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The objective of this study was to determine the heavy-metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe, As, Cd, Cr, and Hg), evaluate the pollution levels, and determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a and organic carbon in the surface sediments of the Uzunçay?r Dam Lake, Tunceli, Turkey, between 2015 and 2016. In order to evaluate the effect of the pollution level in the study area, the contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor, potential ecological risk index, and pollution load index were used. The concentrations of the studied heavy metals were ordered as follows: Fe > Mn > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb > As > Cd > Hg. The highest CF value was found for the Ni element among the studied heavy metals in the Dam Lake. Moreover, the highest CF mean value was found for the As contamination level. According to the toxicity analyses in the study area, the potential toxic effect of sediments was not at a very serious level.  相似文献   

During monthly sampling from Lake Alada (Bolu, Turkey) between April 2003 and June 2004, nine ostracod taxa (Candona candida, Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni, Eucypris virens, Eucypris sp., Heterocypris sp., Limnocythere inopinata, Physocypria kraepelini, and Tonnacypris lutaria) were recorded from seven stations. Physocypria kraepelini was commonly found in the lake while the others were recorded in particular months. UPGMA analyses clustered three groups based on their occurrence. Accordingly, the occurrence of species (C. candida, E. virens, and T. lutaria) was positive and significantly related to each other. Two species, P. kraepelini and D. stevensoni, showed a significant positive relationship with electrical conductivity. A significant negative correlation was found between the occurrence of P. kraepelini and dissolved oxygen, while there was a significant positive correlation between the occurrence of P. kraepelini and turbidity. About 76% of the relationship between species and environmental factors was explained by the first two axes of canonical correspondence analyses (CCA). Temperature and dissolved oxygen were the two most important influences on the species assemblages. All species showed different but high optima and tolerance ranges, corresponding with their cosmopolitan characteristics. These responses may be related to unstable ecological characteristics of Lake Alada, which is often subjected to human activity.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the molecular geochemistry of previously unreported carbonate- and siliceous-mat assemblages at two adjacent lake-shore environments. The first study area, on the Lake Van shore, is an intersection of hyper-alkaline lake water and seep water discharge, both of which represent an acid-base geochemical barrier. Comparing alkaline lake water with seep water samples collected from a biomineralization site reveals that seep water has an acidic character and is rich in Ca and Si cations. The second study area, Mt. Nemrut, is the largest volcanic caldera located west of Lake Van in eastern Anatolia, and is the only volcano that has erupted in historical time. While the main lithified-mat components of Lake Van's shore environments are Ca-carbonate and diatoms, Na-carbonate and diatom assemblages represent recent biomineralization in the Mt. Nemrut So?uk Lake shores. In particular, the normal habitat for the development of these unique microbial mat assemblages can be changed in a short time by the decreasing seep water discharge into the Lake Van shore environment. A detailed study on these lake shore microbialites, before they are lost, would provide a great opportunity to understand the biogeochemical interactions that produce unique sediment fabrics.  相似文献   

The issue of heavy metal pollution is of high concern due to its potential health risks and detrimental effects on human beings, animals, and plants. In this study, farmland soil samples from 79 sampling sites were collected in Karashahar–Baghrash oasis, northwest China, and the contents of eight heavy metal elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined by standard methods. The spatial distribution, pollution, and ecological risks of heavy metals were analyzed based on Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), and potential ecological risk index (RI). Results indicated that: (1) The average contents of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn exceeded the background values of irrigation soils of Xinjiang by 54.0, 1.34, 1.39, 3.44, and 5.01 times, respectively. The average contents of Cd exceeded the national standard of China by 10.80 times; (2) The pollution order of CF was ranked as Cd > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cu > As > Mn, and the ecological risk order of Eri was ranked as Cd > Ni > As > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cr > Zn. The average PLI of the study area showed heavy pollution level, and the average RI of the study area fell into considerable risk; (3) The moderately polluted areas with moderate potential ecological risks distributed in the northern parts, whereas heavily polluted areas with considerable potential ecological risks distributed in the southern parts of the study area; (4) Cr, Cu, and Mn of farmland soils were mainly originated from natural factors. Cd, Ni, and Pb were mainly originated from anthropogenic factors. As and Zn may be associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. Cd contributed most to the PLI and RI of the farmland soils in the study area.  相似文献   

