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20th century vegetation changes in an island archipelago, SW Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the long-term changes in the flora in the archipelago of SW Finland by comparing historic plant species lists from 331 islands surveyed in the 1930s to 1940s, to lists compiled in 1996–2004. We used plants as indicators to indirectly detect changes in the environment based on changes in species frequencies. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to examine if there was a change in species composition during this 60–70 yr period. More species increased in frequency (180, 31.1%) than decreased (77, 13.6%). The number of species occurrences increased by 10.6%. Species of shores, mires, wetlands, and woods increased, while species of shore meadows, pastures, and heaths decreased. For the non-shore species the interpretation of the DCA and the comparisons of plant indicator values between the old and the new data indicate lower cultural impact, decreased light conditions, a higher level of moisture and nitrogen, and a higher proportion of perennials on the new data islands. The shore plants indicate that productivity has increased over the study period, probably reflecting the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Matched sets of gillnets of different mesh-sizes were used to evaluate the degree to which contiguous and connected flooded forest and floating meadow habitats are characterized by distinct fish faunas during the flooding season in the Peruvian Amazon. For fishes between 38–740 mm standard length ( L S) (the size range captured by the gear), an overriding pattern of faunal similarity emerged between these two habitats. The mean species richness, diversity, abundance, fish mass, mean and maximum L S, and maximum mass did not differ significantly between flooded forest and floating meadows. Species abundances followed a log-normal distribution in which three species accounted for 60–70% of the total abundance in each habitat. Despite these similarities, multivariate analyses demonstrated subtle differences in species composition between flooded forest and adjacent floating macrophytes. In addition, the absolute number of species was higher in flooded forest, reflecting a higher percentage of rare species. The day–night species turnover was found to be greater in flooded forests than floating meadows. Further, nocturnal samples had higher abundances and greater species richness than diurnal samples in both habitats. Differences in habitat structural complexity between flooded forest and floating meadows may result in a higher abundance and species richness of day-active species in floating meadows.  相似文献   

Species pool theory claims that diaspore and microsite availability limit species richness in plant communities. Wet meadows (Calthion) and litter meadows (Molinion, Caricion davallianae) belonging to the most species-rich meadows in the foothills of the Alps have suffered from a strong decrease since the 1970s. Restoration efforts including nutrient impoverishment and rewetting management after drainage and fertilization did not result in the re-establishment of the former species richness although the abiotic filter would have been appropriate for the re-colonization of many locally extinct species. In our experiment at four sites in the largest fen of Southwest-Germany we tested if the restoration success was seed- and gap-limited. We applied sowing and hay spreading (hay seed) as treatments to make seeds available and harrowing to increase gap availability. Sowing seeds or hay seed of species of the former meadow types increased species richness immediately. The proportion of re-established species was higher when additional harrowing was applied. Species richness could be increased not only in vascular plants but also in bryophytes when hay spreading was applied. The strongest re-development towards the target communities (defined through the abiotic filter and the species richness before drainage and fertilization) took place on those sites where hay spreading and harrowing were applied. Sowing seeds and hay seed were traditional techniques to establish e.g. litter meadows, both techniques have been applied for centuries. Even harrowing was described as early as the 19th century to increase the chance of establishing certain species. Therefore, the “application of the knowledge coming from the species pool theory” (although not named during this time) has been common practice since at least the 19th century.  相似文献   

