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To examine algal (= zooxanthellae) regulation and control, and the factors determining algal densities in hard corals, the zooxanthellae mitotic index and release rates were regularly determined in branch tips from a colony of a staghorn coral, Acropora formosa, recovering from a coral ''bleaching'' event (the stress-related dissociation of the coral–algal symbiosis). Mathematical models based upon density-dependent decreases in the algal division frequency and increases in algal release rates during the post-bleaching recovery period accurately predict the observed recovery period (ca. 20 weeks). The models suggest that (i) the colony recovered its algal population from the division of the remaining zooxanthellae, and (ii) the continual loss of zooxanthellae significantly slowed the recovery of the coral. Possible reasons for the ''paradoxical'' loss of healthy zooxanthellae from the bleached coral are discussed in terms of endodermal processes occurring in the recovering coral and the redistribution of newly formed zooxanthellae to aposymbiotic host cells. At a steady-state algal density of 2.1 x 106 zooxanthellae cm-2 at the end of the recovery period, the zooxanthellae would have to form a double layer of cells in the coral tissues, consistent with microscopic observations. Neighbouring colonies of A. formosa with inherently higher algal densities possess proportionately smaller zooxanthellae. Results suggest that space availability and the size of the algal symbionts determines the algal densities in the coral colonies. The large increases in the algal densities reported in corals exposed to elevated nutrient concentrations (i.e between a two- and five-fold increase in the algal standing stock) are not consistent with this theory. We suggest that increases of this magnitude are a product of the experimental conditions: reasons for this statement are discussed. We propose that the stability of the coral–algal symbiosis under non-stress conditions, and the constancy of zooxanthellae densities in corals reported across growth form, depth and geographic range, are related to space availability limiting algal densities. However, at these densities, zooxanthellae have attributes consistent with nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Algal symbionts (zooxanthellae, genus Symbiodinium) of scleractinian corals respond strongly to temperature, nutrient and light changes. These factors vary greatly along the north-south gradient in the Red Sea and include conditions, which are outside of those typically considered optimal for coral growth. Nevertheless, coral communities thrive throughout the Red Sea, suggesting that zooxanthellae have successfully acclimatized or adapted to the harsh conditions they experience particularly in the south (high temperatures and high nutrient supply). As such, the Red Sea is a region, which may help to better understand how zooxanthellae and their coral hosts successfully acclimatize or adapt to environmental change (e.g. increased temperatures and localized eutrophication). To gain further insight into the physiology of coral symbionts in the Red Sea, we examined the abundance of dominant Symbiodinium types associated with the coral Pocillopora verrucosa, and measured Symbiodinium physiological characteristics (i.e. photosynthetic processes, cell density, pigmentation, and protein composition) along the latitudinal gradient of the Red Sea in summer and winter. Despite the strong environmental gradients from north to south, our results demonstrate that Symbiodinium microadriaticum (type A1) was the predominant species in P. verrucosa along the latitudinal gradient. Furthermore, measured physiological characteristics were found to vary more with prevailing seasonal environmental conditions than with region-specific differences, although the measured environmental parameters displayed much higher spatial than temporal variability. We conclude that our findings might present the result of long-term acclimatization or adaptation of S. microadriaticum to regionally specific conditions within the Red Sea. Of additional note, high nutrients in the South correlated with high zooxanthellae density indicating a compensation for a temperature-driven loss of photosynthetic performance, which may prove promising for the resilience of these corals under increase of temperature increase and eutrophication.  相似文献   

In the present study, the membrane lipid composition of corals from a region with tidally induced upwelling was investigated. The coral community is subject to strong temperature oscillations yet flourishes as a result of adaptation. Glycerophosphocholine profiling of the dominant pocilloporid coral, Seriatopora caliendrum, was performed using a validated method. The coral inhabiting the upwelling region shows a definite shift in the ratio of lipid molecular species, covering several subclasses. Mainly, the coral possesses a higher percentage of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated plasmanylcholines and a lower percentage of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines. Higher levels of lyso–plasmanylcholines containing saturated or monounsaturated fatty acid chains were also revealed in coral tissue at the distal portion of the branch. Based on the physicochemical properties of these lipids, we proposed mechanisms for handling cellular membrane perturbations, such as tension, induced by thermal oscillation to determine how coral cells are able to spontaneously maintain their physiological functions, in both molecular and physical terms. Interestingly, the biochemical and biophysical properties of these lipids also have beneficial effects on the resistance, maintenance, and growth of the corals. The results of this study suggest that lipid metabolic adjustment is a major factor in the adaption of S. caliendrum in upwelling regions.  相似文献   

