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基于土地破坏的矿区生态风险评价:理论与方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
常青  邱瑶  谢苗苗  彭建 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5164-5174
矿区生态风险评价已成为区域生态风险研究的热点领域。如何合理选择和表征区域生态风险源和风险受体,量化多风险源和多风险受体的交互作用,是目前区域生态风险评价研究的焦点。为此,在总结矿区生态风险评价研究成果的基础上,构建了矿区生态风险源、风险受体及作用对象与过程的因果链模型,结合矿区生态环境问题产生过程的独特性,将土地挖损、占用及塌陷等土地破坏作为矿区的直接生态风险源。基于土地破坏类型提出了适宜矿区的区域生态风险评价流程、指标体系与计算方法;并专门在定量化多风险源与多风险受体交互作用上做出探讨,构建了生态系统单元暴露指数和土地破坏累积作用指数来评价矿区土地破坏与生态系统单元间的暴露与危害作用关系。为矿区生态风险评价的实证研究提出了理论基础与方法框架,未来可结合实证研究对此方法及相关指标参数做出完善与改进,为矿区生态环境管理与生态安全建设提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

矿区生态风险评价研究述评   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
潘雅婧  王仰麟  彭建  韩忆楠 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6566-6574
作为世界上矿产资源最丰富的国家之一,我国的矿山开采活动在给经济发展注入强大拉动力的同时,也给矿区生态环境带来了巨大的生态风险。总结前人相关研究,在对比分析了矿区生态风险及其评价与区域生态风险评价异同的基础上,初步明晰矿区生态风险具有风险源的多样性、空间影响边界的模糊性、随空间距离的衰减性及时间累积的延续性等特性。目前矿区生态风险评价的矿区类型过多集中于金属矿区的重金属污染等单项风险,对综合生态风险评价的重视不充分,多基于景观格局、生态环境问题视角,结果多对斑块或生态系统风险评价进行拼接,欠缺基于空间异质性的整体综合;风险度量模型、指标体系法和空间分析法则是较为常用的矿区生态风险评价方法,但在模型模拟方面略显不足。基于现有研究进展,预期矿区独特性的体现、空间格局的关注、"3S"技术的综合应用、生态安全阈值的设定、不确定性表征、基于评价结果的风险规避等将有望成为未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

高潜水位煤矿区生态风险识别与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖武  李素萃  王铮  杨耀淇  王涛 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5611-5619
生态风险评价是生态环境保护与管理的重要研究内容,并广泛运用于流域与较大范围的区域尺度的研究。以区域生态风险评价理论为基础,结合高潜水位煤矿区生态环境以及煤炭开采对生态系统造成的危害的特点,通过分析风险源、风险受体、生态终点以及暴露—响应过程,对高潜水位煤矿区生态风险的识别与评价方法进行了研究,构建了典型高潜水位煤矿区的生态风险识别与评价概念模型与空间分析框架,分析了煤矿区生态风险识别的主要技术手段与方法,并构建了以缓冲为主要手段的综合生态风险评价方法。选择山东东滩煤矿作为研究对象,针对研究区内存在的采煤塌陷、洪涝、污染、景观及社会等生态风险类型,定量评价其空间差异,并提出相应的风险防范措施。案例分析结果表明,研究区综合生态风险重度、中度、一般、轻度分别占到研究区的4.70%,64.00%,24.09%,7.20%。生态风险较高的区域主要位于矿区中西部,为煤矸石山、裸露煤炭堆积与发电厂分布区域;中度风险是研究区主要的风险类型。从降低生态风险保障矿区生态安全角度,在未来矿区规划与生态治理过程中,提出了具体的应对措施,包括:(1)注重源头控制;(2)建立高生态风险区域阻隔带;(3)加强污染的监测与控制;(4)采用边开采边治理技术。建议加强生态风险高区域的阻隔,建立生态缓冲带,减缓对整个矿区的综合影响,构建东滩煤矿生态风险防范的空间结构。  相似文献   

