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The stiffness of articular cartilage is a nonlinear function of the strain amplitude and strain rate as well as the loading history, as a consequence of the flow of interstitial water and the stiffening of the collagen fibril network. This paper presents a full investigation of the interplay between the fluid kinetics and fibril stiffening of unconfined cartilage disks by analyzing over 200 cases with diverse material properties. The lower and upper elastic limits of the stress (under a given strain) are uniquely established by the instantaneous and equilibrium stiffness (obtained numerically for finite deformations and analytically for small deformations). These limits could be used to determine safe loading protocols in order that the stress in each solid constituent remains within its own elastic limit. For a given compressive strain applied at a low rate, the loading is close to the lower limit and is mostly borne directly by the solid constituents (with little contribution from the fluid). In contrast, however in case of faster compression, the extra loading is predominantly transported to the fibrillar matrix via rising fluid pressure with little increase of stress in the nonfibrillar matrix. The fibrillar matrix absorbs the loading increment by self-stiffening: the quicker the loading the faster the fibril stiffening until the upper elastic loading limit is reached. This self-protective mechanism prevents cartilage from damage since the fibrils are strong in tension. The present work demonstrates the ability of the fibril reinfored poroelastic models to describe the strain rate dependent behavior of articular cartilage in unconfined compression using a mechanism of fibril stiffening mainly induced by the fluid flow.  相似文献   

The depth dependence of material properties of articular cartilage, known as the zonal differences, is incorporated into a nonlinear fibril-reinforced poroelastic model developed previously in order to explore the significance of material heterogeneity in the mechanical behavior of cartilage. The material variations proposed are based on extensive observations. The collagen fibrils are modeled as a distinct constituent which reinforces the other two constituents representing proteoglycans and water. The Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the drained nonfibrillar matrix are so determined that the aggregate compressive modulus for confined geometry fits the experimental data. Three nonlinear factors are considered, i.e. the effect of finite deformation, the dependence of permeability on dilatation and the fibril stiffening with its tensile strain. Solutions are extracted using a finite element procedure to simulate unconfined compression tests. The features of the model are then demonstrated with an emphasis on the results obtainable only with a nonhomogeneous model, showing reasonable agreement with experiments. The model suggests mechanical behaviors significantly different from those revealed by homogeneous models: not only the depth variations of the strains which are expected by qualitative analyses, but also, for instance, the relaxation-time dependence of the axial strain which is normally not expected in a relaxation test. Therefore, such a nonhomogeneous model is necessary for better understanding of the mechanical behavior of cartilage.  相似文献   

Collagen fibril reinforcement was incorporated into a nonlinear poroelastic model for articular cartilage in unconfined compression. It was found that the radial fibrils play a predominant role in the transient mechanical behavior but a less important role in the equilibrium response of cartilage. The radial fibrils are in tension and can be highly stressed during compression, in contrast to low compressive stresses in all directions for the proteoglycan matrix after a small initial compression. The strain dependent fibril stiffening produces strong nonlinear transient response; the fibrils provide extra stiffness to balance a rising fluid pressure and to restrain stress increase in the proteoglycans. The fibril reinforcement, induced by the fluid pressure and flow, also accounts for a complex pattern of strain-magnitude and strain-rate dependence of cartilage stiffness.  相似文献   

Observations in compression tests of articular cartilage have revealed unequal load increments for compression and release of the same amplitude applied to a disk with an identical previously imposed compression (in equilibrium). The mechanism of this asymmetric transient response is investigated here using a nonlinear fibril-reinforced model. It is found that the asymmetry is predominantly produced by the fibril stiffening with its tensile strain. In addition, allowing the hydraulic permeability to decrease significantly with compressive dilatation of cartilage increases the transient fibril strain, resulting in a stronger asymmetry. Large deformation also enhances the asymmetry as a consequence of stronger fibril stiffening.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, considerable progress has been reported in the field of cartilage mechanics that impacts our understanding of the role of interstitial fluid pressurization on cartilage lubrication. Theoretical and experimental studies have demonstrated that the interstitial fluid of cartilage pressurizes considerably under loading, potentially supporting most of the applied load under various transient or steady-state conditions. The fraction of the total load supported by fluid pressurization has been called the fluid load support. Experimental studies have demonstrated that the friction coefficient of cartilage correlates negatively with this variable, achieving remarkably low values when the fluid load support is greatest. A theoretical framework that embodies this relationship has been validated against experiments, predicting and explaining various outcomes, and demonstrating that a low friction coefficient can be maintained for prolonged loading durations under normal physiological function. This paper reviews salient aspects of this topic, as well as its implications for improving our understanding of boundary lubrication by molecular species in synovial fluid and the cartilage superficial zone. Effects of cartilage degeneration on its frictional response are also reviewed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the unconfined compression of articular cartilage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Analytical solutions have been obtained for the internal deformation and fluid-flow fields and the externally observable creep, stress relaxation, and constant strain-rate behaviors which occur during the unconfined compression of a cylindrical specimen of a fluid-filled, porous, elastic solid, such as articular cartilage, between smooth, impermeable plates. Instantaneously, the "biphasic" continuum deforms without change in volume and behaves like an incompressible elastic solid of the same shear modulus. Radial fluid flow then allows the internal fluid pressure to equilibrate with the external environment. The equilibrium response is controlled by the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the solid matrix.  相似文献   

