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Female cardiac transplant recipients'' aerobic capacity is 60% lower than sex and age-predicted values. The effect of exercise training on restoring the impaired aerobic endurance and muscle strength in female cardiac transplant recipients is not known. This study examined the effect that aerobic and strength training have on improving aerobic endurance and muscle strength in female cardiac transplant recipients.


20 female cardiac transplant recipients (51 ± 11 years) participated in this investigation. The subjects performed a baseline six-minute walk test and a leg-press strength test when they were discharged following cardiac transplantation. The subjects then participated in a 12-week exercise program consisting of aerobic and lower extremity strength training. Baseline assessments were repeated following completion of the exercise intervention.


At baseline, the cardiac transplant recipients'' aerobic endurance was 50% lower than age-matched predicted values. The training program resulted in a significant increase in aerobic endurance (pre-training: 322 ± 104 m vs. post-training: 501 ± 99 m, p < 0.05) and leg-press strength (pre-training: 48 ± 16 kg. vs. post-training: 78 ± 27 kg, p < 0.05).


Aerobic and strength training are effective interventions that can partially restore the impaired aerobic endurance and strength found in female cardiac transplant recipients.Exercise training is an effective intervention that can partially restore the impaired aerobic capacity and musculoskeletal fitness (i.e. muscle strength) found in cardiac transplant recipients [1,2]. However, previous reports have focused exclusively on the effects of exercise training in men. Therefore, the effect of exercise training on these outcomes in female cardiac transplant recipients is not known [2-7]. Importantly, a majority of female cardiac transplant recipients do not engage in regular physical activity leading to increased levels of fatigue, poor functional status and reduced exercise capacity [8-10]. Based on this rationale, the aim of this study is to examine the effect that exercise training has on improving aerobic endurance (i.e. distance walked in six-minutes) and lower extremity muscle strength in female cardiac transplant recipients. We hypothesized that exercise training would be a feasible and effective intervention to improve aerobic endurance and lower extremity strength in female cardiac transplant recipients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of concurrent training on endurance capacity and dynamic neuromuscular economy in elderly men. Twenty-three healthy men (65 ± 4 years) were divided into 3 groups: concurrent (CG, n = 8), strength (SG, n = 8), and aerobic training group (EG, n = 7). Each group trained 3 times a week for 12 weeks, strength training, aerobic training, or both types of training in the same session. The maximum aerobic workload (Wmax) and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) of the subjects were evaluated on a cycle ergometer before and after the training period. Moreover, during the maximal test, muscle activation was measured at each intensity by means of electromyographic signals from the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris long head, and gastrocnemius lateralis to determine the dynamic neuromuscular economy. After training, significant increases in VO2peak and Wmax were only found in the CG and EG (p < 0.05), with no difference between groups. Moreover, there was a significant decrease in myoelectric activity of the RF muscle at 50 (EG), 75 and 100 W (EG and CG) and in the VL for the 3 groups at 100 W (p < 0.05). No change was seen in the electrical signal from the lateral gastrocnemius muscle and biceps femoris. The results suggest specificity in adaptations investigated in elderly subjects, because the most marked changes in the neuromuscular economy occurred in the aerobically trained groups.  相似文献   

Exercise professionals seeking to develop evidence-based training programs rely on several training principles demonstrated through research and professional experience. In an effort to further research examining these principles, an investigation was designed and completed to evaluate the compatibility of cardiovascular endurance and neuromuscular power training. Sixteen Division-I collegiate baseball players were divided into two training groups with lower body power measured before and after their college playing season. The two groups differed in training in that one group performed moderate- to high-intense cardiovascular endurance training 3-4 days per week throughout the season, while the other group participated in speed/speed endurance training. A significant difference between groups (P < .05) was identified in the change in lower body power during the baseball season. During the season, the endurance training group decreased an average of 39.50 +/- 128.03 watts while the speed group improved an average of 210.63 +/- 168.96 watts. These data demonstrate that moderate- to high-intense cardiovascular endurance and neuromuscular power training do not appear to be compatible when performed simultaneously. For baseball players, athletes who rely heavily on power and speed, conventional baseball conditioning involving significant amounts of cardiovascular endurance training should be altered to include more speed/power interval training.  相似文献   

Effect of high-intensity endurance training on isokinetic muscle power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of high-intensity endurance training on isokinetic muscle power. Six male students majoring in physical-education participated in high intensity endurance training on a cycle ergometer at 90% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) for 7 weeks. The duration of the daily exercise session was set so that the energy expenditure equalled 42 kJ.kg-1 of lean body mass. Peak knee extension power was measured at six different speeds (30 degrees, 60 degrees, 120 degrees, 180 degrees, 240 degrees, and 300 degrees.s-1) with an isokinetic dynamometer. After training, VO2max increased significantly from mean values of 51.2 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 6.5 to 56.3 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.3 (P less than 0.05). Isokinetic peak power at the lower test speeds (30 degrees, 60 degrees and 120 degrees.s-1) increased significantly (P less than 0.05). However, no significant differences in muscle peak power were found at the faster velocities of 180 degrees, 240 degrees, and 300 degrees.s-1. The percentage improvement was dependent on the initial muscle peak power of each subject and the training stimulus (intensity of cycle ergometer exercise).  相似文献   

