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WELSH  K. J.; SINK  K. C. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(5):583-590
Leaf sections of Browallia viscosa and B. speciosa were placedon Murashige and Skoog (1962) salts and vitamins medium (MS)containing auxins and cytokinins, singly or in combination,to elicit morphogenetic responses. B. viscosa developed extensiveroots in 4 weeks on media supplemented with indolebutyric acid(IBA), indol-3-yl acetic acid (IAA) or naphthalene acetic acid(NAA) (0·01, 0·1, 1·0, 5·0 and 10·0mg–1), but with 2, 4-D (0·1 mg–1) only lightyellow friable callus was obtained. Shoot initiation and elongationoccurred consistently in 4–6 weeks on leaf sections inthe presence of 6---dimethylallyl amino purine (2iP). Similarly,shoot regeneration from leaf-derived callus, initiated and sub-culturedon MS + benzyladenine (BA) + NAA only induced callus on leafexplants of both species. B. speciosa did not respond exceptfor moderate and prolific callus formation on MS + BA + NAAand Uchimiya and Murashige (1974) media respectively. Browallia viscosa, Browallia speciosa, tissue culture, regeneration, morphogenetic potential  相似文献   

侧耳属(Pleurotus)二个野生种与一个栽培种之间亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用从校内采集的P 96 6和从德阳市采集的P DY97两个侧耳属野生种与栽培种P 17之间的单核体进行配对具有不亲和性 ,证明了这 3个物种间遗传的独立性。同时通过P 17,P 96 6 ,P DY97各自的单核体自交实验 ,表明这 3个物种的交配系统是双因子控制系统。  相似文献   

野生种醋栗番茄包含丰富的变异,具有众多优良性状。本研究对从世界不同地区收集的433份醋栗番茄遗传资源进行了表型鉴定及遗传多样性分析。表型鉴定结果表明,在收集的433份醋栗番茄中约有14%为樱桃番茄,370份典型醋栗番茄中约22%的材料存在不同程度的分离。群体变异分析表明,不同性状间变异系数存在较大差异,其中柱头变异系数最大,为56.716%;花瓣数遗传稳定,变异系数最小,为2.082%;相关分析表明,多个性状间存在显著相关性;利用表型和基因型数据聚类均将醋栗番茄群体划分为两大类群;主成分分析表明,坐果率、单果重、可溶性固形物对变异的贡献率较大。研究结果将为利用醋栗番茄进行栽培种番茄遗传改良奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

Embryo development following selfing was investigated in twowild diploid peanut species, Arachis batizocoi Krap. et Greg.(coll. K 9484) (2n = 20) and A. duranensis Krap. et Greg. nom.nud. (coll. K 7988) (2n = 20), and one cultivated tetraploidspecies, A. hypogaea L. NC-Ac 18000 (2n = 40). Rates of pegelongation and sequences of embryo development for each specieswere compared. Peg elongation rates were similar for the twowild species, but for A. hypogaea it was only one-third to one-halfthat of the diploid species. Embryos in A. hypogaea showed slightlymore rapid cell division than in the wild species. The observedvariation in reproductive development between the wild and cultivatedspecies indicate that different control mechanisms may governdevelopment in the different species and may be at least partiallyresponsible for failure to produce viable interspecific hybridsat various ploidy levels. The observations are also importantfor determining the time at which embryos of different speciesof Arachis will reach the appropriate stage of development forsuccessful culture on an artificial medium during embryo rescueprocedures. Peanut, Arachis hypogaea, wild species, embryo, peg  相似文献   

