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Abstract: Two species of decapod crustacean are recorded from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian) of the Neuquén Basin of west‐central Argentina, namely Astacodes falcifer Bell and a new species of Palaeohomarus, P. pacificus. The preservation of the specimens is exceptional, some showing delicate compound eyes and a stridulatory apparatus, features rarely found in fossil forms. Many specimens are preserved articulated inside calcareous nodules, within dark‐grey shales. The lobster‐bearing sediments accumulated in a low‐energy marine environment and diagenetic mineralization occurred very rapidly, prior to significant decay, thus allowing exceptional preservation of specimens. Palaeohomarus was a rare genus in the Cretaceous with a palaeogeographic distribution restricted to the Mediterranean Tethys, the eastern USA and Madagascar, while Astacodes falcifer has been recorded only from Speeton (eastern England) and Neuquén.  相似文献   

An anatomical and taxonomic analysis of the mammalian record in the locality of La Poma in Salta Province, Argentina, is here presented. This record consists in two specimens exhumed in levels of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation referred to the middle late Eocene. The first specimen is represented by a partial skull preserving mostly the rostrum and some dental pieces and was identified as a member of Leontiniidae, although it does not bear enough information for generic or specific determination. The second specimen is represented by more complete material, preserving much of the dentition. It was identified as a new species of the genus Pampahippus, traditionally included in the paraphyletic family Notohippidae. The leontiniid here studied presents several plesiomorphic features identified in other taxa of northwestern Argentina, and this material represents a new example of a pre-Deseadan basal morphotype within the family. Regarding the new species of Pampahippus, it shows clear signs of rising hypsodonty, representing the first case for a notoungulate lineage in the Paleogene of northwestern Argentina.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:45D87764-5B63-4487-BAAC-74F8D490AE18  相似文献   

This paper deals with the detailed taxonomic study of the first mammal remains from the Mariño Formation in the Divisadero Largo area, Mendoza, central west Argentina. This area was well-known by the fossils recovered from the Triassic levels and particularly by the faunal assemblage from the Cenozoic levels corresponding to the Divisadero Largo Formation. Until recently, no mammal remains had been accurately reported for the Mariño Formation, Miocene in age. The specimen consists in an almost complete upper jugal series (teeth found separated from the maxillary bone except the M3) of a small Mesotheriidae (Notoungulata), which was preliminary identified as Mesotheriinae indet. The main characteristic of these teeth is their small size, significatively lesser than that of the Miocene genera Eutypotherium, Typotheriopsis and Pseudotypotherium, being closer to Mycrotypotherium from Bolivia and the Chilean species from the Chucal Formation. The direct comparison with these latter forms has allowed a more detailed study and the recognition of the material here described as cf. Altitypotherium chucalensis, with all cautions inherent to the incompleteness of the material.  相似文献   

An incomplete skeleton from Puesto Morales (Neuquén Province, Argentina) is described as a new species of sauropod, Zapalasaurus bonapartei. The unit that yielded the holotype of this dinosaur is the Piedra Parada Member of the La Amarga Formation, whose age is regarded as Barremian-lower Aptian. Several characters are interpreted as autapomorphies of Zapalasaurus bonapartei: cervical vertebrae with a lamina uniting the prezygapophysis and the zygapophyseal portion of the postzygodiapophyseal lamina, cervical vertebrae with the diapophyseal portion of the postzygodiapophyseal lamina reduced, cervical vertebrae with poorly developed spinoprezygapophyseal laminae, mid and posterior caudal vertebrae with anteroposteriorly elongated neural spines, whose anterodorsal corners are higher than their posterodorsal ones, and caudal centrum length doubles over first 20 vertebrae. Zapalasaurus bonapartei is considered as the sister group of the other diplodocoids (excluding Haplocanthosaurus). Diplodocoids were abundant in the Early Cretaceous, becoming extinct by the early Late Cretaceous. The record of Zapalasaurus bonapartei shows that, at least in the Neuquina Basin, basal diplodocoids were more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