The relative risk model (RRM) used in Port Valdez, AK, and in Oregon's Willamette/McKenzie Watershed was applied to the Codorus Creek Watershed in south central Pennsylvania. The assessment evaluated the relative risk model for its applicability for ranking ecological risks within the Codorus Creek Watershed. The Codorus Creek Watershed approach included ranking stressors and habitats for regions within the watershed. Geographical Information Systems were vital in compiling and comparing stressor and habitat spatial data from regions in the watershed. The risk of ecological impacts to degrade assessment endpoints were calculated and ranked by quantitatively determining the interactions of the stressors and habitats as defined in the conceptual site model. Uncertainty assessment was conducted and the impact upon the relative ranks and risk conclusions evaluated. To determine regional risks, risk management information was gathered identifying areas to be protected, areas of high stress, and areas where additional information is needed. The results supported the applicability of the RRM and suggested areas and stressors for restoration efforts in the Codorus Creek Watershed. Two critical sets of conclusions were drawn from the assessment. First, in the Codorus Creek Watershed, the most significant stressor is agriculture land use, the most significantly impacted endpoint is water quality, and the most vulnerable habitats are those for macroinvertebrates and warm-water fish. Second, this risk assessment demonstrates the feasibility of using the RRM for assessing risk from multiple stressors on habitats with multiple assessment endpoints in an eastern watershed.  相似文献   

川滇生态屏障区景观生态风险评价及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探究重点生态功能区景观生态风险时空演变特征,揭示人类活动对景观生态风险恶化的潜在影响,对防范和化解景观生态风险、促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义。以2000、2010、2020年土地覆被数据为基础,运用ArcGIS 10.8和Fragstats 4.2等软件,基于景观格局指数和脆弱度指数构建景观生态风险评价模型,借助空间分析方法,揭示川滇生态屏障区景观生态风险时空演变特征,采用地理探测器测度不同区域范围的自然和社会经济因素对景观生态风险的影响。结果表明: 2000—2020年间,研究区人造地表、水体、灌木地面积总体呈上升趋势,林地、耕地、草地、湿地、裸地、冰川永久积雪面积总体呈下降趋势,景观类型转移以林地、草地、耕地间转移为主,其中,耕地转人造地表最显著;景观生态风险平均值有所下降,景观生态风险等级分布与景观类型变化及转移特征较为一致;研究区整体上以低生态风险、较低生态风险和较高生态风险等级为主;景观生态风险的时空演化特征总体受高程、降水等自然因素影响,经济社会及区域可达性对局部风险恶化区的影响较为突出。  相似文献   

A regional ecological risk assessment was conducted for the Mountain River catchment in Tasmania, Australia. The Relative Risk Model was used in conjunction with geographic information systems interpretations. Stakeholder values were used to develop assessment endpoints, and regional stressors and habitats were identified. The risk hypotheses expressed in the conceptual model were that agriculture and land clearing for rural residential are producing multiple stressors that have potential for contamination of local waterbodies, eutrophication, changes in hydrology, reduction in the habitat of native flora and fauna, reductions in populations of beneficial insects in agricultural production systems, increased weed competition in pastures, and loss of aesthetic value in residential areas. In the risk analysis the catchment was divided into risk regions based on topography and land use. Stressors were ranked on likelihood of occurrence, while habitats were ranked on percentage land area. Risk characterization showed risks to the maintenance of productive primary industries were highest across all risk regions, followed by maintenance of a good residential environment and maintenance of fish populations. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to show the variability in risk outcomes stemming from uncertainty about stressors and habitats. Outcomes from this assessment provide a basis for planning regional environmental monitoring programs.  相似文献   

