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An important issue in conservation biology and the study of evolution is the extent to which inbreeding depression can be reduced or reversed by natural selection. If the deleterious recessive alleles causing inbreeding depression can be 'purged' by natural selection, outbred populations that have a history of inbreeding are expected to be less susceptible to inbreeding depression. This expectation, however, has not been realized in previous laboratory experiments. In the present study, we used Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to test for an association between inbreeding history and inbreeding depression. We created six 'purged' populations from experimental lineages that had been maintained at a population size of 10 male-female pairs for 19 generations. We then measured the inbreeding depression that resulted from one generation of full-sib mating in the purged populations and in the original base population. The magnitude of inbreeding depression in the purged populations was approximately one-third of that observed in the original base population. In contrast to previous laboratory experiments, therefore, we found that inbreeding depression was reduced in populations that have a history of inbreeding. The large purging effects observed in this study may be attributable to the rate of historical inbreeding examined, which was slower than that considered in previous experiments.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to understand the interaction among breeding system, mating system, and expression of inbreeding depression in the hermaphroditic, primarily hummingbird-pollinated, iteroparous, short-lived perennial Silene virginica. We performed hand-selfed and hand-outcrossed pollinations in the field, conducted detailed floral observations within individual flowers and plants, and assayed adult tissue from flowering plants for a genetic estimate of population outcrossing rate. We quantified the opportunity for geitonogamy as the proportion of days each plant exhibited simultaneous male and female function, i.e., asynchronous expression of male- and female-phased flowers. Expression of cumulative inbreeding depression based on germination rate and total flower production in the glasshouse was ~40% and was congruent with the estimated high outcrossing rate of 0.89. Floral observations demonstrated strong temporal protandry within each flower (dichogamy) as well as complete spatial separation between male and female function within each flower (herkogamy). On average, 29% of the time there were both male- and female-phased flowers present on an individual plant. We conclude that our estimate of inbreeding depression is compatible with a largely outcrossing mating system and the amount of selfing observed, likely results from geitonogamy. This study illustrates the utility of examining both the causes and the consequences of inbreeding via selfing to provide additional insights into the evolution of plant mating systems.  相似文献   

We quantified inbreeding depression for fruit production, embryo vitality and seed germination in three deceptive orchids, Serapias vomeracea, S. cordigera and S. parviflora, which do not provide any reward to their pollinators, and are predicted to experience high outcrossing. Of the three species examined only S. parviflora was autonomously selfing. Both S. vomeracea and S. cordigera showed highly significant differences in fitness between selfed and outcrossed progenies, resulting in high levels of inbreeding depression, which increased in magnitude from seed set to seed germination. Inbreeding depression may promote outcrossing in Serapias by acting as a post-pollination barrier to selfing. Cumulative inbreeding depression across three stages in S. parviflora was lower that in both outcrossing species. The large difference in germination between selfed and outcrossed seeds is an important issue in conservation biology.  相似文献   

Many plants are perennial, but most studies of inbreeding depression and mating system evolution focus on annuals. This paper extends a population genetic model of inbreeding depression due to recessive deleterious mutations to perennials. The model incorporates life history and mating system variation, and multiplicative selection across many genetic loci. In the absence of substantial mitotic mutation, perennials have higher mean fitness and lower, or even negative, inbreeding depression than annuals with the same mating system. As in annuals, self fertilization exposes deleterious recessive mutations to selection, increasing mean fitness and decreasing inbreeding depression. Including mitotic mutation decreases mean fitness while increasing inbreeding depression. Perenniality introduces a kind of selective sieve, such that strongly recessive mutations contribute disproportionately to mean fitness and inbreeding depression. In the presence of high mitotic mutation, this selective sieve may provide a mechanistic basis for high inbreeding depression observed in some long lived perennials. Without substantial mitotic mutation, it is difficult to reconcile genetically based models of inbreeding depression with the empirical generalization that perennials outcross while related annuals self fertilize.  相似文献   

The process of population extinction due to inbreeding depression with constant demographic disturbances every generation is analysed using a population genetic and demographic model. The demographic disturbances introduced into the model represent loss of population size that is induced by any kind of human activities, e.g. through hunting and destruction of habitats. The genetic heterozygosity among recessive deleterious genes and the population size are assumed to be in equilibrium before the demographic disturbances start. The effects of deleterious mutations are represented by decreases in the growth rate and carrying capacity of a population. Numerical simulations indicate rapid extinction due to synergistic interaction between inbreeding depression and declining population size for realistic ranges of per-locus mutation rate, equilibrium population size, intrinsic rate of population growth, and strength of demographic disturbances. Large populations at equilibrium are more liable to extinction when disturbed due to inbreeding depression than small populations. This is a consequence of the fact that large populations maintain more recessive deleterious mutations than small populations. The rapid extinction predicted in the present study indicates the importance of the demographic history of a population in relation to extinction due to inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

