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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encodes a dUTPase which has been shown to be dispensable for normal viral replication in cultured cells (S. J. Caradonna and Y. Cheng, J. Biol. Chem. 256:9834-9837, 1981; F. B. Fisher and V. G. Preston, Virology 148:190-197, 1986). However, the importance of this enzyme in vivo has not been determined. In this report, HSV-1 strain 17 syn+ and two isogenic engineered dUTPase-negative mutants were characterized in the mouse model. Both mutants replicated with wild-type kinetics and achieved wild-type titers in cultured cells. The mutants were 10-fold less neurovirulent than 17 syn+ following intracranial inoculation and more than 1,000-fold less virulent following footpad inoculation. The dUTPase- mutants replicated with wild-type kinetics in the footpad and entered and replicated efficiently in the peripheral nervous system of the mouse. However, their replication in the central nervous system was significantly reduced. The dUTPase- strains established latent infections but displayed a greatly reduced reactivation frequency in vivo. Neurovirulence, neuroinvasiveness, and reactivation frequency were all restored by recombination with wild-type dUTPase sequences. These results have important implications with regard to anti-herpesvirus therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

为了解乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )减毒活疫苗弱毒株SA14 14 2神经毒力的减弱程度 ,本文对弱毒株及其原株SA14强毒株进行了猴体和小白鼠的致病性和病理学变化的比较试验。SA14强毒株病毒 (原始滴度 6 15× 10 8/ml) ,以10 -2 和 10 -4 ~ 10 -7不同稀释度于丘脑两侧合并脊髓注射恒河猴 ,每组除 10 -4 1只外其余均为 2只。另以 10 -4 和10 -6~ 10 -8不同稀释度脑内注射小鼠 ,每组 8只。结果猴子除 10 -4 1只外其余全部发病死亡 ,小鼠则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒 (原始滴度为 8× 10 6/ml)按同样方法注射 4只猴和 30只小鼠 ,结果全部存活。另以SA1410 -2 病毒皮下注射 3只猴未死亡 ,而以 10 -1皮下注射 30只小鼠时则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒皮下注射小鼠时则全部存活。病理组织学结果显示二种动物接种SA14株强毒后主要表现为弥散性脑脊髓炎 ,以神经细胞坏死为其主要特征和最突出的病变。猴子的病变以脊髓前角、丘脑和中脑黑质为重 ,小鼠的病变则以大脑皮质、海马部最重 ,脊髓的病变却比脑轻。接种弱毒株的动物则仅有轻微炎症反应、神经细胞坏死极少出现。以上结果表明以脑内接种时恒河猴和小鼠对乙脑病毒均高度敏感 ,以皮下接种时小鼠的敏感性高于猴子。乙脑SA14 14 2弱毒株的神经毒力包括致  相似文献   

The attenuated S- strain of Japanese encephalitis virus was produced from a wild strain of this virus by serial cultivation in primary bovine kidney cell cultures at 30 degrees C. Pigs were inoculated with it and examined for ability to produce antibody and protect themselves from infection with a wild strain used for challenge. In pigs inoculated with a single dose of 10(6.5) approximately 10(7.5) TCID50 of the S- strain, the neutralizing antibody titer or hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody (HI) titer increased to 10 approximately 320. An antibody titer exceeding 10 was maintained for 2 approximately 9 weeks. In pigs inoculated twice with 10(6.5) approximately 10(7.0) TCID50 of the S- strain, HI titer increased to 80 approximately 640. In many of these pigs, HI titers of 80 approximately 160 persisted for more than 6 weeks. Pigs inoculated once or twice with 10(7.0) approximately 10(7.5) TCID50 of the S- strain were challenged by inoculation with 10(4.5) approximately 10(5.5) TCID50 of a wild strain and examined for the occurrence of viremia. As a result, an ability to protect from infection was demonstrated in pigs which showed an antibody titer surpassing 10 at the time of challenge. Pregnant sows inoculated with 10(7.0) TCID50 of the S- strain were challenged by inoculation with 10(7.0) TCID50 of a wild strain. Neither death nor infection occurred to any fetus harbored by them. From these results, it is concluded that the S- strain can be used as live virus vaccine for porcine practice.  相似文献   

