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Reproductive isolation between demes of a phytophagous arthropod population that use different host plant species could evolve in two different ways. First, adaptation to different host species might result in reproductive isolation as a pleiotropic by-product. Second, if adaptation to one host species strongly reduces fitness on others, selection could favour mechanisms, such as host fidelity and assortative mating, that restrict gene flow between host-adapted demes. A laboratory selection experiment on the broadly polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae gave information on these possibilities. A population allowed to adapt to tomato plants showed increased survival, development rate and fecundity on tomato relative to the base population from which it was derived. In spite of the large difference between the tomato-adapted and base populations in performance on tomato plants, the two populations showed no evidence of reproductive isolation, as measured by the hatching rate of eggs laid by F1 hybrids between the lines. Furthermore, a genetically variable population formed by hybridizing the tomato-adapted and base populations did not show evidence for a decline in ability to survive on tomato after more than ten generations of mass rearing on lima bean, indicating that tomato-adapted genotypes suffered little or no selective disadvantage on bean. These results give no support for the role of host plants in the evolution of reproductive isolation in T. urticae.  相似文献   

The evolution of the ribonuclease A (RNase A) vertebrate-specific enzyme family is interesting in that specific gene lineages appear to be responding to unique selective pressures in wildly diverse manners to generate proteins that are capable of reducing the infectivity of viruses, killing systemic pathogens, and inducing the growth of blood vessels all while maintaining the signature motifs of a ribonuclease. In this paper, we present the DNA sequence and gene structure of Mus musculus RNase 6 and examine the expression pattern and enzymatic activity of the recombinant protein. M. musculus RNase 6 has a limited expression pattern compared to human RNase 6 and is an efficient ribonuclease, with a catalytic efficiency 17-fold higher than that of human protein. Evo- lutionary analysis reveals that RNase 6 was subject to unusual evolutionary forces (dN/dS=1.2) in an ancestral rodent lineage before the separation of Mus and Rattus. However, more recent evolution of rodent RNase 6 has been relatively conserved, with an average dN/dS of 0.66. These data suggest that the ancestral rodent RNase 6 was subject to accelerated evolution, resulting in the conserved modern gene, which most likely plays an important role in mouse physiology.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Lauren Ancel MeyersThe GenBank accession numbers for the new genes presented here are as follows: Mus musculus, AY545655; Rattus norvegicus, AY545654; Mus spicilegus, AY545653; Mus caroli, AY545651; and Mus pahari, AY545652.  相似文献   

To examine the evolution of Tula hantavirus (TUL), carried by the European common vole (Microtus arvalis and M. rossiaemeridionalis), we have analyzed genetic variants from Slovakia, the country where the virus is endemic. Phylogenetic analysis (PHYLIP) based on either partial (nucleotides [nt] 441 to 898) or complete N-protein-encoding sequences divided Slovakian TUL variants into two main lineages: (i) strains from eastern Slovakia, which clustered with Russian strains, and (ii) strains from western Slovakia situated closer to those from the Czech Republic. We found genetic diversity of 19% between the two groups and 4% within the western Slovakian TUL strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the 3′ noncoding region (3′-NCR), however, placed the eastern Slovakian strains closer to those from western Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with a greater distance to the Russian strains, suggesting a recombinant nature of the S segment in the eastern Slovakian TUL lineage. A bootscan search of the S-segment sequences of TUL strains revealed at least two recombination points in the S sequences of eastern Slovakian TUL strains (nt 400 to 415 and around 1200) which agreed well with the pattern of amino acid substitutions in the N protein and deletions/insertions in the 3′-NCR of the S segment. These data suggest that homologous recombination events occurred in the evolution of hantaviruses.  相似文献   

We cloned lipG, which encoded a lipolytic enzyme, from a Korean tidal flat metagenomic library. LipG was related to six putative lipases previously identified only in bacterial genome sequences. These enzymes comprise a new family. We partially characterized LipG, providing the first experimental data for a member of this family.  相似文献   

