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The (Na+---K+)-stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities of 3T3 and SV40 transformed 3T3 cells were compared as a function of cell population density. For normal cells the enzyme activity remained relatively constant during exponential growth, but decreased sharply coincident with contact inhibition of growth at confluence. This decrease in activity could be reversed by stimulating contact-inhibited cultures to undertake renewed short-term growth either by adding fetal calf serum or changing the medium completely. Transformed cells did not experience a decrease in (Na+---K+)-ATPase activity upon reaching confluence, but this is consistent with the fact that they were still growing exponentially at this stage. However, non-confluent cultures of both normal and transformed cells incurred a marked decrease in levels of the enzyme when growth was inhibited by serum depletion. The results have been interpreted as indicating that levels of (Na+---K+)-ATPase in both normal and transformed cells are correlated with growth. Hence the different patterns of ATPase activity displayed by malignant cells and their normal counterparts with increase in cell number appear to be a reflection of their dissimilar growth behaviours rather than of any innate difference between them.  相似文献   

The dominance or recessiveness of the senescent phenotype in cells from patients with Werner's syndrome (WS cells) was investigated using cell fusion. The [3H]thymidine labeling index of normal human diploid fibroblast cell X WS cell heterodikaryons was considerably lower than that of normal homodikaryons, but was significantly higher than that of WS homodikaryons. The labeling index of WS cell X HeLa cell heterodikaryons was the same as that of HeLa homodikaryons. The labeling indices of heterodikaryons obtained by fusion between various strains of premature aging cells were as low as those of parental homodikaryons. These results indicate: (1) the senescent phenotype of WS cells appears to be partially recessive to the phenotype of normal cells and completely recessive to that of HeLa cells; (2) the marked inhibition of DNA synthesis in normal nuclei in heterodikaryons with WS cells could be due to ‘senescent factor(s)’ in WS cells; and (3) no complementation phenomenon was observed among genetically different premature aging cells, probably due to ‘senescent factor(s)’.  相似文献   

Depolarizing stimuli increase the release of transmitter substances from cultured PC12 pheochromocytoma cells and reaggregate cultures of mouse mesencephalic dopamine neurones. We measured the stimulated release of (3H) norepinephrine and (3H) dopamine from these systems respectively. In the cultured mouse dopaminergic neurones, several organic calcium channel blockers including nitrendipine, D-600, verapamil and diltiazem were unable to inhibit potassium-evoked transmitter release. However, release was blocked by 3 mM cobalt. The novel dihydropyridine calcium channel agonist BAY K8644 also had no effect on basal or evoked dopamine release. In contrast, BAY K8644 greatly stimulated the potassium-evoked release of (3H) norepinephrine from PC12 cells. The BAY K8644 enhanced release could be blocked by the dihydropyridine antagonist nitrendipine. These results indicate that while stimulus-secretion coupling in the PC12 cell line involves dihydropyridine sensitive calcium channels, this is not the case in primary cultured neurones.  相似文献   

Receptor content in cultured kidney (LLC-PK1) cells was found to be modulated following the introduction of a culture medium change, declining to 40% of control values at 18 h. Scatchard analysis indicated that the reduced 1,25(OH)2-[3H]D3 nuclear binding we detected was due to decreased abundance of receptors (3811 vs 1619 sites/cell) with no change in the Kd (0.4-0.5 nM). Cells with reduced receptors exhibited diminished ability to respond to 1,25(OH)2D3 as measured by induction of 25(OH)vitamin D-24-hydroxylase activity. There was a close coupling between decreased receptor levels and diminished hormone responsiveness. The data suggest the absence of "spare" receptors and that receptor abundance is a limiting factor in cell responsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3.  相似文献   

Composition, metabolism and extractability of histone fractions from WI38 human diploid fibroblasts and SV40 transformed WI38 fibroblasts are compared. Two alternate procedures were used for isolation of nuclei which allow for either optimal recovery of arginine-rich histones F3 (III) and F2a1 (IV) or for optimal retention of lysine-rich F1 (I) and slightly lysine rich F2b (II b2). While the relative amount of each histone fraction was found to be similar in normal and SV40 transformed cells, substantial increases in the levels of F 3 acetylation and F1 and F2a2 phosphorylation are reported for the histones of SV40 transformed cells. Differences in extractability of arginine-rich histones with 0.25 M HCl are also reported. While F 3 is extracted more rapidly than F 2a1 from nuclei of normal WI38 fibroblasts, the reverse is true in SV40 transformed WI38 cells. These differences are discussed in relation to modification reactions, binding of histones to DNA and SV40-induced alterations in gene readout.  相似文献   

