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Cardinalfishes, in which males alone provide mouthbrooding, are likely candidates for sex-role reversal because of a higher potential reproductive rate for females than for males. In the gregarious cardinalfish, Apogon notatus, females establish breeding territories to form pairs prior to the breeding season. Within breeding pairs, females are more active in courtship and in attacks against conspecific intruders. Sex roles thus seem to be behaviorally reversed. The operational sex ratio is, however, male-biased because females suffer higher mortality than males and consequently males predominate in number in the adult population, leading to the prediction that males would be sexually selected. In the present study, morphological measurements showed that males had a protrudent lower lip that was expressed markedly during the breeding season. Field observation revealed that males with a longer and wider lip were preferentially accepted as a mating partner by territorial females. The male lip size positively correlated with their somatic condition, suggesting that the ornamental lip has evolved through indicator mechanisms of sexual selection. By contrast, females had longer fins than males, but these sexual dimorphisms were less pronounced and most of them were seasonally constant. These results support the prediction that sexual selection acts on males in this fish. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

多数鸟类通过性特征限制在同性竞争和配偶选择中的“欺骗者”存在,与此相反,雀形目扇尾莺科部分物种表现出繁殖季节性特征消退的身体特征变化模式.在广州市南沙区通过“目字笼”对黄腹山鹪莺配偶关系稳定性的限制机制进行研究,发现虽然雌性个体到访原配个体和对照个体的次数几乎相同,但是雌性个体对原配雄性的单次选择时间明显长于对照雄性个体,总计选择时间也明显长于对照雄性个体.选择实验过程中,原配雄性的跳动次数明显高于对照个体雄性,以竖尾扑哧和鸣声恐吓等为代表的威慑行为次数也明显高于对照雄性个体.结果说明,雌性更青睐于原配个体,配对时间越长,忠诚度越高,而且原配雄性比入侵雄性个体表现出更高的活跃度和威慑行为.繁殖季节性特征消退的物种可以通过保持稳定的配偶关系以限制“欺骗者”存在.可以推测繁殖的巨大投入和雌性之间的同性竞争可能是产生这种配偶稳定性的主要原因.  相似文献   

The red-backed fairy-wren is a socially monogamous passerine bird which exhibits two distinct types of breeding male, bright males that breed in bright red and black plumage and dull males that breed in dull brown plumage. Most males spend their first potential breeding season in dull plumage and subsequent breeding seasons in bright plumage, but a relatively small proportion of males develop bright plumage in their first breeding season. This study quantifies morphology, behavior, and reproductive success of dull and bright males to assess the adaptive costs and benefits of bright plumage while controlling for age. Older bright males (two years of age or older) attempted to increase their reproductive success via copulations with extrapair females, whereas younger (one-year old) bright males and dull males did not. Thus, older bright males spent less time on their own territories, intruded on neighboring groups with fertile females more frequently, gave more courtship displays, and had larger sperm storage organs than did younger bright males and dull males. Microsatellite analyses of paternity indicate that the red-backed fairy-wren has extremely high levels of sexual promiscuity, and that older bright males had higher within-brood paternity than dull males or younger bright males. Regardless of age, bright males were more attractive to females in controlled mate choice trials than were dull males, and both age classes of bright males obtained higher quality mates earlier in the breeding season than did dull males, when nesting success was higher. In conclusion, although it appears that bright plumage increases access to higher quality mates, age also plays a central role in determining a male's overall reproductive success because of the high levels of sexual promiscuity exhibited by the red-backed fairy-wren.  相似文献   

The Darwin–Fisher theory proposes that the presence of male secondary sexual traits in monogamous birds is selected for by early season breeding of females that are in good condition. These early breeding females have high fecundity because of their good condition, and they select mates based on secondary sex traits. We tested whether this hypothesis may be responsible for the presence of male sexual ornaments in the great frigatebird, a socially and genetically monogamous seabird. Consistent with the Darwin–Fisher theory, we found that reproductive success declined over the season. However, males with more exaggerated ornaments were not chosen as mates earlier in the season than males with less exaggerated ornaments, and selection gradients on these ornaments were not significantly different from zero.  相似文献   