A multilocus stochastic model is developed to simulate the dynamics of mutational load in small populations of various sizes. Old mutations sampled from a large ancestral population at mutation-selection balance and new mutations arising each generation are considered jointly, using biologically plausible lethal and deleterious mutation parameters. The results show that inbreeding depression and the number of lethal equivalents due to partially recessive mutations can be partly purged from the population by inbreeding, and that this purging mainly involves lethals or detrimentals of large effect. However, fitness decreases continuously with inbreeding, due to increased fixation and homozygosity of mildly deleterious mutants, resulting in extinctions of very small populations with low reproductive rates. No optimum inbreeding rate or population size exists for purging with respect to fitness (viability) changes, but there is an optimum inbreeding rate at a given final level of inbreeding for reducing inbreeding depression or the number of lethal equivalents. The interaction between selection against partially recessive mutations and genetic drift in small populations also influences the rate of decay of neutral variation. Weak selection against mutants relative to genetic drift results in apparent overdominance and thus an increase in effective size (Ne) at neutral loci, and strong selection relative to drift leads to a decrease in Ne due to the increased variance in family size. The simulation results and their implications are discussed in the context of biological conservation and tests for purging.  相似文献   

Using a stochastic model of a finite population in which there is mutation to partially recessive detrimental alleles at many loci, we study the effects of population size and linkage between the loci on the population mean fitness and inbreeding depression values. Although linkage between the selected loci decreases the amount of inbreeding depression, neither population size nor recombination rate have strong effects on these quantities, unless extremely small values are assumed. We also investigate how partial linkage between the loci that determine fitness affects the invasion of populations by alleles at a modifier locus that controls the selfing rate. In most of the cases studied, the direction of selection on modifiers was consistent with that found in our previous deterministic calculations. However, there was some evidence that linkage between the modifier locus and the selected loci makes outcrossing less likely to evolve; more losses of alleles promoting outcrossing occurred in runs with linkage than in runs with free recombination. We also studied the fate of neutral alleles introduced into populations carrying detrimental mutations. The times to loss of neutral alleles introduced at low frequency were shorter than those predicted for alleles in the absence of selected loci, taking into account the reduction of the effective population size due to inbreeding. Previous studies have been confined to outbreeding populations, and to alleles at frequencies close to one-half, and have found an effect in the opposite direction. It therefore appears that associations between neutral and selected loci may produce effects that differ according to the initial frequencies of the neutral alleles.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the rate of self-fertilization in response to deleterious mutations at multiple loci. Although partial selfing induces associations among loci even in the absence of linkage, associations among mutations at different loci are of a smaller order of magnitude than the mutation rate. Genotypes that carry homozygous lethal mutations in heterozygous form at i loci occur in frequencies of the order (Ti) mu i, in which T denotes the number of viability loci and mu the mutation rate. While associations between mutations at different loci remain small even under inbreeding, each viability locus develops an association with the modifier of the rate of self-fertilization that substantially affects the evolution of the breeding system. Positive associations between enhancers of selfing and haplotypes carrying multiple wild-type alleles and positive associations in heterozygosity between the modifier locus and the viability loci promote evolutionary increases in the rate of self-fertilization.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic plants can potentially self‐fertilize, but most possess adaptations that promote outcrossing. However, evolutionary transitions to higher selfing rates are frequent. Selfing comes with a transmission advantage over outcrossing, but self‐progeny may suffer from inbreeding depression, which forms the main barrier to the evolution of higher selfing rates. Here, we assessed inbreeding depression in the North American herb Arabidopsis lyrata, which is normally self‐incompatible, with a low frequency of self‐compatible plants. However, a few populations have become fixed for self‐compatibility and have high selfing rates. Under greenhouse conditions, we estimated mean inbreeding depression per seed (based on cumulative vegetative performance calculated as the product of germination, survival and aboveground biomass) to be 0.34 for six outcrossing populations, and 0.26 for five selfing populations. Exposing plants to drought and inducing defences with jasmonic acid did not magnify these estimates. For outcrossing populations, however, inbreeding depression per seed may underestimate true levels of inbreeding depression, because self‐incompatible plants showed strong reductions in seed set after (enforced) selfing. Inbreeding‐depression estimates incorporating seed set averaged 0.63 for outcrossing populations (compared to 0.30 for selfing populations). However, this is likely an overestimate because exposing plants to 5% CO2 to circumvent self‐incompatibility to produce selfed seed might leave residual effects of self‐incompatibility that contribute to reduced seed set. Nevertheless, our estimates of inbreeding depression were clearly lower than previous estimates based on the same performance traits in outcrossing European populations of A. lyrata, which may help explain why selfing could evolve in North American A. lyrata.  相似文献   

