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In the Melilla-Nador basin, the diatomites represent one of the main sedimentary components of the Messinian together with reefal carbonate platforms. Two vertical sections were realised in the diatomitic levels from distal platform. Diatom assemblages are for the first time described in this basin. A total of 125 diatom species were determined: 73 centrics and 52 pennates. Significant diatom assemblages defined from the statistical analysis indicate ecological variations concerning diatomitic levels or parts of diatomitic levels. Using the data sets we propose paleoenvironmental models showing the complexity of the ecological interactions. This study point the permanence of opened marine environment, the impulse of cold waters from Atlantic origin, a general decrease in bathymetry in the Messinian marls-diatomitic series, the influence of the carbonate platform progradation and the occurrence of upwelling systems.  相似文献   

Ostracodes populations have been studied in 19 samples from the upper Neogene of the Atlantic coast of NW of Morocco, between Tangier and Asilah. One hundred and two species belonging to 53 genera have been indentified. Analysis of the species assemblages allowed to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental evolution of these deposits. This begins with the transgression of the upper Tortonian which corresponds to a relatively deep circalittoral environment. The series continues by deposits showing a general regressive character, punctuated by few transgressives pulses. Shallowing starts at the end of the upper Tortonian with the deposition of calcarenites in massive banks, in an infralittoral exposed environment. This facies pass towards the top to a detrital facies, assigned to the Messinian and deposited under high energy conditions in a shallow-marine environment. The lower Pliocene transgression shows a more generalized character. The maximum deepening corresponds to the grey clay facies deposited in the external infralittoral environment, relatively protected and rich in phytal biotopes. The more recent deposits are shallower, from coastal environments, and show a more limited extension.  相似文献   

As one of the most important Lower Pleistocene sites of the Nihewan basin in North China, Donggutuo (DGT) site is well known for its fine retouched small tools and characters of flake industry. However, new excavations still reveal some new discoveries and educe some new issues to us. For example, the “DGT core” introduced in this article is a new discovered typotechnology and indicates new economic strategy of the local people, which was never known before in this area at the time of 1.1 Ma B.P. The paper provides general background and statistic analysis of DGT industry including special method applied to the “DGT core” and discusses possible influence of environmental change for the emerging of the “DGT core”. The “DGT core” shows a germinated microlithic tradition and reflects a cultural diversity of early humans in the Lower Paleolithic in North China.  相似文献   

The Permian section outcropping at Guardia Pisano (Sulcis area, SW Sardinia), comprises two successions, separated by an unconformity. The lower succession is composed of grey-black sandy shales, rich in plant remains and in sporomorphs, deposited in a fluvial-lacustrine to palustrine environment; followed by layers of rhyolithic lavas and volcanoclastites with silicified plant trunks. Most of the analysed samples yielded a profusion of pollen and spores in a very good state of preservation. Three associations were distinguished. The first one comprises mostly radial and bilateral monosaccate pollen grains and very few spores. This association is characterized by the presence of pollen grains of the genera Crucisaccites, Luberisaccites, Gondwanopollis and Lueckisporites, together with very abundant Potonieisporites and subordinate Florinites. The second association comprises mostly pollen grains of the genus Potonieisporites, represented by many species, together with Limitisporites, Costapollenites, Vittatina and others. Spores mainly represented by azonate trilete and monolete types are more frequent than in the previous association. These first two palynological associations reflect assemblages of meso-xerophilous plants growing in dryer environments, belonging to tropical and subtropical phytogeographic biomas. The third association, mainly composed of Sphenophyte spores, is autochthonous and corresponds to a swampy hygrophilous flora settled after the filling up of the basin. The age inferred by means of sporomorphs is early Asselian which is in good agreement with the mean radiometric age of the volcanic rocks obtained by the ‘SHRIMP’ and the lead-zircon evaporation methods (297 ± 5 Ma). The upper succession, is composed of grey to red sandstones and thin pelites deposited on an alluvial plain under very hot and humid climate; its Permian, post-Asselian age cannot be better constrained because of the scarcity of the fossil content.  相似文献   

