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普通大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus(Bagnall)是我国华南地区豆科植物上的重要害虫,并已对多种农药产生严重的抗药性,为减少化学农药的使用,探寻基于寄主植物挥发物的化学生态调控技术,针对不同寄主植物及其挥发性信息化合物对普通大蓟马的行为影响进行研究和探讨.本研究采用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定了普通大蓟马对豇豆花和四季豆花的选择行为,在此基础上再利用"Y"型嗅觉仪和四臂嗅觉仪测定了普通大蓟马对不同生理期及不同为害程度的豇豆花的选择行为,筛选该虫的嗜好寄主及其生理状态.分别以正己烷和甲醇作为溶剂,应用顶空动态吸附法和溶剂浸取法提取寄主植物挥发物,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对其成分进行分析和鉴定.通过"Y"型嗅觉仪测定普通大蓟马对上述挥发物的不同浓度的标样及其混配物的行为反应,结果表明豇豆花对普通大蓟马的引诱活性显著高于四季豆花,后续试验进一步表明健康豇豆花对普通大蓟马的引诱效果好于花蕾、虫蕾和虫花.利用GC-MS从普通大蓟马嗜好寄主健康豇豆花中初步鉴定出42个挥发性信息化合物主要化学成分,购买标样对普通大蓟马进行不同浓度的行为活性测定,发现10-4β-石竹烯、10-2植物醇、10-6棕榈酸乙酯和10-6邻二甲苯具极显著的引诱作用,10-4罗勒烯、10-4亚油酸甲酯、10-4棕榈酸甲酯、10-4甲酯、10-62-甲基-3-羟基-4-吡喃酮具极显著的驱避作用,而棕榈酸乙酯在高浓度时表现出驱避作用,低浓度时表现出引诱作用.此外,当邻二甲苯和β-石竹烯、邻二甲苯和棕榈酸乙酯浓度为10-6时,其混配物对普通大蓟马表现出极显著的驱避作用,本试验尚未发现可增强引诱活性的配方.健康豇豆花为普通大蓟马的嗜好寄主,从其挥发性信息化合物中鉴定筛选出一批对普通大蓟马具显著引诱或驱避活性的化合物,为探明普通大蓟马对寄主植物的反应机制提供了信息基础,亦为今后研发高活性引诱剂或驱避剂提供理论基础.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of the parasitoid Psyllaephagus pistaciae, the major biocontrol agent of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae, to volatiles emanating from its host plant and host honeydew, were examined using a four‐arm airflow olfactometer. In addition, the arrestment behavior of this parasitoid on clean and honeydew‐treated leaves of the pistachio, Pistacia vera, was monitored. The infested pistachio leaves were the most favored source of the volatile attracting the parasitoids. The parasitoid clearly distinguished and responded to infochemicals emitted by psyllid honeydew but at a lower level than to the volatiles from infested host plants. However, the searching time, locomotory behavior, antennal drumming and ovipositor probing were all affected when they encountered honeydew‐contaminated zones on pistachio leaves. These findings suggest that the psyllid honeydew releases kairomones that stimulate the parasitoids to greater searching activity, as well as providing a directional cue. The intensive searching activities in the presence of the volatiles tested were very similar to responses by the parasitoid females when encountering patches treated with psyllid honeydew. Such behavior could retain the parasitoid in a favorable area, thereby increasing the probability of additional host encounters.  相似文献   

植物挥发性物质在蚜虫寄主定位中的作用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
周琼  梁广文 《昆虫知识》2001,38(5):334-336
本文综述了植物挥发性物质的化学性质、研究方法及其在蚜虫寄主定位中的作用  相似文献   

Euneura augarusis a specialized ectohyperparasitoid of conifer lachnids, which causes considerable mortality in mummies of conifer lachnid parasitoids. For the search on a large scale, E. augarusfemales rely mainly on volatile secondary plant compounds of conifers to locate potential host plants. In the medium-range (i.e., on a given host plant), females detect the presence of hosts either during spiral search flights or during search by walking. Search flights were more effective when mummies were dispersed, while clumped mummies were mainly found by walking. On ant-attended trees, E. augaruswas not able to forage successfully. Choice experiments with Aphidius ervi-mummies showed that E. augarusis able to develop in species that are not attacked in the field. We hypothesize that the proximate mechanism of host plant specificity, and as a consequence, host aphid specificity seems to be the use of typical conifer volatiles for host finding which provide the `search image' for the species.  相似文献   

