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In vitro enzyme reactions are traditionally conducted under conditions of pronounced substrate excess since this guarantees that the bound enzyme is at quasi-steady-state (QSS) with respect to the free substrate, thereby justifying the Briggs-Haldane approximation (BHA). In contrast, intracellular reactions, amplification assays, allergen digestion assays and industrial applications span a range of enzyme-to-substrate ratios for which the BHA is invalid, including the extreme of enzyme excess. The quasi-equilibrium approximation (QEA) is valid for a subset of enzyme excess states. Previously, we showed that the total QSSA (tQSSA) overlaps and extends the validity of the BHA and the QEA, and that it is at least roughly valid for any total substrate and enzyme concentrations. The analysis of the tQSSA is hampered by square root nonlinearity. Previous simplifications of the tQSSA rate law are valid in a parameter domain that overlaps the validity domains of the BHA and the QEA and only slightly extends them. We now integrate the tQSSA rate equation in closed form, without resorting to further approximations. Moreover, we introduce a complimentary simplification of the tQSSA rate law that is valid in states of enzyme excess when the absolute difference between total enzyme and substrate concentrations greatly exceeds the Michaelis-Menten constant. This includes a wide range of enzyme and substrate concentrations where both the BHA and the QEA are invalid and allows us to define precisely the conditions for zero-order and first-order product formation. Remarkably, analytical approximations provided by the tQSSA closely match the expected stochastic kinetics for as few as 15 reactant molecules, suggesting that the conditions for the validity of the tQSSA and for its various simplifications are also of relevance at low molecule numbers.  相似文献   

The Briggs-Haldane approximation of the irreversible Michaelis-Menten scheme of enzyme kinetics is cited in virtually every biochemistry textbook and is widely considered the classic example of a quasi-steady-state approximation. Though of similar importance, the reversible Michaelis-Menten scheme is not as well characterized. This is a serious limitation since even enzymatic reactions that go to completion may be reversible. The current work derives a total quasi-steady-state approximation (tQSSA) for the reversible Michaelis-Menten and delineates its validity domain. The tQSSA allows the derivation of uniformly valid approximations for the limit of low enzyme concentrations, ET相似文献   

The Michaelis-Menten equation has played a central role in our understanding of biochemical processes. It has long been understood how this equation approximates the dynamics of irreversible enzymatic reactions. However, a similar approximation in the case of networks, where the product of one reaction can act as an enzyme in another, has not been fully developed. Here we rigorously derive such an approximation in a class of coupled enzymatic networks where the individual interactions are of Michaelis-Menten type. We show that the sufficient conditions for the validity of the total quasi-steady state assumption (tQSSA), obtained in a single protein case by Borghans, de Boer and Segel can be extended to sufficient conditions for the validity of the tQSSA in a large class of enzymatic networks. Secondly, we derive reduced equations that approximate the network's dynamics and involve only protein concentrations. This significantly reduces the number of equations necessary to model such systems. We prove the validity of this approximation using geometric singular perturbation theory and results about matrix differentiation. The ideas used in deriving the approximating equations are quite general, and can be used to systematize other model reductions.  相似文献   

The validity of the quasi-steady state approximation for the calculation of the rate function of an isolated enzyme reaction is analysed by a detailed consideration of the time dependent process. For the characterization of the deviations of the real motion from the quasi-stationary state three kinds of error functions are used, the relaxation deficit, the relative relaxation time and the relaxation error. An improved approximation procedure is developed to calculate the transient states of the system. The maximum distance of the original motion from the quasi-stationary states is estimated by a general method. By consideration of different enzyme and substrate concentrations as well as different kinetic constants those parameter regions have been determined, where the errors of the quasi-steady state approximation do not exceed tolerated values. It is suggested how the methods can be applied to metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

