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从超微结构水平上对葫芦藓(Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.)精子发生过程中胞间连接系统的结构及其变化动态进行了研究。结果表明,同一区中的相邻生精细胞由大量胞质桥相连,而不同区的细胞之间则不存在胞质桥。胞间连丝存在于套细胞之间以及套细胞与生精细胞之间, 但它在生精细胞间不存在。在精子器发生的后期,当精子细胞壁开始降解时,同一个精子器中所有的精子细胞似乎都由扩大的胞质桥相互连接。胞质桥一直保持到精子分化的后期,最终精子细胞同步分化成精子。胞间连丝与胞质桥具有不同的内部结、分布以及生物发生机制,这表明它们在精子器的发育过程中可能扮演着不同的角色。  相似文献   

紫竹梅雄蕊毛细胞发育过程中胞间连丝超微结构的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
紫竹梅(Setcreasea purpurea)雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝随着细胞的生长、发育、衰老而呈现动态变化的过程.花蕾和开放花的雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝,具备胞间连丝的一般结构,直径约50 nm .衰老花雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝拓宽,内部结构逐步降解、撤离,呈开放式通道,直径约100 nm . 在胞间连丝的动态开放过程中,细胞内的细胞器也发生相应变化. 对胞间连丝形成开放性通道及其机理进行了讨论  相似文献   

胞间连丝与大分子物质的胞间转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张孝英  杨世杰 《植物学报》1999,16(2):150-156
胞间连丝是细胞间细胞器,是细胞间通讯的直接途径。一般认为,胞间连丝允许通过物质的分子量上限(SEL)是800~1000 Da.近年来研究的许多证据表明,胞间连丝的SEL随组织种类及其生理状况而异。在某些情况下,它可以允许大分子物质通过,如病毒运动蛋白与胞间连丝相互作用,使病毒通过胞间连丝转移。玉米突变体 kn1基因异常表达的KN1可使包括表皮在内的各层组织结瘤,KN1是细胞间移动的信息物,P-蛋白可由伴胞通过胞间连丝转移到筛管。某些组织中胞间连丝很高的SEL和发育过程胞间连丝SEL的变化可能在植物发育调控中有重要作用。本文对大分子通过胞间连丝转移的机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

胞间连丝与大分子物质的胞间转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胞间连丝是细胞间细胞器,是细胞间通讯的直接途径。一般认为,胞间连丝允许通过物质的分子量上限(SEL)是800~1000Da.近年来研究的许多证据表明,胞间连丝的SEL随组织种类及其生理状况而异。在某些情况下,它可以允许大分子物质通过,如病毒运动蛋白与胞间连丝相互作用,使病毒通过胞间连丝转移。玉米突变体kn1基因异常表达的KN1可使包括表皮在内的各层组织结瘤,KN1是细胞间移动的信息物,P蛋白可由伴胞通过胞间连丝转移到筛管。某些组织中胞间连丝很高的SEL和发育过程胞间连丝SEL的变化可能在植物发育调控中有重要作用。本文对大分子通过胞间连丝转移的机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

胞间连丝是相邻细胞间共质体运输的桥梁。基于对胞间连丝分子组成及超微结构的研究,不同学者提出了不同的胞间连丝结构模型。对其功能的研究表明,胞间连丝在物质运输、信息传递、病毒的周身感染等方面都具有重要作用。文章就胞间连丝的结构、分子组成及病毒介导的大分子胞间转移,以及对内源蛋白质的胞间转运机制诸方面的研究进展作了概述。  相似文献   

用DGD包埋去包埋方法,观察了洋葱花粉母细胞中胞间连丝和胞质通道内的胞质骨架分布。结果发现,在花粉母细胞的胞间连丝内有胞质骨加分布,这些骨架纤维集结成束,穿过胞间连丝。在胞质通道内也有胞质骨架分布,但与胸间连丝内的骨困分布有所不同,主要表现为两种形式;骨架纤维致密或稀少。研究讨论了胞质骨架在胞间连丝和胞质通道内的作用。  相似文献   

