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Arthropod prey are expected to be more vulnerable to their predators immediately following molt. The effects of springtail (Isotoma carpenteri) postmolt vulnerability on interactions with a pseudoscorpion predator were examined in the laboratory. Springtails exposed to vials pretreated with pseudoscorpions (Apochthonius minimus) delayed molting compared to those prey that were exposed to vials pretreated only with springtails. Although their escape ability (measured as distance jumped) was unaffected by molt condition, postmolt springtails were more profitable in terms of reduced predator handling time following capture. Despite this,A. minimus did not distinguish between postmolt and intermolt prey presented at either end of a T-maze.  相似文献   

This study utilized the preference the pseudoscorpion, A. minimus, displays for certain sizes of the springtail, F. candida, in order to assess the population consequences of this selective predation. Although predation drove half of the treated collembolan populations to extinction, the populations which survived were not reduced in size and were in fact larger than most of the control populations (Figs. 1 and 2). During the first two weeks of the experiment, the predators apparently fed mainly on the original adults and the larger individuals of the second generation, thus increasing available space and improving the prey's chances for successful reproduction. The resulting demographic shift accounts for the significant decrease in mean length that occurred in the experimental populations without any accompanying significant change in their total numbers. Some effects of density, food, and age-structure on the fecundity of F. candida, acting in concert with the effects of size-selective predation, may lead to a variety of population consequences. In some circumstances, predation may cause increased production with decreased mean size, and no drastic change in standing crop. In different circumstances, a local population may become extinct. These results should further our understanding of the sporadic record of establishment and growth displayed byspringtail populations in the small, moist litter patches where they tend to aggregate.  相似文献   

Søren Toft  David H. Wise 《Oecologia》1999,119(2):191-197
It is often assumed that prey species consumed by generalist predators are largely, though not entirely, equivalent in terms of their value to the predators. In contrast to this expectation, laboratory feeding experiments uncovered distinctly varied developmental responses of a generalist predator, the wolf spider Schizocosa, to different experimental diets. Naive Schizocosa attacked and fed upon all the prey species offered; however, highly divergent patterns of survival, development, and growth of Schizocosa spiderlings reared on different single-prey diets revealed a wide spectrum of prey qualities. Spiderlings fed the collembolan Tomocerus bidentatus sustained the highest overall rates of survival, growth, and development. Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) were intermediate-quality prey: spiders fed Drosophila initially exhibited rates of survival, growth, and development equal to those of spiders on a diet of T. bidentatus, but after about 3 months, rates declined markedly. Fungus gnats (Sciaridae; Bradysia sp.) and conspecfic spiderlings are low-quality prey for Schizocosa: a sole diet of either of these prey types resulted in positive but markedly submaximal rates of growth, retarded rates of development, and survival rates much lower than that supported by a diet of Drosophila. Worst were the collembolans Folsomia candida and Isotoma trispinata, and the aphid Aphis nerii: spiderlings fed solely one of these species did not grow and died without molting. A. nerii is classified as poor quality because survival was no better than that of starved controls. F. candida and I. trispinata were toxic: survival of Schizocosa hatchlings fed these collembolans was lower than that of starved controls. A mixed diet of T. bidentatus and fruit flies yielded positive synergistic effects with respect to growth, but development and rate of survival were similar to those of spiders on a sole diet of T. bidentatus. Including toxic prey did not produce a better diet, while inclusion of toxic prey with prey of higher quality created diets that were no better than the toxic prey alone. The results of these experiments suggest that prey species that are similar in morphology and behavior, and that are initially killed and consumed, may differ dramatically in their suitability as food for generalist arthropod predators. Received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