A regional ecological risk assessment was conducted for the Kaipara Harbour catchment in New Zealand. The Relative Risk Model was used to prioritize management of the sources of stress and habitats of concern in the basin. Semi-structured interviews with 25 representative stakeholders were conducted to obtain the resource-users’ perspectives and to identify the regional stressor sources and receptor habitat data for the model. For this risk analysis we divided the catchment into nine ecological districts. Mixed-methodological approaches including content analysis, geospatial analysis, and source documentation were used to categorize source and habitat rankings, based on the relative abundance of each in the nine ecological districts. Risk characterization revealed that fishing pressure and tidal energy pose the largest sources of perceived risk to the catchment; shellfish and Maui dolphin habitats are the receptors estimated to be at greatest risk; and the Kaipara and Rodney ecological districts are the sub-regions estimated with the greatest combined risk. A Monte Carlo analysis confirmed the source inputs and revealed greater uncertainty than the estimated habitat input results. The results of this assessment can be used by policy-makers, conservation groups, and municipalities to inform the future management efforts in the harbor and catchment.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian network model based on the ecological risk assessment framework to evaluate potential impacts to habitats and resources resulting from wildfire, grazing, forest management activities, and insect outbreaks in a forested landscape in northeastern Oregon. The Bayesian network structure consisted of three tiers of nodes: landscape disturbances, habitats, and the ecological resources or endpoints of interest to land managers. Nodes at each tier were linked to lower nodes if ecological and spatial relationships existed between them. All parameters had four potential discrete states: zero, low, medium, and high. Our model reliably predicted probable risk to habitats and endpoints from natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The disturbances most likely to transform habitats and effect ecological resources were forest management and wildfire. Of the six habitats, moist forest (characterized by Douglas fir and grand fir) was found to be at greatest risk of ecological impacts. The management endpoint with the highest likelihood of impact was historical range of variability (HRV) for salmon habitat, followed by recreation (hunting native ungulates) and HRV wildfire. We found that the Bayesian approach to ecological risk assessment was a useful method to assess potential impacts to ecological resources resulting from forest management and natural disturbances.  相似文献   

生态风险评价研究进展   总被引:62,自引:5,他引:57  
陈辉  刘劲松  曹宇  李双成  欧阳华 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1558-1566
20多年来,生态风险评价研究经历了从环境风险到生态风险到区域生态风险评价的发展历程,风险源由单一风险源扩展到多风险源,风险受体由单一受体发展到多受体,评价范围由局地扩展到区域景观水平.区域生态风险评价就是大尺度上研究复杂环境背景下包含多风险源、多风险受体的综合风险研究.目前,区域生态风险评价的理论框架已经搭建起来,统计方法多采用相对评价法.区域生态风险评价未来的发展方向为继续加强实验和野外调查,进一步减小不确定性,逐步解决尺度推移问题.区域生态风险评价必须与经济、社会、文化相结合,才能充分发挥它在管理决策中的作用.  相似文献   

The goal of this article was to generate a method of regional scale ecological risk assessment using an adaptation Relative Risk Model (RRM). As a case study we performed a quantitative, regional risk assessment of an invasive species, the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) at Cherry Point, Washington, USA. The conceptual model was modified from the RRM and incorporates the structure of the hierarchical patch dynamic paradigm. The ranks and filters were integrated to determine the relative contribution of each source of C. maenas to risk as well as the risk to selected biological endpoints, habitats and sub-regions for two source scenarios: (1) current conditions (2004) and (2) future conditions during an El Nino year. The results suggest that the habitat and endpoint with the greatest risk are the eelgrass habitat and the juvenile Dungeness crab, respectively. The Cherry Point subregion was identified as the area having the most risk in the first source scenario, while the Lummi Bay sub-region is most at risk during an El Nino event. The risk of impacts is substantially higher for all endpoints, habitats and sub-regions when El Nino–driven current dispersal is considered. The methodology applied in this case study can be modified and applied to determine the risk of introduction and impacts of other invasive species to the Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound, and other coastal areas.  相似文献   

