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A great number of carnivoran remains from various late Miocene localities of Turkey, housed in the Natural History Museum of Aegean University, Bornova-Izmir, are described and compared with those from Eurasian localities for their determination. Thirteen different taxa were determined and some of them are recognized for the first time in Turkey or in their localities. Noteworthy is the presence of Dinocrocuta gigantea, which was recognized for the first time in Turkey, found in the early Vallesian locality Bayraktepe II, and the presence of the otter Sivaonyx hessicus which is a rare taxon in Eurasia, known from Eppelsheim, Germany and from Küçükçekmece and Bayraktepe II, Turkey. The hyaenid Adcrocuta cf. eximia was recognized for the first time in the Vallesian of Middle Sinap. The new determined carnivoran taxa provided some biochronological information which helps to date the localities or confirm their age.  相似文献   

The fossil molluscan fauna of Sandelzhausen (Early/Middle Miocene, SE Germany) comprises a total of 44 species, mostly terrestrial pulmonate snails. Herein we present a paleoecological analysis of this fauna based on an actualistic approach and on data on stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen (assessed from specimens of the freshwater lymnaeid snail Galba dupuyiana and the terrestrial clausiliid snail Pseudidyla moersingensis). The paleoecological reconstruction achieved here is in line with previous works, with some novelties and minor modifications. The basal sediment layers point to a swampy area with ponds and/or oxbow lakes (closed system, as indicated by the covariation between oxygen and carbon isotopic signals of G. dupuyiana), prone to seasonal flooding events. This environment would then gradually transition into a perennial lake, as indicated by: the proportion of planorbids, the appearance of aquatic species intolerant to desiccation, and the decoupling of the covariation between oxygen and carbon isotopic signals of G. dupuyiana. The terrestrial habitat would have developed from a more open environment (semi-arid/sub-humid scrubland) to a sub-humid/humid denser forest afterwards. Still, species from drier and more open environments are present throughout all the layers, suggesting that these habitats persisted in the lake’s hinterland. The mean annual temperature, calculated from the oxygen isotopic composition of P. moersingensis, ranges from 18.5 to 20.5 °C, but with no significant trend of change throughout the layers.  相似文献   

Larvae of Larinus fucatus Faust, 1891, L. capsulatus Gültekin, 2008, and Larinus sp. aff. leuzeae Fabre, 1870 are described for the first time. The larvae differ in the pattern on the head capsule, in the shape of the endocarinal line, and in the chaetotaxy of the epicranium, frons, and segments of the body, as well as in the presence or absence of stemmata. A key to larvae of 11 Larinus species is provided.  相似文献   

New murids of Late Miocene (medial Baodean Chinese Mammal Unit) age from Inner Mongolia, northern China, and from Yunnan Province, southern China, are described. Hansdebruijnia perpusilla nov. sp. represents the earliest known and morphologically most primitive species of the genus, which is known from the latest Miocene of Europe and western Asia. The new species suggests an eastern Palaearctic origin of Hansdebruijnia. “ProgonomysyunnanensisQIU and STORCH, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, is referred to Linomys nov. gen. New samples from Leilao, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, are included in this species, although this population is somewhat more primitive than that from Lufeng. Leilaomys zhudingi nov. gen. and sp. from Leilao shows a unique combination of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, which suggest an early divergence from the murid stem. The new findings indicate that our knowledge of the early radiation of murids in southeast Asia is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to evaluate plant diversity and the relationships between the distribution of Raunkiaer life forms and community structure, and species richness, at different successional stages in communities of Quercus ilex L., Erica arborea L. and Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach., distributed as enclaves in Sinop Province. Permanent sample plots were selected to determine plant diversity. The cover percentage of each plant species was recorded monthly during two vegetation periods. Raunkiaer life forms, and the Shannon–Wiener, Evenness, Simpson and Margalef indexes were determined. Twenty-three species in Quercus ilex, 96 species in Erica arborea, and 148 species in Sarcopoterium spinosum were identified. Hemicryptophyte dominancy was observed followed by phanerophytes in the Q. ilex community, and therophyte and hemicryptophyte dominancy in the E. arborea and S. spinosum communities, respectively. It was determined that the S. spinosum community was the most heterogeneous community while the Q. ilex community was more uniform than other communities. The variation in diversity indexes, homogeneity, and composition of life forms among communities adopting a similar climatic environment could result from a differentiation of environmental factors, which impact on community structuring, from biotic to abiotic at different successional stages of Mediterranean communities.  相似文献   