David E. Wooster 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):253-259
Recent theoretical work suggests that predator impact on local prey density will be the result of interactions between prey emigration responses to predators and predator consumption of prey. Whether prey increase or decrease their movement rates in response to predators will greatly influence the impact that predators have on prey density. In stream systems the type of predator, benthic versus water-column, is expected to influence whether prey increase or decrease their movement rates. Experiments were conducted to examine the response of amphipods (Gammarus minus) to benthic and water-column predators and to examine the interplay between amphipod response to predators and predator consumption of prey in determining prey density. Amphipods did not respond to nor were they consumed by the benthic predator. Thus, this predator had no impact on amphipod density. In contrast, amphipods did respond to two species of water-column predators (the predatory fish bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus, and striped shiners, Luxilus chrysocephalus) by decreasing their activity rates. This response led to similar positive effects on amphipod density at night by both species of predatory fish. However, striped shiners did not consume many amphipods, suggesting their impact on the whole amphipod “population” was zero. In contrast, bluegills consumed a significant number of amphipods, and thus had a negative impact on the amphipod “population”. These results lend support to theoretical work which suggests that prey behavioral responses to predators can mask the true impact that predators have on prey populations when experiments are conducted at small scales. Received: 21 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

In their native ranges, muricid gastropods feed on similar prey, often bivalves and barnacles, which they usually drill. Throughout its wide southern Australian distribution, the intertidal Lepsiella vinosa feeds on a range of prey from barnacles and littorinid gastropods in the southeast to mussels in the southwest. A number of muricids have been introduced throughout the world, either with oysters or in ship ballast water. In their new environments, they switch to native prey but their feeding responses to them have never been studied in the laboratory. The object of this study was to study the feeding of L. vinosa on a suite of non-native species. Australian Lepsiella vinosa was taken to Hong Kong, offered five different possible prey species and allowed to feed to satiation for many weeks. Replacement of consumed prey items by similar-sized conspecifics was undertaken until trends emerged. Lepsiella vinosa readily attacked thick- and thin-shelled bivalves from Hong Kong’s sandy beaches, Anomalocardia squamosa and Caecella chinensis, respectively, and from rocky shores, Septifer virgatus and Hormomya mutabilis, again respectively. It attacked them all, as it does its major prey item, Xenostrobus inconstans, in its native southwestern Australia, by either drilling or marginal probing with its proboscis. It also preferred intermediate sized prey (10–15 mm shell length), as with its natural prey. It quickly attacked the sandy shore species, and Hormomya mutabilis and Mytilopsis sallei, the latter two being closely similar in shell form and size to its natural prey X. inconstans. Hormomya mutabilis was the most favored prey, and was most similar in shell form and thickness to X. inconstans. This study therefore suggests that if introduced elsewhere, L. vinosa could radically affect intertidal community structure.  相似文献   

Predator-prey responses in an acarine system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This study examines the responses of the predatory mite,Phytoseiulus persimilis, to the density and distribution of its prey,Tetranychus urticae. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, the functional responses of protonymph, deutonymph and adult females towards different prey stages are displayed. The great majority of the responses are of the type II form, and the variations in the values of attack ratea′ and handling timeT h are discussed. Experiments are then described in which individual protonymph, deutonymph and adult female predators are presented with varying ratios of two prey age-classes (eggs and deutonymphs, and larvae and deutonymphs). Any observed preference for one of the prey stages is discussed in relation to the predicted preference on the basis of the separate functional response experiments. Finally, the response of different densities of adult female predators to a non-random distribution of deutonymph prey on bean leaflets is examined. The predators show a clear tendency to aggregate on the leaflets of high prey density, counteracted to some extent by interference increasing the probability of dispersal to other leaflets.  相似文献   

