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It has been demonstrated that the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and the intensity of female mate preferences of a wild guppy population change over a period of several months. However, the factors that determine the short-term changes in male ornaments and female preferences remained unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of season on these short-term changes by measuring these traits in the same seasons of different years for a wild guppy population in Okinawa, Japan. We also compared the characteristics of the offspring in each collection term, as female guppies are known to have the ability to control offspring characteristics, such as brood size and sex ratios, depending on their mates' attractiveness. Results showed that the total lengths of the males changed seasonally; males in the summer were larger than those in the spring. In contrast, the size of orange spots in males and the intensity of female mating preferences differed in the same seasons of different years. Brood size and offspring body size in each term showed seasonal changes. However, offspring sex ratios exhibited different patterns in the same seasons of different years. Females produced female-biased broods when attractive males with large orange spots were rare. These results suggest that short-term changes in some traits of adult male and female guppies as well as offspring sex ratios may be not determined by seasonal factors, and that these traits may be interrelated.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic species characterized by exaggerated male ornamentation, behavioral isolation is often attributed to female preferences for conspecific male signals. Yet, in a number of sexually dimorphic species, male mate choice also results in behavioral isolation. In many of these cases, the female traits that mediate species boundaries are unclear. Females in sexually dimorphic species typically lack many of the elaborate traits that are present in males and that are often used for taxonomic classification of species. In a diverse and largely sexually dimorphic group of fishes called darters (Percidae: Etheostoma), male mate choice contributes to behavioral isolation between a number of species; however, studies addressing which female traits males prefer are lacking. In this study, we identified the dominant female pattern for two sympatric species, Etheostoma zonale and Etheostoma barrenense, using pattern energy analysis, and we used discriminate function analysis to identify which aspects of female patterning can reliably classify species. We then tested the role of female features in male mate choice for E. zonale, by measuring male preference for computer animations displaying the identified (species-specific) conspecific features. We found that the region above the lateral line is important in mediating male mate preferences, with males spending a significantly greater proportion of time with animations exhibiting conspecific female patterning in this region than with animations exhibiting heterospecific female patterning. Our results suggest that the aspects of female phenotypes that are the target of male mate choice are different from the conspicuous male phenotypes that traditionally characterize species.  相似文献   

Although conspicuous visual sexual signals, such as bright colors,in males serve to attract females in numerous species, theymay also attract the attention of potential predators and thusmay be costly in terms of increasing individual risk of mortalityto predation. Most models of the evolution of extravagant malesexual traits and female preferences for them assume that thesexually preferred male trait is costly to produce and maintain.However, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence fordirect fitness costs associated with sexually selected visualtraits that enhance male mating success. In the present study,we report a direct fitness cost for sexually selected, brightbody-color patterns in males in the form of an associated greaterrisk of mortality to predation. By using the guppy (Poeciliareticulata) and the blue acara cichlid fish (Aequidens pulcher)as a model prey–predator system, we demonstrate experimentallythat individual cichlids preferentially and consistently approached,attacked, and captured the more brightly colored of two size-matchedmale guppies presented simultaneously in staged encounters.This resulted in the brightly colored male incurring, on average,a significantly higher risk of mortality given an encounterwith the predator than with the drabber male in matched pairs.Our results constitute strong behavioral evidence for a directviability cost associated with bright coloration in male guppies,and they corroborate the generally accepted paradigm that directionalpredation by visual fish predators against brightly colored,adult male guppies underlies the evolution of the known divergentcolor patterns in natural guppy populations that experiencedifferent intensities of predation. The viability cost associatedwith bright conspicuous coloration in male guppies potentiallyreinforces for females the reliability of this sexually selectedtrait as an indicator trait of male quality.  相似文献   

Elaborate, sexually dimorphic traits are widely thought to evolve under sexual selection through female preference, male–male competition, or both. The orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) is a sexually dichromatic fish in which females exhibit no preferences for male size or coloration. We tested whether these traits affect individual reproductive success in E. spectabile when multiple males are allowed to freely compete for a female. The quality and quantity of male coloration were associated with greater success in maintaining access to the female and in spawning as the primary male (first male to participate). On the other hand, sneaking behavior showed little correlation with coloration. Male breeding coloration in E. spectabile may therefore demonstrate how intrasexual competition can be a predominant factor underlying the evolution of male ornaments.  相似文献   

