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《Geomicrobiology journal》2013,30(5):427-438

There has long been a debate as to whether desert varnish deposits are microbially mediated or are deposited by inorganic processes. Several researchers have cultured bacteria from the surface of desert varnish suggesting that bacteria are intimately associated with varnish coatings and may play a role in their formation. To test this hypothesis, we have collected scrapings of desert varnish from the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and the Mojave Desert in California and analyzed them for amino acids. Thirteen amino acids were found in desert varnish indicating a biogenic component of these varnishes. Two protein amino acids that were not detected in any of the varnishes are cysteine and tryptophan. Two nonprotein amino acids,β-alanine andγ-amino butyric acid, were found. These are known to be formed by enzymatic decarboxylation, thereby indicating possible organismal activity in varnish. Some D -enantiomers of the amino acids were also found. In addition to small amounts of the D -enantiomer of aspartic acid, which is rapidly formed by racemization and was present in most samples, D -alanine and D -glutamic acid were found. These latter two amino acids are components of the peptidoglycan cell wall material of bacteria. L -lysine was also detected, but not diaminopimelic acid. The combination of L -lysine, D -alanine, and D -glutamic acid is characteristic of the peptidoglycan from Gram-positive bacteria. Although the presence of these biomarkers does not prove that Gram-positive bacteria produce the coatings, finding them is consistent with the hypothesis that they may play a role in desert varnish formation.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glaciations have had a profound influence on the genetic structure of plant species throughout the Northern Hemisphere because of range contractions, fragmentations, and expansions. Phylogeographic studies have contributed to our knowledge of this influence in several geographic regions of North America, however, very few phylogeographic studies have examined plant species in the Sonoran, Mojave, and Peninsular deserts. In this study, we used sequence data from the chloroplast DNA psbA–trnH intergenic spacer to obtain information on phylogeographic patterns among 310 individuals from 21 populations of Encelia farinosa (“brittlebush”; Asteraceae) across its range. We applied several population and spatial genetic analyses that allowed us to interpret our data with respect to Pleistocene climate change. These analyses indicate that E. farinosa displays patterns of genetic differentiation and geographic structuring consistent with postglacial range expansion. Populations of E. farinosa are characterized by distinct haplotype lineages significantly associated with geography. Centers of genetic diversity for the species occur in southwestern Arizona, the plains of Sonora, and Baja California Sur, all of which are putative sites of glacial refugia as predicted by analyses of macrofossil and pollen data. Nested clade analysis suggests that genetic structure in E. farinosa has been affected by past fragmentation followed by range expansion. Range expansion in several locations is further supported by significant departures from neutrality for values of Fu’s FS and Tajima’s D, and mismatch analyses.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from the surface (0 to 0.6 m) and phreatic (3.9 to 4.5 m) root systems of a Prosopis glandulosa woodland in the Sonoran Desert of southern California. P. glandulosa seedlings were inoculated with these soils, and rhizobia were isolated from nodules. The phreatic soil, characterized by constant moisture and temperature but low nutrient availability, favored slow-growing (SG) isolates as nodule occupants (85%). SG isolates from the surface and phreatic soil were distinct based on differences in colony morphology. Isolates from the surface soil, characterized by high nutrient availability and widely fluctuating water content and temperature, were equally represented by fast-growing and SG rhizobia. Most SG isolates (83%) had nodule relative efficiencies of <0.80, whereas 54% of the fast-growing isolates had relative efficiency values of >0.80.  相似文献   