Identification of plant volatiles that attract mated insect females for oviposition can provide important information about plant–insect relationships that can be used to develop pest control strategies involving manipulation of the female host search. Our study represents a first step towards identifying volatiles that affect the host location behaviour of the pea moth Cydia nigricana. The behaviours of virgin and mated males and females were analysed in cage experiments testing a two-choice situation at close range and in wind tunnel experiments evaluating upwind orientation over a distance. In both experimental setups, flowering pea plants constituted the most attractive phenological stage for mated females, with 58 % landing on such plants in the wind tunnel. Testing headspace extracts of different phenological stages of pea and of detached pea buds and flowers in the wind tunnel, mated females showed the highest landing responses to volatiles during flower development (budding 42 % and flowering 56 %) and from detached buds (46 %) and flowers (66 %). Volatile compounds collected from the various phenological stages of pea were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and the antennal responses to these headspace collections were evaluated by gas chromatography–electroantennography. Ten antennally active compounds were identified, nine of which were present in the headspace extracts of the whole pea plants at all tested phenological stages and in detached buds and flowers. Overall, our results demonstrate a clear link between host plant phenology, the corresponding plant odour, and the behaviour of mated C. nigricana females.  相似文献   

Dehydrated toads initiated water absorption response (WR) behavior and absorbed water from dilute NaCl solutions. With 200-250 mM NaCl, WR behavior and water absorption were both suppressed. With 200-250 mM Na-gluconate, WR initiation was significantly greater than with NaCl but water loss was greater. Neural recordings from spinal nerve #6 showed a greater integrated response to 250 mM NaCl than to 250 mM Na-gluconate, whereas a larger rinse response was seen with Na-gluconate. Studies with isolated epithelium showed a large increase in conductance (G(t)) when 250 mM NaCl replaced NaCl Ringer's as the apical bathing solution that was accompanied by depolarization of the transepithelial potential (V(t)) and basolateral membrane potential (V(b)). Depolarization of V(b) corresponded with the neural response to 250 mM NaCl. When 250 mM Na-gluconate replaced Ringer's as the apical solution G(t) remained low, V(b) transiently hyperpolarized to values near the equilibrium potential for K(+) and corresponded with the reduced neural response. These results support the hypothesis that chemosensory function of the skin is analogous to that of mammalian taste cells but utilizes paracellular ion transport to a greater degree.  相似文献   

Animals eavesdrop on signals and cues generated by prey, predators, hosts, parasites, competing species, and conspecifics, and the conspicuousness of sexual signals makes them particularly susceptible. Yet, when sexual signals evolve, most attention is paid to impacts on intended receivers (potential mates) rather than fitness consequences for eavesdroppers. Using the rapidly evolving interaction between the Pacific field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, and the parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea, we asked how parasitoids initially respond to novel changes in host signals. We recently discovered a novel sexual signal, purring song, in Hawaiian populations of T. oceanicus that appears to have evolved because it protects the cricket from the parasitoid while still allowing males to attract female crickets for mating. In Hawaii, there are no known alternative hosts for the parasitoid, so we would expect flies to be under selection to detect and attend to the new purring song. We used complementary field and laboratory phonotaxis experiments to test fly responses to purring songs that varied in many dimensions, as well as to ancestral song. We found that flies strongly prefer ancestral song over purring songs in both the field and the lab, but we caught more flies to purring songs in the field than reported in previous work, indicating that flies may be exerting some selective pressure on the novel song. When played at realistic amplitudes, we found no preferences–flies responded equally to all purrs that varied in frequency, broadbandedness, and temporal measures. However, our lab experiment did reveal the first evidence of preference for purring song amplitude, as flies were more attracted to purrs played at amplitudes greater than naturally occurring purring songs. As purring becomes more common throughout Hawaii, flies that can use purring song to locate hosts should be favored by selection and increase in frequency.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane (PM) of eukaryotic cells is not only an outermost covering to contain and protect inner molecules required for cell viability but also a place where communications dynamically occur with adjacent cells and environments including pathogens. However the selective permeability limits the free translocation of information across the PM between cells. Therefore, eukaryotic cells have invented an elaborate machinery to safely export and import proteins and small molecules within a membrane-wrapped container called a vesicle. Upon infection, a host plant cell also actively interacts with a phytopathogen to achieve its goal, defense to frustrate the pathogen attempt. To understand communications between pathogens and plants, hence this review is mainly focused on molecular transport events that occur at the host PM during plant immune responses.  相似文献   

