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Sleep deprivation impairs spatial learning in the rat. Sleep deprivation, however, also causes stress and stress itself can interfere with spatial learning. To address this confound, sleep deprivation effects on Morris water maze training were studied in intact rats and in rats in which the adrenal stress response had been eliminated by adrenalectomy. Stable, physiological levels of corticosterone were maintained in adrenalectomized rats with an implanted pellet. Training occurred 6-7 days after surgery. Seventy-two hours sleep deprivation by the platform-over-water method just prior to training slowed, but did not block, learning. In particular, the robust savings between trials 1 and 2 of the first set found in home cage rats was not present in sleep-deprived rats. Adrenalectomy/corticosterone replacement surgery did not modify the effect of sleep deprivation on acquisition rate, demonstrating that the deficits in spatial task acquisition due to pre-training sleep deprivation are not secondary to the adrenal stress response.  相似文献   

磁场对小鼠两种迷宫学习记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
据发现,磁场对生物体有一定作用,但是磁场对于人类或实验动物的学习记忆是否有影响,目前的报道结果很不一致。本实验采用实验小白鼠,给予不同强度(65高斯/50Hz,35高斯/25Hz)的低频磁场照射(每天1小时,持续25天)。磁场照射后,采用旷场行为测试、Y-迷宫和Morris水迷宫,检测小鼠的活动性、空间辨别、空间学习记忆和非空间学习记忆能力。结果表明:65高斯/50Hz磁场显著增高小鼠的活动性,并损伤小鼠Y-迷宫的空间辨别能力,但对Morris水迷宫的空间、非空间学习记忆无明显影响。35高斯/25Hz磁场处理动物行为在三个指标上均接近对照组。提示:长期的磁场照射可能会给动物,甚至人类造成一些影响。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects on hippocampal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in rats when they experience hippocampal-dependent spatial learning via the Morris water maze (MWM) task. Rats underwent one of two different versions of the MWM: weak or intensive. After one day of intensive training, a highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure VEGF protein levels in the hippocampus, cortex, and serum, and higher levels were found in the trained group compared to a naive control group. VEGF levels also increased in rats that swam only for durations equal to the intensive training periods. In contrast, rats trained under the weaker MWM paradigm for five days showed a decrease in hippocampal VEGF protein level. Mimicking increases in neuronal VEGF in the hippocampus by direct infusion of VEGF into CA1 resulted in up-regulation of the phosphorylation of the cAMP response element-binding (CREB) protein and the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II (CaMKII). These results suggest that VEGF may be a physiological parameter involved in learning procedures that include physical activity.  相似文献   

鼠类的贮食方式(分散或集中)与其空间记忆能力有关,但有关两者的定量关系尚缺少实验证据。朝鲜姬鼠(Apodemus peninsulae)分散或集中贮藏食物;社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)、黑线姬鼠(A. agrarius)、昆明小鼠(Mus musculus)仅集中贮藏食物。利用Morris 水迷宫对4 种鼠的空间记忆能力进行了评估,以探讨其空间记忆能力与食物贮藏方式间的联系。结果发现:在5 d 的定位航行实验中,4 种鼠找到隐藏平台的潜伏期均呈现出显著的下降趋势,其中朝鲜姬鼠潜伏期最短,黑线姬鼠与社鼠次之,昆明小鼠最长。在空间探索实验中,朝鲜姬鼠、黑线姬鼠和社鼠穿越平台的次数显著大于昆明小鼠;实验鼠在目标象限内的时间比和路程比为:朝鲜姬鼠> 黑线姬鼠> 社鼠>昆明小鼠,但差异不显著。结果表明具有分散贮藏行为的朝鲜姬鼠的空间记忆能力较仅具有集中贮藏行为的其它鼠种强,暗示鼠类的食物贮藏方式与其空间记忆能力有一定联系。  相似文献   

目的研究雌雄树鼩空间学习和记忆能力的差异。方法随机选择自繁F1代树鼩20只(雄11只,雌9只),在相同条件下进行8 d的水迷宫实验,包括前7 d的定位航行实验和第8天的空间探索实验。结果定位航行实验中雌雄逃避潜伏期、游泳总路程差异无显著性(P〉0.05),但不同时间水平差异有显著性(P〈0.05);平均游泳速度雌雄差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。空间探索实验中目标象限游泳时间和总时间之比、目标象限游泳路程和总路程之比雌雄差异无显著性(P〉0.05);穿越目标象限次数和搜索策略雌雄差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论水迷宫实验中树鼩在空间学习能力上雌雄无差异,但在空间探索实验中雄性的表现优于雌性。  相似文献   

