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Acute hypoxia increases pulmonary arterial pressure and vascular resistance. Previous studies in isolated smooth muscle and perfused lungs have shown that carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibition reduces the speed and magnitude of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). We studied whether CA inhibition by acetazolamide (Acz) is able to prevent HPV in the unanesthetized animal. Ten chronically tracheotomized, conscious dogs were investigated in three protocols. In all protocols, the dogs breathed 21% O(2) for the first hour and then 8 or 10% O(2) for the next 4 h spontaneously via a ventilator circuit. The protocols were as follows: protocol 1: controls given no Acz, inspired O(2) fraction (Fi(O(2))) = 0.10; protocol 2: Acz infused intravenously (250-mg bolus, followed by 167 microg.kg(-1).min(-1) continuously), Fi(O(2)) = 0.10; protocol 3: Acz given as above, but with Fi(O(2)) reduced to 0.08 to match the arterial Po(2) (Pa(O(2))) observed during hypoxia in controls. Pa(O(2)) was 37 Torr during hypoxia in controls, mean pulmonary arterial pressure increased from 17 +/- 1 to 23 +/- 1 mmHg, and pulmonary vascular resistance increased from 464 +/- 26 to 679 +/- 40 dyn.s(-1).cm(-5) (P < 0.05). In both Acz groups, mean pulmonary arterial pressure was 15 +/- 1 mmHg, and pulmonary vascular resistance ranged between 420 and 440 dyn.s(-1).cm(-5). These values did not change during hypoxia. In dogs given Acz at 10% O(2), the arterial Pa(O(2)) was 50 Torr owing to hyperventilation, whereas in those breathing 8% O(2) the Pa(O(2)) was 37 Torr, equivalent to controls. In conclusion, Acz prevents HPV in conscious spontaneously breathing dogs. The effect is not due to Acz-induced hyperventilation and higher alveolar Po(2), nor to changes in plasma endothelin-1, angiotensin-II, or potassium, and HPV suppression occurs despite the systemic acidosis with CA inhibition.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized by NO synthases (NOS), plays a pivotal role in regulation of pulmonary vascular tone. To examine the role of endothelial NOS (NOS3) in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), we measured left lung pulmonary vascular resistance (LPVR), intrapulmonary shunting, and arterial PO2 (PaO2) before and during left mainstem bronchus occlusion (LMBO) in mice with and without a deletion of the gene encoding NOS3. The increase of LPVR induced by LMBO was greater in NOS3-deficient mice than in wild-type mice (151 +/- 39% vs. 109 +/- 36%, mean +/- SD; P < 0.05). NOS3-deficient mice had a lower intrapulmonary shunt fraction than wild-type mice (17.1 +/- 3.6% vs. 21.7 +/- 2.4%, P < 0.05) during LMBO. Both real-time PaO2 monitoring with an intra-arterial probe and arterial blood-gas analysis during LMBO showed higher PaO2 in NOS3-deficient mice than in wild-type mice (P < 0.05). Inhibition of all three NOS isoforms with Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) augmented the increase of LPVR induced by LMBO in wild-type mice (183 +/- 67% in L-NAME treated vs. 109 +/- 36% in saline treated, P < 0.01) but not in NOS3-deficient mice. Similarly, systemic oxygenation during one-lung ventilation was augmented by L-NAME in wild-type mice but not in NOS3-deficient mice. These findings indicate that NO derived from NOS3 modulates HPV in vivo and that inhibition of NOS3 improves systemic oxygenation during acute unilateral lung hypoxia.  相似文献   

Respiratory distress syndrome is responsible for 40 to 60 percent mortality. An over mortality of about 10 percent could result from additional lung injury and inflammation due to the life-support mechanical ventilation, which stretches the lung. It has been recently demonstrated, in vitro, that pharmacological activation of the alpha 7 nicotinic receptors (α7-nAChR) could down regulate intracellular mediators involved in lung cell inflammatory response to stretch. Our aim was to test in vivo the protective effect of the pharmacological activation of the α7-nAChR against ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). Anesthetized rats were ventilated for two hours with a high stretch ventilation mode delivering a stroke volume large enough to generate 25-cmH(2)O airway pressure, and randomly assigned to four groups: pretreated with parenteral injection of saline or specific agonist of the α7-nAChR (PNU-282987), or submitted to bilateral vagus nerve electrostimulation while pre-treated or not with the α7-nAChR antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA). Controls ventilated with a conventional stroke volume of 10 mL/kg gave reference data. Physiological indices (compliance of the respiratory system, lung weight, blood oxygenation, arterial blood pressure) and lung contents of inflammatory mediators (IL-6 measured by ELISA, substance P assessed using HPLC) were severely impaired after two hours of high stretch ventilation (sham group). Vagal stimulation was able to maintain the respiratory parameters close to those obtained in Controls and reduced lung inflammation except when associated to nicotinic receptor blockade (MLA), suggesting the involvement of α7-nAChR in vagally-mediated protection against VILI. Pharmacological pre-treatment with PNU-282987 strongly decreased lung injury and lung IL-6 and substance P contents, and nearly abolished the increase in plasmatic IL-6 levels. Pathological examination of the lungs confirmed the physiological differences observed between the groups. In conclusion, these data suggest that the stimulation of α7-nAChR is able to attenuate VILI in rats.  相似文献   

