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Hydrogen evolution from root nodules has been reported to make N2 fixation by some legume-Rhizobium symbiotic systems inefficient. We have surveyed the extent of H2 evolution and estimated relative efficiencies of nodules of Austrian winter peas formed by 15 strains of R. leguminosarum. Their rates of H2 evolution in air were about 30% of the rates of H2 evolution under an atmosphere in which N2 was replaced by Ar. Relative efficiency values based on C2H2 reduction rates ranged from 0.55 to 0.80. With some of the strains, hydrogenase activities were demonstrated in intact nodules and in bacteroids, but the levels of activity were insufficient to recycle all the H2 evolved by the nitrogenase system. In both intact nodules and bacteroids the hydrogenase is less sensitive to O2 damage than the nitrogenase system, so H2 uptake capacity was observed in intact nodules by suppressing the nitrogenase-dependent H2 evolution with an atmosphere containing a high O2 concentration, and in bacteroids by using aerobically prepared bacteroid suspensions. The hydrogenase activity of both was dependent on O2 consumption. A K mfor H2 of near 4 M was determined in suspension of bacteroids from nodules formed by strains 128C53 and 128C56.  相似文献   

Free living cells of Rhizobium leguminosarum contain a constitutive glucose uptake system, except when they are grown on succinate, which appears to prevent its formation. Bacteroids isolated from Pisum sativum L fail to accumulate glucose although they actively take up 14C-succinate. Glucose uptake in free living cells is an active process since uptake was inhibited by azide, cyanide, dinitrophenol and carbonyl-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone but not by fluoride or arsenate. The non-metabolizable analogue -methyl glucose was extracted unchanged from cells, showing that it was not phosphorylated during its transport. Galactose also appears to the transported via the glucose uptake system. Organic acids, amino acids and polyols had no effect on the actual uptake of glucose. The K m for -methyl glucose uptake was 2.9×10-4 M.  相似文献   

The capacity of inducing a H2-uptake hydrogenase in free-living cultures was examined in 21 strains of Rhizobium japonicum. Four strains were found to take up H2 at rapid rates after 3 days of growth on agar slants inside sealed vials provided with an atmosphere of 5% H2 in air. Soybean nodules from these strains lost little or no H2 in air and their bacteroids oxidized H2 at rates that were similar to those observed in free-living cultures. In contrast, three randomly chosen strains of R. japonicum that showed no H2-uptake capacity in free-living state produced nodules which lost large amounts of H2 and the corresponding bacteroids had no hydrogenase activity. A screening procedure is described for the selection of Rhizobium strains producing high energy-efficient nodules based on a test of their ability to induce a H2-uptake hydrogenase in asymbiotic conditions.  相似文献   

H2-uptake positive strains (122 DES and SR) and H2-uptake negative strains SR2 and SR3 of Rhizobium japonicum were examined for ribulosebisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase and H2-uptake activities during growth conditions which induced formation of the hydrogenase system. The rate of 14CO2 uptake by hydrogenase-derepressed cells was about 6-times greater in the presence than in the absence of H2. RuBP carboxylase activity was observed in free-living R. japonicum strains 122 DES or SR only when the cells were derepressed for their hydrogenase system. Hydrogenase and RuBP carboxylase activities were coordinately induced by H2 and both were repressed by added succinate. Hydrogenase-negative mutant strains SR2 and SR3 derived from R. japonicum SR showed no detecyable RuBP carboxylase activities under hydrogenase derepression conditions. No detectable RuBP carboxylase was observed in bacteroids formed by H2-uptake positive strains R. japonicum 122 DES or SR. Propionyl CoA carboxylase activity was consistently observed in extracts of cells from free-living cultures of R. japonicum but activity was not appreciably influenced by the addition of H2. Neither phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase nor phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity was detected in extracts of R. japonicum.Abbreviations RuBP Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - (Na2EDTA) (Ethylenedinitrilo)-tetraacetic acid, disodium salt - (propionyl CoA) Propionyl coenzyme A - (PEP) Phosphoenolpyruvate - (GSH) Reduced glutathione - (Tricine) N-tris(hydroxymethyl)-methylglycine  相似文献   

