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Orientation of the subtalar joint axis dictates inversion and eversion movements of the foot and has been the focus of evolutionary and clinical studies for a number of years. Previous studies have measured the subtalar joint axis against the axis of the whole foot, the talocrural joint axis and, recently, the principal axes of the talus. The present study introduces a new method for estimating average joint axes from 3D reconstructions of bones and applies the method to the talus to calculate the subtalar and talocrural joint axes. The study also assesses the validity of the principal axes as a reference coordinate system against which to measure the subtalar joint axis. In order to define the angle of the subtalar joint axis relative to that of another axis in the talus, we suggest measuring the subtalar joint axis against the talocrural joint axis. We present corresponding 3D vector angles calculated from a modern human skeletal sample. This method is applicable to virtual 3D models acquired through surface-scanning of disarticulated 'dry' osteological samples, as well as to 3D models created from CT or MRI scans.  相似文献   

The subtalar joint is important in frontal plane movement and posture of the hindfoot. Abnormal subtalar joint moments caused by muscle forces and the ground reaction force acting on the foot are thought to play a role in various foot deformities. Calculating joint moments typically requires knowledge of the location of the joint axis; however, location of the subtalar axis from measured movement is difficult because the talus cannot be tracked using skin-mounted markers. The accuracy of a novel technique for locating the subtalar axis was assessed in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging. The method was also tested with skin-mounted markers and video motion analysis. The technique involves applying forces to the foot that cause pure subtalar joint motion (with negligible talocrural joint motion), and then using helical axis decomposition of the resulting tibiocalcaneal motion. The resulting subtalar axis estimates differed by 6° on average from the true best-fit subtalar axes in the MRI tests. Motion was found to have been applied primarily about the subtalar joint with an average of only 3° of talocrural joint motion. The proposed method provides a potential means for obtaining subject-specific subtalar axis estimates which can then be used in inverse dynamic analyses and subject-specific musculoskeletal models.  相似文献   

An alternative, yet unverified, predictive method that places the hip joint center (HJC) at one-quarter of the distance from the ipsolateral to the contralateral greater trochanter (GT method) is currently widely used in the biomechanics community. Therefore, the objective of this study was to confirm that this method is a viable option for estimating HJC coordinates. To accomplish this, HJC coordinates in the pelvic anatomical coordinate system were estimated via the GT method, a functional method, and the regression equations proposed by Bell et al. (1990). The HJC coordinated estimated by the functional method served as a baseline measurement. The results of this study demonstrate that all three methods evaluated offer repeatable estimates of HJC location. In comparison to the functional method, the GT method yielded a HJC estimate that was 7.6 mm medial, 12.2 mm posterior, and 4.8 mm proximal. On the other hand, the Bell regression equations estimated the HJC to be 2.6 mm medial, 7.2 mm posterior, and 21.7 mm proximal relative to the functional method. Additionally, the total 3D difference between the GT and functional methods was 23.5 mm compared to the 30.8 mm difference between the Bell and functional methods. These results suggest that the GT method is a viable option for estimating HJC coordinates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use a two-axis ankle joint model and an optimisation process (van den Bogert et al., 1994) to calculate and compare the talocrural and subtalar hinge axes for non-weight-bearing ankle motion, weight-bearing ankle motion, and walking in normal, healthy adult subjects and to see which of the first two sets of axes better fit the walking data. Motion data for the foot and shank were collected on eight subjects whilst they performed the activities mentioned. After choosing the best marker sets for motion tracking, a two-hinge ankle joint model was fit to the motion data. Ankle joint ranges of motion were also calculated. It was found that the model fit the experimental data well, with non-weight-bearing motion achieving the best fit. Despite this, the calculated axis orientations were highly variable both between motion types and between subjects. No significant difference between the fit of the non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing models to the walking data was found, which implies that either set of functional axes is adequate for modeling walking; however, the subtalar deviation angle was significantly closer for the weight-bearing activity and walking than for the non-weight-bearing activity and walking, which suggests that it is marginally better to use the weight-bearing functional motions. The results lead to questions about the appropriateness of the two-hinge ankle model for use in applications in which the behaviour of the individual joints of the ankle complex, rather than simply the relative motion of the leg and foot, is important.  相似文献   