Studies on in vitro bioaccessibility and safety assessment of 6 elements namely Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, As and Cd in decoction of eight commonly consumed “Zhebawei” herbal medicines were carried out. The method was based on simulation of human digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. Total content and content in extracts from gastrointestinal phases were analyzed for these elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). In decoction of all 8 herbal medicines, it was found that the total content and bioaccessible concentration of these elements varied considerably among the types of herb, and the total content of each element did not show linearity with their bioaccessible content of the corresponding element. There is no risk of adverse health effects resulting from overdose of Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn for almost all individuals by ingesting recommended maximum daily dose of these eight herbal medicines. In terms of Cd only Ophitopogin japonicum had higher total concentration and bioaccessible content than the value of suggested limit (5.4 μg/d). For total As content, only Scrophularia ningpoensis and Corydalis yanhusuo did not meet the safety standard. However, regarding bioaccessible As contents, none of the eight herbal medicines exceeded the value of the daily permissible intake of As (0.12 mg). The risk of toxicity from an element in herbal medicine might be overestimated when the total concentration but not the bioaccessible content is taken into account. In vitro digestion method is rapid, relatively simple and inexpensive, which could be helpful in conducting experiments about safety assessment of an element in herbal medicines.  相似文献   


Mining activities have introduced various heavy metals and metalloids to surrounding soil environments, causing adverse impacts to the ecological environment system. The extremely high concentration of various heavy metals and metalloids make the Xikuangshan (Hunan, China) an excellent model to assess their ecological risk. In this study, the soil samples from 26 locations of different land use methods in four areas (smelting area, road nearby ore, mining area, and ore tailing area) in Xikuangshan with different levels of various heavy metals and metalloids (Sb, As, Pb, and Cd) were analyzed; in addition, the index of geo-accumulation and the potential ecological risk index were used to evaluate ecological risk. The results showed that the average contents of Sb, As, Pb, and Cd in all soil samples were 4368.222?mg·kg?1, 40.722?mg·kg?1, 248.013?mg·kg?1, and 40.941?mg·kg?1, respectively, implying serious contamination of compound pollution of heavy metals in soil. The concentration of heavy metals in soil among smelting area, road nearby ore, mining area, and ore tailing area showed significant distribution characteristics of region because different mining activities such as smelting, mining, transportation, and stacking caused different pollution intensity. Moreover, the contents of Sb in soil samples decreased successively in residue field, wasteland, forestland, sediment, grassland, and vegetable field, and the contents of Sb in vegetable-field and ecological restoration grassland were relatively low, which indicate that the method of grassland ecological restoration is an effective method to control antimony pollution in soil. The results of ecological risk assessment showed that the antimony mining area was seriously polluted by Sb, As, Pb, and Cd, and had strong ecological risk, and Sb and Cd were the most important pollution factors, which indicated that the pollution of Sb and Cd should be a major concern of relevant departments of environment and health.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Our study included 2384 students from five villages around Eski?ehir, Turkey. We asked every student for their personal identification and also for their sanitation in order...  相似文献   