The Lias and Dogger series in the southern Paris Basin outcrops are precisely dated following the ammonite biozonation scale. In these series, the depositional environment context is accurately identified and thus various isopic zones can bee recognized. From the outcrop study, the depositional sequence and the tectonics events are also distinguished. The poorly dated subsurface data should be not anymore interpreted as diagraphic signatures, with the traditional peak to peak correlation. They now need to be analysed according to the geodynamic evolution of each isopic zone. The Liassic transgressive series (in the Armorican continent) and the Dogger platforms numerous carbonate bodies are correlated at biostratigraphic scale, throughout the whole southern Paris Basin. Subsequently, paleogeographic maps are established and based on depositional sequences. The basin evolution image changes radically. This shows clearly that the complexes carbonate bodies layout prohibits any depositional environment interpretation and any isopach mapping at geological stage level. If not, the carbonate platforms of different age would be amalgamated, without any connection with the reality. Over the time, paleogeographic maps show syn-sedimentary short wavelength deformations, more or less well expressed according to the local sedimentary context. During the Lias and the Dogger, three steps can be distinguished in the southern Paris Basin. Hettangian to Lower Aalenian, the progressive increase in accommodation drives to total immersion of the continental areas; the maximum of accommodation during the Middle Toarcian entails uniform sedimentary conditions. However, short wavelength deformations persist. The major accidents defining the isopic zones are mainly North-South oriented. Middle Aalenian to Middle Bathonian, isopic zones are contrasted, controlled by the North-South accidents but also the North West-South East ones ; the variable accommodation allowed the development of regional sedimentary gaps and shallow limestone progradations on a marly area (so called “Sillon marneux”) ; tectonics events correspond to the Tethyan and the North Sea riftings influences. Upper Bathonian to Upper Oxfordian, the North West-South East tectonics accidents are particularly active; this tectonic phase could be associated to the thermal event, described in the Paris Basin and announcing the Malm depositional environment.  相似文献   

Phenotypic integration can be defined as the network of multivariate relationships among behavioural, physiological and morphological traits that describe the organism. Phenotypic integration plasticity refers to the change in patterns of phenotypic integration across environments or ontogeny. Because studies of phenotypic plasticity have predominantly focussed on single traits, a G × E interaction is typically perceived as differences in the magnitude of trait expression across two or more environments. However, many plastic responses involve coordinated responses in multiple traits, raising the possibility that relative differences in trait expression in different environments are an important, but often overlooked, source of G × E interaction. Here, we use phenotypic change vectors to statistically compare the multivariate life‐history plasticity of six Daphnia magna clones collected from four disparate European populations. Differences in the magnitude of plastic responses were statistically distinguishable for two of the six clones studied. However, differences in phenotypic integration plasticity were statistically distinguishable for all six of the clones studied, suggesting that phenotypic integration plasticity is an important component of G × E interactions that may be missed unless appropriate multivariate analyses are used.  相似文献   

The marine Messinian deposits of Tunisia cover a narrow littoral strip some 300 km long between the northern Bizerte and Cap Bon areas and the central–eastern Sahel region. Litho- and biofacies analysis of six stratigraphic sections reveals the distinctive features of these deposits.The lower Messinian deposits are characterized by ubiquitous siliciclastics and abundant oolitic/bioclastic limestones organized in an eastward facing ramp. Westward (landward), this ramp changes into coastal lagoons, sometimes containing evaporites. Eastward, the ramp passes to the reefal Pelagian Platform extending as far as Lampedusa.Two main sedimentary cycles are distinguished: 1) an early Messinian siliciclastic retrogradational then oolitic/bioclastic progradational cycle (Beni Khiar Formation and lower Oued bel Khedim Formation); 2) a late Messinian brackish to continental cycle that probably accumulated in rapidly subsiding lagoons (Oued el Bir Formation and upper Oued bel Khedim Formation). The Tunisian early Messinian cycle is partly eustatically controlled, but the late Messinian cycle cannot be confidently correlated to other well-known Messinian series because of tectonic movements.The lower Messinian deposits of Tunisia are also characterized by abundant suspension-feeding organisms (molluscs and bryozoans) and rare corals, calcareous algae, echinoids, and larger benthic foraminifers. The proposed palaeoenvironmental model shows that the lower Messinian ramp of Tunisia was located on a current-protected margin and subjected to continent-derived sediment and nutrient supply. Eastward, nutrient influx diminished and a shallow-water isolated carbonate platform with coralgal facies developed between the western and the eastern Mediterranean basins. The main hydrological connection between these two basins occurred through a narrow seaway situated to the northeast of the Pelagian Platform, south of Sicily and Malta.  相似文献   

