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This research is based on previous studies which identified a specific respiratory pattern and inhalation-exhalation ratio, with which we were able to obtain significantly greater reductions in psychophysiological activation than with other respiratory patterns. The present study aimed to check the effectiveness of this respiratory pattern in learning based on biofeedback from the electrical conductance of the skin. The results obtained demonstrated that biofeedback combined with this respiratory pattern produced a significant reduction in psychophysiological activation and improved learning through biofeedback techniques.  相似文献   

Effects of 2 °C chilling on the threshold moisture contentsand water potentials for various physiological processes wereestimated forAesculus hippocastanumL. seed. Seed harvested atthe time of maximum seed fall exhibited a dual response to drying:partial drying from near 50% to 32–40% moisture contentprogressively increased germination percentage (at 16 °C)up to various peak values; further desiccation was detrimental,confirming that the seeds are ‘recalcitrant’. Themoisture content for optimum germination was increased by atleast 10% as the chilling period was raised from 0 to 9 weeks.A negative linear relationship was found between log10mean timeto germinate and probit final germination, regardless of pre-treatment,indicating that partial desiccation and chilling are interchangeablein promoting germination of hydrated seed. For nearly fullyhydrated seeds, increasing the chilling period from 6 to 26weeks increased the viability-loss onset point for desiccationinjury from near 40% to about 48% moisture content without alteringthe drying rates of seed tissues. Extending moist chilling invarious seed lots from 0 to 26 weeks decreased subsequent longevityat 16 °C. For 26-week-chilled seeds longevity (the periodto lose one probit of germination) differed above and belowa threshold moisture content of 48%. It remained constant inthe moisture-content range 48–38%, but increased progressivelyas moisture content was raised above 48%. This threshold moisturecontent coincided with the value above which chilled seed pre-germinatedin storage. The results indicate that post-harvest desiccationand chilling alter the water relations of various physiologicalprocesses and a schematic summary is presented which relatesthe results to an axis water sorption isotherm.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Aesculus hippocastanumL., horse chestnut, chilling, moisture content, water potential, desiccation tolerance, longevity, recalcitrant seed, embryo axis, maturation, germination.  相似文献   

Recovery from desiccation by Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer and Scherb was accompanied by an immediate, rapid increase in respiration (measured as oxygen uptake) at 25.5°C or 3.5°C. The respiratory burst was greater on rehydration of moss which had been rapidly desiccated over silica gel than that which had been more slowly desiccated in atmospheres of high relative humidity. No respiration was observed in dry moss. Dried moss which had been placed in liquid nitrogen resumed respiration on rewarming and rehydration but moss which had been frozen in the hydrated state respired to a lesser extent and showed signs of freeze damage. In the initial stages of slow drying a slight increase in respiration was noted, followed by a gradual decrease as drought became more severe. In contrast to observations made on many higher plants under drought stress, this moss did not exhibit any changes in its starch and sugar content during or following desiccation, nor were there any changes in free proline levels. Using (1-14C)-glucose and (6-14C)-glucose, the relative activities of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas and pentose phosphate pathways in hydrated and rehydrated moss were determined, as were the activities of specific enzymes involved in these pathways. An increased activity of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway of glucose oxidation on rehydration of Tortula was observed. The possible significance of this latter observation is outlined.  相似文献   

Interrelation between the CN-sensitive cytochrome path and the CN-resistant, benzohydroxamic acid (BHM)-sensitive, or n-propylgallate (nPG)-sensitive alternative path in seed respiration during germination was examined using the nondormant upper and lower seeds of Xanthium pensylvanicum Wallr. The operation of both paths was required not only for normal germination of the lower seed but also for KCN- or NaN3-induced germination of both. From the sensitivity to BHM of the germination response, it became obvious that the alternative path exerts its physiological activity as soon as it develops during the early period of water imbibition. Pretreatments with KCN and NaN3 for promoting germination, strikingly decreased only the engagement of the cytochrome path in the subsequent respiration without affecting that of the alternative path. Nevertheless, no germination occurred without the operation of the cytochrome path. This suggested that excess operation of the cytochrome path is detrimental to germination, being maximal following the BHM-sensitive phase.  相似文献   

