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In this study, we investigated the differences in calbindin D-28k (CB), calretinin, (CR) and parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivity in the hippocampus of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats and Zucker lean control (ZLC) rats. In addition, we observed the effects of hypothyroidism on the levels of immunoreactivity of these proteins in ZDF rats. For this study, 7-week-old ZDF rats were used, and methimazole treatment was continued for 5 weeks to induce hypothyroidism. The animals were sacrificed at 12 weeks of age. ZDF rats showed increased blood glucose levels compared to those in ZLC rats. Methimazole intervention significantly reduced total and free T3 levels, and it ameliorated the increase of blood glucose levels in ZDF rats. In ZLC rats, CB, CR, and PV immunoreactivity was detected in regions of the hippocampus proper. In vehicle-treated ZDF rats, CB, CR, and PV immunoreactivity was significantly decreased in the hippocampus. However, in the methimazole-treated rats, CB, CR, and PV immunoreactivity was significantly increased compared to that in the vehicle-treated rats. These results suggest that hypothyroidism ameliorated the diabetes-induced reduction of CB, CR, and PV immunoreactivity in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of neurons containing three calcium-binding proteins, calbindin D28K, calretinin, and parvalbumin in the adult rabbit visual cortex were studied. The calcium-binding proteins were identified using antibody immunocytochemistry. Calbindin D28K-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were located throughout the cortical layers with the highest density in layer V. However, calbindin D28K-IR neurons were rarely encountered in layer I. Calretinin-IR neurons were mainly located in layers II and III. Considerably lower densities of calretinin-IR neurons were observed in the other layers. Parvalbumin-IR neurons were predominantly located in layers III, IV, V, and VI. In layers I and II, parvalbumin-IR neurons were only rarely seen. The majority of the calbindin D28K-IR neurons were stellate, round or oval cells with multipolar dendrites. The majority of calretinin-IR neurons were vertical fusiform cells with long processes traveling perpendicularly to the pial surface. The morphology of the majority of parvalbumin-IR neurons was similar to that of calbindin D28K: stellate, round or oval with multipolar dendrites. These results indicate that these three different calcium-binding proteins are contained in specific layers and cells in the rabbit visual cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distribution of calretinin, calbindin D28k, and parvalbumin was examined in subcellular fractions prepared from rat cerebellum and analyzed by immunoblot. Calretinin was also quantified by radioimmunoassay. As expected, all three soluble, EF-hand calcium-binding proteins were predominantly localized in the cytosolic fraction. Calretinin and calbindin D28k were also detected in membrane fractions. Calretinin was more abundant in synaptic membrane than in microsomal fractions. The cerebellar microsomal fraction contained the greatest concentration of membrane-associated calbindin D28k. The association of calretinin and calbindin D28k with membrane fractions was decreased in samples prepared or incubated in low calcium. Quantification of calretinin in subcellular fractions of rat cerebellum revealed a greater amount of calretinin in cytosolic fractions prepared or incubated in low calcium and reduced amounts of calretinin in all membrane fractions incubated in low calcium with the exception of the mitochondrial fraction. These results imply that calretinin and calbindin D28k might have physiological target molecules that are associated with, or are components of, brain membranes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated changes in glutamate decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) and GAD67 immunoreactivity and protein levels in the main olfactory bulb (MOB) after 5 min of transient forebrain ischemia in gerbils. GAD65 immunoreactivity in the sham-operated group was shown in neurons and neuropil except for the somata of granule cells. GAD65 immunoreactivity was increased in neurons in the external plexiform layer 60 days after ischemia, and in mitral cells 30 and 60 days after ischemia. GAD67 immunoreactivity in the sham-operated group was shown in periglomerular cells, neuron in the external plexiform layer and granule cells with neuropil. GAD67 immunoreactivity in periglomerular cells was increased 10, 45 and 60 days after ischemia. GAD67 immunoreactivity in neurons in the external plexiform layer was increased 10 and 15 days after ischemia. Mitral cells showed strong GAD67 immunoreactivity 10 days after ischemia. However, GAD67 immunoreactivity in the granule cells was not changed with time after ischemia. In Western blot analysis for GAD65 and GAD67 protein levels in the ischemic gerbil MOB, GAD65 level was not changed after ischemia; GAD67 level was increased 10 days after ischemia. These results suggest that transient ischemia causes changes in GAD65 and GAD67 immunoreactivity in the gerbil MOB, and this change may induce a malfunction in olfaction after an ischemic insult. Ki-Yeon Yoo and In Koo Hwang equally contributed to this article.  相似文献   