Darwin (1871) and later Fisher (1958) suggested that sexual selection can drive the evolution of ornamental traits in monogamous species when female preferences for these traits allow well-ornamented males to begin breeding earlier in a season and, as a result, gain reproductive advantages over poorly ornamented males. However, few studies have been conducted to test this fundamental concept upon which much of the sexual selection theory for monogamous species has been based. In this study, we examined the relationship between breeding onset, reproductive success, and male ornamentation in the House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus , a species in which males display bright carotenoid-based plumage pigmentation. In previous work, it has been shown that bright male House Finches are preferred as social mates by females and, as a result, begin nesting earlier in the season than do drab orange and yellow males. Here we show that, by initiating breeding earlier in the season, brightly colored males fledge more offspring in a season than do drab males. Thus, differential timing of breeding generates considerable variance in reproductive success among male House Finches and contributes to sexual selection for male plumage ornamentation in this species.  相似文献   

Wedekind C  Evanno G  Urbach D  Jacob A  Müller R 《Genetica》2008,132(2):199-208
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.  相似文献   

Free roaming groups of Rhesus monkeys show a clear annual cycle in the incidence of sexual behavior. One hypothesis explaining the control of this cycle is that seasonal variables act directly on females, altering their endocrine status. Aroused females then communicate their sexual receptivity to male group members. The sexual behavior of 35 male Rhesus was observed during the non-mating and the mating season. All animals were maintained in large outdoor enclosures. One group of males (N = 7) were housed with females and juveniles as part of a breeding group. A second group of males (N = 8) had visual contact with the members of the breeding group, and a third group of males (N = 20) had no contact with either of these groups. During the non-mating season no sexual behavior was observed. At the onset of the mating season, the males with females displayed evidence of hormonal arousal and became sexually active. The males with visual contact with the breeding group also evidenced hormonal arousal and began engaging in male-to-male sexual activity. The males in the third group showed no sign of sexual arousal. These findings support the hypothesis that seasonal influences act only on females; and demonstrate that females can communicate their endocrine status to males, even without direct physical contact.  相似文献   

A sexual conflict over levels of parental care occurs in most animals with biparental care, and studies of sexual differences in levels of parental care have usually focused on its intra-annual fitness consequences. We investigated inter-annual fitness consequences of a sexual difference in timing of feather replacement (moult) in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). In this study, males overlapped reproduction and moult more often than females, they also initiated their moult at an earlier stage of breeding than females. Females mated to males with a moult-breeding overlap had significantly lowered survival chances than females mated with males initiating moult after breeding. Furthermore, females mated with moulting males risked a lowered future fecundity in terms of a delayed start to breeding in the following season. However, early moulting males achieved a similar reproductive success as males initiating moult after breeding. Likewise, male survival probability to the following breeding season did not differ between early and late moulting individuals, nor was there any evidence that males gained or lost in future mating advantages by moulting early. These results show not only that a sexual conflict over timing of moult may operate, but also that it can impose severe fitness consequences, in terms of reduced future fecundity and survival probability, upon the ''losing'' sex.  相似文献   

Observations and several types of field experiments on the mating behavior of wood frogs have revealed the proximate mechanisms for a size-related reproductive advantage in both males and females. For females, larger individuals produce larger clutches; for males, larger individuals can better remain clasped to females when contested by rival males and can better depose males clasped to other females. No results obtained support of the existence of mate choice in either males or females. Males were estimated to be 4.74 times as variable as females in the number of zygotes produced per individual per season; however, much of the variation in male RS resulted from a male-biased sex ratio at the breeding site rather than from sexual selection. After taking sex ratio effects into consideration, males were estimated to be only 1.63 times as variable as females. Patterns of variation in RS in males and females are associated with numerous sex-specific differences in life history and morphology. Life history differences include differential growth rates, ages at sexual maturity, and rates of mortality. Interpretation of how the body size dimorphism (females larger than males) in this species relates to sexual selection is consistent with information on how similar variations in body size influence RS for each sex, and how males and females differ in the functional relationship between body size and RS. Average RS increases more with body size in females than in males. Although body size directly influences RS for females, the possibility exists that, for males, other anatomical features correlated with body size more directly affect RS. Preliminary evidence suggests that sexual selection influences male arm length and that the male body size : RS relationship results as an incidental correlation.  相似文献   