Saprolegnia oliviae sp. nov. is described from litter (floating dead twigs, leaves and roots) in the Olivia River, Ushuaia Department, Tierra del Fuego Province (Argentina). The new species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. Distinguishing characteristics of S. oliviae are the production of smooth oogonia (with some lateral or terminal projections) and the absence of antheridial branches on the majority of the oogonia, but when present, they are mostly diclinous, at times oogonia are supplied with androgynous and monoclinous antheridial branches. The oogonial stalks are predominantly short and straight or long and bent, curved or many times coiled; oospores are distinctive subcentric, (1-) 15-50 (-70) per oogonium. Morphological details of the new species and its comparison with other described species are discussed here.  相似文献   

Trigoniide clams were conspicuous components of bivalve faunas in shallow seas during most of the Mesozoic. Morphological trends in different features of shell shape and ornamentation of three related species of myophorelloids from the Agrio Formation (Early Cretaceous of Neuquén Basin, Argentina) that inhabited environments of different hydrodynamic energy conditions are explored in this study by means of a detailed morphometric analysis. Four hydrodynamic energy categories were established for depositional environments, from most (1), to least (4), energetic. General shell shape was characterized by measurements of height, length and width. New quantitative methods were developed to evaluate the distribution of costae along the marginal carina and the divergence of costae along the flank. Morphometric variables were detrended with respect to size, to avoid ontogenetic variability in further analyses. Relative width of the shell increases as environments become higher in hydrodynamic energy; this unusual trend may be interpreted as an anchoring/stabilizing strategy developed by the lineage in shallow marine environments. Trends in ornamentation correspond to more densely distributed costae in environments of higher hydrodynamic energy, a pattern that improves substrate penetration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The terrestrial polychaete Hrabeiella periglandulata has many features in common with the Clitellata and the polychaete taxon Parergodrilidae. An ultrastructural investigation of the central nervous system and the sense organs of H. periglandulata individuals was undertaken to look for structural similarities with these taxa as well as to elucidate whether these structures might exhibit adaptive characters typical of terrestrial annelids in general. The central nervous system of H. periglandulata is subepidermal and consists of a brain situated in the first achaetigerous segment. The circumoesophageal connectives are without dorsal and ventral roots, and the ventral nerve cord has closely associated connectives and ill-defined ganglia. In contrast to clitellates and the terrestrial parergodrilid Parergodrilus heideri , nuchal organs are present. They are internal and highly modified compared with those of marine polychaetes but are similar to those of the intertidal parergodrilid Stygocapitella subterranea . A pair of ciliary sense organs is present inside the brain, resembling similar structures in many microdrile oligochaetes. These observations indicate that there are, in fact, structural similarities between the nervous system and the sense organs of clitellates, parergodrilids, and Hrabeiella individuals. These similarities may very likely be the result of convergent evolution in adaptation to the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

The study of abundant permineralized fern remains collected in the Oligocene Rancahué Formation (Neuquén Province, Argentina) allowed the identification of two different taxa. The name Cuyenopteris patagoniensis nov. gen., nov. sp. is proposed for several stems and fronds characterized by the presence of caulinar dictyosteles with root gaps, producing C-shaped leaf traces composed by two hippocampiform bundles flanked by eight to ten small round bundles, half of them diverging from cauline meristeles and the rest from the hippocampiform bundles. The presence of these features, along with frond bases with adaxial grooves and a pair of pneumatophores, suggest affinities with the Blechnaceae or Dryopteridaceae. The second identified taxon is Alsophilocaulis calveloi Menéndez. Based on features observed in these new materials, including characteristics of the mantle of adventitious roots and anatomy of the petiole bases, an emended diagnosis for this latter species is proposed.  相似文献   