The potential of corals to associate with more temperature-tolerant strains of algae (zooxanthellae, Symbiodinium) can have important implications for the future of coral reefs in an era of global climate change. In this study, the genetic identity and diversity of zooxanthellae was investigated at three reefs with contrasting histories of bleaching mortality, water temperature and shading, in the Republic of Palau (Micronesia). Single-stranded conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1 region was used for genotyping. A chronically warm but partly shaded coral reef in a marine lake that is hydrographically well connected to the surrounding waters harboured only two single-stranded conformation polymorphism profiles (i.e. zooxanthella communities). It consisted only of Symbiodinium D in all 13 nonporitid species and two Porites species investigated, with the remaining five Porites harbouring C*. Despite the high temperature in this lake (> 0.5 degrees above ambient), this reef did not suffer coral mortality during the (1998) bleaching event, however, no bleaching-sensitive coral families and genera occur in the coral community. This setting contrasts strongly with two other reefs with generally lower temperatures, in which 10 and 12 zooxanthella communities with moderate to low proportions of clade D zooxanthellae were found. The data indicate that whole coral assemblages, when growing in elevated seawater temperatures and at reduced irradiance, can be composed of colonies associated with the more thermo-tolerant clade D zooxanthellae. Future increases in seawater temperature might, therefore, result in an increasing prevalence of Symbiodinium phylotype D in scleractinian corals, possibly associated with a loss of diversity in both zooxanthellae and corals.  相似文献   

Yellow band and dark spot syndromes have been frequently observed to affect coral species throughout the Caribbean within the last 10 years. These syndromes significantly impair at least three important reef-building species. Yellow band (also known as yellow blotch) appears as rings or blotches on Montastrea annularis throughout the Caribbean. The coral tissue necrosis occurs at a rate of approximately 0.6 cm/month. Transect measurements at various locations indicated that as many as 90% of M. annularis were affected by yellow band during 1997–98. Tissue samples reveal a 41–96.9% decrease in zooxanthellae/sample compared to healthy specimens, depending on distance from healthy tissue. Mitotic indices (MI) of zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae appearing as doublets) for M. annularis are 2.5%. MI in yellow band samples directly bordering healthy tissue are less than 0.9%, and zooxanthellae directly within the band bordering exposed skeleton had a mitotic index of 0.0%. This indicates impairment of zooxanthellae cell division in yellow band specimens. Zooxanthellae are not expelled and appear vacuolated and devoid of organelles. Dark spot, characterized by tissue necrosis as well as a depression of the colony surface, affects Stephanocoenia michelinii and Siderastrea siderea throughout the Caribbean. Transects showed that as many as 56% of S. michelinii and S. siderea showed signs of dark spot during 1997–98. Affected tissues of S. siderea died at a rate of 4.0 cm/month. In dark spot samples from S. siderea, the total number of zooxanthellae was 56% of that in healthy tissue; dark spot-affected specimens of S. michelinii showed a 14% decrease in the number of zooxanthellae compared to healthy tissue samples. Mitotic indices of zooxanthellae from healthy specimens of S. sidereawere 1.20% compared to 0.40% in dark spot samples. Mitotic indices of healthy S. michelinii were 1.54% compared to 0.23% in dark spot samples, also indicating a decrease in algal cell division. Zooxanthellae from dark spot tissue are swollen and darker in pigment. Due to the changes that are evident in the symbiotic algae, we suggest that both syndromes act primarily on the zooxanthellae symbiont, and secondarily on the cnidarian host.  相似文献   

