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Cotyledonoid dissecting leiomyoma of the uterus is a recently described rare variant of benign uterine leiomyoma. We report a case of cotyledonoid dissecting leiomyoma in a 52 year old woman who presented with menorrhagia and abdominal pain. An ultrasound scan showed a bulky uterus and a cystic heterogenous mass near the left ovary. At hysterectomy, the left broad ligament mass was removed. This was continuous with an ill-defined nodular area in the myometrial fundus. Microscopy revealed a benign smooth muscle proliferation in the myometrium that extended beyond the uterus and into the broad ligament. The lesion appeared to be dissecting the myometrial fibres and showed areas of oedema, hyalinisation and perinodular hydropic change. Cellular atypia, mitoses and coagulative necrosis were absent. The patient is alive and well 18 months after surgery. It is important to recognize this benign and unusual appearing variant of leiomyoma in order to prevent inappropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse myocardial cells grown as monolayers fused upon treatment with HVJ (Sendai virus). The myocardial cells also fused with quail myocardial cells, neuroblastoma cells and non-excitable cells, such as KB cells. The beating activity of these heterokaryons was studied in the present work. Heterokaryons composed of myocardial cells from different species maintained spontaneous beating activity for 2 days or more. Those of one myocardial and one neuroblastoma cell maintained the activity for 22-26 h, while those of one myocardial and one non-excitable cell, such as KB cell, lost the activity within 2-4 h after addition of HVJ. Heterokaryons that had stopped spontaneous beating did not contract on application of electrical-field stimulation. The ration of non-myocardial cells in the heterokaryons increased in inverse proportion to the decrease in beating activity of the heterokaryons. Study of the rapid disappearance of beating activity in heterokaryons composed of one myocardial and one KB cell showed that both excitability of the cell membrane and myofibril organization were rapidly lost.  相似文献   

Autologous circulating rabbit blood cells have been cultivated in Millipore diffusion chambers implanted intraperitoneally for 13 days. During this period multinucleated giant cells were formed within the diffusion chambers, confirming a hematogenous origin of these cells. The diffusion chamber technique might be helpful for the investigations of factors initiating the formation of multinucleated giant cells.  相似文献   

The freeze-fracture morphology of epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells (Langhans' type), and phagocytic macrophages was investigated. The intensely folded and interdigitating surface membranes of epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells displayed no specialized areas of cell contact. The size of the intramembranous particles (IMP) and the fact that the area density of IMPs was higher in the cytoplasmic (P) faces than in the external (E) faces of the cell membranes agreed with observations in other eukaryotic cells. The area densities of the IMPs suggest lower transport rates of molecules across the cell membranes of granuloma cells than of certain epithelial cells. Small pits were detected in the surface membranes of the granuloma cells but an extrusion of granules was not observed. The cytoplasmic granules displayed very different sizes and shapes ranging from spherical to rod-shaped. The latter type of granules (probably primary lysosomes) dominated in multinucleated giant cells. The granule membranes were studded with IMPs whose area densities increased with the granule size. Multilamellar bodies with smooth (lipid) fracture faces were found only in phagocytic macrophages. The nuclear pores of the granuloma cells were distributed over the entire surfaces of the nuclei and displayed moderate clustering. The values of the area densities of the nuclear pores were in keeping with the values observed in mammalian and human epithelial or mesenchymal cells, indicating similar exchange rates of molecules between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm in these different cell types. In a single phagocytic macrophage the E-face of the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope displayed a network of fine filaments whose nature is at present unknown.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1986,118(1):95-102
Macrocyst development in Dictyostelium discoideum, is generally considered a sexual phase. This development is initiated by the formation of a giant cell, the result of the fusion of two different mating type haploid cells, such as NC4 and HM1. The giant cell engulfs unfused surrounding cells to develop into a macrocyst. Therefore, if the macrocyst is a sexual structure, the giant cell must be a diploid zygote. However, under certain conditions, a very large multinucleated giant cell containing several dozens of nuclei is formed, followed by normal development into a macrocyst. In such a multinucleated giant cell, it was found that only two nuclei fuse together to produce a diploid zygote and all others disappear at the early stage of development. The diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis and subsequently subdivides into a number of haploid progeny cells later released from the macrocyst to initiate new life cycles.  相似文献   

