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State wildlife agencies have translocated thousands of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) since the 1930s to reestablish this species. Because of threats to the domestic poultry industry and wild birds, screening for selected infectious agents has become routine since the early 1980s. One of the principal sources for Rio Grande wild turkeys (M. gallopavo intermedia) for translocation purposes was the Edwards Plateau of Texas (USA). Unfortunately, turkey abundance has declined in the southern Edwards Plateau since the late 1970s. Surprisingly few studies have addressed wild turkeys in this region, perhaps reflecting its status as the heart of Rio Grande turkey range. We surveyed 70 free-living Rio Grande wild turkeys from Bandera and Kerr counties, Texas, for evidence of exposure to Salmonella typhimurium, S. pullorum, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M. meleagridis, M. synoviae, Chlamydophila psittaci, and the avian influenza, Newcastle disease, turkey corona, and reticuloendotheliosis viruses. Of these, 80% (56) were seropositive for both M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae on the serum plate antigen test. Ten of these individuals (14% of total) were positive for M. synoviae by hemagglutination inhibition testing. All other serologic tests were negative. Two adult females sampled in Kerr County, whose body mass was significantly less than that of other adult females trapped in the area, tested positive for reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) proviral DNA on polymerase chain reaction. Reticuloendotheliosis virus was isolated from one of these individuals. The pathogenesis, transmission, and/or population-level influences of M. gallisepticum, M. synoviae, and REV in Rio Grande wild turkeys deserves further study.  相似文献   

Exotic wildlife can introduce new diseases or act as reservoirs of endemic diseases. On White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (USA), significant declines in populations of native ungulates generally correspond to increases in range and population density of the exotic gemsbok (Oryx gazella gazella), introduced beginning in 1969. We surveyed gemsbok in 2001 for exposure to a variety of diseases potentially important for native ungulates. High seroprevalence was found for malignant catarrhal fever virus (49 [98%] of 50 sera; 43 [96%] of 45 plasma samples), blue-tongue virus (48 [96%] of 50), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (33 [66%] of 50), and parainfluenza-3 virus (10 [20%] of 50). Low numbers of Nematodirus spp. eggs in a few individuals were the only parasites detected in gemsbok. Exposure to the above diseases in gemsbok is of interest to managers because of potential implications for recovery of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) and desert mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus crooki) in the White Sands area because each has been implicated in mortality in these species either in the White Sands area or elsewhere in the western/southwestern United States.  相似文献   

Benthic organic matter dynamics in Texas prairie streams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Concentrations of benthic particulate organic matter (POM) in six Texas prairie streams (2nd–4th order, intermittent and perennial) were monitored over a 20 month period to determine temporal and spatial dynamics. Benthic POM mass was highly variable, having coefficients of variation (CV) in excess of 300%. Benthic POM mass in all streams was similar with the exception of the 4th order intermittent stream which had significantly higher concentrations. Benthic POM at all sites was dominated by coarse POM (CPOM), followed by fine POM (FPOM), ultrafine POM (UPOM), and medium POM (MPOM). The dominance by CPOM is especially noteworthy in the 4th order intermittent stream where it accounted for 83% of the annual POM mass. Seasonally, benthic POM was highest in summer and lowest in the fall.  相似文献   

The Attwater's prairie chicken (APC; Tympanuchus cupido attwateri Bendire, 1894) has been a federally listed endangered species since 1967. Several captive propagation programs consisting of small populations are being used to keep this species from extinction. Fecal samples were collected from APCs in April 2007 and again in August 2008 from 2 separate captive propagation facilities in Texas after clinical signs of coccidiosis were observed. One Eimeria species was observed (Eimeria attwateri), which we describe as a putative new species. Sporulated oocysts are ellipsoidal, 30.0 × 18.4 (27.4-31.3 × 16.0-22.4) μm. Oocysts have a smooth wall 0.7 μm thick and lack both a micropyle and oocyst residuum, but 1 ellipsoidal polar granule is present, 2.3 × 1.9 (2.1-2.4 × 1.7-2.0) μm. Sporocysts have a nipple-like Stieda body with a rounded opposite end and are 14.0 × 7.1 (10.2-16.8 × 6.0-9.2) μm. The sporocysts contain a sporocyst residuum usually consisting of 2-4 dispersed globules, and each sporozoite contains 2 large posterior spheroid refractile bodies 3.4 μm wide. Nucleotide sequence amplified from the 18S rDNA does not match any DNA sequence information for publicly available Eimeria species, and phylogenetic reconstructions place this species with other eimerians from Galliformes. The discovery of a potentially pathogenic species of Eimeria in captive APCs is of great importance, and managers should be aware of the potential devastating effect(s) this parasite could have on the APC conservation programs.  相似文献   