Photoacclimation dynamics to bright light was studied in the symbiotic reef-building coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral colonies were collected from shallow shaded sites (2 m, 40–20% PARs) from a fringing reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. Outer branches were broken off from the colonies and placed in an outdoor aquarium until the start of the experiments. After maintenance of the branches in an aquarium under a light intensity of 30% PARs for 30 days (experiment 1) or for 90 days (experiment 2), the samples were exposed to 95% PARs for 120 days in the same aquarium. The population density of zooxanthellae, chlorophyll concentration, locations of zooxanthellae, proliferating zooxanthellae frequency (PZF), and degrading zooxanthellae frequency (DZF) were examined. It was shown that after acclimation of coral branches to bright light, the population density of zooxanthellae, chlorophyll concentration calculated per 1000 polyps, and chlorophyll concentration in zooxanthellae decreased. The size of zooxanthellae significantly decreased. A decrease in the population density of zooxanthellae was detected by the eighth day of acclimation, and stabilization in the density of the symbionts occurred in the period from the 40th to the 60th day of the experiment. The chlorophyll concentration in zooxanthellae significantly decreased by the second day of exposure to bright light and stabilized by the fourth day. The PZF level sharply dropped on the second day, while the DZF level sharply increased and was higher than the PZF level for 40 days of exposure to bright light. We conclude, therefore, that the population density of zooxanthellae is regulated by the rates of two processes: cell division and the cell degradation.  相似文献   

Siderastrea stellata is a common scleractinian coral that inhabits shallow reefs off the coast of Brazil. This species is considered to be very resistant to temperature and salinity variations and water turbidity, demonstrating great ecological plasticity and adaptability to environmental changes. Samples of S. stellata were taken from the Cabo Branco coastal reefs near João Pessoa, Brazil, every month for two years and analyzed using PCR and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms of SSU rDNA techniques. The data indicated that during the study period S. stellata hosted only one SSU rDNA genotype of Symbiodinium with the RFLP pattern of clade C. The presence of clade C zooxanthellae in S. stellata in northeastern Brazilian reefs shows the wide geographical distribution of this clade, and it may aid bleaching recovery in S. stellata. Furthermore, the association of S. stellata with a zooxanthellae clade considered to be one of most resistant to bleaching may help to explain the high ecological plasticity of this scleractinian species, its capacity to reverse bleaching, and its high resistance and resilience to environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Bleaching is a worldwide phenomenon affecting coral reefs. During elevated temperature and light conditions (bleaching), expelled zooxanthellae show distinct patterns in photosynthetic health. An innovative new device was used to collect individual expelled zooxanthellae, when a coral was exposed to bleaching conditions. This has provided new insight into the photosynthetic condition and abundance of expelled zooxanthellae. It has been assumed that expelled zooxanthellae were dead or moribund; however, we have found individual cells can have healthy effective quantum yields (?PSII) >0.65 after 8 h of bleaching conditions (500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, 33 °C). The population of expelled zooxanthellae from Cyphastrea serailia and Pocillopora damicornis showed distinct patterns in the frequency distribution of ?PSII over time and between locations (sun versus shade) within a colony. During the first 4 h of exposure to bleaching conditions, only 5% of expelled individual cells from P. damicornis were photosynthetically inactive (?PSII<0.05), whereas for C. serailia, this was 30%. The overall photosynthetic health of expelled zooxanthellae from C. serailia was better than P. damicornis (0.53±0.13 and 0.38±0.13 after 8 h, respectively). This was generally reflected by the in hospite measurement of the coral, yet, the in hospite cells always had a higher ?PSII than expelled cells, suggesting that host tissue provided added photoprotection for the zooxanthellae.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test whether elevated pCO2 predicted for the year 2100 (85.1 Pa) affects bleaching in the coral Seriatopora caliendrum (Ehrenberg 1834) either independently or interactively with high temperature (30.5 °C). Response variables detected the sequence of events associated with the onset of bleaching: reduction in the photosynthetic performance of symbionts as measured by maximum photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) and effective photochemical efficiency (ΔF/F m′) of PSII, declines in net photosynthesis (P net) and photosynthetic efficiency (alpha, α), and finally, reduced chlorophyll a and symbiont concentrations. S. caliendrum was collected from Nanwan Bay, Taiwan, and subjected to combinations of temperature (27.7 vs. 30.5 °C) and pCO2 (45.1 vs. 85.1 Pa) for 14 days. High temperature reduced values of all dependent variables (i.e., bleaching occurred), but high pCO2 did not affect Symbiodinium photophysiology or productivity, and did not cause bleaching. These results suggest that short-term exposure to 81.5 Pa pCO2, alone and in combination with elevated temperature, does not cause or affect coral bleaching.  相似文献   