We examined whether melatonin can act as a synchronizing agent within the circadian system of amphibians by testing the ability of melatonin injections to entrain the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of a newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster). Under constant darkness, all newts (13 cases) showing the free-running rhythms were subcutaneously injected with 10 g melatonin at the same time every other day for at least 30 days. Subsequently, they were injected with vehicle (1% ethanolic saline) instead of melatonin for at least another 30 days. In 10 of the 13 newts, the locomotor activity rhythms could be entrained to a period of 24 h by melatonin injections but not by vehicle injections. During the entrained steady-state, the active phase of an activity-rest cycle preceded the time of melatonin injections as previously reported in other diurnal species. These results suggest that the endogenous circadian rhythm of melatonin concentration may be involved in synchronizing circadian oscillator(s) within the newt's circadian system.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal administration of the mycotoxin penitrem A 30 min before a training session in passive avoidance task, impaired performance of rats subjected to a test-session 24 h after. This effect was not antagonised by pretraining administration of physostigmine or bicuculline. Administration of penitrem A 20 min before a training session or 30 min before a test-session did not impair performance. In the Morris water maze, doses of penitrem A that induces slight to moderate tremors, but not a lower dose, disrupted place learning. These results suggest that penitrem A disrupts the processes that take place at the time of acquisition, but not those just after acquisition, and does not alter the restitution of information. This effect would not be related to a decrease of cholinergic neurotransmission nor to a stimulation of GABA A receptors. Nevertheless, it could not be totally excluded that the performance impairments induced by penitrem A would be secondary to a motor disruption. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The circadian locomotor activity rhythm of the Japanese newt has been thought to be driven by a putative brain oscillator(s) subordinate to the pineal clock. The existence of mutual coupling between the pineal clock and the brain oscillator(s) in vivo was examined. We covered the newt's skull with aluminum foil and simultaneously reversed the light-dark cycle, thereby allowing the pineal organ to be exposed to constant darkness while the rest of the animal was exposed to the reversed light-dark cycle. In control animals, whose heads were covered with transparent plastic, the rhythm of synaptic ribbon number in the pineal photoreceptor cells was entrained to the reversed light-dark cycle. Rhythms from newts whose heads were shielded, however, were similar to those observed in the unoperated newts kept under constant darkness. The locomotor activity rhythms of both head-covered animals and control animals were entrained to the reversed light-dark cycle. These data suggest that extrapineal photoreception can entrain the putative brain oscillator(s), but not the pineal clock. Thus, at least in an aspect of photic entrainment, there seems to be little or no mutual coupling between the pineal clock and the putative brain oscillator(s) in the circadian system of the Japanese newt.Abbreviations LD light-dark - DD constant darkness - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - SR synaptic ribbon  相似文献   

Serotonin, a putative neurotransmitter in insects, was found to cause consistent phase shifts of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae when administered during the early subjective night as a series of 4-microliters pulses (one every 15 min) for either 3 or 6 hr. Six-hour treatments with dopamine also caused significant phase shifts during the early subjective night, but 3-hr treatments with dopamine had no phase-shifting effect. Other substances tested in early subjective night (norepinephrine, octopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate, carbachol, histamine, tryptophan, tryptamine, N-acetyl serotonin, or 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid) did not consistently cause phase shifts. The phase-shifting effect of serotonin was found to be phase-dependent. The phase response curve (PRC) for serotonin treatments was different from the PRC for light. Like light, serotonin caused phase delays in the late subjective day and early subjective night, but serotonin did not phase-shift rhythms when tested at phases where light causes phase advances.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pinealectomy and blinding (bilateral ocular enucleation) on the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The pinealectomized newts were entrained to a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness. After transfer to constant darkness they showed residual rhythmicity for at least several days which was gradually disrupted in prolonged constant darkness. Blinded newts were also entrained to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. In subsequent constant darkness they showed free-running rhythms of locomotor activity. However, the freerunning periods noticeably increased compared with those observed in the previous period of constant darkness before blinding. In blinded newts entrained to the light/dark cycle the activity rhythms were gradually disrupted after pinealectomy even in the presence of the light/dark cycle. These results suggest that both the pineal and the eyes are involved in the newt's circadian system, and also suggest that the pineal of the newt acts as an extraretinal photoreceptor which mediates the entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm.Abbreviations circadian period - DD constant darkness - LD cycle, light-dark cycle - LD 12:12 light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness  相似文献   