胞间连丝向胞间通道转化的机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了适应衰老器官内大量的降解物质在短期内迅速转移到贮藏器官和生长部位,胞间连丝内部结构在酶的作用下瓦解,其周围的细胞壁物质也被降解,胞间连丝结构拓宽,形成胞间通道。  相似文献   

运用显微注射法将不同分子量的荧光分子探针注入紫竹梅雄蕊毛细胞中,在荧光显微镜下观察其通过胞间连丝转移情况。表明,开放花和花蕾Ⅳ期胞间连丝允许通过物质的分子量不超过1000D,衰老花可允许FITC-insulinA链(2921D)通过,而花蕾Ⅰ期可允许FITC-dextran(4400D)通过。说明胞间连丝允许通过物质的分子量极限不是固定不变的,它随组织、细胞的发育进程而改变。  相似文献   

李明义 《植物学通报》1998,15(A00):47-53
通过对胞间连丝的起源,形成及其调控物质运输机理的讨论,说明胞间连丝是物质运输和信息传递的重要通道。并且比较了高等植物和低等植物胞间连线的发生和次生变化。由于酶的作用,胞间连丝向胞间通道转化,形成了约100 ̄1000nm的开放性通道。  相似文献   

胞间连丝研究的进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胞间连丝为多细胞植物有机体提供了一个直接的细胞间物质运输和信息传递的细胞质通道,把一个个独立的“细胞王国”转变成相互连接的共质体,它是当今细胞生物学中十分活跃的研究领域。日益增多的研究结果揭示,胞间连丝协调基因表达和许多的细胞生理生化过程,对细胞的分裂与分化、形态发生、植物体的生长与发育,以及植物对环境的反应与适应等诸方面都起着十分重要的作用。本文仅就胞间连丝结构的多样性;胞间通道的调节因子;大分子蛋白质和核酸的胞间运输;胞间连丝阻断和共质体分区的形成及其与形态发生、休眠和抗逆性的关系等几个方面的新进展做一个简要的综述,借此例证胞间连丝在植物生命活动中的重要意义。  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata are occluded when Funaria chloronemata are fragmented by the development of tmema cells (TCs). The TC deposits a new wall layer along the cross wall toward the neighbouring non-sister cell (NC). This wall layer cuts off the plasmodesmata and its connection with the cross wall is soon lost. The plasmodesmata become isolated when the NC forms a new wall layer along the former cross wall. At the end of TC development, before its disintegration, the sister cell (SC) also deposits a new wall layer along the cross wall toward the TC, cutting off the plasmodesmata. For some time the plasmalemma of the plasmodesmata remains connected to the NC or the TC, whereas the desmotubule soon disappears. Relicts of the plasmalemma remain even after the isolation of the plasmodesmata and the disintegration of the TC. During the decay of the plasmodesmata, a cylinder of electron-dense material is frequently formed along the border of the plasmodesmatal channel. This may extend over the surface of the cell wall. Eventually, the plasmodesmatal channel is filled with wall material. Callose is only observed around functional plasmodesmata and does not seem to play a role in their occlusion.  相似文献   

谢斐  张朝晖 《植物研究》2011,31(1):117-120
通过对湘西茶田钒矿废弃冶炼厂矿渣上葫芦藓的野外生态调查和采集,利用原子吸收光谱仪、电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪和原子荧光光谱仪分析了葫芦藓配子体和孢子体及其基质重金属含量。结果表明葫芦藓配子体和孢子体富集了大量的重金属,各重金属元素在配子体和孢子体间的富集存在较大的差异,配子体比孢子体显著富集重金属元素(p<0.05),Zn和Mn在葫芦藓植物体中比其他重金属元素更高。同时也讨论了重金属在苔藓植物中的富集及生物阻抗的作用。  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from protonemata of Funaria hygrometrica wild type and developmentally abnormal mutants were individually selected and cultured in microdroplets of defined, unconditioned culture medium. Up to 60 % of the microcultured wild type protoplasts regenerated whole plants after 4 weeks. Electrofusion in different combinations of defined protoplast pairs of wild type and mutated forms was performed. The products derived from one-to-one electric field induced fusion were efficiently microcultured and somatic hybrids were regenerated.  相似文献   

