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The Luoyixi section, exposed in a roadcut along the Youshui River (Fengtan Reservoir), Guzhang County, Hunan Province, China, is proposed as the stratotype for the base of an unnamed stage boundary (base of the Cambrian stage provisionally termed Stage 7). The proposed position of the GSSP is 121.3 m above the base of the Huaqiao Formation, at a horizon coinciding with the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid trilobite Lejopyge laevigata. The section fulfills all the requirements for a GSSP, and the horizon can be constrained not only with the primary stratigraphic marker (L. laevigata) but also with secondary biostratigraphic, sequence-stratigraphic, and chemostratigraphic correlation tools. The first appearance of L. laevigata is one of the most readily recognizable levels in the Cambrian, and can be correlated with precision to all paleocontinents.  相似文献   

The base of the Ptychagnostus (or Acidusus) atavus Zone is one of the most clearly recognizable horizons on an intercontinental scale in the Cambrian System, and would serve as an excellent position for the base of a new stage-level chronostratigraphic subdivision. Among well-exposed, readily accessible sections in Laurentia, the “Stratotype Ridge” section, Drum Mountains, western Utah, USA, is perhaps the most suitable for a Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) defined by the first appearance datum (FAD) of the cosmopolitan agnostoid trilobite P. atavus. In the “Stratotype Ridge” section, the FAD of P. atavus occurs near the base of a calcisiltite bed 62 m above the base of the Wheeler Formation. A position corresponding closely to this horizon can be recognized with precision in Gondwana, Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Baltica using a combination of stratigraphic tools, the most useful of which are trilobite biostratigraphy, conodont biostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy. Brachiopod biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy provide general constraints on the position of the horizon intercontinentally.  相似文献   

Papers resulting from the Fourth International Symposium on the Cambrian System, held in Nanjing, China, in 2005 cover three major aspects of geology and paleontology: (1) the developing global standard for Cambrian chronostratigraphy or regional correlation schemes; (2) regional lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and paleoenvironments; (3) organismal paleobiology, phylogenetic affinities and taphonomy.A generalized curve of carbon isotopes (δ13C) through the Cambrian suggests a relationship between major biotic events, sea level history and the development of deposits of exceptional preservation (Lagerstätten). Recognition of this relationship increases the importance of the δ13C profile as a tool for intercontinental and intracontinental correlation. Significant δ13C excursions in the Cambrian are: BACE (negative excursion at the base of the Cambrian System); ZHUCE (positive excursion in the lower part of Stage 2); SHICE (negative excursion in the middle part of Stage 2); CARE (positive excursion near the base of Stage 3); MICE (positive excursion in the lower part of Stage 4); AECE (negative excursion in the middle part of Stage 4); ROECE (negative excursion near the base of Stage 5); DICE (negative excursion beginning near the base of the Drumian Stage); SPICE (positive excursion beginning at the base of the Paibian Stage); TOCE (negative excursion near the top of Stage 10). All acronyms other than SPICE are newly proposed.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Ptychagnostus atavus (Tullberg, 1880) and Ptychagnostus intermedius (Tullberg, 1880) has been confused, in part at least, because of inadequate or erroneous illustrations of specimens from syntype series. From further examination and new illustrations we conclude that those series are conspecific and that P. atavus is the senior synonym of P. intermedius. Laurentian agnostoids previously assigned to P. intermedius are reassigned to Ptychagnostus sinicus Lu, 1957. As revised, P. atavus is a common, globally distributed species in open-marine lithofacies. Clarification of its taxonomy is important because its first appearance datum (FAD) will likely define the base of a new global Cambrian stage.  相似文献   

Global records of Early Cambrian acritarchs from the Skiagia plexus reveal that they are stratigraphically significant and can be used as biostratigraphic markers. Skiagia ornata and Skiagia ciliosa have a cosmopolitan distribution and the levels of their first appearance datums are proposed to serve as biostratigraphic horizons for interregional correlation. These levels are close to the lower boundary of the undefined Cambrian Stage 3, and within the Stage 3, respectively. The acritarch assemblage diagnostic of the Heliosphaeridium dissimilare-S. ciliosa Zone of Baltica is recorded worldwide and some species are traced on four of the Cambrian continents that include South Australia, South China and Laurentia. This supports the intercontinental correlation of certain Lower Cambrian strata and establishes the time equivalence between the regional trilobite zones to which these strata are attributed. The regional zonation is briefly reviewed for the purpose of comparing and evaluating the acritarch ranges. The biostratigraphic correlation of the Lower Cambrian strata, belonging to different faunal provinces, is based for the first time on the same fossil species, which have a cosmopolitan distribution and well-defined first appearance datums, and on the entire diagnostic acritarch assemblages.  相似文献   

