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Weak alignment of solute molecules with the magnetic field can be achieved in a dilute liquid crystalline medium, consisting of an aqueous mixture of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dihexanoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DHPC). For a certain range of molar ratios, DMPC and DHPC can form large, disc-shaped particles, commonly referred to as bicelles (Sanders and Schwonek, 1992), which cooperatively align in the magnetic field and induce a small degree of alignment on asymmetrically shaped solute molecules. As a result, dipolar couplings between pairs of 1H, 13C or 15N nuclei are no longer averaged to zero by rotational diffusion and they can be readily measured, providing valuable structural information. The stability of these liquid crystals and the degree of alignment of the solute molecules depend strongly on experimental variables such as the DMPC:DHPC ratio and concentration, the preparation protocol of the DMPC/DHPC mixtures, as well as salt, temperature, and pH. The lower temperature limit for which the liquid crystalline phase is stable can be reduced to 20 °C by using a ternary mixture of DHPC, DMPC, and 1-myristoyl-2-myristoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, or a binary mixture of DHPC and ditridecanoyl-phosphatidylcholine. These issues are discussed, with an emphasis on the use of the medium for obtaining weak alignment of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

A mixture of dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) and 3-(cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio-2-hydroxyl-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSO) in water forms disc shaped bicelles that become ordered at high magnetic fields over a wide range of temperatures. As illustrated for the FK506 binding protein (FKBP), large residual dipolar couplings can be measured for proteins dissolved in low concentrations (5% w/v) of a DLPC/CHAPSO medium at a molar ratio of 4.2:1. This system is especially useful for measuring residual dipolar couplings for molecules that are only stable at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins are involved in numerous vital biological processes. To understand membrane protein functionality, accurate structural information is required. Usually, structure determination and dynamics of membrane proteins are studied in micelles using either solution state NMR or X‐ray crystallography. Even though invaluable information has been obtained by this approach, micelles are known to be far from ideal mimics of biological membranes often causing the loss or decrease of membrane protein activity. Recently, nanodiscs, which are composed of a lipid bilayer surrounded by apolipoproteins, have been introduced as a more physiological alternative than micelles for NMR investigations on membrane proteins. Here, we show that membrane protein bond orientations in nanodiscs can be obtained by measuring residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) with the outer membrane protein OmpX embedded in nanodiscs using Pf1 phage as an alignment medium. The presented collection of membrane protein RDCs in nanodiscs represents an important step toward more comprehensive structural and dynamical NMR‐based investigations of membrane proteins in a natural bilayer environment.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that mixtures of ditetradecyl- phosphatidylcholine or didodecyl-phoshatidylcholine and dihexyl- phosphatidylcholine in water form lyotropic liquid crystalline phases under similar conditions as previously reported for bicelles consisting of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dihexanoyl- phosphatidylcholine (DHPC). The carboxy-ester bonds present in DMPC and DHPC are replaced by ether linkages in their alkyl analogs, which prevents acid- or base-catalyzed hydrolysis of these compounds. 15N-1H dipolar couplings measured for ubiquitin over the 2.3–10.4pH range indicate that this protein retains a backbone conformation which is very similar to its structure at pH 6.5 over this entire range.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin-containing disks, isolated from rod outer segments of bovine retina, align at high magnetic fields with their membrane normal parallel to the magnetic field. After light-activation of rhodopsin, transient binding of the C-terminal transducin undecapeptide, selectively labeled with 15N at Leu5 and Gly9, results in residual dipolar contributions to the 1JNH splittings for these two residues. Both residues show 1JNH splittings which are smaller than in the dark-adapted or rhodopsin-free sample, and return to their isotropic values at a rate determined by the decay of the meta II state of rhodopsin. The dipolar couplings indicate that in the bound state, N-H vectors of Leu5 and Gly9 make angles of 48±4° and 40±8°, respectively, with the disk normal. These `transferred' dipolar couplings potentially offer a useful method for studying the conformation and orientation of flexible, low affinity ligands when bound to oriented integral membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Ohnishi S  Shortle D 《Proteins》2003,50(4):546-551
Residual dipolar couplings provide information on the orientation of individual bond vectors with respect to a unique set of molecular axes. We report that short peptides from 2 to 15 amino acids in length of arbitrary sequence exhibit a modest range of residual dipolar couplings when aligned in either strained polyacrylamide gels or alkyl-PEG bicelles. The absence of significant line broadening in gels suggests peptides align predominantly through steric interactions with the polyacrylamide matrix. However, broadening of NMR lines for a subset of residues aligned in bicelles indicates some peptides bind weakly to these lipid disks, yet a weak negative correlation between the couplings measured in gels and bicelles is consistent with steric hindrance playing a role in both media. The observation of dipolar couplings for peptides of length 10-15 suggests the statistical segment lengths of polypeptide chains must often be >10-15 residues, with data from denatured proteins indicating even larger values. Presumably, local side-chain backbone interactions severely restrict chain flexibility, with the cumulative effect of many such restrictions giving rise to biases in chain direction that may persist for the entire length of a protein chain. Comparison of experimental dipolar couplings for peptides with couplings calculated for ensembles of conformations generated by molecular dynamics should permit evaluation of the accuracy of molecular mechanics potentials in reproducing sequence-specific preferences for phi and psi angles.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings are useful global structural restraints. The dipolar couplings define the orientation of a vector with respect to the alignment tensor. Although the size of the alignment tensor can be derived from the distribution of the experimental dipolar couplings, its orientation with respect to the coordinate system of the molecule is unknown at the beginning of structure determination. This causes convergence problems in the simulated annealing process. We therefore propose a protocol that translates dipolar couplings into intervector projection angles, which are independent of the orientation of the alignment tensor with respect to the molecule. These restraints can be used during the whole simulated annealing protocol.  相似文献   