The subtalar joint (STJ) contributes to the absorption and generation of mechanical energy (and power) during walking to maintain frontal plane stability. Previous observational studies have suggested that there may be a relationship between step width and STJ supination moment. This study directly tests the hypothesis that walking with a step width greater than preferred would reduce STJ moments, energy absorption, and power generation requirements, while increasing energy absorption at the hip during initial contact. Participants (n = 12, 7 females) were asked to walk on an instrumented treadmill at a constant velocity and cadence at a range of fixed step widths ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 times leg length (L). Walking at step widths greater than preferred (0.149 ± 0.04 L) reduced peak STJ moments at initial contact and propulsion which subsequently reduced the negative and positive work performed at the STJ. There was a 43% reduction in energy absorption (negative work) and approximately 30% decrease in positive work at the STJ as step width increased from 0.1 L to 0.4 L. An increase in energy absorption at the knee and hip was evident with an increase in step width during initial contact, although minimal mechanical changes were observed at the proximal joints during propulsion. These results suggest an increase in step width reduces the forces generated by muscles at the STJ across stance and is therefore likely to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of their injuries. In terms of rehabilitation, the increase in mechanical costs occurring due to an increase in energy absorption by the hip and knee is of minimal concern.  相似文献   

It is clinically challenging to distinguish between ankle and subtalar joints instability in vivo. Understanding the changes in load-displacement at the ankle and subtalar joints after ligament injuries may detect specific changes in joint characteristics that cannot be detected by investigating changes in range of motion alone. The effect of restricting joints end range of motion with ankle braces was already established, but little is known about the effect of an ankle brace on the flexibility of the injured ankle and subtalar joints. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to (1) understand how flexibility is affected at the ankle and subtalar joints after sectioning lateral and intrinsic ligaments during combined sagittal foot position and inversion and during internal rotation and (2) investigate the effect of a semi-rigid ankle brace on the ankle and subtalar joint flexibility. Kinematics and kinetics were collected from nine cadaver feet during inversion through the range of ankle flexion and during internal rotation. Motion was applied with and without a brace on an intact foot and after sequentially sectioning the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) and the intrinsic ligaments. Segmental flexibility was defined as the slope of the angle-moment curve for each 1 Nm interval. Early flexibility significantly increased at the ankle and subtalar joint after CFL sectioning during inversion. The semi-rigid ankle brace significantly decreased early flexibility at the subtalar joint during inversion and internal rotation for all ligament conditions and at the ankle joint after all ligaments were cut.  相似文献   

Mobility of the subtalar joint in the intact ankle complex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A previous study by these authors showed that the calcaneus follows a unique path of unresisted coupled motion relative to the tibia during passive flexion and that most of this motion occurred at the ankle level. Subtalar motion in the intact ankle complex was observed only when perturbations from this path were induced by the application of force to the calcaneus. Relative motion of the bones of the ankle complex was tracked by stereophotogrammetry in seven specimens. Anatomical landmarks, reference frames and joint angles were defined by standard techniques. Sequential moments were applied to the calcaneus about the long axis of the tibia. Measured movements at subtalar level demonstrated plantarflexion coupled to supination and internal rotation (inversion) and dorsiflexion coupled to pronation and external rotation (eversion). These movements were resisted and were fully recovered when the external load was removed. Subtalar motion diminished as the ankle approached maximal dorsi- and plantarflexion. Two clearly distinguished mean axes of rotation were observed for inversion and eversion runs. The axes of inversion and eversion of the subtalar complex changed orientation along a preferred and repeatable path. The subtalar joint complex occupied only a single stable position in the unloaded state and with no range of unresisted motion. It is inferred that mobility was possible only by the stretching and lengthening of the ligaments and the indentation of the articular surfaces, requiring the application of loads. The subtalar joint complex behaves like a flexible structure.  相似文献   

On the basis of the results of clinicoroentgenological and tensographic investigations of 119 patients after traumas of the crural bones and ankle joint (2-36 yrs. ago) the authors showed the importance of roentgenofunctional investigation of the ankle joint, a patient being in a standing position with maximum flexion and extension of the foot. A specially designed footing was proposed. Of 77 patients after intra-articular fractures of the ankle bones various disorders in articular proportions, undetectable on routine roentgenography, were diagnosed in 29 by functional roentgenography. Articular changes on roentgenofunctional investigation were revealed in one patient only out of 42 patients with extra-articular fractures of the crural bones. Tensography showed disorders of foot biomechanics in all patients with subluxations in the ankle.  相似文献   