Sequence-stratigraphic analysis of the Middle Cambrian Highland Peak, Bonanza King, Swasey, and Wheeler formations in the Great Basin refines platform-to-basin correlations and distinguishes local tectonic events from eustasy. This analysis provides a reliable sea-level history through the Ptychagnostus gibbus and Ptychagnostus atavus trilobite intervals and confirms that the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at the first appearance datum (FAD) of P. atavus was deposited during an overall sea-level rise. Deposition during the Middle Cambrian Ehmaniella/Bolaspidella biozones in the western U.S. is represented by two lithologically distinct successions: (1) a poorly fossiliferous, shallow-water, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession that is widespread across southern Nevada and southeastern California and (2) a highly fossiliferous, deeper water, fine-grained, siliciclastic succession in central Nevada and western Utah. The deeper water succession was deposited within the fault-controlled House Range Embayment and contains the P. atavus GSSP. Correlation of these disparate successions had been hampered by a lack of high-resolution biostratigraphic data, and limited chemostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy. In this study, sequence-stratigraphic analysis indicates that the Condor Member of the Highland Peak Formation and the “mixed unit” of the Bonanza King Formation are the shallow-water platform equivalents of the basal Wheeler Formation encompassing the P. gibbus and lower P. atavus zones. The deepening event that is recorded in the P. gibbus Zone represents a major flooding surface that may be used as an important event marker for regional and global correlation. The overlying P. atavus GSSP, however, is within the later stage of transgression and may represent a globally synchronous event that can be correlated from platform to basin.  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian succession in the Jiaobang section, Jianhe County, eastern Guizhou, China, includes, in ascending order, the Bianmachong, Balang, and Tsinghsutung formations, with a total thickness of about 645 m. Twenty-six morphological genera (including one new genus) are identified from the Balang and the underlying Bianmachong formations, many of which are common and widely distributed. Six acritarch assemblages are discerned in the Balang Formation. They are, in ascending order, the Adara alea‒Skiagia ornata, the Acrum radiale‒Pterospermella velata, the Comasphaeridium molliculum‒Solisphaeridium baltoscandium, the Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp.‒Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp., the Acrum novum‒Heliosphaeridium oligum, and the Acrum membranosum‒Adarve diafanum acritarch assemblages. An obvious change of organic-walled microfossil assemblages occurred in the interval between 84 m and 98 m from the bottom of the Balang Formation which roughly corresponds to the boundary between the Oryctacarella duyunensis trilobite Zone and the overlying Arthricocephalus chauveaui trilobite Zone. In addition, organic-walled microfossils are scarce in about 24 m thick from the bottom of the Balang Formation. One new genus and five new species including Plagasphaera balangensis n. gen. n. sp., Asteridium tubulus n. sp., Cymatiosphaera spina n. sp., Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp., and Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp. are described.  相似文献   

The use of carbon isotope excursion in Cambrian stratigraphical correlation is a standard practice at both the intercontinental and intracontinental scales. The Steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion (SPICE) is one of the prime examples in this regard in correlating the base of the Paibian Stage and Furongian Series. A lack of definite SPICE evidence in the North China craton has been a challenge in precision correlation between North China and other palaeo‐continents. This study provides new carbonates carbon isotope data from the type locality of the Changshan Formation in Hebei Province, North China. Our new δ13Ccarb data provide new objective evidence for the presence of the SPICE in North China. The sampling section is relatively condensed, and the interval of the SPICE curve is less than one and half‐metres after analysing 64 samples (the sampling interval within the SPICE is less than 10 cm). The onset of the SPICE curve in Tangshan, Hebei, occurs in the barren interval between the Neodrepanura and Chuangia trilobite zones. Based on this study and previous work, this could imply the middle part of the Prochuangia‐Paracoosia trilobite Zone in North China and can be correlated with the base of the Paibian Stage and Furongian Series.  相似文献   

The Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of the Furongian Series (uppermost series of the Cambrian System) and the Paibian Stage (lowermost stage of the Furongian Series), has been recently defined and ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The boundary stratotype is 369 metres above the base of the Huaqiao Formation in the Paibi section, northwestern Hunan Province, China. This point coincides with the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus, and occurs near the base of a large positive carbon isotopic excursion (SPICE excursion).  相似文献   