The events related to the Messinian salinity crisis are among the most deeply investigated of Earth's history. According to the current hypothesis of Neogene paleogeographic evolution, approximately 5.5 Ma ago, after evaporitic sedimentation and before the Mio–Pliocene boundary, the Mediterranean was characterized by the widespread development of non-marine environments inhabited by molluscs and ostracods of brackish affinity. The Messinian post-evaporitic deposits that testify such a dramatic environmental change are commonly referred to as ‘Lago-mare’ and have been reported from several outcrops and boreholes throughout the entire Mediterranean basin. The origin of ‘Lago-mare’ conditions is commonly interpreted as the result of the synergistic effect of both the humid climatic conditions and change of the drainage patterns at the Mediterranean scale, with the capture of Paratethyan brackish waters. A few recent studies, however, suggest that such a scenario probably represents an oversimplification of the original context, from both a paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental point of view. Unfortunately, the results of these studies have never been commonly accepted and the proposed evidences have been considered questionable. In this paper we describe the fish assemblages from the ‘Lago-mare’ deposits of two localities, Cava Serredi and Podere Torricella, located in the Neogene hinterland basins of Tuscany, central Italy. These assemblages consists of a mixture of marine euryhaline and stenohaline taxa suggesting that the depositional environments were characterized by permanently open connections with a marine basin filled with normal marine waters. In order to better define the paleontological significance of these upper Messinian fish assemblages, the oxygen, carbon and strontium isotopic composition of fish otoliths and other fossils has been measured. These isotopic compositions are strongly indicative of the presence of normal marine conditions close to the depositional environments testified by the sedimentary sequences, thereby implying that the interpretation of the geochemical results are consistent with those derived from the paleoecological analyses of the fish assemblages. Based on the integrated paleoichthyological–geochemical approach discussed in this paper it is possible to unambiguously demonstrate that normal marine rather than fresh- or brackish waters were present in the Mediterranean at least during the upper part of the ‘Lago-mare’ event, providing an unquestionable evidence that the marine refilling of the basin preceded the Mio–Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   

The large mammals from travertine deposits in the Denizli basin include the following species: Archidiskodon meridionalis meridionalis, Equus cf. altidens s. l., E. cf. apolloniensis, Stephanorhinus cf. etruscus, Metacervoceros rhenanus, Cervalces (Libralces) ex gr. minor-gallicus, Palaeotragus sp., Bovinae gen. and sp. indet. This association resembles those from the late Villafranchian of Southern and Eastern Europe, and, to some extent, fromWestern Asia, and could be older than 1.2 Ma.  相似文献   

The “Aleria formation”, described in northeastern Corsica, consists of siliciclastic deposits referred to a deltaic environment and comprises diatomitic lenses exposed at Casabianda. The Aleria formation fills a depression of the Messinian erosional surface and is overlain by Early Pliocene sediments in several places. This suggests a late Messinian-earliest Pliocene age. Diatom microflora is well-preserved and contains 59 species. Pennates indicate a very large diversity with 54 species, while Centrics are represented only by five species. Diatom assemblages show a relative constant composition along the studied interval. The species Aulacoseiragranulata is the dominant taxon with about 90% in all samples. Taxa are of different salinity classes and different modes of life (planktic, tychoplanktic, benthic, epiphytic…), suggesting multiple environmental factor interactions. The environmental model suggested by sedimentological and biological data led as to assume a pond-like coastal receptacle common in deltaic system. This receptacle was slightly influenced by the close marine waters and was supplied by permanent freshwaters from continental run-off and alluvial sheet. This model based on diatom assemblages provides new data for palaeoenvironmental and chronological interpretations of the so-called Messinian Lago-Mare deposits.  相似文献   

The “Grappin” or “Saint-Vincent's” cave, on the western slope of Jura, East of France, has been explored since 1889. From then to 1960, it has yielded substantial material dated to middle “à navettes” Magdalenian developing during the late Pleniglacial. The study of this settlement, although often mentioned, was never dealt with comprehensively until now. Due to its scientific importance for the middle Magdalenian of western Europe, the site is to be reinvestigated through a global interdisciplinary project entitled “The Tardiglacial and the start of Holocene in the Jura and its margins”. This paper will review our present knowledge of the site, radiocarbon dates and archaeological data. It also focuses on ornaments and engraved mobile art.  相似文献   

