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EhCP112 is an Entamoeba histolytica protease that together with the EhADH112 protein forms the EhCPADH complex involved in trophozoite virulence. Here, we produced the recombinant EhCP112 and studied its relationships with extracellular matrix components and with target cells. A DNA fragment containing the pro-peptide and the mature enzyme was expressed in bacteria as an active enzyme (rEhCP112), whereas the full gene containing the signal peptide, the pro-peptide and the mature enzyme expressed a non-active protein. The fragment only with the mature enzyme was not expressed. rEhCP112 purified by affinity columns digested azocasein and had a strong autoproteolytic activity. Four hours after purification the protein appeared degraded. Anti-tag antibodies, monoclonal antibodies against the EhCP112 and sera from human patients with amoebiasis recognized rEhCP112. rEhCP112 digested gelatin, collagen type I, fibronectin and haemoglobin; it destroyed MDCK cell monolayers and bound to red blood cells. The native EhCP112 was poorly expressed in a virulence-deficient mutant, and in the wild-type clone it was located in secreted vesicles, forming the EhCPADH complex. Altogether these results show that EhCP112 is a molecule able to disrupt cell monolayers and digest proteins of the extracellular matrix and haemoglobin, and it is secreted by the trophozoites.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases are important virulence factors of Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent of amoebiasis. A novel cysteine protease from parasite extracts was purified 15-fold by a procedure including concanavalin A-Sepharose, hydroxylapatite and DEAE-Sepharose chromatography. The purification resulted in the obtainment of an homogeneous protein with a molecular mass of 66 kDa on native PAGE. In 10% SDS/PAGE, three bands of 60, 54 and 50 kDa were evident. Each of the three specific mouse antisera raised against these proteins showed cross-reactivity with the three bands obtained from the purified eluate. The N-terminal sequencing of the first 10 amino acids from the three proteins showed 100% identity. These results support the hypothesis of a common precursor for the 60, 54 and 50-kDa proteins. Protease activity of the purified enzyme was demonstrated by electrophoresis in a gelatine-acrylamide copolymerized gel. Its activity was quantified by cleaving a synthetic fluorogenic peptide substrate such as N-carbobenzyloxy-arginyl-arginyl-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin. The optimum pH for the protease activity was 6.5; however, enzymatic activity was observed between pH 5 and pH 7.5. Typical of cysteine proteases, the enzyme was inhibited by 4-[(2S, 3S)-carboxyoxiran-2-ylcarbonyl-L-leucylamido]butylg uanidine and iodoacetamide, and activated by free sulfhydryl groups. The cellular location of the enzyme was examined on trophozoites before and after contact with red blood cells using indirect immunofluorescence and cellular fractionation. The 60-kDa cysteine protease translocated to the amoebic surface upon the interaction of trophozoites with red blood cells. This result provided evidence for participation of the 60-kDa protease in erythrophagocytosis.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of six cysteine protease inhibitors on the excystation and metacystic development of Entamoeba invadens. Excystation, which was assessed by counting the number of metacystic amoebae after the induction of excystation, was inhibited by the cysteine protease inhibitors Z-Phe-Ala-DMK and E-64d in a concentration-dependent manner during incubation compared to the controls. Neither inhibitor had a significant effect on cyst viability; thus, their inhibitory effects were not due to the toxic effect on cysts. Metacystic development, when determined by the number of nuclei in amoeba, was also inhibited by these protease inhibitors, because the percentage of 4-nucleate amoebae was higher than in the controls on Day 3 of incubation. Although other cysteine protease inhibitors, Z-Phe-Phe-DMK, E-64, ALLM, and cathepsin inhibitor III, had a weak or little effect on the excystation, they inhibited cysteine protease activity in the lysates of E. invadens cysts. Broad bands with gelatinase activity of metacystic amoebae, as well as cysts and trophozoites, were detected in the gelatin substrate gel electrophores and were inhibited by Z-Phe-Ala-DMK. There was a difference in the protease composition between cysts and trophozoites, and the protease composition of metacystic amoebae changed from cyst-type to trophozoite-type during development. These results strongly suggest that cysteine proteases contribute to the excystation and metacystic development of E. invadens, which leads to successful infection.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases (CP) are key pathogenesis and virulence determinants of protozoan parasites. Entamoeba histolytica contains at least 50 cysteine proteases; however, only three (EhCP1, EhCP2 and EhCP5) are responsible for approximately 90% of the cysteine protease activity in this parasite. CPs are expressed as inactive zymogens. Because the processed proteases are potentially cytotoxic, protozoan parasites have developed mechanisms to regulate their activity. Inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICP) of the chagasin-like inhibitor family (MEROPS family I42) were recently identified in bacteria and protozoan parasites. E. histolytica contains two ICP-encoding genes of the chagasin-like inhibitor family. EhICP1 localizes to the cytosol, whereas EhICP2 is targeted to phagosomes. Herein, we report two crystal structures of EhICP2. The overall structure of EhICP2 consists of eight β-strands and closely resembles the immunoglobulin fold. A comparison between the two crystal forms of EhICP2 indicates that the conserved BC, DE and FG loops form a flexible wedge that may block the active site of CPs. The positively charged surface of the wedge-forming loops in EhICP2 contrasts with the neutral surface of the wedge-forming loops in chagasin. We postulate that the flexibility and positive charge observed in the DE and FG loops of EhICP2 may be important to facilitate the initial binding of this inhibitor to the battery of CPs present in E. histolytica.  相似文献   