The Briggs–Haldane standard quasi-steady state approximation and the resulting rate expressions for enzyme driven biochemical reactions provide crucial theoretical insight compared to the full set of equations describing the reactions, mainly because it reduces the number of variables and equations. When the enzyme is in excess of the substrate, a significant amount of substrate can be bound in intermediate complexes, so-called substrate sequestration. The standard quasi-steady state approximation is known to fail under such conditions, a main reason being that it neglects these intermediate complexes. Introducing total substrates, i.e., the sums of substrates and intermediate complexes, provides a similar reduction of the number of variables to consider but without neglecting the contribution from intermediate complexes. The present theoretical study illustrates the usefulness of such simplifications for the understanding of biochemical reaction schemes. We show how introducing the total substrates allows a simple analytical treatment of the relevance of significant enzyme concentrations for pseudo first-order kinetics and reconciles two proposed criteria for the validity of the pseudo first-order approximation. In addition, we show how the loss of zero-order ultrasensitivity in covalent modification cycles can be analyzed, in particular that approaches such as metabolic control analysis are immediately applicable to scenarios described by the total substrates with enzyme concentrations higher than or comparable to the substrate concentrations. A simple criterion which excludes the possibility of zero-order ultrasensitivity is presented.  相似文献   

We re-visit previous analyses of the classical Michaelis-Menten substrate-enzyme reaction and, with the aid of the reverse quasi-steady-state assumption, we challenge the approximation d[C]/dt ≈ 0 for the basic enzyme reaction at high enzyme concentration. For the first time, an approximate solution for the concentrations of the reactants uniformly valid in time is reported. Numerical simulations are presented to verify this solution. We show that an analytical approximation can be found for the reactants for each initial condition using the appropriate quasi-steady-state assumption. An advantage of the present formalism is that it provides a new procedure for fitting experimental data to determine reaction constants. Finally, a new necessary criterion is found that ensures the validity of the reverse quasi-steady-state assumption. This is verified numerically.  相似文献   

The parameter domain for which the quasi-steady state assumption is valid can be considerably extended merely by a simple change of variable. This is demonstrated for a variety of biologically significant examples taken from enzyme kinetics, immunology and ecology.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for predicting and exploring the dynamics of stochastic, spatially interacting populations have proven to have useful application in epidemiology and ecology. An important development has been the increasing interest in spatially explicit models, which require more advanced analytical techniques than the usual mean-field or mass-action approaches. The general principle is the derivation of differential equations describing the evolution of the expected population size and other statistics. As a result of spatial interactions no closed set of equations is obtained. Nevertheless, approximate solutions are possible using closure relations for truncation. Here we review and report recent progress on closure approximations applicable to lattice models with nearest-neighbour interactions, including cluster approximations and elaborations on the pair (or pairwise) approximation. This study is made in the context of an SIS model for plant-disease epidemics introduced in Filipe and Gibson (1998, Studying and approximating spatio-temporal models for epidemic spread and control, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 353, 2153–2162) of which the contact process [Harris, T. E. (1974), Contact interactions on a lattice, Ann. Prob. 2, 969] is a special case. The various methods of approximation are derived and explained and their predictions are compared and tested against simulation. The merits and limitations of the various approximations are discussed. A hybrid pairwise approximation is shown to provide the best predictions of transient and long-term, stationary behaviour over the whole parameter range of the model.  相似文献   

Moment closure approximations are used to provide analytic approximations to non-linear stochastic population models. They often provide insights into model behaviour and help validate simulation results. However, existing closure schemes typically fail in situations where the population distribution is highly skewed or extinctions occur. In this study we address these problems by introducing novel second-and third-order moment closure approximations which we apply to the stochastic SI and SIS epidemic models. In the case of the SI model, which has a highly skewed distribution of infection, we develop a second-order approximation based on the beta-binomial distribution. In addition, a closure approximation based on mixture distribution is developed in order to capture the behaviour of the stochastic SIS model around the threshold between persistence and extinction. This mixture approximation comprises a probability distribution designed to capture the quasi-equilibrium probabilities of the system and a probability mass at 0 which represents the probability of extinction. Two third-order versions of this mixture approximation are considered in which the log-normal and the beta-binomial are used to model the quasi-equilibrium distribution. Comparison with simulation results shows: (1) the beta-binomial approximation is flexible in shape and matches the skewness predicted by simulation as shown by the stochastic SI model and (2) mixture approximations are able to predict transient and extinction behaviour as shown by the stochastic SIS model, in marked contrast with existing approaches. We also apply our mixture approximation to approximate a likehood function and carry out point and interval parameter estimation.  相似文献   