The Late Cenozoic uplift history of a sedimentary basin located in the axial part of the Ou Backbone Range, Northeast Japan, was studied using detailed mapping, fission-track dating and basin analysis. The subsidence analysis of the basin clarified the more complex stepwise uplift of the Ou Backbone Range. Three stages of uplift have been recognized and are interpreted to be the result of compressional stress, possibly accompanied by basin inversion. The three stages are identified as (1) a phase of surface uplift and regional unconformity (12-9 Ma), (2) a stage of differential uplift and compression (6.5-3 Ma) and (3) an intense compression stage (∼ 3 Ma). In the first stage, the eastern sector of the Backbone Range uplifted and a notable unconformity was formed at ∼ 10 Ma. The western sector remained submerged, suggesting that the eastern sector uplifted earlier than the western sector. Although the first uplift stage has been regarded as a tectonically quiet period in Northeast Japan, this tectonic event at ∼ 10 Ma is supposed to have a regional origin because coeval tectonic events took place across all Northeast Japan, as well as on the eastern margin of Asia. This study thus provides new insights into the Neogene tectonic evolution in the eastern margin of Asia.  相似文献   

The origin of the Upper Palaeolithic around the Mediterranean was the result of the local evolution, particularly in the Near East and in the Lower Nile basin, and of the migration from this zone to South-Eastern and Central Europe. The Initial Upper Palaeolithic in the Near East belt was the effect of local evolution from the industries based on Levallois concept to the industries which developed leptolithic blade technologies. This evolution is well registered in multi-layer sites in the Syro-Palestinian belt (Emirian/Ahmarian), which was the starting point of the diffusion of these “transitional” industries in South-Eastern and Central Europe. This diffusion could be identified with the migration of first anatomically Modern Humans. The Early Upper Palaeolithic in Europe — dated to the second half of the Interpleniglacial — was, at least partially, based on these “transitional” industries and manifested by the appearance of the Aurignacian, contrasted with local cultures such as the Uluzzian in Mediterranean Europe. During whole the Interpleniglacial Europe was separated from Northern Africa dominated by local evolution of Middle Palaeolithic (Middle Stone Age) cultures (mostly expressed by the Aterian), and by specific “transitional” industries on the southern Mediterranean coast (Early Dabbian) and in the Lower Nile basin. The Last Glacial Maximum and the corresponding sea level recession opened new possibilities of contacts between the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula in both directions (Aterian-Solutrean and Gravettian-Early Iberomaurusian), which are still difficult to be proved before new chronostratigraphic correlations are made. At the same time we register links between south-eastern Europe and western Anatolia; the real border between Near Eastern and European Mediterranean cultural zones was marked, in the Late Glacial, by the Taurus chain. During the Late Glacial the cultural separation between Europe and Africa was particularly marked. Only in the Aegean basin the first sea navigation facilitated contacts which become widespread as late as in the Early Holocene with neolithization trough maritime contacts.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,70(3-4):282-296
An assemblage of planktonic foraminifera is described from 125 samples taken from the Cercado, Gurabo, and Mao Formations in the Cibao Valley, northern Dominican Republic. The primary objectives of this study are to establish a biochronologic model for the late Neogene of the Dominican Republic and to examine sea surface conditions within the Cibao Basin during this interval. The Cercado Formation is loosely confined to Zones N17 and N18 (∼ 7.0–5.9 Ma). The Gurabo Formation spans Zones N18 and N19 (∼ 5.9–4.5 Ma). The Mao Formation is placed in Zone N19 (∼ 4.5–3.6 Ma). Changes in the relative abundances of indicator species are used to reconstruct sea surface conditions within the basin. Increasing relative abundances of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber, in conjunction with a decreasing relative abundance of Globigerina bulloides, suggests the onset of increasing sea surface temperature and salinity in conjunction with diminishing primary productivity at ∼ 6.0 Ma. Abrupt increases in the relative abundances of G. sacculifer and G. ruber at ∼ 4.8 Ma suggest a major increase in sea surface temperature and salinity in the early Pliocene. The most likely mechanism for these changes is isolation of the Caribbean Ocean through progressive restriction of Pacific–Caribbean transfer via the Central American Seaway. Periods of high productivity associated with upwelling events are recorded in the upper Cercado Formation (∼ 6.1 Ma) and in the middle Mao Formation (∼ 4.2 Ma) by spikes in G. bulloides and Neogloboquadrina spp. respectively. The timing of major increases in sea surface salinity and temperature as well as decreasing productivity (∼ 4.8 Ma) and periods of upwelling (∼ 6.1and 4.2 Ma) in the Cibao Basin generally corroborate previously suggested Caribbean oceanographic changes related to the uplift of Panama. Changes in sea surface conditions depicted by paleobiogeographic distributions in the Cibao Basin suggest that shoaling along the Isthmus of Panama had implications in a shallow Caribbean basin as early as 6.0 Ma. Major paleobiologic changes between ∼ 4.8 and 4.2 Ma likely represent the period of final closure of the CAS and a nearly complete disconnection between Pacific and Caribbean water masses. This study illustrates the use of planktonic foraminifera in establishing some paleoceanographic conditions (salinity, temperature, productivity, and upwelling) within a shallow water basin, outlining the connection between regional and localized oceanographic changes.  相似文献   