Abstract: Three Coffea species (C. arabica cv. Icatu, C. canephora cv. Apoatã and C. dewevrei) were tested in order to identify and study the mechanisms of tolerance to low, non‐freezing temperatures. Several photosynthesis‐related parameters were monitored during a 20‐day period of gradual temperature decrease, from 25/20 °C (day/night) down to 15/10 °C, during chilling treatments (15/4 °C), and upon rewarming (25/20 °C). Differences were found among species, both during low temperature exposure and during rewarming. In general, Coffea species showed cold‐induced photoinhibition of photosynthesis, which was attributable to biochemical (in vivo ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and carbohydrate synthesis) and biophysical (antennae functioning, photosystem II efficiency and linear electron transport) inactivation, rather than to stomatal constraints. The moderately low temperature of 15/10 °C was enough to cause a negative impact on net photosynthesis (A), mostly due to low (initial) rubisco activity in all species. However, C. arabica cv. Icatu showed a higher tolerance to chilling and recovered quickly and completely upon rewarming, as assessed from the impacts on the photosynthetic machinery (e.g. Amax, Fo, Fv/Fm, Fv′/Fm′, qP, ?e, rubisco activity) and on carbohydrate metabolism. Such lesser effects are likely to be related to the strong increases and higher contents of zeaxanthin, lutein and β‐carotene that presumably increased the ability to dissipate excitation energy and contributed to protect the photosynthetic apparatus. During cold exposure, a significant reduction of the α/β carotene ratio, which is considered an acclimation feature, was observed solely in C. arabica cv. Icatu. However, C. canephora cv. Apoatã and, especially, C. dewevrei showed to be highly cold‐sensitive. In these latter species, the photoinhibitory impairments to photosynthesis were stronger, probably due to the lower contents of protecting pigments during chilling conditions that lead to a higher vulnerability to excess excitation energy. Moreover, the mesophyll impairments (e.g. Amax, Fv/Fm, ?e) became significant even at moderately low temperatures of 15/10 °C, and a lower ability to recover after chilling exposure was observed. The limitation of in vivo rubisco activity and Amax may have been due to substrate limitation, but disturbances in sugar metabolism could also play an important role in the expression of chilling sensitivity in C. canephora cv. Apoatã and C. dewevrei.  相似文献   

Summary Stem photosynthetic responses to environmental parameters were investigated with Psorothamnus spinosus in the Sonoran Desert of California. Light saturation of stem photosynthesis was equal to maximum midday summer irradance (1600–2000 mol·m-2·s-1). The optimum temperature for stem photosynthesis was 39°C, and lower stem temperatures (27–35°C) caused significant decreases (up to 50%) in stem photosynthesis. Positive stem photosynthesis was maintained up to 51°C. Stem photosynthesis was relatively insensitive to increasing vpd up to 5 kPa; However, stem conductance decreased by 25% at a vpd of 5 kPa. At vpd greater than 5 kPa stem photosynthesis decreased relatively more than that of stem conductance causing a decrease in water use efficiency and an increase an intercellular carbon dioxide concentration. Maximum stem photosynthetic rates were low (6.2–10.6 mol·m-2·s-1) on a stem surface area, but, stem photosynthetic rates of young shoots were substantially higher (19.5–33.3 mol· m-2·s-1) on a projected area basis.Dedicated to the memory of Dr. W.H. Muller  相似文献   

Three new species of Nothacrobeles are described from localities in the Mojave Desert, southern California. Nothacrobeles triniglarus n. sp. is characterized by the presence of a long post-vulval sac and three tubular adoral projections. Both N. spatulatus n. sp. and N. nanocorpus n. sp. are smaller than any other known species within the genus. Nothacrobeles spatulatus n. sp. has labial probolae that are short and spatulate without a basal ridge, whereas those of N. nanocorpus n. sp. are flattened and plate-like. Furthermore, N. nanocorpus n. sp. is unique by its extremely short esophageal corpus (less than 25 µm long in adult females) and the small size of its guard processes. An emended diagnosis of the genus is given to accommodate distinctive characteristics of these new species. A table comparing the 11 valid species of Nothacrobeles is presented.  相似文献   

