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We report the generation and analysis of mice homozygous for a targeted deletion of the Dlx5 homeobox gene. Dlx5 mutant mice have multiple defects in craniofacial structures, including their ears, noses, mandibles and calvaria, and die shortly after birth. A subset (28%) exhibit exencephaly. Ectodermal expression of Dlx5 is required for the development of olfactory and otic placode-derived epithelia and surrounding capsules. The nasal capsules are hypoplastic (e.g. lacking turbinates) and, in most cases, the right side is more severely affected than the left. Dorsal otic vesicle derivatives (e. g. semicircular canals and endolymphatic duct) and the surrounding capsule, are more severely affected than ventral (cochlear) structures. Dlx5 is also required in mandibular arch ectomesenchyme, as the proximal mandibular arch skeleton is dysmorphic. Dlx5 may control craniofacial development in part through the regulation of the goosecoid homeobox gene. goosecoid expression is greatly reduced in Dlx5 mutants, and both goosecoid and Dlx5 mutants share a number of similar craniofacial malformations. Dlx5 may perform a general role in skeletal differentiation, as exemplified by hypomineralization within the calvaria. The distinct focal defects within the branchial arches of the Dlx1, Dlx2 and Dlx5 mutants, along with the nested expression of their RNAs, support a model in which these genes have both redundant and unique functions in the regulation of regional patterning of the craniofacial ectomesenchyme.  相似文献   

Pbx1 is a TALE-class homeodomain protein that functions in part as a cofactor for Hox class homeodomain proteins. Previous analysis of the in vivo functions of Pbx1 by targeted mutagenesis in mice has revealed roles for this gene in skeletal patterning and development and in the organogenesis of multiple systems. Both RNA expression and protein localization studies have suggested a possible role for Pbx1 in pharyngeal region development. As several Hox mutants have distinct phenotypes in this region, we investigated the potential requirement for Pbx1 in the development of the pharyngeal arches and pouches and their organ derivatives. Pbx1 homozygous mutants exhibited delayed or absent formation of the caudal pharyngeal pouches, and disorganized patterning of the third pharyngeal pouch. Formation of the third pouch-derived thymus/parathyroid primordia was also affected, with absent or hypoplastic primordia, delayed expression of organ-specific differentiation markers, and reduced proliferation of thymic epithelium. The fourth pouch and the fourth pouch-derived ultimobranchial bodies were usually absent. These phenotypes are similar to those previously reported in Hoxa3(-/-) single mutants and Hoxa1(-/-);Hoxb1(-/-) or Hoxa3(+/-);Hoxb3(-/-);Hoxd3(-/-) compound mutants, suggesting that Pbx1 acts together with multiple Hox proteins in the development of the caudal pharyngeal region. However, some aspects of the Pbx1 mutant phenotype included specific defects that were less severe than those found in known Hox mutant mice, suggesting that some functions of Hox proteins in this region are Pbx1-independent.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of a neural crest cell migration pathway from occipital levels of the hindbrain into the heart was suspected in mammalian embryos because it had previously been identified in avian embryos and because the Di George anomaly, an association between craniofacial and cardiac malformations, is most easily explained on the basis of abnormal neural crest cell migration to all of the affected structures. In order to demonstrate the existence of this pathway, neural crest cells were labelled in situ in rat embryos with the fluorescent dye DiI, and the embryos cultured for up to 48 h. Cells labelled between occipital somites 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 migrated within and dorsal to the third and fourth pharyngeal arches and into the outflow tract of the heart (conus cordis and truncus arteriosus). The cardiac labelling was in individually visible cells, in contrast to the mass of fluorescence seen in the pharyngeal and dorsal mesenchyme. Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix. There was no labelling of cardiac cells following injections just rostral to, or just caudal to, somites one and four. This study establishes the existence and precise levels of origin of the cardiac neural crest in a mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