Cellular fusion of macrophages into multinucleated giant cells is a distinguishing feature of the granulomatous response to inflammation, infection, and foreign bodies (Kawai and Akira. 2011. Immunity 34: 637-650). We observed a marked increase in fusion of macrophages genetically deficient in Dicer, an enzyme required for canonical microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis. Gene expression profiling of miRNA-deficient macrophages revealed an upregulation of the IL-4-responsive fusion protein Tm7sf4, and analyses identified miR-7a-1 as a negative regulator of macrophage fusion, functioning by directly targeting Tm7sf4 mRNA. miR-7a-1 is itself an IL-4-responsive gene in macrophages, suggesting feedback control of cellular fusion. Collectively, these data indicate that miR-7a-1 functions to regulate IL-4-directed multinucleated giant cell formation.  相似文献   

Summary The peroxidatic (PO) activity of monocytes differentiating into macrophages, epithelioid cells, and multinucleated giant cells in subcutaneous granulomas was investigated with three different media for the demonstration of PO activity. Irrespective of the stage of differentiation, these cells did not show PO activity in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) or nuclear envelope. In addition, it was found that the morphologically characteristic types of granule of the various cells of the monocyte line (the primary granules and secondary granules of monocytes, the macrophage granules, and the epithelioid cell granules), all have distinct cytochemical characteristics.Monocytes lose their primary and secondary granules during differentiation into mature macrophages. Simultaneously, the granules of both types become elongated and the secondary granules lose their halo. In contrast to monocytes, mature macrophages may contain a few microperoxisomes. During the differentiation of macrophages into epithelioid cells or multinucleated giant cells there is an increase in the number of microperoxisomes.  相似文献   

The morphological changes occurring in monocytes during their differentiation into macrophages, epithelioid cells, Langhans-type giant cells, and foreign-body-type giant cells were investigated in foreign-body granulomas induced by subcutaneous implantation of pieces of Melinex plastic. Analysis based on Adams's (1974) criteria for discrimination between the several types of cell of the monocyte line, showed that each type has a characteristic type of granule. Primary and secondary granules, numerous in the Golgi area of monocytes were generally found close to the cell membrane and decreased in number in maturing macrophages. This was accompanied by an increase in the number of microtubules. Mature macrophages show numerous characteristic macrophage granules, which are round (average diameter: 280 nm) and have a halo between the limiting membrane and granular matrix. Mature epithelioid cells have characteristic epithelioid cell granules, and multinucleated giant cells a heterogenous population of granules. Fusing macrophages generally have their Golgi areas facing each other, and also show a reduced thickness of the cell coat. The morphology of the multinucleated giant cell is closely related to the number of nuclei present. In Langhans-type giant cells, which generally have two to ten nuclei, a giant centrosphere with numerous aggregated centrioles is found. In transition forms between Langhans-type and foreign-body-type giant cells, which generally contain 10--30 nuclei, the centrioles show less aggregation. In the foreign-body-type giant cells, which generally have more than 30 nuclei, centrioles are virtually absent and never aggregated. These differences between the Langhans-type giant cells, the foreign-body-type giant cells, and the transition forms, support our previous finding that Langhans-type giant cells are the precursors of foreign-body-type giant cells.  相似文献   

Multinucleated giant cells (MGC) of mononuclear phagocyte origin occur in different tissues in various inflammatory states and pathological conditions. Although MGC are believed to be derived from monocyte-derived macrophages by fusion, their mechanism of formation is not known. In this study, we investigated the role of PMA, a protein kinase C activator, in the induction and formation of MGC from blood monocyte-derived macrophages in in vitro culture. The addition of PMA (1 x 10(-9) to 8 x 10(-8) M) to 3-wk-old cultures of blood-derived monocytes induces cell fusion with a 30% to 80% fusion rate. Moreover, IFN-gamma-treated blood-derived monocyte cultures showed an additional enhancement of fusion rate with the addition of PMA. 1(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride, a protein kinase inhibitor, inhibited the formation of macrophage-derived giant cells when added before phorbol ester and IFN-gamma. These findings suggest that protein kinase C may play an important role in the formation of macrophage-derived MGC.  相似文献   