EhADH112 is part of the EhCPADH complex, a protein involved in key events of the Entamoeba histolytica host invasion. EhADH112 participates in trophozoite adherence to target cells and in phagocytosis. We report here the finding of two EhADH112 homologues in the E. histolytica genome (EhADH112-like proteins). EhADH112 and its relatives have a Bro1 domain at their amino-terminus and a consensus context for phosphorylation by Src-tyrosine kinases, both involved in signal transduction processes in other organisms. Our findings associate EhADH112 to supplementary functions related to those reported for the Alix/AIP1 family. To elucidate the precise function of EhADH112, we studied the phenotypes displayed by trophozoites transfected with the Ehadh112 full gene. Transfected trophozoites overexpressed a 78 kDa protein, which was mainly targeted to the EhCPADH complex. Moreover, these trophozoites exhibited enhanced phagocytic rates, providing further evidence of EhADH112 contribution to adhesion and phagocytosis activities.  相似文献   

The sarcoglycan complex in muscle consists of α-, β-, γ- and δ-sarcoglycan and is part of the larger dystrophin–glycoprotein complex (DGC), which is essential for maintaining muscle membrane integrity. Mutations in any of the four sarcoglycans cause limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD). In this report, we have identified a novel interaction between δ-sarcoglycan and the 16 kDa subunit c (16K) of vacuolar H+-ATPase. Co-expression studies in heterologous cell system revealed that 16K interacts specifically with δ-sarcoglycan and the highly related γ-sarcoglycan through the transmembrane domains. In cultured C2C12 myotubes, 16K forms a complex with sarcoglycans at the plasma membrane. Loss of sarcoglycans in the sarcoglycan-deficient BIO14.6 hamster destabilizes the DGC and alters the localization of 16K at the sarcolemma. In addition, the steady state level of β1-integrin is increased. Recent studies have shown that 16K also interacts directly with β1-integrin and our data demonstrated that sarcoglycans, 16K and β1-integrin were immunoprecipitated together in C2C12 myotubes. Since sarcoglycans have been proposed to participate in bi-directional signaling with integrins, our findings suggest that 16K might mediate the communication between sarcoglycans and integrins and play an important role in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

