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Fiber X-ray diffraction and measurement of fiber dimensions yields information about the hydration of DNA in fibers. The results obtained give us the fraction of nucleotides in the B form for the A-B transition or the rate of progression for the B-C transition as functions of the number of water molecules per nucleotide. The present experimental results confirm the importance of cooperativity in the A-B transition and the progressive change of the DNA double helix conformation during the C-B transition. At least twenty additional water molecules per nucleotide are necessary to stabilize the B form for DNA molecules in fibers following the A to B transition whereas only ten are sufficient when the B conformation is obtained starting from the C form. Offprint requests to: S. Premilat  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to clarify the effects of an electrostatic field on ice formation. Distilled water was used as the test sample and was kept in a special container and cooled down to a constant temperature of −30 °C. The strength of the electrostatic field used in the experiments was in the range of 1.0 × 103-1.0 × 105 V/m. The results indicated that the electrostatic field was capable of inducing nucleation in water supercooled at a relatively high temperature and raising the temperature of supercooling by up to 1.6 °C. The analysis indicated that dipole polarization of the water molecules by the electrostatic field is the primary factor in this phenomenon. Under an electrostatic field, water molecules have a tendency to align with the electrostatic field. Water molecules with dipole moments along the direction of the electrostatic field are the most stable, and have the maximum value for the Boltzmann distribution function. These properties are conducive to nucleation. A special method was used to determine the dependence of the phase transformation time on the application of an electrostatic field. It was found that the phase transformation time was unaffected by the application of an electrostatic field and only the supercooling temperature was affected.  相似文献   

The pH-dependence of the electrostatic energy of interactions between titratable groups is calculated for some well studied globular proteins: basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, sperm whale myoglobin and tuna cytochrome c. The calculations are carried out using a semi-empirical appraach in terms of the macroscopic model based on the Kirkwood-Tanford theory. The results are discussed in the light of their physicochemical and biological properties. It was found that the pH-dependence of the electrostatic energy correlates with the III–IV transition of cytochrome c. The electrostatic field of the cysteine proteinase inhibitor, cystatin, was calculated in two ways. In the first one, the electrostatic field created by the pH dependent charges of the ionizable groups and peptide dipoles was calculated using the approach proposed. In the second one, the finite-difference method was used. The results obtained by the two methods are in overall agreement. The calculated field was discussed in terms of the binding of cystatin to papain.  相似文献   

A new theoretical index of the chemical reactivity of sites within macromolecules is developed, which combines both steric and electrostatic factors. It is applied to the study of yeast tRNAPhe and the results obtained are compared with known experimental reactivities. A comparison indicates the superiority of the new index over the sole use of the surface accessibility.  相似文献   

Interactions between the HLA-DRbeta1*0301 molecule and several occupying peptides obtained from computational substitutions made to the CLIP peptide are studied. The exploration was carried out using a vector composed of the first three terms of the multipolar expansion of the electrostatic field, namely, charge (q), dipole (d) and quadrupole (C). Comparisons between pocket-peptide interactions established that the binding pockets for this HLA molecule are ordered in terms of their importance for binding peptides, as follows: P1 > P4 > P6 > P7 > P9. A set of electrostatically distinct amino acids that determine interaction stability and specificity were identified for each pocket. The beta74R residue was especially identified as being the key amino acid mediating the occupying peptide binding for pocket 4; this residue has been recently associated with Graves' disease.  相似文献   

Molecular electrostatic potentials and steric accessibilities are calculated for Dickerson's dodecanucleotide CGCGAAT- TCGCG and compared with those for the ‘inverted’ sequence TATAGGCCTATA. The results are used to distinguish between properties due to base sequence (the location of the deepest potential minimum in the minor groove of A-T sequences and in the major groove of G-C sequences) and those due to the finite length of the oligonucleotide (location of the deepest potential in the central part of the oligonucleotide).  相似文献   