Short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase, encoded by the gene Tsib_0319 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus sibiricus, was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized as an NADPH-dependent enantioselective oxidoreductase with broad substrate specificity. The enzyme exhibits extremely high thermophilicity, thermostability, and tolerance to organic solvents and salts.Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs; EC catalyze the interconversion of alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes or ketones by using different redox-mediating cofactors. NAD(P)-dependent ADHs, due to their broad substrate specificity and enantioselectivity, have attracted particular attention as catalysts in industrial processes (5). However, mesophilic ADHs are unstable at high temperatures, sensitive to organic solvents, and often lose activity during immobilization. In this relation, there is a considerable interest in ADHs from extremophilic microorganisms; among them, Archaea are of great interest. The representatives of all groups of NAD(P)-dependent ADHs have been detected in genomes of Archaea (11, 12); however, only a few enzymes have been characterized, and the great majority of them belong to medium-chain (3, 4, 14, 16, 19) or long-chain iron-activated ADHs (1, 8, 9). Up to now, a single short-chain archaeal ADH from Pyrococcus furiosus (10, 18) and only one archaeal aldo-keto reductase also from P. furiosus (11) have been characterized.Thermococcus sibiricus is a hyperthermophilic anaerobic archaeon isolated from a high-temperature oil reservoir capable of growth on complex organic substrates (15). The complete genome sequence of T. sibiricus has been recently determined and annotated (13). Several ADHs are encoded by the T. sibiricus genome, including three short-chain ADHs (Tsib_0319, Tsib_0703, and Tsib_1998) (13). In this report, we describe the cloning and expression of the Tsib_0319 gene from T. sibiricus and the purification and the biochemical characterization of its product, the thermostable short-chain ADH (TsAdh319).The Tsib_0319 gene encodes a protein with a size of 234 amino acids and the calculated molecular mass of 26.2 kDa. TsAdh319 has an 85% degree of sequence identity with short-chain ADH from P. furiosus (AdhA; PF_0074) (18). Besides AdhA, close homologs of TsAdh319 were found among different bacterial ADHs, but not archaeal ADHs. The gene flanked by the XhoI and BamHI sites was PCR amplified using two primers (sense primer, 5′-GTTCTCGAGATGAAGGTTGCTGTGATAACAGGG-3′, and antisense primer, 5′-GCTGGATCCTCAGTATTCTGGTCTCTGGTAGACGG-3′) and cloned into the pET-15b vector. TsAdh319 was overexpressed, with an N-terminal His6 tag in Escherichia coli Rosetta-gami (DE3) and purified to homogeneity by metallochelating chromatography (Hi-Trap chelating HP column; GE Healthcare) followed by gel filtration on Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) with 200 mM NaCl. The homogeneity and the correspondence to the calculated molecular mass of 28.7 kDa were verified by SDS-PAGE (7). The molecular mass of native TsAdh319 was 56 to 60 kDa, which confirmed the dimeric structure in solution.The standard ADH activity measurement was made spectrophotometrically at the optimal pH by following either the reduction of NADP (in 50 mM Gly-NaOH buffer; pH 10.5) or the oxidation of NADPH (in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer; pH 7.5) at 340 nm at 60°C. The enzyme exhibited a strong preference for NADP(H) and broad substrate specificity (Table (Table1).1). The highest oxidation rates were found with pentoses d-arabinose (2.0 U mg−1) and d-xylose (2.46 U mg−1), and the highest reduction rates were found with dimethylglyoxal (5.9 U mg−1) and pyruvaldehyde (2.2 U mg−1). The enzyme did not reduce sugars which were good substrates for the oxidation reaction. The kinetic parameters of TsAdh319 determined for the preferred substrates are shown in Table Table2.2. The enantioselectivity of the enzyme was estimated by measuring the conversion rates of 2-butanol enantiomers. TsAdh319 showed an evident preference, >2-fold, for (S)-2-butanol over (RS)-2-butanol. The enzyme stereoselectivity is confirmed by the preferred oxidation of d-arabinose over l-arabinose (Table (Table1).1). The fact that TsAdh319 is metal independent was supported by the absence of a significant effect of TsAdh319 preincubation with 10 mM Me2+ for 30 min before measuring the activity in the presence of 1 mM Me2+ or EDTA (Table (Table3).3). TsAdh319 also exhibited a halophilic property, so the enzyme activity increased in the presence of NaCl and KCl and the activation was maintained even at concentration of 4 M and 3 M, respectively (Table (Table33).