According to the data obtained, the Mordovian fauna of diurnal lepidopterans comprises 75 species, including Hesperiidae (7 species), Papilionidae (5), Pieridae (10), Satyridae (10), Nymphalidae (27), and Lycaenidae (16). Based on the quantitative assessments, the species were characterized as rare (1–5 ind. in the collection), scarce (6–30), common (31–170), and abundant (171–940). Species with temperate (52 species or 69.3%) and subboreal (12 species or 16.0%) ranges predominated in the latitudinal distribution pattern. The total and background species diversity of the Diurna was the highest in the forests (63 species) and meadows (52), and the lowest on the steppe slopes (6). Among the species revealed, 14 were rare: Iphiclides podalirius, Zerynthia polyxena, Parnassius apollo, Driopa mnemosyne, Colias erate, Coenonympha hero, Neptis sappho, Apatura iris, Limenitis populi, Nymphalis antiopa, Fixsenia pruni, Lycaena helle, Cupido minimus, and Maculinea arion.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that small prey can coexist with large predators. For this we confronted two predators (smaller Asplanchna brightwellii: 900 μm and larger A. sieboldi: 1400 μm) with three prey rotifers (smaller: Anuraeopsis fissa (70 μm); larger: Brachionus calyciflorus (200 μm) and intermediate: B. patulus (120 μm)) using functional response, prey preference, population growth and life table demography. Regardless of prey type, A. sieboldi was able to consume more prey than A. brightwellii and it consumed higher number of B. patulus than of B. calyciflorus or A. fissa. Prey preference experiments showed that A. brightwellii had no preference for B. calyciflorus regardless of prey density, while A. sieboldi preferred B. calyciflorus and avoided A. fissa. Data on population growth showed that A. brightwellii was always numerically more abundant than A. sieboldi. Prey type had a significant effect on peak abundances of A. sieboldi but not of A. brightwellii. Life table demography data revealed a significantly lower lifespan in A. brightwellii fed B. calyciflorus, compared to B. patulus, but not when compared to A. fissa. A. sieboldi lifespan was not affected by prey type. Depending on prey type and predator species, generation time varied from 2 to 3 days. Both lowest (0.38 d−1) and highest (0.98 d−1) population growth rates were observed in A. sieboldi. We suggest that reduced reproductive output in Asplanchna was caused by either large (B. calyciflorus) or small (A. fissa) prey. At natural densities of Anuraeopsis, it is unlikely that Asplanchna reaches abundances high enough to exterminate this prey. By its extremely small size (combining low energetic profitability with low encounter rates with predators) A. fissa may coexist with Asplanchna in nature. Dedicated to H. J. Dumont for his 65th year. Guest editors: S. S. S. Sarma, R. D. Gulati, R. L. Wallace, S. Nandini, H. J. Dumont and R. Rico-Martínez Advances in Rotifer Research  相似文献   

The fish assemblage of a traditional Kata fishery and the stomach contents of Wallago attu were studied over a period of one year from a large floodplain system in Bangladesh. A total of 19 species of fish and 2 species of shrimp were recorded. W. attu (9.7–17.8%), Mystus vittatus (6.0–11.3%), M. aor (5.0–12.1%), Amblypharyngodon mola (4.4–9.3%) and Mastacembelus armatus (3.5–10.5%) dominated the catch. W.␣attu occupied the top position in abundance throughout the year, followed by M. vittatus and M. aor. Bagridae, Siluridae and Cyprinidae were three major families that contributed respectively 21.0, 17.4 and 16.1% of the total catch. Considerable seasonality was observed in the abundance of different fishes. A total of 14 different prey items were recorded, belonging to three major groups (fish, prawn and plant matters). The fish fed on at least eight species of small fishes (A. mola, M. vittatus, M. cavasius, Puntius stigma, P. ticto, Puntius sp., Glossogobius guris, and Heteropneustes fossilis) and some other unidentified small fishes. Other major prey items were small prawn, fish and prawn remains, and macroalgae. A. mola was the most important food item, contributing 23.7% of the total amount of diet by weight and 19.9% by frequency of occurrence. A. mola was followed by unidentified small prawn (13.7%), M. vittatus (13.1%), and unidentified small fishes (8.8%) by weight and by unidentified small fishes (15.9%), fish remains (12.5%), and M.␣vittatus (12.3%) by occurrence. Of the major diet categories, fish contributed 74.3% of the total diet by weight and 80.9% by occurrence, prawn contributed 18.5% by weight and 11.0% by occurrence and plants contributed 7.2% by weight and 8.1% by occurrence. A. mola and small shrimps were positively selected by W. attu. We concluded that W. attu is a piscivorous predator with potential impacts on prey fish communities; we also hypothesized that a specialized food-web based on the Kata fishery exists in and around the Katas which is of particular ecological significance.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the factors that influence prey utilization among predators with active prey, three series of experiments were performed in which Ural owls (Strix uralensis) searched for and attacked three prey species of wild mice, Microtus montebelli, Apodemus speciosus, and A. argenteus, in a large flight cage. Over the whole study, owls attacked mice about ten times a night. The number of attacks on each prey species did not differ from that predicted by a random attack model. M. montebelli was taken more than either Apodemus species. Prey utilization appears to be influenced by prey susceptibilities only and it is unlikely that prey selection by the owls affected prey utilization patterns. Under the experimental conditions, random attack is predicted by optimal foraging theory. However, random attack may be explained just as well by the inability of the owl to discriminate prey type. The owls, energy gain was adjusted not by alteration in the number of attacks on a prey species but rather by alteration in the capture success between experiments. Capture success increased in poor food conditions for the same prey species. This flexibility in capture success has not been considered in the assumptions of optimal foraging theory. In conventional optimal foraging theory, the probability of capture success is implicitly assumed as constant and unity. We suggest that this assumption is inadequate to understand the foraging behavior of owls.  相似文献   

