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现代民族植物学引论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了“现代民族植物学”的概念,阐述了其内涵,简要介绍了研究思路和方法,并用具体事例说明了现代民族植物学的重要意义.现代民族植物学是民族植物学的一个发展阶段,是指利用现代科学技术手段(计算机科学、信息科学、分子生物学、药物化学等等)研究当地人群与植物之间的相互作用关系.以AFLP和SSR分子标记技术研究云南藏区青稞种质资源的研究为例,证明了传统文化在植物遗传多样性保护中的作用.对滇东南瑶族药浴植物荷花藤的药物化学研究,证实了其传统药浴知识的科学合理性.现代民族植物学具有广阔的发展和应用前景.  相似文献   

拉祜族食用花卉的民族植物学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘怡涛  龙春林   《广西植物》2007,27(2):203-210
应用民族植物学的方法,对拉祜族的食用花卉进行了调查和研究,发现有相当多的花卉种类在一个狭窄的范围被一个单一的民族食用,实属罕见;首次全面报道了拉祜族食用花卉92种,分别属于37个科。其食用过程中的加工方法和烹调技巧都有讲究,食花的部位也有所选择。探讨了地域差别与食用花卉的异同,发现同一民族在不同地域环境或具有一定地理距离时,其选择的食用花种类有很大的不同,这与他们的生活习惯、居住环境及海拔高度有着极为密切的关系。有些植物分布区域很广,但不是分布区域内的同一民族都会选择食用它们;有些植物在不同的区域内虽然都被食用,但食用的目的和意义并不如一。还探讨了拉祜族食用花卉的重要性,以及其文化意义及开发利用前景。  相似文献   

中国李的民族植物学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对我国李属资源的植物学形态、分布、品种、应用开发历史、民族文化等进行了论述.  相似文献   

该研究自2013年开始对阳春开展了全面的中药资源普查工作,在全面了解阳春地区药用植物资源的基础上,于2013年和2014年两次对阳春重阳传统药市进行全面跟踪调查。结果表明:阳春重阳传统药市出售的药物种类丰富,共收集鉴定得出134种药用植物,隶属于60科117属,并对收集到的药用植物进行编目,包括俗名、学名、药用部位、用途和用法等。从药用植物的科、属分布上来看,其中种类较多的科有大戟科(11种)、蝶形花科(10种)、菊科(10种)、茜草科(9种)、马鞭草科(6种)、姜科(5种)、防己科(5种)。药用植物的种类广泛分布于各科和属中,而非集中于少数科、属内。此外,还对阳春重阳传统药市所形成的文化基础、植物应用特色和药材地域特色进行了分析,在药市中调查到一批具有当地特色的滋补养生类的药材,得出阳春当地具有将药用植物融入日常饮食的习惯。药市中售卖的药材功效与当地的自然环境密切联系,其中尤以治疗与岭南地区湿热的气候和瘴疠虫蛇等特点所引起的常见疾病为主。同时,对阳春药市的可持续发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

菊的民族植物学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从民族植物学的角度考证研究了菊花的历史记载、民间传说和象征,民俗应用历史和方法,阐述了菊花的食用和药用价值。  相似文献   

尽快地开展我国民族植物学的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了民族植物学的含义 ,在我国开展民族植物学的意义和如何推动民族植物学研究的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

瑶族是一个拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的民族,红瑶是其中一个分支,因妇女服饰上的花纹图案以大红色为主而得名,其生活习俗饱含民族特色,对植物尤其是药用植物的利用方式,与其他民族不同。该研究采用经典的民族植物学理论和方法,访问调查了广西龙胜红瑶传统药用植物种类,根据植物拉丁名、中文名、当地名、用途、用法及药用部位,对其进行民族植物学编目,并与《中国药典》作了比较。结果表明:共记录到药用植物95种,隶属于57科83属,其中蔷薇科、百合科种类最多,分别含有7种,显示龙胜红瑶传统药用植物资源的多样性;全株入药的植物种类41种,占总数的43.16%;根入药的种类为23种,占总数的24.21%;叶入药的种类为13种,占总数的13.68%。药用植物的药用部位以全株、根及叶为主;治疗风湿类疾病的药物比重最大,为23.47%,推测与其生活的环境有关;与《中国药典》比较,发现71种植物未被其收录,另有17种虽被收录但主治功效不同,有7种被收录且主治功效大致相同,为新型中药的研发提供了借鉴。同时,还探讨了龙胜红瑶传统药用植物的药用价值、资源现状及文化传承的问题。  相似文献   

中药磨芋的民族植物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从民族植物学的观点介绍了我国磨芋的历史变迁及现代研究,论述了花磨芋和疏花磨芋的区别。认识磨芋是一种很好的食疗佳品,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