Substrate specificity of TsAdh319
SubstrateaRelative activity (%)
Oxidation reactionb
Reduction reactionc
    Glyoxylic acid36
Open in a separate windowaSubstrates were present in 250 mM or 50 mM (*) concentrations.bRelative rates, measured under standard conditions, were calculated by defining the activity for 2-propanol as 100%, which corresponds to 1.0 U mg−1. Data are averages from triplicate experiments.cRelative rates, measured under standard conditions, were calculated by defining the activity for pyruvaldehyde as 100%, which corresponds to 2.2 U mg−1. Data are averages from triplicate experiments.


Apparent Km and Vmax values for TsAdh319
Coenzyme or substrateApparent Km (mM)Vmax (U mg−1)kcat (s−1)
NADPa0.022 ± 0.0020.94 ± 0.020.45 ± 0.01
NADPHb0.020 ± 0.0033.16 ± 0.111.51 ± 0.05
2-Propanol168 ± 291.10 ± 0.090.53 ± 0.04
d-Xylose54.4 ± 7.41.47 ± 0.090.70 ± 0.04
Pyruvaldehyde17.75 ± 3.384.26 ± 0.402.04 ± 0.19
Open in a separate windowaActivity was measured under standard conditions with 2-propanol. Data are averages from triplicate experiments.bActivity was measured under standard conditions with pyruvaldehyde. Data are averages from triplicate experiments.


Effect of various ions and EDTA on TsAdh319a
CompoundConcn (mM)Relative activity (%)
Open in a separate windowaThe activity was measured under standard conditions with 2-propanol; relative rates were calculated by defining the activity without salts as 100%, which corresponds to 0.9 U mg−1. Data are averages from duplicate experiments.The most essential distinctions of TsAdh319 are the thermophilicity and high thermostability of the enzyme. The optimum temperature for the 2-propanol oxidation catalyzed by TsAdh319 was not achieved. The initial reaction rate of oxidation increased up to 100°C (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The Arrhenius plot is a straight line, typical of a single rate-limited thermally activated process, but there is no obvious transition point due to the temperature-dependent conformational changes of the protein molecule. The activation energy for the oxidation of 2-propanol was estimated at 84.0 ± 5.8 kJ·mol−1. The thermostability of TsAdh319 was calculated from residual TsAdh319 activity after preincubation of 0.4 mg/ml enzyme solution in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5) containing 200 mM NaCl at 70, 80, 90, or 100°C. The preincubation at 70°C or 80°C for 1.5 h did not cause a decrease in the TsAdh319 activity, but provoked slight activation. The residual TsAdh319 activities began to decrease after 2 h of preincubation at 70°C or 80°C and were 10% and 15% down from the control, respectively. The determined half-life values of TsAdh319 were 2 h at 90°C and 1 h at 100°C.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Temperature dependence of the initial rate of the 2-propanol reduction by TsAdh319. The reaction was initiated by enzyme addition to a prewarmed 2-propanol-NADP mixture. The inset shows the Arrhenius plot of the same data.Protein thermostability often correlates with such important biotechnological properties as increased solvent tolerance (2). We tested the influence of organic solvents at a high concentration (50% [vol/vol]) on TsAdh319 by using either preincubation of the enzyme at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml with solvents for 4 h at 55°C or solvent addition into the reaction mixture to distinguish the effect of solvent on the protein stability and on the enzyme activity. TsAdh319 showed significant solvent tolerance in both cases (Table (Table4),4), and the effects of solvents could be modulated by salts, acting apparently as molecular lyoprotectants (17). Furthermore, TsAdh319 maintained 57% of its activity in 25% (vol/vol) 2-propanol, which could be used as the cosubstrate in cofactor regeneration (6).


