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A semiquantitative stereomicroscopic method was devised in order to examine rabbit knee articular surfaces. With the aid of a drawing tube mounted on a stereomicroscope, enlarged pictures (magnification of X 14-19) of ink-stained or SEM specimens of joint surfaces were drawn and the structural details classified. The point-counting method or a computer-coupled analyzer was used to analyze the pictures. The data thus obtained underwent statistical evaluation. The method proved to be very useful for the quantitation of experimentally induced changes on cartilage surfaces.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to carry out a histomorphometric analysis of calcified cartilage zone (CCZ) and its interfaces between hyaline cartilage and subchondral bone. The study used 40 donated normal human femoral condyles, from which paraffin-embedded sections were prepared after fixation and decalcification. The histomorphology of the CCZ were qualitatively and quantitatively observed by staining, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. The hyaline cartilage and CCZ were stained red with Safranin-O, and the subchondral bone was stained blue with Fast green. CCZ was stained black after von Kossa staining. The hyaline cartilage was interlocked tightly in the manner of “ravine-engomphosis” by the CCZ. The surface roughnesses of tidemark and cement line were 1.14 ± 0.04 and 1.99 ± 0.38. The maximum, minimum and mean thicknesses of CCZ were 277.12 ± 8.6, 9.83 ± 6.72 and 104.162 ± 0.87 μm, respectively. The cell density of CCZ (51.25 ± 21.26 cells/mm2) was significantly lower than that of the hyaline cartilage (152.54 ± 35.77 cells/mm2) (< 0.05). The subchondral bone was anchored tightly in the manner of a “comb-anchor” by the CCZ in our 3D reconstruction model. Thus, we discovered two junctional interfaces of CCZ using different histomorphometric methods. The upper interface of CCZ is a “ravine-engomphosis” shape, while its lower interface is a “comb-anchor” shape.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage degeneration seen in osteoarthritis is primarily the consequence of events within the articular cartilage that leads to the production of proteases by chondrocytes. 22 osteoarthritic cartilage specimens were obtained from patients with primary osteoarthritis (46–81 years) undergoing total knee replacement. 12 age-matched (41–86 years) and 16 young (16–40 years) non-osteoarthritic control cartilage specimens were obtained from the cadavers in the department of Anatomy and from patients undergoing lower limb amputation in Trauma center of PGIMER, Chandigarh. 5 μ thick paraffin sections were stained for osteocalcin, osteopontin, osteonectin and alkaline phosphatase to analyze their expression in hypertrophied chondrocytes and osteoarthritic cartilage matrix and to compare the staining intensity with that of normal ageing articular cartilage. Immunohistochemical staining of tissue sections revealed moderate to strong cytoplasmic staining for all four stains in all the specimens of the osteoarthritic group compared to age-matched control. The immunohistochemical scores were significantly higher in the osteoarthritic group for all four stains. The features of the osteoarthritic articular cartilage were markedly different from the non-osteoarthritic age-matched articular cartilage suggesting that osteoarthritis is not an inevitable feature of aging.  相似文献   

An important indicator of osteoarthritis (OA) progression is the loss of proteoglycan (PG) aggregates from the cartilage tissue. Using the indentation creep test, two analytical methods, as previously developed by Lu et al. [Lu, X. L., Miller, C., Chen, F. H., Guo, X. E., Mow, V. C., 2007. The generalized triphasic correspondence principle for simultaneous determination of the mechanical properties and proteoglycan content of articular cartilage by indentation. Journal of Biomechanics 40, 2434-2441 (EPub).], for predicting the fixed charge density (FCD) of goat knee articular cartilage in the normal (control) and degenerated states were compared: (1) a "dual-stage" method to calculate FCD from the mechanical properties of the tissue when tested in isotonic and hypertonic solutions; and (2) a "single-stage" method to predict FCD (as in (1)) assuming an intrinsic Poisson's ratio of 0.05 in the hypertonic state. A biochemical analysis using 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay was conducted to directly measure PG content, and hence FCD. The association between the FCD and the aggregate modulus of the tissue was also explored. The mean (+/-S.D.) FCD values measured using the dual-stage method were the closest (control: 0.129+/-0.039, degenerated: 0.046+/-029) to the DMMB results (control: 0.125+/-0.034, degenerated: 0.057+/-0.024) as compared to those of the single-stage method (control: 0.147+/-0.035, degenerated: 0.063+/-0.026). The single-stage method was more reliable (r(2)=0.81) when compared to the dual-stage method (r(2)=0.79). A prediction of FCD from the aggregate modulus generated the least reliable FCD prediction (r(2)=0.68). Because both the dual- and single-stage methods provided reliable FCD estimates for normal and degenerated tissue, the less time-consuming single-stage method was concluded to be the ideal technique for predicting FCD and hence PG content of the tissue.  相似文献   