The Aïn Settara section (Kalaat Senan, Central Tunisia) exposes in very good conditions a continuous marl-limestone alternation, going from the Upper Maastrichtian to the Danian. The Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary is particularly better exposed than it is in the El Kef type section. The studied section reveals, at first, a typical bed-interbed decimetric to metric limestone-marl alternation. Upon this one, at a meter scale, a second mode of alternation is superimposed: between, firstly, sharp and thick bed-interbed bundles, and, secondly, more diffuse and thinner bundles, which are more difficult to split into beds and interbeds. This frame deals with the equinoxial-precession climatic-forcing. The bed-interbed alternation corresponds to the precession of 21.3 ka average period. The clear bundle-diffuse bundle alternation, comes from the amplitude modulation of the precession by the circa 100 ka period of the eccentricity. This succession is used to build a time floating-scale, adjusted on the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary. Fixing this boundary to the value of -65.0 Ma, we obtain a chronometric time-scale, going, for our section, from -65.8 up to -64.4 Ma, that is a total duration of 1.3 m.y. This scale allows to better localize in time the sedimentary and biological phenomenons, which encompass the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary.  相似文献   

The position of lithic industries of Chinese Paleolithic in comparison with those of other regions in the world is always a controversial topic. The typological analysis has made Chinese prehistorians reveal some variability between lithic industries of different regions of China in terms of technical tradition and industrial structure. But this recognition, based upon some morphological characters of stone artifacts, failed to define systematically the modes of production that exist in each site. To answer these problematic some new methods need to be applied. So the lithic materials from 8 Chinese sites dated from 300 ka to 50 ka B.P. were selected and analyzed by means of lithic technological analysis and a new approach for analyzing the structures of cores. This paper presents principally the analytical results of modes of débitage and revealed that the modes of débitage during this period were characterized essentially by system C (“simple débitage”) and E (discoid) and that the concept Levallois was absent during this period in technical systems of lithic production in China. The Chinese lithic industries between 300 ka and 50 ka B.P. saw some homogeneity in the scale of the continent and remarkable difference from those of other regions in the world. So a stable, continuous but independent even isolated evolution in comparison with those of other regions was observed in this period. In addition, despite of apparent homogeneity, some variability exists also between these industries.  相似文献   

TLC‐DPPH guided fractionation of a sponge‐associated fungus Truncatella angustata with a solid culture resulted in the isolation of five new α‐pyrone‐based analogues namely angupyrones A – E ( 1  –  5 ), and 3‐ethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐2‐pyrone. Their structures were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analyses, including the modified Mosher's method, bulkiness rule, and specific rotation for the configurational assignments. Angupyrones A – E exhibited moderate antioxidant response element activation in HepG2C8 cells, while the preliminary structure‐activity relationship was discussed.  相似文献   