We developed a simple vitrification technique for bovine embryos that could permit direct transfer. Embryos were produced in-vitro by standard procedures. The base medium for cryopreservation was a chemically defined medium similar to SOF + 25 mM Hepes and 0.25% fatty acid free bovine serum albumin (FAF-BSA) (HCDM2). In experiment 1, embryos were first exposed to 3.5M ethylene glycol (V1) for 1, 2 or 3 min at room temperature (20-24 degrees C), and then moved to 7 M ethylene glycol (V2) at 4 or 20-24 degrees C and loaded in 0.25-mL straws. After 45 s in 7 M ethylene glycol, straws were placed in liquid nitrogen. Embryos that were loaded at 20-24 degrees C had higher survival rates than those loaded at 4 degrees C (P<0.05). Exposure for 1 min was best for morulae, while 3 min was best for blastocysts. In experiment 2, blastocysts were handled at 24 degrees C and exposed to two concentrations of ethylene glycol in V1 (3.5 or 5 M) followed by V2 as in experiment 1, two warming temperatures (20 or 37 degrees C) and two post-warming holding times until culture (5 or 15 min). Exposure to 5 M ethylene glycol and warming at 37 degrees C was the optimal combination of procedures, and embryos survived well after 15 min in straws if warmed at 37 degrees C. In experiment 3, ethylene glycol concentration (3, 4 or 5 M) and exposure time (0.5 or 1 min) during two-step addition of cryoprotectant were studied for bovine morulae. In experiment 4, morulae were exposed to V2 for 30 or 45 s in HCDM2 or Vigro holding medium and then held in 22-24 degrees C air or 37 degrees C water post-warming. Experiment 5 was like experiment 4 except blastocysts were used. Overall survival rates of blastocysts in experiment 5 averaged 80% of non-vitrified controls after 48 h culture. The survival rates with in vitro-produced morulae in experiments 1, 3 and 4 were unacceptable. Vitrification solutions based on Vigro tended to result in higher survival than HCDM2 for blastocysts, but not morulae. In experiment 6, the survival rate in vitro of in vivo-produced morulae and blastocysts after two-step vitrification was nearly 100%. Our vitrification technique was very effective for in vitro produced blastocysts, but not for in vitro-produced morulae.  相似文献   

This study investigates the feasibility of a subject-specific three-dimensional model of the ankle joint complex for kinematic and dynamic analysis of movement. The ankle joint complex was modelled as a three-segment system, connected by two ideal highe joints: the talocrural and the subtalar joint. A mathematical formulation was developed to express the three-dimensional translation and rotation between the foot and shank segments as a function of the two joint angles, and 12 model parameters describing the locations of the joint axes. An optimization method was used to fit the model parameters to three-dimensional kinematic data of foot and shank markers, obtained during test movements throughout the entire physiological range of motion of the ankle joint. The movement of the talus segment, which cannot be measured non-invasively, is not necessary for the analysis.

This optimization method was used to determine the position and orientation of the joint axes in 14 normal subjects. After optimization, the discrepancy between the best fitting model and actual marker kinematics was between 1 and 3 mm for all subjects. The predicted inclination of the subtalar joint axis from the horizontal plane was 37.4±2.7°, and the medial deviation was 18.0±16.2°. The lateral side of the talucrural axis was directed slightly posteriorly (6.8±8.1°), and inclined downward by 7.0±5.4°. These results are similar to previously reported typical results from anatomical, in vitro, studies. Reproducibility was evaluated by repeated testing of one subject, which resulted in variations of about one-fifth of the standard deviation within the group, the inclination of the subtalar joint axis was significantly correlated to the arch height and a radiographic ‘tarsal index’. It is concluded that this optimization method provides the opportunity to incorporate inter-individual anatomical differences into kinematic and dynamic analysis of the ankle joint complex. This allows a more functional interpretation of kinematic data, and more realistic estimates of internal forces.  相似文献   