We report the determination of the global fold of human ubiquitin using protein backbone NMR residual dipolar coupling and long-range nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data as conformational restraints. Specifically, by use of a maximum of three backbone residual dipolar couplings per residue (Ni-HN i, Ni-Ci–1, HN i - Ci–1) in two tensor frames and only backbone HN-HN NOEs, a global fold of ubiquitin can be derived with a backbone root-mean-square deviation of 1.4 Å with respect to the crystal structure. This degree of accuracy is more than adequate for use in databases of structural motifs, and suggests a general approach for the determination of protein global folds using conformational restraints derived only from backbone atoms.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings and their corresponding alignment tensors are useful for structural analysis of macromolecules. The error in an alignment tensor, derived from residual dipolar couplings on the basis of a known structure, is determined not only by the accuracy of the measured couplings but also by the uncertainty in the structure (structural noise). This dependence is evaluated quantitatively on the basis of simulated structures using Monte-Carlo type analyses. When large numbers of dipolar couplings are available, structural noise is found to result in a systematic underestimate of the magnitude of the alignment tensor. Particularly in cases where only few dipolar couplings are available, structural noise can cause significant errors in best-fitted alignment tensor values, making determination of the relative orientation of small fragments and evaluation of local backbone mobility from dipolar couplings difficult. An example for the protein ubiquitin demonstrates the inherent limitations in characterizing motions on the basis of local alignment tensor magnitudes.  相似文献   

Finding and identifying circular permuted protein pairs (CPP) is one of the harder tasks for structure alignment programs, because of the different location of the break in the polypeptide chain connectivity. The protein structure alignment tool GANGSTA+ was used to search for CPPs in a database of nearly 10,000 protein structures. It also allows determination of the statistical significance of the occurrence of circular permutations in the protein universe. The number of detected CPPs was found to be higher than expected, raising questions about the evolutionary processes leading to CPPs. The GANGSTA+ protein structure alignment tool is available online via the web server at http://gangsta.chemie.fu‐berlin.de . On the same webpage the complete data base of similar protein structure pairs based on the ASTRAL40 set of protein domains is provided and one can select CPPs specifically. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings (RDC), measured by dissolving proteins in dilute liquid crystal media, or by studying naturally paramagnetic molecules, have rapidly become established as routine measurements in the investigation of the structure of macromolecules by NMR. One of the most obvious applications of the previously inaccessible long-range angular information afforded by RDC is the accurate definition of domain orientation in multi-module macromolecules or complexes. In this paper we describe a novel program developed to allow the determination of alignment tensor parameters for individual or multiple domains in macromolecules from residual dipolar couplings and to facilitate their manipulation to construct low-resolution models of macromolecular structure. For multi-domain systems the program determines the relative orientation of individual structured domains, and provides graphical user-driven rigid-body modeling of the different modules relative to the common tensorial frame. Translational freedom in the common frame, and equivalent rotations about the diagonalized (x,y,z) axes are used to position the different modules in the common frame to find a model in best agreement with experimentally measured couplings alone or in combination with additional experimental or covalent information.  相似文献   