Tezara  W.  Fernández  M.D.  Donoso  C.  Herrera  A. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(3):399-410
In order to determine whether stomatal closure alone regulates photosynthesis during drought under natural conditions, seasonal changes in leaf gas exchange were studied in plants of five species differing in life form and carbon fixation pathway growing in a thorn scrub in Venezuela. The species were: Ipomoea carnea, Jatropha gossypifolia, (C3 deciduous shrubs), Alternanthera crucis (C4 deciduous herb), and Prosopis juliflora and Capparis odoratissima (evergreen phreatophytic trees). Xylem water potential () of all species followed very roughly the precipitation pattern, being more closely governed by soil water content in I. carnea and A. crucis. Maximum rate of photosynthesis, Pmax, decreased with in I. carnea, J. gossypifolia, and A. crucis. In I. carnea and J. gossypifolia stomatal closure was responsible for a 90 % decline in net photosynthetic rate (PN) as decreased from -0.3 to -2.0 MPa, since stomatal conductance (gs) was sensitive to water stress, and stomatal limitation on PN increased with drought. In A. crucis, PN decreased by 90 % at a much lower (-9.3 MPa), and gs was relatively less sensitive to . In P. juliflora and C. odoratissima, Pmax, gs, and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were independent of soil water content. In the C3 shrubs stomatal closure was apparently the main constraint on photosynthesis during drought, Ci declining with in I. carnea. In the C4 herb, Ci was constant along the range of values, which suggested a coordinated decrease in both gs and mesophyll capacity. In P. juliflora Ci showed a slow decrease with which may have been due to seasonal leaf developmental changes, rather than to soil water availability.  相似文献   

The allometric relationship of stem length L with respect to mean stem diameter D was determined for 80 shoots of each of three columnar cactus species (Stenocereus thurberi, Lophocereus schottii, and S. gummosus) to determine whether this relationship accords with that predicted by each of three contending models purporting to describe the mechanical architecture of vertical shoots (i.e., geometric, stress, and elastic similitude, which predict L proportional to D(alpha), with alpha = 1/1, 1/2, and 2/3, respectively). In addition, anatomical, physical, and biomechanical stem properties were measured to determine how the stems of these three species maintain their elastic stability as they increase in size. Reduced major axis regression of L with respect to D showed that alpha = 2.82 ± 0.14 for S. thurberi, 2.32 ± 0.19 for L. schottii, and 4.21 ± 0.31 for S. gummosus. Thus, the scaling exponents for the allometry of L differed significantly from that predicted by each of the three biomechanical models. In contrast, these exponents were similar to that for the allometry previously reported for saguaro. Analyses of biomechanical data derived from bending tests performed on 30 stems selected from each of the three species indicated that the bulk stem tissue stiffness was roughly proportional to L2, while stem flexural rigidity (i.e., the ability to resist a bending force) scaled roughly as L3. Stem length was significantly and positively correlated with the volume fraction of wood, while regression analysis of the pooled data from the three species (i.e., 90 stems) indicated that bulk tissue stiffness scaled roughly as the 5/3-power of the volume fraction of wood in stems. These data were interpreted to indicate that wood served as the major stiffening agent in stems and that this tissue accumulates at a sufficient rate to afford unusually high scaling exponents tot stem length with respect to stem diameter (i.e., disproportionately large increments of stem length with respect to increments in stem diameter). Nevertheless, the safety factor against the elastic failure of stems (computed on the basis of the critical buckling height divided by actual stem length) decreased with increasing stem size tot each species, even though each species maintained an average safety factor equal to two. We speculate that the apparent upper limit to plant height calculated for each species may serve as a biomechanical mechanism for vegetative propagation and the establishment of dense plant colonies by means of extreme stem flexure and ultimate breakage, especially for S. gummosus.  相似文献   