Models of sexual selection suggest that mate-choice preferences are favored because differences between males in their degree of ornamental exaggeration convey useful information about the direct or indirect benefits they have to offer [1-5]. Such arguments assume that variation in male ornament size can be attributed to variation in the degree of sexually selected exaggeration. We provide the first test of this assumption by conducting tail-length experiments in male barn swallows. Over the last twenty years, a large amount of work has shown that female barn swallows are influenced by male tail length when choosing a mate [6-12]. Recent experiments have shown that a combination of natural and sexual selection results in the elongated tail streamer--a tail that is on average across the population about 12 mm (approximately 10%) longer than the aerodynamic optimum [13, 14]. We show that the aerodynamically optimal tail length varies significantly between males, whereas the extent of streamer elongation beyond the optimum does not. Similarly, the aerodynamically optimal tail length significantly predicts observed tail length and conveys information about flight performance, whereas the extent of sexually selected exaggeration of streamer length does not. Therefore, contrary to handicap models of sexual selection, the sexually selected exaggeration of this trait provides females with little information about any aspect of mate quality  相似文献   

In many animal species, the expression of sexually selected traits is negatively correlated with traits associated with survival such as immune function, a relationship termed a ‘trade‐off’. But an alternative in which sexually selected traits are positively correlated with survival traits is also widespread. We propose that the nature of intertrait relationships is largely determined by overall energy expenditure, energy availability and trait flexibility, with trade‐offs expected when individuals are subject to energy constraints. We tested this hypothesis in Ephippiger diurnus, a European bushcricket in which males are distinguished by two prominent sexually selected traits, acoustic calls and a large spermatophore transferred to the female at mating, and where immune function may be critical in survival. Ephippiger diurnus are distributed as small, isolated populations that are differentiated genetically and behaviourally. We analysed songs, spermatophores and the immune function in male individuals from eight populations spanning a range of song types. As predicted, we only found trade‐offs in those populations that expended more energy on song and were less flexible in their ability to adjust that expenditure. Ultimately, energy constraints and resulting trade‐offs may limit the evolution of song exaggeration in E. diurnus populations broadcasting long calls comprised of multiple ‘syllables’.  相似文献   

The evolution of conspicuous male display ornaments is a common trend in diverse groups of organisms and a continuing challenge to studies of sexual selection. A phylogenetic approach was used to examine macro-evolutionary patterns of change in sexually dichromatic display coloration (distinctively coloured belly patches) among 130 taxa of phrynosomatid lizards. The results showed repeated losses of sexual dimorphism, which occur through losses of conspicuous male coloration or gains of conspicuous female coloration. The frequent loss of male traits is surprising, given that sexual selection presumably drives their evolutionary origin and maintenance, but is consistent with a recently proposed hypothesis suggesting that females may lose responsiveness to male traits over macro-evolutionary time-scales. The observation of repeated losses of male traits in phrynosomatid lizards (and other groups) may have implications for testing among competing models for the evolution of female preferences. A concentrated changes test showed that changes in male display coloration are significantly associated with the use of ground-dwelling habitat, as opposed to rock- or tree-dwelling habitats. This result suggests a role for natural selection in the loss of male display traits in phrynosomatid lizards, but habitat type alone may be insufficient to explain these losses.  相似文献   