滇南红厚壳种子的脱水敏感性及其影响萌发的因子   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
滇南红厚壳(Colophyllum polyanthum Wall.ex Choisy)种子的千粒重约为4700g,脱落时种子的含水量为45%(鲜重),其存活率对脱水高度敏感;当种子含水量降至30%以下时,存活率迅速下降;种子存活率的半致死含水量约为23%;可以认为它是一种典型的顽拗性种子。含水量为45%的种子,在20--30℃的范围内,随着温度的升高种子萌发50%所需要的时间缩短;高于和低于这个温度范围(如15℃,30℃),种子的萌发率均下降;变温处理有利于提高种子的萌发率和萌发速率。除去种皮和切除部分子叶能提高种子的萌发率、萌发速率,以及种子萌发后的早期幼苗生长量。光照明显地促进整粒种子的萌发,但对除去种皮的种子、具有1/2子叶的种子、以及胚轴的萌发没有影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that pollen of sorghum [Sorghumbicolor (L.) Moench] loses capacity to both germinate in vitroand to set seed in vivo soon after being shed. The current studyevaluates the capacity for dehydrated pollen to effect in vitrogermination, reduce tetrazolium chloride, and set seed on cytoplasmicmale sterile plants. Morphological changes during pollen germinationwere examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Close to70% of the pollen germinated in 5 min, or less, when collectedat 80% relative humidity (RH) and stored in sealed glass vials.Pollen tubes elongated autotropically with atmospheric humidityapparently being a controlling factor in the process. Pollendehydrated at 50% RH and 25°C for 15-30 min neither germinatedin vitro, reduced tetrazolium chloride, nor set seed on malesterile plants. Rehydrating the pollen did not restore the capacityfor germination. SEM micrographs demonstrated that elongatingpollen tubes encircled the pollen grain and were contiguousto the surface. A fibrillar-like material existed on the exineof separated pollen grains at the point where the grains hadbeen previously attached.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Sorghum pollen, germination, seed-set, viability, scanning electron microscopy, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench  相似文献   

The ability of pollen to germinate prior to anthesis was tested using Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.). Lily pollen normally dries to a low moisture content between anthesis and pollination while corn does not. The corn pollen germinated well (about 73%) when removed from anthers 1 day before anthesis and placed on culture medium. The lily pollen germinated poorly (0 to 5%) when harvested one to six days before anthesis. However, the lily pollen harvested one or two days before anthesis gave greatly improved germination (about 55%) after it was dried to a low moisture content. The results indicate that an internal control prevents premature germination of lily pollen and that drying is the final stage of pollen maturation. A different sort of regulatory mechanism must operate to prevent premature germination of corn pollen.  相似文献   

通过开发本土环境资源,开展研究性学习,可以充分发展学生的探究能力。同时也为课堂教学积累丰富的课程资源,从而实现研究性学习校本化,课堂教学研究化。本文通过实验探讨了世界矾都的污染状况,以不同浓度的明矾溶液对植物种子萌发的影响来说明问题,实验表明浓度越高种子萌发率就越低,茎高也越低,根的末端干枯,坏死,表明了明矾对种子萌发有很强的毒害作用。  相似文献   

Respiration of selected nematode species was measured relative to CO₂ level, temperature, osmotic pressure, humidity, glucose utilization and high ionic concentrations of sodium and potassium.In general, respiration was stimulated most by the dominant environmental factors at levels near those expected in the nematode''s "natural" habitat. Soil-inhabiting nematodes utilized O₂, most rapidly with high (1-2%) CO₂ whereas a foliar nematode (Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi) did so with 0.03% CO₂, the concentration typically found in air. Temperature optima for respiration corresponded closely to those for other activities. Ditylenchus dipsaci and Pratylenchus penetrans adults and Anguina tritici and A. agrostis second-stage larvae respired within the range of osmotic pressures from 0 to 44.8 arm and respiration of their drought-resistant stages was stimulated by increasing osmotic pressure which accompanies the onset of drought. Rehydration of A. tritici and A. agrostis larvae with RH as low as 5% stimulated measurable respiration. Glucose utilization from liquid medium by A. tritici larvae or A. ritzembosi was not detectable. Supplemental Na⁺ stimulated respiration of Anguina tritici, K⁺ did not.  相似文献   