Strain amplitude and strain rate dependent nonlinear behavior and load-induced mechanical property alterations of full-thickness bovine articular cartilage attached to bone were investigated in unconfined compression. A sequence of test compressions of finite deformation (ranging from 0.9% to 34.5% nominal strain) was performed at strain rates ranging from approximately 0.053%/s to 5.8%/s. Peak and equilibrium loads were analyzed to determine strain amplitude and strain rate dependence of linear versus nonlinear responses. The test protocol was designed to reveal changes in mechanical properties due to these finite deformations by interspersing small-amplitude witness ramps of approximately 1.1% deformation and approximately 0.44%/s strain rate between the test ramps ("witness" meaning to assess any mechanical property changes). We found that peak loads displayed high nonlinearity, stiffening with both increasing compression amplitude and more so with increasing strain rate. The response to witness ramps suggested that mechanical weakening occurred when compression amplitude reached 1.9-2.9% strain and beyond, and that weakening was much more significant at higher strain rate. These findings delineate regimes of linear versus nonlinear behavior of cartilage, and indicate the types of loads which can cause mechanical property alterations. Biological implications of this study are that strain amplitude and strain rate dependent stiffening may be essential to bear physiological loads and to protect cells and matrix from mechanical damage. Structural changes reflected by mechanical weakening at small compression could also initiate remodeling or disease processes.  相似文献   

This biomechanical study reports strain gradients in patellofemoral joint cross-sections of seven porcine specimens in response to 1% unconfined axial compression subsequent to specific amounts of off-set strain. Strain distributions were quantified with a customized laser-based electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) system in a non-contact manner, delivering high-resolution, high-sensitivity strain maps over entire patellofemoral cartilage cross-sections. Strain reports were evaluated to determine differences in strain magnitudes between the superficial, middle, and deep cartilage layers in femoral and patellar cartilage. In addition, the effect of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% off-set strain on depth-dependent strain gradients was quantified. Regardless of the amount of off-set strain, the superficial layer of femoral cartilage absorbed the most strain, and the deep layer absorbed the least strain. These depth-dependent strain gradients were most pronounced for 5% off-set strain, at which the superficial layer absorbed on average 5.7 and 23.7 times more strain as compared to the middle and deep layers, respectively. For increased off-set strain levels, strain gradients became less pronounced. At 20% off-set strain, differences in layer-specific strain were not statistically significant, with the superficial layer showing a 1.4 fold higher strain as the deep layer. Patellar cartilage exhibited similar strain gradients and effects of off-set strain, although the patellar strain was on average 19% larger as compared to corresponding femoral strain reports. This study quantified for the first time continuous strain gradients over patellofemoral cartilage cross-sections. Next to provision of a detailed functional characterization of normal diarthrodial joints, this novel experimental approach holds considerable attraction to investigate joint degenerative processes.  相似文献   