From an analysis of 481 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strains with 7 pea cultivars in pot and field experiments, we demonstrated that effective strains could be isolated from a rich medium-acid grey forest soil of the Oröl area (Central region of the European part of Russia) but not from a poor acid podzolic soil of the St. Petersburg area (North-West Russia). The proportion of the isolates significantly increasing N accumulation in pea plants (10.2%) is higher than that of strains increasing the shoot dry mass (4.6%) in the pot experiments. The mean values of the increase for N accumulation (33.8%) upon inoculation are also higher than for shoot mass (27.0%) in these experiments. N accumulation in the inoculated pea plants in the pot experiments was significantly correlated with seed yield and seed N accumulation in field experiments, while for shoot dry mass these correlations were either weak or not significant. Two-factor analysis of variance demonstrated that the contribution of plant cultivars to the variation of the major symbiotic efficiency parameters is higher (30.8–31.6%) and contributions of cultivar-strain specificity is lower (5.4–8.8%) than the contributions of strain genotypes (13.4–14.9%). We identified an ineffective R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strain 50 which can be used as a tester for assessing the nodulation competitiveness of the effective strains by an indirect method (analysis of dry mass and N accumulation in pea plants inoculated with the mixture of the tested effective strains and the tester strain). The relative competitive ability (RCA) determined by this method was 75.7–82.8% for strain 52 but only 10.5–13.8% for strain 250a; this difference was confirmed by a direct method (use of the streptomycin-resistant mutants). Results of screening of the diverse collection of 53 effective R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strains by the indirect method permits us to divide them into 3 groups (32 high-competitive, 10 medium-competitive and 11 low-competitive strains) but reveals no correlation between the competitiveness and symbiotic efficiency. N accumulation in the pea shoots is demonstrated to be a much more suitable criterion than the shoot mass for selection either of the highly-effective or of highly-competitive (by the indirect estimation) R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strains in the pot experiments.  相似文献   

Symbiotic interactions between peas and Rhizobium leguminosarum were investigated by inoculating four pea lines, three of which are strain-specific resistant to the European strain 311d, with various combinations of two strains of Rhizobium, 311d and Tom++. The strains were almost equally good to infect the susceptible European cultivar Hero when added singly inoculated. After mixed inoculation (1:1 proportion) strain analysis by ELISA revealed that the nodules were preferentially formed by 311d, although some Tom++ nodules were also found mainly on the upper part of the root. Our conclusion is that Tom++ is less compatible in comparison with 311d. In addition, we found that as the Hero plants emerged, they were becoming more resistant towards infection with not adapted bacteria. The strain-specific resistant lines from Afghanistan belong to two different systems: Afgh. I, completely resistant to 311d and highly nodulating with Tom++, and Afgh. III, incompletely resistant to 311d and poorly nodulating with Tom++. Mixed inoculations resulted in nodule depressions, as compared to single inoculations with Tom++ ranging from 87% to 14%. The ability of 311d to block infection sites on the roots were found to depend on the degree of symbiotic adaptation between Afgh. I and Tom++, respectively Afgh. III and Tom++. Strain analysis after double strain inoculation of Afgh. I plants revealed that some nodules were induced by strain 311d. Thus, the presence of Tom++ in this case influences the degree of host resistance. However, in Afgh. III plants the resistance towards nodulation were unaffected by the presence of Tom++. We suggest that the degree of symbiotic adaptation may change the barrier of resistance towards infection.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii have separate uptake systems for 4-hydroxybenzoate and protocatechuate. The 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake system (pobP) is inhibited by a range of compounds with substitution at the 4-position on the aromatic ring whereas the uptake system for protocatechuate (pcaP) is markedly inhibited only by other dihydroxybenzoic acids. The rate of 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake is very low in Rhizobium leguminosarum and Rhizobium trifolii grown on protocatechuate but mutants defective in 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake transport protocatechuate at rates similar to the wild-type grown under similar conditions.  相似文献   

