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Aim The objective of conservation planning is often to prioritize patches based on their estimated contribution to metapopulation or metacommunity viability. The contribution that an individual patch makes will depend on its intrinsic characteristics, such as habitat quality, as well as its location relative to other patches, its connectivity. Here we systematically evaluate five patch value metrics to determine the importance of including an estimate of habitat quality into the metrics. Location We tested the metrics in landscapes designed to represent different degrees of variability in patch quality and different levels of patch aggregation. Methods In each landscape, we simulated population dynamics using a spatially explicit, continuous time metapopulation model linked to within patch logistic growth models. We tested five metrics that are used to estimate the contribution that a patch makes to metapopulation viability: two versions of the probability of connectivity index, two versions of patch centrality (a graph theory metric) and the metapopulation capacity metric. Results All metrics performed best in environments where patch quality was very variable and high quality patches were aggregated. Metrics that incorporated some measure of patch quality did better in all environments, but did particularly well in environments with high variance of patch quality and spatial aggregation of good quality patches. Main conclusions Including an estimate of patch quality significantly increased the ability of a given connectivity metric to rank correctly habitat patches according to their contribution to metapopulation viability. Incorporating patch quality is particularly important in landscapes where habitat quality is highly variable and good quality patches are spatially aggregated. However, caution should be used when applying patch metrics to homogeneous landscapes, even if good estimates of patch quality are available. Our results demonstrate that landscape structure and the degree of variability in patch quality need to be assessed prior to selecting a suitable method for estimating patch value.  相似文献   

魏雯  唐安琪 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5206-5218
在大力推进生物多样性保护工作的背景下,亚洲象的活动范围与人类生产生活空间不断重叠,人象冲突矛盾日益严重,对物种栖息地生境网络进行优化能从源头缓解这一矛盾。在亚洲象国家公园建设之际,研究以西双版纳州为例,提出了一种基于InVEST-图论复合模型识别并优化生境网络的方法:即以土地利用数据为基础,结合亚洲象生活习性与栖息地偏好,通过海拔、坡度、距水源距离3个约束因子矫正生境质量数据,运用Graphab软件识别潜在生境网络,结合最小累积阻力模型理念与景观图论的分析方法,从"源地-廊道"角度定量化分析西双版纳州国家级亚洲象保护区的保护空缺,探讨保护区的空间布局优化策略与生境分级保护策略,以期为亚洲象国家公园的建设与西双版纳州国土空间规划提供新视角。结果表明,西双版纳州共识别出生态源地335个,总面积4595.60km2,总体上高质量生境分布较为均衡,连通性较好的生境网络集中分布在北部与东部区域,中部B4勐仑片区存在较为显著的生态孤岛现象,西南部高质量生境斑块小而破碎,联系紧密但缺少作为核心栖息地的大面积生境。保护空缺方面,国家级保护区范围内的生态源地仅占总源地面积的31.68%,大型保护空缺集中分布于B3勐养片区东北部;优化后的生境网络能形成以B3勐养片区为核心,以国家自然保护区为主的"B5-A-B3-B4-B1-B2"生物迁徙廊道。  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for conservation programmes to make quantitative predictions of biodiversity responses to changed environments. Such predictions will be particularly important to promote species recovery in fragmented landscapes, and to understand and facilitate distribution responses to climate change. Here, we model expansion rates of a test species (a rare butterfly, Hesperia comma) in five landscapes over 18 years (generations), using a metapopulation model (the incidence function model). Expansion rates increased with the area, quality and proximity of habitat patches available for colonization, with predicted expansion rates closely matching observed rates in test landscapes. Habitat fragmentation constrained expansion, but in a predictable way, suggesting that it will prove feasible both to understand variation in expansion rates and to develop conservation programmes to increase rates of range expansion in such species.  相似文献   