More than 20 years after its proposal, Keller and Segel's model (1971,J. theor. Biol.,30, 235–248) remains by far the most popular model for chemical control of cell movement. However, before the Keller-Segel equations can be applied to a particular system, appropriate functional forms must be specified for the dependence on chemical concentration of the cell transport coefficients and the chemical degradation rate. In the vast majority of applications, these functional forms have been chosen using simple intuitive criteria. We focus on the particular case of eukaryotic cell movement, and derive an approximation to the detailed model of Sherrattet al. (1993,J. theor. Biol.,162, 23–40). The approximation consists of the Keller-Segel equations, with specific forms predicted for the cell transport coefficients and chemical degradation rate. Moreover, the parameter values in these functional forms can be directly measured experimentally. In the case of the much studied neutrophil-peptide system, we test our approximation using both the Boyden chamber and under-agarose assays. Finally, we show that for other cell-chemical interactions, a simple comparison of time scales provides a rapid check on the validity of our Keller-Segel approximation.  相似文献   

Equations for the time-dependent concentrations of all species involved in the general mechanism of human plasminogen activation proposed by Wohlet al. (J. biol. Chem. 255, 2005–2013, 1980) have been derived. These equations are valid for the whole course of the reaction: for both the transient phase and the steady state. In addition, we compare our results with the ones obtained by the above-mentioned authors for the steady state assuming rapid equilibrium conditions. Finally, we propose a method for the determination of all velocity constants.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the validity of a quasi-steady state assumption in approximating Michaelis-Menten type kinetics for enzyme-catalysed biochemical reactions that are subject to periodic substrate input.Acknowledgement This work was funded by the EPSRC Grant GR/R53098. JLL is supported by the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department.  相似文献   

We present a quasi-steady state reduction of a linear reaction-hyperbolic master equation describing the directed intermittent search for a hidden target by a motor-driven particle moving on a one-dimensional filament track. The particle is injected at one end of the track and randomly switches between stationary search phases and mobile nonsearch phases that are biased in the anterograde direction. There is a finite possibility that the particle fails to find the target due to an absorbing boundary at the other end of the track. Such a scenario is exemplified by the motor-driven transport of vesicular cargo to synaptic targets located on the axon or dendrites of a neuron. The reduced model is described by a scalar Fokker–Planck (FP) equation, which has an additional inhomogeneous decay term that takes into account absorption by the target. The FP equation is used to compute the probability of finding the hidden target (hitting probability) and the corresponding conditional mean first passage time (MFPT) in terms of the effective drift velocity V, diffusivity D, and target absorption rate λ of the random search. The quasi-steady state reduction determines V, D, and λ in terms of the various biophysical parameters of the underlying motor transport model. We first apply our analysis to a simple 3-state model and show that our quasi-steady state reduction yields results that are in excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of the full system under physiologically reasonable conditions. We then consider a more complex multiple motor model of bidirectional transport, in which opposing motors compete in a “tug-of-war”, and use this to explore how ATP concentration might regulate the delivery of cargo to synaptic targets.  相似文献   

Two-step binding kinetics are extensively used to study the relative importance of diffusion in biochemical reactions. Classical analysis of this problem assumes ad hoc that the encounter complex is at quasi-steady state (QSS). Using scaling arguments we derive a criterion for the validity of this assumption in the limit of irreversible product formation. We find that the QSS approximation (QSSA) of two-step binding is only valid if the total ligand and receptor concentrations are much smaller than (k2+k-1)/k1, where k1 and k-1 are, respectively, the forward and reverse diffusion encounter rate constants and k2 is the chemical association rate constant. This criterion can be shown to imply that the average time between encounters is much longer than the half-life of the encounter complex and also guarantees that the concentration of the encounter complex is negligible compared to the reactant and product concentrations. Numerical examples of irreversible and reversible cases corroborate our analysis and illustrate that the QSS may be invalid even if k-2相似文献   