Soil amelioration by a wood-ant species and its consequences for the larval performance of autumnal moths feeding on mountain birch were studied at various distances from the nest mound. Soil nitrate and ammonium nitrogen did not show any clear relationship with distance. However, trees growing in the mound had over 20% more foliar nitrogen than more distant trees. When moth larvae were experimentally protected from predation, their survival rate and final weight tended to decrease with increasing distance. In a laboratory experiment with detached leaves, the relative growth rate of larvae was roughly 30% higher on leaves from trees located on the mound. Differences in larval performance refute the Plant Stress Hypothesis proposed by T.C.R. White and support P.W. Price's Plant Vigor Hypothesis. Predation by ants was examined along the same gradient in trees with and without a glue band that excluded ants from the canopy. Reduction in the daily survival rate of larvae attributable to ant predation was about 35% in trees growing in the mound and around 5% at a distance of 20 m. Other things being equal, about 25 times more larvae entering the penultimate instar would achieve the pupal stage outside the wood-ant territory than in the vicinity of the mound. While both the fertilizing and predatory influence of wood ants is clear, the domain of predation is much larger than the area where trees and their herbivores can exploit enhanced nutrient levels in and around ant mounds. The existence of undamaged green islands around ant mounds in otherwise totally defoliated mountain-birch forests cannot be explained by soil amelioration by wood ants but rather by their predatory activity. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

Detection of exposure to biological threat agents has relied on ever more sensitive methods for pathogen identification, but that usually requires pathogen proliferation to dangerous, near untreatable levels. Recent events have demonstrated that assessing exposure to a biological threat agent well in advance of onset of illness or at various stages post-exposure is invaluable among the diagnostic options. There is an urgent need for better diagnostic tools that will be sensitive, rapid, and unambiguous. Since human clinical cases of illness induced by biothreat agents are, fortunately, rare, use of animal models that closely mimic the human illness is the only in vivo option. Such studies can be very difficult and expensive; therefore, maximizing the information obtained from in vitro exposures to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) provide an opportunity to investigate dose/time variability in host responses. In our quest to study staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) induced host gene expression patterns, we addressed two core issues using microarray analysis and predictive modeling. Our first objective was to determine gene expression patterns in human PBMCs exposed to SEB in vitro. Second, we compared the in vitro data with host responses gene expression patterns in vivo using PBMCs from an animal model of SEB intoxication that closely replicates the progression of illness in humans. We used cDNA microarrays to study global gene expression patterns in piglets intoxicated with SEB. We applied a supervised learning method for class prediction based on the k-nearest neighbor algorithm for the data obtained in piglets exposed to SEB in vivo against a training data set. This data set included gene expression profiles derived from in vitro exposures to eight different pathogens (Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Brucella melitensis, SEB, cholera toxin, Clostridium botulinum toxin A, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and Dengue-2) in PBMCs. We found that despite differences in gene expression profiles between in vitro and in vivo systems, there exists a subset of genes that show correlations between in vitro and in vivo exposures, which can be used as a predictor of exposure to SEB in vivo.  相似文献   