油页岩废渣场26种木本植物光合作用和生长的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了生长在广东省茂名市茂南区油页岩废渣场4 a多的26种木本植物的光合作用-光响应和生长特征。测定了最大净光合速率(Pmax)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和株高、胸径(DBH),并计算了表观光量子效率(AQY)、瞬时光能利用效率(ILUE)。根据上述参数的不同,参试植物被分成3级:速生种平均DBH为9.44±2.23 cm,其相应的平均Pmax为18.44±1.38μmol m-2s-1,ILUE为1.11±0.68%和AQY为0.0474±0.007μmol CO2μmol-1 quantum。中速生长植物则分别为5.09±0.90 cm、11.54±1.01μmol m-2s-1、0.75±0.12%和0.0406±0.004μmol CO2μmol-1 quantum。慢速生长的植物中,各参数则只有2.03±0.65 cm、6.71±2.82μmol m-2s-1、0.47±0.12%和0.0318±0.006μmol CO2μmol-1 quantum。统计分析显示I,LUE和Pmax或DBH呈极显著正相关,株高与DBH和总叶面积(TLA)亦呈极显著正相关。结果表明,植物光合作用-光响应曲线和光能利用效率能有效地评价植物对生长环境的适应性。从树种对光能的利用、生长的优势和有较高的水分利用效率综合评价,提出了对油页岩废渣场生态恢复应用较适宜的树种有:大叶相思、木棉、刺桐、油榄仁、红胶木、海南红豆、铁刀木、雨树、红荷木和乌墨。  相似文献   

Recent increases in the frequency and size of desert wildfires bring into question the impacts of fire on desert invertebrate communities. Furthermore, consumer communities can strongly impact invertebrates through predation and top‐down effects on plant community assembly. We experimentally applied burn and rodent exclusion treatments in a full factorial design at sites in both the Mojave and Great Basin deserts to examine the impact that fire and rodent consumers have on invertebrate communities. Pitfall traps were used to survey invertebrates from April through September 2016 to determine changes in abundance, richness, and diversity of invertebrate communities in response to fire and rodent treatments. Generally speaking, rodent exclusion had very little effect on invertebrate abundance or ant abundance, richness or diversity. The one exception was ant abundance, which was higher in rodent access plots than in rodent exclusion plots in June 2016, but only at the Great Basin site. Fire had little effect on the abundances of invertebrate groups at either desert site, with the exception of a negative effect on flying‐forager abundance at our Great Basin site. However, fire reduced ant species richness and Shannon's diversity at both desert sites. Fire did appear to indirectly affect ant community composition by altering plant community composition. Structural equation models suggest that fire increased invasive plant cover, which negatively impacted ant species richness and Shannon's diversity, a pattern that was consistent at both desert sites. These results suggest that invertebrate communities demonstrate some resilience to fire and invasions but increasing fire and spread of invasive due to invasive grass fire cycles may put increasing pressure on the stability of invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Oxygen Diffusion from the Roots of Woody Species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Application of the‘polarographic’ technique for studying oxygen diffusion from roots has provided preliminary results which establish that oxygen passes through the woody species Salix atrocinerea Brot., Salix fragilis L., Salix repens L., and Myrica gale L., in the gaseous phase as it does in other wetland species. Entry into the shoots occurs through the bark directly above the water table and in the willow cuttings the effective length of shoot for gas intake was the basal three centimetres above the water table. The length of shoot involved was longer in Myrica gale and the roots were of the normal (un-nodulated) type. Trials on Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. provided no conclusive results and it is thought that this was perhaps because measurements were on nodulated roots only.  相似文献   

Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Elevated CO(2) in Five C(3) Species   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
The effect of long-term (weeks to months) CO2 enhancement on (a) the gas-exchange characteristics, (b) the content and activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco), and (c) leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll, and dry weight per area were studied in five C3 species (Chenopodium album, Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum tuberosum, Solanum melongena, and Brassica oleracea) grown at CO2 partial pressures of 300 or 900 to 1000 microbars. Long-term exposure to elevated CO2 affected the CO2 response of photosynthesis in one of three ways: (a) the initial slope of the CO2 response was unaffected, but the photosynthetic rate at high CO2 increased (S. tuberosum); (b) the initial slope decreased but the CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis was little affected (C. album, P. vulgaris); (c) both the initial slope and the CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis decreased (B. oleracea, S. melongena). In all five species, growth at high CO2 increased the extent to which photosynthesis was stimulated following a decrease in the partial pressure of O2 or an increase in measurement CO2 above 600 microbars. This stimulation indicates that a limitation on photosynthesis by the capacity to regenerate orthophosphate was reduced or absent after acclimation to high CO2. Leaf nitrogen per area either increased (S. tuberosum, S. melongena) or was little changed by CO2 enhancement. The content of rubisco was lower in only two of the five species, yet its activation state was 19% to 48% lower in all five species following long-term exposure to high CO2. These results indicate that during growth in CO2-enriched air, leaf rubisco content remains in excess of that required to support the observed photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