The early nodulin gene, PsENOD7, is expressed in pea root nodules induced by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae, but not in other plant organs. In situ hybridization showed that this gene is transcribed during nodule maturation in the infected cells of the proximal part of the prefixation zone II. At the transition of zone II into interzone II–III, the level of PsENOD7 mRNA drops markedly. PsENOD7 has no significant homology to other genes. RFLP mapping studies have shown that PsENOD7 is located in linkage group I between the leghaemoglobin genes and sym2.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Rhizobium meliloti bacteroids in Medicago sativa root nodules was suppressed by several inorganic nitrogen sources. Amino acids like glutamine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, which can serve as sole nitrogen sources for the unnodulated plant did not influence nitrogenase activity of effective nodules, even at high concentrations.Ammonia and nitrate suppressed symbiotic nitrogen fixation in vivo only at concentrations much higher than those needed for suppression of nitrogenase activity in free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. The kinetics of suppression were slow compared with that of free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. On the other hand, nitrite, which acts as a direct inhibitor of nitrogenase, suppressed very quickly and at low concentrations. Glutamic acid and glutamine enhanced the effect of ammonia dramatically, while the suppression by nitrate was enhanced only slightly.  相似文献   

Rhizobium strains (one each of Rh.japonicum, Rh. lupini, Rh. leguminosarum) take up 2-ketoglutaric acid in general much faster and from lower concentrations in the medium than strains of Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Chromobacterium violaceum. A strain of Enterobacter aerogenes, however, is more similar to some Rhizobium strains. The same strains of Rhizobium take up also phosphate much faster and from lower concentrations than the other bacteria tested. 4 strains of Rh. lupini proved to be significantly different from 4 strains of Rh. trifolii in taking up l-glutamic acid from three to ten times lower concentration within 5 h. A similar difference was noticed between 5 strains of Rh. leguminosarum and 2 strains of Rh. japonicum for the uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid and of l-glutamic acid. Isolated bacteriods from nodules of Glycine max var. Chippeway have a reduced uptake capacity for glutamic acid and for 2-ketoglutaric acid during the first 10–12 h, but reach the same value after 24 h as free living Rh. japonicum cells. The differences in the uptake kinetics are independent of cell concentration. The group II Rhizobium strains (Rh. japonicum and Rh. lupini, slow growing Rhizobium) are characterized by a rapid uptake of glutamic acid to a lowremaining concentration of 1–3×10-7 M and an uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid to a remaining concentration of 2–5×10-7 M. The group I Rhizobium strains (Rh. trifolii and Rh. leguminosarum, fast growing Rhizobium), can be characterized by a much slower uptake of both substances with a more than ten times higher concentration of both metabolites remaining in the medium after the same time.  相似文献   

T. A. Lie 《Plant and Soil》1984,82(3):415-425
Summary Using primitive and wild pea plants from Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, three host genes were detected, which confer resistance to nodulation by Rhizobium strains of cultivated peas from Europe. A dominant gene Sym 1 controls temperature-sensitive nodulation in pea cv. Iran. Another gene Sym 2 confers general resistance to a large number of European Rhizobium strains at all temperatures used. The degree of dominance of the latter gene is dependent on the Rhizobium strain used. A third gene Sym 4 is responsible for specific resistance to a single Rhizobium strain.  相似文献   

Summary Selected streptomycin resistant strains ofRhizobium leguminosarum suspended in nutrient broth were added to the planting furrow immediately before the sowing of pea. The nodule occupancy by a strain isolated from Risø soil (Risø la) was increased from 74 to 90%, when the inoculum rate was increased from 3.7×106 to 3.7×108 cells per cm row. The experimental soil contained 103 to 104 cells ofR. leguminosarum per gram. An almost inefficient strain isolated from Risø soil (SV10) was less competitive with respect to nodulation on two pea cultivars than an efficient Risø strain (SV15) and an efficient non-Risø strain (R1045). The nodule occupancy by the introduced strains varied between pea cultivars.Irrespective of the generally high nodulation by the efficient strains introduced to the soil, the pea seed yield, compared to pea nodulated by the indigenous population, was not significantly increased. Neither were two commercial inoculants, applied in rates corresponding to 3 times the recommended rate, able to increase the yield. This suggests that the indigenous populations ofR. leguminosarum were sufficient in number and nitrogen fixing capacity to ensure an optimal pea crop. However, some inoculation treatments slightly increased the seed N concentration and total N accumulation, indicating that it may be possible to select or develop bacterial strains that may increase the yield.  相似文献   