The composition and metabolism of nonhistone chromosomal proteins associated with the genome of normal and SV40 transformed WI38 human diploid fibroblasts were examined. Evidence is presented which indicates variations in the relative protein content, specific activity and phosphorylation of several defined molecular weight classes of these chromosomal polypeptides. In addition, it is shown that blocking DNA replication with cytosine arabinoside does not inhibit the incorporation of 3H-leucine into nonhistone chromosomal proteins of SV40 transformed cells. The possibility that the nonhistone chromosomal proteins of human diploid fibroblasts transformed by SV40 virus may be involved in the regulation of viral induced alterations in gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

E O'Keefe  P Cuatrecasas 《Life sciences》1977,21(11):1649-1653
Ganglioside GM1, which can insert spontaneously into the membrane of intact cells, has been measured after insertion into transformed fibroblasts by cholera toxin (choleragen) binding, for which ganglioside GM1 is the natural receptor. Choleragen binding is not altered in starved, quiescent cells over a four-day period. Dividing cells show decreased binding in proportion to cell division. Thus, neither dividing nor quiescent cells appear to metabolize or otherwise degrade this membrane component.  相似文献   

Growth and function of primary cultures of granulosa cells obtained from immature, hypophysectomized, estrogen-treated rats were compared in serum-containing and serum-free media. In serum-free medium (1:1 mixture of DMEM:F-12) supplemented with insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin and fibronectin (4F medium), the cells remained healthy and steroidogenically responsive for at least 60 days in culture. The growth profile of the granulosa cells in 4F medium was similar to that obtained in serum-containing medium. In both media cell proliferation did not exceed more than one cell doubling. DMEM:F-12 alone did not support the cell viability. Upon FSH stimulation, the cells produced 25 fold more progestin and estrogen per cell in 4F medium than in medium supplemented with 5% serum. This effect was not directly related to serum proteins which mediate cell adhesion since cells cultured in dishes precoated with serum remained steroidogenically responsive to FSH. Cholera toxin and Bt2-cAMP readily stimulated progestin production in the presence of serum. The inhibitory effect of serum was not reversed by adding the four factors to serum-containing medium. The factors were essential for the FSH-induced steroidogenesis in serum-free medium. After four days of incubation in 4F medium, the cells showed a transient loss of their ability to produce progestin in response to FSH. In both 4F medium as well as in serum-containing medium, the cells regained their hormonal responsiveness after 35 days in culture. Since the loss of hormonal responsiveness occurred at the same time as growth was initiated in the cultures, it is suggested that the FSH-induced steroidogenesis is negatively controlled by growth-related processes.  相似文献   

A human/mouse hybridoma was developed which has the property of secreting a human bone resorbing factor similar or identical to the osteoclast activating factor (OAF) isolated from human tonsil lymphocytes. Mouse plasmacytoma cells negative for OAF production were fused with an enriched subpopulation of human tonsil lymphocytes that had been activated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce OAF (G. E. Nedwin, M. A. Mohler, and R. A. Luben, submitted for publication). Culture supernatants from mixed hybridomas contained a bone resorbing protein shown to cause the release of 45Ca from previously labeled mouse calvaria. The bone resorbing activity from these hybridomas was inhibited by the presence of OAF-specific monoclonal antibodies. Several hybridomas retained OAF production following limited dilution cloning. One clone, CD6.20, showed a biphasic dose-response curve for bone resorption similar to that of purified OAF from PHA-activated human tonsil lymphocytes. OAF production in the CD6.20 cell line has been retained for over 100 passages. Karyotype analysis of this cell shows the presence of human chromosomes 10 and 18 and the X chromosome.  相似文献   

A macromolecular factor(s) in muscle conditioned medium (CM), when applied to spinal cord (SC) cells in culture, causes large increases in the activity of choline acetyltransferase (CAT), the enzyme which synthesizes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. We have found apparent specificity of both species and cell type for the production, release, or action of this CAT stimulation component (CSC). Rat and mouse muscle CMs contained CSC which was active in mouse SC cells; chick muscle CM did not. In addition to muscle CM, the CM from cell cultures of mouse heart, liver, and kidney contained CSC. However, CM from secondary cultures of liver cells contained little if any CSC. These apparent specificities were not due to differences in the protein content of either the cells providing CM or of the CM itself. There was also apparent specificity of response to CSC among cholinergic cells in culture. Cultures of cells from only two of four regions of the mouse central nervous system, and from one of five neuronal cell lines tested, had increased CAT activity after treatment with muscle CM. The response in NG108-15 neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells was further characterized, and was used to develop a more convenient and rapid assay for CSC.  相似文献   