The induction of shoot buds from the filamentous protonema of moss is a classic bioassay for cytokinin. While a large literature documents this response in many species of moss and for a wide range of natural and synthetic cytokinins, to date only substituted adenine cytokinins have been examined in detail. This paper shows that at least some of the novel phenylurea cytokinins will induce bud formation in mosses. Funaria responds to thidiazuron much as it responds to benzyladenine. Exposure to either substance results in log-linear dose-dependent increases in bud number that reach similar maximal numbers of buds at the optimal concentration of compound. The related compound chloro-pyridyl-phenylurea (CPPU) is slightly less active, but induces buds over a wider range of concentration. Carbanilide (diphenylurea or DPU), an active cytokinin in other systems, induces very few buds in Funaria, but does so over a wide range of concentration. Bioassay of mixtures of benzyladenine and DPU finds no evidence of competition for cytokinin receptors. That result could support suggestions that the phenylurea cytokinins act indirectly, by altering endogenous cytokinin metabolism, but we favor another interpretation. Unlike other cytokinin-responsive systems, the induction of buds from moss protonema involves two cytokinin-mediated events. The number of buds is controlled by the second cytokinin-mediated event. If DPU has little or no affinity for the receptor triggering this second event, DPU treatments will produce few to no buds, and kinetic analysis using bud number would find no evidence for competition with benzyladenine. Our results would support the hypothesis that bud induction in Funaria involves two chemically distinct cytokinin receptors.  相似文献   

Exposure to sufficient cytokinin induces the formation of buds from responsive cells in the protonema of Funaria hygrometrica. Initial perception of the phytohormone results in a Ca+2 cascade within minutes. A second cytokinin-mediated event occurs some days later, and converts incipient buds into stably committed buds. The concentration of exogenous cytokinin also regulates the total number of buds produced from a protonemal colony. This concentration-dependent production of buds has been thought to reflect differential sensitivity of target cells. Under that hypothesis, the regulation of bud number occurs during initial perception of hormone. This paper presents direct experimental evidence to the contrary and supports the alternate hypothesis that bud formation involves the gating of large numbers of responding cells by later events. Experiments transferring protonema between media with different levels of cytokinin show that the cytokinin concentration during the initial perception of cytokinin is unimportant in controlling bud number. Instead, bud number is found to be regulated by the concentration of exogenous cytokinin as incipient buds or bud initials become stably committed buds.  相似文献   

The induction of shoot buds in the moss Funaria hygrometrica is a classic and quantitative bioassay for cytokinin. This cytokinin-stimulated response can be inhibited by the plant hormone abscisic acid, ABA; the inhibition is concentration dependent and was proposed for use as a bioassay for ABA. This paper characterizes the ABA inhibition of the cytokinin-stimulated formation of shoot buds. Experiments transferring protonema between cytokinin and cytokinin plus ABA show that ABA does not interfere with the initial perception of cytokinin. Other experiments compare the results of transferring protonema from cytokinin to cytokinin-free medium or to medium with cytokinin plus ABA and reveal that ABA acts by blocking the cytokinin-mediated stable commitment of nascent buds. Extension of the technique of double-reciprocal plots to this whole-organism bioassay finds that ABA is not a competitive inhibitor of cytokinin. Analysis of the ABA inhibition of bud formation identifies a new regulatory step in the developmental process of bud formation in mosses.  相似文献   

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