The nitrate reductase (NR, EC activity in root nodules formed by hydrogenase positive (Hup+) and hydrogenase negative (Hup) Rhizobium leguminosarum strains was examined in symbioses with the pea cultivar Alaska ( Pisum sativum L.), Rates of activity were determined by the in vivo assay in nodules from plants that were only N2-dependent or grown in the presence of 2 m M KNO3. The rates varied widely among strains, regardless of the Hup phenotype of the R. leguminosarum strain used for inoculation, but the overall results indicated that nodules formed by Hup strains accumulated more nitrite in the incubation medium than did those with Hup phenotypes. Total plant dry weight and reduced nitrogen content of pea plants grown in the presence of 2 m M KNO3 and inoculated with single Hup+ and Hup R. leguminosarum strains were statistically different among some strains. These observations suggest that the possible advantages derived from the presence of the Hup system on whole plant growth may be counteracted by the higher rates of NR activity in the Hup strains in the R. leguminosarum -pea symbiosis.  相似文献   

Twenty isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae were isolated at random from one field and examined for symbiotic plasmid fragment length polymorphisms and for isoenzyme patterns. The latter are most probably chromosome markers. With one exception both methods separated the isolates into the same 13 different groups. The largest group was represented 7 times according to isoenzymes and 8 times according to RFLP. This fixed non-random association of plasmid and chromosomal genotypes is consistent with a clonal population structure; it indicates limited exchange of plasmids under natural conditions. Seventeen isolates of 11 groups were highly effective and 2 isolates in one group almost ineffective.  相似文献   

Lectins from two varieties (PG-3 and LFP-48) of pea have been purified by affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The specific activity increased by 23 and 25 folds, respectively. These lectins from both the varieties were found to be specific for mannose. The purified fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) – labelled lectins showed binding reaction with homologous as well as heterologous strains of Rhizobium spp. The results revealed that pea lectins are not highly specific to their respective rhizobia. Moreover, these lectins showed a greater stimulatory effect on homologous Rhizobium leguminosarum strains.  相似文献   

Lithgow  J.K.  Danino  V. E.  Jones  J.  Downie  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,232(1-2):3-12
Strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum use a cell density-dependent gene regulatory system to assess their population density. This is achieved by the accumulation of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) in the environment during growth of the bacteria and these AHLs stimulate the induction of various bacterial genes that are up-regulated in the late-exponential and stationary phases of growth. A genetically well-characterised strain of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae was found to have four genes, whose products synthesise different AHLs. We have analysed AHL production by four genetically distinct isolates of R. leguminosarum, three of bv. viciae and one of bv. phaseoli. Distinct differences were seen in the pattern of AHLs produced by the bv. viciae strains compared with bv. phaseoli and the increased levels and diversity of AHLs found in bv. viciae strains can be attributed to the rhiI gene, which is located on the symbiotic (Sym) plasmid and is up-regulated when the bacteria are grown in the rhizosphere. Additional complexity to the profile of AHLs is found to be associated with highly transmissible plasmid pRL1JI of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, but this is not observed with some other strains, including those carrying different transmissible plasmids. In addition to AHLs produced by the products of genes on the symbiotic plasmid, there is clear evidence for the presence of other AHL production loci. Expression levels and patterns of AHLs can change markedly in different growth media. These results indicate that there is a network of quorum-sensing loci in different strains of R. leguminosarum and these loci may play a role in adapting to rhizosphere growth and plasmid transfer.  相似文献   