Flood disturbance and water resource availability vary sharply over time and space along arid‐region rivers and can interact in complex fashion to shape diversity patterns. Plant diversity showed spatial patterning along a topogradient from the floodplain of the San Pedro River (Arizona, USA) to the arid upland, but the patterns shifted temporally as the suite of limiting factors changed. During two of three sampling times, spatial diversity patterns were shaped primarily by gradients of water availability, the regional limiting factor. In the summer dry season, microscale diversity (species richness per 1 m2) and mesoscale diversity (cumulative species and functional types in 20, 1‐m2 plots) of herbaceous plants decreased along the topogradient from floodplain to upland, reflecting the greater water availability on the low surfaces. During a summer wet season with moderate rains and flooding, diversity increased in all hydrogeomorphic zones (floodplain, terrace, upland), but the spatial pattern along the topogradient persisted. Following a very wet winter, patterns along the topogradient reversed: scour from large floods limited diversity on the floodplain and competitive exclusion limited the diversity on undisturbed river terrace, while abundant rains allowed for high microscale diversity in the upland. Disturbance and resource availability thus interacted to influence plant species diversity in a fashion consistent with the dynamic‐equilibrium model of species diversity. In contrast to the microscale patterns, mesoscale diversity of species and functional types remained high in the floodplain during all sampling times, with 58% more plant species and 90% more functional types sampled in low floodplain than arid upland for the year as a whole. Species with a wide range of moisture and temperature affinities were present in the floodplain, and seasonal turnover of species was high in this zone. The floodplain zone of a perennial to intermittent‐flow river thus had greater plant diversity than arid Sonoran Desert upland, as measured at temporal scales that capture seasonal variance in resource and disturbance pulses and at spatial scales that capture the environmental heterogeneity of floodplains. Although periodically limited by intense flood disturbance, diversity remains high in the floodplain because of the combination of moderate resource levels (groundwater, seasonal flood water) and persistent effects of flood disturbance (high spatial heterogeneity, absence of competitive exclusion), in concert with the same climatic factors that produce seasonally high diversity in the region (temporally variable pulses of rainfall).  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are ecologically important photosynthetic prokaryotes that also serve as popular model organisms for studies of photosynthesis and gene regulation. Both molecular and ecological studies of cyanobacteria benefit from real-time information on photosynthesis and acclimation. Monitoring in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence can provide noninvasive measures of photosynthetic physiology in a wide range of cyanobacteria and cyanolichens and requires only small samples. Cyanobacterial fluorescence patterns are distinct from those of plants, because of key structural and functional properties of cyanobacteria. These include significant fluorescence emission from the light-harvesting phycobiliproteins; large and rapid changes in fluorescence yield (state transitions) which depend on metabolic and environmental conditions; and flexible, overlapping respiratory and photosynthetic electron transport chains. The fluorescence parameters FV/FM, FV′/FM′,qp,qN, NPQ, and PS II were originally developed to extract information from the fluorescence signals of higher plants. In this review, we consider how the special properties of cyanobacteria can be accommodated and used to extract biologically useful information from cyanobacterial in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence signals. We describe how the pattern of fluorescence yield versus light intensity can be used to predict the acclimated light level for a cyanobacterial population, giving information valuable for both laboratory and field studies of acclimation processes. The size of the change in fluorescence yield during dark-to-light transitions can provide information on respiration and the iron status of the cyanobacteria. Finally, fluorescence parameters can be used to estimate the electron transport rate at the acclimated growth light intensity.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic response of seedlings of two evergreen trees dorminant in a subtropical forest to long-term elevated CO2 were studied. Pot seedlings of Castanopsis fissa (Champ.) Rehd. et Wils. and Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. were grown in semi-open chambers with ambient (350 μL · L-1) CO2 concentration under natural light from June to September, 1993. Net photosynthetic rate of the plants exposed to elevated CO2 increased by 79%~95% than that of the plants in ambient CO2 atmosphere. But no significant difference was observed when measurement was done at either CO2 concentration, 350 μL · L-1 or 500 μL · L-1 The Ph-CO2 concen/ration response curves of plants growing in elevated CO2 were higher than that of plants growing in ambient (350μL · L-1 CO2). In addition, the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents dropped slightly and stomatal conductance decreased obviously