Size and frequency of division were determined for zooxanthellae from nine scleractinian coral species collected in February, 1983 at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, from four depths over a 51 m bathymetric range. Mean diameters of zooxanthellae ranged from 6.4 to 12.6 m. Small zooxanthellae were found in Madracis mirabilis, Eusmilia fastigiata and Dendrogyra cylindrus whereas larger cells were seen in Agaricia agaricites, Porites astreoides, Montastrea cavernosa and Acropora cervicornis. Zooxanthellae division was not phased over a diel cycle. The percentage of zooxanthellae in a paired stage of cytokinesis (mitotic index or MI) was highly variable and ranged from 1.1% to 14.1%. Values measured in E. fastigiata and D. cylindrus were greater than in the other corals. MI was higher in branch tips of A. cervicornis than in branch bases. Daily average MI was negatively correlated with mean cell diameter and for a majority of the coral species increased with habitat depth. MI values were used to estimate specific growth rates and generation times for zooxanthellae in vivo for comparison with other dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

The bacterial and temperature factors leading to yellow blotch/band disease (YBD), which affects the major reef-building Caribbean corals Montastrea spp., have been investigated. Groups of bacteria isolated from affected corals and inoculated onto healthy corals caused disease signs similar to those of YBD. The 16S rRNA genes from these bacteria were sequenced and found to correspond to four Vibrio spp. Elevating the water temperature notably increased the rate of spread of YBD on inoculated corals and induced greater coral mortality. YBD-infected corals held at elevated water temperatures had 50% lower zooxanthella densities, 80% lower division rates, and a 75% decrease in chlorophyll a and c2 pigments compared with controls. Histological sections indicated that the algal pyrenoid was fragmented into separate segments, along with a reconfiguration and swelling of the zooxanthellae, as well as vacuolization. YBD does not appear to produce the same physiological response formerly observed in corals undergoing temperature-related bleaching. Evidence indicates that YBD affects primarily the symbiotic algae rather than coral tissue.  相似文献   

Brown band syndrome is a new coral affliction characterized by a local accumulation of yet-unidentified ciliates migrating as a band along the branches of coral colonies. In the current study, morphologically intact zooxanthellae (= Symbiodinium) were observed in great numbers inside the ciliates (>50 dinoflagellates per ciliate). Microscale oxygen measurements and variable chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis along with microscopic observations demonstrated that zooxanthellae within the ciliates are photosynthetically competent and do not become compromised during the progression of the brown band zone. Zooxanthellae showed similar trends in light acclimation in a comparison of rapid light curve and steady-state light curve measures of variable chlorophyll a fluorescence. Extended light exposure of steady-state light curves resulted in higher quantum yields of photosystem II. The brown band tissue exhibited higher photosynthetically active radiation absorptivity, indicating more efficient light absorption due to a higher density of zooxanthellae in the ciliate-dominated zone. This caused relatively higher gross photosynthesis rates in the zone with zooxanthella-containing ciliates compared to healthy coral tissue. The observation of photosynthetically active intracellular zooxanthellae in the ciliates suggests that the latter can benefit from photosynthates produced by ingested zooxanthellae and from photosynthetic oxygen production that alleviates diffusion limitation of oxic respiration in the densely populated brown band tissue. It remains to be shown whether the zooxanthellae form a stable symbiotic association with the ciliate or are engulfed incidentally during grazing on coral tissue and then maintained as active inside the ciliate for a period before being digested and replaced by new zooxanthellae.  相似文献   