Several human occupations have been identified within the deposits of the Caune de l’Arago Cave site, dated from 700 000 years to 100 000 years old. The exceptional wealth of these archeological levels provides an opportunity for the study of different types of habitat and behavioral patterns of Paleolithic hunters between 600 000 and 400 000 years ago. Results from preliminary studies, carried out over the last 30 years on these archeological levels, allow for the proposition of a typology for cave habitats during the Middle Pleistocene in the south of France. In fact, four types of habitat were identified and defined. They have been described according to different characteristics such as, the thickness of the archeological accumulation, the animal species represented, the season during which the animals were hunted, the state of conservation of the fossils discovered, the morpho-technological and typological characteristics of the lithics, the categories of raw materials used and the territory exploited by the hominids inhabiting the cave, as defined by the raw materials represented. The four habitation types defined are: the long duration habitat, where the cave was used as a home base; the temporary seasonal habitat, in which case the cave served as a secondary campsite; the hunting stopover and the bivouac, during which the cave was used as a refuge for short term stays. Behavioral patterns appear to be directly related to the type of habitat and oriented towards a principal activity: hunting. The activities performed by the inhabitants of the cave seem to be more diversified during prolonged or seasonal occupations, whereas they appear to be reduced or very specialised during brief stays. Generally, The characteristics studied show that the Caune de l’Arago Cave site had multiple uses over time for Anteneandertalian family groups and hunters who left traces of their activities, allowing us to better understand their lifestyle.  相似文献   

The Early to Middle Pleistocene Dandiero rift basin is located near the Buia village, 110 km south of Massawa (Eritrea), and is filled by about 1000 m of continental deposits bearing 1 My erectus-like human remains. The basin fill consists of six formations (from bottom up): Bukra sand and gravels (fluvial), Alat formation (fluvio-lacustrine), Wara sand and gravel (fluvial), Goreya formation (lacustrine), Aro sand (fluvio-deltaic) and Addai fanglomerate (alluvial fan). This paper is focused on the Homo-bearing deposits of the Alat formation. The Alat formation records several episodes of changing accommodation space, with repeated shifts from fluvial to lacustrine conditions. The first episode points to rapid lake formation followed by a progressive shallowing. The second episode records fluvial aggradation above a sequence boundary, followed by the development and progressive infill of a second lake. The third episode points to a rapid lake formation followed by deposition of deltaic and fluvial sediments. The last episode is characterised by fluvial deposition under low-accommodation conditions. The development of the lacustrine environments was probably controlled by tectonics, in accordance with its formation during regionally dry climatic conditions, although minor shifts toward wetter conditions cannot be excluded. Human remains occur in the upper Alat formation, where the transition from a deltaic to alluvial setting is characterised by high frequency, potentially millennial-scale, lake-level oscillations. The palaeoanthropological record in the Buia area seems to be correlated with water availability (lacustrine coastal plains and floodplains) in a relatively open and grassy environment (grassland- and savannah-dominated). The increase in fluvial discharge that occurred at the top of the Alat formation led to erosion and winnowing of the underlying fossil-bearing, fluvio-deltaic deposits. A large number of bones and artefacts were consequently accumulated at the base of channel fills, which represent a preferential horizon for fossil searching.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) oxidation in marine environments requires oxygen (O2) or other reactive oxygen species in the water column, and widespread Mn oxide deposition in ancient sedimentary rocks has long been used as a proxy for oxidation. The oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere and oceans across the Archean-Proterozoic boundary are associated with massive Mn deposits, whereas the interval from 1.8–1.0 Ga is generally believed to be a time of low atmospheric oxygen with an apparent hiatus in sedimentary Mn deposition. Here, we report geochemical and mineralogical analyses from 1.1 Ga manganiferous marine-shelf siltstones from the Bangemall Supergroup, Western Australia, which underlie recently discovered economically significant manganese deposits. Layers bearing Mn carbonate microspheres, comparable with major global Mn deposits, reveal that intense periods of sedimentary Mn deposition occurred in the late Mesoproterozoic. Iron geochemical data suggest anoxic-ferruginous seafloor conditions at the onset of Mn deposition, followed by oxic conditions in the water column as Mn deposition persisted and eventually ceased. These data imply there was spatially widespread surface oxygenation ~1.1 Ga with sufficiently oxic conditions in shelf environments to oxidize marine Mn(II). Comparable large stratiform Mn carbonate deposits also occur in ~1.4 Ga marine siltstones hosted in underlying sedimentary units. These deposits are greater or at least commensurate in scale (tonnage) to those that followed the major oxygenation transitions from the Neoproterozoic. Such a period of sedimentary manganogenesis is inconsistent with a model of persistently low O2 throughout the entirety of the Mesoproterozoic and provides robust evidence for dynamic redox changes in the mid to late Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

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