Simple theories for the evolution of breeding systems suggest that the fate of an allele that modifies the rate of self-fertilization hinges only on the degree to which selfing reduces opportunities for outcrossing ("pollen discounting") and the extent of inbreeding depression. These theories predict that outcrossing evolves whenever deleterious mutations have a more severe effect in combination than expected from their individual effects. We study the evolutionary dynamics of a modifier of the rate of self-fertilization in populations subject to complete pollen discounting and recurrent mutations which impair viability at a single locus in diploids and at two loci in haploids. Our analysis indicates that genetic associations arising immediately upon the introduction of a rare modifier allele generate substantial quantitative and qualitative departures from expectation. Higher rates of segregation under selfing in our one-locus diploid model generate positive associations between enhancers of selfing and wild-type viability alleles, which in turn favor the evolution of selfing under a wider range of conditions than expected. Greater opportunities for recombination under outcrossing in our two-locus haploid model generate positive associations between enhancers of outcrossing and wild-type viability alleles. These associations favor the evolution of outcrossing under a wider range of conditions, and introduce the possibility of stable mixed mating systems involving both selfing and outcrossing. Our explicit analysis of genetic associations between loci affecting viability and the rate of self-fertilization indicates that modifiers that enhance the production of offspring with very high (and very low) viability by promoting segregation or recombination develop positive associations with high viability. This advantage of producing extremes can compensate for an initial disadvantage in offspring number.  相似文献   

Dynamic management of genetic resources inpredominantly inbreeding species requiresincreased levels of outcrossing to limit theloss of genetic variation due to smallereffective sizes and to favour the emergence ofnew genetic combinations. Here, we show thatoutcrossing rates can artificially bepermanently increased in experimental evolvingplant metapopulations, using Arabidopsisthaliana as a model. We introducedmale-sterility genes and used an adequatemanagement of the resulting female plants tomodify the outcrossing rates. As expected, theincrease in outcrossing resulted in lowerlevels of heterozygote deficiency (F is) than observed in natural populationsof A. thaliana and therefore in themaintenance of potentially higher levels ofgenetic variation. An additional selectiveadvantage for females' offspring, due to theproduction of larger seeds by females and apossible heterosis effect, furthermore led tosmaller F is than expected from therealized outcrossing rate. This selectiveadvantage also resulted in an increase infemale frequency, especially in metapopulationswith large population sizes, creating anon-causal negative correlation between femalefrequency and heterozygote deficiency.  相似文献   

For a population subdivided into an arbitrary number (s) of subpopulations, each consisting of different numbers of separate sexes, with arbitrary distributions of family size and variable migration rates by males (dm) and females (df), the recurrence equations for inbreeding coefficient and coancestry between individuals within and among subpopulations for a sex-linked locus are derived and the corresponding expressions for asymptotic effective size are obtained by solving the recurrence equations. The usual assumptions are made which are stable population size and structure, discrete generations, the island migration model, and without mutation and selection. The results show that population structure has an important effect on the inbreeding coefficients in any generation, asymptotic effective size, and F-statistics. Gene exchange among subpopulations inhibits inbreeding in initial generations but increases inbreeding in later generations. The larger the migration rate, the greater the final inbreeding coefficients and the smaller the effective size. Thus if the inbreeding coefficient is to be restricted to a specific value within a given number of generations, the appropriate population structure (the values of s, dm, and df) can be obtained by using the recurrence equations. It is shown that the greater the extent of subdivision (large s, small dm and df), the larger the effective size. For a given subdivided population, the effective size for a sex-linked locus may be larger or smaller than that for an autosomal locus, depending on the sex ratio, variance and covariance of family size, and the extend of subdivision. For the special case of a single unsubdivided population, our recurrence equations for inbreeding coefficient and coancestry and formulas for effective size reduce to the simple expressions derived by previous authors.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression was studied in two populations of a Mediterranean allogamous colonizing species Crepis sancta. In order to test the hypothesis that the magnitude of inbreeding depression can be modified by successional processes, the growth and survival of individuals resulting from two generations of inbred crosses including selfing were analysed with interspecific competition (in natural vegetation) and without interspecific competition (by removing natural vegetation). Inbreeding depression was weak for seed production. Germination was little affected by inbreeding but mortality and the number of capitula showed inbreeding depression, especially in the presence of competition. This suggests that inbreeding depression is very sensitive to variations in environmental conditions such as interspecific competition. As a consequence, inbreeding depression cannot be considered as constant in natural conditions.  相似文献   