Life history predicts that in sexually dimorphic species in which males are the larger sex, males should reach sexual maturity later than females (or vice versa if females are the larger sex). The corresponding prediction that in sexually monomorphic species maturational rates will differ little between the sexes has rarely been tested. We report here sex differences in growth and development to adulthood for 70 female and 69 male wild owl monkeys (Aotus azarai). In addition, using evidence from natal dispersal and first reproduction (mean: 74 mo) for 7 individuals of known age, we assigned ages to categories: infant, 0–6 mo; juvenile, 6.1–24 mo; subadult, 24.1–48 mo; adult >48 mo. We compared von Bertalanffy growth curves and growth rates derived from linear piecewise regressions for juvenile and subadult females and males. Growth rates did not differ between the sexes, although juvenile females were slightly longer than males. Females reached maximum maxillary canine height at ca. 2 yr, about a year earlier than males, and females’ maxillary canines were shorter than males’. Thus apart from canine eruption and possibly crown–rump length, the development of Azara’s owl monkeys conforms to the prediction by life history that in monomorphic species the sexes should develop at similar paces.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that mating success of large malesmay improve under increasing levels of mating competition. Thisoutcome is explained 1) if male mating competition is overridingfemale preferences for male traits that are unrelated to, ornegatively correlated with, male size and dominance and, inso doing, dictates the distribution of matings or 2) if femalesalter their preferences with respect to large males when male–malecompetition is intense. Under both hypotheses, one could expectlarge, dominant males to be more successful under intense competitionthan under weak competition. However, only the first explanationpredicts that male mating success under intense competitionshould be determined by dominance; traits that are unrelatedto male dominance should be uncorrelated to mating success.In contrast, if females change their preferences (explanation2), males with traits beneficial to females independent of thecompetitive environment can maintain a high mating success underall levels of male–male competition. We tested these alternativesusing a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus.The mating success of large males increased under conditionsallowing intense male competition, whereas females showed apreference for good nest building independent of the level ofcompetition. These findings suggest that females are in controlof their choice by altering their preference for male size inresponse to the intensity of male–male competition ratherthan female preference being overshadowed by male dominance.This plasticity of preferences implies that the strength ofsexual selection is not constant at the population level.  相似文献   

A model is used to study quantitatively the impact of a good genes process and direct natural selection on the evolution of a mating preference. The expression of a male display trait is proportional to genetic quality, which is determined by the number of deleterious mutations a male carries throughout his genome. Genetic variances and covariances, including the covariance between the preference and male trait that drives the good genes process, are allowed to evolve under an infinitesimal model. Results suggest that the good genes process generates only weak indirect selection on preferences, with an effective selection intensity of a few percent or less. If preferences are subject to direct natural selection of the intensity observed for other characters, the good genes process alone is not expected to exaggerate the male trait by more than a few phenotypic standard deviations, contrary to what is observed in highly sexually selected species. Good genes can, however, cause substantial exaggeration if preference genes are nearly selectively neutral. Alternatively, direct selection on preference genes, acting on mating behavior itself or on the genes' pleiotropic effects, can cause mating preferences and male display traits to be exaggerated by any degree. Direct selection of preference genes may therefore play an important role in species that show extreme sexual selection.  相似文献   

The presence of a predator can result in the alteration, loss or reversal of a mating preference. Under predation risk, females often change their initial preference for conspicuous males, favouring less flashy males to reduce the risk of being detected by predators. Previous studies on predator‐induced plasticity in mate preferences have given females a choice between more and less conspicuous conspecific males. However, in species that naturally hybridize, it is also possible that females might choose an inconspicuous heterospecific male over a conspicuous conspecific male under predation risk. Our study addresses this question using the green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) and the southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), which are sympatric in the wild. We hypothesized that X. helleri females would prefer the sworded conspecific males in the absence of a predator but favour the less conspicuous, swordless, heterospecific males in the presence of a predator. Contrary to our expectation, females associated more with the heterospecific male than the conspecific male in the control (no predator) treatment, and they were non‐choosy in the predator treatment. This might reflect that females were attracted to the novel male phenotype when there was no risk of predation but became more neophobic after predator exposure. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, our results suggest that predation pressure may affect female preferences for conspecific versus heterospecific males. We also found striking within‐population, between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity: females differed in the strength and direction of their preferences, as well as in the extent to which they altered their preferences in response to changes in perceived predation risk. Such variation in female preferences for heterospecific males could potentially lead to temporal and spatial variation in hybridization rates in the wild.  相似文献   

High male mating investment may favor selection on male mate choice particularly if females vary in quality. Terminal investment strategies constitute a maximal mating effort and have evolved independently in the absence of paternal investment in several spider taxa including the genus Argiope. To test for male mate preferences in the above context, we used the sexually cannibalistic spider A. bruennichi. We varied male state (mating status and post‐maturation age) as well as the competitive context and quantified male mate choice decisions between females of different states and developmental stages in binary choice tests. We found an overall adaptive preference for the virgin against the mated female regardless of male mating state. Furthermore, we demonstrated that older males paid more attention to female fecundity‐related traits than to mating status. In a second set of experiments, we offered males a choice between a virgin and a subadult female and varied the competitive context which had no effect on male decisions. Curiously, a preference for the virgin adult female was only apparent after exclusion of females that matured <3 d prior to the test. Repeated tests of males supported the hypothesis that males do not distinguish between a freshly matured virgin female and a subadult female. Our results show that male spiders execute mate choice based on information collected from female silk strands and that they integrate their own state into mating decisions.  相似文献   