叶酸缺乏可导致胚胎先天性发育异常,二氢叶酸还原酶是叶酸生物学作用通路中的关键因子,其功能阻抑将抑制叶酸生物学作用的发挥.咽弓是脊椎动物胚胎发育中头面部结构、心脏流出道等的共同前体.在模式生物斑马鱼中,利用基因表达阻抑以及过表达技术,探讨二氢叶酸还原酶基因(DHFR)在斑马鱼咽弓发育过程中的作用.石蜡切片以及软骨染色结果显示,DHFR表达阻抑导致斑马鱼咽弓以及腭发育明显异常,而DHFR过表达可部分挽救上述发育异常表型.TBX1和HAND2在咽弓发育中有重要作用.通过胚胎整体原位杂交以及Real-timePCR技术检测TBX1和HAND2表达水平.DHFR表达阻抑后TBX1和HAND2的表达降低,DHFR过表达可使TBX1和HAND2的表达增加.上述结果表明,DHFR在斑马鱼咽弓发育过程中扮演重要角色,DHFR通过影响TBX1和HAND2的表达而调控咽弓的形成和分化.  相似文献   

Mouse fetuses carrying targeted inactivations of both the RAR(&agr;) and the RARbeta genes display a variety of malformations in structures known to be partially derived from the mesenchymal neural crest originating from post-otic rhombomeres (e.g. thymus and great cephalic arteries) (Ghyselinck, N., Dupé, V., Dierich, A., Messaddeq, N., Garnier, J.M., Rochette-Egly, C., Chambon, P. and Mark M. (1997). Int. J. Dev. Biol. 41, 425-447). In a search for neural crest defects, we have analysed the rhombomeres, cranial nerves and pharyngeal arches of these double null mutants at early embryonic stages. The mutant post-otic cranial nerves are disorganized, indicating that RARs are involved in the patterning of structures derived from neurogenic neural crest, even though the lack of RARalpha and RARbeta has no detectable effect on the number and migration path of neural crest cells. Interestingly, the double null mutation impairs early developmental processes known to be independent of the neural crest e.g., the initial formation of the 3rd and 4th branchial pouches and of the 3rd, 4th and 6th arch arteries. The double mutation also results in an enlargement of rhombomere 5, which is likely to be responsible for the induction of supernumerary otic vesicles, in a disappearance of the rhombomere 5/6 boundary, and in profound alterations of rhombomere identities. In the mutant hindbrain, the expression domain of kreisler is twice its normal size and the caudal stripe of Krox-20 extends into the presumptive rhombomeres 6 and 7 region. In this region, Hoxb-1 is ectopically expressed, Hoxb-3 is ectopically up-regulated and Hoxd-4 expression is abolished. These data, which indicate that retinoic acid signaling through RARalpha and/or RARbeta is essential for the specification of rhombomere identities and for the control of caudal hindbrain segmentation by restricting the expression domains of kreisler and of Krox-20, also strongly suggest that this signaling plays a crucial role in the posteriorization of the hindbrain neurectoderm.  相似文献   

Targeted inactivation of the mouse retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2/ALDH1a2), the enzyme responsible for early embryonic retinoic acid synthesis, is embryonic lethal because of defects in early heart morphogenesis. Transient maternal RA supplementation from E7.5 to (at least) E8.5 rescues most of these defects, but the supplemented Raldh2(-/-) mutants die prenatally, from a lack of septation of the heart outflow tract (Niederreither, K., Vermot, J., Messaddeq, N., Schuhbaur, B., Chambon, P. and Dollé, P. (2001). Development 128, 1019-1031). We have investigated the developmental basis for this defect, and found that the RA-supplemented Raldh2(-/-) embryos exhibit impaired development of their posterior (3rd-6th) branchial arch region. While the development of the first and second arches and their derivatives, as well as the formation of the first branchial pouch, appear to proceed normally, more posterior pharyngeal pouches fail to form and the pharyngeal endoderm develops a rudimentary, pouch-like structure. All derivatives of the posterior branchial arches are affected. These include the aortic arches, pouch-derived organs (thymus, parathyroid gland) and post-otic neural crest cells, which fail to establish segmental migratory pathways and are misrouted caudally. Patterning and axonal outgrowth of the posterior (9th-12th) cranial nerves is also altered. Vagal crest deficiency in Raldh2(-/-) mutants leads to agenesis of the enteric ganglia, a condition reminiscent of human Hirschprung's disease. In addition, we provide evidence that: (i) wildtype Raldh2 expression is restricted to the posteriormost pharyngeal mesoderm; (ii) endogenous RA response occurs in both the pharyngeal endoderm and mesoderm, and extends more rostrally than Raldh2 expression up to the 2nd arch; (iii) RA target genes (Hoxa1, Hoxb1) are downregulated in both the pharyngeal endoderm and mesoderm of mutant embryos. Thus, RALDH2 plays a crucial role in producing RA required for pharyngeal development, and RA is one of the diffusible mesodermal signals that pattern the pharyngeal endoderm.  相似文献   