The Miocene Termina Formation of the northern Apennines (Italy) contains thin marly limestone or marly sandstone bodies rich in macrofauna mainly consisting of large lucinid clams. Modern representatives of this fauna occur in cold seep settings where they house chemosymbiotic bacteria. Moreover, these rocks record a δ13C-depletion confirming their origin influenced by a cold seep. The Miocene sections of Sasso delle Streghe and Sarsetta (near Modena) represent classic examples of cold seeps. These sections consist of marls and marly sandstones, respectively, with lucinids (Sasso delle Streghe) or bioclastic sands with lucinids (Sarsetta); both sections are capped by the Sandstones of Montebaranzone. They yield ostracodes that are mainly represented by deep-water filter-feeder species (Platycopa, i.e. Cytherella sp.) and numerous deposit-feeders (Podocopa: i.e. Neonesidea and Krithe), together with species frequently occurring in shallow water environments. These assemblages are able to colonize disaerobic environments such as cold seeps. Although some authors consider the filter-feeders as dominant taxa in disaerobic settings, our data do not provide evidence of significant differences in the ostracode assemblage composition between the deposits originated in seafloors with or without seepage influence. However, the number of specimens is greater in seafloors devoid of seepage influence.  相似文献   

The Siwalik Late Miocene bovids from the Hasnot deposits of Northern Pakistan are described here. The bovids are represented predominantly by boselaphines. The Hasnot outcrops range 7–5 Ma and correspond to the fauna of the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene of Eurasia and Africa. The associated fauna of Hasnot is suggestive a vast open land environment depicting sporadic dry and flood seasons, forcing a mosaic of ecotonal habitats with countless number of niches.  相似文献   

We report here new fossils of A. pentelicum from two Turolian localities of central and western Turkey, Pinaryaka and Salihpasalar (Kemikalan). The material, which consists of well preserved distal limb-bones, is compared with the few previously described specimens, mainly from Samos and Pikermi, but the observed differences should probably be attributed to individual variation. There is no evidence of evolution of the species during the Middle Turolian of the eastern Mediterranean, where it filled a narrow ecological niche, before its extinction.  相似文献   

The proboscidean fauna of the middle Miocene of Thailand consists of five taxa, including four elephantoids and one deinothere. The Thai association is dominated by the genera Stegolophodon and Gomphotherium. Stegolophodon is represented by S. nasaiensis and S. praelatidens. The latter species, considered invalid and possibly conspecific with S. latidens, is re‐erected. Its phylogenetic relationships are discussed. The Thai Gomphotherium matches with G. browni from the middle Miocene of Indo‐Pakistan. However, the open nomenclature is employed for the Thai material because it differs from G. browni in terms of curvature of the upper tusk. Intraspecific molar size variation observed in G. cf. browni and Stegolophodon praelatidens is attributed to sexual dimorphism. The Thai proboscidean asssemblage is mainly endemic compared with other contemporaneous Asian faunas although the recognition of Gomphotherium cf. browni denotes faunal affinities with Pakistan. The biostratigraphical implications of the taxa are examined in a regional context. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 703–721.  相似文献   

The early middle Miocene biota from the Shanwang locality in eastern China is one of the most diverse and well preserved in the world. This overall richness contrasts with its low diversity of anuran amphibians. The most abundant anurans are representatives of the family Ranidae, which remains the dominant group in the extant anuran fauna of China. Besides Rana basaltica Young, some other ranids can be recognised at the locality, and are clearly distinguishable from R. basaltica based on their larger size and different proportions. Ranids are also represented by a developmental series of tadpoles, ranging from approximately Nieuwkoop-Faber (NF) stage 43 to a metamorphosing tadpole of NF stage 57. This is the first known developmental series of fossil non-pipoid Anura outside the Pelobatidae. In addition to the ranids, Bufo shandongensis nov. sp. (replacement name for B. linquensis), represented by one of the earliest known articulated bufonid skeletons, is described and illustrated. Another large toad, Macropelobates linquensis (Yang) nov. comb., is re-described; it can be assigned to the Pelobatoidea, with a possible relationship to the Scaphiopodidae, and can be considered, based on the presence of a large spade, a tibiofibula shorter than the femur, and a short astragalus and calcaneus, to be the earliest known anuran burrower.  相似文献   

Cervids and bovids of the Early Turolian mammalian fauna of Kohfidisch (Austria) are reviewed. A new species, Micromeryx mirus sp. nov. (Moschidae) is described.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene limnic deposits from Stavropol contain wings of the limomidToxorhina (Ceratocheilus) caucasiensis n. sp. Recent species of this genus are distributed in tropic regions around the world.  相似文献   