Effects of aging on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in males of Drosophila nasuta were investigated. The adult life of males was divided in 1-3 stages according to spontaneous changes in free-running period x in constant darkness (DD): stage 1, days 1-19; stage 2, days 20-36; stage 3, days 37-43. Stage 1 was characterized by a bimodal activity pattern with a short light-induced morning peak and a prolonged evening peak when the flies were entrained to light-dark cycles of 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness (LD 12:12). The morning peak had a phase angle difference Ψm (Ψ, the time from lights on in LD 12:12 cycles to the onset of morning peak) of about 0.1h, while Ψe (Ψ of evening peak) was about 9h at stage 1. The transient morning peak was curtailed at the end of stage 1. At stage 2, the Ψe was about 10h, and the activity end was delayed by an addition of about 3h of activity in the scotophase. The changes in W during DD free runs were determined in two groups of flies: flies reared in LD 12:12 and flies reared in DD. In both groups, W increased from about 23h at stage 1 to about 25h at stage 2. Stage 3 was characterized by arrhythmicity associated with highest mean activity level (total number of passes/fly/day) in the entrained and both free-running groups. The mean activity level increased significantly from stage 1 to stage 3 in all three groups of flies.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis was made of the locomotor activity of Acheta domesticus under conditions of 12 hr light and 12 hr darkness (LD 12 : 12) and of continuous darkness (DD). Under LD 12 : 12 it was found that there are three types of insects: (1) those beginning the period of increased locomotor activity immediately after darkness falls, (2) considerably before this time, and (3) considerably after this time. Under DD conditions the greater amount of the insects have a free-running rhythm shorter than 24 hr, while only a small percentage have a rhythm of more than 24 hr.Destruction of the neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis by means of radio waves leads to the formation of hyperactivity and loss of locomotor activity rhythm when more than half of these cells are destroyed.Injection of reserpine into the insect's haemolymph with doses of 10 μg/g of body weight results in a reduction in locomotor activity and produces arrhythmicity for 2 to 3 days under LD 12 : 12 conditions. Under DD conditions, however, this same dose results in a total and irretrievable loss of free-running rhythm. Histological studies of the brain of crickets following injection of reserpine show a large degree of accumulation of neurosecretion in the cells of the pars intercerebralis as compared with control insects.A hypothesis is put forward as to the way in which the brain centres regulating locomotor rhythm act in crickets.  相似文献   

Effects of single intranasal administration of 0.2 ng insulin at different moments of the projected daily cycle (ZT = 1, ZT = 7, ZT = 13 and ZT = 19) on the circadian rhythms of voluntary locomotor activity (wheel-running) were studied in Wistar male rats. Insulin administered at ZT-7 or ZT-13 induced a statistically significant phase advance by 4.4 and 5.5 hours, respectively. The administration of insulin at ZT-13 additionally induced a reduction of the period of the circadian rhythm of voluntary locomotor activity. Intranasal administration of insulin at other moments of the projected daily cycle (ZT = 1 or ZT = 19) did not induce any statistically significant change in phase or period duration of the circadian rhythms. Insulin did not cause changes in total daily activity irrespective of administration time. The results of the study suggest the role of endogenous insulin as entrainment factor for circadian oscillator in absence of the main physiological zeitgeber--cyclic afferent input from retina photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Summary Japanese quail have a circadian rhythm of locomotor activity whose free-run period () in constant darkness (DD) was 22.5±0.1 h (45). A phase response curve of typical form was obtained by illuminating the free-running rhythm with single 1 h light pulses. Using entrainment theory a derived phase response curve was calculated from the phase relationships between the locomotor rhythm and 1 h light periods in light-dark cycles of various lengths (T). Although the limits of entrainment to theseT cycles differed slightly from those predicted, there was a close correlation between the two phase response curves. The phase relationships between the locomotor rhythm and 1–9 h photoperiods in 24 h cycles were in general accord with a prediction based on the short free-run period and the relative sizes of the delay and advance portions of the phase response curve for 1 h light pulses.  相似文献   