Mammalian development is highly sensitive to Tbx1 gene dosage reduction. Gene function insights can also be learned from increased or ectopic expression. The authors generated a novel mouse transgenic line, named COET, which expresses Tbx1 upon Cre‐mediated recombination. The authors crossed this transgenic line with Tbx1Cre animals to activate expression in the Tbx1‐expression domain. Compound mutant COET;Tbx1Cre/+ animals died after birth and showed heart enlargement. At E18.5, compound mutants showed ventricular septal defects and thymic abnormalities. The authors crossed compound mutants into a Tbx1 null background to understand whether this phenotype is caused by gene overdosage. Results showed that gene dosage reduction at the endogenous locus could not rescue heart and thymic defects, although the transgene rescued the loss of function phenotype. Thus, the transgenic phenotype appears to be due to gain of function. Resultant data demonstrate that Tbx1 expression must be tightly regulated to be compatible with normal embryonic development. genesis 47:188–195, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the earliest steps of embryonic development is the establishment of polarity along the anteroposterior axis. Extensive studies of Drosophila embryonic development have elucidated mechanisms for establishing polarity, while studies with other model systems have found that many of these molecular components are conserved through evolution. One exception is Bicoid, the master organizer of anterior development in Drosophila and higher dipterans, which is not conserved. Thus, the study of anteroposterior patterning in insects that lack Bicoid can provide insight into the evolution of the diversity of body plan patterning networks. To this end, we have established the long germ parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis as a model for comparative studies with Drosophila. Here we report that, in Nasonia, a gradient of localized caudal mRNA directs posterior patterning, whereas, in Drosophila, the gradient of maternal Caudal protein is established through translational repression by Bicoid of homogeneous caudal mRNA. Loss of caudal function in Nasonia results in severe segmentation defects. We show that Nasonia caudal is an activator of gap gene expression that acts far towards the anterior of the embryo, placing it atop a cascade of early patterning. By contrast, activation of gap genes in flies relies on redundant functions of Bicoid and Caudal, leading to a lack of dramatic action on gap gene expression: caudal instead plays a limited role as an activator of pair-rule gene expression. These studies, together with studies in short germ insects, suggest that caudal is an ancestral master organizer of patterning, and that its role has been reduced in higher dipterans such as Drosophila.  相似文献   

Barx1 modulates cellular adhesion molecule expression and participates in specification of tooth-types, but little is understood of its role in patterning the pharyngeal arches. We examined barx1 expression during zebrafish craniofacial development and performed a functional analysis using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides. Barx1 is expressed in the rhombencephalic neural crest, the pharyngeal arches, the pectoral fin buds and the gut in contrast to its paralogue barx2, which is most prominently expressed in the arch epithelium. Additionally, barx1 transient expression was observed in the posterior lateral line ganglia and developing trunk/tail. We show that Barx1 is necessary for proliferation of the arch osteochondrogenic progenitors, and that morphants exhibit diminished and dysmorphic arch cartilage elements due to reductions in chondrocyte differentiation and condensation. Attenuation of Barx1 results in lost arch expression of osteochondrogenic markers col2a1, runx2a and chondromodulin, as well as odontogenic marker dlx2b. Further, loss of barx1 positively influenced gdf5 and chordin, markers of jaw joint patterning. FGF signaling is required for maintaining barx1 expression, and that ectopic BMP4 induces expression of barx1 in the intermediate region of the second pharyngeal arch. Together, these results indicate an essential role for barx1 at early stages of chondrogenesis within the developing zebrafish viscerocranium.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling regulates multiple aspects of vertebrate embryonic development and tissue patterning, in part through the local availability of nuclear hormone receptors called retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid receptors (RXRs). RAR/RXR heterodimers transduce the RA signal, and loss-of-function studies in mice have demonstrated requirements for distinct receptor combinations at different stages of embryogenesis. However, the tissue-specific functions of each receptor and their individual contributions to RA signaling in vivo are only partially understood. Here we use morpholino oligonucleotides to deplete the four known zebrafish RARs (raraa, rarab, rarga, and rargb). We show that while all four are required for anterior-posterior patterning of rhombomeres in the hindbrain, there are unique requirements for rarga in the cranial mesoderm for hindbrain patterning, and rarab in lateral plate mesoderm for specification of the pectoral fins. In addition, the alpha subclass (raraa, rarab) is RA inducible, and of these only raraa expression is RA-dependent, suggesting that these receptors establish a region of particularly high RA signaling through positive-feedback. These studies reveal novel tissue-specific roles for RARs in controlling the competence and sensitivity of cells to respond to RA.  相似文献   