Influence of various solvents on TsAdh319 activitya
SolventRelative activity (%)bRelative activity (%)c
Buffer without NaClBuffer with 600 mM NaCl
Ethyl acetate470*33*
Open in a separate windowaThe activity measured at the standard condition with 2-propanol as a substrate. Data are averages from triplicate experiments.bPreincubation for 4 h at 55°C in the presence of 50% (vol/vol) of solvent prior the activity assay.cWithout preincubation, solvent addition to the reaction mixture up to 50% (vol/vol) or using the buffer saturated by a solvent (*).dDMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide.eDMFA, dimethylformamide.From all the aforesaid we may suppose TsAdh319 or its improved variant to be interesting both for the investigation of structural features of protein tolerance and for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriophages infect mycobacteria, resulting in their death. Therefore, the possibility of using them as therapeutic agents against the deadly mycobacterial disease tuberculosis (TB) is of great interest. To obtain better insight into the dynamics of mycobacterial inactivation by mycobacteriophages, this study was initiated using mycobacteriophage D29 and Mycobacterium smegmatis as the phage-host system. Here, we implemented a goal-oriented iterative cycle of experiments on one hand and mathematical modeling combined with Monte Carlo simulations on the other. This integrative approach lends valuable insight into the detailed kinetics of bacterium-phage interactions. We measured time-dependent changes in host viability during the growth of phage D29 in M. smegmatis at different multiplicities of infection (MOI). The predictions emerging out of theoretical analyses were further examined using biochemical and cell biological assays. In a phage-host interaction system where multiple rounds of infection are allowed to take place, cell counts drop more rapidly than expected if cell lysis is considered the only mechanism for cell death. The phenomenon could be explained by considering a secondary factor for cell death in addition to lysis. Further investigations reveal that phage infection leads to the increased production of superoxide radicals, which appears to be the secondary factor. Therefore, mycobacteriophage D29 can function as an effective antimycobacterial agent, the killing potential of which may be amplified through secondary mechanisms.  相似文献   

Under study was the structure of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory system in two species of lemmings of the Wrangel island: the collared lemming, (Dicrostonyx torquatus) and the Ob lemming (Lemmus sibiricus). Inspite of the similarity in the general organization of this system in all rodents, certain species features were found in the topography of neurosecretory elements in the animals studied. In the Ob lemming there is a great similarity in the structures of the neurosecretory system with the albino rat than in the collared lemming. In both species of lemmings, and in the collared lemming in particular, the supraoptic nucleus is located more dorso-caudally and the paraventricular one-more dorsally. A greater amount of neurosecretory cells is found which from additional groups. The hypothalamo-hypophyseal and extrahypothalamic pathways are well pronounced. The postoptical nucleus is considerably developed. In the collared lemming it is almost equal to the supraoptic one in the amount of cells composing it. The ratio of the cells in the supraoptic and postoptic nuclei is suggested to be related to the level of the water-salt metabolism and the specific ecology of lemmings.  相似文献   

Classically viewed as a cytosolic pathway, glycolysis is increasingly recognized as a metabolic pathway exhibiting surprisingly wide-ranging variations in compartmentalization within eukaryotic cells. Trypanosomatid parasites provide an extreme view of glycolytic enzyme compartmentalization as several glycolytic enzymes are found exclusively in peroxisomes. Here, we characterize Trypanosoma brucei flagellar proteins resembling glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK): we show the latter associates with the axoneme and the former is a novel paraflagellar rod component. The paraflagellar rod is an essential extra-axonemal structure in trypanosomes and related protists, providing a platform into which metabolic activities can be built. Yet, bioinformatics interrogation and structural modelling indicate neither the trypanosome PGK-like nor the GAPDH-like protein is catalytically active. Orthologs are present in a free-living ancestor of the trypanosomatids, Bodo saltans: the PGK-like protein from B. saltans also lacks key catalytic residues, but its GAPDH-like protein is predicted to be catalytically competent. We discuss the likelihood that the trypanosome GAPDH-like and PGK-like proteins constitute molecular evidence for evolutionary loss of a flagellar glycolytic pathway, either as a consequence of niche adaptation or the re-localization of glycolytic enzymes to peroxisomes and the extensive changes to glycolytic flux regulation that accompanied this re-localization. Evidence indicating loss of localized ATP provision via glycolytic enzymes therefore provides a novel contribution to an emerging theme of hidden diversity with respect to compartmentalization of the ubiquitous glycolytic pathway in eukaryotes. A possibility that trypanosome GAPDH-like protein additionally represents a degenerate example of a moonlighting protein is also discussed.  相似文献   