When organisms with similar phenotypes have conflicting management and conservation initiatives, approaches are needed to differentiate among subpopulations or discrete groups. For example, the eastern metapopulation of the double‐crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) has a migratory phenotype that is culled because they are viewed as a threat to commercial and natural resources, whereas resident birds are targeted for conservation. Understanding the distinct breeding habitats of resident versus migratory cormorants would aid in identification and management decisions. Here, we use species distribution models (SDM: Maxent) of cormorant nesting habitat to examine the eastern P. auritus metapopulation and the predicted breeding sites of its phenotypes. We then estimate the phenotypic identity of breeding colonies of cormorants where management plans are being developed. We transferred SDMs trained on data from resident bird colonies in Florida and migratory bird colonies in Minnesota to South Carolina in an effort to identify the phenotype of breeding cormorants there based on the local landscape characteristics. Nesting habitat characteristics of cormorant colonies in South Carolina more closely resembled those of the Florida phenotype than those of birds of the Minnesota phenotype. The presence of the resident phenotype in summer suggests that migratory and resident cormorants will co‐occur in South Carolina in winter. Thus, there is an opportunity for separate management strategies for the two phenotypes in that state. We found differences in nesting habitat characteristics that could be used to refine management strategies and reduce human conflicts with abundant winter migrants and, at the same time, conserve less common colonies of resident cormorants. The models we use here show potential for advancing the study of geographically overlapping phenotypes with differing conservation and management priorities.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Theory is unclear about the optimal degree of isolation of habitat fragments where the aim is to maximise species richness. In a field-based microecosystem of Collembola and predatory and non-predatory mites, moss patches of the same total area were fragmented to varying degrees. The habitat was left for several months to allow the communities to approach a new state of equilibrium.
2. The species richness (in particular of predatory mites) of a given area of habitat was greater when it was part of a large mainland area than part of an island, in agreement with theory.
3. Conversely, species richness and abundance were largely unaffected by fragmentation of a fixed area of island habitat. In this case, it is suggested here that the advantages of several small patches (e.g. reduced impact of environmental stochasticity, wider range of habitats overall) were equally balanced by the advantages of a single large patch (e.g. reduced effect of demographic stochasticity, wider range of habitats within a single patch, reduced edge effect), or that both effects were small.
4. The shapes of rank–abundance curves were similar among the levels of fragmentation of a fixed area of island habitat, implying that fragmentation had little impact on community structure. Conversely, the species composition of non-predatory mites varied weakly, but significantly, by fragmentation.  相似文献   

张利  何玲  闫丰  陈亚恒 《应用生态学报》2021,32(3):1054-1060
生物多样性保护和生物栖息地网络建设是目前我国国土空间规划的重要内容,提升生物栖息地网络的景观功能连接度对生物多样性保护具有重要作用.目前,已有研究对生物栖息地网络规划进行了探索,但在实际规划层面仍缺乏可操作性强的技术方法支撑.本研究采用图论方法,聚焦国土空间规划中生物多样性保护和生态网络建设涉及的进行生物栖息地斑块重要...  相似文献   

Detection of the genetic effects of recent habitat fragmentation in natural populations can be a difficult task, especially for high gene flow species. Previous analyses of mitochondrial DNA data from across the current range of Speyeria idalia indicated that the species exhibited high levels of gene flow among populations, with the exception of an isolated population in the eastern portion of its range. However, some populations are found on isolated habitat patches, which were recently separated from one another by large expanses of uninhabitable terrain, in the form of row crop agriculture. The goal of this study was to compare levels of genetic differentiation and diversity among populations found in relatively continuous habitat to populations in both recently and historically isolated habitat. Four microsatellite loci were used to genotype over 300 individuals from five populations in continuous habitat, five populations in recently fragmented habitat, and one historically isolated population. Results from the historically isolated population were concordant with previous analyses and suggest significant differentiation. Also, microsatellite data were consistent with the genetic effects of habitat fragmentation for the recently isolated populations, in the form of increased differentiation and decreased genetic diversity when compared to nonfragmented populations. These results suggest that given the appropriate control populations, microsatellite markers can be used to detect the effects of recent habitat fragmentation in natural populations, even at a large geographical scale in high gene flow species.  相似文献   

李雯雯  李丽  吴巩胜  张宇  代云川  周跃 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8136-8144
基于图论法原理,综合最小费用距离和猴群的最小家域,建立了滇金丝猴栖息地的潜在扩散廊道及廊道缓冲区。在此区域内,根据遗传距离与栖息地连接最小费用距离的相关性,确定了5个不同管理单元间猴群可能扩散的阈值,并根据此阈值计算获得可能连通性指数(PC)去评估不同尺度下农牧地对滇金丝猴栖息地景观连接度的影响。结果表明:在距离为2.15km的廊道缓冲区范围内,5个不同管理单元间猴群可能扩散的最小费用距离阈值为1600,在两个斑块之间的费用距离小于或等于1600时,两个斑块能够连接,猴群可能在这两个斑块进行扩散,超过费用距离1600时,两个斑块不再连接,即猴群在这两个斑块间不会扩散。景观尺度下,PC指数逐渐增加,意味着未来4种不同的农牧地改善情景(C1,C2,C3,C4)都将促进景观连接度的增加;在斑块尺度下,通过确定出的最佳距离阈值,将整个研究区域分成不同的组分,小于或等于阈值的相邻斑块被划分在同一个组分中,大于阈值则不在一个组分中,研究区域中的5个不同管理单元间的猴群被划分在3个不同的组分中,情景C1,C2中组分数量没有变化,意味着连接度没有发生改变,但在情景C3,C4中,组分数量减少,并与相邻的组分融为一个组分,意味着连接度发生改变,滇金丝猴的活动范围扩大,更有利于猴群的基因交流。研究结果将为滇金丝猴栖息地的保护、未来廊道的恢复建设提供科学依据,同时也能为类似的研究提供方法上的参考。  相似文献   