通过民族植物学研究的方法,对显脉旋覆花进行实地调查和文献查阅,比较了不同民族的使用习惯.结果发现显脉旋覆花作为跌打损伤药是湖南通道侗族居民特有的用药方式;资源现状调查结果表明,显脉旋覆花市场需求大,种植繁殖困难,导致资源锐减.应加强显脉旋覆花的引种栽培研究及综合开发利用.  相似文献   

荠菜的民族植物学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以民族植物学的观点介绍荠菜〔Capselabursa-pastoris(L.)Medic.〕的食用和药用历史,分析了荠菜的营养与药用价值以及现代人热衷于荠菜的原因,探讨了荠菜的民族植物文化学。作者认为,荠菜集美食、营养、保健、药用于一体,是值得开发利用的一种重要野菜。  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical study of plants revealed that the local community of Ghalegy, District Swat, invariably uses 126 species of 59 families for various purposes. Based on their traditional local uses, fifty-seven species (45.2%) were classifted as medicinal, forty-seven as fire wood (37.3 % ), forty-five as forage (35.7 % ), twenty-eight as honey bee species (22.2%), twenty-seven as vegetable species (21.4%), 25 as edible fruits (14 wild and llcultivated), thirteen as timberwood (10.3%), twelve as ornamental (9.5%), eleven as furniture wood, ten as shelter and thatch makers (7.9%), ten as fencing (7.9%), five as poisonous (4%), four as religious/superstitious species, three species used in making hand sticks and wooden tools (2.4%), three as utensil cleaner species (2.4%), three as evil repellent and one as fish poisoning species. The area is in plant resources and traditional knowledge but it needs ecological management for its sustainability.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical study of plants revealed that the local community of Ghalegy, District Swat, invariably uses 126 species of 59 families for various purposes. Based on their traditional local uses, fifty- seven species ( 4512%) were classified as medicinal, forty-seven as fire wood ( 3713%) , forty- five as forage ( 3517%) , twenty- eight as honey bee species ( 2212%) , twenty- seven as vegetable species ( 2114%) , 25 as edible fruits ( 14 wild and 11cultivated) , thirteen as timber wood ( 1013%) , twelve as ornamental ( 91 5%) , eleven as furniture wood, ten as shelter and thatch makers ( 719%) , ten as fencing ( 719%) , five as poisonous ( 4%) , four as religiousPsuperstitious species, three species used in making hand sticks and wooden tools ( 21 4%) , three as utensil cleaner species ( 214%) , three as evil repellent and one as fish poisoning species. The area is in plant resources and traditional knowledge but it needs ecological management for its sustainability.  相似文献   

对民族民间利用植物资源的传统知识进行调查编目、探究相关传统知识形成的原因和影响因素一直是民族植物学研究的重点内容.作为“人与植物”之间关系中一个重要领域——人类利用实践对植物资源影响的研究却相对被忽略.重视这一研究领域,既可以为民族植物学方法及原理在植物资源保护与可持续利用实践提供理论依据,从而有助于推动民族植物学研究进入“应用阶段”,同时也拓展了民族植物学研究领域.其中,人类采集活动(尤其是越来越严重的商业性采集)对植物资源的影响应该受到民族植物学家的重点关注.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was used to measure plant use knowledge for 18 plants from 40 randomly selected Winikina Warao respondents of two villages in the Orinoco River Delta, Venezuela. Five use values are presented: reported use (RU) value for each plant and plant part; plant part value (PPV); specific use (SU) value; intraspecific use value (IUV); and overall use value (OUV). The overall use value can be used to target plants of potential interest to researchers. Although certain precautions must be taken when undertaking this type of study, questionnaires are important tools that can be used to assess the dynamic interplay between people and the plants they use.
Conocimiento del uso de plantas de los winikina warao: el caso de cuestionarios en etnobotánica
Resumen  Un cuestionario fue utilizado para medir el conocimiento de 18 plantas usadas por los Winikina Waroa del delta del rio Orinoco, Venezuela. Cinco valores de uso son presentados: valor de uso reportado (RU) para cada planta y parte de planta; valor de la parte de planta (PPV); valor de uso especifico (SU); y valor de uso total (OUV). El valor de uso total se puede utilizar para escoger plants de interés a investigadores. Aunque es necesario tomar ciertas precauciones para emprender un estudo de este tipo, cuestionarios son herramientas que se pueden utilizar para asesar la interacción dinmica que existe entre la gente y su uso de plantas.

