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The pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of antibiotics administered by various routes in acute diffuse peritonitis were studied on 25 non-inbred dogs and potential of lymphotropic administration of the antibiotics through the mesentery of the small intestine in urgent surgical operations because of the diseases of the abdominal cavity was estimated. It was shown that the intra-mesenteric administration of the antibiotics was more efficient. In acute diffuse peritonitis it provided high therapeutic concentrations of gentamicin in the central lymph and lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity.  相似文献   

Partial suppression of cell mediated immunity in chromoblastomycosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cellular immune response of 8 patients from the Brazilian Amazon region with chromoblastomycosis was analyzed. Primary immunological responses of patients were tested by contact sensitization to 2,4-dinitro-chlorobenzene (DNCB), or rejection of first set skin allografts. 2 of 8 patients were reactive to DNCB after sensitization, and skin allograft rejection occured in an average of 14 days. Capacity of patients to mount recall immunological responses was measured by skin testing with two fungal antigens and three bacterial antigens. Delayed skin reaction to trichophytin and Candida antigens was negative in the majority of the patients. However, reactivity to mycobacterial (tuberculin), and bacterial (staphylococcal, streptococcal) antigen was high, or only slightly diminished respectively. The data suggest that patients with chromoblastomycosis have suppressed nonspecific, cell mediated immunity for some antigens (skin allografts, DNCB, fungal antigens), while reactivity to bacterial and mycobacterial antigens is not impaired.  相似文献   

T cell mediated immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent advances in the characterization of the protective immune response to mycobacteria have highlighted the central role of phenotypically and functionally distinct subsets of T cells. These T cell subsets not only contribute to host defense by the secretion of macrophage-activating cytokines, but also by lysing the host cell. Besides releasing intracellular pathogens, which can then be taken up and killed by newly recruited macrophages, it has now been demonstrated that lysis of infected targets by one subset of cytolytic T cells can directly kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   


Previously, the authors have reported seasonal variations in cell mediated immunity in the dog during the period July, 1977 ‐ October 1978 as measured by whole blood lectin‐induced lymphocyte transformation. Peak activity occurred in the summer, suggesting association with photoperiodicity. Here the authors report on immune response of dogs kept indoors ‐ under controlled physical environment ‐ with a natural (outdoor) photoperiod or under a 12:12 h (LD) regime, and a control group kept in outdoor kennels. Peak immune activity in 1979 occurred in the winter, in both indoor groups as well as the outdoor groups subject to natural photoperiod. Since the indoor dogs were kept at a constant temperature and humidity in clean (filtered) air, photoperiod, temperature, and particulate air contaminants probably are not associated with seasonal variations in immunity. The underlying cause for either the seasonal variations or the shift from peak activity in the summer of 1978 to winter of 1979 is unknown. Dogs under LD = 12:12 light regime had a significantly lowered immunity relative to the dogs with the natural photoperiod.  相似文献   

Abstract Pregnant women were classified according to their serological status for cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus or rubella virus. Lymphocytes taken from non-pregnant women were shown to be able to recognise viral antigens and the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin by the measurement of proliferative responses and by the production of gamma interferon.
Proliferative responses or gamma interferon production were greatly reduced in the presence of plasma taken during the first, second or third trimester and immediately post-partum. The responses then gradually returned to normal after delivery. The availability of serial sera taken before pregnancy as well as during and after pregnancy in individual women showed that this effect was maintained even when sera had been stored frozen for more than one year.
Mixing experiments were performed to vary the proportion of pregnancy serum in any particular assay but this did not prove that pregnancy sera were actively suppressive. Instead, the data suggest that pregnancy sera are deficient in some factor or factors which are required to support lymphocyte proliferation. The effect was not attributable to the physiological haemodilution of pregnancy leading to a reduced concentration of putative factors nor could transferrin levels or the iron binding capacity of this protein be implicated.  相似文献   

Pregnant women were classified according to their serological status for cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus or rubella virus. Lymphocytes taken from non-pregnant women were shown to be able to recognise viral antigens and the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin by the measurement of proliferative responses and by the production of gamma interferon. Proliferative responses or gamma interferon production were greatly reduced in the presence of plasma taken during the first, second or third trimester and immediately post-partum. The responses then gradually returned to normal after delivery. The availability of serial sera taken before pregnancy as well as during and after pregnancy in individual women showed that this effect was maintained even when sera had been stored frozen for more than one year. Mixing experiments were performed to vary the proportion of pregnancy serum in any particular assay but this did not prove that pregnancy sera were actively suppressive. Instead, the data suggest that pregnancy sera are deficient in some factor or factors which are required to support lymphocyte proliferation. The effect was not attributable to the physiological haemodilution of pregnancy leading to a reduced concentration of putative factors nor could transferrin levels or the iron binding capacity of this protein be implicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The authors discuss upon the changes in the two cell types involved in cell mediated immunity (Killer and Natural Killer) as a result of operation in malignant ovarian tumor atients. METHODS: They study the preoperative and postoperative cell mediated immunity of 28 malignant cystadenocarcinoma cases (FIGO stage I/a-III/c). To determine the maximum K and NK cell activity they used the kinetic model of cytotoxicity enzyme. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: They conclude that operation of malignant ovarian tumors had no significant influence on K and NK cell activity. They hypothesize that unchanged cell mediated immunity seems to be independent of malignant tumors, especially in these conditions. We need further information about this change of cell mediated immunity.  相似文献   