多毛番茄(Solanum habrochaites)为重要的番茄种质资源, 其叶表存在大量次生代谢物质, 对多种虫害具有趋避或/和毒害作用。利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析栽培番茄(S. lycopersicum ) 9706与3份多毛番茄(LA2329、LA1777和PI134417)材料叶表次生代谢物质。结果表明, 3份多毛番茄叶表可检测到的次生代谢物质种类和总含量均高于普通番茄, 同时多毛番茄亚种间次生代谢物质的种类和含量也存在差异。普通番茄叶表次生代谢物质为3种单萜和3种倍半萜类物质, 其中单萜和倍半萜类物质分别占次生代谢物质总量的60.3%和39.7%。多毛番茄LA2329和LA1777叶表倍半萜类物质的种类和含量较高, 有些萜类物质具有物种特异性。如LA2329中含量最高的α-姜烯, 其含量为2 409.1 μg·g–1; LA1777中含量较高的γ-榄香烯和E-β-法尼烯, 含量分别为573.3 μg·g–1和289.9 μg·g–1, 在其它番茄材料中未检测到这3种倍半萜类物质。PI134417中含量最高的是月桂酸乙酯, 其含量为5 312.8 μg·g–1, 在普通番茄中这一物质未见报道。PI134417中甲基酮类物质含量也较高, 其中2-十一烷酮和2-十三烷酮的含量分别为689.8 μg·g–1和1 459.7 μg·g–1。研究结果可为番茄种质资源利用和次生代谢物质开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Wild and cultivated Basidiomycetes species were cultured to determine the distribution of bacteria causing brown blotch disease of Agaricus bisporus. Colonies from each basidiocarp were screened for brown blotch organisms by the white line and host pathogenicity tests. Isolates causing brown blotch were identified as Pseudomonas tolaasi and an Arthrobacter species.  相似文献   

Karyotypes in seven species of Gossypium, G. thurberi, G. advidsonii, G. raimondii of D group; G. herbaceum, G. arboreum of A group; G. hirsutum and G. ba- rbadense of AD group were studied in 1983. It can be simplified as follows: G. thurberi 2n = 2x = 26 = 24m + 2Sm (2SAT); G. davidsonii 2n= 2x = 26 20m+6Sm(4SAT); G. raimondii 2n=2x= 26= 20m+6Sm(2SAT); G. herbaceum 2n = 2x = 26 = 18m + 4Sm+4St(4SAT); G. arboreum 2n = 2x = 26 = 18m + 6Sm (2SAT) + 2St(2SAT); G. hirsutum 2n = 4x =52 = 32m + 18Sm(4SAT) +2St (2 SAT); G. barbadense 2n = 4x = 52 = 38m + 12Sm (2SAT) + 2St(2SAT). This paper also deals with the supplier in A group and D group of tetraploids.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) a, b and (a+b) contents were measured in eleven cultivated and wild species of Lamiaceae collected from different environments. In nine of these eleven species, belonging to the subfamily Nepetoidea, the Chl a/b ratio was low. This suggests a prevailing shade aspect, regardless of collection sites and cultivated or wild origin.  相似文献   

Introgression of germplasm from wild to cultivated species ofArachis is severely impeded because abortion processes oftenoccur as a prepeg-, peg-(gynophore), or postpeg-elongation event.A comparative study of embryo sac morphology at anthesis wasundertaken to determine if observable differences were presentthat could possibly explain abortion prior to peg tip swellingfollowing soil penetration. Two wild Arachis species (A. duranensisand A. stenosperma) plus A. hypogaea cultivars NC 6 and Argentinewere studied. Differences in starch grain concentration andcytoplasmic stranding organization were observed between A.hypogaea cultivars and the wild Arachis species. These differencesprobably have a significant impact on energy availability atsyngamy and the subsequent early cell division of the embryo.An improper energy balance could contribute to the onset ofabortion in interspecific hybrids. Modification in egg apparatusorganization among all species was also observed which may accountfor low percentages of seed recovery resulting from interspecifichybridization attempts. Embryo sac morphology, interspecific hybridization, Arachis hypogaea L., Arachis species, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, embryo abortion, fertilization incompatibility, peanuts, groundnut  相似文献   

利用离体叶片鉴定杨树耐盐潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以受体杨树107和转基因杨树18-1的一年生枝条为材料, 采用Hoagland营养液水培方法, 添加不同浓度的NaCl, 检测二者植株生长以及叶中Na+和K+含量的变化。结果表明, 在0.6%NaCl处理下18-1生根率明显高于107, 生物量较大, 叶片中Na+积累量是107的1.45倍左右。以107和18-1离体叶片为材料, NaCl处理下测定其生理活性指标, 发现18-1叶盘的失绿速度和相对电导率都显著低于107叶盘。把离体叶片接种在改良MS培养基上, 1.2%NaCl处理可使107叶盘几乎停止伸长, 细胞大小不再增加; 而18-1叶盘培养7天后伸长了近50%。以上结果表明利用离体叶片可以鉴定出不同基因型杨树的耐盐潜力。  相似文献   