under elevated atmospheric CO2, while the ratios of chlorophyll a to b and carotenoid to chlorophyll were unaltered. The results indicated that downward acclimation of phetosynthesis did not appear in both plant species when they were grown under prolonged exposure to high (500 μL · L-1) atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Plants growing in different environments develop with different photosynthetic capacities—developmental acclimation of photosynthesis. It is also possible for fully developed leaves to change their photosynthetic capacity—dynamic acclimation. The importance of acclimation has not previously been demonstrated. Here, we show that developmental and dynamic acclimation are distinct processes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that dynamic acclimation plays an important role in increasing the fitness of plants in natural environments. Plants of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) were grown at low light and then transferred to high light for up to 9 d. This resulted in an increase in photosynthetic capacity of approximately 40%. A microarray analysis showed that transfer to high light resulted in a substantial but transient increase in expression of a gene, At1g61800, encoding a glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate translocator GPT2. Plants where this gene was disrupted were unable to undergo dynamic acclimation. They were, however, still able to acclimate developmentally. When grown under controlled conditions, fitness, measured as seed output and germination, was identical, regardless of GPT2 expression. Under naturally variable conditions, however, fitness was substantially reduced in plants lacking the ability to acclimate. Seed production was halved in gpt2− plants, relative to wild type, and germination of the seed produced substantially less. Dynamic acclimation of photosynthesis is thus shown to play a crucial and previously unrecognized role in determining the fitness of plants growing in changing environments.It has long been recognized that when plants are grown under a particular set of conditions they adjust their photosynthetic capacity to match those conditions (for review, see Walters, 2005). For example, early work from Bjorkman and Holmgren (1963) showed that plants of Solidago virgaurea had different photosynthetic capacities when grown either in sun or shade. In spite of its long history, however, neither the mechanism nor the significance of this response is understood (Walters, 2005). Work from Murchie and Horton (1997) showed that there is substantial variation between species in their ability to acclimate, with plants from semishaded habitats having the greatest variation in photosynthetic capacity, suggesting that there is both a benefit and cost of acclimation. Neither benefit nor cost has been demonstrated.Photosynthetic acclimation can be observed at levels ranging from whole-plant morphology to the detailed stoichiometry of the photosynthetic apparatus (Boardman, 1977; Walters, 2005). Plants grown at low light tend to invest more in leaves than in roots and to have thinner leaves. They have more chlorophyll-containing light-harvesting proteins relative to light-using enzymes involved in electron transport and metabolism, meaning that photosynthesis saturates with light at a lower irradiance. Plants can also adjust the relative proportions of the different photosystems to suit the light quality they experience (Chow et al., 1990; Walters and Horton, 1995a, 1995b).Most studies that have examined the acclimation of plants have done so by making measurements on material that has experienced only one set of conditions—e.g. either high or low light. Differences between plants therefore reflect the conditions experienced as the leaves develop, with leaf morphology and composition being optimized for the conditions seen. Plants do not, however, exist in static environments. Even for a plant growing in an unshaded location, the light incident on a leaf can vary by an order of magnitude from second to second, day to day, and week to week depending on the weather conditions. This variation will typically be accompanied by variation in the temperature, which will also impact on metabolic capacity.When plants are exposed to light at irradiances that are above saturating for photosynthesis, which may result from increases in light or from environmental conditions (e.g. cold, drought) restricting metabolism, they are liable to suffer from stress (Demmig-Adams and Adams, 1992). Specifically, excess light can give rise to reactive oxygen species (Asada, 2006). The damaging effects of this can be limited by investing in antioxidant systems; however, these are metabolically expensive with, for example, substantial amounts of individual antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, being found in the chloroplast (Asada, 2006). It seems likely therefore that the ability of a plant to minimize stress, by adjusting photosynthetic capacity to suit as well as possible the prevailing conditions, will benefit the plant and increase overall fitness.In this study, we have investigated photosynthetic acclimation of the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Starting with a microarray analysis, we have identified a gene that is essential for acclimation to increases in irradiance. We further show that the ability to acclimate to changes in light has a major role in determining fitness under naturally variable light conditions.  相似文献   

