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Thermal stress may seriously affect human health to the extent of provoking death in those human groups at high risk such as little children and elderly persons. This research studies the climatology of the relative strain index (RSI) in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina). It is observed that the conditions at 1400 hours local time on more than 75% of summer days cause discomfort, though only on 25% of days are physiological failure levels reached. The nocturnal RSI values show 75% of nights to be comfortable, bringing relief and allowing physiological recuperation. Comparison between the RSI frequency distributions of different decades by the application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows a possible urban heat-island effect that increases nocturnal RSI values. The relationship between the RSI and the daily number of interments is also analysed. Because of the large number of different causes of mortality, only about 10% of the variance of the daily number of interments can be explained by the RSI value at 1400 hours local time 1 or 2 days before. Comparison of mortality figures with these RSI values shows deaths to be at a minimum for the interval 0.0-0.1 (the RSI comfort range), slightly increasing for negative values that could represent unexpected Summer cold waves. For values of RSI over 0.2 the increment is more abrupt, indicating an impact of a thermal strain on mortality. The relationship between the joint occurrence of the 1400 hour and 0200 hour (local time) RSI values and mortality shows a clear impact of prolonged exposure to uncomfortable conditions.  相似文献   

Consanguineous marriage is traditionally common throughout the Eastern Mediterranean region, especially in the mainly Muslim countries. To date, there is little information on consanguinity in Yemen. The aim of this study was to ascertain the rate of consanguineous marriage and average coefficient of inbreeding in Sana'a City, Yemen. A population survey was conducted with the intention of covering married couples resident in Sana'a City by means of a multi-stage random sampling technique. A total of 1050 wives and husbands were interviewed on consanguinity in their households. The total incidence of consanguinity was 44-7% (95% CI 41.7-47.7%) with first-cousin marriages constituting 71.6% of the total consanguineous marriages and 32% of all marriages. Paternal parallel first cousins (Type I) accounted for 49% of first-cousin marriages. The average coefficient of inbreeding (F) was 0.02442. The incidence of consanguinity is relatively high in Yemen with predominantly first-cousin marriage. This might be related to the deeply rooted social and cultural beliefs in the country.  相似文献   

评述了凋落物改变林地微生境的效应.凋落物减弱了林地地表及表层土壤(2mm厚)中的光照,改变了光谱特性,降低了PPFD和Pfr,缩小了日温差,提高了土壤湿度和肥力,增加了毒素和土壤动物的活动等,但凋落物改变生境的效应强度与凋落物组成、厚度、分解状态和周围生境(如植被、气候、地形和地貌等特性)等有关.在自然森林生态系统中,凋落物对林地微生境的效应因凋落物、植被、气候、地形和地貌的多样化变得更为复杂,而凋落物对植被天然更新的影响也因其对生境改变效应的复杂性而具有多样性和综合性.最后,对凋落物改变生境效应的复杂性和有关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the anthropogenic degradation of natural forest vegetation in Warsaw (Reserve Las Bielaski). The degree and form of degradation was assessed on the basis of composition and distribution of forest and non-forest coenoelements (sensu Walter & Straka 1970).The total number of forest coenoelements was found to be three times lower than that of non-forest coenoelements; the former decidedly dominated only over 20% of the reserve area, the least accessible to town inhabitants. In the remaining area the vegetation was deformed to a various degree, indicated by the presence and local dominance of the species of: (1) brushwoods, clearings and shaded forest margins, (2) meadows and grasslands, (3) synanthropic communities. The distribution and proportions of above non-forest coenoelements in the vegetation composition reflected mainly the intensity and form of direct disturbance. The forest fragments defined as highly degraded on the basis of dominance of non-forest over forest coenoelements, were also the sites of anthropophyte concentration.The presented assessment method of the degree and form of degradation of natural vegetation can be especially useful when fragmentation and deformation of phytocoenoses make the application of phytosociological methods impossible.  相似文献   

A theory of the variation of mortality rate with age is presented. It leads to the logistic law, which levels off at old ages.  相似文献   

Eight hundred out of 997 patients with myocardial infarction hospitalized at cardiological ward in Kielce in 1977-1985 survived. Seven hundred seventy one patients were followed up for 2-10 years. Basing on the obtained results, tables of the mortality rates and probability of survival depending on sex, age, and classification into appropriate prognosis group have been prepared. The highest mortality rate (9.6%) was seen in the first year following myocardial infarction. Mean annual mortality rate in this group was 6% during 10 years of the follow up. Mortality rate in women with myocardial infarction was significantly lower than in men during 10 years of the follow up.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten initiated worship of a single god and established a new capital city (Tell Amarna) that was built and occupied only once from 1350-1330 BCE. This single short occupation offers a unique opportunity to study a short time period. The royal tombs have long been known and studied, but the location of graves for the common inhabitants has been an archaeological puzzle for more than 50 years. Recently four cemeteries have been located and the analysis of commingled bones from the South Tombs cemetery is presented here. The remains yield the following demographic profile: 53 adults with 19 females and 18 males; 14 juveniles between the ages of 5 and 17; and 3 infants. Arthritis and degenerative joint disease of the spine and joints indicates that DJD was not excessive. Only 2 to 8% of the adult population exhibits arthritis. There are 3 healed fractures of the arm (2 to 8% of the adult sample). There is 1 healed compressed fracture of the skull suggesting violence. The adult infection rate is between 2 and 8% with 3 healed and 1 active case of periostitis and no severe infections. Anemia is implicated by 23% of adult frontals exhibiting cribra orbitalia. Life for the common residents of Amarna appears to not have been as good as initially postulated.  相似文献   

