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Flavobacteria and their phages were isolated from Finnish freshwaters and fish farms. Emphasis was placed on finding phages infecting the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare for use as phage therapy agents. The host ranges of the flavobacterial phages varied, phages infecting F. columnare being more host specific than the other phages.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of endemic and epidemic diarrheal disease worldwide. Although not classically considered an inflammatory pathogen in the style of Shigella and Salmonella species, clinical data from patients suggests that inflammatory responses may play an important role during EAEC disease. However, the specific role of inflammation during EAEC pathogenesis has not been investigated in detail. To better understand how EAEC may induce inflammation, we have focused our attention on the intimate interactions between EAEC and the host epithelium and the subsequent induction of host cell signaling events leading to innate immune responses. Here, we discuss our recent findings on the signaling pathway by which EAEC promotes transepithelial migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), the role of aggregative adherence fimbriae in triggering this event and the implementation of human intestinal xenografts in immunodeficient mice for studying EAEC pathogenesis in vivo. Our findings suggest that EAEC shares conserved mechanisms of inducing PMN recruitment with other intestinal pathogens, providing new insight into the potential pathological consequences of EAEC-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of endemic and epidemic diarrheal disease worldwide. Although not classically considered an inflammatory pathogen in the style of Shigella and Salmonella species, clinical data from patients suggests that inflammatory responses may play an important role during EAEC disease. However, the specific role of inflammation during EAEC pathogenesis has not been investigated in detail. To better understand how EAEC may induce inflammation, we have focused our attention on the intimate interactions between EAEC and the host epithelium and the subsequent induction of host cell signaling events leading to innate immune responses. Here, we discuss our recent findings on the signaling pathway by which EAEC promotes transepithelial migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), the role of aggregative adherence fimbriae in triggering this event and the implementation of human intestinal xenografts in immunodeficient mice for studying EAEC pathogenesis in vivo. Our findings suggest that EAEC shares conserved mechanisms of inducing PMN recruitment with other intestinal pathogens, providing new insight into the potential pathological consequences of EAEC-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

Dinosaur behaviour has little legacy in the fossil record and the rarity of fossil soft tissues makes it difficult to evaluate. Indirect evidence from bonebeds, trackways, nesting traces and in-group comparisons with extant Archosauria suggests that the only substantive arguments to be made for dinosaur sociality concern cranial ornamentation and herding behaviour. There is currently no reliable method to determine gender from skeletal remains. Dinosaur reproductive anatomy was a unique combination of crocodilian and avian characters and extant models indicate that dinosaurs copulated using a reptilian ‘leg over back’ posture. Reliable evidence for post-hatching care in dinosaurs is lacking and extant archosaurs yield little insight. A hypothesis is proposed that for the majority of dinosaurs there was no post-hatching care provided which would have allowed adults energy acquisition that would otherwise have been required for defence and provisioning to be redirected towards growth and increased fecundity, both traits for which there is fossil evidence. Arguments suggesting that the more advanced aspects of extant avian care boasting an explicit coelurosaurian theropod origin are rejected as these behaviours appear unique to the Neornithes. Three ancestral care hypotheses are tested and none conform in a satisfactory manner with body fossil and ichnological evidence.  相似文献   

Cocktail combinations of bacteria-infecting viruses (bacteriophages) can suppress pathogenic bacterial growth. However, predicting how phage cocktails influence microbial communities with complex ecological interactions, specifically cross-feeding interactions in which bacteria exchange nutrients, remains challenging. Here, we used experiments and mathematical simulations to determine how to best suppress a model pathogen, E. coli, when obligately cross-feeding with S. enterica. We tested whether the duration of pathogen suppression caused by a two-lytic phage cocktail was maximized when both phages targeted E. coli, or when one phage targeted E. coli and the other its cross-feeding partner, S. enterica. Experimentally, we observed that cocktails targeting both cross-feeders suppressed E. coli growth longer than cocktails targeting only E. coli. Two non-mutually exclusive mechanisms could explain these results: (i) we found that treatment with two E. coli phage led to the evolution of a mucoid phenotype that provided cross-resistance against both phages, and (ii) S. enterica set the growth rate of the coculture, and therefore, targeting S. enterica had a stronger effect on pathogen suppression. Simulations suggested that cross-resistance and the relative growth rates of cross-feeders modulated the duration of E. coli suppression. More broadly, we describe a novel bacteriophage cocktail strategy for pathogens that cross-feed.  相似文献   

Phage Folac: an Folac plasmid-dependent bacteriophage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By enriching sewage with Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium strains harbouring the plasmid EDP208, a constitutive pilus-producing derivative of plasmid F olac, a phage was isolated which plated on these two organisms but not on isogenic strains without the plasmid. The phage was named F olac; it has a hexagonal outline with a diameter of 28 nm, contained RNA, was resistant to chloroform, and probably adsorbed preferentially to the sides of EDP208 pili very near the tip. Phage multiplication could be demonstrated on E. coli or S. typhimurium strains carrying the plasmid F olac, but an increase in titre did not occur on E. coli strains carrying plasmids of the F complex. Results of phage multiplication experiments on strains carrying the depressed pilus-producing plasmids R71 or TP224-Tc, which determine pili serologically related to those of EDP208, were inconclusive. Phage F olac was found to be serologically related to phage UA-6, another isolate specific for EDP208.  相似文献   