This study compared a carbohydrate-, protein-, and ribose-containing repletion drink vs. carbohydrates alone during 8 weeks of aerobic training. Thirty-two men (age, mean ± SD = 23 ± 3 years) performed tests for aerobic capacity (V(O2)peak), time to exhaustion (TTE) at 90% V(O2)peak, and percent body fat (%fat), and fat-free mass (FFM). Testing was conducted at pre-training (PRE), mid-training at 3 weeks (MID3), mid-training at 6 weeks (MID6), and post-training (POST). Cycle ergometry training was performed at 70% V(O2)peak for 1 hours per day, 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Participants were assigned to a test drink (TEST; 370 kcal, 76 g carbohydrate, 14 g protein, 2.2 g d-ribose; n = 15) or control drink (CON; 370 kcal, 93 g carbohydrate; n = 17) ingested immediately after training. Body weight (BW; 1.8% decrease CON; 1.3% decrease TEST from PRE to POST), %fat (5.5% decrease CON; 3.9% decrease TEST), and FFM (0.1% decrease CON; 0.6% decrease TEST) decreased (p ≤ 0.05), whereas V(O2)peak (19.1% increase CON; 15.8% increase TEST) and TTE (239.1% increase CON; 377.3% increase TEST) increased (p ≤ 0.05) throughout the 8 weeks of training. Percent decreases in %fat from PRE to MID3 and percent increases in FFM from PRE to MID3 and MID6 were greater (p ≤ 0.05) for TEST than CON. Overall, even though the TEST drink did not augment BW, V(O2)peak, or TTE beyond carbohydrates alone, it did improve body composition (%fat and FFM) within the first 3-6 weeks of supplementation, which may be helpful for practitioners to understand how carbohydrate-protein recovery drinks can and cannot improve performance in their athletes.  相似文献   

Muscle fibers are generally fractionated into type I, IIA, and IIX fibers. Type I fibers specialize in long duration contractile activities and are found in abundance in elite endurance athletes. Conversely type IIA and IIX fibers facilitate short-duration anaerobic activities and are proportionally higher in elite strength and power athletes. A central area of interest concerns the capacity of training to increase or decrease fiber types to enhance high-performance activities. Although interconversions between type IIA and IIX are well recognized in the literature, there are conflicting studies regarding the capacity of type I and II fibers to interconvert. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze the effects of various forms of exercise on type I and type II interconversions. Possible variables that may increase type II fibers and decrease type I fibers are discussed, and these include high velocity isokinetic contractions; ballistic movements such as bench press throws and sprints. Conversely, a shift from type II to type I fibers may occur under longer duration, higher volume endurance type events. Special care is taken to provide practical applications for both the scientist and the athlete.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the hypothesis that active muscle blood flow is lower during exercise at a given submaximal power output after aerobic conditioning as a result of unchanged cardiac output and blunted splanchnic vasoconstriction. Eight untrained subjects (4 men, 4 women, 23-31 yr) performed high-intensity aerobic training for 9-12 wk. Leg blood flow (femoral vein thermodilution), splanchnic blood flow (indocyanine green clearance), cardiac output (acetylene rebreathing), whole body O(2) uptake (VO(2)), and arterial-venous blood gases were measured before and after training at identical submaximal power outputs (70 and 140 W; upright 2-leg cycling). Training increased (P < 0.05) peak VO(2) (12-36%) but did not significantly change submaximal VO(2) or cardiac output. Leg blood flow during both submaximal power outputs averaged 18% lower after training (P = 0.001; n = 7), but these reductions were not correlated with changes in splanchnic vasoconstriction. Submaximal leg VO(2) was also lower after training. These findings support the hypothesis that aerobic training reduces active muscle blood flow at a given submaximal power output. However, changes in leg and splanchnic blood flow resulting from high-intensity training may not be causally linked.  相似文献   

通过对不同强度有氧运动时大鼠脂代谢相关指标进行测试,发现规律的、周期性的、适宜的有氧运动对维持机体健康有益.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a running-specific, periodized strength training program (performed over the specific period [8 weeks] of a 16-week macrocycle) on endurance-trained runners' capacity to maintain stride length during running bouts at competitive speeds. Eighteen well-trained middle-distance runners completed the study (personal bests for 1500 and 5000 m of 3 minutes 57 seconds +/- 12 seconds and 15 minutes 24 seconds +/- 36 seconds). They were randomly assigned to each of the following groups (6 per group): periodized strength group, performing a periodized strength training program over the 8-week specific (intervention) period (2 sessions per week); nonperiodized strength group, performing the same strength training exercises as the periodized group over the specific period but with no week-to-week variations; and a control group, performing no strength training at all during the specific period. The percentage of loss in the stride length (cm)/speed (m.s) (SLS) ratio was measured by comparing the mean SLS during the first and third (last) group of the total repetitions, respectively, included in each of the interval training sessions performed at race speeds during the competition period that followed the specific period. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in mean percentage of SLS loss between the 3 study groups, with the periodized strength group showing no significant SLS change (0.36 +/- 0.95%) and the 2 other groups showing a moderate or high SLS loss (-1.22 +/- 1.5% and -3.05 +/- 1.2% for the nonperiodized strength and control groups, respectively). In conclusion, periodized, running-specific strength training minimizes the loss of stride length that typically occurs in endurance runners during fatiguing running bouts.  相似文献   

