined with increasing group size, despite all groups having a similar overall niche size. Our findings support the prediction that competition promotes niche partitioning within social groups and suggest that individual foraging specialisation may play an important role in the formation of stable social groupings.  相似文献   

A long‐standing goal for biologists and social scientists is to understand the factors that lead to the evolution and maintenance of co‐operative behaviour between conspecifics. To that end, the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is becoming an increasingly popular model species to study sociality; however, most of the research to date has focused on adult behaviours. In this study, we set out to examine group‐feeding behaviour by larvae and to determine whether the degree of relatedness between individuals mediates the expression co‐operation. In a series of assays, we manipulated the average degree of relatedness in groups of third‐instar larvae that were faced with resource scarcity, and measured the size, frequency and composition of feeding clusters, as well as the fitness benefits associated with co‐operation. Our results suggest that larval D. melanogaster are capable of kin recognition (something that has not been previously described in this species), as clusters were more numerous, larger and involved more larvae, when more closely related kin were present in the social environment. These findings are discussed in the context of the correlated fitness‐associated benefits of co‐operation, the potential mechanisms by which individuals may recognize kin, and how that kinship may play an important role in facilitating the manifestation of this co‐operative behaviour.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment has proven to be a useful and effective welfare tool in order to evaluate and enhance the well‐being of captive animals, but only when it is based on detailed knowledge of each species' natural behaviour. Chemoreception is fundamental to many aspects of reptilian biology; however, sensory enrichment with chemical stimuli has rarely been applied to reptiles. In this study, we evaluate the use of chemosensory enrichment as a method to enhance the welfare of Podarcis liolepis. For seven weeks, we exposed field‐caught males to scents from donor conspecific males collected on pieces of filter paper (i.e., “enriched” group, n = 18), and compared their behaviour to that of control males provided with unscented pieces of filter paper (n = 18). We measured the occurrence of normal (e.g., locomotion) and abnormal (escape attempts) behaviours each day for three weeks. In addition, we conducted two exploration tests and a visual barrier test. Compared to controls, enriched lizards showed a consistent long‐term decrease (29%–38%) in the occurrence of escape attempts. During exploration tests, enriched lizards spent less time performing escape attempts and devoted more time to perching than controls. As expected, both control and enriched lizards showed a reduction of time in locomotion and an increase in the time spent perching between the first and second exploration test, but these changes were significantly more pronounced for enriched animals. Taken together, our results suggest improved welfare of enriched animals, as they spent less time engaging in abnormal behaviours, more time in normal behaviours, and showed signs of faster habituation to a novel environment. Chemosensory enrichment is a relatively simple enrichment strategy that could potentially be applied to improve the welfare of a wide range of captive lizards, and reptiles at large.  相似文献   

Foraging mode is a functional trait with cascading impacts on ecological communities. The foraging syndrome hypothesis posits a suite of concurrent traits that vary with foraging mode; however, comparative studies testing this hypothesis are typically interspecific. While foraging modes are often considered typological for a species when predicting foraging‐related traits or mode‐specific cascading impacts, intraspecific mode switching has been documented in some lizards. Mode‐switching lizards provide an opportunity to test foraging syndromes and explore how intraspecific variability in foraging mode might affect local ecological communities.Because lizard natural history is intimately tied to habitat use and structure, I tested for mode switching between populations of the Aegean wall lizard, Podarcis erhardii, inhabiting undisturbed habitat and human‐built rock walls on the Greek island of Naxos. I observed foraging behavior among 10 populations and tested lizard morphological and performance predictions at each site. Furthermore, I investigated the diet of lizards at each site relative to the available invertebrate community.I found that lizards living on rock walls were significantly more sedentary—sit and wait—than lizards at nonwall sites. I also found that head width increased in females and the ratio of hindlimbs to forelimbs in both sexes increased as predicted. Diet also changed, with nonwall lizards consuming a higher proportion of sedentary prey. Lizard bite force also varied significantly between sites; however, the pattern observed was opposite to that predicted, suggesting that bite force in these lizards may more closely relate to intraspecific competition than to diet.This study demonstrates microgeographic variability in lizard foraging mode as a result of human land use. In addition, these results demonstrate that foraging mode syndromes can shift intraspecifically with potential cascading effects on local ecological communities.  相似文献   