Selection on pathogens tends to favour the evolution of growth and reproductive rates and a concomitant level of virulence (damage done to the host) that maximizes pathogen fitness. Yet, because hosts often pose varying selective environments to pathogens, one level of virulence may not be appropriate for all host types. Indeed, if a level of virulence confers high fitness to the pathogen in one host phenotype but low fitness in another host phenotype, alternative virulence strategies may be maintained in the pathogen population. Such strategies can occur either as polymorphism, where different strains of pathogen evolve specialized virulence strategies in different host phenotypes or as polyphenism, where pathogens facultatively express alternative virulence strategies depending on host phenotype. Polymorphism potentially leads to specialist pathogens capable of infecting a limited range of host phenotypes, whereas polyphenism potentially leads to generalist pathogens capable of infecting a wider range of hosts. Evaluating how variation among hosts affects virulence evolution can provide insight into pathogen diversity and is critical in determining how host pathogen interactions affect the phenotypic evolution of both hosts and pathogens.  相似文献   

A pervasive problem in invasion ecology is the limited recovery of native communities following removal of invaders. Little evidence exists on the causes of variation in post-invasion recovery. In a 4-year experiment using 65 sets of matched plots, we imposed an invader removal treatment (with control) on heterogeneous grassland plots invaded or uninvaded by an aggressive recent arrival, Aegilops triuncialis (barb goatgrass). We tested the validity of plot matching using transplants and soil analyses. We analyzed the community-level correlates of invader impacts, removal treatment side effects, and community recovery, each defined in two ways: by compositional similarity to uninvaded plots, and by relative native species richness. Recovery of native species richness in invaded and treated plots was high (approaching 100 %) although recovery of composition was not high (median 71 % Bray–Curtis dissimilarity to uninvaded untreated plots). We measured resilience as the residuals of community recovery in models that controlled for invader impacts and removal treatment side effects. Compositional resilience was highest where the uninvaded communities had the least cover by other invaders in the same functional group as the focal invader. Richness resilience was highest where the uninvaded communities had the lowest native species richness. Our study suggests that the recovery of native species per se may be a more relevant goal than the recovery of the exact pre-invasion species composition of particular sites, particularly in cases where pre-invasion species composition included exotic species other than the focal invader.  相似文献   

Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an obligately intracellular tick-transmitted bacterial pathogen of humans and other animals. During the course of infection, A. phagocytophilum utilizes gene conversion to shuffle ~100 functional pseudogenes into a single expression cassette of the msp2(p44) gene, which codes for the major surface antigen and major surface protein 2 (MSP2). The role and extent of msp2(p44) recombination, particularly in hosts that only experience acute infections, is not clear. In the present study, we explored patterns of recombination and expression of the msp2(p44) gene of A. phagocytophilum in a serially infected mouse model. Even though the bacterium was passed rapidly among mice, minimizing the opportunities for the host to develop adaptive immunity, we detected the emergence of 34 unique msp2(p44) expression cassette variants. The expression of msp2(p44) pseudogenes did not follow a consistent pattern among different groups of mice, although some pseudogenes were expressed more frequently than others. In addition, among 263 expressed pseudogenes, 3 mosaic sequences each consisting of 2 different pseudogenes were identified. Population genetic analysis showed that genetic diversity and subpopulation differentiation tended to increase over time until stationarity was reached but that the variance that was observed in allele (expressed pseudogene) frequency could occur by drift alone only if a high variance in bacterial reproduction could be assumed. These findings suggest that evolutionary forces influencing antigen variation in A. phagocytophilum may comprise random genetic drift as well as some innate but apparently nonpurifying selection prior to the strong frequency-dependent selection that occurs cyclically after hosts develop strong adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