An approximation method using a sine function is used to solve the second degree growth equation for the case in which an organism may simultaneously become dispersed throughout a uniform region. The resulting expression for a special case is compared with the expression obtained by R. Barakat (1959,Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 141–51), giving the first two terms, by an iterative, procedure. The agreement is satisfactory.  相似文献   

Interaction energies for a representative sample of 39 intermolecular complexes are calculated using two computational approaches based on the subsystem formulation of density functional theory introduced by Cortona (Phys. Rev. B 44:8454, 1991), adopted for studies of intermolecular complexes (Wesolowski and Weber in Chem. Phys. Lett. 248:71, 1996). The energy components (exchange-correlation and non-additive kinetic) expressed as explicit density functionals are approximated by means of gradient-free- (local density approximation) of gradient-dependent- (generalized gradient approximation) approximations. The sample of the considered intermolecular complexes was used previously by Zhao and Truhlar to compare the interaction energies derived using various methods based on the Kohn-Sham equations with high-level quantum chemistry results considered as the reference. It stretches from rare gas dimers up to strong hydrogen bonds. Our results indicate that the subsystem-based methods provide an interesting alternative to that based on the Kohn-Sham equations. Local density approximation, which is the simplest approximation for the relevant density functionals and which does not rely on any empirical data, leads to a computational approach comparing favorably with more than twenty methods based on the Kohn-Sham equations including the ones, which use extensively empirical parameterizations. For various types of non-bonding interactions, the strengths and weaknesses of gradient-free and gradient-dependent approximations to exchange-correlation and non-additive kinetic energy density functionals are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A special mixing device for initiating enzyme-catalyzed reactions is used to rapidly achieve an unperturbed quasi-steady state. An on-line computer is employed to sample the initial conditions, the mixing time, and concentrations that change as a function of time during this quasi-steady state phase. A statistical method for estimating initial, quasi-steady state rates from the time course of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is described. Practical considerations for using this parameter estimation system lead to the conclusion that for the enzyme-catalyzed reaction tested, the extent overall reaction should be above .2% for high initial substrate concentrations, and above 1% for initial substrate concentrations in the range of the Michaelis constant. Application of this method to a typical enzyme-catalyzed reaction suggests that objective estimates of initial rates from a given set of concentrations and corresponding times can be obtained with a standard error in the range of 2–3%, but that reproducibility is not better than about 10%. When this procedure was used to estimate initial rates for the glycerol dehydrogenase-catalyzed oxidation of glycerol by NAD, it was found that this enzyme did not behave according to the classical “Michaelis-Menten” mechanism of enzyme action.  相似文献   

The multisite phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle is a motif repeatedly used in cell signaling. This motif itself can generate a variety of dynamic behaviors like bistability and ultrasensitivity without direct positive feedbacks. In this paper, we study the number of positive steady states of a general multisite phosphorylation–dephosphorylation cycle, and how the number of positive steady states varies by changing the biological parameters. We show analytically that (1) for some parameter ranges, there are at least n + 1 (if n is even) or n (if n is odd) steady states; (2) there never are more than 2n − 1 steady states (in particular, this implies that for n = 2, including single levels of MAPK cascades, there are at most three steady states); (3) for parameters near the standard Michaelis–Menten quasi-steady state conditions, there are at most n + 1 steady states; and (4) for parameters far from the standard Michaelis–Menten quasi-steady state conditions, there is at most one steady state.   相似文献   

The nature and validity of the mathematical formulation of Michaelis-Menten type kinetics for enzyme-catalysed biochemical reactions is studied. Almost all previous work has concentrated on isolated reactions, i.e. those without input or other environmental influences. In this paper, we investigate the effects of substrate input on this formulation, in particular, on the nature and validity of the quasi-steady state assumptions.  相似文献   

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