An analysis of the unconfined compression of articular cartilage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Analytical solutions have been obtained for the internal deformation and fluid-flow fields and the externally observable creep, stress relaxation, and constant strain-rate behaviors which occur during the unconfined compression of a cylindrical specimen of a fluid-filled, porous, elastic solid, such as articular cartilage, between smooth, impermeable plates. Instantaneously, the "biphasic" continuum deforms without change in volume and behaves like an incompressible elastic solid of the same shear modulus. Radial fluid flow then allows the internal fluid pressure to equilibrate with the external environment. The equilibrium response is controlled by the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the solid matrix.  相似文献   

Collagen of articular cartilage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extracellular framework and two-thirds of the dry mass of adult articular cartilage are polymeric collagen. Type II collagen is the principal molecular component in mammals, but collagens III, VI, IX, X, XI, XII and XIV all contribute to the mature matrix. In developing cartilage, the core fibrillar network is a cross-linked copolymer of collagens II, IX and XI. The functions of collagens IX and XI in this heteropolymer are not yet fully defined but, evidently, they are critically important since mutations in COLIX and COLXI genes result in chondrodysplasia phenotypes that feature precocious osteoarthritis. Collagens XII and XIV are thought also to be bound to fibril surfaces but not covalently attached. Collagen VI polymerizes into its own type of filamentous network that has multiple adhesion domains for cells and other matrix components. Collagen X is normally restricted to the thin layer of calcified cartilage that interfaces articular cartilage with bone.  相似文献   



Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides information about translational diffusion of fluorescent molecules in tiny detection volumes at the single-molecule level. In normal states, cartilage tissue lacks vascularity, so chondrocyte metabolism depends on diffusion for molecular exchanges. The abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) of cartilage is maintained by a limited number of chondrocytes. ECM plays an important role in the regulation of chondrocyte functions. In this study, FCS was used to measure diffusion behaviors of albumin, the major protein of the intra-articular space, using normal and degenerated cartilage. Preliminary investigation of fluorescence dyes including Alexa 488, Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine 123 was conducted to evaluate their properties in cartilage.  相似文献   

Current operative and non-operative treatments for articular cartilage (AC) defect repair still fail to meet clinical expectations. These treatment options and challenges will be reviewed from a clinical perspective. Various polymeric and naturally occurring materials serving as scaffolds have shown promising neocartilage formation, but few studies are able to draw good clinical correlations. While tissue and organ engineering have generated public demand and expectations that engineered tissues will soon be available, there are still several critical hurdles that need to be overcome. There is a general preference for (1) avoiding the harvesting of normal tissues, (2) a single minimally invasive operative procedure for material insertion, and (3) a durable material that reproduces normal hyaline cartilage and will provide a good lifetime warranty. To avoid harvesting normal tissues, alternative cell sourcing is considered. On the materials front, there is a demand for molecular diversity and synthetic flexibility. For minimally invasive surgery, injectable materials have been actively researched. While initial studies are promising, there still remain a few challenges to overcome before injectable scaffolds will become clinically relevant. Key considerations are reviewed in this article. Advances in nanotechnology have enabled us to employ bottom-up approaches to scaffold design, fabrication, and characterization to better mimic the biological dimensions of matter. One approach involves self-assembly of small DNA-like molecules into larger superaggregates with nanoscale dimensions. One such self-assembling organic system is the rosette nanotubes. The design and properties are highlighted as they are related to solving orthopedic problems.  相似文献   