Here, we report the results of molecular cloning and expression analyses of a non-clustered protocadherin (pcdh), pcdh18 in zebrafish embryos. The predicted zebrafish pcdh18 protein shows 6566% identity and 7879% homology with its mammalian and Xenopus counterparts. It has a Disabled-1 binding motif in its cytoplasmic domain, which is characteristic of pcdh18. Zebrafish embryos expressed pcdh18 by the early gastrula stage, 6 h post-fertilization (hpf), in their animal cap but not in the germ ring or the shield. pcdh18 was expressed in the neural tube and the central nervous system (CNS) from 12 hpf. Some populations of cells in the lateral neural tube and spinal cord of 1218 hpf embryos expressed pcdh18, but expression in these cells disappeared by 24 hpf. The hindbrain of embryos at 2456 hpf expressed pcdh18 in cells closely adjacent to the rostral and caudal rhombomeric boundaries in a thread-like pattern running in the dorsoventral direction. The pcdh18-positive cells were localized in the ventral part of the hindbrain at 24 hpf and in the dorsal part from 36 hpf. pcdh18 was also expressed in the telencephalon, diencephalon, tectum, upper rhombic lip, retina and otic vesicle. Expression in the CNS decreased markedly before hatching. Pharyngeal arch primordia, arches, jaws and gills expressed pcdh18, and the molecule was also expressed in some endodermal cells in late embryos.  相似文献   

Expression of chick early B cell factor 1-3 (cEbf1-3) genes in regions of high retinoic acid (RA) activity, such as somites and pharyngeal arches (PAs), and regulation of other EBF members by RA raise the possibility that the internal cue RA may regulate cEbf1-3 expression in these tissues. To check this possibility, RA gain and loss of function experiments were conducted. Ectopic expression of RA led to up-regulation of cEbf2, 3 but did not change cEbf1 expression in somites. Expectedly, inhibition of RA by disulfiram resulted in downregulation of cEbf2, 3, but did not change cEbf1 expression in somites. The same RA gain and loss of function experiments did not change cEbf1-3 expression in PAs. However, ectopic expression of RA in the cranial neural tube before migration of neural crest cells downregulated cEbf1, 3 and up-regulated cEbf2 expression in the PAs. The same experiment, but with application of disulfiram, resulted in downregulation of cEbf2, but did not alter the expression of the other two genes. We conclude that the three cEbf genes act differently in response to RA signals in somitic mesoderm. cEbf1 may be not RA dependant in somites; however, the other two cEbf genes positively respond to RA signalling in somites. Additionally, only the migratory cEbf-expressing cells into the PAs are affected by RA signals.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis regulates the steady-state abundance of proteins and controls cellular homoeostasis by abrupt elimination of key effector proteins. A multienzyme system targets proteins for destruction through the covalent attachment of a multiubiquitin chain. The specificity and timing of protein ubiquitination is controlled by ubiquitin ligases, such as the Skp1-Cullin-F box protein complex. Cullins are major components of SCF complexes, and have been implicated in degradation of key regulatory molecules including Cyclin E, beta-catenin and Cubitus interruptus. Here, we describe the genetic identification and molecular characterisation of the Drosophila Cullin-3 homologue. Perturbation of Cullin-3 function has pleiotropic effects during development, including defects in external sensory organ development, pattern formation and cell growth and survival. Loss or overexpression of Cullin-3 causes an increase or decrease, respectively, in external sensory organ formation, implicating Cullin-3 function in regulating the commitment of cells to the neural fate. We also find that Cullin-3 function modulates Hedgehog signalling by regulating the stability of full-length Cubitus interruptus (Ci155). Loss of Cullin-3 function in eye discs but not other imaginal discs promotes cell-autonomous accumulation of Ci155. Conversely, overexpression of Cullin-3 results in a cell-autonomous stabilisation of Ci155 in wing, haltere and leg, but not eye, imaginal discs suggesting tissue-specific regulation of Cullin-3 function. The diverse nature of Cullin-3 phenotypes highlights the importance of targeted proteolysis during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

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