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Clonorchis sinensis is a biological carcinogen inducing human cholangiocarcinoma, and clonorchiasis is one of the important endemic infectious diseases in East Asia. The present study investigated survival longevity of C. sinensis adult worms in various in vitro conditions to find the best way of keeping the worms longer. The worms were maintained in 0.85% NaCl, 1×PBS, 1×Locke''s solution, RPMI-1640, DMEM, and IMDM media, and in 1×Locke''s solution with different supplements. All of the worms died within 3 and 7 days in 0.85% NaCl and 1×PBS, respectively, but survived up to 57 days in 1×Locke''s solution. The worms lived for 106 days in DMEM, and 114 days in both RPMI-1640 and IMDM media. The survival rate in RPMI-1640 medium was the highest (50%) compared to that in DMEM (20±10%) and in IMDM (33.3±25.2%) after 3 months. The 1×Locke''s solution with 0.005% bovine bile supplement showed increased duration of maximum survival from 42 days to 70 days. Higher concentration of bile supplements than 0.005% or addition of glucose were disadvantageous for the worm survival. The worms died rapidly in solutions containing L-aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, and adenine compared to L-arginine, L-serine, and L-tryptophan. In conclusion, the 1×Locke''s solution best supports the worms alive among inorganic solutions for 57 days, and the RPMI-1640 medium maintains living C. sinensis adults better and longer up to 114 days in vitro than other media.  相似文献   

Various clones of tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] such as TTL-1, TTL-2, TTL-4, TTL-5, TTL-6, UPASI-2 and UPASI-3 planted in the field were subjected to soil moisture stress conditions by withholding irrigation. A control set of the same clones were maintained by watering regularly. The soil water content of the irrigated and non irrigated plants was monitored through the soil moisture status. The extent of effect of drought on tea plants were monitored through various physiological parameters such as shoot weight, leaf water potential, chlorophyll and carotenoid content, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and biochemical parameters such as extent of proline accumulation and free radical generation. These parameters were studied on the 30 d of non irrigation and on the 5 d during recovery from drought. The plants recovered when re-irrigated after 30 d of non-irrigation, which suggests that permanent wilting did not occur due to non-irrigation up to 30 d. On the 30 d of non-irrigation the clones TTL-1, TTL-6 and UPASI-2 showed lesser reduction of shoot weight, leaf water potential, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance and increased proline and lesser lipid peroxidation as compared to the other clones. From these results it can be concluded that the clones TTL-1, TTL-6 and UPASI-2 are comparatively more drought tolerant than the clones TTL-2, TTL-4, TTL-5 and UPASI-3.  相似文献   

Infection of leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis (Kuntze) L, cv TRI 2025) which was susceptible to blister blight (Exobasidium vexans Massee), resulted in a shift of the proanthocyanidin stereochemistry away from 2,3-trans (e.g. catechin and gallocatechin) and towards 2,3-cis (e.g. epicatechin and epigallocatechin). Infection also resulted in increased gallic acid esterification of the initiating subunits of proanthocyanidins. This was shown by both mass spectroscopy and phloroglucinolysis. Proanthocyanidins isolated from healthy tissue had a predominantly 2,3-trans stereochemistry which accounted for 53% and 61% of the total initiating and extension units of proanthocyanidin, respectively. Conversely in infected tissue, proanthocyanidin subunits with a 2,3-trans stereochemistry accounted for 26% and 40% of the total initiating and extension units, respectively. Infection had little impact on the hydroxylation state of the B-rings of proanthocyanidins. The products of acid hydrolysis under oxidative conditions had a slight excess of di-hydroxylated B-rings with cyanidin accounting for 58.3+/-0.05% and 60.4+/-0.2% of the total anthocyanidin recovered following hydrolysis of proanthocyanidin isolated from infected and healthy leaves, respectively. Similar results were obtained by phloroglucinolysis.  相似文献   