Zostera marina is the only seagrass species whose seeds have been successfully used in large‐scale restoration. Although progress has been made in refining Z. marina restoration protocols, additional information on Z. marina seed physiology is necessary as the science of seagrass restoration evolves. We tested the germination rates of Z. marina seeds under different relative humidities and temperatures for different periods of time. Z. marina seed moisture content (MC) and germination rates were also tested when seeds were exposed to a temperature of 25°C and relative humidity of 50%. Z. marina seeds suffered higher mortality when exposed to lower relative humidity and higher temperature for longer period of exposure time. A significant negative correlation was detected between seed germination rate and MC. Z. marina seeds are sensitive to desiccation exposure and long periods of exposure to air should be prevented to minimize seed mortality when seeds are used in restoration projects.  相似文献   

麻疯树种子的发育、萌发和脱水耐性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了麻疯树种子的形态和萌发能力的变化,温度和光照对种子萌发的影响以及种子脱水耐性的变化.结果表明:麻疯树种子在开花后58 d达到生理成熟期,此时种子的萌发率达到最大值;生理成熟期种子的适宜萌发温度范围为25~30℃,对脱水不敏感,且光照对种子的萌发率无显著影响.因此麻疯树种子是一种光中性的正常性种子.  相似文献   

The developmental changes in morphology and germinability of Jatropha curcas seeds, effects of temperature and light on seed germination , and changes in desiccation tolerance of mature seeds were studied in this paper. The results indicated that J. curcas seeds reached a physiological maturation at 58 days after anthesis, and that seed germination percentage reached a peak at physiological maturation, and then decreased. The optimal germination temperature was 25 to 30℃. J. curcas seeds were insensitive to dehydration at physiological maturation . There was not a notable effect of light on seed germination. Therefore, J. curcas seed was a non-photoblastic and orthodox seeds .  相似文献   

Data are given for Kochia indica seeds showing retention ofviability after storage for various periods of time open tothe air under laboratory conditions, open at 30° C., openat 38° C., and sealed over CaCl2 at 30° C. Seeds have been stored without deterioration at 30° C. sealedover CaC12 for over 14 months. Rapid deterioration of seed inopen storage at laboratory temperature and at 30° C. showsthat loss of viability is accelerated by moisture more thanby temperature.  相似文献   

The effect of propyl-gallate (PG) and benzohydroxamic acid (BHAM),inhibitors of cyanide-resistant, alternative respiration path(AP), on germination were examined using after-ripened upperand lower cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds pre-soakedat 23?C for various periods. Germination was strongly suppressedby PG or BHAM at concentration above 2 mM. However, germinationwas enhanced by low concentrations of PG or BHAM (0.25 or 0.5mM) which reduced some portions of AP operation. Similarly,the high temperature-induced germination of pre-soaked upperseeds was promoted by the same low concentration range of PGor BHAM, in which PG and BHAM were effective only when appliedat the start of high temperature incubation. The inhibitionof germination by C2H4 at high temperature occurred only whenseeds were exposed to C2H4 during the earlier period of hightemperature incubation, and delayed application tended to promotetheir germination, although most of germinated seeds did notexhibit the normal germination behaviour of predominant radicleprotrusion. If the upper seeds had been subjected to a short-timepre-soaking, the inhibition of high temperature-induced germinationby C2H4 was prevented by the low concentrations of PG or BHAM,although the germination restored was mostly an abnormal, predominantlycotyldonary growth, suggesting that the germination inhibitionby C2H4 may be involved in some step of axial growth or in thegrowth of some specific axial zone. The lower concentrationsof PG or BHAM were promotive to the axial growth even at 33?C.Based on these results, the involvement of AP in cocklebur seedgerminaton is discussed in relation to the differential growthof axial and cotyledonary tissues. (Received May 2, 1986; Accepted October 27, 1986)  相似文献   

Influence of pH on the Respiration in Chlorella pyrenoidosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

脱落酸处理对铁皮石斛类原球茎体耐脱水性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱落酸(abscisic,ABA)预处理可以显著提高铁皮石斛(Dendrobiumc andidum)类原球茎体(protocrom-like bodies,PLBs)的耐脱水性,其中以5μmol/L的ABA预处理24h效果最好.经2h快速脱水后,类原球茎体存活率约为对照的10倍,达到50%左右。预处理期间细胞相容性物质含量的研究表明,ABA预处理过程中可溶性总糖、蔗糖、可溶性蛋白质及脯氨酸含量均无明显变化,而可溶性多糖含量明显增加,作者认为可溶性多糖的积累是类原球茎体耐脱水性提高的原因之一。  相似文献   

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