Prediction of host plant range and ecological impact of exotic phytophagous insects, such as insects for classical biological control of weeds, represents a major challenge. Recently, the flowerhead weevil (Rhinocyllus conicus Fröl.), introduced from Europe into North America to control exotic thistles (Carduus spp.), has become invasive. It feeds heavily on some, but not all species of native North American thistles (Cirsium spp.). We hypothesized that such non-target use among native plants could be better predicted by knowledge of characteristic chemical profiles of secondary compounds to supplement the results of host specificity testing. To evaluate this hypothesis, we reviewed the literature on the chemistry of Cirsium and Carduus thistles. We asked what compounds are known to be present, what is known about their biological activity, and whether such information on chemical profiles would have better predicted realized host range and ecological effects of R. conicus in North America. We found an extensive, but incomplete literature on the chemistry of true thistles. Two main patterns emerged. First, consistent chemical similarities and interesting differences occur among species of thistles. Second, variation occurs in biologically active groups of characteristic compounds, specifically flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids and phenolic acids, that are known to influence host plant acceptance, selection, and feeding by phytophagous insects. Surprisingly, sesquiterpene lactones, which are characterisitic in closely related Asteraceae, have not been extensively reported for Cirsium or Carduus. The minimal evidence on sesquiterpene lactones may reflect extraction methods vs. true absence. In summary, our review suggests further research on thistle chemistry in insect feeding is warranted. Also, since the exotic Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is an invasive thistle of current concern in North America, such research on mechanisms underlying host range expansion by exotic insects would be useful.  相似文献   

In most cases the negative impacts of climate change to aquatic ecosystems cannot be mitigated by measures in the river basin management. Ignoring climate change by the Water Framework Directive may have strong implications for the typology and quality assessment systems used for water bodies. As a result of climate change, water bodies, especially those located near the type boundaries may change their type. Compared to typology characteristics, water quality parameters are even more labile and may be easily affected by climate change. The paper exemplifies that the anticipated deterioration of water quality within the time frame relevant for WFD implementation may be large enough to endanger the fulfillment of the set water quality objectives. The review of the river basin characterization every six years, as required by the WFD, might also include re-evaluation of reference conditions according to the changes observed at pristine reference sites. As a consequence, the restoration targets (i.e., the good ecological status) would also need to be evaluated periodically.  相似文献   

Seventeen ostracod species were recorded from Lake Gölköy (Bolu, Turkey) between January 2000 and December 2001. Limnocythere inopinata is a new record for the Bolu region. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) explained 73% of the correlation between species and environmental variables, suggesting that the occurrence of many species is temporally variable, and is related to seasonal changes in physico-chemical conditions. The four most frequently occurring cosmopolitan ostracod species (Candona neglecta, Darwinula stevensoni, Physocypria kraepelini, and Cypridopsis vidua) accounted for more than 70% of the species recorded. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and redox potential were the most affective variables on the species occurrence. Two species (C. vidua, I. bradyi) were positively correlated to redox potential, while such a correlation was negative for P. kraepelini. The most frequently occurring species C. neglecta was most closely related to the changes in redox potential, whereas C. vidua and D. stevensoni showed a positive correlation to water temperature. Negative strong correlation (p<0.01) was found between pH and I. bradyi, but correlation was positive and weak for C. vidua. Some species (e.g. L. inopinata) showed no clear relationship with any of those environmental variables. UPGMA clustering of species based on their occurrence in different ecological conditions revealed three main species assemblages. Analysis of species phenology using the ‘Ostracod Watch Model’ showed that temporal patterns of occurrence could be similar among species with similar ecological preferences. The current status of the lake is discussed based on the present study.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the influence of α-tocopherol on zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium concentrations in serum of rats with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Fourteen Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into two groups of seven animals each. The first group was treated intratracheally with bleomycin hydrochloride (BM group); the second group was also instilled with BM but received injections of α-tocopherol twice a week (BM+E group). The third group was treated in the same manner with saline solution only, acting as controls (C). The zinc concentrations of the BM and BM+E groups were significantly decreased compared to the controls (p<0.05). The iron concentration of the controls was significantly higher than the other two groups. The magnesium concentration in the controls and the BM+E group was significantly higher than that of the BM group. The serum copper, calcium, and potassium concentrations were not found to be statistically different among the three groups. Distinct histopathologic changes were found in the BM group compared to the untreated rats. Less severe fibrotic lesions were also observed in the BM+E group. The results of this study show that lungs of rats treated with bleomycin were seriously damaged and that vitamin E seemed to counteract some of the damage, as indicated by differences in the serum concentrations of major elements.  相似文献   

