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从紫色非硫光合细菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides 601的吸氢酶(hup)基因簇中,克隆了hupT基因,并对该基因进行了测序,分析了由其推测的氨基酸序列的同源性.hupT基因全长1 332 bp,编码一分子量约为48 23 kD的蛋白.将hupT基因引入大肠杆菌进行了体外表达.纯化基因产物HupT,并进行HupT的自身磷酸化分析.结果表明,HupT属于双组份调节系统中的组氧酸蛋白激酶.将hupT基因导入光合菌Rhodobacter capsulatus吸氢酶负调节基因突变株BSE8后.野生型吸氢酶的表型得以恢复,说明所克隆的R.sphaeroides 601中的hupT基因在吸氢酶的表达中起负调节作用.  相似文献   

人体ε-珠蛋白基因5′旁侧DNA序列对该基因时空表达与调控起着十分重要的作用。本文运用凝胶电泳阻抑法,DNaseI足印法和Southwesternblot分析法发现在胚胎型红白血病细胞株K562细胞中有一个特异的核蛋白因子(简称ε-SSP,其分子量大约为80kD),它能专一地与人体ε-珠蛋白基因5′旁侧一个红细胞专一和发育时期特异的正调控元件(ε-PREII,-446bp到-419bp)相结合。竞争实验表明该因子与ε-PREII的结合能被人体ε-珠蛋白基因启动子区DNA片段(-177bp到+1bp)所竞争;同时也能被人体β-类珠蛋白基因远侧端调控元件LCR中的DNaseI超敏感点I核心区DNA片段(-10965bp到-10681bp)与超敏感点II核心区DNA片段(-14993bp到-14718bp)所竞争。我们的结果提示了ε-SSP不仅是一个与红细胞专一性和发育时期特异性相关的反式调控因子,而且它可能介导远侧端调控元件(LCR)与近侧端调控元件启动子之间的相互作用,共同调节ε-珠蛋白基因在胚胎期的表达。  相似文献   

从光合细菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides基因文库中分离出含有氢化酶基因簇(hup)的粘粒cosmid 1后,亚克隆了R.sphaeroides的氢化酶调节基因hupR,测定了hupR的核苷酸序列,并完成了氢化酶基因簇的部分物理图谱。实验结果表明,hupR基因全长1476bp,编码的HupR基因分子量约为54.031kD(EMBL接受号:A243734)。与R.capsulatus中HupR相比,同源性高达73%。同源性比较结果表明,它属于双组分调节系统中受体蛋白。hupR基因在E.coli中进行了体外表达,纯化后测定得到的HupR蛋白 分子量大小与hupR基因推测的分子量大小一致。通过双交换,将卡那霉素抗性基因插入hupR基因,获得丧失氢化酶活性的hupR^-的突变株,KR5和KR7。hupS∷lacZ融合基因在野生型中的转录表达量是在该突变株中的7-9倍。将hupR基因置于弱启动子pfru下游,构建了质粒pNRC3,并将其导入hupR^-的突变株,可使突变株重新获得氢化酶活性。以上结果说明,HupR蛋白对氢化酶的转录表达起着正调节作用。在HupR蛋白的磷酸化区域进行定点和缺失突变。不影响HupR激活氢化酶基因的表达,推测HupR蛋白是在非磷酸化的状态下起调节作用的。  相似文献   

The ability of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1T to respire anaerobically with the alternative electron acceptor dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is manifested by the molybdoenzyme DMSO reductase, which is encoded by genes of the dor locus. Previously, we have demonstrated that dor expression is regulated in response to lowered oxygen tensions and the presence of DMSO or TMAO in the growth medium. Several regulatory proteins have been identified as key players in this regulatory cascade: FnrL, DorS-DorR, and DorX-DorY. To further examine the role of redox potentiation in the regulation of dor expression, we measured DMSO reductase synthesis and β-galactosidase activity from dor::lacZ fusions in strains containing mutations in the redox-active proteins CcoP and RdxB, which have previously been implicated in the generation of a redox signal affecting photosynthesis gene expression. Unlike the wild-type strain, both mutants were able to synthesize DMSO reductase under strictly aerobic conditions, even in the absence of DMSO. When cells were grown photoheterotrophically, dorC::lacZ expression was stimulated by increasing light intensity in the CcoP mutant, whereas it is normally repressed in the wild-type strain under such conditions. Furthermore, the expression of genes encoding the DorS sensor kinase and DorR response regulator proteins was also affected by the ccoP mutation. By using CcoP-DorR and CcoP-DorY double mutants, it was shown that the DorR protein is strictly required for altered dor expression in CcoP mutants. These results further demonstrate a role for redox-generated responses in the expression of genes encoding DMSO reductase in R. sphaeroides and identify the DorS-DorR proteins as a redox-dependent regulatory system controlling dor expression.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequencing of the region upstream of two ferredoxingenes, fdxC and fdxN, of Rhodobacter capsulatus revealed theexistence of one open reading frame (ORF), ORFU1,in the sameorientation as these genes and two other ORFs, ORFU2 and ORFU3,in the opposite orientation. Two potential –24/–12promoters were found in front of ORFU1 and ORFU2, respectively,and there was a putative upstream activator sequence (UAS) orNifA-binding site between them. The ORFs corresponded to noknown nif genes. However, analysis of their putative productsshowed that the product of ORFU1 (Mr 47,912) and that of ORFU3(Mr 19,090) flavodoxin-like domain and a 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin-likedomain, respectively, and that the product of ORFU2 (Mr 20,424)was a hydrophobic protein with six potential membrane-spanningportions. Results of interposon mutagenesis and complementationexperiments indicated ORFU2 but not ORFU1 is essential for nitrogenfixation and that additional gene(s) essential nitrogen fixationmust be present in the unsequenced region adjacent to ORFU3.Translational fusion analysis involving lacZYA and fdxN or ORFU3provided evidence that the putative UAS responsible for regulationof both ORFUl-fdxC-fdxNand ORFU2-ORFU3 operons in opposite orientations,and that the control of the latter is stricter than that ofthe former. (Received August 19, 1992; Accepted November 16, 1992)  相似文献   