Abstract Circadian rhythm in newly emerged individuals of the Red Squirrel ( Scuirus vulgaris ) flea C.s. sciurorum was studied in a constant environment, using an insect activity monitor. Trials were run over 7 days using two start times (08.00 and 17.00 hours). The results show that, regardless of start time, the fleas display a 24 h activity rhythm. The presence of a rhythm under constant conditions gives a strong indication that C. s.sciurorum has a self-sustaining clock which is started by disturbance and is most likely to be linked to host activity patterns.  相似文献   

Daily periodic locomotor activity of Carabus auronitens was recorded in a climate-constant laboratory with the animals exposed to naturally changing photoperiods. Most actograms exhibit directed seasonal variations of duration and phase position of daily activity. Seasonal locomotor activity starts in early spring (following dormancy) on a low daily level, first being confined to a short time span around dusk (and even shorter around dawn). In the course of season, the daily onsets of activity become closely related with sunset and the duration of daily activity is steadily extended with both parts of the bimodal phase fusing to a common, unimodal activity band by late spring. Subsequently, it is further extended into forenoon, until in summer (shortly before aestivation), spontaneous phase inversion turns activity periodicity from nocturnality into diurnality within 1 day. Such seasonal variations are paralleled by changes in the precision of synchronization of the individuals' activity rhythms to the entraining light/dark cycle. No geographical differences were detected. The results support the idea of the circadian clock as a system of two dynamically coupled physiological oscillators that invert their phase relation as soon as the natural dark phase falls short of some minimum-tolerable night length.Abbreviations LD light/dark cycle - nLD natural light/dark cycle - DD constant darkness - endogenous period length - SS sunset - SR sunrise - PRC phase-response curve  相似文献   

Summary Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a robust circadian rhythm in the frequency of neural activity can be recorded from the central nervous system of intact cockroaches, Leucophaea maderae. This rhythmicity was abolished by optic lobe removal. Spontaneous neural activity was then used as an assay to demonstrate that the optic lobe is able to generate circadian oscillations in vitro. These results provide direct evidence that the cockroach optic lobe is a self-sustained circadian oscillator capable of generating daily rhythms in the absence of neural or hormonal communications with the rest of the organism.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DD constant dark - LD light/dark cycle - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - ZT Zeitgeber time  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of a chronic administration of diazepam, a benzodiazepine widely used as an anxiolytic, on locomotor activity and body core temperature rhythms in male Wistar rats housed under 12∶12 light∶dark (LD) cycle conditions. Diazepam was administered subcutaneously for 3 wks in a dosage of 3 mg/kg body weight/day, 1 h before the onset of darkness. Diazepam increased the level of locomotor activity from the first day until the end of treatment, and also increased the amplitude of the activity circadian rhythm, but only on the third wk of treatment. Diazepam exerted no effects on the length of the period and did not affect the phase of the locomotor activity rhythm. The body temperature rhythm of rats was affected neither by short‐term (a single injection) nor by long‐term (every day for 3 wks) diazepam treatment. Diazepam lacked effect on body core temperature even on the first day of administration, thereby ruling out the possibility of drug tolerance development. The fact that diazepam affects locomotor activity, but not core body temperature, suggests that different mechanisms mediate the actions of diazepam on locomotor activity and on core body temperature.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of a chronic administration of diazepam, a benzodiazepine widely used as an anxiolytic, on locomotor activity and body core temperature rhythms in male Wistar rats housed under 12:12 light:dark (LD) cycle conditions. Diazepam was administered subcutaneously for 3 wks in a dosage of 3 mg/kg body weight/day, 1 h before the onset of darkness. Diazepam increased the level of locomotor activity from the first day until the end of treatment, and also increased the amplitude of the activity circadian rhythm, but only on the third wk of treatment. Diazepam exerted no effects on the length of the period and did not affect the phase of the locomotor activity rhythm. The body temperature rhythm of rats was affected neither by short-term (a single injection) nor by long-term (every day for 3 wks) diazepam treatment. Diazepam lacked effect on body core temperature even on the first day of administration, thereby ruling out the possibility of drug tolerance development. The fact that diazepam affects locomotor activity, but not core body temperature, suggests that different mechanisms mediate the actions of diazepam on locomotor activity and on core body temperature.  相似文献   

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