Granulomas are inflammatory tissue responses directed to a set of antigens. Trapped Schistosoma mansoni eggs promote productive granulomas in the tissues, and they are the main damage caused by schistosomiasis. Some S. mansoni antigenic proteins may have a direct involvement in the resolution of the granulomatous response. The ATP diphosphohydrolases isoforms of this parasite are immunogenic, expressed in all phases of the parasite life cycle and secreted by eggs and adult worms. Potato apyrase is a vegetable protein that cross-reactive with parasite ATP diphosphohydrolases isoforms. In this study, the vegetable protein was purified, before being inoculated in C57BL/6 mice that were later infected with cercariae. Sixty days after infection, adult worms were recovered, antibodies and cytokines were measured, and morphological granuloma alterations evaluated. Immunization of the animals induced significant levels of IgG and IgG1 antibodies and IFN-γ, IL-10 and IL-5 cytokines, but not IL-13, suggesting that potato apyrase is an immunoregulatory protein. Supporting this hypothesis, it was found that liver damage associated with schistosomiasis was mitigated, reducing the size of the areas affected by granuloma to 35% and increasing the presence of multinucleated giant cells in this environment. In conclusion, potato apyrase was found to be effective immunomodulatory antigen for murine schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Multinucleated giant cells (MGC), a hallmark of chronic inflammatory reactions, remain an enigma of cell biology. There is evidence implicating the purinergic P2X7 receptor in the fusion process leading to MGC. To investigate this, we used HEK 293 cells stably transfected with either 1) the full-length rat P2X7 receptor (P2X7 cells), 2) a rat P2X7 receptor lacking the C-terminal domain (P2X7TC), or 3) a mock vector, and rat alveolar macrophages (MA) expressing the native receptor. P2X7 cells cultured in serum-free medium formed increased numbers of MGC and displayed a higher fusion index compared with mock transfectants. Stimulation of P2X7 pore-forming activity in P2X7 cells by polymyxin B (PMB) further increased significantly the formation of MGC. Conversely, blockers of P2X-receptors including oxidized ATP, brilliant blue G, and pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2'-4'-disulfonic acid inhibited significantly MGC formation in both unstimulated and PMB-stimulated P2X7-transfected cells. In contrast, cells transfected with the truncated P2X7TC were devoid of pore-forming activity, did not respond to PMB stimulation, and failed to form enhanced numbers of MGC, thus behaving as mock transfectants. As found for P2X7-transfected cells, PMB also potentiated dose-dependently the formation of multinucleated MA by rat alveolar MA. Pretreatment with oxidized ATP abrogated the PMB stimulatory effects. Together, these data demonstrate unequivocally the participation of P2X7 receptor in the process of MGC formation. Our study also provides evidence suggesting that stimulation of the P2X7 receptor pathway in MA may mediate increased formation of MGC during chronic inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Bone resorption in the joints is the characteristic finding in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoclast-like cells are present in the synovial tissues and invade the bone of patients with RA. The characteristics of these cells are not completely known. In the work reported here, we generated these cells from peripheral-blood monocytes from healthy individuals. The monocytes were co-cultured with nurse-like cells from synovial tissues of patients with RA (RA-NLCs). Within 5 weeks of culture, the monocytes were activated and differentiated into mononuclear cells positive for CD14 and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). These mononuclear cells then differentiated into multinucleated giant bone-resorbing cells after stimulation with IL-3, IL-5, IL-7, and/or granulocyte-macrophage-colony-stimulating factor. TRAP-positive cells with similar characteristics were found in synovial fluid from patients with RA. These results indicate that multinucleated giant bone-resorbing cells are generated from monocytes in two steps: first, RA-NLCs induce monocytes to differentiate into TRAP-positive mononuclear cells, which are then induced by cytokines to differentiate into multinucleated giant bone-resorbing cells.  相似文献   

The B-dependent areas of human lymphoid tissue contain non-lymphoid, non-phagocytic cells known as dendritic reticulum cells (DRC). These cells can be detected only very occasionally in routinely stained histologic sections. Recently we were able to overcome this limitation by preparing a monoclonal antibody, termed R 4/23, that reacts selectively with DRC. Thus by using an optimized immunoperoxidase method applied to frozen sections, it is possible to detect DRC in situ. To determine the antigenic profile of DRC, serial frozen sections of human tonsils were immunostained with R 4/23 and a large panel of other monoclonal antibodies or conventional antisera. In addition, touch imprints of tonsils and cytocentrifuge slides of cell suspensions with increased concentrations of DRC were immunostained with these reagents. DRC proved to be positive for mu, gamma, alpha, kappa and lambda chains, complement component C3b, C3b receptors, C3d receptors, HLA-A,B,C antigens, human Ia-like antigens, common ALL antigen (cALLa), and antigens that are characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage lineages. DRC did not express delta chains, T cell antigens, or antigens that are expressed on interdigitating reticulum cells (IDC) and Langerhans cells. DRC in touch imprints and suspensions prepared from hyperplastic tonsils were found to be giant cells often with 10 or more nuclei. In certain cases of follicular hyperplasia and of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, DRC with several nuclei were also detectable in situ. These results show that (1) the phenotype of DRC differs from that of all other cell types in lymphoid tissue, (2) this phenotype most nearly resembles that of cells of the monocyte/macrophage series, thus suggesting that DRC are related to these cell lineages, and (3) DRC are multinucleated giant cells.  相似文献   

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