Most pathogens in intestine are opportunist, called “opportunistic pathogens” that usually do not cause disease in a healthy host. Only when the host’s resistance is lowered or the intestinal microecological balance is destroyed, the opportunistic pathogens are capable of causing disease. Here, two opportunistic pathogens, Salmonella enteritidis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were chosen to test the possible antagonistic effect of the probiotic agent Clostridium butyricum on these pathogens infections in vitro using fish intestinal epithelial cells (FIECs). The C. butyricum and its spent culture supernatants exhibited significant inhibitory activity on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus growth and adherence to FIECs. The C. butyricum also showed significant inhibitory effects on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus induced apoptosis, which may due to its growth and adhesion inhibitory effects. These results indicated that the probiotic bacterium C. butyricum has preventive and therapeutic effects on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus infections in fish.  相似文献   

Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) developed from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), known as EST-SSRs are most widely used and potentially valuable source of gene based markers for their high levels of crosstaxon portability, rapid and less expensive development. The EST sequence information in the publicly available databases is increasing in a faster rate. The emerging computational approach provides a better alternative process of development of SSR markers from the ESTs than the conventional methods. In the present study, 12,851 EST sequences of Camellia sinensis, downloaded from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) were mined for the development of Microsatellites. 6148 (4779 singletons and 1369 contigs) non redundant EST sequences were found after preprocessing and assembly of these sequences using various computational tools. Out of total 3822.68 kb sequence examined, 1636 (26.61%) EST sequences containing 2371 SSRs were detected with a density of 1 SSR/1.61 kb leading to development of 245 primer pairs. These mined EST-SSR markers will help further in the study of variability, mapping, evolutionary relationship in Camellia sinensis. In addition, these developed SSRs can also be applied for various studies across species.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to induce rooting from single node cuttings of Camellia sinensis var. TV-20 under controlled conditions and study its biochemical changes during rooting. The nodal cuttings were pretreated with different concentrations of IAA, NAA and IBA and kept in a growth chamber (25 ±2 °C, 16 h photoperiod (55 μ mol m−2 s−1) with cool, white fluorescent lamps and 65% relative humidity) for 12 h. Among the three auxins used for pretreatment, IBA showed more positive response on rooting as compared to IAA and NAA within 2 weeks of transfer to potting medium. Among four concentrations of IBA tested, 75 ppm gave maximum percentage of rooting, number of roots and root length. Therefore, IBA was used further in experiments for biochemical investigation. The adventitious rooting was obtained in three distinct phases i.e. induction (0–12 days), initiation (12–14 days) and expression (14–18 days). IAA-oxidase activity of IBA-treated cuttings increased slightly as compared to control. The activity was found to decrease during induction and initiation phases and increase during expression phase. The peroxidase activity in IBA-treated cuttings increased up to initiation phase and declined at the expression phase. Polyphenoloxidase activity increased both in IBA-treated and control cuttings during induction and initiation phase but declined slowly during expression phase. Total phenolic content was higher in IBA-treated cuttings, particularly in initiation and expression phases and it also correlated with peroxidase activity. Phenolics might be playing key role for induction of adventitious rooting, and phenolic compounds can be used as rooting enhancer in tea plant.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanism of aluminum (Al) detoxification in the roots of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze), the amounts of Al and Al-chelating compounds (fluoride (F), organic acids and catechins) were measured and the chemical forms of Al in root cell extracts were identified by the application of 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Tea plants were cultivated in nutrient solutions containing 0, 4, 1.0 and 4.0 mM of Al at pH 4.2 for approximately 10 weeks. The levels of soluble Al, water-soluble oxalate and citrate, but not F, malate or catechins in young roots increased with an increase in the concentration of Al in the treatment solution. The 27Al NMR spectra of root tips and cell sap extracted from root tips that had been treated with Al were almost identical and had four signals, with two (11 and 16 ppm) apparently corresponding to the known chemical shifts of Al-oxalate complexes. In the spectra of cell sap, the resonances at 11 and 16 ppm increased with an increase in the Al contents. These results suggest that the levels of Al-oxalate complexes increased in response to an increase in the Al level, implying that oxalate is a key Al-chelating compound in the mechanism of Al detoxification in the tea root.  相似文献   