Song F Q  Song G  Dong A R  Kong X S 《农业工程》2011,31(6):322-327
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonize the roots of over 80% of terrestrial plant species, forming mutually beneficial symbioses. During the colonization process, symbiotic partners recognize each other, and undergo observable morphological and physiological changes; indicating that symbiosis formation involves multiple factors that are finely regulated. Sometimes host plants generate a transient, weak, defense response. This response and its down-regulation play a very important role in the development of AM symbioses. Although AM fungi can infect a wide range of host root tissues, which host defense may play a crucial role is hypothesized from the fact that hyphal expansion is only observed in the root cortex.
We discuss five defense mechanisms. (1) The degradation of exogenous elicitors. The host’s weak defense response may be due to the degradation of the exogenous elicitor chitin, or the prevention of release of an endogenous inductor from the plant cell wall. (2) The inactivation of defense signal molecules. Some defense signal molecules such as hydrogen peroxidase, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid (JA), are inactivated in host plants. This helps to avoid the turn-on of defense-related genes and facilitate mycorrhizal formation. (3) The regulation of plant hormones and plant photosynthates. Plant hormone levels and plant photosynthate metabolism both change during AM colonization. These mechanisms need further exploration. (4) Changes in levels of phosphorous (P), and (iso)flavonoids. High P levels can induce some defense genes to express hydrogen peroxidase, chitinase, and glucanase. These gene products can repress colonization by AM fungi. The plant defense response regulatory effect for different (iso)flavonoids varies, and their levels are regulated by P. (5) The suppressed expression of symbiotic genes. Some symbiosis-related genes inhibit plant defense responses, but it is still unclear which mechanisms underlie gene regulation. We provide here a theoretical basis for research into AM symbiosis that may promote study of host plant resistance and the mechanisms of symbiosis formation.
We provide a deeper insight into the signal transduction pathways of mycorrhization that will aid understanding and analysis of plant defense mechanisms in the AM context. The on-going development of genome sequencing technology will contribute greatly to the detailed study of symbiosis-related genes, and pathogenesis-related protein genes. These related genes may be induced to express corresponding proteins, be repressed, postpone expression or even shutdown, or both may work together to form symbioses. Elucidation of these features will help us understand the roles that plant defenses play in mycorrhizal formation; providing an unprecedented opportunity for research into mycorrhizal molecular biology and the interaction of symbiotic partners, and allowing the underlying mechanisms to be gradually uncovered.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonize the roots of over 80% of terrestrial plant species, forming mutually beneficial symbioses. During the colonization process, symbiotic partners recognize each other, and undergo observable morphological and physiological changes; indicating that symbiosis formation involves multiple factors that are finely regulated. Sometimes host plants generate a transient, weak, defense response. This response and its down-regulation play a very important role in the development of AM symbioses. Although AM fungi can infect a wide range of host root tissues, which host defense may play a crucial role is hypothesized from the fact that hyphal expansion is only observed in the root cortex.
We discuss five defense mechanisms. (1) The degradation of exogenous elicitors. The host’s weak defense response may be due to the degradation of the exogenous elicitor chitin, or the prevention of release of an endogenous inductor from the plant cell wall. (2) The inactivation of defense signal molecules. Some defense signal molecules such as hydrogen peroxidase, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid (JA), are inactivated in host plants. This helps to avoid the turn-on of defense-related genes and facilitate mycorrhizal formation. (3) The regulation of plant hormones and plant photosynthates. Plant hormone levels and plant photosynthate metabolism both change during AM colonization. These mechanisms need further exploration. (4) Changes in levels of phosphorous (P), and (iso)flavonoids. High P levels can induce some defense genes to express hydrogen peroxidase, chitinase, and glucanase. These gene products can repress colonization by AM fungi. The plant defense response regulatory effect for different (iso)flavonoids varies, and their levels are regulated by P. (5) The suppressed expression of symbiotic genes. Some symbiosis-related genes inhibit plant defense responses, but it is still unclear which mechanisms underlie gene regulation. We provide here a theoretical basis for research into AM symbiosis that may promote study of host plant resistance and the mechanisms of symbiosis formation.
We provide a deeper insight into the signal transduction pathways of mycorrhization that will aid understanding and analysis of plant defense mechanisms in the AM context. The on-going development of genome sequencing technology will contribute greatly to the detailed study of symbiosis-related genes, and pathogenesis-related protein genes. These related genes may be induced to express corresponding proteins, be repressed, postpone expression or even shutdown, or both may work together to form symbioses. Elucidation of these features will help us understand the roles that plant defenses play in mycorrhizal formation; providing an unprecedented opportunity for research into mycorrhizal molecular biology and the interaction of symbiotic partners, and allowing the underlying mechanisms to be gradually uncovered.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds from the apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), change considerably as the season progresses, and this is successfully exploited by the female codling moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), as it searches for oviposition sites. In this study, we investigated the effect of seasonal emissions of apple fruit volatiles on the host location behaviour of a parasitoid of the codling moth larvae, Hyssopus pallidus (Askew) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). In dual choice olfactory bioassays, the behaviour of the parasitoid in response to apple cues was observed over the complete 2003 growing season. Our results show that codling moth infested apples evoked a strong response from the parasitoid at the beginning of the season, until July. Then, attraction dropped drastically, increasing again at the beginning of August. At the end of the growing season, just prior to harvest, infested apples hardly evoked any behavioural response. Interestingly enough, mid‐season emissions of healthy apples were per se attractive to the parasitoid, and even preferred over volatiles from infested apples. Simultaneous volatile collections from healthy apples on twigs in the field were analysed throughout the season, showing that the overall quantity of headspace volatiles peaks at the beginning of June and mid‐August. The seasonal volatile emission is correlated with the behaviour of the parasitoid during the fruit ripening stage. The results are discussed in relation to the use of H. pallidus as a potential biocontrol agent, in order to enhance current integrated pest management (IPM) programs.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, an endemic pest in southeast Asia, has invaded Europe and the U.S.A. Unlike most of its closely related sibling species, the serrated ovipositor of D. suzukii permits ovipositing in undamaged fresh fruits. In the present study, volatiles are identified from host plants that are potentially involved in D. suzukii host recognition and oviposition behaviour. It is shown that mated females are attracted to volatiles emitted from intact fruits. The antennally‐active suite of compounds released from the fresh fruits is identified by gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection, as well as gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. In olfactometer bioassays, mated females are significantly attracted to an electroantennographically active volatile, isoamyl acetate, when tested at 10 µg of synthetic compound in a rubber septa, which has a release rate comparable to that of fresh fruits. In addition, a genomic survey shows that D. suzukii not only possesses the full repertoire of genes encoding odorant receptors activated by isoamyl acetate in D. melanogaster, but also that one of the genes, OR67a, is represented by five duplicated copies. These results indicate that D. suzukii uses olfactory cues to select oviposition sites. The identification of volatiles emitted by host fruits that attract D. suzukii may aid in the development of a selective and efficient synthetic lure for monitoring this pest. As a close relative of Drosophila melanogaster, D. suzukii provides a unique opportunity for understanding the physiological mechanisms involved in the shift of this species from use of rotten to ripe fruits for oviposition.  相似文献   