分别用Nissl法及免疫组织化学ABC法标记青、老年猫嗅球中嗅觉二级神经元和外丛层胶质细胞,显微镜下观察其分布并计数,对嗅觉二级神经元胞体直径和外丛层厚度进行测量,比较其年龄相关性变化,研究神经元与胶质细胞之间的关系,探讨老年性嗅觉功能衰退的相关神经机理。结果显示,老年猫嗅觉二级神经元胞体直径和分布密度均有不同程度的显著性下降(P<0.05);外丛层厚度变化不明显(P>0.05);外丛层胶质细胞特别是星形胶质细胞显著性增生(P<0.05)。表明在衰老过程中嗅觉二级神经元有丢失,并呈现功能下降,可能是老年性嗅觉功能衰退的原因之一。同时外丛层胶质细胞增生以进一步保护神经元,延缓其衰老。  相似文献   

The domain organization of calretinin (CR) was predicted to involve all six EF-hand motifs (labeled I to VI) condensed into a single domain, as characterized for calbindin D28k (Calb), the closest homolog of calretinin. Unperturbed (1)H,(15)N HSQC NMR spectra of a (15)N-labeled calretinin fragment (CR III-VI, residues 100-271) in the presence of the unlabeled complimentary fragment (CR I-II, residues 1-100) show that these fragments do not interact. Size exclusion chromatography and affinity chromatography data support this conclusion. The HSQC spectrum of (15)N-labeled CR is similar to the overlaid spectra of individual (15)N-labeled CR fragments (CR I-II and CR III-VI), also suggesting that these regions do not interact within intact CR. In contrast to these observations, but in accordance with the Calb studies, we observed interactions between other CR fragments: CR I (1-60) with CR II-VI (61-271), and CR I-III (1-142) with CR IV-VI (145-271). We conclude that CR is formed from at least two independent domains consisting of CR I-II and CR III-VI. The differences in domain organization of Calb and CR may explain the specific target interaction of Calb with caspase-3. Most importantly, the comparison of CR and Calb domain organizations questions the value of homologous modeling of EF-hand proteins, and perhaps of other protein families.  相似文献   

Calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive interneurons are well known as the interneuron specific interneurons in the hippocampus. CR-immunoreactive neurons form cellular network and regulate the activity of other GABAergic inhibitory interneurons in the hippocampus. In the present study, we investigated age-related changes in CR-immunoreactive neurons and protein levels in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging. In all subregions of the gerbil hippocampus, the number of CR-immunoreactive neurons was significantly decreased in the postnatal month 6 (PM 6) group compared to that in the PM 1 group. Thereafter, CR-immunoreactive neurons were decreased with age. In addition, the number of CR-immunoreactive cells in the subgranular zone were significantly decreased in the PM 6 group. We also observed that CR protein levels were decreased gradually with age. These results indicate that both CR immunoreactivity and its protein level were decreased with age in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging.  相似文献   

Coronal sections of frozen dog olfactory bulb have been dissected into four anatomically distinct layers. The laminar distribution of ten amino acids, the dipeptide carnosine, and nine [3H]ligand binding sites in these layers was determined. GABA and tyrosine levels were highest in the mitral cell-granule cell layer, and glutamate levels were slightly elevated in the glomerular layer. The distributions of all other amino acids did not show significant differences across the layers. Carnosine was predominantly localized in the fiber and glomerular layers. With the exception of quinuclidinyl benzilate, the [3H]ligand binding sites showed more discrete distributions. Muscimol, diazepam, kainic acid, and spiroperidol binding were predominantly localized in the mitral cell-granule cell layer, where clonidine binding was at a minimum. Dihydromorphine binding was high in both the fiber and the mitral cell-granule cell layers. Carnosine binding was maximal in the glomerular layer. The implications of these observations with regard to biochemical and neurophysiological data are discussed.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the olfactory bulb and accessory olfactory bulb of two species of garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis and T. radix were studied with experimental anterograde degeneration techniques. Axons of cells located in the olfactory bulb terminate ipsilaterally in all parts of the anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle and lateral pallium. In addition, some axons enter the ipsilateral stria medullaris thalami, cross the midline in the habenular commissure, enter the contralateral stria medullaris thalami and terminate in the contralateral lateral pallium. The axons of cells in the accessory olfactory bulb course through the telencephalon completely separated from the fibers of olfactory bulb origin and terminate predominantly in the nucleus sphericus. These results confirm previous reports of the separation between the central projections of the olfactory and vomeronasal systems in a variety of vertebrates. The totality of the separation between these two systems coupled with the extensive development of the vomeronasal-accessory bulb system in these snakes suggests that they may be ideal subjects for further research on the functional significance of the vomeronasal system.  相似文献   

