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陆地植物群落物种多样性维持机制   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
从空间尺度和特定生物区系两个尺度对物种多样性的维持机制进行了综述.在大的空间尺度,简述了引起物种多样性存在差异的物理和自然因子的作用,包括植物群落的历史和年龄、梯度变化(纬度梯度、水分梯度、海拔梯度、土壤养分梯度)、面积效应和隔离程度;针对特定生物区系,从生物因素(生产力、种间关系、林隙动态)和非生物因素(演替、干扰及空间异质性、人类活动)方面论述其与物种多样性之间的关系.  相似文献   

物种多样性与植物群落的维持机制   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:39  
物种多样性的形成与维持是生物多样性研究中的核心问题之一,形成了许多假说。剖析了群落物种多样性维持具有增加、减少和稳定共存三方面内容,着重阐明物种稳定共存的内因是物种的生物学与生态学特性差异,外因是生境具有小尺度的差异;群落生境异质性是其物种多样性维持的基础,并影响着群落的组织过程;群落的斑块镶嵌结构源于林隙形成的生境异质性,导致了物种多样性;群落斑块镶嵌结构是群落的基本属性,使群落的结构和功能得以长期维持等论点。最后,还以鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林为例,对群落斑块镶嵌结构的形成及其对物种多样性维持和群落生产力构成与维持等方面的意义予以说明。  相似文献   

鼎湖山植物物种多样性动态   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
鼎湖山自然保护区于1982年分别在针叶林、针阔叶混交林和常绿阔叶林内建立了3个永久样地。样地建立前,针叶林常受到人类的干扰,其它2种一直受到较好的保护。本文植物物种动态的研究和分析基于对3个样地在1982年和1994年的两次调查。结果表明,物种多样性的顺序是阔叶林>混交林>针叶林。就乔木(DBH>2.5cm)而言,3个样地的物种多样性和均匀度指数从1982年至1994年都已增长。除阔叶林外,两次调查的结果差别很大,这是因为在保护之下它们正产生进展演替。至于林下层植物则正好相反,除阔叶林外,针阔叶混交林和常绿阔叶林的多样性及均匀度指数均下降。物种的丰富度和个体数的变化同多样性指数变化一致。物种的组成变化符合演替规律,随着针叶林发展成为混交林,混交林发展成为阔叶林,其林冠变得较为密集,因而有更多的耐阴植物侵入,而一些喜光(不耐阴的)种消失。研究结果表明,人类的干扰将降低植物的物种多样性,而保护将使物种多样性得到恢复和提高。  相似文献   

热带森林中的斑块动态与物种多样性维持   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
斑块作为景观要素之一,直接到景观结构的空间格局及其内部各要素之间的相互关系,其动态也将导致景观格局的变化。异质性的斑块在自然森林中是普遍存在的,这就是说,顶极森林中仍然存在着由不同种类或不同生长时期的植物种群组成的森林斑块。由自然或人为干扰所驱动的森林生长循环导致敢这些斑块在空间上的镶嵌,对于持定的地域片段,也导致了不同生长时期的森林斑块的周期性循环。在热带森林中,森林的生长循环由林窗期(gap  相似文献   

为明晰放牧强度对高寒草甸物种、生活型以及功能群多样性和生物量的时间累积作用以及对多样性与生物量之间相互关系的影响。选择青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸,在6个放牧强度样地连续4 a(2012—2015)进行物种、生活型、功能群多样性和生物量调查。采用重复测量方差分析和线性回归法分析放牧强度和放牧年份对物种、生活型、功能群多样性以及多样性与生物量之间的相关关系的影响。结果表明:(1)放牧强度和放牧年份均对生物量产生显著影响。随放牧强度增加,生物量显著降低。但随放牧年份延长,不同放牧强度区生物量无一致的变化规律。(2)放牧年份对物种、生活型和功能群丰富度、均匀度和优势度的影响均达到显著水平。但放牧强度和放牧年份只对物种丰富度产生交互作用,放牧强度对物种丰富度的影响具有时间的累积效应。(3)放牧干扰下不同层次多样性,仅物种丰富度与所有多样性指数显著相关,物种丰富度可以作为物种多样性测度的代表性指标。(4)多样性与生物量关系的研究,对丰富度而言,仅低放牧强度样地(Plot2)中物种丰富度随生物量增加而显著降低,其余放牧强度样地的物种、生活型和功能群丰富度均与生物量无关。对均匀度而言,高放牧强度样地(Plot4、Plot5、Plot6)生活型均匀度随生物量的增加而显著降低。对优势度而言,高放牧强度样地生活型优势度随生物量的增加而显著增加。生活型多样性可作为放牧干扰下生物量变化快速预测的有效指标。  相似文献   