Although mostly mineral, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ashes also contain organic matter that may support heterogeneous microbial activities. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential influence of such activities on the physico-chemical properties of the waste with respect to the release of contaminants into water. Fresh and aged MSWI bottom ashes originating from the same incineration plant were studied. Respirometry assays were carried out under various experimental conditions, where the microbial flora was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed before and after the incubations. The leaching behavior of the waste was studied before and after the incubations to determine the effects of microbial activities.Relatively high O2 consumption and CO2 production were observed during incubation, particularly with the fresh waste which contained more organic matter and was less carbonated than the aged one. Cell counts and DGGE molecular profiles indicated the presence of an abundant and diversified microbial biomass in both aged and fresh waste. Incubations resulted in a reduction of the dissolved fraction of organic carbon in the leaching tests and a modification of the leaching patterns of many metallic species (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn). This influence on the leaching behavior was particularly significant with the fresh waste. It was mostly explained by the pH decrease due to the carbonation of the bottom ash resulting from the CO2 generated by the microbial respiration.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by Culicidae in three different environments in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). The mosquitoes were collected between June 2001-May 2002. During the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within different time intervals: from 09:00 am-11:00 am, 01:00 pm-03:00 pm, 05:00 pm-07:00 pm and 09:00 pm-10:00 pm. A total of 19,430 mosquitoes of 49 species belonging to 10 genera were collected. Culex species mainly selected chicken bait and Wyeomyia species selected rabbit bait. Ochlerotatus and Psorophora species were more abundant in rabbit-baited traps. Anopheles triannulatus, Coquillettidia nigricans, Ochlerotatus scapularis, Mansonia titillans and Psorophora albigenu showed a strong attraction for human bait. The Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Culex and Mansonia species were more active between 05:00 pm-09:00 pm, while Ochlerotatus, Psorophora, Haemagogus and Wyeomyia were most active from 09:00 am-07:00 pm. This study provides additional information about the biology and ecology of arbovirus vectors in Chaco.  相似文献   

Serpulids and other related tube-dwelling polychaetes are often ignored when found as fossil remains. They are, however, a widespread and important group today, and abundant literature has been published on them. Knowledge of fossil serpulids is centered on European material, and little has already been done on South American fossil calcareous tubes. In this paper, seven serpulid and sabellid morphotypes are described from the Early Cretaceous marine Agrio Formation of Argentina, revealing a diversity of worms recorded as encrusters on bivalves, ammonites and corals. Sabellids are represented by Glomerula cf. serpentina. Serpulids are represented by two subfamilies: “Serpulinae” includes Mucroserpula mucroserpula, Parsimonia antiquata, Placostegus cf. conchophilus, Propomatoceros semicostatus and P. sulcicarinatus; Spirorbinae is represented by heavily worn tiny coiled tubes assigned to ?Neomicrorbis. Serpulids and sabellids are one of the main components of the mollusk-encrusting fauna recorded in the Agrio Formation, along with small oysters but much more diverse. They are most commonly found as post-mortem encrusters, but some cases of unquestionable living interaction are also found, such as serpulid tubes embedded on coral branches. They are often overgrown by bryozoans, and sometimes by oysters; they frequently occur aggregated.  相似文献   


The Tayassuidae is one of the first families of North American immigrant mammals that arrived into South America during the ‘Great American Biotic Interchange’. They have been found associated with Late Cenozoic deposits mainly in Argentina and Brazil, but also in Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Theirs records within Argentina come from the Pampean Region, Mesopotamia and north-central region. Here, we report the first record of P. carlesi with precise stratigraphic (26.630 ± 370 14C years BP, Late Pleistocene) data in Argentina, precisely from the Chacoan region. This specimen represents the most complete fossil material of this extinct species, increasing its morphological and morphometrical knowledge, and it provides relevant ecological and climatic information. From a palaeoenvironmental point of view, the fauna registered in this paleontological site, includes taxa mainly adapted to open or semi-open and arid or semi-arid environments. The bearing sediments and the peculiarities of the faunal assemblages, as well as the chronological data, allow confirming that arid and semiarid conditions, with scarce or absent vegetation cover were developed in this area of Argentina during the last part of MIS 3 and beginning of MIS 2. These environmental conditions favored the settlement of megamammals adapted to open environments.  相似文献   

An Early Jurassic fossil bivalve specimen belonging to the pectinid genus Weyla was found within the low human occupation levels in a structure of Pukara de La Cueva, Humahuaca department, Jujuy province, Argentina. This is clearly a geologically allochthonous record, and its source should be located more than 400 km away, probably from a locality in the Main Cordillera of northern Chile or southern Perú. This evidence is part of a research project which analyzes the human interactions among the Quebrada de La Cueva sites and neighbouring productive regions, as well as the inferred interchange networks between this and other regions, both nearby and distant. In this context, the likely symbolic meaning of this record is also evaluated.  相似文献   