Pantoea ananatis causes disease symptoms in a wide range of economically important agricultural crops and forest tree species worldwide. It is regarded as an emerging pathogen based on the increasing number of reports of diseases occurring on previously unrecorded hosts in different parts of the world. Its unconventional nature lies in the fact that, unlike the majority of plant pathogenic microbes, P. ananatis is capable of infecting humans and occurs in diverse ecological niches, such as part of a bacterial community contaminating aviation jet fuel tanks and contributing to growth promotion in potato and pepper.
Taxonomy: Bacteria; Gammaproteobacteria ; family Enterobacteriaceae ; genus Pantoea.
Microbiological properties: Gram-negative; facultatively anaerobic; most strains are motile and produce a yellow pigment in culture; indole positive.
Biology: Pantoea ananatis is a common epiphyte; it also occurs endophytically in hosts where it has been reported to cause disease symptoms and in hosts where no such symptoms have been described. Some strains are ice-nucleating, a feature which has been used as a biological control mechanism against some insect pests of agricultural crops and by the food industry.
Disease symptoms: Pantoea ananatis infects both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. The symptoms are diverse depending on the host infected, and include leaf blotches and spots, die-back, and stalk, fruit and bulb rot.
Biological control agent: Pantoea ananatis has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. These characteristics have the potential of being exploited by biological control specialists.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns in biodiversity is a core ambition in ecological research. Existing ecological theories focusing on individual species, populations, communities, or niches aid in understanding the determinants of biodiversity patterns, yet very few general models for biodiversity have emerged from simplistic approaches. We propose that a systematic, low-dimensional representation of environmental space with building blocks adopted from gradient, niche, metapopulation and assembly theory may unite old and new aspects of biodiversity theory and improve our understanding of variation in terrestrial biodiversity.We propose the term ecospace to cover the local conditions and resources underlying diversity. Our definition of ecospace encompasses abiotic position, biotic expansion and spatiotemporal continuity, which all affect the biodiversity of a biotope (α-diversity). Position refers to placement along abiotic gradients such as temperature, soil pH and fertility, leading to environmental filtering known from classical community theory. Expansion represents the build-up and diversification of organic matter that are not strictly given by position. Continuity refers to the spatiotemporal extension of position and expansion.Biodiversity is scale dependent. The contribution of one biotope to large scale diversity must be estimated by considering its unique contribution to the species richness of the surrounding landscape or region or to the biodiversity of the entire planet. In addition to the relationship between ecospace and biotope richness (α-diversity), we also propose a relation between the uniqueness of the biotope ecospace and the unique contribution of species to the surrounding larger-scale richness.Whereas the impacts of ecospace position and continuity on biodiversity have been studied in isolation, studies comparing or combining them are rare. Furthermore, biotic expansion has never been fully developed as a determinant of biodiversity, ignoring the megadiverse carbon-depending groups of insects and fungi. Precursors of the ecospace concept have been presented over the last 70 years, but they were never fully developed conceptually for terrestrial biodiversity or applied to prediction of biodiversity.Ecospace unites classical and – at times – contradicting theories such as niche theory, island biogeography theory and a suite of community assembly theories into one framework for further development of a general theory of terrestrial biodiversity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Banana (Musa spp.) is grown throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The fruits are a key staple food in many developing countries and a source of income for subsistence farmers. Bananas are also a major, multibillion-dollar export commodity for consumption primarily in developed countries, where few banana cultivars are grown. The fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella fijiensis causes black leaf streak disease (BLSD; aka black Sigatoka leaf spot) on the majority of edible banana cultivars grown worldwide. The fact that most of these cultivars are sterile and unsuitable for the breeding of resistant lines necessitates the extensive use of fungicides as the primary means of disease control. BLSD is a significant threat to the food security of resource-poor populations who cannot afford fungicides, and increases the environmental and health hazards where large-acreage monocultures of banana (Cavendish subgroup, AAA genome) are grown for export. TAXONOMY: Mycosphaerella fijiensis M. Morelet is a sexual, heterothallic fungus having Pseudocercospora fijiensis (M. Morelet) Deighton as the anamorph stage. It is a haploid, hemibiotrophic ascomycete within the class Dothideomycetes, order Capnodiales and family Mycosphaerellaceae. Its taxonomic placement is based on DNA phylogeny, morphological analyses and cultural characteristics. DISEASE SYMPTOMS AND HOST RANGE: Mycosphaerella fijiensis is a leaf pathogen that causes reddish-brown streaks running parallel to the leaf veins, which aggregate to form larger, dark-brown to black compound streaks. These streaks eventually form fusiform or elliptical lesions that coalesce, form a water-soaked border with a yellow halo and, eventually, merge to cause extensive leaf necrosis. The disease does not kill the plants immediately, but weakens them by decreasing the photosynthetic capacity of leaves, causing a reduction in the quantity and quality of fruit, and inducing the premature ripening of fruit harvested from infected plants. Although Musa spp. are the primary hosts of M. fijiensis, the ornamental plant Heliconia psittacorum has been reported as an alternative host. NEW OPPORTUNITIES: Several valuable tools and resources have been developed to overcome some of the challenges of studying this host-pathogen system. These include a DNA-mediated fungal transformation system and the ability to conduct targeted gene disruptions, reliable quantitative plant bioassays, diagnostic probes to detect and differentiate M. fijiensis from related pathogens and to distinguish strains of different mating types, and a genome sequence that has revealed a wealth of gene sequences and molecular markers to be utilized in functional and population biology studies. USEFUL WEBSITES: http://bananas.bioversityinternational.org/, http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Mycfi2/Mycfi2.home.html, http://www.isppweb.org/names_banana_pathogen.asp#fun, http://www.promusa.org/.  相似文献   

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