Regeneration of artificially induced lesions was monitored in nubbins of the branching coral Acropora muricata at two reef-flat sites representing contrasting environments at Réunion Island (21°07′S, 55°32′E). Growth of these injured nubbins was examined in parallel, and compared to controls. Biochemical compositions of the holobiont and the zooxanthellae density were determined at the onset of the experiment, and the photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) of zooxanthellae was monitored during the experiment. Acropora muricata rapidly regenerated small lesions, but regeneration rates significantly differed between sites. At the sheltered site characterized by high temperatures, temperature variations, and irradiance levels, regeneration took 192 days on average. At the exposed site, characterized by steadier temperatures and lower irradiation, nubbins demonstrated fast lesion repair (81 days), slower growth, lower zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration and lipid content than at the former site. A trade-off between growth and regeneration rates was evident here. High growth rates seem to impair regeneration capacity. We show that environmental conditions conducive to high zooxanthellae densities in corals are related to fast skeletal growth but also to reduced lesion regeneration rates. We hypothesize that a lowered regenerative capacity may be related to limited availability of energetic and cellular resources, consequences of coral holobionts operating at high levels of photosynthesis and associated growth.  相似文献   

This study investigated the photo-acclimation capacity of the coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper). Outer branches of coral colonies, taken from 2 m, were subjected to 90, 20, or 3% of incident surface photosynthetic active radiation (PAR(0)), or kept in total darkness. The corals were maintained either in filtered seawater (i.e., under starvation), or in seawater that had daily additions of zooplankton (rotifers). The experiments were maintained for 31 days. Zooxanthellae population densities and chlorophyll concentrations increased in S. pistillata fragments subjected to 20 and 3% PAR(0). The zooxanthellae densities decreased after 6 days in corals kept in total darkness, although chlorophyll concentrations remained higher. Corals that were fed and subjected to 90% PAR(0) showed lower degrading zooxanthellae frequencies, higher photosynthetic and respiration rates, and higher chlorophyll concentrations than corals in the same light regime under starvation. Complete acclimation to dim (20% PAR(0)) and low (3% PAR(0)) light was only apparent for corals fed with zooplankton. Changes in zooxanthellae population densities occurred through differential rates of zooxanthellae division and degradation.  相似文献   

Mutualistic relationship between coral polyps and their symbiotic zooxanthellae living within their tissues are the most essential features of a coral reef ecosystem. In this symbiotic system, the coral polyps provide a protected habitat, carbon dioxide and nutrients needed for photosynthesis to zooxanthellae; in turn, the symbiotic zooxanthellae provide food as products of photosynthesis to coral polyps. The Photosynthesis of zooxanthellae is therefore an important process of this symbiotic system as well as the development of the whole coral reef ecosystem. The recent application of chlorophyll fluorescence technique in the study of the zooxanthellae’s photosynthesis has greatly improved our understanding on the micro-ecology of corals and the symbiotic zooxanthellae. This paper summarizes the recent progress as the following aspects: (1) The ecological characteristics of the photosynthesis of symbiotic zooxanthellae, such as the diurnal and seasonal changes in the photochemical efficiency of the zooxanthellae, and the relationship between zooxanthellae photosynthesis and the world-wide coral bleaching. (2) The mechanism of corals acclimating to the changes of irradiance via spatial and temporal photoacclimations, including the corals’ photobiology; zooxanthella size, pigmentation, location and clade, and the relationship between light extremes and the corals’ metabolism and calcification. (3) The understanding of the response of zooxanthellae to various environmental stresses, such as long-term changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence of bleached and recovering corals; the tolerance of corals to thermal bleaching; the changes to photosystem II of symbiotic zooxanthellae after heat stress and bleaching. Due to the above findings, the chlorophyll fluorescence values of those coral species sensitive to environmental changes have been utilized as indicators of coral health as well as the status of coral reef ecosystems. In summary, the chlorophyll fluorescence technique has great potential in the understanding, monitoring, protecting and managing coral reefs.  相似文献   