Cartilage exhibits nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour. Various models have been proposed to explain cartilage stress relaxation, but it is unclear whether explicit modelling of fluid flow in unconfined compression is needed. This study compared Fung's quasi-linear viscoelastic (QLV) model with a stretched-exponential model of cartilage stress relaxation and examined each of these models both alone and in combination with a fluid-flow model in unconfined compression. Cartilage explants were harvested from bovine calf patellofemoral joints and equilibrated in tissue culture for 5 days before stress-relaxation testing in unconfined compression at 5% nominal strain. The stretched exponential models fit as well as the QLV models. Furthermore, the average stretched exponential relaxation time determined by this model lies within the range of experimentally measured relaxation times for extracted proteoglycan aggregates, consistent with the hypothesis that the stretched exponential model represents polymeric mechanisms of cartilage viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of articular cartilage are controlled by tissue composition and structure. Cartilage function is sensitively altered during tissue degeneration, in osteoarthritis (OA). However, mechanical properties of the tissue cannot be determined non-invasively. In the present study, we evaluate the feasibility to predict, without mechanical testing, the stress-relaxation response of human articular cartilage under unconfined compression. This is carried out by combining microscopic and biochemical analyses with composition-based mathematical modeling. Cartilage samples from five cadaver patellae were mechanically tested under unconfined compression. Depth-dependent collagen content and fibril orientation, as well as proteoglycan and water content were derived by combining Fourier transform infrared imaging, biochemical analyses and polarized light microscopy. Finite element models were constructed for each sample in unconfined compression geometry. First, composition-based fibril-reinforced poroviscoelastic swelling models, including composition and structure obtained from microscopical and biochemical analyses were fitted to experimental stress-relaxation responses of three samples. Subsequently, optimized values of model constants, as well as compositional and structural parameters were implemented in the models of two additional samples to validate the optimization. Theoretical stress-relaxation curves agreed with the experimental tests (R=0.95-0.99). Using the optimized values of mechanical parameters, as well as composition and structure of additional samples, we were able to predict their mechanical behavior in unconfined compression, without mechanical testing (R=0.98). Our results suggest that specific information on tissue composition and structure might enable assessment of cartilage mechanics without mechanical testing.  相似文献   

The time-dependent lateral expansion and load relaxation of cartilage cylinders subjected to unconfined compression were simultaneously recorded. These measurements were used to (1) test the assumption of incompressibility for articular cartilage, (2) measure the Poisson's ratio of articular cartilage in compression and (3) investigate the relationship between stress relaxation and volumetric change. Mechanical tests were performed on fetal, calf, and adult humeral head articular cartilage. The instantaneous Poisson's ratio of adult cartilage was 0.49+/-0.08 (mean+S.D.), thus confirming the assumption of incompressibility for this tissue. The instantaneous Poisson's ratio was significantly lower for calf (0. 38+/-0.04) and fetal cartilage (0.36+/-0.04). The equilibrium Poisson's ratio, i.e. true Poisson's ratio of the solid matrix, was significantly higher for the adult tissue (0.26+/-0.11) compared to both the fetal (0.09+/-0.02) and calf (0.11+/-0.03) cartilage. A linear relationship between time-matched load and lateral expansion after the first minute of stress relaxation was observed.  相似文献   

At mechanical equilibrium, articular cartilage is usually characterized as an isotropic elastic material with no interstitial fluid flow. In this study, the equilibrium properties (Young's modulus, aggregate modulus and Poisson's ratio) of bovine humeral, patellar and femoral cartilage specimens (n=26) were investigated using unconfined compression, confined compression, and indentation tests. Optical measurements of the Poisson's ratio of cartilage were also carried out. Mean values of the Young's modulus (assessed from the unconfined compression test) were 0.80+/-0.33, 0.57+/-0.17 and 0.31+/-0.18MPa and of the Poisson's ratio (assessed from the optical test) 0.15+/-0.06, 0.16+/-0.05 and 0.21+/-0.05 for humeral, patellar, and femoral cartilages, respectively. The indentation tests showed 30-79% (p<0.01) higher Young's modulus values than the unconfined compression tests. In indentation, values of the Young's modulus were independent of the indenter diameter only in the humeral cartilage. The mean values of the Poisson's ratio, obtained indirectly using the mathematical relation between the Young's modulus and the aggregate modulus in isotropic material, were 0.16+/-0.06, 0.21+/-0.05, and 0.26+/-0.08 for humeral, patellar, and femoral cartilages, respectively. We conclude that the values of the elastic parameters of the cartilage are dependent on the measurement technique in use. Based on the similar values of Poisson's ratios, as determined directly or indirectly, the equilibrium response of articular cartilage under unconfined and confined compression is satisfactorily described by the isotropic elastic model. However, values of the isotropic Young's modulus obtained from the in situ indentation tests are higher than those obtained from the in vitro unconfined or confined compression tests and may depend on the indenter size in use.  相似文献   