Several factors may restrict the acquisition of food to below the levels predicted by the optimization theory. However, how the design of structures that animals build for foraging restricts the entry of food is less known. Using scaling relationships, we determined whether the design of the entrances of leaf‐cutting ant nests restricts resource input into the colony. We measured nests and foraging parameters in 25 nests of Atta cephalotes in a tropical rain forest. Ant flux was reduced to up to 60% at nest entrances. The width of all entrances per nest increased at similar rates as nest size, but the width of nest entrances increased with the width of its associated trail at rates below those expected by isometry. The fact that entrance widths grow slower than trail widths suggests that the enlargement of entrance holes does not reach the dimensions needed to avoid delays when foraging rates are high and loads are big. The enlargement of nest entrances appears to be restricted by the digging effort required to enlarge nest tunnels and by increments in the risk of inundation, predator/parasitoid attacks and microclimate imbalances inside the nest. The design of the extended phenotypes can also restrict the ingress of food into the organisms, offering additional evidence to better understand eventual controversies between empirical data and the foraging theory. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

We used stable isotope analysis to investigate the foraging ecology of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in relation to a series of anthropogenic disturbances. We first demonstrated that stable isotopes are a faithful indicator of habitat use by comparing muscle isotope values to behavioral foraging data from the same individuals. δ13C values increased, while δ34S and δ15N values decreased with the percentage of feeding observations in seagrass habitat. We then utilized stable isotope values of muscle to assess temporal variation in foraging habitat from 1991 to 2010 and collagen from tooth crown tips to assess the time period 1944 to 2007. From 1991 to 2010, δ13C values of muscle decreased while δ34S values increased indicating reduced utilization of seagrass habitat. From 1944 to 1989 δ13C values of the crown tip declined significantly, likely due to a reduction in the coverage of seagrass habitat and δ15N values significantly increased, a trend we attribute to nutrient loading from a rapidly increasing human population. Our results demonstrate the utility of using marine mammal foraging habits to retrospectively assess the extent to which anthropogenic disturbance impacts coastal food webs.  相似文献   

The Gran Chaco dry forest ecoregion corresponds to the southern portion of the South America diagonal belt of open formations, being one of the most threatened subtropical woodland savannas in the world. The area is still poorly known biologically and has been suffering with impressively high forest cover loss in the last 10 years. Integrating morphological and molecular data, we detected and describe a cryptic new species of lizard genus Ameivula endemic from the eastern part of this ecoregion, the called Humid Chaco. Ameivula apipensis sp nov. is characterised by a whitish brown vertebral stripe in adults and juveniles, a lateral field without ocelli and with overlapping spot, presence of an interfrontoparietal scale in 46.2% of the specimens, 12–17 femoral pores, an hemipenis without lateral sac, five xiphisternal ribs, and by a combination of meristic features as confirmed by discriminant analysis. The new species was recovered sister to a clade from Western Cerrado in our analysis, the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Ameivula and Glaucomastix genera based on 1977 base pairs of three mitochondrial (12S, 16S and cyt‐b) and one nuclear (c‐mos) genes, including all the recognised species at the moment. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference recovered the monophyly of Ameivula and Glaucomastix with strong support. Reinforcing previous studies, our results suggest the presence of additional cryptic species in Ameivula from the Western Cerrado.  相似文献   

Herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are opportunistic predators that prefer to forage in the intertidal zone, but an increasing degree of terrestrial foraging has recently been observed. We therefore aimed to analyze the factors influencing foraging behavior and diet composition in the German Wadden Sea. Gulls from three breeding colonies on islands at different distances from the mainland were equipped with GPS data loggers during the incubation seasons in 2012–2015. Logger data were analyzed for 37 individuals, including 1,115 foraging trips. Herring gulls breeding on the island furthest from the mainland had shorter trips (mean total distance = 12.3 km; mean maximum distance = 4.2 km) and preferred to feed on the tidal flats close to the colony, mainly feeding on common cockles (Cerastoderma edule) and shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). In contrast, herring gulls breeding close to the mainland carried out trips with a mean total distance of 26.7 km (mean maximum distance = 9.2 km). These gulls fed on the neobiotic razor clams (Ensis leei) in the intertidal zone, and a larger proportion of time was spent in distant terrestrial habitats on the mainland, feeding on earthworms. δ13C and δ15N values were higher at the colony furthest from the mainland and confirmed a geographical gradient in foraging strategy. Analyses of logger data, pellets, and stable isotopes revealed that herring gulls preferred to forage in intertidal habitats close to the breeding colony, but shifted to terrestrial habitats on the mainland as the tide rose and during the daytime. Reduced prey availability in the vicinity of the breeding colony might force herring gulls to switch to feed on razor clams in the intertidal zone or to use distant terrestrial habitats. Herring gulls may thus act as an indicator for the state of the intertidal system close to their breeding colony.  相似文献   

When exploiting the environment, animals have to discriminate, track, and integrate salient spatial cues to navigate and identify goal sites. Actually, they have to know what can be found (e.g. what fruit), where (e.g. on which tree) and when (in what season or moment of the year). This is very relevant for primate species as they often live in seasonal and relatively unpredictable environments such as tropical forests. Here, we review and compare different approaches used to investigate primate spatial foraging strategies: from direct observations of wild primates to predictions from statistical simulations, including experimental approaches on both captive and wild primates, and experiments in captivity using virtual reality technology. Within this framework, most of these studies converge to show that many primate species can (i) remember the location of most of food resources well, and (ii) often seem to have a goal‐oriented path towards spatially permanent resources. Overall, primates likely use mental maps to plan different foraging strategies to enhance their fitness. The majority of studies suggest that they may organise spatial information on food resources into topological maps: they use landmarks to navigate and encode local spatial information with regard to direction and distance. Even though these studies were able to show that primates can remember food quality (what) and its location (where), still very little is known on how they incorporate the temporal knowledge of available food (when). Future studies should attempt to increase our understanding of the potential of primates to learn temporal patterns and how both socio‐ecological differences among species and their cognitive abilities influence such behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

Animals facing seasonal food shortage and habitat degradation may adjust their foraging behaviour to reduce intraspecific competition. In the harsh environment of the world's southernmost forests in the Magellanic sub‐Antarctic ecoregion in Chile, we studied intersexual foraging differences in the largest South American woodpecker species, the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus). We assessed whether niche overlap between males and females decrease when food resources are less abundant or accessible, that is, during winter and in secondary forests, compared to summer and in old‐growth forests, respectively. We analysed 421 foraging microhabitat observations from six males and six females during 2011 and 2012. As predicted, the amount of niche overlap between males and females decreased during winter, when provisioning is more difficult. During winter, males and females (i) used trees with different diameter at breast height (DBH); (ii) fed in trunk sections with different diameters; and (iii) fed at different heights on tree trunks or branches. Vertical niche partitioning between sexes was found in both old‐growth and secondary forests. Such a niche partitioning during winter may be a seasonal strategy to avoid competition between sexes when prey resources are less abundant or accessible. Our results suggest that the conservation of this forest specialist, dimorphic and charismatic woodpecker species requires considering differences in habitat use between males and females.  相似文献   

  1. Changes in marine ecosystems are easier to detect in upper‐level predators, like seabirds, which integrate trophic interactions throughout the food web.
  2. Here, we examined whether diving parameters and complexity in the temporal organization of diving behavior of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) are influenced by sea surface temperature (SST), water stratification, and wind speed—three oceanographic features influencing prey abundance and distribution in the water column.
  3. Using fractal time series analysis, we found that foraging complexity, expressed as the degree of long‐range correlations or memory in the dive series, was associated with SST and water stratification throughout the breeding season, but not with wind speed. Little penguins foraging in warmer/more‐stratified waters exhibited greater determinism (memory) in foraging sequences, likely as a response to prey aggregations near the thermocline. They also showed higher foraging efficiency, performed more dives and dove to shallower depths than those foraging in colder/less‐stratified waters.
  4. Reductions in the long‐term memory of dive sequences, or in other words increases in behavioral stochasticity, may suggest different strategies concerning the exploration–exploitation trade‐off under contrasting environmental conditions.