Coral reef degradation is often associated with regime shifts from coral‐ to macroalgal‐dominated reefs. These shifts demonstrate that under certain conditions (e.g. coral mortality, decrease in herbivory, increased nutrients supply) some macroalgae may overgrow corals. The outcome of the competition is dependent on algal aggressiveness and the coral susceptibility. In undisturbed reefs, herbivore grazing is regulating macroalgal cover, thus preventing the latter from overgrowing corals. However, some macroalgae have evolved strategies not only to outcompete corals but also to escape herbivory to some extent, allowing overgrowth of some coral species in undisturbed reefs. Epizoism represents one of those successful strategies, and has been previously documented with red algae, cyanobacteria and Lobophora variegata (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Here we report a new case of epizoism leading to coral mortality, involving a recently described species of Lobophora, L. hederacea, overgrowing the coral Seriatopora caliendrum (Pocilloporidae) in undisturbed reefs in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Coral zooxanthellae contain high concentrations of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), the precursor of dimethylsulphide (DMS), an aerosol substance that could affect cloud cover, solar radiation and ocean temperatures. Acropora intermedia a dominant staghorn coral in the Indo-Pacific region, contain some of the highest concentrations of DMSP reported in the literature but no studies have shown that corals produce atmospheric DMS in situ and thus could potentially participate in sea surface temperature (SST) regulation over reefs; or how production varies during coral bleaching. We show that A. intermedia from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) produces significant amounts of atmospheric DMS, in chamber experiments, indicating that coral reefs in this region could contribute to an “ocean thermostat” similar to that described for the western Pacific warm pool, where significantly fewer coral reefs have bleached during the last 25?years because of a cloud-SST feedback. However, when Acropora intermedia was stressed with higher light levels and seawater temperatures DMSP production, an indicator of zooxanthellae expulsion, increased markedly in the chamber, whilst atmospheric DMS emissions almost completely shut down. These results suggest that during increased light levels and seawater temperatures in the GBR coral shut-down atmospheric DMS aerosol production, potentially increasing solar radiation levels over reefs and exacerbating coral bleaching.  相似文献   

This study examined the importance of mycosporine-glycine (Myc-Gly) as a functional antioxidant in the thermal-stress susceptibility of two scleractinian corals, Platygyra ryukyuensis and Stylophora pistillata. Photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), activity of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), and composition and abundance of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the coral tissue and in symbiotic zooxanthellae were analyzed during 12-h exposure to high temperature (33 °C). After 6- and 12-h exposures at 33 °C, S. pistillata showed a significantly more pronounced decline in Fv/Fm compared to P. ryukyuensis. A 6-h exposure at 33 °C induced a significant increase in the activities of SOD and CAT in both host and zooxanthellae components of S. pistillata while in P. ryukyuensis a significant increase was observed only in the CAT activity of zooxanthellae. After 12-h exposure, the SOD activity of P. ryukyuensis was unaffected in the coral tissue but slightly increased in zooxanthellae, whereas the CAT activity in the coral tissue showed a 2.5-fold increase. The total activity of antioxidant enzymes was significantly higher in S. pistillata than in P. ryukyuensis, suggesting that P. ryukyuensis is less sensitive to oxidative stress than S. pistillata. This differential susceptibility of the corals is consistent with a 20-fold higher initial concentration of Myc-Gly in P. ryukyuensis compared to S. pistillata. In the coral tissue and zooxanthellae of both species investigated, the first 6 h of exposure to thermal stress induced a pronounced reduction in the abundance of Myc-Gly but not in other MAAs. When exposure was prolonged to 12 h, the Myc-Gly pool continued to decrease in P. ryukyuensis and was completely depleted in S. pistillata. The delay in the onset of oxidative stress in P. ryukyuensis and the dramatic increase in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in S. pistillata, which contains low concentrations of Myc-Gly suggest that Myc-Gly provides rapid protection against oxidative stress before the antioxidant enzymes are induced. These findings strongly suggest that Myc-Gly is functioning as a biological antioxidant in the coral tissue and zooxanthellae and demonstrate its importance in the survival of reef-building corals under thermal stress.  相似文献   

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