Insect–plant interactions occur in several ways and have considerable environmental and ecological importance. Many feeding strategies have evolved among herbivorous insects, with host–herbivore systems likely being influenced by trophobionts with ants. We investigated how these interactions vary across elevation gradients by evaluating the structure of the herbivorous insect community and ants associated with Baccharis dracunculifolia at three distinct elevations (800, 1100, and 1400 m a.s.l.) on a mountain in southeastern Brazil. Moreover, we evaluated the diversity and specialisation of interactions between herbivores and host plants along the elevational gradient. We sampled herbivores and ants on 60 plants at each elevation (totalling 180 plant individuals). Herbivore species composition differed among elevations, as did interaction diversity and specialisation. Richness and abundance of chewing insects increased with elevation, while β‐diversity among patches of the host plant was higher at the lowest elevation, probably due to the patchy occurrence of B. dracunculifolia. Richness and abundance of sap‐sucking insects were higher at the intermediate elevation, possibly due to local environmental conditions. We observed a positive relationship between ant and herbivore trophobiont richness on B. dracunculifolia. We found that interactions were more specialised and less diverse at higher elevations compared to the lowest elevation. Changes in vegetation and environmental variables shaped species distributions and their ecological interactions along the elevation gradient. Our study demonstrates that increased elevation changes the structure and patterns of interactions of the herbivore insect guilds associated with the host plant B. dracunculifolia. Ant effects depend on the context, the environment, and the species of ants involved, and are essential for the presence of insect trophobionts.  相似文献   