The G-quadruplexes are four-stranded nucleic acid structures with guanine-rich sequences that play important biological roles in, for example, regulating telomerase association and activity. Recent evidence supports the hypothesis that the telomeric G-quadruplex DNA represents a target of novel anticancer drug medication. In this work, we present results of the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), together with the HOMO and LUMO frontier orbitals, which are physical quantities of concern in the docking of compounds on the G-quadruplex. The calculations are performed in the frame of density functional theory at the B88LYP/6-31G* level of theory. Additional functionals that introduce dispersion effects were also taken into consideration. The MEP potential and electron density of the frontier molecular orbitals of the G-quadruplex exhibit topological deformations due to the coiled conformation of the compound when they are compared with the MEP and corresponding electron density of a DNA duplex with similar nucleic acid composition. The electrostatic active zone of the G-quadruplex is localized on the top part of the quadruplex structure where the MEP acquires the most negative values. Additional computations on a set of three daunomycins, a common anticancer drug for duplex DNA, indicate an electrostatic fastening between the quadruplex and the set of daunomycins. In this regard, the G-quadruplex electrostatic interactions favor the stacking of ligands. Finally, some implications on molecular drug design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical interactions of ions with biomembranes are described by a model originating from the Stern theory. Equations of the model have analytical solutions only for very simple, often unrealistic situations. The numerical resolution adopted permits a much wider application of the model: Potentials and concentrations can be calculated anywhere from the surface and in any electrolytic environment. The model is applied to biomembranes. Simulations are presented in three-dimensional figures which allow one to use the model as a practical research tool. In particular, the simulations reveal that, in practice, it is possible to induce an increase of the surface charge density simultaneously with a decrease of the surface potential, and, theoretically, that the potential at the exclusion distance (which estimates the diffuse layer thickness) exhibits a remarkably constant value as the composition of the free solution is varied.  相似文献   

The structural adjustments of the sugar-phosphate DNA backbone (switching of the γ angle (O5′–C5′–C4′–C3′) from canonical to alternative conformations and/or C2′-endo → C3′-endo transition of deoxyribose) lead to the sequence-specific changes in accessible surface area of both polar and non-polar atoms of the grooves and the polar/hydrophobic profile of the latter ones. The distribution of the minor groove electrostatic potential is likely to be changing as a result of such conformational rearrangements in sugar-phosphate DNA backbone. Our analysis of the crystal structures of the short free DNA fragments and calculation of their electrostatic potentials allowed us to determine: (1) the number of classical and alternative γ angle conformations in the free B-DNA; (2) changes in the minor groove electrostatic potential, depending on the conformation of the sugar-phosphate DNA backbone; (3) the effect of the DNA sequence on the minor groove electrostatic potential. We have demonstrated that the structural adjustments of the DNA double helix (the conformations of the sugar-phosphate backbone and the minor groove dimensions) induce changes in the distribution of the minor groove electrostatic potential and are sequence-specific. Therefore, these features of the minor groove sizes and distribution of minor groove electrostatic potential can be used as a signal for recognition of the target DNA sequence by protein in the implementation of the indirect readout mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of a static electric field on the dynamics of lysozyme and its hydration water are investigated by means of incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS). Measurements were performed on lysozyme samples, hydrated respectively with heavy water (D 2O) to capture the protein dynamics and with light water (H 2O), to probe the dynamics of the hydration shell, in the temperature range from 210 < T < 260 K. The hydration fraction in both cases was about ~ 0.38 gram of water per gram of dry protein. The field strengths investigated were respectively 0 kV/mm and 2 kV/mm ( ~2 × 10 6 V/m) for the protein hydrated with D 2O and 0 kV and 1 kV/mm for the H 2O-hydrated counterpart. While the overall internal protons dynamics of the protein appears to be unaffected by the application of an electric field up to 2 kV/mm, likely due to the stronger intra-molecular interactions, there is also no appreciable quantitative enhancement of the diffusive dynamics of the hydration water, as would be anticipated based on our recent observations in water confined in silica pores under field values of 2.5 kV/mm. This may be due to the difference in surface interactions between water and the two adsorption hosts (silica and protein), or to the existence of a critical threshold field value E c ~2–3 kV/mm for increased molecular diffusion, for which electrical breakdown is a limitation for our sample.  相似文献   

王萍  房静远 《生命科学》2009,(2):291-294
线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)遗传信息量虽小,却控制着线粒体一些最基本的性质,对细胞及其功能有着重要影响。mtDNA的损伤与衰老、肿瘤等疾病的发生有关。DNA甲基化是调节基因表达的重要方式之一。mtDNA基因的表达受核DNA(nuclear DNA,nDNA)的调控,mtDNA和nDNA协同作用参与机体代谢调节和发病。本文就近年来mtDNA与DNA甲基化的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