Extensive information has been acquired on the occurrence of Lower Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils (SSF) in the shallow water sediments of the western fringe of the Yangtze Platform (eastern Yunnan and central Sichuan Provinces) during the last two decades. However, less is known on the temporal and spatial distribution of SSFs on the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform. Here we report SSF associations from Kuanchuanpu (Ningqiang County, southern Shaanxi Province), Shatan, and Xinli (both Nanjiang County, northern Sichuan Province) representing the Southwest Shaanxi region and from Sanlangpu, and Xiaowan (Xixiang County, southern Shaanxi Province) of the Southeast Shaanxi - Northwest Hubei region. The thickness of the Lower Cambrian SSF-bearing strata strongly decreases in this region from West to East and the stratigraphic hiatus increases. An earliest Cambrian hiatus is widely distributed on the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform. At the same time, a syngenetic brecciation occurred in wide shallow shelf settings. A tectonic mobilization, possibly related to the assembly of Gondwana following the breakup of Rodinia, may be responsible for this. In sections near Kuanchuanpu (Ningqiang County), the Meishucunian (equivalent to the Nemakit-Daldynian to Tommotian of Siberia) succession comprises ca. 55 m of dark phosphatic carbonates, siltstones, and cherts. The SSF associations are similar to those of East Yunnan and, in ascending order, can be discriminated into the Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone, the Watsonella yunnanensis Zone (previously mentioned as Heraultipegma yunnanensis Zone), and the Sinosachites flabelliformis - Tannuolina zhangwentangi Zone. The Siphogonuchites triangularis - Paragloborilus subglobosus Zone cannot be unambiguously detected in the Southwest Shaanxi region. The occurrence of embryos and eggs within the Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone, which has been reported earlier, is remarkable. The previously reconstructed life cycle and taxonomic treatment of Olivooides / Punctatus are re-discussed. The earliest SSF associations (Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica Zone to Watsonella yunnanesis Zone) are missing in the Southeast Shaanxi - Northwest Hubei region and the Ninella tarimensis - Cambroclavus fangxianensis Assemblage Zone and Rhombocorniculum cancellatum Taxon Range Zone are introduced herein.  相似文献   

We propose a candidate for the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the highest stage of the Furongian Series of the Cambrian System. The section is at Lawson Cove in the Ibex area of Millard County, Utah, USA. The marker horizon is the first appearance datum (FAD) of the conodont Cordylodus andresi Viira et Sergeyeva in Kaljo et al. [Kaljo, D., Borovko, N., Heinsalu, H., Khazanovich, K., Mens, K., Popov, L., Sergeyeva, S., Sobolevskaya, R., Viira, V., 1986. The Cambrian–Ordovician boundary in the Baltic–Ladoga clint area (North Estonia and Leningrad Region, USSR). Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geologia 35, 97–108]. At this section and elsewhere this horizon also is the FAD of the trilobite Eurekia apopsis (Winston et Nicholls, 1967). This conodont characterizes the base of the Cordylodus proavus Zone, which has been recognized in many parts of the world. This trilobite characterizes the base of the Eurekia apopsis Zone, which has been recognized in many parts of North America. The proposed boundary is 46.7 m above the base of the Lava Dam Member of the Notch Peak Formation at the Lawson Cove section. Brachiopods, sequence stratigraphy, and carbon-isotope geochemistry are other tools that characterize this horizon and allow it to be recognized in other areas.  相似文献   

寒武系腕足动物属种多样性高、个体数量丰富、形态差异明显、地理分布广泛,具有辅助寒武系三叶虫生物地层划分和对比的潜力.华北板块寒武系苗岭统沉积和化石记录发育良好,是中国苗岭统的经典研究区之一.前人己针对华北寒武系苗岭统乌溜阶腕足动物的系统古生物学开展了一系列基础工作,但这些相关研究主要集中于辽宁地区,目前对华北其他地区苗...  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopes were studied in fossiliferous Cambrian carbonates in northwestern Hunan Province (South China) and in northern Anhui and southern Shandong provinces (North China). Two major C isotope excursions related to biological events occur in the Wangcun section (Yongshun County, northwestern Hunan), which consists of a slope carbonate sequence (510 m thick) containing abundant trilobites. The first C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from -2.3‰ to 2‰) occurs near the boundary between the Qingxudong and Aoxi formations, close to the traditional Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary. The second excursion (δ13C value shifts from 0‰ to 3‰) occurs in the interval between the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone and the Glyptagnostus reticulatus Zone. The base of the G. reticulatus Zone define the base of the Paibi Stage and Furongian Series. Similar C isotope excursions also occur in shallow - water carbonate sections in North China. In Jiagou section near Huainan (Anhui Province), recently considered an important interval for defining the lower-middle Cambrian boundary because of dramatic changes in the trilobite fauna (extinction of redlichiids and appearances of ptychopariids), a negative C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from +1.21‰ to -1.93‰) occurs at the top of the lower member of the Mantou Formation. In the Gushan section (Changqing County, Shandong Province), a C isotope excursion (δ13C value shifts from -0.04‰ to 2.23‰) occurs at the base of the Changshan Formation and is coincident with the base of the Chuangia Zone. This excursion can be correlated with the excursion in the lower part of Glyptagnostus reticulatus Zone in the Wangcun section. The above two distinct C isotope excursions, which occur both in slope carbonates in South China and in shallow - water carbonates in North China, have also been recognized in Cambrian sections on other continents, and they coincide with global mass extinctions of trilobites. The two excursions evidently reflect global changes of Cambrian sea level, and they have utility for Cambrian subdivisions and for both regional and global stratigraphic correlation. In addition, a negative carbon excursion below the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus Zone in the Wangcun section supports previous suggestions that the FAD of P. atavus can be considered as a global correlatable horizon within the middle Cambrian.  相似文献   