运用民族植物学“5W+lH”提问法,结合访谈方法、集市调查和野外调查进行编目,研究了凉山彝族自治州冕宁县饮食文化中食用野生植物的传统知识.结果表明:1)冕宁县饮食文化中利用的野生植物种类隶属于45科91属110种,其中传统粮用植物4种、野生蔬菜53种、野果植物37种、调味植物6种、酿造植物4种、药食两用植物16种、代茶植物15种;2)冕宁县彝族和汉族饮食文化中对野生植物利用有叠合又各自传承发展的特征;3)对彝族和汉族饮食文化中的野生植物利用现状形成的原因进行了分析,就如何保护传统知识进行了探讨,对可持续利用当地的野生食用植物资源提出建议.  相似文献   

植物QTL分析的理论研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数量性状的表型是由数量性状基因座 ( Quantitative trait locus,QTL)和环境效应共同作用的结果。传统的数量遗传学采用统计学的方法由一级统计量和二级统计量描述处理 QTL的复合作用 ,估计各种遗传参数 (例如遗传力、遗传相关、遗传进度、有效因子数等 ) ,用于指导遗传育种实践。然而 ,在传统的数量遗传学分析中 ,往往假设数量性状受微效多基因控制 ,这些基因具有相同的并且是较微小的效应 ,所估计的遗传参数反映的是数量性状多基因系统的整体特征 ,其理论方法不能用于追踪研究和描述单个数量性状基因的作用。近年来 ,由于分子生物学技…  相似文献   



Ethnobotanical and ecological study of plants is very important in understanding the culture of a society and it provides a base for further study on scientific lines. This paper, the use of medicinal plants and their role in the treatment of different diseases have been duly observed and noted in Tehsil Timergara.


The survey was carried out from September 2014 to October 2016. During this survey, a total of 16 trips with 4 in each season were carried out to collect data. A total of 115 respondents were interviewed through questionnaires regarding the available medicinal plants; most of the respondents were 65 to 80?years old. The obtained ethnobotanical data was then analyzed by Frequency Citation (FC), Relative Frequency Citation index (RFC), and Use Value index (UV) to find the most common plants species used for various diseases.


The local community of the study area, 59 plant species belonging to 39 genera, 28 families for different medicinal purposes. During the survey 38 species were herbs, 6 shrubs, and 15 trees. Leaf and whole plants were most frequently used parts in making of medicine while 30% of the whole plant was used in the ethnobotanical uses. A total of 46 plants showed important value in the ethnomedicinal purpose, in which the highest number of species (11) were used for chest problem particularly in a cough, as laxatives (4) and in asthma (5 species), 14 species were used as fuel which is also an important feature of the plants. Soil analysis of five collection area is studied.


The current result of RFC and UV shows that medicinal flora needs to be pharmacologically and phytochemically investigated to prove their efficacy. The documentation of medicinal knowledge is important to preserve this precious old knowledge before it is lost forever, due to technological and environmental changes in the world.  相似文献   

为搞清红地球葡萄(Red Globe Grape)霜霉病(Plasmopara vaticola)的发生流行规律,以及在生产实践中为提高田间抽样的准确度,运用聚集度指数(K、CA、I&和M^*/X、λ)分析研究了红地球葡萄霜霉病系统型病株的田间分布型.结果表明:红地球葡萄霜霉病病株在葡萄园中的空间分布呈聚集型,分布的基本型是嵌纹分布和核心分布,适合率分别为75%和76.67%。二项分布的适合率为8.33%.在此分布型的基础上,通过调查病叶平均数,比较平行线、“W”字型、“Z”字型抽样方式,最后肯定平行线法最好.  相似文献   

An ex-situ experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of six medicinal species (Bergenia ciliata, Valeriana jatamansi, Dioscorea deltoidea, Paeonia emodi, Polygonum amplexicaule and Viola serpense) from upper Swat , Pakistan . Experiments were conducted at four different locations in the upper Swat valley at altitudes ranging from1200 to 1900 m. a. s. l . The objectives were : 1) to determine the suitability of ex-situ cultivation of different medicinal species, and; 2) to assess the economic geasibility of growing medicinal plants in the area . A highest mean survival of 80.7% across all locations was observed for Viola serpense, followed by 58.7% for Valeriana jatamansi. The remaining four species exhibited very poor survival rates , although Polygonum amplexicaule, did show encouraging signs of growth and flowered , before experiencing high mortality rates late in the trial . Altitude generally seemed to enhance the degree of sprouting for all species except Viola serpense. However, the productive yield of V. serpense was certainly not reduced, but rather slightly enhanced in the higher altitude sites. Overall, cultivation of only two of the investigated species, Valeriana jatamansi and Viola serpense, appearedsuccessful and potentially economically viable under farmland conditions at upper Swat .  相似文献   

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