Paul  Verell  Janet  Palton 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(1):37-50
The sexual strategies of salamanders are largely'unobservable'owing to the low visibility typical of their preferred breeding habitats. We conducted both field and laboratory studies to investigate the sexual strategy of the North American central long-toed salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum columbianum. Capture-recapture and cohort-marking of salamanders at an aquatic breeding site indicated that males arrive before females and remain in the water for longer periods of time (measured in weeks, rather than days as for females). We estimate that the overall duration of the breeding season is short, three weeks or less. Courtship between single males and females is characterized by repeated bouts of axillary amplexus, separated by multiple episodes of spermatophore deposition. Amplectant males provide females with considerable tactile stimulation in the form of head-rubbing. Unpaired males attempt to displace amplectant males from their partners by wrestling with them. In addition, unpaired males appear to interfere in ongoing courtship encounters during the spermatophore deposition stage, perhaps attempting to 'steal'inseminations. We suggest that explosive scramble-competition polygyny best describes the mating system of A. m. columbianum. Operational sex ratios are probably male-biased throughout the short breeding season, leading to intense competition among males for mates. Mate choice (by either sex) probably is of little importance as a determinant of mating success.  相似文献   

Bill size is often viewed as a species‐specific adaptation for feeding, but it sometimes varies between sexes, suggesting that sexual selection or intersexual competition may also be important. Hypotheses to explain sexual dimorphism in avian bill size include divergence in feeding niche or thermoregulatory demands, intrasexual selection based on increased competition among males, or female preference. Birds also show seasonal changes in bill size due to shifts in the balance between growth rate and wear, which may be due to diet or endogenous rhythms in growth. Insight into the function of dimorphism can be gained using the novel approach of digital x‐ray imaging of museum skins to examine the degree to which the skeletal core or the rhamphotheca contribute to overall dimorphism. The rhamphotheca is ever‐growing and ever‐wearing, varying in size throughout life; whereas the skeletal core shows determinant growth. Because tidal marsh sparrows are more dimorphic in bill size than related taxa, we selected two marsh taxa to investigate dimorphism and seasonality in the size of the overall bill, the skeletal core, and the rhamphotheca. Bill size varied by sex and season, with males having larger bills than females, and bill size increasing from nonbreeding to breeding season more in males. Skeletal bill size varied with season, but not sex. The rhamphotheca varied primarily with sex; males had a larger rhamphotheca (corrected for skeletal bill size), which showed a greater seasonal increase than females. The rhamphotheca, rather than the skeletal bill, was responsible for sexual dimorphism in overall bill size, which was particularly well developed in the breeding season. The size of the rhamphotheca may be a condition‐based character that is shaped by sexual selection. These results are consistent with the evidence that bill size is influenced by sexual selection as well as trophic ecology.  相似文献   

Unfamiliar males were introduced during the breeding season to a stable heterosexual group of rhesus monkeys to determine how the presence of more dominant resident males affected their mating activity and how their entry was received by resident females. Initially, new males were allowed access to females under controlled conditions both in the presence and absence of resident males, simulating situations which may occur under natural conditions. Results indicated that the sexual activity, including ejaculation rate, of the new males was initially inhibited by the presence of more dominant, resident males, but these inhibiting properties did not carry over to periods when the resident males were absent and were diminished with time. Group females preferentially directed their behavior towards the new males throughout the study. These data suggest that although entry of new males into a stable group is at low rank, their subsequent reproductive success may not be reduced and that the association with resident females may facilitate male rhesus transfer between groups observed during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The effects of males, field, and laboratory conditions on the receptivity of females were tested in the New Zealand purple rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Onset and duration of female receptivity is of interest because it influences the time available for mating and therefore the operational sex ratio (OSR), male-male competition, and the extent of sperm competition. Females were receptive once a year for a short time prior to oviposition. The breeding season was highly synchronised and lasted for about 3 weeks (from the end of March to mid-April; southern autumn), after which, almost all females carried eggs. We found few receptive females in the field (0% to 4.9%) during the breeding season despite a large number of crabs examined (935 in 1999 and 555 in 2000), suggesting that females are receptive for less than a day. The onset of the breeding season was the same for the wild crabs and those held in field cages, but the duration of receptivity increased to several days for caged females. The onset of the breeding season of females in the laboratory was earlier compared to females in the field and had, overall, a longer breeding season. Females isolated from males stayed receptive significantly longer (5.5 days) than females caged with males (3.3 days), suggesting that the duration of female receptivity is adjusted according to the presence or absence of males. Our results suggest that females have some control over their receptivity in relation to male presence, and this could influence the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