Global temperatures are rising, and are expected to produce a poleward shift in the distribution of many organisms. We quantified changes in fish assemblages within seagrass meadows of the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) between the 1970s and 2006–2007, and observed changes consistent with this forecast. During 2006–2007 we sampled seagrass meadows using the same gears and methods previously employed by R. J. Livingston in coastal waters of northwest Florida throughout the 1970s. Comparisons between datasets revealed numerous additions to the fish fauna during 2006–2007 that were completely absent in the 1970s, including: Lutjanus synagris (lane snapper), Epinephelus morio (red grouper), Chaetodon ocellatus (spotfin butterflyfish), Mycteroperca sp (grouper, non gag), Centropristis philadelphica (rock sea bass), Fistularia tabacaria (bluespotted cornetfish), Ocyurus chrysurus (yellowtail snapper), Thalassoma bifasciatum (bluehead wrasse), Abudefduf saxatilis (sergeant major), Acanthuridae spp. (surgeonfishes) and Sparisoma viride (stoplight parrotfish). Several other species showed large increases in abundance during the interval between 1979 and 2006, including Mycteroperca microlepis (gag grouper, up ∼200 ×), Lutjanus griseus (gray snapper, up ∼105 ×), and Nicholsina usta (emerald parrotfish, up ∼22 ×). All of these are tropical or subtropical species that now make up a greater percentage of seagrass-associated fish assemblages in the northern GOM than in the past. Additionally, we observed regional increases in air and sea surface temperatures (> 3 °C) during the ∼30 years that separate Livingston's samples and ours that correlate with northern shifts in the distribution of warm-water fishes. Documenting these range shifts is a critical first step in investigating the consequences of global warming for endemic marine communities and fishery production in the northern GOM.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although Savannah Sparrows ( Passerculus sandwichensis ) have been well studied across their North American range, few data are available for populations that breed in high-elevation habitats. We collected data over six years on the demography of a population of Savannah Sparrows ( P. s. anthinus ) breeding in alpine tundra and sub-alpine meadows in northern British Columbia, Canada. The mean duration of the breeding season at our site was 45.5 d, and pairs produced a maximum of one brood per season. Clutch sizes varied annually (mean = 4.37, range = 3.90 – 4.71 eggs). Nest fate also varied among years (range = 33 – 92%) due to variation in abiotic (weather) and biotic (predators) conditions. Uncorrected return rates of banded birds were 68% for adults and 17% for juveniles ( N = 22 and 102, respectively). However, when resighting probability was taken into account, apparent annual survival was 75% for adults and 34% for juveniles. Compared to populations at lower elevations, Savannah Sparrows in our study had shorter breeding seasons, fewer broods per season, larger clutches, and higher adult and juvenile return rates. Our results suggest that Savannah Sparrows that breed in high-elevation habitats have adopted a low fecundity, high survival life history strategy that enables their persistence in these challenging environments.  相似文献   

Species composition, abundance and depth distribution of marine macroalgae were studied at Lågskär, the Åland Sea, in August 1993. Altogether, 26 species were identified and the most diverse vegetation, comprising 18 species, was recorded at a depth of 4–7 m. Comparison with the results obtained by Andersson in 1956 indicates that the total number of species had decreased by 6, and that the best developed and most diverse algal vegetation was then recorded at a depth of 10–15 m. In 1993 species such as Aglaothamnion roseum, Audouinella efflorescens, Phyllophora pseudoceranoides, Halopteris scoparia and Sphacelaria plumigera had disappeared, or were not recorded. Sphacelaria arctica, Cladophora rupestris, Stictyosiphon tortilis and Polysiphonia fucoides , in the 1950s important and dominating species, were greatly reduced in number. However, Pilayella littoralis, Ectocarpus siliculosus, Fucus vesioculosus and Rhodomela confervoides had increased. Compared with the drastic phytobenthic changes recorded in many coastal areas of the Baltic, the changes in the offshore Lågskär area are of minor extent.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the vertical patterns of oviposition and temporal changes in the distribution of mosquito species in an area of the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, and in particular, the behavior and oviposition of potential yellow fever virus vectors. Mosquito samples were collected from the Ecological Reserve Guapiaçu (REGUA, Brazil), which includes a somewhat disturbed forest, with a large diversity of plants and animals. In all, 5,458 specimens (ten species from seven genera) were collected. Haemagogus leucocelaenus was the most frequently captured species, representing 73% of the specimens collected. Species richness and diversity were the highest in the samples collected from the ground‐level ovitraps and decreased with height. Species composition also differed significantly among heights. The largest species differences were detected between ovitraps set at the ground level and those set at 7 m and 9 m; Hg. leucocelaenus, Limatus durhamii, and Limatus paraensis contributed most to these differences. Sampling month and climatic variables had significant effects on species richness and diversity. Species diversity and richness decreased with height, suggesting that the conditions for mosquito breeding are more favorable closer to the ground. Species composition also showed vertical differences.  相似文献   