山东孔林三种植物群落物种多样性及动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐宁  吴兆录  宋会兴   《广西植物》2006,26(3):257-260
用样方法调查研究了山东孔林三种植物群落的物种多样性及动态。发现麻栎林、侧柏林和麻栎灌丛等调查样地中,植物物种数量分别为38种、50种和46种,乔木及幼苗个体数分别为3950、2700、14550株/hm2,灌木个体数分别为17625、20925、6900株/hm2,草本个体数分别为29325、54025、45125株/hm2。孔林的植物群落演替顺序为麻栎灌丛—侧柏针叶林—麻栎落叶阔叶林。任其自然演替会影响孔林文化圣地的氛围,需要适当的人工干预。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地沙漠化过程中的物种多样性   总被引:59,自引:8,他引:59  
对内蒙古科尔沁地区沙漠化过程中物种多样性的变化特征进行了分析 ,依据植物种在各类型沙漠化土地的出现频率和不同沙漠化阶段各生活型植物种的组成 ,探讨了沙漠化过程中植物种绝灭和定居特点 .物种多样性指数分析表明 ,沙漠化过程是一个物种多样性衰减的过程 ,沙漠化首先导致特有种的绝灭 ,其次为稀有种和普通种 .从植物的生活型来看 ,多年生草本和灌木类植物受沙漠化影响最大 ,而 1年生草本和半灌木类植物可存活于沙漠化过程各个阶段 .在沙漠化过程中植物种的绝灭速率大于定居速率 .  相似文献   

百花山植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于百花山50个样方的调查资料,从不同类型群落的物种多样性及其与海拔的关系等方面对百花山植被进行了分析,并且用DCA排序和海拔高程排序对物种多样性在环境梯度上的分布格局进行了初步研究。结果表明:群落内不同生长型的物种丰富度指数在森林群落中大小顺序为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,灌丛群落主要表现为草本层﹥灌木层,只有荆条灌丛表现为灌木层>草本层;Shannon-Wiener指数在山杨—华北落叶松群落中表现为灌木层>草本层>乔木层,其他森林群落为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,在灌丛群落中主要表现为草本层>灌木层,只有荆条灌丛表现为灌木层>草本层;均匀度指数在灌丛群落中表现为灌木层>草本层,在辽东栎林和山杨—华北落叶松林中表现为灌木层>乔木层>草本层,而其他森林群落表现为乔木层>灌木层>草本层。物种多样性在DCA第一轴排序和海拔高程梯度上都表现出单峰曲线变化趋势,但拟和效果的显著程度不同:丰富度和均匀度指数在海拔高程上曲线的拟和效果优于DCA环境梯度排序效果;而多样性指数则相反。  相似文献   

陆地植物群落物种多样性演替研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物群落物种多样性在不同梯度上,其变化规律不一致.物种多样性与纬度呈反相关关系,与水分关系密切,表现出不同变化规律,与海拔主要表现为反相关关系和中间高度膨胀规律.土壤盐度、水分、肥力对物种多样性也有影响.在不同演替阶段物种多样性出现不同变化规律,群落结构最复杂的演替阶段,物种多样性最高.  相似文献   

广州公园植物群落物种组成及多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对广州城区10 个公园中92 块样地进行调查, 旨在探讨不同公园中植物群落物种构成及其多样性。调查显示: 样地植物种类较为丰富, 共出现维管植物275 种, 以被子植物为主; 样地中乔木共计143 种; 在乔木层中, 有6个树种出现频度超过50%, 8 种灌木频度超过50%, 12 种草本植物频度超过50%; 而不同公园间草本层植物多样性差异较小, 但是, 越秀公园、雕塑公园和天河公园等面积较大的公园乔木多样性较低; 与乔木层相比, 灌木层植物多样性普遍偏低在乔木层。因此需要进一步加强景观植被中灌木植物的配置, 进而提升城市公园森林美景。  相似文献   