1. In this study I show that a sexual difference in timing of the post-nuptial moult frequently occurs in a sub-arctic population of the pied flycatcher.
2. Most pairs started to moult after fledging of their young, but an overlap between moult and nestling feeding was more common among males than females. This sexual difference in moult–breeding overlap increased as the season progressed.
3. Females with moult–breeding overlap laid smaller clutches than non-moulting females. In addition to many other factors explaining the seasonal decline in clutch size that has been found for many bird species, it is possible that females adjust their clutch size according to their own risk of having to start moulting while still feeding the nestlings.
4. Nearly 24% of the females were deserted by their mate before the young fledged. Desertion imposed no fitness costs to males in terms of fledgling number or quality, suggesting that their females managed to adjust their care for the loss of male care.
5. Deserted females started moulting later than aided females, which may be a result of their increased reproductive investment.
6. Deserted females and females aided by moulting males had lower survival rate than females aided by non-moulting males.
7. These findings suggests that delayed moult may be one mechanism causing inter-annual reproductive costs in birds, and the relationship between a sexual difference in timing of moult and its fitness consequences may be widespread among passerine birds.  相似文献   

The longnose filefish,Oxymonacanthus longirostris, usually lives in heterosexual pairs, the male and female swimming together and sharing the same territory. Pair territoriality in the species was examined in detail in relation to sexual differences in territorial defense activities. Rigorous pair territoriality was maintained only during the breeding season, although pairs used their home ranges exclusively to a certain extent, during the non-breeding season. The frequency of aggression against other conspecific pairs in the breeding season was higher than in the non-breeding season. Agonistic interactions appear to be over both mates and food resources, the strict pair territoriality in the breeding season possibly being due to mutual mate guarding. In intraspecific aggressive interactions, males usually led their partner females when attacking intruders. The feeding frequency of males was much lower than that of females in the breeding season. Mate removal experiments indicated that females could not defend their original territories solitarily and their feeding frequency decreased. Conversely, males could defend territories solitarily without a decrease in feeding frequency. These results suggest that males contribute most to the defense of the pair territory, with females benefiting from territorial pair-swimming with their partner males.  相似文献   

Some of the most spectacular exaggerated sexual ornaments are carotenoid dependent. It has been suggested that such ornaments have evolved because carotenoid pigments are limiting for both signal expression and in their role as antioxidants and immunostimulants. An implicit assumption of this hypothesis is that males which can afford to produce more elaborate carotenoid-dependent displays are signalling their enhanced ability to resist parasites, disease or oxidative stress and hence would be predicted to live longer. Therefore, in species with carotenoid-dependent ornaments where a parent's future longevity is crucial for determining offspring survival, there should be a mating preference for partners that present the lowest risk of mortality during the breeding attempt, as signalled by the ability to allocate carotenoids to sexual displays. In an experimental study using three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we show that when dietary carotenoid intake is limited, males attempt to maintain their sexual ornament at the expense of body carotenoids and hence suffer from reduced reproductive investment and a shorter lifespan. These males also suffer from an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress, suggesting that this may constitute the mechanism underlying the increased rate of ageing. Furthermore, in pairwise mate-choice trials, females preferred males that had a greater access to carotenoids and chance of surviving the breeding season, suggesting that females can make adaptive mate choice decisions based on a male's carotenoid status and potential future longevity.  相似文献   