HAWKSWORTH, D. L. & McMANUS, P. M., 1989. Lichen recolonization in London under conditions of rapidly falling sulphur dioxide levels, and the concept of zone skipping. The lichen flora on trees and wood at 50 sites in north-west London was examined in 1988 to determine what changes had taken place since 1980, a period when mean winter SO2 levels had fallen from around 130 μg m-3 to within the range 29–55 μg m-3 in the study area. Forty-nine species were found. The fruticose lichens Evernia prunaslri and Ramalina farinacea now occur in many central London parks, and the yellow green foliose Parmelia caperata was discovered at 12 sites (previously only at one, Ruislip, in 1980). Comparable numbers and growth forms of species occurred throughout the area. An assemblage of zone 4–5 species (Hawksworth & Rose, 1970 Nature, 227: 145–148) tolerant of mean winter SO2 levels of 60–70 μg m-3 failed to penetrate central London, although more sensitive species of zones 6 and 7 had; this phenomenon, which has not previously been reported, is referred to as 'zone skipping' and is attributed to the speed at which mean sulphur dioxide levels in London have fallen. Species returning are those to be expected on the basis of previously-published field correlations with mean winter SO2 levels. Twenty-five species not seen within 16 km of the centre of London on trees or wood during this century were found; of these, eight had not been seen during the last 200 years.  相似文献   

A central challenge of conservation biology is using limited data to predict rare species occurrence and identify conservation areas that play a disproportionate role in regional persistence. Where species occupy discrete patches in a landscape, such predictions require data about environmental quality of individual patches and the connectivity among high quality patches. We present a novel extension to species occupancy modeling that blends traditional predictions of individual patch environmental quality with network analysis to estimate connectivity characteristics using limited survey data. We demonstrate this approach using environmental and geospatial attributes to predict observed occupancy patterns of the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus (= Bufo) canorus) across >2,500 meadows in Yosemite National Park (USA). A . canorus , a Federal Proposed Species, breeds in shallow water associated with meadows. Our generalized linear model (GLM) accurately predicted ~84% of true presence-absence data on a subset of data withheld for testing. The predicted environmental quality of each meadow was iteratively ‘boosted’ by the quality of neighbors within dispersal distance. We used this park-wide meadow connectivity network to estimate the relative influence of an individual Meadow’s ‘environmental quality’ versus its ‘network quality’ to predict: a) clusters of high quality breeding meadows potentially linked by dispersal, b) breeding meadows with high environmental quality that are isolated from other such meadows, c) breeding meadows with lower environmental quality where long-term persistence may critically depend on the network neighborhood, and d) breeding meadows with the biggest impact on park-wide breeding patterns. Combined with targeted data on dispersal, genetics, disease, and other potential stressors, these results can guide designation of core conservation areas for A . canorus in Yosemite National Park.  相似文献   

Species primarily dependent on habitats outside protected areas have to cope with the direct pressure of human utilization or harassment, and the indirect pressure of habitat modification. In Uganda, wetlands mainly used by cranes occur mostly outside protected areas. The country's wetlands are however under heavy modification, and this and other pressures are thought to have reduced crane populations to 10–30% of the number in the early 1970s. From January 2005 to January 2006, we assessed the status of crane breeding and distribution in the country. Breeding and foraging sites were assessed through a nationwide newspaper survey, and visits to wetlands. We established occurrence of 21 nests during the study period, and crane use of 27 out of 30 districts surveyed. Crane harassment and trapping were common during breeding, as was crop damage by cranes. This is the first attempt to show the distribution of crane breeding outside protected areas throughout the country. In addition to maintaining suitable breeding habitat, survival of cranes in Uganda lies in part in community engagement and punishing crimes related to hunting and destruction of nests.  相似文献   