Two mutants defective in succinate utilization were isolated by NTG mutagenesis of the effective wild typeRhizobium meliloti strain S14. The mutants used carbon sources in a fashion similar to strain S14, but they were not able to grow on succinate, fumarate or malate. The mutants nodulated alfalfa plants but did not exhibit any nitrogenase activity. The mutants oxidized glucose and fructose, but were not able to oxidize organic acids. Cultured free-living bacteria of strain S14 appeared to have an inducible C4-dicarboxylic acid uptake system and a constitutive glucose uptake system. When S14 cells were grown on glucose in the presence of 5mM or more succinate or malate, the rate of glucose-dependent O2 consumption significantly decreased suggesting the presence of a catabolite repression like phenomenom. Contribution no. 301, Station de Recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

The denitrifying ability of thirteen strains of Rhizobium meliloti was tested. Most of the strains were able to reduce nitrate to nitrous oxide or dinitrogen. However, they failed to use nitrate as electron acceptor for ATP generation or growth at low oxygen tensions. Under micro-aerobic conditions, free-living cells of R. meliloti 102-F-51 strain exhibited a constitutive nitrate reductase activity independent of the presence of nitrate. On the other hand, nitrite reductase activity was dependent not only on low levels of oxygen but also on the presence of a high nitrate concentration in the medium. Denitrification activity proceeded immediately once a threshold level of nitrite was accumulated in the medium or in cells incubated with 1mM nitrite. However, a lag period was required when cells were incubated with nitrate.  相似文献   

We have isolated 48 strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli from nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivated on 32 different soils at 22 various locations in Rwanda, Central Africa. The symbiotic effectiveness of the strains was appraised in the greenhouse by measuring shoots dry matter and total plant nitrogen content after six weeks of growth. Of the strains tested 19%, 58% and 23% were rated very effective, effective and ineffective, respectively. A very significant correlation (r=0.96, P<0.01) was observed between shoots dry matter and total N content. By using the total nitrogen balance method, it was estimated that in the presence of a very effective strain, up to 86% of the N present in the shoots comes from N2 fixation. No significant correlations were observed between the symbiotic effectiveness of the strains and the pH of the soils from which they originated, the tolerance of the strains to acidity or their ability to produce organic acids. The nine very effective strains selected were highly competitive against two ineffective strains with the two P. vulgaris cultivars Rubona-5 and Kiryumukwe.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Identification of salt- and drought-tolerant Rhizobium meliloti L. strains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first set of experiments identified sodium chloride (NaCl) tolerance of 92 accessions of Rhizobium meliloti L. from various rhizobia collections and arid and saline areas of the Intermountain West. Accessions were incubated in salinized (0, 176, 352, 528, 616, 704 or 792 m M) yeast extract mannitol (YEM) medium. Growth was measured by turbidity at 420 nm after 3 d in culture. Rhizobial strains were classified by their growth response at an optical density (OD) of 704 m M; Groups One and Two did not exceed 0.10 and 0.33, respectively. Forty three different rhizobial strains were identified as salt-sensitive and 49 as salt-tolerant at 704 m M NaCl. None grew in a saline solution of 792 m M NaCl.The second set of experiments investigated the drought tolerance of R. meliloti accessions that exhibited differential salt tolerance. Fifteen salt-sensitive and 15 salt-tolerant strains of R. meliloti from the first experiment were exposed to simulated drought stress by adding polyethylene glycol 6,000 (PEG-6,000) to the YEM medium at concentrations of 0, –0.4, –0.8 or –1.0 MPa. Rhizobium strains were incubated for 10 days at 25°C and growth turbidity was measured at 420nm. Growth turbidity of the 30 accessions ranged from 100% at –0.4 MPa to 0% at –1.0 MPa. With one exception, strains that were more drought-tolerant (at –1.0 MPa) were also more salt-tolerant (616 m M). However, some of the more salt-tolerant strains at 616 m M were not the more drought-tolerant stains at –1.0 MPa. These salt-and drought-tolerant Rhizobium accessions are excellent models to study the mechanism(s) of such resistance, and to elucidate the role of genetics of NaCl and drought tolerance.  相似文献   

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