Year-round local movements of adult Japanese fluvial sculpin.Cottus pollux (large egg type), were investigated by a capture-mark-and-recapture method from July 1989 to July 1990 in the upper reaches of the Inabe River, central Japan. In the pre-breeding (July to January) and post-breeding seasons (June to July), the mean distance of movements in males and females was less than 20 m, and there was no apparent tendency to move into a particular channel-unit habitat, suggesting residential tendency in both sexes. In the breeding season (February to May), males tended to move into the raceways where most of the spawning nests were found, but females did not do likewise, indicating a sexual difference in movements in that season. Such sexual difference in movements was also confirmed by the records of individuals captured and recaptured more than three times: six (42.9%) of 14 males moved into the raceways in the breeding season, whereas only one (7.1%) of 14 females did so in that season. The reason behind this sexual difference in movements observed in the breeding season is discussed from the viewpoint of the patterns of spatial distribution between sexes during the pre-breeding and breeding seasons.  相似文献   

The frequency and pattern of interactions between males and females of sika deerCervus nippon were surveyed in 3 sites of Nara Park, central Japan, mainly via observation of allogrooming frequency and aggressive behavior throughout the breeding and rutting seasons. In the breeding season, the Daibutsuden group contained several adult males while Ukimido and Hakuba groups contained only a few. Most allogroomers were adult and subadult females. Females groomed the same sex more than the opposite sex at Daibutsuden, but at the other 2 sites, there was no such difference. In general, male-female interactions through allogrooming frequencies in the breeding season were not significantly fewer than intra-sex interactions. Males that attacked females tended to be groomed by females in the breeding season. In the rutting season, all adult males identified in the breeding season were absent at the usual observation sites, and newly arrived males showed defensive and/or mating behaviors. Females groomed adult males in the rutting season regardless of group status or display of sexual interactions. This suggests that male-female allogrooming in the breeding season does not relate to mating in the following rutting season, but may reduce tension in the group during the current breeding season.  相似文献   

The buccal morphology was compared between the sexes of the cardinalfish Apogon doederleini, in which males provide mouthbrooding. The brood size increased proportionally with male buccal space, which increased with the fourth power of the standard length. In the breeding season, males had a larger buccal space than females, whereas there was no sexual difference in the non-breeding season, suggesting sexually different flexibility in the buccal morphology. In spite of a selective advantage to males with a larger mouth, they did not show a higher allometric growth of buccal characters or higher body growth than females. In males, the urohyal was shorter and its height to length ratio was greater than in females. This osteological modification, accompanied by depression of the lower jaw and abduction of the suspensorium, would allow males to expand their buccal cavity more effectively.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic ungulates, sexual segregation is hypothesized to have evolved because of sex-specific differences in body size and/or reproductive strategies. We tested these alternative hypotheses in kangaroos, which are ecological analogues of ungulates. Kangaroos exhibit a wide range of body sizes, particularly among mature males, and so the effects of body size and sex can be distinguished. We tested predictions derived from these hypotheses by comparing the distribution of three sex–sex size classes of western grey kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus , in different habitats, and the composition of groups of kangaroos, across seasons. In accordance with the predation risk-reproductive strategy hypothesis, during the non-breeding season, females, which were more susceptible to predation than larger males, and were accompanied by vulnerable young-at-foot, were over-represented in secure habitats. Large males, which were essentially immune to predation, occurred more often than expected in nutrient-rich habitat, and small males, which faced competing demands of predator avoidance and feeding, were intermediate between females and large males in their distribution across habitats. During the breeding season, females continued to be over-represented in secure habitats when their newly emerged pouch young were most vulnerable to predation. All males occupied these same habitats to maximize their chances of securing mates. Consistent with the social hypotheses, groups composed of individuals of the same sex, irrespective of body size, were over-represented in the population during the non-breeding season, while during the breeding season all males sought females so that mixed-sex groups predominated. These results indicate that body size and reproductive strategies are both important, yet independent, factors influencing segregation in western grey kangaroos.  相似文献   

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