The Late-glacial and Postglacial sediments of the former Komo?any Lake in North-West Bohemia were studied by means of diatom analysis to trace the pattern of past environmental change in the lake. Several phases of lake development could be distinguished. Originally the Komo?any Lake was a eutrophic shallow water basin. The diatom succession in the early Postglacial sediment indicates alternating alkaliphilic, epiphytic and planktonic diatom communities associated with changes in water level in the basin. At the beginning of the Subatlantic period the water level began to rise and the development of planktonic diatoms, typical of small eutrophic lakes, occurred. Later, the basin became shallow again and the number of indifferent and acidophilous diatoms increased. This is typical for the final phase of the infilling process of a lake before its transformation to peatland  相似文献   

Subfossil biotic assemblages in lakes’ surface sediments have been used to infer ecological conditions across environmental gradients. Local variables are usually the major drivers of assemblage composition, but in remote oceanic islands biogeographic filters may play a significant role. To assess the contribution of local and regional filters in the composition of subfossil diatom and chironomid assemblages in surface sediments, 41 lakes in Azores archipelago were studied and related to environmental variables. Ordination techniques were used to identify the forcing factors that best explain the composition of these assemblages. Both assemblages are influenced by multiple limnological variables (conductivity, pH and nutrients). However, diatom assemblages differed mainly in the proportion of planktonic versus benthic species along lakes’ depth gradient while chironomids differed significantly among islands but not among lake depths. Thus, biogeographic filters play an important role in shaping islands’ freshwater communities, particularly insect ones, more influenced by geographic variables. Results demonstrate the accuracy and potential of biotic remains in sediments for applied studies of lake ecology, trophic status, climatic trends and ecological reconstruction and evolution of lakes. In the Azores, the application of this information for the development of inference models is envisaged as a further step to accomplish these goals.  相似文献   

A total of 23 ostracod taxa were found in 48 of 90 different water bodies (wetlands, springs, lakes, creeks, etc.) located at moderate to high elevation (530–1,095 m) in Diyarbakır province. The ecological tolerances and optimum values for environmental variables of 15 species were analyzed. Accordingly, maximum numbers of species were found between 700 and 800 m. Ostracod species and sampling sites along with seven environmental variables were ordinated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The first axis of CCA explained 72% of the relationship between species and environmental variables. Of these, water temperature, redox potential and altitude were the most influential (P < 0.05) factors for species. Based on habitat similarities, an unweighted pair group mean average dendrogram divided species into four clustering groups. Among the species, Potamocypris arcuata, Candona neglecta and Psychrodromus fontinalis had the highest optimum estimates for altitude, whereas P. arcuata, Herpetocypris brevicaudata and P. fontinalis exhibited the highest tolerances to altitude. While most species revealed unique tolerances and optimum values for different ecological variables, species with cosmopolitan characteristics had wider ranges of ecological tolerances and distribution amid the variety of habitats along elevational gradients.  相似文献   

Goose populations molting in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve—Alaska have changed in size and distribution over the past 30 years. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are relatively stable in numbers but are shifting from large, inland lakes to salt marshes. Concurrently, populations of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) have increased seven fold. Populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis and/or B. hutchinsii) are stable with little indication of distributional shifts. The lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) population is proportionally small, but increasing rapidly. Coastline erosion of the Beaufort Sea has altered tundra habitats by allowing saltwater intrusion, which has resulted in shifts in composition of forage plant species. We propose two alternative hypotheses for the observed shift in black brant distribution. Ecological change may have altered optimal foraging habitats for molting birds, or alternatively, interspecific competition between black brant and greater white-fronted geese may be excluding black brant from preferred habitats. Regardless of the causative mechanism, the observed shifts in species distributions are an important consideration for future resource planning.  相似文献   



Buildings are responsible for more than 40 % of global energy used, and as much as 30 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. In order to quantify the energy and material inputs and environmental releases associated with each stage of construction sector, life cycle energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost analysis of contemporary residential buildings have been conducted within two parts.