The rate of osteoblast apoptosis is a critical determinant of the rate of bone formation. Because the calcium-binding protein calbindin-D(28k) has anti-apoptotic properties in neuronal cells and lymphocytes, we searched for the presence of this protein in osteoblastic cells and investigated whether it can modify their response to proapoptotic signals. Calbindin-D(28K) was expressed at low levels in several osteoblastic cell lines and at high levels in primary cultures of murine osteoblastic cells. Transient transfection of rat calbindin-D(28k) cDNA blocked tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha)-induced apoptosis in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells, as determined by cell viability and nuclear morphology of cells cotransfected with the green fluorescent protein targeted to the nucleus, whereas transfection of the empty vector had no effect. Calbindin-D(28k) levels in several stably transfected MC3T3-E1 lines were directly related to protection from TNFalpha-induced apoptosis. Purified rat calbindin-D(28k) markedly reduced the activity of caspase-3, a critical molecule for the degradation phase of apoptosis, in a cell-free assay. In addition, cell extracts from MC3T3-E1 cells expressing high levels of calbindin-D(28k) decreased caspase-3 activity, compared with extracts from vector-transfected cells. This effect was apparently unrelated to the calcium binding properties of calbindin, as chelation of calcium by EGTA or addition of other calcium-binding proteins such as calbindin-D(9k), S100, calmodulin, and osteocalcin, did not affect caspase-3 activity. Last, calbindin-D(28k) interacts with the active form of caspase-3 as demonstrated by a GST pull-down assay. These results demonstrate that calbindin-D(28k) is a biosynthetic product of osteoblasts with a role in the regulation of apoptosis. They also reveal that the antiapoptotic properties of calbindin-D(28k) may result not only from calcium buffering but also from the ability of the protein to interact with and to inhibit caspase-3 activity, a property that is independent of its calcium binding capability.  相似文献   

Brain plasticity, in relation to new adult mammalian neurons generated in the subgranular zone of the hippocampus, has been well described. However, the functional outcome of new adult olfactory neurons born in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles is not clearly defined, as manipulating neurogenesis through various methods has given inconsistent and conflicting results in lab mice. Several small rodent species, including Peromyscus leucopus, display seasonal (photoperiodic) brain plasticity in brain volume, hippocampal function, and hippocampus-dependent behaviors; plasticity in the olfactory system of photoperiodic rodents remains largely uninvestigated. We exposed adult male P. leucopus to long day lengths (LD) and short day lengths (SD) for 10 to 15 weeks and then examined olfactory bulb cell proliferation and survival using the thymidine analog BrdU, olfactory bulb granule cell morphology using Golgi-Cox staining, and behavioral investigation of same-sex conspecific urine. SD mice did not differ from LD counterparts in granular cell morphology of the dendrites or in dendritic spine density. Although there were no differences due to photoperiod in habituation to water odor, SD mice rapidly habituated to male urine, whereas LD mice did not. In addition, short day induced changes in olfactory behavior were associated with increased neurogenesis in the caudal plexiform and granule cell layers of the olfactory bulb, an area known to preferentially respond to water-soluble odorants. Taken together, these data demonstrate that photoperiod, without altering olfactory bulb neuronal morphology, alters olfactory bulb neurogenesis and olfactory behavior in Peromyscus leucopus.  相似文献   