To investigate the effectiveness of a meadow restoration programme, we studied the relationships between population changes and environmental changes, return rates and hatching success in a population of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. The study was performed on mixed farmland (59 km2) in central Sweden, an area that underwent extensive meadow restoration between 1985 and 1994. The study included more than 2600 nests, supplemented with observations of 127 individually colour-ringed Northern Lapwings. The breeding population varied (2.7–5.3 pairs/km2), but showed no significant trend with time. The population increased in years with high spring flooding levels. Population size was unrelated to demographic factors (e.g. hatching success the previous year (14–50%), and return rate). Lapwings moved considerably between years and their nest site fidelity was unrelated to previous hatching success or other factors, suggesting that changes in habitat quality and migration between populations were important in regulating population size. Recent extensive meadow restoration did not seem to aid the Northern Lapwing population; birds continued nesting on tillage even though most nests were destroyed by farming activities. A relatively high relaying frequency improved hatching success, which was still lowest in the most preferred habitats (spring sown crops, total hatching success c. 30%). The few Northern Lapwings breeding in the least preferred habitats (meadows and cultivated grassland) had a better hatching success (> 70% total hatching success), suggesting that habitat selection was not determined by hatching success. From these results, recommendations are made for the management of Northern Lapwing (and associated species) populations on farmland.  相似文献   

Species composition, abundance and biomass of littoral macroalgae were studied along a ferry route in the and archipelago, northern Baltic Sea. Two areas, originally studied in the 1970s, were revisited in 1999 and 2000. In one area the traffic has strongly decreased since the 1970s, in the other the frequency of the traffic has remained the same, but the size of the ferries has increased. During the revisit the highest number of species was found close to the ferry route, in contrast to the results of the original study. In the area with decreased traffic only minor shifts in species composition were observed. In the heavily trafficked area, red algae in particular, had increased close to the route. New species recorded were Polysiphonia fibrillosa, P.fucoides and Aglaothamnion roseum. On sheltered sites in this area, red and brown algae had decreased as a result of increased sedimentation and occurrence of drift algae, and were replaced by rooted macrophytes (e.g. Zannichellia sp, Ranunculus peltatus ssp. baudotii, Myriophyllum spicatum). In the 1970s a Fucus vesiculosus-belt was present at all the 14 studied sites. During the revisit F.vesiculosus was belt-forming at only 5 sites, mainly close to the ferry route in the heavily trafficked area. The biomass of Cladophora glomerata had increased and the occurrence of F.vesiculosus had decreased since the 1970s. The main reason to the documented changes is the ongoing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Close to the ferry route regular strong water movements seems to have a positive local effect on mainly perennial macroalgae by keeping the bottoms free from sediments and drift algae.  相似文献   

1. We studied the community and food-web structure of trap-nesting insects in restored meadows and at increasing distances within intensively managed grassland at 13 sites in Switzerland to test if declining species diversity correlates with declining interaction diversity and changes in food-web structure. 2. We analysed 49 quantitative food webs consisting of a total of 1382 trophic interactions involving 39 host/prey insect species and 14 parasitoid/predator insect species. Species richness and abundance of three functional groups, bees and wasps as the lower trophic level and natural enemies as the higher trophic level, were significantly higher in restored than in adjacent intensively managed meadows. Diversity and abundance of specific trophic interactions also declined from restored to intensively managed meadows. 3. The proportion of attacked brood cells and the mortality of bees and wasps due to natural enemies were significantly higher in restored than in intensively managed meadows. Bee abundance and the rate of attacked brood cells of bees declined with increasing distance from restored meadows. These findings indicate that interaction diversity declines more rapidly than species diversity in our study system. 4. Quantitative measures of food-web structure (linkage density, interaction diversity, interaction evenness and compartment diversity) were higher in restored than in intensively managed meadows. This was reflected in a higher mean number of host/prey species per consumer species (degree of generalism) in restored than in intensively managed meadows. 5. The higher insect species and interaction diversity was related to higher plant species richness in restored than in intensively managed meadows. In particular, bees and natural enemies reacted positively to increased plant diversity. 6. Our findings provide empirical evidence for the theoretical prediction that decreasing species richness at lower trophic levels should reduce species richness at higher trophic levels, and in addition lead to even stronger reductions in interaction diversity at these higher levels. Species at higher trophic levels may thus benefit relatively more than species at lower trophic levels from habitat restoration in the grassland ecosystems studied. We also demonstrate enhanced compartment diversity and lower interaction evenness in restored than in intensively managed meadows, both of which are theoretically positively associated with increased ecosystem stability in restored meadows.  相似文献   