Neutrophils are considered to play a central role in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). However, the pulmonary consequences of neutrophil accumulation have not been fully elucidated. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) had been postulated to participate in neutrophil transmigration. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of MMP-9 in the neutrophilic inflammation of VILI. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: 1) low tidal volume (LVT), 7 ml/kg of tidal volume (VT); 2) high tidal volume (HVT), 30 ml/kg of VT; and 3) HVT with MMP inhibitor (HVT+MMPI). As a MMPI, CMT-3 was administered daily from 3 days before mechanical ventilation. Degree of VILI was assessed by wet-to-dry weight ratio and acute lung injury (ALI) scores. Neutrophilic inflammation was determined from the neutrophil count in the lung tissue and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). MMP-9 expression and activity were examined by immunohistochemical staining and gelatinase zymography, respectively. The wet-to-dry weight ratio, ALI score, neutrophil infiltration, and MPO activity were increased significantly in the HVT group. However, in the HVT+MMPI group, pretreatment with MMPI decreased significantly the degree of VILI, as well as neutrophil infiltration and MPO activity. These changes correlated significantly with MMP-9 immunoreactivity and MMP-9 activity. Most outcomes were significantly worse in the HVT+MMPI group compared with the LVT group. In conclusion, VILI mediated by neutrophilic inflammation is closely related to MMP-9 expression and activity. The inhibition of MMP-9 protects against the development of VILI through the downregulation of neutrophil-mediated inflammation.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET)-1 contributes to the regulation of pulmonary vascular tone by stimulation of the ET(A) and ET(B) receptors. Although activation of the ET(A) receptor causes vasoconstriction, stimulation of the ET(B) receptors can elicit either vasodilation or vasoconstriction. To examine the physiological role of the ET(B) receptor in the pulmonary circulation, we studied a genetic rat model of ET(B) receptor deficiency [transgenic(sl/sl)]. We hypothesized that deficiency of the ET(B) receptor would predispose the transgenic(sl/sl) rat lung circulation to enhanced pulmonary vasoconstriction. We found that the lungs of transgenic(sl/sl) rats are ET(B) deficient because they lack ET(B) mRNA in the pulmonary vasculature, have minimal ET(B) receptors as determined with an ET-1 radioligand binding assay, and lack ET-1-mediated pulmonary vasodilation. The transgenic(sl/sl) rats have higher basal pulmonary arterial pressure and vasopressor responses to brief hypoxia or ET-1 infusion. Plasma ET-1 levels are elevated and endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein content and nitric oxide production are diminished in the transgenic(sl/sl) rat lung. These findings suggest that the ET(B) receptor plays a major physiological role in modulating resting pulmonary vascular tone and reactivity to acute hypoxia. We speculate that impaired ET(B) receptor activity can contribute to the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) play an important role in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), but the mechanisms of pulmonary PMN recruitment, particularly early intravascular PMN sequestration during VILI, have not been elucidated. We investigated the physiological and molecular mechanisms of pulmonary PMN sequestration in an in vivo mouse model of VILI. Anesthetized C57/BL6 mice were ventilated for 1 h with high tidal volume (injurious ventilation), low tidal volume and high positive end-expiratory pressure (protective ventilation), or normal tidal volume (control ventilation). Pulmonary PMN sequestration analyzed by flow cytometry of lung cell suspensions was substantially enhanced in injurious ventilation compared with protective and control ventilation, preceding development of physiological signs of lung injury. Anesthetized, spontaneously breathing mice with continuous positive airway pressure demonstrated that raised alveolar pressure alone does not induce PMN entrapment. In vitro leukocyte deformability assay indicated stiffening of circulating leukocytes in injurious ventilation compared with control ventilation. PMN sequestration in injurious ventilation was markedly inhibited by administration of anti-L-selectin antibody, but not by anti-CD18 antibody. These results suggest that mechanical ventilatory stress initiates pulmonary PMN sequestration early in the course of VILI, and this phenomenon is associated with stretch-induced inflammatory events leading to PMN stiffening and mediated by L-selectin-dependent but CD18-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of an increase in alveolar pressure on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) have been reported variably. We therefore studied the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on pulmonary hemodynamics in 13 pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs ventilated alternately in hyperoxia [inspired O2 fraction (FIO2) 0.4] and in hypoxia (FIO2 0.1). In this intact animal model, HPV was defined as the gradient between hypoxic and hyperoxic transmural (tm) mean pulmonary arterial pressure [Ppa(tm)] at any level of cardiac index (Q). Ppa(tm)/Q plots were constructed with mean transmural left atrial pressure [Pla(tm)] kept constant at approximately 6 mmHg (n = 5 dogs), and Ppa(tm)/PEEP plots were constructed with Q kept constant approximately 2.8 l.min-1.m-2 and Pla(tm) kept constant approximately 8 mmHg (n = 8 dogs). Q was manipulated using a femoral arteriovenous bypass and a balloon catheter in the inferior vena cava. Pla(tm) was held constant by a balloon catheter placed by left thoracotomy in the left atrium. Increasing PEEP, from 0 to 12 Torr by 2-Torr increments, at constant Q and Pla(tm), increased Ppa(tm) from 14 +/- 1 (SE) to 19 +/- 1 mmHg in hyperoxia but did not affect Ppa(tm) (from 22 +/- 2 to 23 +/- 1 mmHg) in hypoxia. Both hypoxia and PEEP, at constant Pla(tm), increased Ppa(tm) over the whole range of Q studied, from 1 to 5 l/min, but more at the highest than at the lowest Q and without change in extrapolated pressure intercepts. Adding PEEP to hypoxia did not affect Ppa(tm) at all levels of Q.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mediate inflammation in sepsis, but their role in sepsis-induced respiratory failure is unknown. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) is a unique vasoconstrictor response that diverts blood flow away from poorly ventilated lung regions. HPV is impaired in sepsis and after challenge with the TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Unlike TLR4 agonists, which are present only in Gram-negative bacteria, TLR2 agonists are ubiquitously expressed in all of the major classes of microorganisms that cause sepsis, including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. We tested the hypothesis that (S)-[2,3-bis(palmitoyloxy)-(2RS)-propyl]-N-palmitoyl-(R)-Cys-(S)-Ser(S)-Lys(4)-OH, trihydrochloride (Pam3Cys), a TLR2 agonist, impairs HPV and compared selected pulmonary and systemic effects of Pam3Cys vs. LPS. HPV was assessed 22 h after challenge with saline, Pam3Cys, or LPS by measuring the increase in the pulmonary vascular resistance of the left lung before and during left lung alveolar hypoxia produced by left mainstem bronchus occlusion (LMBO). Additional endpoints included arterial blood gases during LMBO, hemodynamic parameters, weight loss, temperature, physical appearance, and several markers of lung inflammation. Compared with saline, challenge with Pam3Cys caused profound impairment of HPV, reduced systemic arterial oxygenation during LMBO, weight loss, leukopenia, and lung inflammation. In addition to these effects, LPS-challenged mice had lower rectal temperatures, metabolic acidosis, and were more ill appearing than Pam3Cys-challenged mice. These data indicate that TLR2 activation impairs HPV and induces deleterious systemic effects in mice and suggest that TLR2 pathways may be important in sepsis-induced respiratory failure.  相似文献   