The termite Incisitermes schwarzi has multiple sex chromosomes that have arisen by repeated translocations between autosomes and previously existing sex chromosomes. Two sex-linked allozyme loci--Acp-1 and Est-3--are holozygous, not hemizygous, in males (the heterogametic sex). Both loci show less than 1% crossing-over between X and Y chromosomes, and alleles of both are in marked disequilibrium with respect to X vs Y linkage. The two loci assort independently in female meiosis, indicating that they lie on different sex chromosomes. But they are tightly linked in male meiosis because of nonrandom assortment of the multiple X and Y chromosomes in males of this species. The findings of holozygosity and strong linkage disequilibrium suggest that differential selection in the two sexes at or near these loci may be responsible for the establishment of the translocations in this species. The existence of active Y-linked alleles also suggests that the translocations may have occurred recently.  相似文献   

Plants that live in fragmented landscapes, where populations are isolated from each other and in which long-distance dispersal is essential for colonization of empty sites, reproduction should be favoured by self-compatibility (Baker's law). Nevertheless, outcrossing mechanisms, such as self-incompatibility and dichogamy, are common in many species and are often maintained by inbreeding depression in the fitness of selfed progeny. Here, we studied the breeding system and the consequences of selfing and sister mating in Campanula thyrsoides, a short-lived perennial monocarp, which is found in the naturally fragmented landscape of the Alps. An experiment with controlled pollinations was set up in the common garden with plants grown from seeds originating from 14 seed families, collected in the siliceous Central Alps, where this plant is found on isolated carbonate bearing outcrops.Our results indicate that C. thyrsoides has a strong self-incompatibility system (SI) with no or low seed set in selfed flowers compared to outcrossed and sister-crossed flowers. Moreover, the SI system in C. thyrsoides did not break down with flower age as in some other Campanula species. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in seed set, seed weight, germination percentage, seedling survival and size between outcrossed and sister-crossed offspring, which indicates no inbreeding depression.We suggest that the absence of inbreeding depression in this outcrossing species might be a result of frequent bottlenecks during colonization of the isolated habitats in the alpine landscape.  相似文献   

L S Enders  L Nunney 《Heredity》2016,116(3):304-313
Environmental stress generally exacerbates the harmful effects of inbreeding and it has been proposed that this could be exploited in purging deleterious alleles from threatened inbred populations. However, understanding what factors contribute to variability in the strength of inbreeding depression (ID) observed across adverse environmental conditions remains a challenge. Here, we examined how the nature and timing of stress affects ID and the potential for purging using inbred and outbred Drosophila melanogaster larvae exposed to biotic (larval competition, bacteria infection) and abiotic (ethanol, heat) stressors compared with unstressed controls. ID was measured during (larval survival) and after (male mating success) stress exposure. The level of stress imposed by each stressor was approximately equal, averaging a 42% reduction in outbred larval survival relative to controls. All stressors induced on average the same ID, causing a threefold increase in lethal equivalents for larval survival relative to controls. However, stress-induced ID in larval success was followed by a 30% reduction in ID in mating success of surviving males. We propose that this fitness recovery is due to ‘intragenerational purging'' whereby fitness correlations facilitate stress-induced purging that increases the average fitness of survivors in later life history stages. For biotic stressors, post-stress reductions in ID are consistent with intragenerational purging, whereas for abiotic stressors, there appeared to be an interaction between purging and stress-induced physiological damage. For all stressors, there was no net effect of stress on lifetime ID compared with unstressed controls, undermining the prediction that stress enhances the effectiveness of population-level purging across generations.  相似文献   

A potential bias in estimation of inbreeding depression when using pedigree relationships to assess the degree of homozygosity for loci under selection is indicated. A comparison of inbreeding coefficients based on either pedigree or genotypic frequencies indicated that, as a result of selection, the inbreeding coefficient based on pedigree might not correspond with the random drift of allelic frequencies. Apparent differences in average levels of both inbreeding coefficients were obtained depending on the genetic model (additive versus dominance, initial allelic frequencies, heritability) and the selection system assumed (no versus mass selection). In the absence of selection, allelic frequencies within a small population change over generations due to random drift, and the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient gives a proper assessment of the accompanying probability of increased homozygosity within a replicate by indicating the variance of allelic frequencies over replicates. With selection, in addition to random drift, directional change in allelic frequencies is not accounted for by the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient. This result implies that estimation of inbreeding depression for traits under either direct or indirect selection, estimated by a regression of performance on pedigree-based coefficients, should be carefully interpreted.Deceased  相似文献   