To identify the chemical forms of aluminum (Al) transported from roots to shoots of tea plants (C. sinensis L.), 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance and 19F NMR spectroscopy were used to analyze xylem sap.The concentration of Al in collected xylem sap was 0.29 mM, twice as high as that of F. Catechins were not detected in xylem sap. The concentration of malic acid in xylem sap was higher than that of citric acid, whereas the concentration of oxalic acid was negligible.There were two signals in the 27Al NMR spectra of xylem sap, a larger signal at 11 ppm and a smaller one at −1.5 ppm. The former signal was consistent with the peak for an Al-citrate model solution, suggesting that an Al-citrate complex was present in xylem sap. Although the latter signal at −1.5 ppm was thought to indicate the presence of an Al-F complex (at 1.7 ppm) in xylem sap, there was only one signal at −122 ppm in the 19F NMR spectrum of xylem sap, indicating that the main F complex in xylem sap was F.These results indicate that Al might be translocated as a complex with citrate, while Al-malate, Al-oxalate and Al-F complexes are not major Al complexes in xylem sap of tea plants.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that isolates of Hirsutella rhossiliensis from host nematodes in the family Hoplolaimidae (Rotylenchus robustus and Hoplolaimus galeatus) would be more virulent to R. robustus than would isolates from host nematodes not in the Hoplolaimidae (Heterodera schachtii and Criconemella xenoplax). Nematodes were touched to 10-20 spores of different isolates and incubated at 20 C in 4.5 mM KC1; the percentage of nematodes colonized (filled with hyphae) was determined after 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 days. The hypothesis was rejected because isolates from H. schachtii and C. xenoplax were equivalent or better at parasitizing R. robustus than were isolates from R. robustus and H. galeatus. In addition, the R. robustus and H. galeatus isolates were as pathogenic to C. curvata as they were to R. robustus, but produced fewer spores per colonized nematode (H. schachtii) than did the other isolates.  相似文献   

Growing patterns of pediculocidal drug resistance towards head louse laid the foundation for research in exploring novel anti-lice agents from medicinal plants. In the present study, various extracts of Pongamia pinnata leaves were tested against the head louse Pediculus humanus capitis. A filter paper diffusion method was conducted for determining the potential pediculocidal and ovicidal activity of chloroform, petroleum ether, methanol, and water extracts of P. pinnata leaves. The findings revealed that petroleum ether extracts possess excellent anti-lice activity with values ranging between 50.3% and 100% where as chloroform and methanol extracts showed moderate pediculocidal effects. The chloroform and methanol extracts were also successful in inhibiting nymph emergence and the petroleum ether extract was the most effective with a complete inhibition of emergence. Water extract was devoid of both pediculocidal and ovicidal activities. All the results were well comparable with benzoyl benzoate (25% w/v). These results showed the prospect of using P. pinnata leave extracts against P. humanus capitis in difficult situations of emergence of resistance to synthetic anti-lice agents.  相似文献   

aiiA gene encoding AHL-lactonase was isolated from Bacillus cereus strain N26.2, originating from a striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) pond in Vietnam. This gene, abbreviated as aiiA(N26.2), was cloned and expressed in a competent Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3)pLysS. The resulting protein, abbreviated as AiiAN26.2, was highly active in the pH range of 6–8 and could retain 80 % of the maximum activity under storage for 5 days at 4 °C or for 3 days at 20 °C. These properties of AiiAN26.2 protein confers its future application via feed supplementation, with the purpose of controlling aquaculture pathogens which regulate the virulence via a quorum sensing system.  相似文献   

Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (neem), native to India, is well known worldwide for its insecticidal and ethanopharmacological properties. Although endophytic microbes are known from this plant as only leaves and stems were the subjects of past reports. Now, a variety of procedures and a number of different media were used to isolate the maximum number of endophytic fungi from unripe fruits and roots. A total of 272 isolates of 29 filamentous fungal taxa were isolated at rate of 68.0% from 400 samples of three different individual trees (at locations-Az1, Az2, Az3). Mycological agar (MCA) medium yielded the highest number of isolates (95, with a 14.50% isolation rate) with the greatest species richness. Mycelia Sterilia (1, 2, 3) accounted for 11.06%, Coelomycetes 7.25%, while Hyphomycetes showed the maximum number of representative isolates (81.69%). Mycelia-Sterilia (1, 2, 3), based on their 5.8S ITS 1, ITS2 and partial 18S and 28S rDNA sequences were identified as Fusarium solani (99%), Chaetomium globosum (93%) and Chaetomium globosum (93%) respectively. Humicola, Drechslera, Colletotrichum, and Scytalidium sp. were some of the peculiar fungal endophytes recovered from this plant.  相似文献   