In several primate species, females mate promiscuously and several adult males peacefully co‐reside in the same social group. We investigated female mating behavior in two neighboring multimale–multifemale groups of Alouatta caraya in northern Argentina (27°20′S–58°40′W). All adult individuals in each group were marked with identification anklets and ear tags, and followed for five consecutive full days per month during 20 consecutive months. We recorded 219 copulations for eight resident females in these two groups. Thirty‐two percent of matings involved extra‐group copulations and 68% were with resident males. During periods when females were likely to conceive and during periods when females were nonfertile (pregnancy and lactation), there were no significant differences in the average number of resident and nonresident males with which they copulated (G‐test: Gadj=0.1, df=3, P>0.05). In both of our study groups, adult males were tolerant of the mating activities between resident males and resident females, but acted aggressively and collectively (howling, border vigilance, and fighting) when extragroup males attempted to enter the group and mate with resident females. Given the frequency of extragroup matings, we examined the distance females traveled to engage in these copulations, time engaged in pre‐ and postcopulatory behavior, and the risk of injury during extragroup copulations. These costs were found to be relatively small. We suggest that female promiscuity is the prime driver or constraint on male reproductive opportunities in this species. Female promiscuity in A. caraya appears to represent a mixed mating strategy that may serve to increase opportunities for genetic diversity between a female's successive offspring as well as minimize the risk of infanticide by spreading paternity estimates across a larger number of adult males. Am. J. Primatol. 72:734–748, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 10-year (2005–2015) field experiment was conducted to study the effects of an integrated rice-crayfish (CR) model on soil organic carbon, enzyme activity, and microbial diversity at soil depths of 0–10?cm, 10–20?cm, 20–30?cm, and 30–40?cm. Compared with a mid-season rice monoculture (MR) model, total organic carbon (TOC), particle organic carbon (POC), and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were significantly higher in the 0–40?cm soil layers, and the content of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was significantly higher in the 30–40?cm soil layer in the CR model. The ratios of WSOC to TOC and POC to TOC in the 0–40?cm soil layers in CR model exhibited an increasing trend, whereas the ratio of MBC to TOC in the 0–30?cm layers exhibited a decreasing trend with respect to that of the MR model, however, these differences were not statistically significant. The activity of soil invertase, acid phosphatase, and urease in the 0–40?cm soil layers in the CR model exhibited a decreasing trend with respect to that of the MR model, and the activity of urease in the 10–20?cm soil layer in the CR model was significantly lower than that in the MR model. Compared with the MR model, the CR model significantly enhanced the carbon utilization capacity of soil microbes, and the richness index, dominance index, and diversity index of the soil microbial community in the 20–30?cm layer, whereas it significantly decreased the number of dominant soil microorganism species and the carbon utilization capacity of soil microbes in the 0–10?cm layer. Soil organic carbon and its active components had a significant direct correlation with the microbial diversity index, and significantly positive correlations with invertase, urease, and acid phosphatase. With respect to the soil microbial diversity index, soil organic carbon and its active components had a closer relationship with soil enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The composition of the early stages of intertidal and subtidal fouling assemblages in Comodoro Rivadavia harbour (Argentina, 45°52′ S, 67°28′ W) and the influence of shore level and season on their structure were analysed. At the beginning of each season, stones were glued to the substratum with epoxy putty and distributed along 4 vertical transects at intervals of 20 m, at 3 levels: upper intertidal, middle intertidal, and subtidal. Substrata remained in the field for 84–100 days. A total of 48 samples (4 seasons × 3 levels × 4 replicates) were analysed. Species richness increased with depth, with 6 taxa in the upper intertidal, 23 in the middle intertidal and 31 in the subtidal. Seasonal differences in richness were less distinct. Green, red and brown algae were the dominant groups. Invertebrates were mainly represented by filter-feeding, sessile organisms, such as cheilostome bryozoans, spirorbid polychaetes and acorn barnacles. The barnacle Balanus glandula and the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana were the only non-indigenous species found in this study. Highly significant differences in structure among shore levels and seasons were evidenced by a two-way ANOSIM test. The upper intertidal is characterized by the filamentous green algae Urospora penicilliformis and Ulothrix flacca. The barnacle Balanus glandula is the most abundant species in the middle intertidal. The subtidal is defined mainly by the presence of the spirorbid polychaetes Paralaeospira levinseni and Romanchella perrieri, and the keyhole limpet Fissurella radiosa. Ordination of samples by season was less clear than by shore level.  相似文献   

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