Many species of vertebrates require multiple habitats to obtain different resources at different stages of their life-cycles. Use of habitat mosaics takes place on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from a daily requirement for adjacent habitats to seasonal use of geographically separated environments. Mosaics of habitats are also required in some species to allow ontogenetic habitat shifts, while in others each sex may have specific requirements that are met by different habitats. The extent and nature of animal movements are key (but generally poorly known) factors affecting the vulnerability of species to landscape change. The requirement by many species for multiple habitats suggests that their conservation will be most effective in a mosaic environment and that protection of certain high profile habitats alone, such as rainforest, will be insufficient to achieve conservation goals. Management regimes that result in homogenization of habitats should be avoided. Priority should be given to research that identifies the extent to which species can locate habitat mosaics, at different spatial scales and arrangements, in modified environments.  相似文献   

1. In a modelling exercise, the quantity and distribution of habitat patches within a heathland biotope for four ectothermic heathland animals (silver-studded blue butterfly [ Plebejus argus ] , a red ant [ Myrmica sabuleti ] , heath grasshopper [ Chorthippus vagans ] and sand lizard [ Lacerta agilis ]) were compared in space and time assuming two climates: that experienced at the northern edge of the species' ranges and that 300–400 km further south, where mean summer temperatures are 2–3 °C warmer.
2. Habitats both at the northern edge of their ranges and 300–400 km further south for the four species were defined qualitatively from existing sources and then expressed quantitatively in terms of the attributes recorded in the Dorset Heathland Survey. The Survey was then used as a GIS to map the occurrence of the habitats of the four species under two climates and a decade apart.
3. The model predicts that an increase of 2–3 °C can result in a large increase in the area of habitat available to these north temperate species, that the length of time that individual patches of successional habitat may be occupied increases and that the distance between habitat patches within the biotope decreases.
4. The warmer conditions should result in a more stable metapopulation structure for P. argus , with fewer metapopulations existing in the landscape but each, on average, containing a greater number of larger and more stable constituent populations.
5. These predictions are of significance to ectothermic species which currently live at the northern limits of their ranges in the British Isles. The reverse effect is likely for species at the southern limits of their ranges. Conservationists who wish to maintain the status quo may be able to reduce some effects of these changes by appropriate habitat management.  相似文献   

Aim  To assess the relative impacts of spatial, local environmental and habitat connectivity on the structure of aquatic macrophyte communities in lakes designated for their conservation value. Location  Selected lakes of conservation importance all over Scotland, representing a wide variety of lake habitat types and associated macrophyte communities. Methods  Local environmental variables and species occurrence were measured in the field. Spatial variables were generated using principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) analysis. Connectivity between each lake and its neighbours was defined as either (i) all lakes within a radius of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75 or 100 km; (ii) all lakes in same river system; or (iii) all lakes in the same catchment and upstream of the lake. Using variance partitioning within canonical correspondence analysis, the relative impact of E = local environment, S = space and C = lake connectivity was compared on submerged (n = 119 lakes) and emergent (n = 96 lakes) macrophyte assemblages. Results  Local environmental conditions, such as total phosphorus, alkalinity/conductivity and the presence of invasive species, as well as spatial gradients were key drivers of observed variation in macrophyte communities; e.g., for submerged macrophytes, a combination of local to moderate factors relating to water chemistry and broad‐scale gradients reflecting elevation and climate are important. Spatially structured environmental variables explained a large portion of observed variation. Main conclusions  Our findings confirmed the need to manage local environmental pressures such as eutrophication, but suggested that the traditional catchment approach was insufficient. The spatial aggregation of environmental and connectivity factors indicated that a landscape scale approach should be used in lake management to augment the risk assessment to conservation species from the deterioration of suitable lake sites over broad biogeographic areas.  相似文献   