Questions: Which factors influence the persistence of vascular grassland plants in long‐abandoned (at least 50 yr) arable fields and meadows? What might be the implications of current levels of species richness on abandoned arable fields and meadows for future restoration? Location: Forested highlands of Kilsbergen, south central Sweden. Methods: The abundance of all vascular plant species was investigated in three habitat types: former arable fields, hay meadows and outlands (pastures) at 27 farms, abandoned for either approximately 50 yr or 90 yr. Time since abandonment, tree cover, soil depth, degree of soil podsol development, size of the infield area and two measures of connectivity were used as predictors for species richness and species composition. Results: Former outland had denser tree cover, fewer species and fewer grassland species than former arable fields and hay meadows, irrespective of time since abandonment. Former hay meadows and arable fields with a longer time since abandonment were less rich in species, more wooded and had greater podsolization than meadows and fields abandoned at a later stage. Species richness was higher in hay meadows and arable fields at farms with larger infield area and deeper soils compared with farms with smaller infield area and shallower soils. The greatest richness of species and most open habitat were former arable fields at larger farms abandoned 50 yr before the study. Former arable fields had the highest number of grassland species. Conclusion: After 50 yr of abandonment, former arable fields were the most important remnant habitats for grassland species and may be a more promising target for restoration than formerly managed grasslands.  相似文献   

We describe 30 new nesting sites of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola , the main breeding grounds of which were largely unknown, and for which fewer than 30 colonies had been confirmed since 1970. Our survey included 90 islands, 53% of those existing, in the Dahlak and Howakil archipelagoes, and off the coast of central Eritrea. Colony size varied between 20 and 400 nests. We estimate the numbers of Crab Plovers breeding in central Eritrea at 5000–6000 pairs, i.e. about 50% of the known world breeding population. We describe two cases of probable replacement clutches, a feature unrecorded in this species. Black Rats Rattus rattus seem unable to open Crab Plover eggs, and do not seem to be a threat. Crab Plover colonies are traditionally exploited by local fishermen for collection of eggs, an activity that has increased recently. Our new records solve only partially the problem of the 'missing' colonies that are required to account for the world wintering population of 60 000–80 000 birds, and thus other breeding sites remain to be discovered, probably in southern Eritrea, Sudan and Somalia. We estimated that there are 4800–6500 Crab Plovers overwintering within central Eritrea, making it an important wintering ground for the species.  相似文献   

Effective conservation of endangered species requires a solid understanding of the demographic causes of population change. Bird populations breeding on agricultural grasslands have declined because their preferred habitat of herb‐rich meadows has been replaced by grassland monocultures. The timing of agricultural activities in these monocultural grasslands is critical, as they often coincide with the nesting phase of breeding birds. Here, we aim to identify the effect of habitat management and targeted nest protection on nest survival of Black‐tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in the Netherlands, a population that has shown a 70% reduction in breeding population size since the 1970s. To protect nests in monocultures from destruction, farmers are paid to either delay mowing or leave a patch of unmown grass around the nest, a patch which in practice varied in size. In herb‐rich meadows, which are typically managed for bird conservation purposes, mowing occurs after hatching. Nest survival declined as the season advanced, more steeply on monocultures than on meadows. Targeted nest protection was only partially successful, as nest predation was considerably higher on mown grassland monocultures with small unmown patches around the nest than in mown monocultures with large unmown patches and in unmown fields. Increased predator densities over the years have been suggested as an important cause of the trend towards lower nest survival, but here we show that nest survival was higher on herb‐rich meadows than on monocultures, and similar to the 1980s. It thus seems that increased predator densities are an increased threat during the egg stage only if habitat quality is low. High‐quality habitat in the form of herb‐rich meadows therefore provides a degree of protection against predators.  相似文献   