A concept model of regional risk was constructed for the characteristics of ecosystems alongside the Qinghai-Tibet highway and railway based on the MLP (Multilayer perceptron) model. Seven indices such as snow hazard, drought hazard, and landslide were selected in order to evaluate the integrated ecological risk of the ecosystems along the study area. Results show that the Qaidam montane desert zone had the greatest average risk value (4.26), followed by the Golog-Nagqu high-cold scrub meadow zone (2.80) and the East Qinghai and Qilian montane steppe zone (2.73) among the ecosystems within the six natural zones within the study region. As far as land cover types are concerned, the top three ecological risk values appear in the needle-leaved forest (4.31), desert (4.12), and land without vegetation (3.62), which are higher than those in the other seven types in the study site. Although the risk values are influenced by natural factors and human activities, they are more strongly controlled by natural factors. According to the ecological risk characteristics, the ecosystems within the study area are subdivided into four subregions, including the Qaidam basin region (high risk), the Xidatan to Damxung region (moderate risk), and the Eastern Qinghai-Qilian (slight risk) and Southern Xizang (Tibet) region (slighter risk).  相似文献   

太湖流域生态风险评价   总被引:12,自引:12,他引:12  
许妍  高俊峰  郭建科 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2896-2906
随着城镇的急剧扩张和经济的快速增长,流域生态环境遭到极大冲击和破坏,致使生态系统出现资源退化、环境恶化与灾害风险加剧的趋势,生态环境面临前所未有的挑战.从复合生态系统入手,深入分析流域内各生态系统要素之间的相互作用与影响机制,综合考虑多风险源、多风险受体和生态终点共存情况下的风险大小,从风险源危险度、生境脆弱度及受体损失度三方面构建了流域生态风险评价技术体系,并选取太湖流域为实证区域,对太湖流域2000年、2008年两个时期生态风险的时空演化特征进行评价与分析.结果表明:太湖流域生态风险指数介于0.015-0.253之间,以中等和较低生态风险为主.至2008年,高、较高生态风险所占面积逐渐扩大,已由2000年的5.66%、13.42%增加至6.05%、18.42%,主要集中在流域北部的常州市区、江阴市大部分地区以及无锡市区.  相似文献   

景培清  张东海  艾泽民  郭斌 《生态学报》2021,41(17):7026-7036
传统的景观生态风险评估侧重于评价景观镶嵌体相对于最优格局的偏离程度,忽视生态系统过程和景观类型内部分异,使得黄土高原景观生态风险评估存在一定的片面性。综合"格局-过程"的生态适应性循环三维框架,构建适合自然生态系统的景观生态风险评价指标体系,对黄土高原2000年、2010年、2017年的景观生态风险进行评估。从空间分异来看,相较于传统的景观格局风险指数法仅在沙漠景观呈现高风险单一结果,本研究结果显示黄土高原景观生态风险由高到低依次为城市和沙漠景观、中部丘陵沟壑区草地景观、西北荒漠草地景观和东南部农田景观、东南部高山林地景观,具有明显空间分异。从时间变化来看,生态工程实施以来黄土高原景观生态风险总体呈现持续下降趋势,平均值由0.410降低到0.385,但2010-2017年下降不明显,生态工程持续实施对景观生态风险持续下降作用变弱。其中,自然景观(林地和草地)受生态工程促进生态风险持续降低,而人工景观(城市和农田)尤其是城市范围的不断扩大促使区域生态风险升高明显,建议加强城市土地集约高效利用,同时限制北部环境恶劣小城镇的发展。此外,中部丘陵沟壑区草地恢复力不足和降水侵蚀力增强也会促使风险升高,建议在生态保护时给予重点考虑。  相似文献   