利用离体叶片鉴定杨树耐盐潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以受体杨树107和转基因杨树18-1的一年生枝条为材料,采用Hoagland营养液水培方法,添加不同浓度的NaCl,检测二者植株生长以及叶中Na+和K+含量的变化。结果表明,在0.6%NaCl处理下18-1生根率明显高于107,生物量较大,叶片中Na+积累量是107的1.45倍左右。以107和18-1离体叶片为材料,NaCl处理下测定其生理活性指标,发现18-1叶盘的失绿速度和相对电导率都显著低于107叶盘。把离体叶片接种在改良MS培养基上,1.2%NaCl处理可使107叶盘几乎停止伸长,细胞大小不再增加;而18-1叶盘培养7天后伸长了近50%。以上结果表明利用离体叶片可以鉴定出不同基因型杨树的耐盐潜力。  相似文献   

何鉴星  梁正兰 《遗传学报》1991,18(2):140-148
本文研究了棉属栽培种与野生种杂交的不亲和性,试验材料涉及5个染色体组,包括2个栽培种(陆地棉和中棉)和5个野生种(戴维逊氏棉、瑟伯氏棉、三裂棉、阿拉伯棉和比克氏棉)。以陆地棉作母本,异己花粉管在花柱中生长缓慢,有花粉管胚珠低于10%,陆地棉×戴维逊氏棉杂种胚在子叶期坏死。以中棉作母本,不亲和性主要表现在受精后的胚胎发育过程中。  相似文献   

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease (TYLCVD) has been observed in Tunisia for more than 20 years. Until year 2004, only the Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus‐Sicily (TYLCSV‐[Sic]) was detected in tomato, pepper and bean crops. In the Sahel region, some tomato samples showing severe TYLCVD symptoms were collected from greenhouses in 2004 and 2005. Typing of these isolates revealed for the first time the presence of the TYLCV Israel in Tunisia. This result was confirmed by using several sets of specific primers and by sequencing. This species has also been detected on pepper and bean collected from fields in the same region. The sequencing of a tomato and a bean isolate showed that they both share more than 97% of sequence identity with the TYLCV from Dominican Republic ( AF024715 ). The TYLCV has been found in single and mixed infection with the TYLCSV‐[Sic].  相似文献   

Sugar and soluble solids content and invertase (EC, sucrose synthase (EC, and sucrose phosphate synthase (EC enzyme activities were measured throughout fruit development in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and the green fruited species Lycopersicon peruvianum. Fruit of L. peruvianum accumulated predominantly sucrose, in contrast with hexose accumulation, which is characteristic of L. esculentum. The percentage of soluble solids in ripe L. peruvianum fruit was more than twice that present in L. esculentum and attributed primarily to the high level of sucrose accumulated in L. peruvianum. Low levels of invertase and sucrose synthase activity were associated with the period of significant sucrose accumulation and storage in L. peruvianum. Increased sucrose phosphate synthase activity was observed during the latter stages of fruit development in sucrose-accumulating fruit but was not coincident with maximum rates of sucrose accumulation.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolution requires both raw genetic material and an accessible path of high fitness from one fitness peak to another. In this study, we used an introgression line (IL) population to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for leaf traits thought to be associated with adaptation to precipitation in wild tomatoes (Solanum sect. Lycopersicon; Solanaceae). A QTL sign test showed that several traits likely evolved under directional natural selection. Leaf traits correlated across species do not share a common genetic basis, consistent with a scenario in which selection maintains trait covariation unconstrained by pleiotropy or linkage disequilibrium. Two large effect QTL for stomatal distribution colocalized with key genes in the stomatal development pathway, suggesting promising candidates for the molecular bases of adaptation in these species. Furthermore, macroevolutionary transitions between vastly different stomatal distributions may not be constrained when such large-effect mutations are available. Finally, genetic correlations between stomatal traits measured in this study and data on carbon isotope discrimination from the same ILs support a functional hypothesis that the distribution of stomata affects the resistance to CO2 diffusion inside the leaf, a trait implicated in climatic adaptation in wild tomatoes. Along with evidence from previous comparative and experimental studies, this analysis indicates that leaf traits are an important component of climatic niche adaptation in wild tomatoes and demonstrates that some trait transitions between species could have involved few, large-effect genetic changes, allowing rapid responses to new environmental conditions.  相似文献   