The cysteine proteinase EhCP112 and the adhesin EhADH112 assemble to form the EhCPADH complex involved in Entamoeba histolytica virulence. To further characterize this cysteine proteinase, the recombinant full-length EhCP112 enzyme was expressed and purified under denaturing conditions. After a refolding step under reductive conditions, the inactive precursor (ppEhCP112) was processed to a 35.5 kDa mature and active enzyme (EhCP112). The thiol specific inhibitor E-64, but not serine or aspartic proteinase inhibitors arrested this activation process. The activation step of the proenzyme followed by the mature enzyme suggests an autocatalytic process during EhCP112 maturation. The experimentally determined processing sites observed during EhCP112 activation lie close to processing sites of other cysteine proteinases from parasites. The kinetic parameters of the mature EhCP112 were determined using hemoglobin and azocasein as substrates. The proteinase activity of EhCP112 was completely inhibited by thiol inhibitors, E-64, TLCK, and chymostatin, but not by general proteinase inhibitors. Since EhCP112 is a proteinase involved in the virulence of E. histolytica, a reliable source of active EhCP112 is a key step for its biochemical characterization and to carry out future protein structure-function studies.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinases 112 (EhCP112) of Entamoeba histolytica are considered important for ameba pathogenicity. The recombinant gene was obtained by cloning and expression of the EhCP112 gene in heterologous host Escherichia coli BL-21 (DE3), were used to evaluate their ability to induce immune protective responses in minipig against challenge infection in a minipig-E. histolytica model. There was a 46.29% reduction (P<0.001) in the group of recovery of challenged E. histolytica compared with that in the control group. Specific anti-EhCP112 antibodies from immune protected minipig had significantly higher levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) (P<0.001). This is a first report demonstrating that a recombinant form of EhCP112 generated in E. coli, to immunize a minipig model of E. histolytica, and there is significant protection. This study may help to understand the EhCP112 for human in the future.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) transduce extracellular signals to the interior of the cell by activating membrane-bound guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins). An increasing number of proteins have been reported to bind to and regulate GPCRs. We report a novel regulation of the alpha2A adrenergic receptor (α2A-R) by the ubiquitous stress-inducible 70 kDa heat shock protein, hsp70. Hsp70, but not hsp90, attenuated G protein-dependent high affinity agonist binding to the α2A-R in Sf9 membranes. Antagonist binding was unchanged, suggesting that hsp70 uncouples G proteins from the receptor. As hsp70 did not bind G proteins but complexed with the α2A-R in intact cells, a direct interaction with the receptor seems likely. In the presence of hsp70, α2A-R-catalyzed [35S]GTPγS binding was reduced by approximately 70%. In contrast, approximately 50-fold higher concentrations of hsp70 were required to reduce agonist binding to the stress-inducible 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor (5-HT1A-R). In heat-stressed CHO cells, the α2A-R was significantly uncoupled from G proteins, coincident with an increased localization of hsp70 at the membrane. The contrasting effect of hsp70 on the α2A-R compared to the 5-HT1A-R suggests that during stress, upregulation of hsp70 may attenuate signaling from specific GPCRs as part of the stress response to foster survival.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites adhere to epithelium at the cell–cell contact and perturb tight junctions disturbing the transepithelial electrical resistance. Behind tight junctions are the adherens junctions (AJs) that reinforce them and the desmosomes (DSMs) that maintain the epithelium integrity. The damage produced to AJs and DMSs by this parasite is unknown. Here, we studied the effect of the trophozoites, the EhCPADH complex, and the EhCP112 recombinant enzyme (rEhCP112) on AJ and DSM proteins. We found that trophozoites degraded β‐cat, E‐cad, Dsp l/ll, and Dsg‐2 with the participation of EhCPADH and EhCP112. After contact of epithelial cells with trophozoites, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy assays revealed EhCPADH and rEhCP112 at the intercellular space where they colocalised with β‐cat, E‐cad, Dsp l/ll, and Dsg‐2. Moreover, our results suggested that rEhCP112 could be internalised by caveolae and clathrin‐coated vesicles. Immunoprecipitation assays showed the interaction of EhCPADH with β‐cat and Dsp l/ll. Besides, in vivo assays demonstrated that rEhCP112 concentrates at the cellular borders of the mouse intestine degrading E‐cad and Dsp I/II. Our research gives the first clues on the trophozoite attack to AJs and DSMs and point out the role of the EhCPADH and EhCP112 in the multifactorial event of trophozoites virulence.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of antibiotic‐associated diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis. While the role of toxins in pathogenesis has been extensively described, the contribution of surface determinants to intestinal colonization is still poorly understood. We focused our study on a novel member of the MSCRAMM family, named CbpA (C ollagen b inding p rotein A ), for its adhesive properties towards collagen. We demonstrate that CbpA, which carries an LPXTG‐like cell wall anchoring domain, is expressed on the bacterial surface of C. difficile and that the recombinant protein binds at high affinity to collagens I and V (apparent Kd in the order of 10?9 M). These findings were validated by confocal microscopy studies showing the colocalization of the protein with type I and V collagen fibres produced by human fibroblasts and mouse intestinal tissues. However, the collagen binding activity of the wild‐type C. difficile 630 strain was indistinguishable to the cbpA knock‐out strain. To overcome this apparent clostridial adherence redundancy, we engineered a Lactococcus lactis strain for the heterologous expression of CbpA. When exposed on the surface of L. lactis, CbpA significantly enhances the ability of the bacterium to interact with collagen and to adhere to ECM‐producing cells. The binding activity of L. lactis–CbpA strain was prevented by an antiserum raised against CbpA, demonstrating the specificity of the interaction. These results suggest that CbpA is a newsurface‐exposed adhesin contributing to the C. difficile interaction with the host.  相似文献   