Newly determined protein structures are classified to belong to a new fold, if the structures are sufficiently dissimilar from all other so far known protein structures. To analyze structural similarities of proteins, structure alignment tools are used. We demonstrate that the usage of nonsequential structure alignment tools, which neglect the polypeptide chain connectivity, can yield structure alignments with significant similarities between proteins of known three-dimensional structure and newly determined protein structures that possess a new fold. The recently introduced protein structure alignment tool, GANGSTA, is specialized to perform nonsequential alignments with proper assignment of the secondary structure types by focusing on helices and strands only. In the new version, GANGSTA+, the underlying algorithms were completely redesigned, yielding enhanced quality of structure alignments, offering alignment against a larger database of protein structures, and being more efficient. We applied DaliLite, TM-align, and GANGSTA+ on three protein crystal structures considered to be novel folds. Applying GANGSTA+ to these novel folds, we find proteins in the ASTRAL40 database, which possess significant structural similarities, albeit the alignments are nonsequential and in some cases involve secondary structure elements aligned in reverse orientation. A web server is available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus for pairwise alignment, visualization, and database comparison.  相似文献   

The conformational propensities of unfolded states of apomyoglobin have been investigated by measurement of residual dipolar couplings between (15)N and (1)H in backbone amide groups. Weak alignment of apomyoglobin in acid and urea-unfolded states was induced with both stretched and compressed polyacrylamide gels. In 8 M urea solution at pH 2.3, conditions under which apomyoglobin contains no detectable secondary or tertiary structure, significant residual dipolar couplings of uniform sign were observed for all residues. At pH 2.3 in the absence of urea, a change in the magnitude and/or sign of the residual dipolar couplings occurs in local regions of the polypeptide where there is a high propensity for helical secondary structure. These results are interpreted on the basis of the statistical properties of the unfolded polypeptide chain, viewed as a polymer of statistical segments. For a folded protein, the magnitude and sign of the residual dipolar couplings depend on the orientation of each bond vector relative to the alignment tensor of the entire molecule, which reorients as a single entity. For unfolded proteins, there is no global alignment tensor; instead, residual dipolar couplings are attributed to alignment of the statistical segments or of transient elements of secondary structure. For apomyoglobin in 8 M urea, the backbone is highly extended, with phi and psi dihedral angles favoring the beta or P(II) regions. Each statistical segment has a highly anisotropic shape, with the N-H bond vectors approximately perpendicular to the long axis, and becomes weakly aligned in the anisotropic environment of the strained acrylamide gels. Local regions of enhanced flexibility or chain compaction are characterized by a decrease in the magnitude of the residual dipolar couplings. The formation of a small population of helical structure in the acid-denatured state of apomyoglobin leads to a change in sign of the residual dipolar couplings in local regions of the polypeptide; the population of helix estimated from the residual dipolar couplings is in excellent agreement with that determined from chemical shifts. The alignment model described here for apomyoglobin can also explain the pattern of residual dipolar couplings reported previously for denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease and other proteins. In conjunction with other NMR experiments, residual dipolar couplings can provide valuable insights into the dynamic conformational propensities of unfolded and partly folded states of proteins and thereby help to chart the upper reaches of the folding landscape.  相似文献   

Media employed for imparting partial alignment onto solute molecules have recently attracted considerable attention, since they permit the measurement of NMR parameters for solute biomolecules commonly associated with solid state NMR. Here we characterize a medium which is based on a quasi-ternary surfactant system comprising cetylpyridinium bromide/hexanol/sodium bromide. We demonstrate that dilute solutions of this system can exist in liquid crystalline phases which orient in the magnetic field and allow the measurement of residual dipolar couplings under a variety of conditions. The present system is extremely versatile and robust, tolerating different buffer conditions, temperature ranges and concentrations.  相似文献   