 The theoretical possibility of sympatric speciation by sexual selection has been demonstrated by a number of mathematical models. Although these models assumed that sexually selected traits are additively determined by many genes, recent empirical studies suggest that many sexually selected traits are determined by major gene inheritance. Thus, using a mathematical simulation model, this article examines whether sympatric speciation by sexual selection can occur when sexually selected traits are determined by major gene inheritance. The model reveals that speciation can occur with major gene inheritance of sexually selected traits. Simulations show that speciation from an initially monomorphic population occurs via two successive Fisher's runaway processes of sexual selection. The first runaway causes the unidirectional evolution of male secondary sexual character toward one extreme in the trait space and of female mate preference for such a character. The second runaway then drives the male character and female preference of a part of the population toward the other extreme in the trait space, splitting the population into two reproductively isolated subgroups. The current results reinforce the plausibility of sympatric speciation by sexual selection. Received: January 30, 2002 / Accepted: June 27, 2002  相似文献   

A wide range of organisms use chemical and visual cues in mate attraction and courtship; however, chemical discrimination relevant to reproduction and the interplay between these two types of communication are poorly understood in reptiles. We experimentally tested the ability of male Eulamprus heatwolei, a scincoid lizard, to discriminate between sexually receptive and non-receptive females in two ways. First, we conducted 155 staged encounters between males and females over 29 days to determine the start and the duration of the female receptive period based on the date of copulations. These data suggest that the receptive period lasted for approximately 7 days in late October under controlled laboratory conditions. We also recorded 6,330 individual male and female behaviours during these trials to evaluate the frequency of female courtship and rejection behaviours and the intensity of male courtship behaviour. Female courtship increased sharply during the receptive period and then diminished. The disparity between female courtship behaviours and female rejection behaviours was greatest during the receptive period. Male courtship intensity increased sharply prior to the receptive period, peaked during the receptive period and thereafter declined rapidly. To determine if males were using visual cues, chemical cues or both from females, we conducted an experiment during and after the receptive period wherein male lizards were presented with a choice of two retreat sites treated either with the odour of large sexually receptive females, odour of small sexually non-receptive females or no odour (control). Males preferred the scent of females over the odourless control, and analysis using a special form of a generalized linear model, the Bradley–Terry model, showed a clear order of retreat site preferences, with large sexually receptive females favoured over small non-receptive females over the odourless control. We speculate that males use vision to find females and then use their chemosensory ability to chemically evaluate female sexual receptivity once the pair are in close proximity.  相似文献   

Information on basic reproductive parameters and life-history traits is crucial for the understanding of primate evolution, ecology, social behavior, and reproductive strategies. Here, we report 4 yr of data on reproductive and life-history traits for wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, northeastern Thailand. During 2 consecutive reproductive seasons, we investigated reproductive behavior and sexual swelling size in 16 females and collected 1832 fecal samples. Using enzyme immunoassays, we measured fecal estrogen and progesterone metabolites to assess ovarian activity and timing of ovulation and to ascertain conceptions and pregnancies. Timing of reproduction was strictly seasonal (births: April–July, 86% in April–June, 4 yr, n = 29; conceptions: October–February, 65% in December–January, 2 yr, n = 17). Females showed no cyclic ovarian activity outside the mating season and conceived in their first or second cycle (mean: 1.2 cycles to conception, n = 13). Gestation length was on average 164.2 d (range: 158–170, n = 10), and females had their first infant at an age of 5 yr (n = 4). Interbirth intervals were bimodally distributed, with females giving birth on average every 13.9 or 23.2 mo. Shorter interbirth intervals were linked to early parturition within the birth season. Most females displayed subcaudal sexual swellings which, however, did not reliably indicate female reproductive status or fertility. Overall, our results fall within the range of findings reported for other macaque species. These results thus add to the growing body of information available for wild macaques, facilitating comparative studies for a better understanding of interspecific differences in social and reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