The limited availability of fresh osteochondral allograft tissues necessitates the use of banking for long-term storage. A vitrification solution containing a 55% cryoprotectant formulation, VS55, previously studied using rabbit articular cartilage, was evaluated using porcine articular cartilage. Specimens ranging from 2 to 6 mm in thickness were obtained from 6 mm distal femoral cartilage cores and cryopreserved by vitrification or freezing. The results of post-rewarming viability assessments employing alamarBlue demonstrated a large decrease (p < 0.001) in viability in all three sizes of cartilage specimen vitrified with VS55. This is in marked contrast with prior experience with full thickness, 0.6 mm rabbit cartilage. Microscopic examination following cryosubstitution confirmed ice formation in the chondrocytes of porcine cartilage vitrified using VS55. Experiments using a more concentrated vitrification formulation (83%), VS83, showed a significant treatment benefit for larger segments of articular cartilage. Differences between the VS55 and the VS83 treatment groups were significant at p < 0.001 for 2 mm and 4 mm plugs, and at p < 0.01 for full thickness, 6 mm plugs. The percentage viability in fresh controls, compared to VS55 and VS83, was 24.7% and 80.7% in the 2 mm size group, 18.2% and 55.5% in the 4 mm size group, and 5.2% and 43.6% in the 6 mm group, respectively. The results of this study continue to indicate that vitrification is superior to conventional cryopreservation with low concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide by freezing for cartilage. The vitrification technology presented here may, with further process development, enable the long-term storage and transportation of living cartilage for repair of human articular surfaces.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is classified as permanent hyaline cartilage and has significant differences in structure, extracelluar matrix components, gene expression profile, and mechanical property from transient hyaline cartilage found in the epiphyseal growth plate. In the process of synovial joint development, articular cartilage originates from the interzone, developing at the edge of the cartilaginous anlagen, and establishes zonal structure over time and supports smooth movement of the synovial joint through life. The cascade actions of key regulators, such as Wnts, GDF5, Erg, and PTHLH, coordinate sequential steps of articular cartilage formation. Articular chondrocytes are restrictedly controlled not to differentiate into a hypertrophic stage by autocrine and paracrine factors and extracellular matrix microenvironment, but retain potential to undergo hypertrophy. The basal calcified zone of articular cartilage is connected with subchondral bone, but not invaded by blood vessels nor replaced by bone, which is highly contrasted with the growth plate. Articular cartilage has limited regenerative capacity, but likely possesses and potentially uses intrinsic stem cell source in the superficial layer, Ranvier's groove, the intra‐articular tissues such as synovium and fat pad, and marrow below the subchondral bone. Considering the biological views on articular cartilage, several important points are raised for regeneration of articular cartilage. We should evaluate the nature of regenerated cartilage as permanent hyaline cartilage and not just hyaline cartilage. We should study how a hypertrophic phenotype of transplanted cells can be lastingly suppressed in regenerating tissue. Furthermore, we should develop the methods and reagents to activate recruitment of intrinsic stem/progenitor cells into the damaged site. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 99:192–202, 2013 . © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Ultrasonic characterization of articular cartilage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Osteoarthrosis is the most important joint disease that threatens health of the musculoskeletal system of elderly people. Today, there is a need for sensitive, quantitative diagnostic methods for successful and early diagnosis of the disorder. In the present study, we aimed at evaluating the applicability of ultrasound for quantitative assessment of cartilage structure and properties. Bovine articular cartilage was investigated both in vitro and in situ using high frequency ultrasound. Cartilage samples were also tested mechanically in vitro to reveal relationships between acoustic and mechanical parameters of the tissue. The collagen organization and proteoglycan content of cartilage samples were mapped, using quantitative polarized light microscopy and digital densitometry, respectively, to reveal their effect on the acoustic properties of tissue. The high frequency pulse-echo ultrasound (20-30 MHz) technique proved to be sensitive in detecting the degeneration of the superficial collagen-rich cartilage zone. In addition, ultrasound was found to be a potential tool for measuring cartilage thickness. When the results from biomechanical indentation measurements and ultrasound measurements of normal and enzymatically degraded articular cartilage were combined, collagen or proteoglycan degradation in the tissue could be sensitively and specifically differentiated from each other. To conclude, high frequency ultrasound is a useful tool for evaluation of the quality of superficial articular cartilage as well as for the measurement of cartilage thickness. Therefore, ultrasound appears to be a valuable supplement to the mechanical measurements of articular cartilage stiffness.  相似文献   