Luo LJ  Li ZK  Mei HW  Shu QY  Tabien R  Zhong DB  Ying CS  Stansel JW  Khush GS  Paterson AH 《Genetics》2001,158(4):1755-1771
The genetic basis underlying inbreeding depression and heterosis for three grain yield components of rice was investigated in five interrelated mapping populations using a complete RFLP linkage map, replicated phenotyping, and the mixed model approach. The populations included 254 F(10) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Lemont (japonica) and Teqing (indica), two backcross (BC) and two testcross populations derived from crosses between the RILs and the parents plus two testers (Zhong413 and IR64). For the yield components, the RILs showed significant inbreeding depression and hybrid breakdown, and the BC and testcross populations showed high levels of heterosis. The average performance of the BC or testcross hybrids was largely determined by heterosis. The inbreeding depression values of individual RILs were negatively associated with the heterosis measurements of the BC or testcross hybrids. We identified many epistatic QTL pairs and a few main-effect QTL responsible for >65% of the phenotypic variation of the yield components in each of the populations. Most epistasis occurred between complementary loci, suggesting that grain yield components were associated more with multilocus genotypes than with specific alleles at individual loci. Overdominance was also an important property of most loci associated with heterosis, particularly for panicles per plant and grains per panicle. Two independent groups of genes appeared to affect grain weight: one showing primarily nonadditive gene action explained 62.1% of the heterotic variation of the trait, and the other exhibiting only additive gene action accounted for 28.1% of the total trait variation of the F(1) mean values. We found no evidence suggesting that pseudo-overdominance from the repulsive linkage of completely or partially dominant QTL for yield components resulted in the overdominant QTL for grain yield. Pronounced overdominance resulting from epistasis expressed by multilocus genotypes appeared to explain the long-standing dilemma of how inbreeding depression could arise from overdominant genes.  相似文献   

The widespread presence of incomplete dichogamy (i.e., partial separation in time between male and female phases) in flowering plants is a long‐standing question in floral evolution. In this study, we proposed four scenarios in which depending on the particular combination of pollen limitation and inbreeding depression, the presence of complete dichogamy, incomplete dichogamy, or adichogamy may be favored. Moreover, we evaluated the role of pollen limitation and inbreeding depression in a natural population of Salvia elegans to test the validity of our predicted scenarios. Our results indicate that S. elegans is partially protandrous as pollen viability and stigma receptivity overlap in the last days of life of the flower. Furthermore, through pollination treatments, we found no evidence of pollen limitation or inbreeding depression in any of the evaluated fitness components. As expected by one of the proposed scenarios, incomplete dichogamy seems to be favored in plants with absence of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation as a way to diminish interference between male and female functions.  相似文献   

Two significantly different types of mandibular gnathal edges present in extant Branchiopoda are documented by using SEM. The Anostraca, Spinicaudata, Cyclestherida, and certain Cladocera have a pars molaris that forms the entire gnathal edge. In these taxa, the pars molaris consists of comb-like projections originating from the primary surface of the gnathal edge. The comb teeth form the grinding surface at a second, more distal level. The central area of the molar surface is formed as a smooth plate, perforated by numerous small pores. These corresponding features are interpreted as homologous and indicate the homology of this type of gnathal edge. In comparison with the mandibular gnathal edges of other mandibulate taxa, the ellipsoid pars molaris forming the entire gnathal edge can be interpreted as an apomorphy of the Branchiopoda. Another type of gnathal edge is found in the Notostraca and Laevicaudata. It is characterized by several parallel-oriented teeth. Each of these teeth possesses a dorsal and a ventral cusp, both connected by a concave ridge. In addition, a smaller tooth-like structure, but showing more differences to the other teeth, is present anteriorly, and an incisor or canine-like tooth posteriorly. These similarities between laevicaudatan and notostracan gnathal edges are detailed enough to accept primary homology also of the second type of gnathal edge. Differences between the gnathal edges concern the distinct asymmetry of the mandibles in Notostraca and their symmetry in Laevicaudata. In comparison with the other type of gnathal edge, this type has to be interpreted as a synapomorphy of Notostraca and Laevicaudata. This is in conflict with other characters supporting a monophyletic Diplostraca, with the Laevicaudata as sister group to Spinicaudata + Cladoceromorpha.  相似文献   

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