Ca2+ binding proteins (CaBPs), calbindin-D28k (calbindin) and calretinin, are thought to contribute to the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in many neuronal populations and perhaps more importantly, signal functional modulation in neuronal activity. In the present experiments, light microscopic immunohistochemistry revealed that the immunoreactivity of calbindin and calretinin was contained in varicose axons in the posterior pituitary. The dual labeling study with confocal microscopy demonstrated that calbindin immunoreactivity was present in the terminals of both oxytocin (OXT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) neurons. However, calretinin immunoreactivity was exclusively seen in the OXT terminals. Moreover, the dual labeling study showed that most calretinin-positive terminals contained calbindin immunoreactivity, demonstrating the colocalization of calbindin and calretinin in the same OXT nerve terminals. By electron microscopy, calbindin and calretinin immunoreactivities were seen in the neurosecretory axons and nerve terminals. These immunoreactive nerve terminals were seen to contain more clear microvesicles than dense-core neurosecretory granules. This immunoelectron microscopic observation suggests that both calbindin and calretinin localize preferentially in the active zone of the nerve terminals, which usually face the perivascular space around fenestrated capillaries. In spite of similar localization of calbindin and calretinin within the posterior pituitary, Western blot analysis showed some differences between the two CaBPs. Calbindin was present mostly in the soluble fraction with little in the insoluble fraction, but a substantial portion of calretinin was present in both the insoluble and soluble fractions. Moreover, dehydration induced by drinking 2% NaCl solution and deprivation of drinking water increased calretinin levels in the posterior pituitary as compared with control, but the calbindin level was not changed. The present findings demonstrate that calbindin and calretinin colocalize in the active zones of OXT nerve terminals, but only calretinin is upregulated with dehydration, suggesting different physiological role of calbindin and calretinin in the nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Calbindin-D9k (CaBP9k) is a vitamin D-dependent, calcium binding protein first identified in the cytoplasm of the intestinal epithelial cell. Using biotin-streptavidin immunohistochemistry, CaBP9k was localized to the maternal caruncular epithelium, fetal chorionic epithelium, and trophoblastic binucleated cells of the bovine placenta. Within the maternal epithelium the intensity of staining increases from second trimester pregnancies to term pregnancies, indicating a higher intracellular concentration of CaBP9k in the epithelium at term. Luminal and glandular epithelium of the non-caruncular endometrium also stained positively for CaBP9k in all stages of pregnancy observed. No CaBP9k was identified within the stroma or myometrium of the pregnant cow uterus. The increased level of CaBP9k in the caruncular epithelium during the last trimester is hypothesized to be in response to the rising demand for calcium to aid in the mineralization of the fetal skeleton. CaBP9k may play a role in enhancing calcium transport across the placenta in cattle.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis occurs during the embryonic stage and throughout life. Brain injuries such as ischemic insults enhance cell proliferation in some areas of the brain. We examined proliferation of newly generated cells in each layer of the gerbil main olfactory bulb (MOB) after 5 min of transient cerebral ischemia using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunohistochemistry. Ischemia-related neuronal death in the MOB was not detected using Fluoro-Jade B histofluorescence and TUNEL staining. Many BrdU-positive (+) cells were found in the rostral migratory stream in control and ischemic MOBs. Significant increase of BrdU+ cells was observed in the granule cell layer (GCL) and glomerular layer (GL) from 15 days post-ischemia, and BrdU+ cells were very much higher than those of the control group 30 days post-ischemia. At this time point after ischemia/reperfusion, a few BrdU+ cells in the GL and GCL were co-localized with calretinin+ cells, and many BrdU+ cells expressed doublecortin, a marker of immature neurons. These results indicate that cell proliferation is increased in the GCL and GL without apparent neuronal loss from 15 days after transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is associated with learning and memory function and shows neurochemical changes in aging processes. Calbindin D-28k (CB) binds calcium ion with a fast association rate. We examined age-related changes in CB immunoreactivity and its protein level in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging. In the hippocampal CA1 region (CA1) and CA2, CB immunoreaction was found in some neurons in the stratum pyramidale (SP) at postnatal month 1 (PM 1). CB immunoreactivity in neurons was markedly increased at PM 3. Thereafter, CB immunoreactivity was decreased with time: CB-immunoreactive (+) neurons were fewest at PM 24. In the CA3, a few CB+ neurons were found only in the SP at PM 1 and in the stratum radiatum at PM 18 and 24. In addition, mossy fibers were stained with CB at PM 1. CB immunoreactivity in mossy fibers was markedly increased at PM 3, thereafter it was decreased with time. In the dentate gyrus, many granule cells (GC) in the granule cell layer were stained with CB at PM 1. CB immunoreactivity in GC was markedly increased at PM 3, thereafter CB immunoreactivity was decreased with time. In Western blot analysis, CB protein level in the gerbil hippocampus was highest at PM 3, thereafter CB protein levels were decreased with time. This result indicates that CB in the gerbil hippocampus is abundant at PM 3 and is decreased with age.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated age-related differences in neuronal progenitors in the gerbil main olfactory bulb (MOB) using doublecortin (DCX), a marker for neuronal progenitors which differentiate into neurons in the brain. No difference in the number of neuronal nuclei (NeuN)-immunoreactive neurons was found in the MOB at variously aged gerbils. At postnatal month (PM) 1, DCX immunoreaction was detected in all layers of the MOB except for the olfactory nerve layer. At this time point, DCX-immunoreactive cells (neuronal progenitors) were very abundant; however, they did not have fully developed-processes. From PM 3, the number of DCX-immunoreactive neuronal progenitors was decreased with age. At PM 6, DCX-immunoreactive cells showed very well-developed processes. In western blot analysis, DCX protein level in the MOB was highest at PM 1. Thereafter, levels of DCX protein were decreased with age. In the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle, the number of Ki-67-immunoractive cells (proliferating cells) was also significantly decreased with age. In addition, increases of α-synuclein-immunoreactive structures were observed in the MOB with age. These results suggest that decrease in DCX-immunoreactive neuronal progenitors and its protein levels in the MOB with age may be associated with reduction of cell proliferation in the SVZ and with an increase in α-synuclein in the MOB.  相似文献   

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