目的:探索短期内诱导高尿酸血症大鼠模型的有效方法,并对模型效果进行评价。方法:雄性SD大鼠随机分为对照组(CT组,6只)和5个模型组(M1-M5组),每组8只; M1组(每天酵母膏10 g/kg+腺嘌呤100 mg/kg2次灌胃,于模型诱导的第7日1次性腹腔注射氧嗪酸钾300 mg/kg)、M2组(每天酵母膏10 g/kg+腺嘌呤100 mg/kg灌胃2次,于模型诱导第1、3、7日每天腹腔注射1次氧嗪酸钾300 mg/kg)、M3组(每天酵母膏10 g/kg+腺嘌呤100 mg/kg灌胃2次,每天腹腔注射1次氧嗪酸钾300 mg/kg)、M4组(每天酵母膏20 g/kg+腺嘌呤100 mg/kg灌胃2次,每天腹腔注射1次氧嗪酸钾300 mg/kg)、M5组(每天酵母膏30 g/kg+腺嘌呤100 mg/kg灌胃2次,每天腹腔注射1次氧嗪酸钾300 mg/kg)、CT组(5个模型组按相同的时间、体重计算等体积灌胃和腹腔注射生理盐水),造模7 d;分别在造模结束时和2周后采集24 h尿样和血样检测尿酸、肌酐水平,取肾脏和胃称重,观察肾脏病理变化。结果:与CT组相比,造模结束后,所有模型组大...  相似文献   

Knee joint laxity or instability is a common problem that may have detrimental consequences for patients. Unfortunately, assessment of knee joint laxity is limited by current methodologies resulting in suboptimal diagnostics and treatment. This paper presents a novel method for accurately measuring non-invasive knee joint laxity in four degrees-of-freedom (DOF). An arthrometer, combining a parallel manipulator and a six-axis force/moment sensor, was developed to be used in combination with a low-dose biplanar x-ray system and 3D image data to reconstruct tibiofemoral position and orientation of laxity measurements.As proof-of-concept, four cadaveric knees were tested in the device. Each cadaveric knee was mounted in the device at approximately 30° of flexion and twelve monoplanar anteroposterior, mediolateral and internal/external load cases were applied. Additionally, four biplanar load cases were applied, consisting of different combinations of anteroposterior and internal/external loads. The arthrometer was limited to four DOF to address the specific measurements. For validation purposes, the pose reconstructions of tibia and femur were compared with pose reconstructions of bone pin marker frames mounted on each bone.The measurements from the arthrometer in terms of translation and rotations displayed comparable values to what have previously been presented in the literature. Furthermore, the measurements revealed coupled motions in multiple planes, demonstrating the importance of multi DOF laxity measurements. The validation displayed an average mean difference for translations of 0.08 mm and an average limit of agreement between −1.64 mm and 1.80 mm. The average mean difference for rotations was 0.10° and the limit of agreement was between −0.85° and 1.05°.The presented method eliminates several limitations present in current methods and may prove a valuable tool for assessing knee joint laxity.  相似文献   

A survey of formal methods for determining functional joint axes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Understanding in vivo subtalar joint kinematics is important for evaluation of subtalar joint instability, the design of a subtalar prosthesis and for analysing surgical procedures of the ankle and hindfoot. No accurate data are available on the normal range of subtalar joint motion. The purpose of this study was to introduce a method that enables the quantification of the extremes of the range of motion of the subtalar joint in a loaded state using multidetector computed tomography (CT) imaging. In 20 subjects, an external load was applied to a footplate and forced the otherwise unconstrained foot in eight extreme positions. These extreme positions were foot dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, eversion, inversion and four extreme positions in between the before mentioned positions. CT images were acquired in a neutral foot position and each extreme position separately. After bone segmentation and contour matching of the CT data sets, the helical axes were determined for the motion of the calcaneus relative to the talus between four pairs of opposite extreme foot positions. The helical axis was represented in a coordinate system based on the geometric principal axes of the subjects’ talus. The greatest relative motion between the calcaneus and the talus was calculated for foot motion from extreme eversion to extreme inversion (mean rotation about the helical axis of 37.3±5.9°, mean translation of 2.3±1.1 mm). A consistent pattern of range of subtalar joint motion was found for motion of the foot with a considerable eversion and inversion component.  相似文献   

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