Electrospinning is a highly adaptable method producing porous 3D fibrous scaffolds that can be exploited in in vitro cell culture. Alterations to intrinsic parameters within the process allow a high degree of control over scaffold characteristics including fiber diameter, alignment and porosity. By developing scaffolds with similar dimensions and topographies to organ- or tissue-specific extracellular matrices (ECM), micro-environments representative to those that cells are exposed to in situ can be created. The airway bronchiole wall, comprised of three main micro-environments, was selected as a model tissue. Using decellularized airway ECM as a guide, we electrospun the non-degradable polymer, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), by three different protocols to produce three individual electrospun scaffolds optimized for epithelial, fibroblast or smooth muscle cell-culture. Using a commercially available bioreactor system, we stably co-cultured the three cell-types to provide an in vitro model of the airway wall over an extended time period.This model highlights the potential for such methods being employed in in vitro diagnostic studies investigating important inter-cellular cross-talk mechanisms or assessing novel pharmaceutical targets, by providing a relevant platform to allow the culture of fully differentiated adult cells within 3D, tissue-specific environments.  相似文献   

Acacia catechu, commonly known as catechu, cachou and black cutch is an important medicinal plant and an economically important forest tree. The methanolic extract of this plant was found to have antimicrobial activities against six species of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. The maximum zone of inhibition (20 mm) was found to be exhibited against S. aureus. For this organism the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the crude extract was 1,000 μg/ml. The extract was found to be equally effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The antimicrobial activity of the extract was found to be decreased during purification. The chemical constituents of organic plant extracts were separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and the plant extracts were purified by column chromatography and were further identified by Gas chromatography–mass selection (GC–MS) analysis. The composition of A. catechu extract had shown major components of terpene i.e. camphor (76.40%) and phytol (27.56%) along with other terpenes in minor amounts which are related with their high antibacterial and antifungal properties.  相似文献   

Lewis KC  Selzer T  Shahar C  Udi Y  Tworowski D  Sagi I 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(14):2586-2592
Pectin methyl esterases (PMEs) and their endogenous inhibitors are involved in the regulation of many processes in plant physiology, ranging from tissue growth and fruit ripening to parasitic plant haustorial formation and host invasion. Thus, control of PME activity is critical for enhancing our understanding of plant physiological processes and regulation. Here, we report on the identification of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea component, as a natural inhibitor for pectin methyl esterases. In a gel assay for PME activity, EGCG blocked esterase activity of pure PME as well as PME extracts from citrus and from parasitic plants. Fluorometric tests were used to determine the IC50 for a synthetic substrate. Molecular docking analysis of PME and EGCG suggests close interaction of EGCG with the catalytic cleft of PME. Inhibition of PME by the green tea compound, EGCG, provides the means to study the diverse roles of PMEs in cell wall metabolism and plant development. In addition, this study introduces the use of EGCG as natural product to be used in the food industry and agriculture.  相似文献   

Rani A  Singh K  Ahuja PS  Kumar S 《Gene》2012,495(2):205-210
Catechins are bioprospecting molecules present in tea and any effort towards metabolic engineering of this important moiety would require knowledge on gene regulation. These are synthesized through the activities of phenylpropanoid and flavonoid pathways. Expression regulation of various genes of these pathways namely phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (CsPAL), cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (CsC4H), p-coumarate:CoA ligase (Cs4CL), flavanone 3-hydroxylase (CsF3H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (CsDFR) and anthocyanidin reductase (CsANR) was accomplished previously. In depth analyses of the remaining genes namely, chalcone synthase (CsCHS), chalcone isomerase (CsCHI), flavonoid 3'5'-hydroxylase (CsF3'5'H) and anthocyanidin synthase (CsANS) were lacking. The objective of the work was to clone and analyze these genes so as to generate a comprehensive knowledge on the critical genes of catechins biosynthesis pathway. Gene expression analysis was carried out in response to leaf age and external cues (drought stress, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid treatments and wounding). A holistic analysis suggested that CsCHI, CsF3H, CsDFR, CsANS and CsANR were amongst the critical regulatory genes in regulating catechins content.  相似文献   

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