Hyperoxia may affect lung physiology in different ways. We investigated the effect of hyperoxia on the protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nitric oxide (NO) production, and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in rat lung. Twenty-four male rats were divided into hyperoxic and normoxic groups. Hyperoxic rats were placed in > 90% F1O2 for 60 h prior to experiments. After baseline in vitro analysis, the rats underwent isolated, perfused lung experiments. Two consecutive hypoxic challenges (10 min each) were administered with the administration of a non-specific NOS inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), in between. We measured intravascular NO production, pulmonary arterial pressure, and protein expression of eNOS and iNOS by immunohistochemistry. We found that hyperoxia rats exhibited increased baseline NO production (P < 0.001) and blunted HPV response (P < 0.001) during hypoxic challenges compared to normoxia rats. We also detected a temporal association between the attenuation in HPV and increased NO production level with a negative pre-L-NAME correlation between HPV and NO (R = 0.52, P < 0.05). After L-NAME administration, a second hypoxic challenge restored the HPV response in the hyperoxic group. There were increased protein expression of eNOS (12.6 +/- 3.1-fold, n = 3) (X200) and iNOS (8.1 +/- 2.6-fold, n = 3) (X200) in the hyperoxia group. We conclude that hyperoxia increases the protein expression of eNOS and iNOS with a subsequent increased release of endogenous NO, which attenuates the HPV response.  相似文献   