Eleven hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal anti-digoxin antibody have been produced. They are primarily gamma heavy chain and kappa light chain molecules. Affinity constants for digoxin range from 2 X 10(6) to 3.5 X 10(8) liters/mole. Fine specificity analysis using a series of digoxin congeners demonstrates that an unsaturated lactone ring attached to the aglycone at the C-17 position is necessary for hapten recognition. The impact of other changes in digoxin's structure on antibody binding were also studied. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates that there are at least three different variable region gene arrangements used to produce the heavy chains of the different hybridoma antibodies. Correlations between antigen binding characteristics and antibody V-gene arrangements are demonstrable.  相似文献   



Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) NS5 is a viral nonstructural protein that carries both methyltransferase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains. It is a key component of the viral RNA replicase complex that presumably includes other viral nonstructural and cellular proteins. The biochemical properties of JEV NS5 have not been characterized due to the lack of a robust in vitro RdRp assay system, and the molecular mechanisms for the initiation of RNA synthesis by JEV NS5 remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can vary considerably in their in vitro biological properties, and such differences may also be reflected in their in vivo pathogenesis. In an attempt to define genetic determinants of viral pathogenicity, we have molecularly cloned, sequenced, and characterized an attenuated isolate of HIV type 2 (HIV-2/ST) that differs from prototype HIV-2 strains in its inability to fuse with and kill susceptible CD4-bearing target cells. A proviral clone, termed JSP4-27, was identified to be transfection competent and to fully exhibit the noncytopathic and nonfusogenic properties of its parental isolate. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this clone revealed a genomic organization very similar to that of cytopathic HIV-2 strains and an overall nucleotide sequence homology of 88 to 90%. Amino acid sequence comparison confirmed the integrity of all major viral gene products in JSP4-27 but identified two amino acid sequence substitutions in its envelope fusion region. To investigate whether these mutations were responsible for the nonfusogenic phenotype of JSP4-27, we amplified, cloned, and sequenced the envelope fusion regions of four additional HIV-2/ST strains, two of which represented in vitro-generated, fusogenic and cytopathic variants of HIV-2/ST. The analysis showed that all HIV-2/ST strains examined, including the fusogenic variants, contained the same amino acid sequence changes. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that the attenuated phenotype of JSP4-27, and that of its parental virus, is not due to a direct alteration of the envelope fusion domain. Our results also show, for the first time, that individual replication-competent proviral clones can be representative of attenuated strains of HIV.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis from contaminated water supplies have led to a need for the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts from various hosts and contaminating sources. The presence of nonpathogenic species or strains of Cryptosporidium is important for diagnostic purposes as there is a potential for false-positive detection of pathogenic parasites. The present review focuses on phenotypic differences and recent advances in genotypic analyses of the genus Cryptosporidium with an emphasis on detecting various isolates and identifying differences in Cryptosporidium parvum and other species in this genus. The information currently available demonstrates important patterns in DNA sequences of Cryptosporidium, and our understanding of macro- and microevolutionary patterns has increased in recent years. However, current knowledge of Cryptosporidium genetic diversity is far from complete, and the large amount of both phenotypic and genotypic data has led to problems in our understanding of the systematics of this genus. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 95–106. Received 18 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 13 August 2000  相似文献   