北京九龙山植物群落物种多样性特征对比分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
根据对北京九龙山植物群落的样地调查数据,采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、群落均匀度和生态优势度指标研究了九龙山封育植被乔灌草各层的物种多样性,并分别就阳坡和阴坡进行了乔木材、灌价群落的指标对比分析,结果表明,这3种指标能够有效地表征暖温带植物群落的组成结构特征,在九龙山封育植被中,阴阳坡的灌丛群落与乔木材相比,其灌木层的物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数D高于乔木林中乔木层,而低于其灌木层;灌丛群落的草本层Shannon-Wiener指数小于乔木材中草本层;乔木材的草本层的物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数大于灌木层,灌木层又大于乔木层,而生态优势度系数C在上述3种比较中与Shannon-Wiener指数表现相反,而群落均匀度指数J在比较中阴阳坡的表现不同,最后讨论了九龙坡地区植被演替序列及加速其进展演替的恢复措施。  相似文献   

Anthony Stallins  J. 《Plant Ecology》2003,165(2):183-196
Barrier island dune systems exhibit strong geographic contrasts in theinteraction between extrinsic disturbance from storm overwash and intrinsicbiogeomorphic recovery processes. To examine how these interactions shape duneplant species diversity, I sampled species cover and topography alongfrequentlystorm-overwashed (South Core Banks, North Carolina) and infrequently overwashed(Sapelo Island, Georgia) barrier islands. The observed compositional anddiversity patterns were in agreement with a complex systems model in whichextrinsic overwash exposure is either reinforced (South Core Banks) or dampened(Sapelo Island) by intrinsic biogeomorphic controls of topography. A largespatial-scale regularity in the distributional pattern of along-shore speciesdiversity was correlated to primary foredune height on South Core. On Sapelo, afine-spatial scale differentiation of species diversity patterns was lessstrongly correlated to topographic metrics. There were no significantdifferences between islands in along-shore alpha diversity (Shannon-Weinerindex). However, Sapelo was more diverse given its smaller area and finer-scalehabitat heterogeneity. I posit that the relevancy of the IntermediateDisturbance Hypothesis is weak when examining diversity patterns along a shoredisturbance gradient. Intrinsic biogeomorphic processes decouple the directcause-and-effect relationship between disturbance and diversity, a basicassumption of IDH. I posit that the Dynamic Equilibrium Model may be a moregenerally applicable conceptual framework. DEM incorporates the interaction ofintrinsic and extrinsic processes that shape habitat heterogeneity, aprerequisite for understanding how complex systems interactions shape diversitypatterns.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the impact of pocket gopher disturbances on the dynamics of a shortgrass prairie community. Through their burrowing activity, pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) cast up mounds of soil which both kill existing vegetation and create sites for colonization by competitively-inferior plant species. Three major patterns emerge from these disturbances: First, we show that 10 of the most common herbaceous perennial dicots benefit from pocket gopher disturbance; that is, a greater proportion of seedlings are found in the open space created by pocket gopher disturbance than would be expected based on the availability of disturbed habitat. Additionally, these seedlings exhibited higher growth rates than adjacent seedlings of the same species growing in undisturbed habitat. Second, we tested two predictions of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis and found that species diversity was greatest for plots characterized by disturbances of intermediate age. However, we did not detect significant differences in diversity between plots characterized by intermediate and high levels of disturbance, indicating that many species are adapted to or at least tolerant of high levels of disturbance. Third, we noted that the abundance of grasses decreased with increasing disturbance, while the abundance of dicots increased with increasing disturbance.  相似文献   