This paper is the first part of the study which includes the literature review and methodology used for such a comprehensive analysis. It was determined that there are three basic methods used in life cycle analysis: process analysis, input–output (I–O) analysis, and hybrid analysis. In this study, Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) is used for the calculation of primary energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions. The second part of this study is about the application of the methodology which considers two actual buildings constructed in Gaziantep, Turkey.

Results and discussion

The proposed research focused on building construction, operating, and demolition phases. Energy efficiency, emission parameters, and costs are defined for the building per square meter basis. It is seen that the primary energy use and emissions of residential buildings around the world falls in the range of about 10 to 40 GJ/m2 and 1–10 t CO2/m2 respectively.


The literature survey demonstrates that there are limited number of studies about life cycle cost assessment (LCCA) of residential buildings in the world. It was decided to use the ICE database as it is one of the most comprehensive databases for building materials, globally. The results of the study show that minimizing energy, material, and land use by considering potential impacts to the environment on a life cycle basis are the basic steps in designing an energy-efficient and environmental-friendly building.



Antithrombotic management in atrial fibrillation (AF) is currently based on clinical characteristics, despite evidence of potential fine-tuning with transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). This open, randomised, multicentre study addresses the hypothesis that a comprehensive strategy of TEE-based aspirin treatment in AF patients is feasible and safe.


Between 2005 and 2009, ten large hospitals in the Netherlands enrolled AF patients with a moderate risk of stroke. Patients without thrombogenic TEE characteristics were randomised to aspirin or vitamin K antagonists (VKA). The primary objective is to show that TEE-based aspirin treatment is safe compared with VKA therapy. The secondary objective tests feasibility of TEE as a tool to detect echocardiographic features of high stroke risk. This report compares randomised to non-randomised patients and describes the feasibility of a TEE-based approach.


In total, 310 patients were included. Sixty-nine patients were not randomised because of non-visualisation (n = 6) or TEE risk factors (n = 63). Compared with non-randomised patients, randomised patients (n = 241) were younger (65 ± 11 vs. 69 ± 9 years, p = 0.004), had less coronary artery disease (9 vs. 20%, p = 0.018), previous TIA (1.7 vs. 7.2%, p = 0.029), AF during TEE (25 vs. 54%, p < 0.001), mitral incompetence (55 vs. 70%, p = 0.038), VKA use (69 vs. 82%, p = 0.032), had a lower mean CHADS2 score (1.2 ± 0.6 vs. 1.6 ± 1.0, p = 0.004), and left ventricular ejection fraction (59 ± 8 vs. 56 ± 8%, p = 0.016).


This study shows that a TEE-based approach for fine-tuning stroke risk in AF patients with a moderate risk for stroke is feasible. Follow-up data will address the safety of this TEE-based approach.  相似文献   

Exposure to soil‐borne contaminants can occur through ingestion, inhalation and/or dermal absorption. A study was undertaken to assess the relative frequency with which dermal exposures are predicted to pose the greatest risk attributable to contaminated soils in Superfund risk assessments. Screening of over 200 risk assessments from the period 1989–1992 resulted in identification of 37 sites at which projected lifetime excess cancer risks attributed to dermal contact with soil were greater than the nominal regulatory threshold of 1.10‐4. At 19 of these sites, the dermal/soil pathway is estimated to contribute the largest carcinogenic risk associated with surface soil contamination, and may therefore drive cleanup of that medium. At 9 of the sites, the dermal/soil pathway is predicted to present a higher carcinogenic risk than any other pathway. Chemical contaminant type and estimates of soil adherence and surface area exposed appear to be the primary factors that distinguish sites at which dermal/soil pathway carcinogenic risk estimates are elevated relative to other exposure pathways. Quantification of exposure parameters, especially those related to behavior, remains a significant need.  相似文献   

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