A yellow fever virus (YFV)/Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) chimera in which the structural proteins prM and E of YFV 17D are replaced with those of the JEV SA14-14-2 vaccine strain is under evaluation as a candidate vaccine against Japanese encephalitis. The chimera (YFV/JEV SA14-14-2, or ChimeriVax-JE) is less neurovirulent than is YFV 17D vaccine in mouse and nonhuman primate models (F. Guirakhoo et al., Virology 257:363-372, 1999; T. P. Monath et al., Vaccine 17:1869-1882, 1999). Attenuation depends on the presence of the JEV SA14-14-2 E protein, as shown by the high neurovirulence of an analogous YFV/JEV Nakayama chimera derived from the wild JEV Nakayama strain (T. J. Chambers, A. Nestorowicz, P. W. Mason, and C. M. Rice, J. Virol. 73:3095-3101, 1999). Ten amino acid differences exist between the E proteins of ChimeriVax-JE and the YFV/JEV Nakayama virus, four of which are predicted to be neurovirulence determinants based on various sequence comparisons. To identify residues that are involved in attenuation, a series of intratypic YFV/JEV chimeras containing either single or multiple amino acid substitutions were engineered and tested for mouse neurovirulence. Reversions in at least three distinct clusters were required to restore the neurovirulence typical of the YFV/JEV Nakayama virus. Different combinations of cluster-specific reversions could confer neurovirulence; however, residue 138 of the E protein (E(138)) exhibited a dominant effect. No single amino acid reversion produced a phenotype significantly different from that of the ChimeriVax-JE parent. Together with the known genetic stability of the virus during prolonged cell culture and mouse brain passage, these findings support the candidacy of this experimental vaccine as a novel live-attenuated viral vaccine against Japanese encephalitis.  相似文献   

Aims: Identification and characterization of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) envelope protein gene from swine. Methods and Results: Genomic RNA was separated from JEV isolated strain Henan‐09‐03, and used as templates for cDNA synthesis of E gene. The cDNA of E gene was amplified by RT‐PCR and cloned into the pMD19‐T‐Vector and confirmed by sequencing. The cloned gene was then subcloned into the pET‐32a and was introduced into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) for expression. The E protein was purified by Ni chelating column‐based affinity chromatography. The molecular weight of expressed protein was about 50 kDa. Compared with the published sequence of SA14 ( AF495589 ), the homology of the nucleotide sequence was 98% and the seven mutations resulting in amino acid substitutions at Leu 36 Ser, Leu107 Val, Ala167 Thr, Asn 230 Ser, Leu 340 Pro, Asn 430 Ile, Phe 448 Leu. Phylogenetic analysis of the E sequence of isolated strain classified it within genotype III of the JEV. The result of Western blotting indicated that the antigenicity of the protein was specific. Conclusions: The stable expression of the protein and the analysis of its antigenic specificity provide the foundation for developing the ELISA early stage diagnosis kit. Significance and Impact of the Study: As coating antigen, the recombinant E protein served a good source in the indirect ELISA method for the detection of JEV antibody.  相似文献   

We have generated a cell line (F cells) producing a secreted form of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) subviral particle (extracellular particles [EPs]) that contains the JEV envelope glycoprotein (E) and a precursor (prM) of the virion membrane protein (M). The F cells were engineered to synthesize these JEV products from a cDNA encoding a mutated (furin proteinase resistant) form of prM, since stable cell lines expressing E and the authentic form of prM could not be obtained, due (in part) to the cell-fusing ability of EPs containing E and M. Our biochemical alteration of the prM protein was critical for the successful production of EP-producing cell lines. EPs produced by F cells share the biochemical properties of empty viral particles produced by JEV-infected cells, except that the F-cell EPs lack hemagglutinating activity and M. F-cell EPs were recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies to E, and EPs were shown to be useful as vaccine candidates in mice and as diagnostic reagents in evaluating human immune responses to JE vaccination. The amounts of E antigen released into the culture fluid of F cells were similar to those found in virion fractions of JEV-infected cell culture fluids or JEV-infected weanling mouse brains (the current source of antigen used to produce human vaccines for JE). Thus, the F-cell line would appear to be a useful source of antigen for JE vaccines and diagnostics.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between macrophage tropism and neurovirulence, macaques were inoculated with two recombinant hybrid viruses derived from the parent viruses SIVmac239, a lymphocyte-tropic, non-neurovirulent clone, and SIV/17E-Br, a macrophage-tropic, neurovirulent virus strain. The first recombinant, SIV/17E-Cl, contained the portion of the env gene that encodes the surface glycoprotein and a short segment of the transmembrane glycoprotein of SIV/17E-Br in the backbone of SIVmac239. Unlike SIVmac239, SIV/17E-Cl replicated productively in macrophages, demonstrating that sequences in the surface portion of env determine macrophage tropism. None of five macaques inoculated with SIV/17E-Cl developed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) encephalitis. The second recombinant, SIV/17E-Fr, which contained the entire env and nef genes and the 3' long terminal repeat of SIV/17E-Br in the SIVmac239 backbone, was also macrophage tropic. Six of nine macaques inoculated with SIV/17E-Fr developed SIV encephalitis ranging from mild to moderate in severity, indicating a significant (P = 0.031) difference in the neurovirulence of the two recombinants. In both groups of macaques, CD4+ cell counts declined gradually during infection and there was no significant difference in the rate of the decline between the two groups of macaques. This study demonstrated that macrophage tropism alone is not sufficient for the development of neurological disease. In addition, it showed that while sequences in the surface portion of the envelope gene determine macrophage tropism, additional sequences derived from the transmembrane portion of envelope and/or nef confer neurovirulence.  相似文献   