Hu FL  B Liu  ZM Liu  YT Fang  CA Busso 《Phyton》2015,84(1):209-221
Grasslands are one of the most widespread landscapes worldwide, covering approximately one-fifth of the world’s land surface, where grazing is a common practice. How carbon storage responds to grazing in steppes remains poorly understood. We quantified the effects of grazing on community composition and species diversity, and carbon storage in two typical grasslands of northeastern China, one in Horqin and the other one in Hulunbeier. In both grasslands, grazing did not influence plant species diversity. However, it substantially decreased aboveground carbon by 31% and 54% in Horqin and Hulunbeier, respectively. Fenced and grazing treatments showed a similar belowground carbon at both locations. The predominant carbon pool in the study grassland ecosystem was found in the upper 100 cm soil depth, from 98.2 to 99.1% of the total carbon storage. There were no significant effects of grazing on soil carbon neither in the whole profile nor in the uppermost 20 cm soil depth in the two study grasslands. Studies on the effects of varying rangeland management, such as region disparity and grazing systems, may have important consequences on species diversity and carbon partitioning, and thus on rangeland stability and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Questions: How are plant species distributed along grazing gradients? What is the shape of species richness patterns? How can we test for the existence of potential discontinuities in species turnover pattern? Location: Semi‐deserts in the eastern Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Gobustan district. Methods: We studied the distribution of vascular plant species along transects 900‐m long, perpendicular to five farms, and estimated grazing intensity as current livestock units per distance. We modelled species response curves with Huismann–Olff–Fresco (HOF) models and calculated species turnover by accumulating the first derivatives of all response curves. To test for potential discontinuities in changes of vegetation composition along the grazing gradient, we introduce a new null model based on the individualistic continuum concept that uses permutations of the observed pattern of species responses. Results: Most species show a sigmoidal negative response to grazing intensity, while a few species respond with a unimodal pattern. The monotonic decrease in species richness with increasing grazing intensity marks a process of overgrazing that leads to the complete extirpation of plant species. Although the species turnover pattern shows a clear peak, it does not deviate significantly from the null model of individualistic continuous changes. Conclusions: Our approach offers a method for differentiating between transition zones and continuous shifts in species composition along ecological gradients. It also provides a valuable tool for rangeland management to test state‐and‐transition concepts and gives deeper insights into ecological processes affected by grazing.  相似文献   

天童森林植被的群落稳定性与物种多样性关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文依据天童森林群落样地的数据,分析了群落稳定性与物种多样性的关系。结果表明不能单纯以物种多样性的高低来判断某具体群落的稳定性,使用群落各层次的物种多样性指数和群落优势种群的年龄结构来衡量群落的稳定性较为合适  相似文献   

Grassland degradation is widespread and severe on the Tibet Plateau. To explore management approaches for sustainable development of degraded and restored ecosystems, we studied the effect of land degradation on species composition, species diversity, and vegetation productivity, and examined the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices (two seeding treatments and a non-seeded natural recovery treatment) on community structure and vegetation productivity in early secondary succession. The results showed: (1) All sedge and grass species of the natural steppe meadow had disappeared from the severely degraded land. The above-ground and root biomass of severely degraded land were only 38 and 14.7%, respectively, of those of the control. So, the original ecosystem has been dramatically altered by land degradation on alpine steppe meadow. (2) Seeding measures may promote above-ground biomass, particularly grass biomass, and ground cover. Except for the grasses seeded, however, other grass and sedge species did not occur after seeding treatments in the sixth year of seeding. Establishment of grasses during natural recovery treatment progressed slowly compared with during seeding treatments. Many annual forbs invaded and established during the 6 years of natural recovery. In addition, there was greater diversity after natural recovery treatment than after seeding treatments. (3) The above-ground biomass after seeding treatment and natural recovery treatment were 114 and 55%, respectively, of that of the control. No significant differences in root biomass occurred among the natural recovery and seeded treatments. Root biomass after rehabilitation treatment was 23–31% that of the control.  相似文献   

The synthesis of evolutionary biology and community ecology aims to understand how genetic variation within one species can shape community properties and how the ecological properties of a community can drive the evolution of a species. A rarely explored aspect is whether the interaction of genetic variation and community properties depends on the species'' ecological role. Here we investigated the interactions among environmental factors, species diversity, and the within-species genetic diversity of species with different ecological roles. Using high-throughput DNA sequencing, we genotyped a canopy-dominant tree species, Parashorea chinensis, and an understory-abundant species, Pittosporopsis kerrii, from fifteen plots in Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest and estimated their adaptive, neutral and total genetic diversity; we also surveyed species diversity and assayed key soil nutrients. Structural equation modelling revealed that soil nitrogen availability created an opposing effect in species diversity and adaptive genetic diversity of the canopy-dominant Pa. chinensis. The increased adaptive genetic diversity of Pa. chinensis led to greater species diversity by promoting co-existence. Increased species diversity reduced the adaptive genetic diversity of the dominant understory species, Pi. kerrii, which was promoted by the adaptive genetic diversity of the canopy-dominant Pa. chinensis. However, such relationships were absent when neutral genetic diversity or total genetic diversity were used in the model. Our results demonstrated the important ecological interaction between adaptive genetic diversity and species diversity, but the pattern of the interaction depends on the identity of the species. Our results highlight the significant ecological role of dominant species in competitive interactions and regulation of community structure.  相似文献   

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