Aquatic carnivorous plants usually grow in shallow dystrophic waters poor in inorganic N and P. Utricularia australis was chosen as a model plant for its prolific distribution and great ecological plasticity. The photosynthetic CO2 compensation point and factors associated with investment in carnivory and capture of prey were measured in 17 U. australis micropopulations in Třeboň basin, Czech Republic, together with water chemistry factors at these sites differing greatly in their trophic level, water hardness, and prey availability. Apical shoot growth rate was estimated at some oligotrophic sites. The micropopulations differed greatly in the proportion of traps with animal prey (2.7–70%, mean 26%), trap proportion to total biomass (1.4–42%, mean 26%), mean trap biomass (0.7–63 μg trap−1, mean 19 μg), and maximum trap size (1–3 mm, mean 2.0 mm). CO2 compensation points ranged from 0.7 to 6.1 μM (mean 2.6 μM). A weak HCO3 use (compensation point 0.51 mM) was found in plants growing in alkaline water. Trap biomass proportion did not correlate significantly with prey capture and CO2 compensation points with ambient [CO2]. A very rapid apical growth (2.5–4.2 new nodes day−1) occurred in sand pits. Thus, HCO3 use in U. australis can be induced by growing at very high pH. CO2 compensation points resembled those known in other aquatic non-carnivorous plants. They did not reflect carnivory. In spite of very rapid apical shoot growth, the relative growth rate of U. australis can be zero in oligotrophic habitats without prey.  相似文献   

Kennedy Roche 《Oecologia》1990,83(1):76-82
Summary (1) Ingestion rates by adult female and juvenile Acanthocyclops robustus on a number of prey types were measured at a prey concentration of 100/l in experimental volumes of 300–400 ml. (2) For the adult predator, Synchaeta pectinata was most vulnerable (22.3, standard error 1.4, prey ingested per predator per day) as compared to Brachiomus calyciflorus, Brachionus diversicornis, Keratella cochlearis (two morphs), Asplanchna priodonta, Polyarthra major, Synchaeta kitina, Pompholyx sulcata, Daphnia spec., and Bosmina longirostris. For these latter prey, the lowest ingestion rate was on one morph of K. cochlearis and the highest on A. priodonta, being, respectively, 1.0, SE 0.5, and 11.3, SE 1.0, prey per predator per day. (3) With regard to the juvenile predator (mostly copepodite stages I, II and III), ingestion rates on K. cochlearis and P. sulcata were low (respectively 1.2, SE 0.7, and 0.3, SE 0.1, prey per predator per day) but quite high on S. kitina (5.7, SE 0.6). (4) In addition, the effect of increasing prey concentration on the ingestion rate (functional response) by the adult female predator was examined for B. calyciflorus, K. cochlearis, S. pectinata, S. kitina and Daphnia spec.. Increases in ingestion rate with prey density were minimal for B. calyciflorus and K. cochlearis, greater for Daphnia spec., still greater for S. pectinata and of greatest magnitude for S. kitina. (5) The reasons for these results are discussed with particular reference to prey features.  相似文献   