Anaerobic organotrophic hyperthermophilic Archaea were isolated from five of eight samples from oil wells of the Samotlor oil reservoir (depth, 1,799-2,287 m; temperature, 60 degrees-84 degrees C). Three strains were isolated in pure cultures and characterized phylogenetically on the basis of comparison of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. All strains belonged to a new species of the genus Thermococcus, with Thermococcus litoralis, Thermococcus aggregans, Thermococcus fumicolans, and Thermococcus alcaliphilus being the nearest relatives (range of sequence similarity, 97.2%-98.8%). Strain MM 739 was studied in detail. The new isolate grew on peptides but not on carbohydrates. Elemental sulfur had a stimulatory effect on growth. The temperature range for growth was between 40 degrees and 88 degrees C, with the optimum at 78 degrees C; the pH range was 5.8 to 9.0, with the optimum around 7.3; and the salinity range was 0.5% to 7.0%, with the optimum at 1.8%-2.0%. The doubling time at optimal growth conditions was about 43 min. The G+C content of the DNA was 38.4 mol%. The DNA-DNA relatedness between strain MM 739 and T. litoralis was 27%; between strain MM 739 and T. aggregans, it was 22%. Based on the phenotypic and genomic differences with known Thermococcus species, the new species Thermococcus sibiricus is proposed. The isolation of a hyperthermophilic archaeum from a deep subsurface environment, significantly remote from shallow or abyssal marine hot vents, indicates the existence of a subterranean biosphere inhabited by indigenous hyperthermophilic biota.  相似文献   

Isolation and Characterization of a Xylanase from Bacillus subtilis   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Partial characterization of an extracellular xylanase isolated by chromatography from Bacillus subtilis gave a molecular weight of 32,000 and optimum pH and temperature of 5.0 and 50°C, respectively. Km and Vmax values, determined with a soluble larchwood xylan, were 0.16% and 7.0 × 103 μmol min−1 mg−1 of enzyme respectively. The amino acid composition showed more basic amino acid residues than in a previously characterized xylanase from a white-rot fungus.  相似文献   

Metapopulation processes are important determinants of epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics in host-pathogen systems, and are therefore central to explaining observed patterns of disease or genetic diversity. In particular, the spatial scale of interactions between pathogens and their hosts is of primary importance because migration rates of one species can affect both spatial and temporal heterogeneity of selection on the other. In this study we developed a stochastic and discrete time simulation model to specifically examine the joint effects of host and pathogen dispersal on the evolution of pathogen specialisation in a spatially explicit metapopulation. We consider a plant-pathogen system in which the host metapopulation is composed of two plant genotypes. The pathogen is dispersed by air-borne spores on the host metapopulation. The pathogen population is characterised by a single life-history trait under selection, the infection efficacy. We found that restricted host dispersal can lead to high amount of pathogen diversity and that the extent of pathogen specialisation varied according to the spatial scale of host-pathogen dispersal. We also discuss the role of population asynchrony in determining pathogen evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

为了研究黑龙江省大林姬鼠携带汉坦病毒(HV)的分子特征,对黑龙江省大林姬鼠分离株NA33的S基因进行了扩增和序列分析。结果表明,NA33株S基因全长由1 693nt组成,TA含量丰富,编码N蛋白的ORF起始于37nt,终止于1 326nt,编码的蛋白长429aa,符合HTN型编码。与HV参考毒株进行比较,NA33与Amur类汉坦病毒同源性最高,与其它HTN型相对较低,与SEO等同源性更低。N蛋白进化树分析表明,NA33位于Amur类病毒所在支系,并且与俄罗斯远东和吉林大林姬鼠分离株亲缘关系更接近,体现了一定的宿主依赖性和地理簇集性。序列分析发现,NA33的N蛋白具有Amur类汉坦病毒保守的氨基酸位点。黑龙江省大林姬鼠携带Amur类汉坦病毒,是重要的传染源。  相似文献   