More than 4200 kg of limestone, representing 980 productive samples, from the upper Middle Cambrian, Upper Cambrian, and lowermost Ordovician in western and north-western Hunan were processed for paraconodonts, protoconodonts, and euconodonts. The focus of the present paper is on the upper Middle and lower Upper Cambrian interval as it is developed at two, apparently stratigraphically continuous, key sections. The collections studied, which include more than 20,000 specimens and are quite diverse taxonomically, prove that some protoconodonts and paraconodonts are useful biostratigraphically. Previously proposed protoconodont-paraconodont biozones in Hunan are revised and correlated with recently revised trilobite biozones, as well as with protoconodont-paraconodont and trilobite biozones in North China. Twenty-six species and seven conditionally identified species belonging to 13 genera are described. Among these, two genera ( Huayuanodontus and Yongshunella ) and two species ( Westergaardodina elegans and Yongshunella polymorpha ) are new. This study has special interest for Cambrian biostratigraphy because the two studied sections are global stratotype candidates for the Middle-Upper Cambrian series boundary. The level of the Upper-Middle Cambrian Series boundary, as currently recognized in China (at the base of the Linguagnostus reconditus Trilobite Biozone) is well marked in the paraconodont succession and can be traced into the Swedish standard succession using these fossils. By contrast, another level recently proposed as a potential global Middle-Upper Cambrian Series boundary level, the base of the Glyptagnostus reticulatus Trilobite Biozone, does not coincide with any marked change in the Hunan conodont species succession useful for local and regional correlation.  相似文献   

Hyoliths were among the earliest biomineralizing metazoans in Palaeozoic marine environments. They have been known for two centuries and widely assigned to lophotrochozoans. However, their origin and relationships with modern lophotrochozoan clades have been a longstanding palaeontological controversy. Here, we provide broad microstructural data from hyolith conchs and opercula from the lower Cambrian Xinji Formation of North China, including two hyolithid genera and four orthothecid genera as well as unidentified opercula. Results show that most hyolith conchs contain a distinct aragonitic lamellar layer that is composed of foliated aragonite, except in the orthothecid New taxon 1 that has a crossed foliated lamellar microstructure. Opercula are mostly composed of foliated aragonite and occasionally foliated calcite. These blade or lath‐like microstructural fabrics coincide well with biomineralization of Cambrian molluscs rather than lophophorates, as exemplified by the Cambrian members of the tommotiid‐brachiopod linage. Accordingly, we propose that hyoliths and molluscs might have inherited their biomineralized skeletons from a non‐mineralized or weakly mineralized common ancestor rather than as a result of convergence. Consequently, from the view of biomineralization, the homologous shell microstructures in Cambrian hyoliths and molluscs strongly strengthen the phylogenetic links between the two groups.  相似文献   

The Tangwangzhai section, western Shandong Province, North China, the type section for the Cambrian Kushan and Chaomitian formations, yielded a diverse and relatively well-preserved conodont fauna, in which we recognize the Westergaardodina orygma, Westergaardodina matsushitai, Muellerodus? erectus, and Westergaardodina aff. fossaProoneotodus rotundatus zones of the North China conodont zonation. The Tangwangzhai conodont succession can be correlated not only with the polymerid trilobites occurring in the section but also with the conodont zones established for South China. The first occurrence of Furnishina longibasis and Furnishina quadrata in the upper part of the Westergaardodina matsushitai Zone allows the recognition of the base of the Paibian Stage and Furongian Series in the upper part of the Kushan Formation. The base of the Jiangshanian Stage, in the uppermost Muellerodus? erectus Zone, can be recognized by the presence of Westergaardodina cf. calix close to the base of the Chaomitian Formation. Chemostratigraphic analyses of the Tangwangzhai section show the onset of a positive carbon isotope excursion, referred to the SPICE event, in the upper part of the Kushan Formation at a level corresponding to the first occurrence of F. longibasis and F. quadrata. The base of the Jiangshanian Stage in the section is close to the demise of the SPICE positive excursion.  相似文献   