In rats with diffuse peritonitis obtained by intraabdominal administration of a 10% fecal suspension (0.8 ml X 100g) neurohistochemical methods were used to study the adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of muscular membrane of the small and large intestine. It is shown that the disturbance of cholinergic innervation comes along with the intestinal paresis. Adrenergic innervation, represented by separate bundles, is found to be slightly affected.  相似文献   

During septic intoxication in diffuse peritonitis poisoning is accompanied by circulatory and volemic failures, considerable changes in immune status, basically of the cellular component of T-system. Several sorption methods were applied which produced different effects on the pathologic process. Extracorporeal application of spleen-xeno and ultraviolet irradiation of autoblood considerably increased the immune reactivity. Plasmapheresis and hemosorption administration had low immunocorrective effect. It is believed reasonable to employ a combination detoxication methods.  相似文献   

The heavy metal lead is an environmental toxic material that can induce pathophysiological changes in many organ systems. Previous studies have shown the effects of lead exposure on immune cells in different experimental animals, however, the mechanism of their influence on the immune system is unclear. We reported that in vivo lead exposure inhibits phagocytosis, nitric oxide release, induces DNA fragmentation suggesting the apoptotic death of the target cell. We have also presented evidence that inhibition of macrophage functional responses implicated alteration of humoral and cell mediated immunity. In vivo exposure to lead acetate alters the phagocytic capacity of splenic macrophages as evident from the reduction of phagocytic index of control from 19,792+/-1385.69 to 8893+/-893 in the treated group. The amount of nitric oxide released by the control cell 2.25+/-0.125 microM is also reduced to 1.9375+/-0.0625 microM upon in vivo lead treatment. Functional integrity of the target cell is also decreased after lead exposure as obtained from the percentage of DNA fragmentation. Control group shows 33.29+/-0.11% of fragmented DNA, which is enhanced to 42.43+/-0.725% following the lead treatment. A greater percentage of DNA fragmentation upon lead treatment probably indicating that the heavy metal induces apoptosis. The humoral immune response is also altered after lead exposure as indicated by the decrease of the antibody titre in control group from 1:2048 to 1:128 in the treated group. From the DTH reaction, it was observed that the mean diameter of swollen foot pad of control mice is 0.329+/-0.15 cm and that of lead treated mice is 0.274+/-0.056 cm. It can, therefore, be suggested that lead inhibits normal functional activities of splenic leukocytes, particularly phagocytosis and also affects the functional integrity of cells by inducing DNA fragmentation. The study may demonstrate the usefulness of investigation of humoral immune system and leukocyte functions as sensitive parameters in detecting the effects of lead toxicity.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白Gp96属于HSP90家族,是内质网中最丰富的蛋白质之一,在细胞内发挥着分子伴侣的作用。在天然免疫中,Gp96则通过与Toll样受体等相互作用刺激抗原呈递细胞 (如DC等) 产生各种细胞因子激活免疫系统;而在获得性免疫中,Gp96抗原胶通过抗原交叉呈递给MHC-I类分子,诱发机体抗原特异性细胞毒T细胞免疫应答,清除病原物感染和肿瘤;近年来的研究还发现Gp96具有免疫佐剂的功能。以下从Gp96的生物学特性、免疫学机制以及其在抗病原感染和抗肿瘤免疫中的应用等方面做一小结,为设计以Gp96-抗原肽为新一代疫苗的临床研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The cell mediated immune response was evaluated in vivo in 29 patients with clinically severe haemophilia by means of the dinitrochlorobenzene skin test. All patients had a response below the median normal value, and in 19 the response was on or below the lower limit of the normal range. There was no difference in skin response between patients positive and negative for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; formerly known as human T cell lymphotropic virus III or lymphadenopathy associated virus). In the whole group, and in seronegative patients (n = 17), there was an inverse relation between exposure to clotting factor and skin response. In seropositive patients (n = 12) no such association was apparent. This study shows that clotting factor concentrate impairs the cell mediated immune response to a new antigen in the absence of infection with HIV.  相似文献   

On the basis of the analysis of 217 records of acute diffuse peritonitis peculiarities of the postoperative process of that complication in persons treated with 2 antibiotics (161) and 4 antibacterial drugs (56) were discussed. 4 risk levels were defined with an account of the inflammation process severity. The use of poly-antibiotic therapy was validated. The technique of its application is described in detail. The technique allowed to lower the frequency of postoperative complications and lethality 5-fold.  相似文献   

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