The infrared spectra of normal knee joint cartilage, normal and rheumatoid arthritis-affected human synovial membrane and the same normal bovine tissues were obtained over the region of 400--4000 cm-1. A comparative analysis of the spectra of these tissues and those containing hyaluronate, protein-chondroitin-keratan sulfate aggregates of cartilage proteoglycans and heparin made it possible to identify greater absorption bands of these biopolymers in the tissue spectra. The interpretation of the results obtained is presented.  相似文献   

Cartilage proteoglycan was isolated from bovine nasal septum and fractionated according to buoyant density after dissociative CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Gel-exclusion chromatography showed that hyaluronic acid was present in fractions of density lower than 1.69 g/mL. The molecular weight, assessed by sedimentation equilibrium analysis, of the proteoglycan present in the fractions with density > 1.69 g/mL, which appeared chromatographically homogeneous and constituted 54% of the preparation, ranged from 1.0 to 2.6 × 106 for v = 0.55 cm3 g?1. Carbodiimide-induced modification of the carboxyl groups by methylamine resulted in a reduction of the molecular weight to 0.74 – 1.25 × 106. An analogous reduction in molecular weight was obtained after equilibration of this proteoglycan fraction with hyaluronic acid oligomers containing five disaccharide units. Since both procedures are known to cause inhibition of the interaction between proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, it is suggested that this lower molecular-weight range represents the true degree of polydispersity of the sub-units of hyaline cartilage proteoglycan constituting this fraction, while the higher values obtained for the intact proteoglycan are the result of the presence of hyaluronic acid in the sample. The molecular-weight range of the whole proteoglycan subunit preparation, assessed after carboxyl group modification, was 0.5–1.2 × 106. Apparently normal and abnormal cartilage was excised from single human osteoarthrosic femoral heads. Proteoglycans extracted by 4M guanidine hydrochloride were isolated after dissociative density gradient centrifugation and subjected to carboxyl group modification. Preparations from normal tissue exhibited molecular-weight averages ranging from 5 to 9 × 105. A molecular-weight reduction was observed with proteoglycans isolated from abnormal areas.  相似文献   

An asymptotic analysis of a lubrication problem is presented for a model of articular cartilage and synovial fluid under the squeeze-film condition. This model is based upon the following constitutive assumptions: (1) articular cartilage is a linear porous-permeable biphasic material filled with a linearly viscous fluid (i.e. Newtonian fluid); (2) synovial fluid is also a linearly viscous fluid. The geometry of the problem is defined by assuming that (1) cartilage is a uniform layer of thickness H; (2) synovial fluid is a very thin layer compared to H; (3) the radius R of the load-supporting area (or the effective radius of curvature of joint surface, Ri) is large compared to H. Squeeze-film action is generated in the lubricant by a step loading function applied onto the two bearing surfaces. The model assumptions and the material properties yield two small parameters in the mathematical formulation. Based on these two small parameters, two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations were derived from an asymptotic analysis of the problem: one for the lubricant (analogous to the Reynolds equation) and one for the cartilage. For known properties of normal cartilage, our calculations show: (1) the cartilage layer deforms to enlarge the load-supporting area; (2) cartilage deformation acts to reduce the lateral fluid speed in the lubricant, thus prolonging the squeeze-film time which ranges from 1 to 10 s; (3) lubricant fluid in the gap is forced from the central high-pressure region into cartilage, and expelled from the tissue at the low-pressure periphery of the load-bearing region; and (4) tensile hoop stress exists at the cartilage surface despite the compressive squeeze-film loading condition. This hoop stress results directly from the radial flow of the interstitial fluid in the cartilage layer.  相似文献   

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