The feeding dynamics and oxygen uptake of the bottom-dwelling caridean shrimp Nauticaris marionis were studied during the April/May 1984, 1996 and 1997 cruises to Marion Island (Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean). N. marionis is thought to have an opportunistic feeding mode. Prey composition varied considerably between the years and sites investigated. Overall, benthic (mainly hydrozoans and bottom-dwelling polychaetes) and, at times, pelagic (largely euphausiids and copepods) prey items dominated in the stomachs of N. marionis both by occurrence and by volume. Generally, pelagic prey contributed more to the diets of smaller shrimps, while benthic prey was a more important component in the guts of larger specimens. Wet, dry and ash-free dry weight were determined for specimens used in respiration experiments. The respiration rates of N. marionis females with carapace length 6.6–11.1 mm ranged from 80 to 250 μl O2 individual−1 · h−1, or from 0.588 to 2.756 μl O2 · mg−1 dry weight h−1. Regression analyses showed highly significant correlations between oxygen consumption and carapace length for N. marionis. Daily ingestion rates estimated using an in situ gut content analysis technique (4.4% of body dry weight) and an energy budget approach (average 4.7% of body dry weight, range 2.0–7.5%) showed good agreement with each other. Accepted: 29 July 1998  相似文献   

The growth and survival of larvae can be significantly enhanced through close association with patches of high prey concentration. However, the taxis and kinesis responses used by larvae to locate and maintain residence in micro-patches remains poorly understood. In this study, the behavioral responses of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae (45–100 dph) to light, prey scent, and prey were examined. Both species displayed an ontogenetic shift in response to a horizontal light gradient, with small larvae (11–13 mm SL) exhibiting a positive phototaxis and large larvae (23–32 mm SL) exhibiting a negative phototaxis. Whether this reversal is related to ontogenetically appropriate foraging cues or some other aspect of the environment remains to be determined. Neither species displayed significant behavioral responsiveness to the introduction of olfactory prey cues at either size. The aggregating (taxis) response of large larvae to introduction of live prey was stronger than that of small larvae, possibly due to increased reaction distances and encounter rates. In addition, both species exhibited a kinesis response of reducing the frequency of swimming bouts in response to introduction of live prey. These results suggest that the scale of prey patchiness and the physical factors that determine patch encounter rates are a significant determinant of larval growth and survival in the early feeding stages of marine fishes.  相似文献   

The pseudoscorpion Dinocheirus arizonensisinhabits rotting saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert and has also been found attached to the legs of the cactophilic neriid fly, Odontoloxozus longicornis.Laboratory experiments demonstrated a higher incidence of phoresy on eclosing versus postteneral adult flies, a female bias in phoresy, and an increased rate in female phoresy through time. The pseudoscorpion may also prey on the fly, but predation rate was unaffected by fly category, pseudoscorpion gender, or food deprivation. A study of pseudoscorpion colonization in the field indicated that females were the first to colonize and the first to abandon the transient habitat of a saguaro rot and, thus, corroborated patterns of phoretic behavior in the laboratory. Taken together, these results establish that phoresy is a behavior functioning specifically for dispersal. The hypothesis that pseudoscorpion transport by other arthropods is accidental, motivated by hunger, and occurs because pseudoscorpions are incapable of consuming their hosts is rejected.  相似文献   

The influence of predator exposure on the survival of hatchery red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus was investigated under laboratory conditions. Several prey-capture (attack distance, mean attack velocity, capture time, and gape cycle duration) and anti-predator (reaction distance, response distance, mean velocity, and maximum velocity) performance variables were quantified using high-speed video for juvenile red drum (25–30 mm standard length, L S ) reared with and without predators (pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides). Univariate contrasts of prey-capture events demonstrated that attack distance (mean ± s.e.) was significantly greater in red drum reared with (1.20 ± 0.16 mm) versus without (0.65 ± 0.09 mm) pinfish predators. During anti-predator events, red drum reared with predators had approximately 300% greater reaction distance and 20%–30% greater response distance, mean velocity and maximum velocity versus fish reared without predators; however, these differences were not statistically significant. Following video assessments, a series of mortality experiments were conducted using free-ranging pinfish predators. Mortality rates (Z) ranged from 0.047 to 0.060 (Z/hr/predator) and did not differ significantly among treatments.  相似文献   