Plasma volume (PV) expansion by endurance training and/or heat acclimatization is known to increase aerobic and thermoregulatory capacities in humans. Also, higher erythrocyte volume (EV) fractions in blood are known to improve these capacities. We tested the hypothesis that training in a hypobaric hypoxic and warm environment would increase peak aerobic power (VO(2)(peak)) and forearm skin vascular conductance (FVC) response to increased esophageal temperature (T(es)) more than training in either environment alone, by increasing both PV and EV. Twenty men were divided into four training regimens (n = 5 each): low-altitude cool (610-m altitude, 20 degrees C ambient temperature, 50% relative humidity), high-altitude cool (2,000 m, 20 degrees C), low-altitude warm (610 m, 30 degrees C), and high-altitude warm (HW; 2,000 m, 30 degrees C). They exercised on a cycle ergometer at 60% VO(2)(peak) for 1 h/day for 10 days in a climate chamber. After training, PV increased in all trials, but EV increased in only high-altitude trials (both P < 0.05). VO(2)(peak) increased in all trials (P < 0.05) but without any significant differences among trials. FVC response to increased T(es) was measured during exercise at 60% of the pretraining VO(2)(peak) at 610 m and 30 degrees C. After the training, T(es) threshold for increasing FVC decreased in warm trials (P < 0.05) but not in cool trials and was significantly lower in HW than in cool trials (P < 0.05). The slope of FVC increase/T(es) increase increased in all trials (P < 0.05) except for high-altitude cool (P > 0.4) and was significantly higher in HW than in cool trials (P < 0.05). Thus, against our hypothesis, the VO(2)(peak) for HW did not increase more than in other trials. Moreover, slope of FVC increase/T(es) increase in HW increased most, despite the similar increase in blood volume, suggesting that factors other than blood volume were involved in the highest FVC response in HW.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of daily administration of a supplement that contained caffeine in conjunction with 8 weeks of aerobic training on VO(2)peak, time to running exhaustion at 90% VO(2)peak, body weight, and body composition. Thirty-six college students (14 men and 22 women; mean +/- SD, age 22.4 +/- 2.9 years) volunteered for this investigation and were randomized into either a placebo (n = 18) or supplement group (n = 18). The subjects ingested 1 dose (3 pills = 201 mg of caffeine) of the placebo or supplement per day during the study period. In addition, the subjects performed treadmill running for 45 minutes at 75% of the heart rate at VO(2)peak, three times per week for 8 weeks. All subjects were tested pretraining and posttraining for VO(2)peak, time to running exhaustion (TRE) at 90% VO(2)peak, body weight (BW), percentage body fat (%FAT), fat weight (FW), and fat-free weight (FFW). The results indicated that there were equivalent training-induced increases (p < 0.05) in VO(2)peak and TRE for the supplement and placebo groups, but no changes (p > 0.05) in BW, %FAT, FW, or FFW for either group. These findings indicated that chronic use of the caffeine-containing supplement in the present study, in conjunction with aerobic training, provided no ergogenic effects as measured by VO(2)peak and TRE, and the supplement was of no benefit for altering body weight or body composition.  相似文献   

The cardiac morphology of 77 consciousAlaskan sled dogs before and after 5 mo of endurance training (20 km/day team pulling a sled and musher) was studied usingtwo-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography. Subgroups included dogswith at least one season of previous training ("veterans") anddogs undergoing their first season of training ("rookies").Training resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in resting heart rate (15%) and significant increases in interventricular septal thickness (systole, 15%; diastole, 13%), left ventricular (LV) internal dimension in diastole (LVIDd, 4%), LV free wall thickness in systole (9%) and diastole (LVWd, 9%), and left atrial diameter (5%) in all dogs, but the increase in LVWd was greater in rookies (16%) than in veterans (7%).Training increased end-diastolic volume index (8%), LV mass index(24%), and heart weight index (24%) and decreased the LVIDd-to-LVWd ratio (6%) but did not alter cardiac index. We conclude that increased LV mass attributable to LV dilation and hypertrophy isassociated with endurance training in Alaskan sled dogs.Disproportionate LV wall thickening accompanying LV dilation suggeststhat cardiac morphological changes are due to volume and pressureloading. These training-induced changes are similar to those documented in human athletes undergoing combined isometric and isotonic training and differ from studies of dogs trained on treadmills.


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