涪陵焦石坝页岩气开采区土地损毁的生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张虹  张代钧  卢培利 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5807-5817
页岩气在勘探、开采、集输过程中对周边生态系统会产生直接或间接影响。通过构建页岩气开采土地损毁生态风险因果链识别井场、运输道路及集输管线等风险源,基于最小阻力模型定量分析土地损毁的生态累积影响;选取了植被覆盖度、生态服务价值及土壤肥力等因子表征区域生态重要性,土壤侵蚀度、石漠化敏感性及水环境敏感性等表征生态脆弱性,综合评价区域生态敏感度,并以此为风险受体,实现涪陵焦石坝页岩气开发区的生态风险评价。2012—2015年末,涪陵焦石坝页岩气产建区钻井数量快速增加,分布广,页岩气开发对区域生态累积影响扩大。2015年末,区域一半以上面积为中、高生态风险区(146.56km~2,55.8%),主要分布于南部乌江河谷及北部低山区,前者水环境敏感度高,后者岩溶发育度高,土壤侵蚀度高,石漠化敏感;该区域内大规模页岩气开发将面临水环境污染、生境破坏、土壤退化、石漠化加重及生物多样性减少等生态风险,是生态环境管理及风险防范的重点方面。研究结果可为区域生态安全建设提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

基于景观格局的锦州湾沿海经济开发区生态风险分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
高宾  李小玉  李志刚  陈玮  何兴元  齐善忠 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3441-3450
以辽宁省锦州湾沿海经济开发区为研究区,利用1992、2000和2007年3个时期的TM遥感影像为数据源,通过计算各景观格局指数,引入生态风险指数,利用GIS和地统计学,对生态风险指数进行采样和空间插值,得到基于景观格局的生态风险分布图。运用相对指标法对生态风险指数进行分级,将研究区域划分为低生态风险区、较低生态风险区、中等生态风险区、较高生态风险区和高生态风险区5个等级,在此基础上通过将不同时期的生态风险图层的叠加运算,分析了研究区景观生态风险的时空变化情况。结果表明:近15年来研究区生态风险主要以中等程度为主;处于低、较低生态风险程度的区域面积变化不大,空间分布也一直位于西部低山丘陵地区;较高生态风险区域面积增加较为显著,主要发生在兴城市和绥中县东南沿海地区;高生态风险区面积随着未利用地和芦苇湿地等高生态脆弱性景观类型面积的减少而略有下降。  相似文献   

林佳  宋戈  张莹 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5509-5518
盐碱地分区规划防治是提高区域盐碱综合治理效果,降低治理成本的有效途径,对实现区域生态恢复、土地可持续利用和保障粮食安全具有重要实践价值。当前,在区域景观生态风险分析基础上,进行盐碱地规划防治研究的研究尚显不足。以大庆市林甸县为研究区,以景观生态学理论为视角,基于RS和GIS技术平台,综合运用最小累积阻力模型和空间分析方法,分析了生态流和生态阻力面,构建了区域景观生态风险格局;结合关键景观与盐碱地的生态廊道分析等方法,确定盐碱地防治分区;并进一步确定了防治分区中的核心防治区域。结果表明:林甸县盐碱地面积为263 km~2,其景观生态风险格局呈现西部和南部的景观生态风险等级较高,东北部、中部和西南部较低的特征,其中,高危区、重度危险区占地区总面积41.24%,集中分布在地区下游的沼泽湿地周围,说明保护沼泽湿地迫在眉睫。林甸县的两条土地盐碱化防治景观生态廊道是以最低防治成本实现土地盐碱化预防和治理的最佳区域,其主要分布在15个村(镇)上,未来应将此地区作为规划防治的核心。基于景观生态风险格局的盐碱地分区规划防治研究,为大尺度土地盐碱化综合防治提供了新的思路和方法,研究结果对林甸县未来开展土地盐碱化预防和治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