Synopsis The vulnerability of white perch, Morone americana, larvae to yearling bluegill, Lepomis macrochira, predators was examined in relation to larval size, nutritional condition and relative abundance of alternative prey. Short-term (15 min) predation trials were conducted in 381 tanks in the laboratory. Larval vulnerability was measured as the proportion of larvae killed and the proportion of successful attacks per predator in each 15 min trial. No significant differences in vulnerability were apparent among larvae regardless of feeding history at sizes < 6 mm SL. At larval lengths > 6 mm SL, size of larvae was the crucial determinant of their vulnerability. Percentage of larvae killed in 15 min was nearly 100% at sizes < 6 mm SL, decreased to 30% at a length of 12.0 mm SL and dropped to 18% at 14.0 mm SL. Larvae initially feeding at low food levels for 2–4 d exhibited decreased growth of 13–25% over the first 3 wks of life, and simulations based on laboratory results indicated that these growth deficits could result in 5- to 68-fold decreases in survivorship at 38 days after hatching (DAH). The relative abundance of alternative prey also had a pronounced effect on mortality of larvae. A 10-fold increase in alternative prey (Daphnia magna) abundance decreased bluegill predation rates on white perch larvae by 10–20%, while a 100-fold increase in Daphnia density decreased larval mortality by 75–90%.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of the landlocked dwarf ayu in Lake Biwa, Japan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Knowledge of how energetic parameters relate to fluctuating factors in the natural habitat is necessary when evaluating the role of gelatinous zooplankton in the carbon flow of coastal waters. In laboratory experiments, we assessed feeding, respiration and growth of the ctenophore, Pleurobrachia pileus, and constructed carbon budgets. Clearance rates (F, l d−1) of laboratory-reared Acartia tonsa as prey increased as a function of ctenophore polar length (L, mm) as F = 0.17L 1.9. For ctenophores larger than about 11 mm, clearance rate was depressed in containers of 30–50 l volume. Clearance rates on field-collected prey were highest on the copepod, Centropages typicus, intermediate on the cladoceran, Evadne nordmanni and low on the copepods, Acartia clausi and Temora longicornis. Specific growth rates of 8–10 mm P. pileus increased with increasing prey concentrations to a maximum of 0.09 d−1 attained at prey carbon densities of 40 and 100 μg C l−1 of Artemia salina and A. tonsa, respectively. Weight-specific respiration rates increased hyperbolically with prey concentration. From experiments in which growth, ingestion and respiration were measured simultaneously, a carbon budget was constructed for individuals growing at maximum rates; from the measured parameters, the assimilation efficiency and net growth efficiency were estimated to be 22 and 37%, respectively. We conclude that the predation rates of P. pileus depend on ctenophore size, prey species, prey density and experimental container volume. Because the specific growth rates, respiration, assimilation and net growth efficiencies all were affected by food availability, knowledge of the ambient prey field is critical when evaluating the role of P. pileus in the carbon flow in coastal waters.  相似文献   

On a sandy beach at Shoal Bay in Princess Royal Harbour, Albany,southwestern Western Australia, lives a small muricid gastropodthat feeds virtually monotonically on the overwhelmingly dominantresident bivalve Katelysia scalarina. Lepsiella paivae livesburied in the sand and attacks its prey within it. Because ofits small size (<13 mm shell height), bivalve prey isalso small and this study demonstrates a preference for K. scalarinaof 5 mm shell length, i.e. juveniles. Laboratory experimentsalso suggested a possible preference for attack of the rightvalve. Lepsiella paivae can and does, however, attack largerprey (up to 15 mm shell length), but cannot consume themcompletely. A second visit to Princess Royal Harbour in theAustral winter, when there was no juvenile K. scalarina present,showed L. paivae to be attacking at the sand surface, also bydrilling, the small (<4 mm) gastropod Hydrococcus brazieri(Hydrococcidae). SEM studies of experimentally determined drillholes of L. paivae show them to be of variable form, some straightsided, others bevelled (like a naticid) and <500 µmin diameter. On this sheltered Southern Ocean beach, therefore,L. paivae has specialized to attack juvenile bivalves by burrowingafter them. It can, however, attack other species opportunisticallyon the sand surface when seasonally favoured juvenile bivalveprey are not present. (Received 8 January 2005; accepted 16 March 2005)  相似文献   

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