The tensile stiffness of tissue grown from chondrocyte culture was both measured experimentally and predicted using a composites model theory relating tissue microstructure to macroscopic material stiffness. The tissue was altered by several treatment protocols to provide a wide range of collagen fibril volume fraction (0.015-0.15). The rate of change of tissue modulus with change in collagen volume fraction predicted by the theory was within 14% of the slope of the linear fit through the experimental data, without the use of fitting parameters for the theoretical value of the slope. Use of the model to simulate cytokine mediated tissue digestion suggests that the action of IL-1beta and retinoic acid is mainly removal of proteoglycans and some removal of collagen. The model also indicates that the matrix and collagen remaining in the tissue has the same elastic properties as the untreated tissue, and is not damaged due to the alteration. Young's modulus of the collagen fibrils is predicted to be 120 MPa, a value in the range of previous studies. This value is dependent mainly on the matrix modulus and collagen fibril volume fraction and not on Poisson's ratio of either matrix or fibril. Poisson's ratio of the tissue depends primarily on the Poisson's ratio of the matrix.  相似文献   

This study investigated the abilities of the linear biphasic poroviscoelastic (BPVE) model and the linear biphasic poroelastic (BPE) model to simulate the effect of variable ramp strain rates on the unconfined compression stress relaxation response of articular cartilage. Curve fitting of experimental data showed that the BPVE model was able to successfully account for the ramp strain rate-dependent viscoelastic behavior of articular cartilage under unconfined compression, while the BPE model was able to account for the complete viscoelastic response at a slow strain rate, but only the long-term viscoelastic response at faster strain rates. We concluded that the short-term viscoelastic behavior of articular cartilage, when subjected to a fast ramp strain rate, is primarily governed by a fluid flow-independent (intrinsic) viscoelastic mechanism, whereas the long-term viscoelastic behavior is governed by a fluid flow-dependent (biphasic) viscoelastic mechanism. Furthermore, a linear viscoelastic representation of the solid stress was found to be a valid model assumption for the simulation of ramp strain rate-dependent relaxation behaviors of articular cartilage within the range of ramp strain rates investigated.  相似文献   

The biphasic poroviscoelastic (BPVE) model was curve fit to the simultaneous relaxation of reaction force and lateral displacement exhibited by articular cartilage in unconfined compression (n=18). Model predictions were also made for the relaxation observed in reaction force during indentation with a porous plane-ended metal indenter (n=4), indentation with a nonporous plane ended metal indenter (n=4), and during confined compression (n=4). Each prediction was made using material parameters resulting from curve fits of the unconfined compression response of the same tissue. The BPVE model was able to account for both the reaction force and the lateral displacement during unconfined compression very well. Furthermore, model predictions for both indentation and confined compression also followed the experimental data well. These results provide substantial evidence for the efficacy of the biphasic poroviscoelastic model for articular cartilage, as no successful cross-validation of a model simulation has been demonstrated using other mathematical models.  相似文献   