矿产资源开采对生态环境产生了剧烈扰动,加剧了矿区生态环境的风险性,严重威胁区域的可持续发展。从景观生态学角度将景观格局与生态风险相结合对矿区生态环境进行评估,从而揭示矿区景观生态风险的时空异质性,促进土地资源的可持续利用。以1990-2018年7期Landsat TM影像解译后的土地利用现状数据为数据源,构建景观生态风险指数,结合空间统计学及地统计学理论,探究1990-2018年平朔矿区景观生态风险的时空异质性。结果表明:1990-2018年平朔矿区景观生态风险的空间分布呈集聚分布模式,Moran’s I指数处于0.53~0.68,Z得分远高于检验阈值1.96,风险的空间集聚效应明显。1990-2018年平朔矿区的景观生态风险等级以中低、中、中高水平为主,占全区总面积的70%~90%,低风险区域主要分布于井坪镇以及白堂乡与向阳堡乡的大片林地,耕地是中等风险的主要分布区域,高风险区域逐渐向矿界内的矿业核心区收缩。1990-2018年平朔矿区景观生态风险空间异质性中的随机变异均小于空间自相关变异,由空间自相关部分引起的空间异质性占据主导地位。研究表明,在0.50 km×0.50 km的研究尺度下,1990—2018年平朔矿区景观生态风险具有很强的时空异质性,时间上呈现先增加后降低的趋势,空间相关性显著,空间分异特征明显。  相似文献   

The relative risk model (RRM) was applied to evaluate the ecological risk characterization of the freshwater ecosystems in China, from both overall and region-specific levels. Ten large-scale river basins (further broken into 15 risk regions) in China were chosen as the study objects; 10 sources, two habitats, and seven endpoints were identified as risk components. The results reveal the status of ecosystem conditions, key ecological risk issues, and the spatial heterogeneity of the freshwater ecosystems in China. The policy implications for the ecosystem-based water management contained in the results are discussed. The results obtained in this article provide a deeper understanding of the ecological risk characterization of the freshwater ecosystems in China, and aid in promoting the applications of the RRM as the tool for ecosystem-based water management.  相似文献   

景观生态学在土地整治中的应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王军  钟莉娜 《生态学报》2017,37(12):3982-3990
在土地整治中融入景观生态学理念是推动土地整治生态建设的必然要求。阐述了土地整治中的景观生态学原理,分析了相关文献变化和研究重点,总结了中国土地整治中的景观生态学研究现状,提出了土地整治中的景观生态学研究展望:(1)重视土地整治中景观生态学的基础理论研究,构建土地整治的景观生态学理论与技术体系;(2)加强土地整治的景观动态与生态效应机制研究,建立适用土地整治景观生态影响的方法和模型;(3)强化土地整治的多尺度和长序列景观生态研究,揭示土地整治过程中的尺度效应和多尺度耦合机制;(4)加强土地整治中多种生态系统服务的集成与优化,强化用于指导土地整治生态规划设计与管理工作,以期为深化土地整治中的景观生态学研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

近40年来洞庭湖流域土地利用及生态风险时空演变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨伶  邓敏  王金龙  阙华斐 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3929-3939
以洞庭湖流域为研究对象,利用1980年、1990年、2000年、2010年和2018年5个时期的土地利用数据,在定量分析近40年流域土地利用动态特征的基础上,从景观生态学视角构建生态风险评价模型,对1980-2018年洞庭湖流域生态风险进行评价,并进一步揭示其时空格局演变特征。结果表明:(1)1980年以来,洞庭湖流域土地利用类型以林地和耕地为主。洞庭湖流域土地利用格局发生较大变化,其显著特征为建设用地不断扩张、林地基本稳定、耕地日益萎缩和水域呈扩大趋势。(2)近40年来,洞庭湖流域生态环境较为良好,以较低和中等生态风险区为主导类型。在1980-1990年、1990-2010年和2010-2018年3个时段内,生态风险呈现增长、缓和、加剧的变化过程,高风险区以洞庭湖湖盆向环洞庭湖平原扩张,洞庭湖区、湘江流域和资水流域生态风险等级明显高于其他地区,而沅水流域、澧水流域和湘江流域的东南部生态风险相对较小。  相似文献   

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