Oryctocephalus indicus is a widespread trilobite species described from the lower–middle Cambrian (provisional Cambrian Stage 5) of south China, North Korea, India, USA and possibly North Greenland. Principal component analysis (PCA) and thin‐plate splines (TPSs) based on a pooled sample of 359 specimens from four sections in the Guizhou Province, south China, demonstrated that the shape of this species is very constant, and only a small difference is detected in specimens from deeper part of the basin. Most of the variation is taphonomically controlled, and only the specimens from Sanwan Section show a modest natural difference due to a slightly different depositional environment. A comparison between the Chinese specimens and Oryctocephalus ‘reticulatus’ from the Molodo Section, Siberia, has been carried out. PCA and TPS show that O‘reticulatus occupies the same morphospace of O. indicus. However, the canonical variates analysis and the analysis of similarities detect small differences between the Siberian and Chinese populations, indicating a minor geographical variation caused by different environmental settings. The ontogenic variation is also described from early meraspids to holaspids. The most substantial changes take place during the first period of the early meraspid development, in which the glabella changes from a bell‐like shape to a cylindrical shape. The ocular ridge changes from poorly defined in early meraspid to well developed in late merapids. The results indicate that O‘reticulatus’ is a junior synonym of O. indicus, suggesting that the base O. indicus of Siberia can be correlated with the O. indicus Zone of south China.  相似文献   

Chancelloriid sclerites from the lowermost Cambrian Xinji Formation (Series 2, Stage 3), southern margin of the North China platform, are systematically described. Thousands of isolated sclerites from three sections are assigned to three genera and four species, including Chancelloria cf. eros, Allonnia tripodophora, Archiasterella pentactina, and Ar. tetraspina. To accurately document the taxonomic significance of the sclerite structure, modified formulas (m+nC, m+nA, and m+0) are put forward to represent the full series and variation of sclerite forms. Based on the sclerite construction, statistical analysis on the proportions of different sclerite forms in the rock samples and the composition of sclerites in previously described chancelloriid scleritomes, a new scheme for identification and classification of isolated sclerites reconciled within the framework of the complete scleritome, is proposed.  相似文献   

A core drilling (Andrarum‐3), from the classical locality at Andrarum, Scania, southernmost Sweden, penetrated a 28.90‐m‐thick Cambrian succession. The core comprises dark grey to black, finely laminated mudstones and shales with early concretionary carbonate lenses (stinkstones or orsten) and a few primary carbonate beds. The middle Cambrian (provisional Series 3) part of the core comprises 17.35 m, whereas the Furongian Series (upper Cambrian) part covers the remaining 11.55 m. Nineteen trilobite and two phosphatocopine genera are present in the middle Cambrian, whereas the less diverse Furongian interval yielded four trilobite and three phosphatocopine genera. Other, less frequent, faunal elements include conodonts (s. l.), brachiopods, sponge spicules, bradoriids, and coprolites. Trilobites and phosphatocopines were used to subdivide the core into seven biozones ranging from the Ptychagnostus atavus Zone to the Parabolina spinulosa Zone (P. spinulosa Subzone). Carbon isotopic analyses (δ13Corg) through the core show two important excursions, the negative DrumIan Carbon isotope Excursion (DICE) in the Pt. atavus Zone, and the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) beginning near the first appearance of Glyptagnostus reticulatus and extending upward into the Olenus and Agnostus (Homagnostus) obesus Zone. The DICE displays a peak value, in the samples at hand, of –30.45‰δ13Corg in the lower part of the P. atavus Zone. The δ13Corg values increase through the overlying L. laevigata and A. pisiformis zones and display peak values of c. –28.00‰δ13Corg in the lowermost Furongian Olenus wahlenbergi and O. attenuatus subzones. Thereafter the values decrease significantly through the O. scanicus Subzone. Both isotopic excursions have been documented from several palaeocontinents, but never before from Baltica. Moreover, for the first time these excursions are recorded from organic matter in an alum shale setting. The recorded shift of +1.50–2.00‰δ13Corg is approximately half the magnitude of the SPICE documented from other regions. This discrepancy may be related to temporal variations in the type, origin, or diagenesis of the organic fraction analysed.  相似文献   

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