季节性休眠是多年生木本植物在生态和进化上的一种"权衡"机制,也是植物界多样性生存策略的组成部分.木本植物的休眠反应首先是Ca2+作为信号物质诱导CO/FT基因的表达,进而引起与休眠相关的DAM基因的表达;而低温可以诱导休眠的发生,冷诱导表达的基因CBF和COR在休眠期间也有表达;而与逆境相关的蛋白如脱水蛋白、抗冻蛋白、热激蛋白和热稳定蛋白等也与休眠反应有密切的关系.本文就与木本植物季节性休眠相关的分子机制进行了综述.  相似文献   

Vegetation processes in terrestrial ecosystems are closely linked with wildfire regime, but fire histories at the boundary between the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts of North America are relatively sparse. We investigated wildfire regime and its driving factors before and after Euro-American settlement in high-elevation mixed-conifer ecosystems that are found as “mountain islands” in south-eastern Nevada, USA. Field-based results obtained at the Clover Mountains were compared with those already published for Mt. Irish, less than 100 km away, and also to remotely sensed information provided by the LANDFIRE project, which is commonly used for natural resource management. Annually resolved wildfire history at the Clover Mountains was derived back to year 1500 from fire scar samples taken from 139 ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) located in six stands. During the 1785–2007 period, when at least 20 recorder trees (and a total of 241 fire scars) were available, the Clover Mountains were characterized by frequent (mean fire interval <10 years) low-severity fires, half of which scarred more than 10 % of recorder trees. The 1877 and 1946 fires scarred 50 % or more of recorder trees and spread to four out of six sampled stands. After the 1946 event, the site has experienced a 61-year fire-free period tied to fire suppression activity starting in the mid-1900s. In comparison with Mt. Irish, the Clover Mountains showed a longer mean fire return interval, larger fires, and some patchy high-severity events, even before Euro-American settlement. Variations in ecosystem composition and associated fire regime in these high-elevation mixed-conifer woodlands were not adequately captured by remotely sensed data used for vegetation management, revealing a need for additional field-based assessments of fire regime characteristics in this region.  相似文献   

Increasingly, renewable energy comprises a larger share of global energy production. Across the western United States, public lands are being developed to support renewable energy production. Where there are conflicts with threatened or endangered species, translocation can be used in an attempt to mitigate negative effects. For the threatened Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), we sought to compare habitat- and space-use patterns between short-distance translocated, resident, and control groups. We tested for differences in home range size based on utilization distributions and used linear mixed-effects models to compare space-use intensity, while controlling for demographic and environmental variables. In addition, we examined mean movement distances as well as home range overlap between years and for male and female tortoises in each study group. During the first active season post-translocation, home range size was greater and space-use intensity was lower for translocated tortoises than resident and control groups. These patterns were not present in the second season. In both years, there was no difference in home range size or space-use intensity between control and resident groups. Translocation typically resulted in one active season of questing followed by a second active season characterized by space-use patterns that were indistinguishable from control tortoises. Across both years, the number of times a tortoise was found in a burrow was positively related to greater space-use intensity. Minimizing the time required for translocated tortoises to exhibit patterns similar to non-translocated individuals may have strong implications for conservation by reducing exposure to adverse environmental conditions and predation. With ongoing development, our results can be used to guide future efforts aimed at understanding how translocation strategies influence patterns of animal space use.  相似文献   

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