Studying the genetic architecture of sexual traits provides insight into the rate and direction at which traits can respond to selection. Traits associated with few loci and limited genetic and phenotypic constraints tend to evolve at high rates typically observed for secondary sexual characters. Here, we examined the genetic architecture of song traits and female song preferences in the field crickets Gryllus rubens and Gryllus texensis. Song and preference data were collected from both species and interspecific F1 and F2 hybrids. We first analysed phenotypic variation to examine interspecific differentiation and trait distributions in parental and hybrid generations. Then, the relative contribution of additive and additive‐dominance variation was estimated. Finally, phenotypic variance–covariance ( P ) matrices were estimated to evaluate the multivariate phenotype available for selection. Song traits and preferences had unimodal trait distributions, and hybrid offspring were intermediate with respect to the parents. We uncovered additive and dominance variation in song traits and preferences. For two song traits, we found evidence for X‐linked inheritance. On the one hand, the observed genetic architecture does not suggest rapid divergence, although sex linkage may have allowed for somewhat higher evolutionary rates. On the other hand, P matrices revealed that multivariate variation in song traits aligned with major dimensions in song preferences, suggesting a strong selection response. We also found strong covariance between the main traits that are sexually selected and traits that are not directly selected by females, providing an explanation for the striking multivariate divergence in male calling songs despite limited divergence in female preferences.  相似文献   

Many sexually selected traits in male fishes are controlled by testosterone. Directional selection for male ornaments could theoretically increase male testosterone levels over evolutionary timescales, and when genetically correlated, female testosterone levels as well. Because of the negative fitness consequences of high testosterone, it is plausible that female choice for sexually selected traits in males results in decreased female reproductive fitness. I used comparative analysis to examine the association between male peak testosterone expression and sexually selected ornaments. I also tested for genetic correlation between male and female androgen levels. The presence of sexually selected traits in males was significantly correlated with increased peak androgen levels in males as well as females, and female testosterone levels were significantly correlated with male peak testosterone titers, although the slope was only marginally <1. This suggests that selection to decouple high male and female testosterone levels is either weak or otherwise ineffective.  相似文献   

Exaggerated traits can be costly and are often trade-off against other characters, such as life-history traits. Thus, the evolution of an exaggerated trait is predicted to affect male life-history strategies. However, there has been very little experimental evidence of the impact of the evolution of sexually selected traits on life-history traits. This study investigated whether increased investment in exaggerated traits can generate evolutionary changes in the life-history strategy for armed males. Male flour beetles, Gnatocerus cornutus, have enlarged mandibles that are used in male-male competition, but females lack this character exaggeration completely. We subjected these weapons to 11 generations of bidirectional selection and found a correlated response in pupal survival but not in larval survival or adult longevity in the male. That is, selecting for male mandibles negatively impacted survival during the production of mandibles. There is no correlated response in the life-history traits of the female.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is thought to result from directional sexual selection acting on male signal traits, with female signal traits given little, if any, attention. Here, we examine male mating preferences in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using a multivariate selection analysis approach, we found that male preferences have the potential to exert selection on female cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds widely used as sexual signals in insects. In addition to finding both stabilizing and disruptive preference gradients, we also found weak negative directional preference for female cuticular hydrocarbons. We contrast our results with a recent study examining sexual selection via female choice on male T. oceanicus cuticular hydrocarbons and suggest that differences in the form and intensity of sexual selection between the genders may provide part of the net selection differential necessary for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Repeatability: Its role in evolutionary studies of mating behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Repeatability, a concept derived from quantitative genetics theory, is a statistic that describes the degree to which variation within individuals contributes to total variation in a population. Its usual application has been to set an upper limit on heritability but it may also be useful for studies of stereotypy of behavior. The repeatability of the production of male mating signals gives information both about whether males differ sufficiently for selection to act and whether the differences could be appreciably heritable. Measures of the repeatability of female mating preferences will provide data that can describe the preference functions used in mathematical models of the evolution of sexually selected traits, as well as putting an upper bound on the heritability of preferences. A survey of the few measures in the literature shows that the repeatability of male signal production varies substantially (range 0.21–0.85) and does not necessarily reflect heritability. The repeatabilities of female preferences have not been published previously: for the response to conspecific pheromones by female flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum), my best estimate is zero. Measuring the repeatability of other traits such as parental care and foraging behavior may also lead to insights about selection on and the evolution of these traits.  相似文献   

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