A unique group of mutations (amer) in the dihydrofolate reductase (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate:NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC structural gene of Diplococcus pneumoniae determine a marked overproduction of the corresponding enzyme protein. Since findings with these mutations relate to a key metabolic function and may be important to the regulation of folate coenzyme synthesis in general, the same group of multations were also examined for their effects on a number of related enzymic activities. Mutant and wild-type cell-free extracts, in addition to dihydrofolate reductase activity, exhibited both dihydropteroate and dihydrofolate synthetic activities under the conditions employed. Four folate coenzyme-related enzyme activities could also be demonstrated with the same preparations. These are mediated by the following enzymes, serine hydroxymethyl transferase (l-serine: tetrahydrofolate 10-hydroxymethyl tranferase, EC, 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC, 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (formate: tetrahydrofolate ligase (ADP-forming), EC and glutamate formiminotransferase (N-formimino-l-glutamate: tetrahydrofolate 5-formiminotransferase, EC The amer mutations examined in the current study determined 3–80-fold increases in dihydrofolate reductase in comparison to the wild type. However, none of the other folate-related enzyme activities were altered. The possible significance of these findings in light of previous results is discussed.  相似文献   

Guided by the phenomena of photo-augmentation and photo-recovery, which have been described with respect to the induction of erythema in human skin, experiments were undertaken with cultured mammalian cells to study whether irradiation with far- and near-ultraviolet radiation results in an interaction at the cellular level with respect to cell survival and induction of mutations. Evidence was found for both photo-augmentation and photo-recovery. Photo-augmentation (more than an additive effect) was observed for cell survival when the long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UVA) preceded the short-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UVB). Photo-recovery (less than an additive effect) was observed for cell survival if the UVA was given after or simultaneously with the UVB. The latter effect, however, was strongly influenced by dose: doses of UVA higher than 20 000 J/m2 no longer lead to photo-recovery in cell survival. For mutation induction, reduction in mutant frequency appears indicated for both combinations of UVA and UVB and for high and low doses of UVA.  相似文献   

The role played by macrophages in feedback inhibition of the immune response during murine brucellosis, allowing establishment of chronic infection, was investigated using a number of approaches. First, it was shown that the degree of splenomegaly (a measure of macrophage influx) following infection with Brucella abortus strain 19 did not correlate with the course of bacterial numbers in the spleen of CBA, BALB/c, and C57B1/10 mice. Second, it was shown that a rough, mucoid mutant, B. abortus strain 19R, although causing a chronic infection, did not induce splenomegaly. Nor could “suppressor macrophages” be demonstrated in these spleens. Delayed-type hypersensitivity during this infection was lower than with B. abortus strain 19. Third, no nonspecific suppression of unrelated immune responses in CBA mice infected with B. abortus strain 19 could be demonstrated, despite the very large numbers of macrophages in the spleen. The responses tested included delayed-type hypersensitivity and cell-mediated resistance to Listeria monocytogenes, antibody response to sheep erythrocytes (both serum antibody and plaque-forming cells in the spleen) and skin-graft rejection.  相似文献   

In vitro, 3-mercaptopicolinic acid inhibited phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in supernatant fractions of liver, kidney cortex, and adipose tissue obtained from fasted rats. 3-Mercaptopicolinic acid also inhibited enzymatic activity in the mitochondrial and supernatant fractions of liver obtained from fasted guinea pigs. In the fasted rat, the oral administration of 3-mercaptopicolinic acid increased liver carboxykinase activity even though the blood glucose concentrations decreased. Kidney cortex carboxykinase decreased while adipose tissue enzyme was unchanged. In the fasted guinea pig, the oral administration of 3-mercaptopicolinic acid lowered blood glucose concentrations but had no effect on liver mitochondrial or supernatant carboxykinase activity. The elevation in rat liver enzymatic activity appears to be due to protein synthesis, since the concurrent administration of cycloheximide prevents the increase in enzyme activity. 3-Mercaptopicolinic acid appears to be noncompetitive with respect to Mn2+.  相似文献   