缺氧性肺血管收缩的细胞机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
缺氧直接作用于肺血管平滑肌细胞而使肺血管收缩。缺氧使细胞膜Ca~(2 )通透性增加,K~ 电导降低、膜电位下降,产生Ca~(2 )依赖性动作电位,导致肺血管张力增加和肺血管收缩。缺氧还能使平滑肌细胞内能量代谢发生改变,抑制氧化磷酸化和三羧酸循环作用,降低磷酸势能,引起肺血管收缩。缺氧减少细胞内氧自由基的产生而使细胞内氧化还原状态发生改变,GSH/GSSG和NADPH/NADP~ 比值增高,导致肺血管阻力增高。  相似文献   

Brimioulle, Serge, Philippe Lejeune, and Robert Naeije.Effects of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on pulmonary gasexchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1535-1543, 1996.Several reports have suggested that hypoxicpulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) might result in deterioration ofpulmonary gas exchange in severe hypoxia. We therefore investigated theeffects of HPV on gas exchange in normal and diseased lungs. Weincorporated a biphasic HPV stimulus-response curve observed in intactdogs (S. Brimioulle, P. Lejeune, J. L. Vachièry, M. Delcroix, R. Hallemans, and R. Naeije, J. Appl.Physiol. 77: 476-480, 1994) into a 50-compartment lung model (J. B. West, Respir.Physiol. 7: 88-110, 1969) to control the amount ofblood flow directed to each lung compartment according to the localhypoxic stimulus. The resulting model accurately reproduced the bloodgas modifications caused by HPV changes in dogs with acute lung injury.In single lung units, HPV had a moderate protective effect on alveolaroxygenation, which was maximal at near-normal alveolarPO2 (75-80 Torr), mixed venousPO2 (35 Torr), andPO2 at which hemoglobin is 50%saturated (24 Torr). In simulated diseased lungs associated with40-60 Torr arterial PO2,however, HPV increased arterial PO2 by 15-20 Torr. We conclude that HPV can improve arterialoxygenation substantially in respiratory failure.


Cyclooxygenase inhibitors have been reported to accentuate pulmonary hypertension and to improve gas exchange in oleic acid (OA) lung injury (Leeman et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 662-668, 1988), suggesting inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by a vasodilating prostaglandin. To test this hypothesis, the hypoxic pulmonary vasoreactivity was examined at constant flow (Q; with an arteriovenous femoral bypass or a balloon catheter placed in the inferior vena cava) before and after OA in three groups of anesthetized and ventilated [inspired O2 fraction (FIO2) 0.4] dogs. Intrapulmonary shunt was measured using a SF6 infusion. A time control group (n = 7) had two consecutive hypoxic challenges after OA and received no drug. A treatment group (n = 6) received indomethacin (2 mg/kg iv) before the second hypoxic challenge after OA. A pretreatment group received indomethacin (2 mg/kg iv, n = 7) or aspirin (30 mg/kg iv, n = 6) before OA. In control and treated dogs, the hypoxic pulmonary vasopressor response was attenuated after OA. It was restored after indomethacin but also during the second hypoxic stimulus in the control dogs. After OA, gas exchange at FIO2 0.4 improved with indomethacin but not in controls. In pretreated dogs the hypoxic vasopressor response to hypoxia was preserved after OA, and gas exchange at FIO2 0.4 was less deteriorated compared with nonpretreated dogs (arterial O2 pressure 139 +/- 7 vs. 76 +/- 6 Torr, P less than 0.01, and intrapulmonary shunt 14 +/- 2 vs. 41 +/- 5%, P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) is known to affect regional pulmonary blood flow distribution. It is unknown whether lungs with well-matched ventilation (V)/perfusion (Q) have regional differences in the HPV response. Five prone pigs were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated (positive end-expiratory pressure = 2 cmH2O). Two hypoxic preconditions [inspired oxygen fraction (FI(O2)) = 0.13] were completed to stabilize the animal's hypoxic response. Regional pulmonary blood Q and V distribution was determined at various FI(O2) (0.21, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09) using the fluorescent microsphere technique. Q and V in the lungs were quantified within 2-cm3 lung pieces. Pieces were grouped, or clustered, based on the changes in blood flow when subjected to increasing hypoxia. Unique patterns of Q response to hypoxia were seen within and across animals. The three main patterns (clusters) showed little initial difference in V/Q matching at room air where the mean V/Q range was 0.92-1.06. The clusters were spatially located in cranial, central, and caudal portions of the lung. With decreasing FI(O2), blood flow shifted from the cranial to caudal regions. We determined that pulmonary blood flow changes, caused by HPV, produced distinct response patterns that were seen in similar regions across our prone porcine model.  相似文献   

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