During the Miocene, the Abruzzo/Apulia region (Italy), isolated from the continent, was the theatre of the evolution of a vertebrate ecosystem in insular context. During the Late Miocene, the protagonists of this ecosystem called “Mikrotia fauna” show a high endemic speciation level, presenting spectacular giant and dwarf species of mammals and birds. Deinogalerix is one of the most uncommon forms of this peculiar fauna. It is the largest Galericinae that ever lived. From Gargano (Apulia, Italy) deposits (also called “Terre Rosse”), Deinogalerix has been, since its discovery in the 1970s’, the subject of two publications in which various morphotypes were described. Its presence is also attested at Scontrone (Abruzzo, Italy). In 2005, the new Miocene fissure “Mikrotia 013” (M013) was found in the Gargano area at Cava Dell’Erba by a team of the Università degli studi di Torino. The study of the micromammals, and in particular the presence of an archaic form of Mikrotia, attests that M013 is the oldest fissure known to date. All the Deinogalerix remains come from the smallest morphotype ever found. The morphological features (other than size) allow us to describe the new species Deinogalerix masinii. It presents a large variability of dental and mandibular features expressed in mosaic patterns within the material: the robustness of the upper and lower P3 and P4, and the characteristic trigonid of m1 of the genus; the archaic morphology of the maxilla and the mandible; the abrading pattern of the teeth are unique for Deinogalerix. These new remains allow us to update the knowledge of Deinogalerix. The suit of characters testified that D. masinii nov. sp. is an archaic form on the evolutionary trend toward the most derived representatives of the genus. The affinities of Deinogalerix with the Parasorex group are confirmed, but the time of immigration in Gargano remains debated.  相似文献   

<正>1988年吴文裕描述了产自新疆准噶尔盆地北缘铁尔斯哈巴合地点哈拉玛盖组下部层位的一枚圆齿鼠的P4,定名为Sinomylagaulus halamagaiensis。1997年中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所新疆考察队又在铁尔斯哈巴合的哈拉玛盖组下部层位中采集到两枚p4。1988年的研究工作仅依据一枚上前臼齿(P4),标本的稀缺决定了当时研究成果的局限性。新材料无疑为认识新疆的圆齿鼠类提供了新的信息  相似文献   

Bythinella anatolica sp. n., Bythinella istanbulensis sp. n., Bythinella magdalenae sp. n., and Bythinella wilkei sp. n. from western Turkey are described herein. Illustrations of the shell and genitalia of the newly described taxa, together with comparisons with previously known Bythinella taxa and a key to the species from western Turkey, are also provided.  相似文献   

Material of Hispanomys (Rodentia, Cricetodontinae) is described from various localities at Batallones (MN10) (Madrid, Spain). All of it belongs to a single species, which differs from the other known species of the genus and a new taxon, Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. , is created for it. The samples from the various localities show differences interpreted as being the result of slight age disparities amongst the different sites. Although they were previously thought to be coeval, Batallones 10 is probably older than Batallones 1, which is possibly older than Batallones 3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is characterized by several morphological features such as the lack of cingula and mesolophs, the presence of well‐developed ectolophs, four‐ or five‐rooted M1, short or absent mesolophids, and reduced and simplified M3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is a relatively derived species, the evolutionary stage of which is comparable to those of other members of the genus from the Upper Vallesian. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 725–747.  相似文献   

This paper describes recent material gathered during the second fieldwork at Ma U'Oi in November 2002 by a Vietnamese–French–Japanese team. The Ma U'Oi cave, located in the province of Hoà Binh (60 km SW from Hanoi), northern Vietnam, belongs to a karstic network developed in Triassic dark-grey limestones.

The cave is filled with coarse-grained breccias containing numerous fossil remains, partially preserved at several loci inside the cave (wall, vault and ground). We describe new teeth which confirm the occurrence of mammal taxa already mentioned at Ma U'Oi (Bacon et al., 2004)[Bacon, A-M., Demeter, F., Schuster, M., Long, V.T., Thuy, N.K., Antoine, P-O., Sen, S., Nga, H.H., Huong, N.T.M., 2004. The Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave, northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoenvironments. Geobios 37, 305–314], while others, mainly microvertebrates, emphasize the occurrence of new species for the Pleistocene of Vietnam. We report here, for the first time, the occurrence of these microvertebrates of different groups (primates, rodents, insectivores, small reptiles and amphibians) in the faunal assemblage. Among mammal taxa, the presence of one more hominid affiliated to archaic Homo is also attested by our findings. U/Th dating carried out on 2 samples extracted from breccia speleothems confirms the biochronological estimate, with fossiliferous fillings ranging from late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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