The effects of timing and duration of cytochalasin B (CB) treatment on the kinetics of the initiation of DNA synthesis in mono- and binucleate HeLa cells, synchronized in the G1 phase of the cell cycle by the reversal of a mitotic block (N2O at 80 PSI), were studied. In the control, bi-, tri- and tetranucleate cells entered S phase slightly earlier than the mononucleate cells at a rate proportional to the number of their nuclei. The difference between any two adjacent sub-populations was less than 0.5 h. However, the binucleate cells produced by a 90 min CB treatment immediately after the reversal of the mitotic block exhibited a considerably shorter G1 period as compared to mononucleate cells (a difference of 1.5 h). This exaggerated difference in the duration of G1 period between mono- and binucleate cells disappeared when the CB treatment was delayed by 75 or 90 min indicating that it was an experimental artifact. From this study, we conclude that there is naturally some degree of nuclear cooperation in the multinucleate systems, particularly with regard to the initiation of DNA synthesis, which is not influenced by CB treatment.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of a high-molecular-weight spin-labeled nucleic acid, (RUGT,U)n, synthesized by enzymatic copolymerization, were evaluated by uv and ESR spectroscopy. It was shown earlier that spin labeling of nucleic acids by chemical modification to an extent which gives a nitroxide-to-nucleotide ratio greater than 0.002 can cause noticeable lattice perturbations (A. M. Bobst, A. Hakam, P. W. Langemeier, and S. Kouidou (1979), Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 187, 339–345). The presence of RUGT, a 5-nitroxide-labeled uridine residue, in a (U)n lattice at a RUGTU ratio of 0.01 is shown here not to affect the complexation with (A)n, since the uv melting temperature (T0OD) of the 2 → 1 transition and the hypochromicity changes were the same for (RUGT,U)n· (A)n and (U)n·(A)n. ESR measurements indicated that the nitroxide radical reflects the transition accurately within the error limit, although a slight destabilization of the spinlabeled segment could not be excluded. Computer simulations showed conclusively that the spin melting temperature (Tmsp) corresponds to the temperature at which half of the spin-labeled segments are no longer complexed, for the ESR spectrum at Tmspcan be simulated with equal contributions from the line shapes of ESR spectra taken before and after the transition. Arrhenius plots obtained by using two different approaches for computing correlation times were qualitatively the same. Computer analysis also revealed that the formation of a (RUGT,U)n·(A)n complex can be described by a two-state model, in contrast to results obtained with chemically spin-labeled (U)n. Thus, using (RUGT,U)n over chemically spin-labeled (U)n can offer distinct advantages.  相似文献   

The combined effects of irradiation followed by cultivation on a total spleen cell population in order to study the evolution of the stimulating potential in the in vitro generation of allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were tested. Results revealed that, after 3 days and up to at least 7 days of cultivating irradiated (1000 rad) spleen cells, the remaining living cells (radioresistant spleen cells or RSC) have the same potential to generate CTLs as irradiated noncultivated spleen cells. RSC can resist a 5000-rad irradiation and induce a primary cytotoxic response pattern similar to that of total spleen cells; they act in primary as well as in secondary cultures with optimal responder to RSC ratios of about 100, but are still stimulatory at MLC ratios up to 1000 or 5000. They are lysed by specific allogeneic CTLs and readily inhibit the specific lysis of H-2-identical labeled targets by CTLs. RSCs do not express unusual levels of H-2 or Ia antigens and do stimulate purified T cells. Alloantisera anti-H-2 are able to completely block the RSC-induced generation of CTL. This RSC population may prove to be a good model to study non-H-2- or H-2-associated, nonserologically detectable determinants interacting in the generation of T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were made on the effect of numerous organic compounds in promoting the crystallization of human hemoglobin in 1.9 m phosphate, pH 7.0. It was found that alicyclic or benzenoid structures are essential for promoting crystallization of hemoglobin under these conditions. Hemoglobin crystals prepared in the presence of toluene differed in habit from crystals prepared in its absence. It is suggested that steric factors determine the effectiveness of organic substances in promoting the crystallization of hemoglobin and that the heme group is the binding site involved in the complex formation.The solubility of homozygous sickle cell hemoglobin HbS was found to be less than the heterozygous hemoglobins AS and AC or normal hemoglobin HbA in the presence of organic substances promoting the crystallization of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Thymidine kinase (TK) and deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) activity levels, [3H]thymidine (TdR) and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BUdR) incorporation and 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (FUdR) sensitivity have been compared in TK-deficient (TU63 and TU84) and normal (TU291 and M3b) strains of the myxomycete, Physarum polycephalum. The mutants had about 2% of the TK and 100% of the dCK activity of wild-type (wt) strains. They incorporated some TdR into both nuclear (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) but incorporated too little BUdR to give a buoyant density shift in nuclear DNA. They grew in the presence of levels of FUdR which completely blocked DNA synthesis in TU291. The FUdR sensitivity of strain M3b could be increased by supplementing growth medium with folic acid.  相似文献   

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