The NS3 protein of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) contains motifs typical of RNA helicase/NTPase but no RNA helicase activity has been reported for this protein. To identify and characterize the RNA helicase activity of JEV NS3, a truncated form of the protein with a His-tag was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. The purified JEV NS3 protein showed an RNA helicase activity, which was dependent on divalent cations and ATP. An Asp-285-to-Ala substitution in motif II of the JEV NS3 protein abolished the ATPase and RNA helicase activities. These results indicate that the C-terminal 457 residues are sufficient to exhibit the RNA helicase activity of JEV NS3.  相似文献   

为研究乙脑病毒减毒株SA14-14-2 E蛋白基因稳定性,将乙脑病毒减毒株SA14-14-2在原代地鼠肾细胞(PHK)上传至18代,应用RT-PCR分别扩增PHK6代、PHK7代、PHK8代、PHK13代、PHK18代E蛋白基因并测序后,与Genebank中乙脑病毒减毒株SA14-14-2(D90195)进行比较分析。PHK6、PHK7、PHK8代病毒与D90195 E蛋白核苷酸和氨基酸序列完全相同。PHK13、PHK18代病毒与D90195E蛋白核苷酸序列同源性分别为99.8%、99.7%,与D90195E蛋白氨基酸序列同源性分别为99.6%、99.4%。各代次病毒E蛋白与减毒相关氨基酸未发生改变,同时所有突变的氨基酸均非SA14原有的,故不是恢复性突变。结果表明乙脑病毒减毒株SA14-14-2的遗传学特性稳定,从分子水平证明乙脑病毒减毒株SA14-14-2及其生产的疫苗具有安全性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of tetracycline resistance and the prevalence of tetracycline-resistance genes in strains of Clostridium perfringens isolated from different sources between 1994 and 2005. Susceptibility to tetracycline and minocycline in strains from humans (35 isolates), chickens (15 isolates), food (21 isolates), soil (16 isolates) and veterinary sources (6 isolates) was determined, and tetracycline-resistance genes were detected. Resistance was most common in strains isolated from chickens, followed by those from soils, clinical samples and foods. The most highly resistant strains were found among clinical and food isolates. tetA(P) was the most common resistance gene, and along with tetB(P) was found in all resistant strains and some sensitive strains. One tetracycline-resistant food isolate had an intact tet(M) gene. However, PCR fragments of 0.4 or 0.8 kb with high degrees of identity to parts of the tet(M) sequences of other bacteria were found, mainly in clinical isolates, and often in isolates with tetB(P). No correlation between level of sensitivity to tetracycline or minocycline and the presence of tetA(P), tetB(P) or part of tet(M) was found. The presence of part of tet(M) in some strains of C. perfringens containing tetB(P) may have occurred by recent gene transfer.  相似文献   

Photodynamic inactivation of Japanese encephalitis virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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