异质种群动态模型:破碎化景观动态模拟的新途径   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
张育新  马克明  牛树奎 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1877-1790
景观破碎化导致物种以异质种群方式存活,使得基于异质种群动态模拟破碎化景观动态成为可能。异质种群动态模型的发展为景观动态模拟奠定了良好基础。根据空间处理方式的不同,异质种群模型可分为三大类,可不同程度地用于描述破碎化景观动态。(1)空间不确定异质种群模型,假定所有局域种群间均等互联,模型中不包含空间信息,仅能用于景观斑块动态描述;(2)空间确定异质种群模型,假设局域种群在二维空间上以规则格子形式排列,是一种准现实的空间处理方式,可用于景观动态的简单描述;(3)空间现实异质种群模型,包含了破碎化景观中局域种群的几何特征,可直接用于真实景观动态的模拟研究。空间现实的和基于个体的异质种群模型不但是未来异质种群模型发展的主流,也将成为未来破碎化景观动态研究的重要工具。为了更加准确完整地描述破碎化景观动态,不但应该综合运用已有的各种异质种群模型方法,更要引进新模型来刎画多物种、多变量、高维度、复杂连接的破碎化景观格局与过程。  相似文献   

Fisheries bycatch is a recognized threat to marine megafauna. Addressing bycatch of pelagic species however is challenging owing to the dynamic nature of marine environments and vagility of these organisms. In order to assess the potential for species to overlap with fisheries, we propose applying dynamic habitat models to determine relative probabilities of species occurrence for specific oceanographic conditions. We demonstrate this approach by modelling habitats for Laysan (Phoebastria immutabilis) and black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) using telemetry data and relating their occurrence probabilities to observations of Hawaii-based longline fisheries in 1997-2000. We found that modelled habitat preference probabilities of black-footed albatrosses were high within some areas of the fishing range of the Hawaiian fleet and such preferences were important in explaining bycatch occurrence. Conversely, modelled habitats of Laysan albatrosses overlapped little with Hawaii-based longline fisheries and did little to explain the bycatch of this species. Estimated patterns of albatross habitat overlap with the Hawaiian fleet corresponded to bycatch observations: black-footed albatrosses were more frequently caught in this fishery despite being 10 times less abundant than Laysan albatrosses. This case study demonstrates that dynamic habitat models based on telemetry data may help to project interactions with pelagic animals relative to environmental features and that such an approach can serve as a tool to guide conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability index (HSI) models rarely characterize the uncertainty associated with their estimates of habitat quality despite the fact that uncertainty can have important management implications. The purpose of this paper was to explore the use of Bayesian belief networks (BBNs) for representing and propagating 3 types of uncertainty in HSI models—uncertainty in the suitability index relationships, the parameters of the HSI equation, and measurement of habitat variables (i.e., model inputs). I constructed a BBN–HSI model, based on an existing HSI model, using Netica™ software. I parameterized the BBN's conditional probability tables via Monte Carlo methods, and developed a discretization scheme that met specifications for numerical error. I applied the model to both real and dummy sites in order to demonstrate the utility of the BBN–HSI model for 1) determining whether sites with different habitat types had statistically significant differences in HSI, and 2) making decisions based on rules that reflect different attitudes toward risk—maximum expected value, maximin, and maximax. I also examined effects of uncertainty in the habitat variables on the model's output. Some sites with different habitat types had different values for E[HSI], the expected value of HSI, but habitat suitability was not significantly different based on the overlap of 90% confidence intervals for E[HSI]. The different decision rules resulted in different rankings of sites, and hence, different decisions based on risk. As measurement uncertainty in habitat variables increased, sites with significantly different (α = 0.1) E[HSI] became statistically more similar. Incorporating uncertainty in HSI models enables explicit consideration of risk and more robust habitat management decisions. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation on different taxa and ecosystems are subject to intense debate, and disentangling them is of utmost importance to support conservation and management strategies. We evaluated the importance of landscape composition and configuration, and spatial heterogeneity to explain α- and β-diversity of mammals across a gradient of percent woody cover and land use diversity. We expected species richness to be positively related to all predictive variables, with the strongest relationship with landscape composition and configuration, and spatial heterogeneity respectively. We also expected landscape to influence β-diversity in the same order of importance expected for species richness, with a stronger influence on nestedness due to deterministic loss of species more sensitive to habitat disturbance. We analyzed landscape structure using: (a) landscape metrics based on thematic maps and (b) image texture of a vegetation index. We compared a set of univariate explanatory models of species richness using AIC, and evaluated how dissimilarities in landscape composition and configuration and spatial heterogeneity affect β-diversity components using a Multiple Regression on distance Matrix. Contrary with our expectations, landscape configuration was the main driver of species richness, followed by spatial heterogeneity and last by landscape composition. Nestedness was explained, in order of importance, by spatial heterogeneity, landscape configuration, and landscape composition. Although conservation policies tend to focus mainly on habitat amount, we advocate that landscape management must include strategies to preserve and improve habitat quality and complexity in natural patches and the surrounding matrix, enabling landscapes to harbor high species diversity.  相似文献   

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