In a ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO)-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, strain 16PHC, nitrogenase activity was derepressed in the presence of ammonia under photoheterotrophic growth conditions. Previous studies also showed that reintroduction of a functional RubisCO and Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) pathway suppressed the deregulation of nitrogenase synthesis in this strain. In this study, the derepression of nitrogenase synthesis in the presence of ammonia in strain 16PHC was further explored by using a glnB::lacZ fusion, since the product of the glnB gene is known to have a negative effect on ammonia-regulated nif control. It was found that glnB expression was repressed in strain 16PHC under photoheterotrophic growth conditions with either ammonia or glutamate as the nitrogen source; glutamine synthetase (GS) levels were also affected in this strain. However, when cells regained a functional CBB pathway by trans complementation of the deleted genes, wild-type levels of GS and glnB expression were restored. Furthermore, a glnB-like gene, glnK, was isolated from this organism, and its expression was found to be under tight nitrogen control in the wild type. Surprisingly, glnK expression was found to be derepressed in strain 16PHC under photoheterotrophic conditions in the presence of ammonia.  相似文献   

腺苷酸琥珀酸裂解酶(ADSL)是双功能酶,催化嘌呤核苷酸的起始合成与嘌呤核苷酸的循环。通过对寿光鸡ADSL 5′调控区1035bp的序列进行克隆和测序分析,发现其具有典型的管家基因特征:没有真核基因明显的TATA盒和CAAT盒出现,并且位于起始密码子(ATG)前234个碱基具有非常高的GC含量达72.65%。在邻近起始密码子“ATG”处,5′调控区含有两个核呼吸因子-2(NRF-2),在相同位置上人类ADSL基因也具有与此类似的两个核呼吸因子-2结合位点,被认为在嘌呤核苷酸合成途径起到重要作用。值得一提的是位于寿光鸡5′侧翼调控区-27号碱基发生C→T突变,存在于所有研究的寿光鸡个体中,频率为1。该突变使得本来不是NRF-2(核呼吸因子2)结合位点的CTCC突变为NRF-2结合位点CTTC。而人类却恰恰与此相反第一个NRF-2结合位点发生了突变(CTTC→CTCC),并导致出现ADSL缺陷症状。  相似文献   

人SCF基因5′旁侧-1190~- 853 AT富集区功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 已有的报告基因和EMSA实验研究表明 ,人干细胞生长因子 (SCF)基因 5′旁侧AT富集区- 1 1 90~ - 853在HeLa和MCF 7细胞中均能增强下游基因转录 ,可能为一个核基质结合区(MAR) ,对人SCF基因的转录发挥调控作用 .为进一步研究该AT富集区的功能 ,将人SCF基因 5′旁侧 - 1 1 90~ - 853AT富集区分别克隆入SV40或CMV启动子前后紧接着CAT报告基因 ,瞬时转染Jurkat,HepG2和 3T3细胞 ,检测CAT报告基因的瞬时表达活性 .结果表明 :人SCF基因 5′旁侧- 1 1 90~ - 853AT富集区在Jurkat和HepG2细胞中 ,对分别由SV40和CMV启动子引导的CAT基因表达均有抑制作用 ;但在 3T3细胞中对SV40启动子的转录活性表现出增强作用 ,对CMV启动子的转录活性无明显影响 .这些结果提示 ,人SCF基因 5′旁侧 - 1 1 90~ - 853AT富集区转录调控具有组织细胞特异性 ,在不同的细胞中可能发挥转录增强或抑制作用  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region in 4 Chinese yak breeds, and compare the yak CSN1S1 gene promoter region sequences with other ruminants. A Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism protocol was developed for rapid genotyping of the yak CSN1S1 gene. One hundred fifty-eight animals from 4 Chinese yak breeds were genotyped at the CSN1S1 locus using the protocol developed. A single nucleotide polymorphism of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region has been identified in all yak breeds investigated. The polymorphism consists of a single nucleotide substitution G→A at position 386 of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region, resulting in two alleles named, respectively, G386 and A386, based on the nucleotide at position 386. The allele G386 was found to be more common in the animals investigated. The corresponding nucleotide sequences in GenBank of yak (having the same nucleotides as allele G386 in this study), bovine, water buffalo, sheep, and goat had similarity of 99.68%, 99.35%, 97.42%, 95.14%, and 94.19%, respectively, with the yak allele A386.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Drosophila pseudoobscura populations was inferred from a nucleotide sequence analysis of a 3.4-kb segment of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) region. A total of 99 isochromosomal strains collected from 13 populations in North and South America were used to determine if any population departed from a neutral model and to estimate levels of gene flow between populations. This study also included the nucleotide sequences from two sibling species, D. persimilis and D. miranda. We estimated the neutral mutation parameter, 4N mu, in synonymous and noncoding sites for 17 subregions of Adh in each of nine populations with sample sizes greater than three. The nucleotide diversity data in the nine populations was tested for departures from an equilibrium neutral model with two statistical tests. The Tajima and the Hudson, Kreitman, Aguade tests showed that each population fails to reject a neutral model. Tests for genetic differentiation between populations fail to show any population substructure among the North American populations of D. pseudoobscura. The nucleotide diversity data is consistent with direct and indirect measures of gene flow that show extensive dispersal between populations of D. pseudoobscura.  相似文献   

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