王庆  卢志兴  赵婧文  陈又清 《昆虫学报》2018,61(12):1430-1438
【目的】昆虫之间的互利关系和植物多样性在生态系统中具有重要的作用,本研究旨在探讨蚂蚁-紫胶虫互利关系的下行效应以及寄主植物多样性的上行效应对节肢动物群落各营养级的影响。【方法】试验样地位于云南省普洱市墨江县雅邑乡的人工紫胶林中。通过随机裂区试验方法,于2016年8月和9月分两次用手捡法、网扫法和震落法采集了蚂蚁-紫胶虫3种互利关系处理(有互利关系、无互利关系和自然对照)以及3种植物多样性处理(单一种植、2树种混植和3树种混植,分别代表植物多样性1, 2和3)下样地寄主植物上所有的节肢动物,并按照不同营养级将其分类。【结果】蚂蚁-紫胶虫互利关系会显著降低消费者多度[有互利关系(14.2±0.95)<自然对照(18.57±1.13)<无互利关系(23.27±1.38), (F=4.290, P=0.017)],植物多样性会显著提高消费者多度[植物多样性1(13.49±2.54)<植物多样性2(16.31±2.50)<植物多样性3(25.01±2.47), (F=56.03, P<0.001)];在两者的交互作用下,无论哪个植物多样性水平上,有互利关系处理的消费者多度都显著低于无互利关系处理的消费者多度 (F=6.850, P<0.001)。互利关系对捕食者多度无显著影响(F=1.277, P=0.284),植物多样性会显著增加捕食者多度[植物多样性1 (1.72±0.49) <植物多样性2 (3.42±0.54) <植物多样性3 (3.59±0.55), (F=10.976, P<0.001)],两者的交互作用对捕食者多度无显著影响(F=0.428, P=0.788)。互利关系和植物多样性会显著增加蚂蚁多度[自然对照(44.08±8.94) <有互利关系(324.82±65.35), (F=48.9, P<0.001)], [植物多样性1(86.31±12.51)<植物多样性3 (131.20±18.80) <植物多样性2(151.27±21.68), (F=137.85, P<0.001)], 两者的交互作用也会显著增加蚂蚁多度(F=80.31, P<0.001)。【结论】蚂蚁与紫胶虫的互利关系显著降低植物上的植食性害虫,对捕食者不产生显著作用,但显著提高蚂蚁多度;而植物多样性对节肢动物各营养级都有积极作用;两者会产生一定的联合作用,对各营养级产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

Xu H  Wang X  Morici LA  Pahar B  Veazey RS 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17965
We previously showed intravaginal inoculation with SHIVsf162p3 results in transient viremia followed by undetectable viremia in most macaques, and some displayed subsequent immunity to superinfection with pathogenic SIVmac251. Here we compare early T cell activation, proliferation, and plasma cytokine/chemokine responses in macaques intravaginally infected with either SHIVsf162p3 or SIVmac251 to determine whether distinct differences in host responses may be associated with early viral containment. The data show SIVmac251 infection results in significantly higher levels of T cell activation, proliferation, and a mixed cytokine/chemokine "storm" in plasma in primary infection, whereas infection with SHIVsf162p3 resulted in significantly lower levels of T cell activation, proliferation, and better preservation of memory CD4+ T cells in early infection which immediately preceded control of viremia. These results support the hypothesis that early systemic immune activation, T cell proliferation, and a more prominent and broader array of cytokine/chemokine responses facilitate SIV replication, and may play a key role in persistence of infection, and the progression to AIDS. In contrast, immune unresponsiveness may be associated with eventual clearance of virus, a concept that may have key significance for therapy and vaccine design.  相似文献   

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