Calerythrin is a 20 kDa calcium-binding protein isolated from gram-positive bacterium Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Based on amino acid sequence homology, it has been suggested that calerythrin belongs to the family of invertebrate sarcoplasmic EF-hand calcium-binding proteins (SCPs), and therefore it is expected to function as a calcium buffer. NMR spectroscopy was used to obtain structural information on the protein in solution. Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments were obtained from triple resonance experiments HNCACB, HN(CO)CACB, HNCO, CC(CO)NH, and [15N]-edited TOCSY, and HCCH-TOCSY. Secondary structure was determined by using secondary chemical shifts and characteristic NOEs. In addition, backbone N-H residual dipolar couplings were measured from a spin-state selective [1H, 15N] correlation spectrum acquired from a sample dissolved in a dilute liquid crystal. Four EF-hand motifs with characteristic helix-loop-helix patterns were observed. Three of these are typical calcium-binding EF-hands, whereas site 2 is an atypical nonbinding site. The global fold of calerythrin was assessed by dipolar couplings. Measured dipolar couplings were compared with values calculated from four crystal structures of proteins with sequence homology to calerythrin. These data allowed us to recognize an overall similarity between the folds of calerythrin and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins from the sandworm Nereis diversicolor and the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum.  相似文献   

We have prepared and characterized a novel bicelle system composed of 1,2-di-O-dodecyl-sn-glycero-3-phos- phocholine (DIODPC) and 3-(chloramidopropyl)dimethylammonio-2-hydroxyl-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSO). At the optimal DIODPC/CHAPSO molar ratio of 4.3:1, this medium becomes magnetically oriented from pH 6.5 down to pH 1.0. Unlike previously reported bicelle preparations, these bicelles are chemically stable at low pH and are capable of inducing protein alignment, as illustrated by the large residual dipolar couplings measured for rusticyanin from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at pH 2.1. The DIODPC/CHAPSO system is particularly useful for measuring residual dipolar couplings of macromolecules that require very acidic conditions.  相似文献   

Coiled-coil motifs play essential roles in protein assembly and molecular recognition, and are therefore the targets of many ongoing structural and functional studies. However, owing to the dynamic nature of many of the smaller coiled-coil domains, crystallization for X-ray studies is very challenging. Determination of elongated structures using standard NMR approaches is inefficient and usually yields low-resolution structures due to accumulation of small errors over long distances. Here we describe a solution NMR approach based on residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) for rapid and accurate structure determination of coiled-coil dimers. Using this approach, we were able to determine the high-resolution structure of the coiled-coil domain of cGMP-dependent protein kinase Ialpha, a protein of previously unknown structure that is critical for physiological relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. This approach can be extended to solve coiled-coil structures with higher order assemblies.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings measured in weakly aligning liquid-crystalline solvent contain valuable information on the structure of biomolecules in solution. Here we demonstrate that dipolar couplings (DCs) can be used to derive a comprehensive set of pairwise angular restraints that do not depend on the orientation of the alignment tensor principal axes. These restraints can be used to assess the agreement between a trial protein structure and a set of experimental dipolar couplings by means of a graphic representation termed a `DC consistency map'. Importantly, these maps can be used to recognize structural elements consistent with the experimental DC data and to identify structural parameters that require further refinement, which could prove important for the success of DC-based structure calculations. This approach is illustrated for the 42 kDa maltodextrin-binding protein.  相似文献   

NMR residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), in the form of the projection angles between the respective internuclear bond vectors, are used as structural restraints in the ab initio structure prediction of a test set of six proteins. The restraints are applied using a recently developed SICHO (SIde-CHain-Only) lattice protein model that employs a replica exchange Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm to search conformational space. Using a small number of RDC restraints, the quality of the predicted structures is improved as reflected by lower RMSD/dRMSD (root mean square deviation/distance root mean square deviation) values from the corresponding native structures and by the higher correlation of the most cooperative mode of motion of each predicted structure with that of the native structure. The latter, in particular, has possible implications for the structure-based functional analysis of predicted structures.  相似文献   

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