Central European wet meadows are diminished by abandonment of cultivation measures, drainage, pollution, intensive agriculture and climate change during the last decades. In addition, original wet meadow communities can be threatened by immigrating neophytes. Typical invasive species in wet meadows are the steeplebushes Spiraea tomentosa and Spiraea douglasii, but their impact on the indigenous arthropod fauna is unknown. The present study therefore investigates Spiraea-induced changes in ground- and herb dwelling spiders in Spiraea sites, uncultivated meadows with interspersed Spiraea sp. and mowed meadows without Spiraea sp. using pitfall traps and sweep netting. Light intensity, vegetation height and coverage differed significantly between the Spiraea sites and the mowed meadows. In consequence, the activity density of ground-dwelling spiders was much lower in the Spiraea sites and their habitat preferences differed significantly from the two meadow types. Species preferring forests and forest edges were more abundant in invaded sites whereas specimens preferring open habitats decreased. Although the vegetation height and coverage of mowed meadows and cultivated meadows did not differ remarkably, uncultivated meadows contained less spiders of open dry habitats whereas forest species increased. In contrast, differences between herb dwelling spider assemblages of the three habitat types were not significant. Based on the results of the project, the risk of steeple bush invasion and management methods of wet meadows are discussed.  相似文献   

《Mycological Research》2006,110(6):734-748
Wooded meadows are seminatural plant communities that support high diversity of various taxa. Due to changes in land use, wooded meadows have severely declined during the last century. The dominant trees in wooded meadows acquire mineral nutrients via ectomycorrhizal fungi. Using anatomotyping and sequencing of root tips, interpolation and extrapolation methods, we studied the diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi in two soil horizons of both managed and forested parts of a wooded meadow in Estonia. Species of Thelephoraceae, Sebacinaceae and the genus Inocybe dominated the whole ectomycorrhizal fungal community of 172 observed species. Forested and managed parts of the wooded meadow harboured different communities of ectomycorrhizal fungi, whereas soil horizon had a negligible effect on the fungal community composition. Diverse soil conditions and host trees likely support the high richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the wooded meadow ecosystem. Direct sequencing integrated with interpolation and extrapolation methods are promising to identify the fungi at the species level and to compare species richness between communities of ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

ANDY J. GREEN 《Ibis》1998,140(4):670-675
The first detailed study of the breeding biology of the globally threatened Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris is presented, using data from the Marismas del Guadalquivir in southwestern Spain. Complete clutches, with 9–20 eggs, were recorded from 28 April to 27 July. Excluding clutches of over 14 eggs (likely to be intraspecifically parasitized), the mean clutch size was 11.8, larger than that reported for almost all other Anatidae species. Broods hatched from May to early August (later than sympatric duck species), with a peak in mid-late June and significant annual variation in date. Brood sizes were exceptionally high, declining from a mean of 10.9 in the first week of age to 8.5 when fully feathered (at 42 days or more). Duckling mortality was concentrated in the first 2 weeks after hatching. Nine percent of broods had 15–23 ducklings, largely as a result of nest parasitism. Brood size decreased strongly with hatching date and varied significantly between years. Data from across the species' range showed that breeding occurs later at more northerly latitudes. A recent decline in the Marbled Teal in the Marismas is linked with its late breeding season. Anthropogenic changes have reduced the duration of flooding in the natural marshes of Donana National Park, which now dry out by August, before this species has completed breeding  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua , was studied over a three-year period (1986–1988) at Bird Island, South Georgia, with particular reference to birds of known age or breeding experience. Laying date varied significantly between all three years, being three weeks later in 1987, when the breeding population decreased markedly. Factors involved in the timing of breeding are discussed. Within years egg-laying was highly synchronous: 95% of clutches were initiated in 14·5 days or less. The incubation period was 35 days and the laying interval, between the two eggs, 3·3–3·4 days. Chicks creched when 25–30 days old, and this varied between years, possibly related to food supply and chick growth. Chicks left the colony for the first time between 75 and 85 days of age. The breeding population at Bird Island decreased by 20% and increased by 84% in successive years during the study period. Breeding success (chicks fledged per egg laid) varied between 0·33 and 0·65 within colonies, but for the whole island was very consistent over the three years: 0·45, 0·51 and 0·47. Overall, colony differences were not correlated between years. Disturbance from Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella , is suggested as the cause of consistently lower breeding success at one colony. Mean egg weight varied annually, and with age of the breeding bird, nest location and, in one year, with laying date. Young, first-time breeders laid smaller eggs and had lower breeding success compared to older, experienced birds, similar to other seabirds. However, they differed from other species in laying on average earlier than older birds. The relationship between age, egg weight, laying date and breeding success is discussed in relation to predation and seasonal food supply.  相似文献   

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