研究了山嵛菜属(Eutrema)广泛栽培的山嵛菜和3个野生种的核型。栽培山嵛菜(E.wasabi Maxim)的体细胞染色体数目和核型为2n=4x=28=7m 17sm 4st,3个野生种分别是三角叶山嵛菜(E.dettoideum(Hook.f.et Thoms)O.E.Sehulz)核型为2n=2x=14=10m 4sm;密序山嵛菜(E.heterophylla(W.W.Smith)Hara)核型为2n=2x=14=6m(2SAT) 8sm;云南山嵛菜(E.yunnanense Franch.)核型为:2n=4x=28=12m(2SAT) 16sm。对它们的核型进行了比较分析,其结果为杂交培育新品种提供细胞遗传学资料。  相似文献   

Sorghum halepense germinates only after storage and its germination is impeded by its glumes. On germination its metabolism is more rapid than is S. bicolor, as indicated by loss of dry weight, starch and protein and formation of soluble protein and soluble sugars. Fresh weight formation is also more rapid in S. halepense. A method for determining the potential for cyanide liberation is described. S. halepense builds up the potential rapidly and apparently maintains it after germination. This process is also slower in S. bicolor. The results show that the cultivated species is slower in all the processes leading to germination than the wild one.  相似文献   

王洁  杨志玲  杨旭 《植物研究》2012,32(2):237-242
以厚朴野生种和栽培种苞片刚裂开的花苞为试材,采用固相微萃取和气相色谱—质谱(GC/MS)分析技术对其进行香气成分和相对含量的测定,比较分析了花朵不同部位香气成分的差异。结果表明:厚朴野生种共有39种香气成分,雌雄蕊中26种,花瓣中22种,栽培种中75种香气成分,雌雄蕊中49种,花瓣中54种。萜烯类是两种厚朴花苞中最重要的香气化合物,莰烯、罗勒烯异构体混合物、石竹烯、芳樟醇是野生种和栽培种中共有的相对含量较高的香气成分。厚朴野生种和栽培种间以及同种厚朴雌雄蕊与花瓣之间的香气成分的种类和相对含量差异显著。  相似文献   

菊属11个野生种和12个栽培品种遗传关系的ISSR分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为进一步明确菊属野生种与栽培品种的遗传关系和多样性,本研究利用ISSR分子标记技术对菊属11个野生种和12个栽培品种之间的遗传关系进行比较分析.从75个ISSR引物中筛选出了14个引物,对供试材料的DNA进行扩增,共获得142条清晰可辨的谱带,多态位点比率为95.1%;菊属野生种的平均有效等位基因数(effective number of alleles,Ne)、平均Nei's基因多样性指数(Nei's gene diversity,H)及Shannon信息指数(shannon's information index,I)均高于栽培菊花,说明各野生种间基因差异比较显著,多态性强于栽培品种.UPGMA聚类结果表明:菊属野生种呈现由低倍向高倍进化的趋势;栽培菊花之间遗传关系复杂,大体可以推断出平瓣是菊花的基本瓣形;菊花脑与栽培菊花亲缘关系最近,小红菊、龙脑菊、若狭滨菊与栽培菊花关系亦较近,神农香菊与其它材料关系最远.本研究的结果表明菊属野生种与栽培品种之间遗传关系比较复杂,而ISSR分子标记技术可以较好地从分子水平上揭示出菊属植物间的遗传关系.  相似文献   

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