The population of the microbial flora of a mixed blue gramma grass (Bouteloua gracilis H. B. K.) and prickly pear (Opuntia polyacantha Haw.) prairie near Amarillo, Texas, was studied during 1971 after a severe drought. Bacteria, fungi, and algae were estimated by plate count and terminal dilution procedures. Rates of grass and paper decomposition were determined. The microbial flora of soil associated with bovine-grazed grass did not differ significantly from the flora associated with ungrazed grass, either qualitatively or quantitatively. During drought, a greater number of fungi were found in soil associated with prickly pear than in that associated with blue gramma grass. The microbial biomass decreased one full log between the surface and a depth of 50 cm, and the percentage of anaerobes increased with depth. The maximum numbers of fungi and algae detected were 8 × 105 and 6 × 104/g respectively. A linear relationship existed between the microbial biomass and soil moisture. The maximum number of aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria detected was 1.5 × 108 viable cells per g of soil.  相似文献   

Influence of pocket gopher mounds on a Texas coastal prairie   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Effects of pocket gopher (Geomys attwateri) mound-building activity on plant community composition and soil nutrient concentrations were investigated in south Texas on both burned and unburned coastal prairie sites. Pocket gophers deposited large amounts of soil which were lower in nutrient content than randomly-collected samples. Above-ground plant biomass was greater around mounds than in random samples mainly because of increased dicots around mounds on the burned area when compared with random samples on the same area. Pocket gophers may have concentrated their activities (and therefore, mounds) in areas with higher dicot biomass on the burned area since they prefer perennial dicots as food, or the presence of mounds may have ameliorated the apparent negative effect of fire on dicots.  相似文献   

A serologic survey for the agents of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) (Rickettsia rickettsii), Borrelia spp. including the causative agent for Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), and plague (Yersinia pestis) was conducted on blood samples collected from 30 and 46 black-tailed jack rabbits (Lepus californicus) from an urban environment in Lubbock, Texas (USA) during winter 1987 and the following spring 1988, respectively. Antibody titers to the agents of RMSF and borreliosis were detected in sera of 28 and 1% of the jack rabbits, respectively. Neither organisms (rickettsiae and/or spirochetes) nor their associated antigens were detected in any of the tissue or whole blood samples; plague antibodies were not detected in the 76 jack rabbits sampled. Four of 18 ticks (Dermacentor parumapertus) removed from 12 jack rabbits were positive for RMSF using the fluorescent antibody test. The black-tailed jack rabbit is a common wildlife species living in close proximity to higher density human populations in many areas of the southwestern United States. Our results indicate the potential importance of urban populations of this mammal as reservoirs for at least one important zoonotic disease, RMSF, in western Texas.  相似文献   

To determine whether swift foxes (Vulpes velox) could facilitate transmission of Yersinia pestis to uninfected black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies by acquiring infected fleas, ectoparasite and serologic samples were collected from swift foxes living adjacent to prairie dog towns during a 2004 plague epizootic in northwestern Texas, USA. A previous study (1999-2001) indicated that these swift foxes were infested almost exclusively with the flea Pulex irritans. Black-tailed prairie dogs examined from the study area harbored only Pulex simulans and Oropsylla hirsuta. Although P. irritans was most common, P. simulans and O. hirsuta were collected from six swift foxes and a single coyote (Canis latrans) following the plague epizootic. Thus, both of these canids could act as transport hosts (at least temporarily) of prairie dog fleas following the loss of their normal hosts during a plague die-off. All six adult swift foxes tested positive for antibodies to Y. pestis. All 107 fleas from swift foxes tested negative for Y. pestis by mouse inoculation. Although swift foxes could potentially carry Y. pestis to un-infected prairie dog colonies, we believe they play only a minor role in plague epidemiology, considering that they harbored just a few uninfected prairie dog fleas (P. simulans and O. hirsuta).  相似文献   

In recent decades infectious and parasitic diseases (class 1 according to the International Classification of Diseases-9) constitute 2-3% of causes in the total morbidity structures in the USSR. The main causes of death among diseases of class 1 are tuberculosis (37%), acute enteric infections (30%), septicemia (11%), viral hepatitides (11%), meningococcal infection (4%), measles (2%). The main groups are children aged up to 2 years (48% of fatal cases of diseases belonging to class 1). The territorial irregularity of mortality indices has been revealed.  相似文献   

Biochemical polymorphic gene frequency profiles from blood samples of two outbred and seven inbred lines of chickens were studied for hemoglobin, albumin, transferrin, alkaline phosphatase, esterase II, and leucine aminopeptidase, and from egg samples of these lines for ovoalbumen, ovoglobulin (G2 and G3), and conalbumen. Complete gene fixation was found for hemoglobin, albumin, transferrin, ovalbumin, ovoglobulin, and conalbumin. The same alleles were fixed in each system in each line. For four systems, a particular allele within a system predominated in seven populations; gene frequencies ranged from 0.60 to 0.98. For esterases I and II, the genes Es-I B and Es-II S ranged in frequency between 0.82 and 0.97, and between 0.64 and 0.93, respectively. For ovoglobulin, G 2 B ranged between 0.75 and 1.00 with four lines fixed for this allele. The rather remarkable similarity of gene frequency profiles among lines, several of which are only remotely related, suggests that certain characteristic polymorphic frequencies for these biochemical polymorphisms possess higher adaptive values in an evolutionary sense.  相似文献   

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