线粒体是除细胞核之外唯一携带遗传物质的细胞器,其线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)控制着线粒体一些最基本的性质,对细胞功能有着重要影响.DNA甲基化是调节基因表达的重要方式之一.研究表明mtDNA存在CpG位点的低甲基化,并且mtDNA基因的表达受核DNA(nuclear DNA,nDNA)及线粒体自身DNA甲基化的调控,mtDNA和nDNA协同作用参与机体代谢调节和疾病发生发展过程.就近年来mtDNA与DNA甲基化的关系作一综述.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is used to probe the nature of the hydrogen bonds which hold the water of hydration to DNA. The ~ 3450?cm?1 molecular O–H stretching mode shows that the first six water molecules per base pair of the primary hydration shell are very strongly bound to the DNA. The observed shift in the peak position of this mode permits a determination of the length of the hydrogen bonds for these water molecules. These hydrogen bonds appear to be about 0.3?Å shorter than the hydrogen bonds in bulk water. The linewidth of this mode shows no significant changes above water contents of about 15 water molecules per base pair. This technique of using a vibrational spectroscopy to obtain structural information about the hydration shells of DNA could be used to study the hydration shells of other biomolecules.  相似文献   

Calculation and combined visualization of electrostatic and hydrophobic properties of Cytochrome P450scc based on two very different homology models allowed to identify extensive hydrophobic patches with neutral electrostatic potential and mutations removing such patches and thus expecting to facilitate crystallization of Cytochrome P450scc, especially for the nanotemplate crystallization method. Implications are discussed for optimizing crystallization and other aspects of protein surface properties and protein recognition.  相似文献   

Changes of electrostatic potential around the DNA molecule resulting from chemical modifications of nucleotides may play a role in enzymatic recognition of damaged sites. The electrostatic potential around the DNA fragments containing either the intact guanine-cytosine pair or 8-oxoguanine-cytosine or the guanine-abasic site was projected on a cylindrical surface around the double helix. The 2D maps of EP of intact and damaged DNA fragments were compared using image analysis methods. Occurrence of abasic site and 8-oxoguanine lesions were found to be reflected in the EP maps. In the case of the 8-oxoguanine lesion, the two phosphate groups and countercations of the damaged strand are moved away from the lesion in opposite directions, whereas they are moved in the same direction in the case of the abasic site lesion. The characteristic features of 8-oxoguanine lesion might be identified in the major groove, whereas the features of abasic site lesion the minor groove. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) on DNA damage in biological systems are still a matter of dispute. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible effect of electromagnetic field exposure on DNA fragmentation in cells (blastomers) of mouse blastocysts.

Eighty female NMRI mice were randomly divided into 2 groups of 40 animals each. The control group was left unexposed whereas the animals in the EMF-group were exposed to a 50-Hz EMF at 0.5 mT 4 h per day, 6 days a week for a duration of 2 weeks. After the 8th day of exposure, the female mice in both groups were superovulated (with injections of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin) and then mated overnight. At approximately 4 days after mating (102 h after the human chorionic gonadotropin treatment), blastocysts were obtained by flushing the uterus horns. The mean numbers of pregnant mice, blastocysts after flushing, blastomers within the blastocysts, and the DNA fragmentation index following staining in both groups were compared using statistical methods (SPSS, the Chi-square test, the Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test, P < 0.05). The results showed that the mean number of blastocysts after flushing was significantly decreased in the EMF-group compared to that of the control group (P < 0.03). The DNA fragmentation index was significantly increased in the EMF-group compared to control (10.53% vs. 7.14%; P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the mean numbers of blastomers and numbers of pregnant mice between the EMF-exposed and control group. Our findings indicate that the EMF exposure in preimplantation stage could have detrimental effects on female mouse fertility and embryo development by decreasing the number of blastocysts and increasing the blastocysts DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the initial state of hydration on hormone responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Five subjects at two initial hydration levels (hypohydrated and hyperhydrated) were exposed to a 36 degrees C environment for 3 h of intermittent exercise. During exercise, the subjects were either fluid-deprived, or rehydrated with water or an isotonic electrolyte sucrose solution (ISO). Both the stress hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, and the main fluid regulatory hormones, aldosterone, renin activity (PRA) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), were measured in blood samples taken every hour. Prior hyperhydration significantly reduced initial AVP, aldosterone and PRA levels. However, except for AVP, which responded to exercise significantly less in previously hyperhydrated subjects (p less than 0.05), the initial hydration state did not influence the subsequent vascular and hormonal responses when the subjects were fluid-deprived while exercising. Concurrent rehydration, either with water or with ISO, reduced or even abolished the hormonal responses. There were no significant differences according to the initial hydration state, except for PRA responses, which were significantly lower (p less than 0.01) in previously hyperhydrated subjects who also received water during exercise. These results indicate that prior hydration levels influence only slightly the hormonal responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Progressive rehydration during exercise, especially when extra electrolytes are given, is more efficient in maintaining plasma volume and osmolarity and in reducing the hormonal responses.  相似文献   

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