Computational analyses have been used to study the biomechanical microenvironment of the chondrocyte that cannot be assessed by in vitro experimental studies; yet all computational studies thus far have focused on the effect of zonal location (superficial, middle, and deep) on the mechanical microenvironment of chondrocytes. The aim of this paper was to study the effect of both zonal and radial locations on the biomechanical microenvironment of chondrocytes in inhomogeneous cartilage under unconfined stress relaxation. A biphasic multiscale approach was employed and nine chondrocytes in different locations were studied. Hyperelastic biphasic theory and depth-dependent aggregate modulus and permeability of articular cartilage were included in the models. It was found that both zonal and radial locations affected the biomechanical stresses and strains of the chondrocytes. Chondrocytes in the mid-radial location had increased volume during the early stage of the loading process. Maximum principal shear stress at the interface between the chondrocyte and the extracellular matrix (ECM) increased with depth, yet that at the ECM–pericellular matrix (PCM) interface had an inverse trend. Fluid pressure decreased with depth, while the fluid pressure difference between the top and bottom boundaries of the microscale model increased with depth. Regardless of location, fluid was exchanged between the chondrocyte, PCM, and ECM. These findings suggested that even under simple compressive loading conditions, the biomechanical microenvironment of the chondrocytes, PCM and ECM was spatially dependent. The current study provides new insight on chondrocyte biomechanics.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of the linear biphasic poroelastic (BPE) model and the linear biphasic poroviscoelastic (BPVE) model to simultaneously predict the reaction force and lateral displacement exhibited by articular cartilage during stress relaxation in unconfined compression. Both models consider articular cartilage as a binary mixture of a porous incompressible solid phase and an incompressible inviscid fluid phase. The BPE model assumes the solid phase is elastic, while the BPVE model assumes the solid phase is viscoelastic. In addition, the efficacy of two additional models was also examined, i.e., the transversely isotropic BPE (TIBPE) model, which considers transverse isotropy of the solid matrix within the framework of the linear BPE model assumptions, and a linear viscoelastic solid (LVE) model, which assumes that the viscoelastic behavior of articular cartilage is solely governed by the intrinsic viscoelastic nature of the solid matrix, independent of the interstitial fluid flow. It was found that the BPE model was able to accurately account for the lateral displacement, but unable to fit the short-term reaction force data of all specimens tested. The TIBPE model was able to account for either the lateral displacement or the reaction force, but not both simultaneously. The LVE model was able to account for the complete reaction force, but unable to fit the lateral displacement measured experimentally. The BPVE model was able to completely account for both lateral displacement and reaction force for all specimens tested. These results suggest that both the fluid flow-dependent and fluid flow-independent viscoelastic mechanisms are essential for a complete simulation of the viscoelastic phenomena of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Previous studies on chondral explants have not clearly described to what extent the degree and the distribution of cell death are dependent on the amount of free swelling seen during tissue equilibration in a standard culture medium. The current study hypothesized that increased fluid content inside equilibrated chondral explants, when subjected to injurious compression, would lead to greater matrix damage during unconfined compression. Equilibrated and non-equilibrated chondral explants were loaded to 30 MPa at a fast rate of loading ( approximately 600 MPa/s). Stress-strain curves were documented for each explant. Matrix damage was assessed by the length of surface fissures. Chondrocyte viability was also measured in the various layers of the explants. The stiffness of the equilibrated specimens was less than non-equilibrated specimens, and it correlated with the amount of fluid absorbed during equilibration. More matrix damage and associated cell death in the superficial zone were documented in equilibrated than non-equilibrated explants, and these correlated positively with fluid absorbed during equilibration. This study indicated that equilibration of chondral explants in a standard culture medium alters their response to mechanical loading in terms of stiffness, matrix damage and cell viability.  相似文献   

Unconfined compression test has been frequently used to study the mechanical behaviors of articular cartilage, both theoretically and experimentally. It has also been used in explant and gel-cell-complex studies in tissue engineering. In biphasic and poroelastic theories, the effect of charges fixed on the proteoglycan macromolecules in articular cartilage is embodied in the apparent compressive Young's modulus and the apparent Poisson's ratio of the tissue, and the fluid pressure is considered to be the portion above the osmotic pressure. In order to understand how proteoglycan fixed charges might affect the mechanical behaviors of articular cartilage, and in order to predict the osmotic pressure and electric fields inside the tissue in this experimental configuration, it is necessary to use a model that explicitly takes into account the charged nature of the tissue and the flow of ions within its porous interstices. In this paper, we used a finite element model based on the triphasic theory to study how fixed charges in the porous-permeable soft tissue can modulate its mechanical and electrochemical responses under a step displacement in unconfined compression. The results from finite element calculations showed that: 1) A charged tissue always supports a larger load than an uncharged tissue of the same intrinsic elastic moduli. 2) The apparent Young's modulus (the ratio of the equilibrium axial stress to the axial strain) is always greater than the intrinsic Young's modulus of an uncharged tissue. 3) The apparent Poisson's ratio (the negative ratio of the lateral strain to the axial strain) is always larger than the intrinsic Poisson's ratio of an uncharged tissue. 4) Load support derives from three sources: intrinsic matrix stiffness, hydraulic pressure and osmotic pressure. Under the unconfined compression, the Donnan osmotic pressure can constitute between 13%-22% of the total load support at equilibrium. 5) During the stress-relaxation process following the initial instant of loading, the diffusion potential (due to the gradient of the fixed charge density and the associated gradient of ion concentrations) and the streaming potential (due to fluid convection) compete against each other. Within the physiological range of material parameters, the polarity of the electric potential depends on both the mechanical properties and the fixed charge density (FCD) of the tissue. For softer tissues, the diffusion effects dominate the electromechanical response, while for stiffer tissues, the streaming potential dominates this response. 6) Fixed charges do not affect the instantaneous strain field relative to the initial equilibrium state. However, there is a sudden increase in the fluid pressure above the initial equilibrium osmotic pressure. These new findings are relevant and necessary for the understanding of cartilage mechanics, cartilage biosynthesis, electromechanical signal transduction by chondrocytes, and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

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