Generalist aphidophagous coccinellids have to cope with novel prey aphids in environments that are changing rapidly because of anthropogenic activity. The goldenrod aphid, Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum (Olive) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a noxious prey, which was recently introduced into Japan. It is a major prey for the native Japanese predators Coccinella septempunctata bruckii Mulsant and Propylea japonica (Thunberg) (both Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in early summer on patches of solidago, Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae). Prey preference of these coccinellids between this aphid and a native suitable prey aphid, Megoura crassicauda Mordvilko (Hemiptera: Aphididae), as well as their foraging behavior were studied for a better understanding of the negative impacts of the noxious novel aphid. Coccinella septempunctata initially preferred the novel prey, but later switched to the native prey, M. crassicauda; P. japonica had no preference for either prey. Feeding time of the first instars of C. septempunctata on U. nigrotuberculatum was significantly longer than that of P. japonica. The foraging bouts of fourth instars of C. septempunctata were significantly longer on U. nigrotuberculatum than on M. crassicauda, whereas only the feeding time of fourth instars of P. japonica on U. nigrotuberculatum was significantly longer than on M. crassicauda. Both coccinellids consumed less of U. nigrotuberculatum than of M. crassicauda. Thus, solidago patches infested by U. nigrotuberculatum may present an ecological trap, especially for C. septempunctata.  相似文献   

During times of high activity by predators and competitors, herbivores may be forced to forage in patches of low‐quality food. However, the relative importance in determining where and what herbivores forage still remains unclear, especially for small‐ and intermediate‐sized herbivores. Our objective was to test the relative importance of predator and competitor activity, and forage quality and quantity on the proportion of time spent in a vegetation type and the proportion of time spent foraging by the intermediate‐sized herbivore European hare (Lepus europaeus). We studied red fox (Vulpes vulpes) as a predator species and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) as a competitor. We investigated the time spent at a location and foraging time of hare using GPS with accelerometers. Forage quality and quantity were analyzed based on hand‐plucked samples of a selection of the locally most important plant species in the diet of hare. Predator activity and competitor activity were investigated using a network of camera traps. Hares spent a higher proportion of time in vegetation types that contained a higher percentage of fibers (i.e., NDF). Besides, hares spent a higher proportion of time in vegetation types that contained relatively low food quantity and quality of forage (i.e., high percentage of fibers) during days that foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were more active. Also during days that rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were more active, hares spent a higher proportion of time foraging in vegetation types that contained a relatively low quality of forage. Although predation risk affected space use and foraging behavior, and competition affected foraging behavior, our study shows that food quality and quantity more strongly affected space use and foraging behavior than predation risk or competition. It seems that we need to reconsider the relative importance of the landscape of food in a world of fear and competition.  相似文献   

This study presents bioacoustic recordings in combination with movements and diving behavior of three free‐ranging harbor porpoises (a female and two males) in Danish waters. Each porpoise was equipped with an acoustic data logger (A‐tag), a time‐depth‐recorder, a VHF radio transmitter, and a satellite transmitter. The units were programmed to release after 24 or 72 h. Possible foraging occurred mostly near the surface or at the bottom of a dive. The porpoises showed individual diversity in biosonar activity (<100 to >50,000 clicks per hour) and in dive frequency (6–179 dives per hour). We confirm that wild harbor porpoises use more intense clicks than captive animals. A positive tendency between number of dives and clicks per hour was found for a subadult male, which stayed near shore. It showed a distinct day‐night cycle with low echolocation rates during the day, but five times higher rates and higher dive activity at night. A female traveling in open waters showed no diel rhythm, but its sonar activity was three times higher compared to the males'. Considerable individual differences in dive and echolocation activity could have been influenced by biological and physical factors, but also show behavioral adaptability necessary for survival in a complex coastal environment.  相似文献   

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