A new type of mink cell focus-inducing virus was persistently isolated from the leukemic tissues of SL mice. In contrast to the dual tropic mink cell focus-inducing viruses reported to date, the new virus has the host range of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus. Analysis of RNase T(1) fingerprints of genomic RNAs suggested that the mink cell focus-inducing virus with the xenotropic host range isolated from SL mice is a recombinant virus deriving from xenotropic murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive pathogen that causes a variety of diseases, including bovine mastitis, which has severe economic consequences. Standard antibiotic treatment results in selection of resistant strains, leading to a need for alternative treatments, such as bacteriophage therapy. Forty-nine S. aureus isolates were obtained from the milk of mastitic cows for use in screening of staphylococcal phages. Fifteen isolates which were positive for both coagulase and hemolysin were assayed by PCR for variation in the X region and the immunoglobulin G-binding region of the protein A gene (spa) and in the carboxy terminus of the coagulase gene (coa) and for the presence of enterotoxin C, G, H, and I genes. The host ranges of 52 phages isolated from sewage influent were determined by performing spot tests with the 15 S. aureus isolates, and two phages were subsequently chosen for further analysis. ΦSA039 had the widest host range, producing clear plaques on 13 of the 15 isolates (87%), while ΦSA012 produced clear plaques on 8 isolates (53%) and was the only phage that produced a clear plaque on a nonmastitic S. aureus strain. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the phages were similar sizes and belonged to the Myoviridae family. Measurement of optical densities during coculture with S. aureus isolates confirmed the breadth of the ΦSA039 host range and showed that ΦSA012 had potent lytic capability. ΦSA012-resistant bacteria did not appear for three of seven isolates tested (43%) after 65 h of incubation. These two phages are proposed as candidates for phage therapy of bovine mastitis.In the dairy industry, mastitis is a widespread problem responsible for important decreases in milk production. Economic losses of $100 million per year have been estimated for farms in Hokkaido, one of the largest milk-producing areas in Japan (28). Mastitis can be caused by over 150 different microorganisms, and one of the most important of these organisms is Staphylococcus aureus (22). After diagnosis of mastitis, the standard treatment regimen consists of isolating the diseased cow and treating it with antibiotics. However, this approach has drawbacks, such as its high cost and the eradication of harmless or beneficial organisms due to the lack of specificity of antibiotics. Additionally, the incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has increased in recent years (4). As a result, there has been renewed interest in the use of other natural or engineered antimicrobial agents as an alternative or supplementary treatment for staphylococcal diseases such as mastitis (11, 21, 26). One group of alternatives with great potential involves bacteriophages (phages) and their derivatives, and a number of promising candidates have been described (2, 5, 7, 13, 17, 18, 27), notably bacteriophage K.One of the main obstacles to successful treatment of mastitis using phages is the fact that most phages are able to infect only a very narrow range of hosts. Given the plural etiology of many mastitis cases, it is desirable to find a phage-based treatment that targets a wide range of pathogens. One proposed method is a combination of two or more phages with different and broad host ranges in a cocktail (25, 29). This method has been shown to delay considerably the appearance of phage-resistant cells in Escherichia coli cultures, providing hope that similar success can be achieved using S. aureus phages.In this paper we describe the isolation of two novel phages, designated ΦSA012 and ΦSA039, that were found to have a lytic effect on a broad range of S. aureus isolates obtained from mastitic milk. ΦSA012 and ΦSA039 were selected after host range analysis from a total of 52 phages screened from sewage influent. These two phages were characterized morphologically by using electron microscopy, and their effects on representative strains of S. aureus were examined by coculture in milk.  相似文献   

A guinea pig herpesvirus (GPHV) has consistently been isolated from leukemic lymphoblasts of strain-2 guinea pigs. GPHV is serologically related to the guinea pig herpes-like virus isolated by Hsiung and Kaplow. The virions of GPHV consist of an icosahedral capsid containing a dense nucleoprotein core enclosed in a double-layered membrane. The average diameters of GPHV virion and capsid were 166 and 101 nm, respectively. Studies on the morphogenesis of GPHV revealed that, as in other herpesvirus infections, only the naked capsids with or without the nucleoprotein core were found in the infected cell nuclei; it was also learned that the virion acquired its envelope by budding from the nuclear membrane of the infected cells. However, GPHV-infected cell nuclei also contained dense fibrous rods, resembling nucleo-protein core outside the capsids, and tubules resembling viral core protein. The capsids were often embedded in dense granular antigen. GPHV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has a density of 1.716 g/ml in cesium chloride compared to herpes simplex virus DNA (rho = 1.728 g/ml) and cellular DNA (rho = 1.700 g/ml).  相似文献   

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