R Urade  M Kito 《FEBS letters》1992,312(1):83-86
A protein (ER60) with sequence similarity to phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C-alpha purified from rat liver endoplasmic reticulum (ER) degraded ER resident proteins and is really a protease [(1992) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15152-15159]. Therefore, ER60 is called ER-60 protease. We now show that negatively charged phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and phosphatidylserine inhibit ER protein degradation by ER-60 protease. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine show no effect on the activity of ER-60 protease. With the use of protease inhibitors, ER-60 protease is shown to be a novel cysteine protease distinct from those of the cytosol and lysosomes.  相似文献   

The recombinant form of the extrinsic 23 kDa protein (psbP) of Photosystem II (PSII) was studied with respect to its capability to bind Mn. The stoichiometry was determined to be one manganese bound per protein. A very high binding constant, KA = 10− 17 M− 1, was determined by dialysis of the Mn containing protein against increasing EDTA concentration. High Field EPR spectroscopy was used to distinguish between specific symmetrically ligated Mn(II) from those non-specifically Mn(II) attached to the protein surface. Upon Mn binding PsbP exhibited fluorescence emission with maxima at 415 and 435 nm when tryptophan residues were excited. The yield of this blue fluorescence was variable from sample to sample. It was likely that different conformational states of the protein were responsible for this variability. The importance of Mn binding to PsbP in the context of photoactivation of PSII is discussed.  相似文献   

We developed the novel positron emission tomography (PET) ligand 2‐[5‐(4‐[11C]methoxyphenyl)‐2‐oxo‐1,3‐benzoxazol‐3(2H)‐yl]‐N‐methyl‐N‐phenylacetamide ([11C]MBMP) for translocator protein (18 kDa, TSPO) imaging and evaluated its efficacy in ischemic rat brains. [11C]MBMP was synthesized by reacting desmethyl precursor ( 1 ) with [11C]CH3I in radiochemical purity of ≥ 98% and specific activity of 85 ± 30 GBq/μmol (n = 18) at the end of synthesis. Biodistribution study on mice showed high accumulation of radioactivity in the TSPO‐rich organs, e.g., the lungs, heart, kidneys, and adrenal glands. The metabolite analysis in mice brain homogenate showed 80.1 ± 2.7% intact [11C]MBMP at 60 min after injection. To determine the specific binding of [11C]MBMP with TSPO in the brain, in vitro autoradiography and PET studies were performed in an ischemic rat model. In vitro autoradiography indicated significantly increased binding on the ipsilateral side compared with that on the contralateral side of ischemic rat brains. This result was supported firmly by the contrast of radioactivity between the ipsilateral and contralateral sides in PET images. Displacement experiments with unlabelled MBMP or PK11195 minimized the difference in uptake between the two sides. In summary, [11C]MBMP is a potential PET imaging agent for TSPO and, consequently, for the up‐regulation of microglia during neuroinflammation.


The 29 kDa protein of pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica is a cysteine-rich surface antigen which we recently characterized by cDNA sequencing and by using monoclonal antibodies which differentiated between pathogenic and non-pathogenic clinical isolates. To determine the structure and biochemical attributes of this protein, a repertoire of immunologcal techniques using monoclonal antibodies, and radiolabelling were employed. We demonstrated that the 29 kDa protein forms a 60 kDa dimer and a high-molecular-mass oligomer(s) on the surface of the organism through disulphide bonds, and is the major accessible free thiol-containing surface protein of E. histolytica. The deduced amino acid sequence encoding the 29 kDa protein was found to share a common amino acid domain with sequences reported for Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella typhimurium, MER5 gene expressed in murine erythroleukemia cells, Clostridium pasteurianum, and a Bacillus spp.  相似文献   

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