Foote AD 《Biology letters》2008,4(2):189-191
The strength of selection to increase the span of a life stage is dependent upon individuals at that stage being able to contribute towards individual fitness and the probability of their surviving to that stage. Complete reproductive cessation and a long post-reproductive female lifespan as found in humans are also found in killer whale (Orcinus orca) and short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), but not in the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melaena). Each species forms kin-based, stable matrilineal groups and exhibits kin-directed behaviours that could increase inclusive fitness. Here, the initial mortality rate and mortality rate-doubling time of females of these three closely related whale species are compared. The initial mortality rate shows little variation among pilot whale species; however mortality rate accelerates almost twice as fast in the long-finned pilot whale as it does in killer whale and short-finned pilot whale. Selection for a long post-reproductive female lifespan in matrilineal whales may therefore be determined by the proportion of females surviving past the point of reproductive cessation.  相似文献   

A. Siniarska 《HOMO》2010,61(5):373-380
Several studies have shown the month of birth effect on birth weight and height of children. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not fully explained. Using data from Warsaw hospitals, the influence of four climatic factors (temperature, sunlight, humidity and rainfall) on birth outcomes was studied. The sample consisted of 10,631 neonates (5450 boys and 5181 girls) born between May 2004 and April 2005. Individual values for birth weight and length were standardised on the overall mean and standard deviation for all subjects, separately for each sex. Differences in means of Z-score birth outcomes between months, seasons and semi-annual periods of birth were assessed by one-way analysis of variance, separately for each sex. The relation between average values of four atmospheric factors and average neonatal outcomes for each month of birth was assessed by a weighted Spearman rank correlation. The results revealed significant differences in average Z-scores of neonate weight and length between months of birth for boys and girls. Significant seasonal variation in Z-scores means was only found for birth length in boys. The correlation between four atmospheric factors during pregnancy and birth length was the highest for boys and occurred in the second trimester. Second trimester of fetal growth is the period most sensitive to influences of climatic factors.  相似文献   

Summary Our study of fifty two hay fever patients included twenty six solely allergic to grass pollen and twenty six exhibiting allergy to various pollen species, such as hazel, birch, oak, poplar, andArtemisia. Their total and specific IgE response was evalutated by the immunoenzymatic method, while clinical reactivity was assessed by recording nasal and bronchial symptom scores between mid-March and mid-July. Simultaneously pollen counts were made. Polysensitized patients showed significantly higher levels of both total and specific IgE, which testifies to the enhanced quantitative and qualitative IgE. Multisensitized patients reacted earlier than patients sensitized to grass pollen only, which confirms that non-grass plants flowering only in the spring cause the priming effect on the nasal and bronchial mucosa. The early symptoms may be attributable to tree pollen sensitivity or may refletct higher grass pollen IgE levels in the polysensitized group. Characteristically, nasal symptoms preceded bronchial symptoms of several weeks.On comparing nasal washing from the polysensitized patients to washing from patients with grass pollen, we found much cytological material with the predominance of eosinophils.  相似文献   

Doctors in Warsaw region claimed that the results of fT4 and TSH examinations originating from different laboratories are incomparable. Therefore the Gaussian Reference Ranges (GRR) of archival sets of data from 6 laboratories (together 18793 fT4 and 44851 TSH results) were calculated separately with JEG method. The upper and lover ranges were compared with data from 11 bibliographical sources. It was found that in the investigated population the both averaged ranges (high and low) of GRR of fT4 are statistical significant lover then the reference data. In the same time the averaged upper range of GRR of TSH was higher than the averaged data from the literature. Based on statistic analysis of these results it could be estimated that about 20% of the investigated population show evident and about 50% show moderate signs of hypothyreosis.  相似文献   

The mortality of Boophilus annulatus, Hyalomma excavatum, Rhipicephalus bursa, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus adult ticks was recorded after their exposure in petri dishes to 5 entomopathogenic nematode strains. The strains used were DT and Mexican of Steinernema carpocapsae, Hb HP88 of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, and IS-3 and IS-5 of Heterorhabditis sp. The most rapid killing rates (LT50 and LT90) were observed for B. annulatus ticks (0.8-5.0 days). Most unfed males died 0.3-2.8 days after the unfed females, whereas even more time (0.8-8.0 days) passed before engorged females died. In most bioassays, the IS-3 and IS-5 strains of Heterorhabditis sp. nematodes appear to be the most pathogenic for ticks and, in most cases, killed ticks several days before the other 3 nematode strains. Unfed adult ticks exposed to nematodes died within less time than it takes for adults to complete their prefeeding period after molting.  相似文献   

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